HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-10-19, Page 2AGE TWO
Vuham Advance -Times
Pablished at
Every Thersday Morning by
AdvanceeTimes Pulaishirig
rt Rate One Year $2,00
Si mouths, $1.00 in advaece
A. a2,50 per year.
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year.
Alivertising rates on application.
Almost weelely one reacie M the p
pers of organizations (pudendal-
woraen'e societies) melding prewar
tions i:sr sending clothing or user
artiele,s te the Week or North for pe
pIe who are in unfortunate eircui
Last .year serveral ca loads of v
getables and food -stuffs were shim)
to the Weet where the crops b
been a failure and again this year tin
work is being carried out,
This is a most worthy undertakii
and i11 soeieties or persons who pa
ticipate in this very useful work a
to be highly commended.
* * * *
Ahhough we are irgnorant of tin
true facts which brought about th
strike in Stratford there is one thin
that ie certain, tine strike has laste
long, from Sept. 140. The me
rtust be sure they have a grieranc
when they hold out for sueh a Ion
period of time knowing HI wU tha
the people who suffer the nicest fro
their action are their wires and faun
The Swift Compa cl*sed thei
plant and now the in -oilier factor
snre doine: Bless:wise. The ehatica of th
.other furniture factories opening i
very remote. according to newspape
'infest:nation, and unless the men an
their employers can reaehzuagree
merit shortie- much ear -tering wi3.1 b
the result. ,
The men need work: and the fattier
les teed orders and as tidings stens
now, both are on the losing side WI
it seems a tragic thing that some pe
son or persons cannot do sornethin
about it.
Here's hoping that this coudirio
will not Jae: much longer and that
peace and happiness AVifl reign in
•place of the strained relationshipethat
.existe. now.
* * se *
When a transient appears at your
door asking for fond it is not neces-
sary to feed him, in fact all arrange-
anenas for looking after transients
have been made by the Town Coen -
ed. Send them to the Town Hall and
they will be giVell a rrleal ticket and
pace t sleep.'
are ‘severa oetages to
andiing thc transient problera in this
zatttter The most important beirtg
thAt the authorities can keep track a
these men while in town, and also,
when these mein know that this is the
system used here, they will e...ease to
bother calling at bomee throughout
else town.
' have a beer and wine policy that 'will
satisfy ell. The drinks, an this ease,
must be on the House,
* *
Sir Charles Kingsford -Smith flew
from, England to Australia in forty
hours ,leSS than the previous record,
Will historians record this period as
the speed age,
* * * *
A couple at Kansas City were mars
ied after a 88 -hour chat,' There is
one thing sure, they °tight to know
whet they were, tioing after that len-
th satien,
* *
London's hockey arena was sold at
uhlie auction last week for. eon -pay -
at of taxes. Even the larger cen-
tres have trouble financing their
skating rinks.
The C.C.F. bare entered 46 caridi-
datee in the British Columbia elece
dons which will be held on Nov.2.
This will be a, fair indication of the
political strides they have made,
(Continued from Page One)
The following were the prize aw-
General Purpose - Team in har-
ness, Win. Decker,
Agricultural -- Brood- Mare„ foal
at side, L. G. 13ryce, Louis Hutton,
Leonard Webster. Spring foal, John
Chisholm 6.r. Sons, Leonard Webster,
L G. Bryce. One year old Fatly or
L3e1dings Alex. McDonald, Fred Chur-
- 11, Leonard Webster. TWO year old
Filly ter Gelding, Fred Toll & Son,
Alex. McDonald, Jas. Forrester. Team
ri harness, H. B. Smith, Fred Toil &
Son, Andrew lalcKag,ue.
S Heavy Draft - Brood Mare, reg -
✓ istersed, foal at side, Alex. McDonald.
d Spring Foal, registered •or eligible,
s- John Chisholm & Sons, Alex. McDen-
e ald. Brood Marc, Foal at side, Ebner
Hastings. Spring Foal, Louis Hotton,
-. Elsner Hastings. One year old. Filly
or Gelding, Robt, Vint. Two year old
d Filly or Gelding, Wm, Urquhart, Fred
r- Churchill. Team in harness, Robt.
g Graham, John Bruce, Wirt. Ireland.
