The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-10-05, Page 8a'H WIN GRAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, October r 19$3 EUM THEATRE. Thursday Friday, Saturday, October 6th, 6th, 7th "Mysteryof the Wax Museum" With LIONEL ATWILL and FAY WRAY A Mystery Picture with plenty of thrills. MON., TUES., WED., OCTOBER 9th, 10th, 11th SPECIAL HE MOUNTS TO STARDOM on the .wings of romance and song Janet Gaynor's new screen sweetheart, Henry Garat, makes his debut in this de- lightful love story with music Fox Film Presents JANET YNOR HENRY Story by Paul Frank and BillieWilder Music by Werner Richard Heymann 7irected by Wilhelm Dieterle CHARLIE CHASE TWO REEL COMEDY "YOUNG IRONSIDES" Children 20c. Admission: Adults 35c. i?air, Thursday and Friday, 1e,eh- er's' Convention, and next Monday is. Thanksgiving Day. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Purdon .:and 11400,...3.4 and; Archie, Miss Mabel Pur don and Mr•. •. A, ..E, Pardon motored to Flensall, and spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Purdon at the Hospital there. The stitches have all been removed fromthe hand and they are expected home in a few days; Miss Gladys Stewart of Fargo, N. D., and Mrs, Leask McGee left on Saturday to visit for a few days with friends in London. Mrs. Fox is spending two weeks with 11'1r, and Mrs. Roy Patton of Lucan. Quite a number from here attend- the Masonic banquet held in Wing- ham on Thursday evening last, Many in these parts were sorry to learn of the burning of the barn on Mr. Milton Kilpatrick's farm on the 9th of Ashfield last Wednesday morn WHITECHURCH Mr. James Ross of Holyrood spent last, week with his sister, Miss Cathar lite Ross. Mr. Andy Thompson of Stratford Normal spent the week -end with Mr. Malcolm Ross. The W. M. S. of the United church are holding a Mission tea'at the home of Mrs. Dan. Martin on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. McNall and Mr, and Mrs. Ross of Lucknow, and Miss Men ary of Shepaprdton, visited. with Mr. ing. The members of the United Church have been doing extensive improving- in the. basement and church and now Mr. Wilkinson of, Wingham is paint- ing, Mrs. Wm, Beecroft has been at-. tending the Chautauqua at Wingham this week, Mr. John Gaunt had his right foot accidentally -crushed when the tractor of the threshing outfit ran upon his foot. It caught him below the heel and across the foot. His foot is now in a cast. Miss Isabel Fox is spending a few days this week in Toronto and Miss .Lettie Fox spent the week -end with friends in Wingham. A splendid meeting of the W.C.T. U. ivas held in S. S. No. 10 Thurs- day last when Mrs. Tyndall was pre- sent and addressed the meeting. A good Temperance program was put on by the children under the direc- tion of Miss Merle Wilson. Rev. Robt. Barbour, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his brother, Mr. Wm. Barbour. lir. and Mrs. Dave Schumacher and Roy Bender of Teeswater, visited at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. St. Marie on Friday last. Rev. Robt. Barbour of Toronto, Mr. Alec Anderson of W. Wawanosh and Mr. John Boyle visited on Sun- day with the former's .niece, Mrs. Hart of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart and family of Kinloss and. Miss Laura Martin of St. Helens, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin. Mr. Wm. Barbour and Miss Muriel Watt spent a day last week at the home of Mr. Harry McClenaghan of 13elgrave. A very successful W,M.S. tea was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Mc- Clenaghan last week. lvliss Olive Teriff is in Toronto at present nursing` Dr. M. Calder who is improving nicely after her recent operation. Messrs. Garnet and Carman Farrier start off this week to pack apples. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and son Clayton, spent Sunday with his moth- er, Mrs. John Scholtz of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Fallaiiay and Miss Vera and Mr. Dawson, all of Toren- to ,spent the week -end at the home of, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Marton and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson. Don't forget the fowl supper to be held at Brick Church, Friday, Oct.' 13. The children are rejoicing about all BLUEVALE Annual Field Day-, Bluevale School held its fifth an- nual Field Day on Sept. 28th and the the holidays. Wednesday, Teeswater exercises were successfully carried If you pay more else- where, you pay too much. a CI FROIIT R — CUT RATE - PRICES The Kind of a Store Wingham always needed Wingham's up-to-date, Best, Cool, Bright, Clean and Sanitary Grocery Store. Fulfilling our Motto as advertised, that we keep down the upk eep. Price, 3 lbs. for • Best Fresh Dates, clean.kept,'Our Cut �j C Handy Ammonia, pkg. 5c Sani Flush, large tin 250 Pure Black Pepper, 1 lb. 29c I Sunlight Soap, cake 6c Roiled Oats, 6lbs. 25c 1 Best Baking Soda, ib. 5c . CLASSIC CLEANSER DOMESTIC SHORTEN - FLOUR PASTRY 4cLarge Tin able, 1 lb. pkg. 1O1 C 24 Ib. sack Macaroni, 4 lb. for - 25c Falcon Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin 19c, .I and 12 oz. tins ,..15c BRUNSWICK SARDINES Our Price 5 6 tins for KELLOGG'S RICE KRIS - PIES (fresh) 1 O c Package Lifebuoy Soap, 3 bars '19c Salmon, 1 lb. tins, Angler brand (Keta) 3 tins 25c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 for 23c ,PRINCESS Flakes FREE with 3 bar Colgate's soap 15c with 3 cakes Lely's soap 15c or ,3 Palmolive Soap 21c Famous GLENROSE TEAS Sole agents for 39 Wingham. 