Best three year old Heavy Draft or
* *
Last Frtday wes the Ifith, and so
far as we can find out nothing hap-
pened. The new Loan was .eiroost
eady to dose :that day after fen=
da selling an that was ales -thing
et bad luck,
* *
• 47, nto professore have dev-
eloped a new anatethetie gas. In the
realm of science Castadie-ta men in m-
eant years have proved their worth.
Proftsors V. E.Herelerseen and Ge"O...
H. W. Lucas are to be eongratulated.
* * *
The $225,000,000 rdunding loan
Was all taken up by Saturday, after.
five days ef selling. This is a sure
preof• that there are many who still
have zonfitienee iri Canada's future.
at the tependiture ol:nor
tluan.0004000 by the municipalities
the relief works plat hes been
roved. Thie. amount is for twenty,
utel, nee dieubs, when a:3
look small.
o .
old, R. j. Currie, R. 3, Currie,
Fan Cattle - Babe Beef, 15 months
or 1ar W, G, Cierrie,, O'Neill Bros.
Fat Steer or Heifer, any breed,
,Stri,eng Bros., O'Neill liros. Eat
Snick Steers, "Deborned!', pair,, no-
Yeer old, R. j, Currie,
Le cesters - Aged Ram, with pedi-
gree, E. Snell, john S. Cowan, Geo,
13, Armstrong, Shearling Ram, with
pedigree, E. Snell, Geo.' 13, Area -
strong, John S, Cowan, Ram Lamb,
selling class, Geo. B. Armstrong, E.
Snell, Bros. Aged Ewe, rais-
ed Lamb in 1983, John S. Cowan, •G
B. Armstrong, E. Snell. Shearling
Ewe, E. Snell, John S, Cowan, Geo.
13. Armstrong, Ewe Lamb, E. Snell,
Geo. 13. Armstrong, John S. Cowan.
Oxford Downs - Aged Ram, with
Pedigree, W. M. Henry, E. D. Bell &
Son, a. Mouk & Son, Shearling Ram,
with pedigree, j, Monk & Son, Robt.
Yuill, Wm, Pepper. Ram Lamb, sell-
ing class, Robt. Yuill, Wm. Pepper,
J. Monk & Son. Aged Ewe, raised
lamb in 1933, j. Monk & Son, E. D.
Bali & Son, Robe Yuill. Shearling
Ewe, Robt. Yuill, Robt, Yuill, Wm.
PepPer. Ewe Lamb, Robt, YuiU, J.
Monk & So -e, Robt. Yuill.
South Downs - Aged Ram, with
pedigree, j. 13. Maitland, 5. B. Mait-
land, j. H. Thompson. Shearling
Lamb, with •pedigree, J. B. Maitland,
5. B. Maitland, Ram Lamb, selling
clase, j. B. Maitland, j. H. Thomp-
son, j. IL Thompson. Aged Ewe,
raised lamb in*1938, j. H. Thomp-
son, J. B. Maitland, J. 13. Maitland.
Shearling Ewe, j. H. Thompson, J.
13. Maitland, J. H. Thompson. Ewe
Lamb, j. B. Maitland, J. H. Timinp-
sine j. B. Maitland.
Dorest - Aged Ram, with pedi-
gree, Orvil McGowan., R E. Dearing,
Charley Danbrooke Shearling .Rarre
with pedigree, le E. Dearing, P. E.
Dearing, Orvil McGowan. Ram
Lamb, selling class, Orvil McGowan,
R E. Dearing, Orvil McGowan. Aged
Ewe, raised Iamb in 1932, P. E. Dear-
ing, E. Deering, Orvil McGowan.
Shearling Ewe P. E. Dearing, Char -
Clarke, W, I, Miller, Wyandottes,
white, female, Mermie & Clarke, W.
L Milier. Wyandottes, any other
male, W. L MUlar. W, L Milier. Wy-
andottes, any other, female, T, C.
Wilson, W. I. Miller.
Chickens, Pair of each, 1983 hatch
Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury, jacob
• Battler, Ed. Spielmacher, Ducks, any
leer, Geo. E. Schmidt, Bantams, or-
namental, CharleS. Danbrook, W •,
Miller. Bantams, game, any variety,
Mennie & Clarke, E, Snell. Leghoras
brown, male, T. C. Wilsen, S. R. Wil-
ey. Leghorns, brown, female, S. R.
Wiley, S. R, Wiley. Leghorns, white,
male, Mennie & Clarke, Mennie &
Clarke. Leghorns, white, female,
Mennie &r. Clarke 1 and 2. Miiiorcas,
horns, white, female, Mennie &
Clarke, Mennie & Clarke. Minorcas,
male, & Clarke, Jacob Batt-
ler, Minorcas, female, -Mennie
Clarke, Meanie & Clarke. Orping-
tons, male, Mennie & Clarke, W. L
Miller, Orpingtons, female, Mennie &
Clarke, W. I. Miller. Plymouth Rocks
barred, male, W. I, Miller, S. R. Wil-
ey, Plymouth Rocks, barred, female,
W, I. Miller, W. I, Miller. Plymouth
Rocks, white, male, W. I. Miller, W.
I. Miller. PlYmouth Rocks, white, fes
male, W. I. Miller, W. I. Miller. R.
Island Reds, male, Mennie & Clarke,
W, I, Miller. R, Island Reds, female,
W. I. Miller, Meunit & 'Clarke. Ws,-
endottes, white, male, W. I. Miller,
Ed. Spielmacher. Wyandottes, white,
female, Mennie & Clarke, W. I. Mill-
er, Wyandotte, any other, male, W.
I. Miller, j. D. Jackson. Wyandottes,
any other, female., W. I. • Miller, j.
D. Jackson_ Best pair Utility Foevie
Ed, Spielmacher, S. R. Wiley. Four
Coc.kerels; bred for export, Mennie &
Clarke, Ed. Spielmacher,
Fire of each variety shown on plat-
es -Alexander, • ,Lorne Woods, D.
Borho. red, correctly named,
W. Miller, Lorene Woods. A.O.V.,
green Or yellow-, correctly named, W.
Miller, D. Borluse Baldwin, W. Mill-
er, Thos. Salkeld, Ben Davis, Lorne
Woods, W. Miller. Bendier; D. Bor-
ley Danbrook, Orvil aft -Go -seam. EAN'e he, Lorne \\roods. Baxter, Lorne
Lamb., P- E- Dearing., tprvil -1.1eGnIv-. Woods, A.. Schenre Cayuga or 20 -
an, P. E. Dearing. '
ounce, D. Borba, A. Schram... Crab
Shropelaire--Aged Ram, with ped-
igree, E. Fleming, E. Fleming, David
Hyde. Shearling Ram, with pedigree,
kgrieultural, Fred Tell & Sons, Fred E
roll and Sons.
Carriage - Brood Marc, foalt A
side, J. M. MeCrack-enn. Spring Foal, id
J. McCra.eken. One year 'old Fil-
or Gelding, Wen. Darroch, Russel H
selaud, I-eslie Harris, Two year old
Filly or Geldiog. Russel Ireland, Wm.
Darroch. Team is harness:, j. Mill -
r. Driver, S. J. Miller, S. J.
Miller, J. NV. leiceraeken.
• Roadsters - Single driver in har-
ness, j. J. Prerfolge, A. G. Fortune,.
5, 3. 'Miner, A. G. Fortune. Spring
foal, Leslie Harris, Arehie McDoe-
, M. 11. Volliele. One year old Fil-.
Ies or C-eldings, Percy 3. Davideon, W.
, Darroch, Art Stapleton. Brood Mare,
' foal at aide, Jai* 1)eans, Archie Mc-
• D.oriald, M. H., "rollick. Team in her-
nees, A, G. Fortune, S. j. Miller,
. 3. Fryfogle.
any variety, H. Desjardine, Thomas
Salkeld. Fallawater, A. Schnurr, Geo.
Haines. Farneuse or Snow, Lorne
Fleming, °rya lic.G°Ivan* David- Woods,. Isaac Ni_e-on. Golden Russett,
yde. Ram Lamb, selling class, E- Mrs. R.Brimbiecombe, Lorne Woods.
leaning, David Hyde, E. Fleming- 'Gravenstein, W. 1. Miller, Mrs. R.
ged Ewe, raised Iamb in 1933, Dar-. Brimblecombe Holland Pippen, A.
Hyde, E. Fleming, David.'14 (.1
Schnurr, A. Schmidt. Kimi, Lorne
earling Ewer E. Fleming, Da:vid: Woods, W. McIntosh, D
Boris°, Thole Salkeld. Maiden Blush,
W. Miller, Those Salkeiti. Northern
PIGS SPY, Isaac Nixon, Lorne Woods,
R. L Greening, Nixon. L. Woritle.
Beellishinea - Boar, one year, Ribems, Borho, Lorne Woods,
Wm. A. McLeod. Boar, over four Roxboro Russet; Lorne Woods. Se.
',Mins and under one year Wm. A. Laweence, .A. Schwarr, D. Borba.
MeLeod, John S. Cowart. Brood Sow, Spitzenburg, D. Borho, Lorne Woods,
Wine A. McLeod; Sow, over four. Tolman Sweets, Lorne 'Woods, These,
months and tinder one year, John S Salkehl. Wagner, Ds .Borleo, George
Cowan, Wm. A. 2sfeLeed., Haines, Wealthy, Lorne Woods,
Shorthorn - Breeding cow, milk-
, r near calving, W. G. Gerriea
, erong Bros.., Strong Bros., Wen. Mc-:
,. Kenzie, Two year old Heifer„ W. G.
' Gerrie, Wee Mckenzie., Strong Bros.
lOrse year old. Heeler, W. G. Gerrie,
' Thos. Taylor &- Sens, S'..ong. Bros...,
Heifer, under 12 months, W. G. Ge
Tie, jese. Monk. & Sons, Strong Bros.
1 Bull under 12 months, W. G. Gerrie,
lake linkKenzie, Wm_ MeKendie. Bull
, over 1 year and under 2, Those Tay -
31 & Sons. Aged Bmil, W. G. Gerrie,
1. 1.1cReridie, Ca H. McKay & Son.
refords - Breedieg cow, milk-
-mg or near ealeintes, O'Neil Bros., Jas.
D. Little, J. l'.. Lyeas. Two year old
Heifer. j. T. Leans, Jus. 13. Little.
One year' oad Heifer, O'Neil Brae.,
O'Neil Bros., J. T. Lyons. Heifer,
uncles- 12 months, O'Neil Bros., Jas.
D. Linde, 3. T. Lvons. 13e31 under 12
months, Jas. D. Little, O'Neil Bros,
j. T. Lyons. Bun .cret• 1 year ernd
rendes. 2: O'Neill Bros., J. T. Laeons,
Carrie & Tervit. Aged Bell„ Jas. D.
Little, ,
Pelled -keigne - Breeding cow
milking et. near calving. F. G. Todd,
Geo. E. Schmidt. Two year old Heif-
er, F. G. Todd, Geo. E. Sch.mielt. On
.-ear old "Heifer, F. G. Tom, Gen.
e re 'at Heifer under 12 months, 13
o , Geo. E., Schmidt, Baill sm-
iths, F. G. Todd. Bull
under 2, F .6. Th
=lat. Aged Bull, P.
13. Sehtnidt.
e. . rt. J TheirG -BA e
e. 'Crew, milking: ,re near telring., .
P. Davideen T.. P. Davidson, R. .
Currie, - ' ' '
are in this aunt wiiI
1 la
AT' 711
Teresa, A
o 1.1.".eat old
A. Pzottor
Heifer, 'Chatiet
Sot. Ileifer
r Calf, ut
yde, Dmiti Hyde. Ewe Lamb. Da-
vid Hyde, E. Fleming., Orvil Mc-
Ixorlienses -- Boar, over one year, Thos. Salkeld. PteRTS, any other fall
riles S. Cowan, Sawn Alton. Boar,. vaeiety, Thos, Salkeld, • Clar.ente
r four months and under one Year,. Clarke. Peare, Deithess D'Anguelerne
Sam Alton., Norman Wade. Brood Lorne Woods, A, Schmidt. Pears,
.Sow, James S. Cousen„ Norman Wade..
Sow, ,over four months and under one,
rear, James 5. Cowan, Norman Wade.
Horne. Beets, long red, Jacob Batt-
ler, Norman Carter.'• Beets, any oth-
er, I). Borho, ,A, •Schmidt. Carrots,
field, Mrs, J, A. Hone, A. Schmidt,
Carrots, table, shoes, wee 'weaber,
Norman Carter., Carrots, table, inter-
mediate, Mr. 5. A. Home Noernan
Carter, Mangold Wartzel, long, W.
Decker, A, Schmidt. Mangold Wert-
zel, intermediate, Geo, Haiees, D.
Borlio. Parsnips, Wm, Webber, Tony
13erberich jr. Radishes, ainter, A.
Schmidt, D. Earle°, SugarMangold.
Mrs. 3. A. Hone, Wan. Decker. Tur-
nips, Swede, Tony Berberieh Jr., Mrs.
W. Jeffrey. Turnips, any other, Ton
Berberich Jr., D. Borho. Potato(
(half bushel) Early, Geo. Haines, H
Desjardine, Late, D. Bodice H. De
jardine. Best collection Potatoes,
of each, A, IL Edgar, A. Schnurr. On
ions, yellow, from seed in 1983, Ale
Stewart, Mrs. R, Briniblecorabe. On
ions, red, from seed in 1933, Alex
Stewart, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe." On
ions, dutch Or top sets, H. Desjardin
H. A. Fuss. Onions, grown fro
Dutch or Top Sets, H. Desjardine, T
C. Wilson. Onions, any other, 11
Desjardine, H. A.: Fuss. Tomatoes
large red, scarlet or pink, Norma
Carter, T. C. Wilson. Tomatoes, an
other, Alex. Stewart, Norman Carter
Celery, -white plume, Mrs. R. Brim
alecombe, Tony Berberich Jr. Cel-
ery, any other, Arnand Schnurr, Ed.
Spielmacher. Cabbage, early, D. Bor-
ho, Mrs. Brimblecombe. Cabbage,
winter, Tony Berberich Jr., D. Bor-
ho. Cabbage, pickling, Normar Car-
ter. Tony Berberich. Citrons, Mrs.
Brimblecombe, It A. Fuss. Cauli-
flower, Tony Berberich Jr., NoiTnan
Carter_ Cucumber, green or ripe, D.
Both°, Mrs. '11. McNichol. Table
Corn, six, A. Schmidt, Alex. Stewart.
Musk Melons, Wm. j. Webber.
Pumpkins, pries Alex. Stewart, Clar-
ence Clark -e. Sunflowers, H. Desjer-
dine ,Amand Schnurr. Squash or
Mammoth Pumpkin, Alex. Stewart,
Arnand Schriurr. Water Melons, Ja-
cob Battler, Mrs, W. Jeffrey. Collec-
tion of Garden Produce, Norman Car-
ter, Alen. Stewart.
Bread, one loaf, homemade, brown,
entire crust, -Mrs. Wm. Rutherford,
Geo. H. Conifer, Amend Schnurr.
Bread, one loaf, homemade, white, en-
tire crust, J.- P. 3E.)avidson, Theo Fin-
nan, Geo. 11. Coulter. Half dozen
homemade buns, Amend Schnurr, T.
Firmen. Half dozen homemade Tea
Biscuits, Fred Toll &s Sons, Theo.
Finnen. Ginger Bread, Norman Car-
er, Mrs. W. Jeffrey. Fruit Cake,
dark, Norman Carter, Mrs. Geo. Ed-
gar. Fruit Cake, light, Mrs. W. Jeff-
rey, R.' & R. Proctor. Layer Cake,
ight, Norman Carter, H. Desjardine.
Layer Cake, dark, Mrs. j. A. Hone,
Mee,. Jas. Carnocban. Angel take, not
ced, Mrs. J. S. McKenzie, Mrs. J.
Cernotban. Sponge Cake, not iced,
Miss Carrick; Mrs. A. Schnurr. Pie,
pple, Mrs. T. Wheeler, Mrs. W. M.
Henry. Pie, pumpkin, Mrs, -Wee Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs- Robe Warwick. Pie,
lemon, Mrs. Robe Warwick, Mrs. W.
McKenzie Butter Tarts, half dozen,
Ens. Arthie Patterson, Beatrice
horetono Six Oatmeal Cookies, Mrs.
Vm. Wellings, Mrs. 3. P. Davidson.,
ix. Ginger CookiesMr's Robt Pur -
on, A. Proctor & Sons. Six Date
ookies, Miss Carrick, Mrs, Wm. Mc-
enzie, Six Doughnuts, A. Proctor &
ores, Norman Carter-. Plate of Co-
oanut Kisses, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mrs.
Schnurr. Shortbread, Mrs. A.
chnurr, W. J. Henderson. Muffins,
whole \sheet flour, Mrs. A. H. '‘Ed -
sear, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. rally Roll,
frs. Schamr, Mrs. W.. jeffrey, Six
ream Puffs, ;qrs. W. M. Henry, Mrs.
obi- Warwick. NieBread, one loaf,
Mes.-W, M. Henry, Mrs. A. Schnurr.
Jelly, 1 pint, apple, Mrs. T. C. Wil-
son, Mrs. H. A. Fuss. Jelly, 1 pint,
any other variety, Mrs. T. C. Wilson,
MTS. Wirt. MCKeriZie, Maple Syrup,
1 goart, Fred Toll & Sons, R. & R,
Proctor. Collection of Fruits, 6 var-
ieties, pt. jars, Mrs. H. Desjardine,
! Mrs. Chas. VanNorrean, Ifra A.
&ileum Celettion ef canned vege-
; tables, S varieties, 'Mrs, Wm. j. Web-
ber., Mrs, Ches. VenNorman, Mrs, A.
Isiarnaalatle, .varieties in
p t glasses, Mrs. H. Deelatdine;13.
R. Proctor, Mrs. Chas. VeriNor-
man. _ Tomato Catsup, Mrs, A.
Scheme. Mrs. Wee Somers. Pickles,
vegetable, Mrs. A. Schtturr, Mee.
Ches. VanNorman. Picklee, •fruit,
Mrs. Chas. VanNorman, Mtn. T. C.
Wilson. Chili Sauce, Mrs, Jacob Bat-
tler, Mrs. Archie Patterson. Cold
Meat Sance.e, 2 varieties; Mrs. Chas.
VanNorrnan, R & R. Proctor. Can-
ned Chieken, 1 ,pint, Mr. T. C. Wil -
,son, Desja.rdint, Stinson
Loaf, Mr.s. Adm Roberteou, A. Proc-
or & Sone. Dieplay of Houty„ Thos.
Salked, 'Clarence Clarke. Butter in
Cried lbs., Mrs. W. jefirey, 13. 13dtt. Mrs
tht, Mrs. Illuvitre,045e211,bsiriz attzsi(littd.,
Better, ornametatel, Mts.
Tamwortins: -*Boar, over one yearniBrizablecombe. Plums, yellow, Thos, d
any .other winter variety, Mrs. R. T
Brimblecembe, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie.' e
Plume, bine, Thos. Salkeld, Mn. R. s
James Hart, Sane Alton.. Boar, over Saikeld. Paeres, any other, Thos, Sal -t c
four months and under one year, Sam' held, A. schemer, GFapes, emes. eehsee K
Alton, Sam, Alton. Brood Sow, James. variety, open air, 8 bunches, Thos.1 s
Har, Sam Alton. Sow, over four Saikeld, Mrs. R. Bilmblecombe Grap- c
=oaths and under one year, James
Hart, James Hart. Pair Bacon Hogs,
any breed, 'Nor -mart Wade, James S.
Cow.an. Pen ...of four Shoats, any
breed, Y.foreneen Wade, jamas Se Cow-
Ducks. Pelzill or Aylesbury, ,Menfrie
& Clarke, S. Re Wiley. Ducks, any
other, alennie & .Clarke Clarence
aarke. Geese, Tonlonsea Sas. Hetnt,
nnetb Rinteel. Creese any other,
3ameSe Hann, Ed, Spielreather. Tur-
keys, bronze, S. R. Wiley, Clarence
Clarke. Bantams, ornamental., Men-
& Clarke, W. I. Millet. B;entatres,
Le, any variety, Mennie & 'Clarke,
Mamie and, Clarke. Game, any e;ther,,.
es, red variety, open air, 3 bundles., A
mos. Salkeide Lorne Woods. Grants, s
bine or black, opera air, bunches,
Those Salkeld. •
Collection of Fruits - 5 varieties;
of Apples, corectly named, dessert,' c
valuable for e-voort use, 5 of each, R
Thos. Salkeld, Lorne Woods, 5 Tar -
of apples, 5 of eath, named,
coolieig, 2 fall and 2 -winter, Wellate
Miller, Thos. Salkeld. Display of ap-
ples, aey variety, to be displayed in
cone shape, uith circular base, 17 in -
hs in diameter, Wallace Miller, T.
• Timothy, quarter buslael, Sam Al-
ton, D. Borba. Fall wheat, red, IL A.
Kenneth Rintoal„ Kenteth Kinked- Fussi, D. Botha. Fall Wheat, white,
Pigeons., best exhibit, boys reind' 16. Jesse vAleeter, wrseans spring
CharIeY Danbrook, Charleer Dan- Vheet, A. Schmidt, Amend Schnurr.
Legherne, brown, male, S. R. Wiley, Susan laaleite Peas, 'Pony Berbezieb
5. R, Leghorns, brown, fe- Sem Alton. Poste, anv other, D.
e, S. R. Wiley, Mamie & Clarke.
orho, Spellenechess. White Oats,
egherns, While, male, Menthe 'esi A.. Schmidt, Jesse Wheeler.. Blaek
larke, 1\feennie Clarke. Legboensa Oats, A. Sclimide, Clareute Clarke,
female, ldermie Cla•rlre, S. %Oen variety, Woo Deese; A.
IleSee Leghorns, tea male, Melanie:Schmidt. Field Corn, tient, 6 ears,'
Kennet.h Leghorns Alex, Stewart, jaoob 33aitler. Field
Mennie & Cherlee, Men- Coen, Mot, 6 ears, A. Schmidt jatola'
=gel Jacob Battler. Ralf 4otera Stalks of' Etasil-
tons'aviy fn
Miner. 5.
Rotts, white,
We 1
Viev, Rhode
• Millet,.
Sone On
• MitiOnta...S.,
ri•Mem:1k & Clarke.,
'variety, mile; Men-
ai:Battier. O3ng-
Ieis C.
Miller, S.:
trarregt:.iott.. Bast
Wil.reaa', 'weed Phi
ROA., ,artirick, Mrs, 13. Brimble,-
rCheese Disla, Mrs, T. C. Wit -
11. Wilk:IL On dotera
freilt, .1Ers. Itenry McNkhol,
W. jeltresf. flea 'tair Dressed I
arlci,..,tiressed, Fred Toll &
s. Chiolteri Pie,un§. W. M. Hen.
T, C. Wilson, Best tight
ttge COrrl, Amend Schnurr, FL, Des-.
iardines. Best collection of Grain and
Seeds in pint battle, bona under 16,,
ern Alton„ WIZ). J„ Webber. Best
collettion of Weed Seeds, in half oz
bralltenirne4, boys end girlseund
neon, lire. A. 3?aftnr-
lactinpressed injurio
boys' d ,girlei
tier, Winnifred
Met:- tinnler
ib Battler
C. Witt
v aty
r, ceie tart, D. Borlho, Mine. 3„
.1) *day,
ttobej I
Kellogg's Corn Flakes must always be uniformly high in
quality. They are sold with the personal guarantee of
W. K. Kellogg: "if you are not more than satisfied,
return the empty red.and-green package and we will
refund your money." Made by Kellogg in London, Ont.
tides of food suitable for working-
man's supper, Mrs. •II, Desjardine,
Mrs. -12, Brimblecombe, Mrs. W. Jef-
• frey. Home-made hard Soap, Mrs. H.
McNichol, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. Fruit
Salad, Mrs. T. C. Wilson, Mrs. R.
Brimblecombe, Vegetable Salad, • R.
& R. Proctor, Mrs, R. Brimblecombe.
Salad Dressing, 1 pint, Mrs. G. Gill-
espie, Mrs. H. Desjardine.
. Asters, Amand Schnurr, Mrs. Thos.
Kew-, Dahlias, T. C. Wilson, Ansand
Schnurr. Arna.nd Schnurr,
Mrs. R. Brimblecombe. Pansies, Mrs.
Thos. Kew. Petunias, Miss Carrick,
Mrs. J. A. Hone. Phlox Drummonde
Wm. Webber, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe,
Phlox, Perennial, Mrs. j. A. Hone.
Sweet Peas, Amend Schnurr. Stocks,
Mrs. Thos. Kew, Mrs. J. A. Hone.
Zinnias, 'Mrs. A. H. Edgar, Mrs.
Thos. Kew. Marigolds, Mrs. Thos.
Kew, Amend Schnurr. Calendulia,
afrs. Thos. Kew, Mrs. R. Brimble-
combe, Gaillardia, Mrs. A. H. Edgar,
Mrs. j. A. Hone. Snapdragons, Am-
ami Schnurr, Mrs. Adam Robertson.
&aldose, Mrs. Thos, Kew, Arnand
Schnurr, •Salpiglossia, Win. Webber,
Mrs. j. A. Hone. Straw Flowers, Am-
end Scimurr, Mrs, R. Brimblecombe.
Geranium, double, white; Mrs. j. D.
Beecroft. Geranium, double, any oth-
er, A. Proctor & Sons, Mrs. A. Rob-
ertson. Roses, Mrs. A, H. Edgar,
Arnaud Schnurr. Floral Design for
cemetery decoration, Mrs. R. Brim-
blecombe, Miss Carrick. Floral de-
sign for indoor decoration, Mrs. Thos.
Kew, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe. Basket
of Annuals, Mrs. Thos. Kew, Mrs. A.
Bishop. Bouquet, table, Amend
Schnurr, Mrs, R. Brimblecombe. Bou-
quet, hand, hard plants, Mrs. Thos,
Kew, Miss .Carrick. Bouquet, hand,
tender plants, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe,
Mrs. Thos. Kew-. Tuberous Begonia,
Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. J, D. Bee-
croft. Fuschia, Mrs. Robt. Warwick,
Mrs. Thos. Kew. Best collection of
Potted Plants, Mrs. Thos. Kew Mrs.
R. Brimblecombe. Foliage Plant col-
lection, Mrs. H. McNichol, Mrs. • R.
Brimblecombe. Hanging Basket or
Pot of Potted, Plants, Mrs. R. Brim-
blecombe, Mrs. Thos. Kew.
(Hand Made)
• Embroidery, solid white, Mrs. A.
Hehn, Mrs. Savage. Embroidery, eye-
let, Mrs. A. Hehn, Mrs, Brimble-
combe. Embroidery, Roman cut
-work, Mrs. j. S. McKenzie, Mrs. Sav-
age. Embroidery, conventional de-
sign, colored, Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
Alex. 111. Stewart. Embroidery, Bul-
garian, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. H. A.
Fuss. Embroidery, French Knot,
Mrs. Wm. Somers, Mrs. j. S. McKen-
zie. Embroidery, modern cross stitch,
(Continued on Page Three)
She is free .
She can travel • .
The narrow routine of a "dependent relative will never
place the stamp of age upon her. She is alert, wanted,
part of the life .aronnd her,
4Because •
At 30 she began to buy a Mutual Life Pension Policy
• 6. her investment grew as' she shared in the inofits of
the Company now she receives a monthly cheque
and Will receive it as long as she lives.
016.90 saved irloothly froth aro 30 to 65 will provitleo pension
of $50 onoitthly for life ot 85, Annuol dividemh *nay be sued
to reduce the $10.90 Inrytneno or increase the posti6m, Pensiont
tan i$1.0 i $6,, 35 or 60.)
sauranoo Company
Mg' Potityhohferek.
NoolOo...pm. ors% 10.10111•1•116ahl......
Sat jiltertthil n',our Pension
Polity to Id, Ian 'bet:cede inde-
ooth, C.L.V„ District Agent, Witigharn,
WolAter, Apt% XtR, tutknowOntuia.
R, 11,14rtp, Agt ip1ep Ontati*.