1lb. ..... MAGIC COFFEE Dandy flavor CJI 9C lb. 15c; 1 ib. Crisp Soda Biscuits, cut price, 2 lbs. for 21c Huron Toilet Paper, 6 rolls for 9c Lexias Raisins with seeds, great for flavor, lb 11c Bluebird Toilet Paper, 3 rolls for 19c Top Corn, per lb. 5c Maple Leaf Peas, No. 3 sieve, 2 no. 2 tins for 25c BREAD FLOURS 5 Lilies, 98 ib. bag for $2.49 24'1b. for s� s�65c Quality Flour', 98 2� 25 ib. bag'for ' CHEESE :SPECIALS , Vito Cheese, spreads 10c like butter, ' lb. pkg Lucerne Cheese, 1 ib. 250 pkg. Special, 2 pkg MAPLE SYRUP, 'shipped to us direct from Quebec Imperial Gallon $2.53; 132 ounce tins for $1.99; '72 ounce tins $1,05; 32 entree bottles for 55e; 16 ounce bottles 29,a Granulated Maple Su- gar .25c ib.; Cakes for lec and, 5c, -W- WE KEEP DOWN Phone 17. ado QLD COLONY MAPLE SUGAR BUTTER Spreads like butter Sac pure, Special, 2 lb. for l (Direct from Quebec) Whole Glae1~d Cherries;, ib. , .39c. 4 -String $roams £or 19c. Clothes Pins, 6 desert for . POTATOES, ungraded, Special, bag .....:.. THE IJP EEP — We Deliver Any Size Order. CI AL pus Rates Thanksgiving Week o End GOING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th to 9th. RETURN TICK- ETS . GOOD TO OCT. llth. Special Bus. Will leave Wingham on Mon- day Night, Oct. 9th for London at 7115, arriving at London 10 p.m. LONDON, HURON, BRUCE COACH LINES Telephones 331 or 61, Wingham W ILLIIAMS' WR1ST OR POCKET WATCHES Outstanding values are now being shown. Call in and see our splendid line. First Class Repairing done on the premises. W illiams' Jewellery Store e ■ iiI■ontiI iliiIII®flolll■ill0llalllillsll®ll Automobile Insurance — at -- s Reasonable Rates e m e a a ▪ A. M. Bishop! r. 1 Phone 226 Wnigham a usitisunitslitnionnzumoISman r ball between'" the Bitievale School team and a team front S. S. No, 3, .1Arawatiosit, The visitors won by the score 20-18 Miss, Dorothy Aitken, teacher of S. S; No, 3, also''Gondtti;' 'ck p rysleal etrl� ture drill with her pupils, In the schoolroom.were exhibits ofwriting, art, manual training an4 sewing which the little folks had been preparing since the beginning of the term, The champions were: Arnold Lil- low, Sr. boys, 19 points; Ernie Fal- coner runner-up, 16 points; Junior boys, George Thomson 20, runner-up Spence McKinnon 16; Senior girls, Daisy Holmes 24, runner-up Marjor- ie Hall 22, Junior Girls, Alba Shiell 17, runner-up Betty Falconer 14, Pri- mer class, Alan 1:3arnard 14, Norma Hall 9. Visitors in the village: Robert Bosnian and son, Clair, of Leamington with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman. Mrs. Bowley of Toronto' with her cousins, Mrs. Curtis and' Mrs. Kir- ton. Mr, J. Wesley Beattie and the Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie of Seaforth, with their uncle, Mr. F. B. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Coltes, Lis- towel, with Mrs. Thos. 'Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCreight and daughters, Helen and Jean, visiting Mr. and, Mrs. James Kerney. Miss Taman, Blyth, with Miss D. Nicholson. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Jewitt: Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan - Jewitt,, Shellbrook, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jewitt and family, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. Errington and Mr: and Mrs. John Young and family, Dungannon; Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Souch and Mrs. H. Bone, Morris. Mr. and Mrs. P, D. King spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Jamieson at Elora. They were accompanied by Mrs. King's uncle, Mr. Jamieson Sr., of Meaford, also two cousins, The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held :,.t Fri- day afternoon, Oct. 13th, instead of Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. S. Edmonds, at 2.30. A good" program is planned for the afternoon. Roll call, A Thought for Thanksgiving. Paper, Things money cannot buy, by Mrs. `' Sparling Johnston. Paper, by Mrs. Alice Aitken, "Thanksgiving Day as it ought to be." Exhibit of quilts and quilt patterns. Music. The ladies of the community are cordially invited to the meetings. out with the co-operation of the wea- therman. The pupils gave an exhi- bition of physical exercises and also paraded on the,school grounds. They, engaged in contests of various kinds, ending with a spirited game of soft - BELFAST Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and family. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Graham, Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McGillivray and son of Kinloss, spent Saturday at Mr. Tom. Hackett's. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hack- ett and son spent the week -end in London. Mr. and 'Mrs, Will Alton spent Sun- da yat Crewe. Antiquarian:"There is nothing re- markable about that chair." Modern: "It is very remarkable— one can sit on it." Nothing Can 'Be Gained By putting off the purchase of Fall Footwear, as Shoes of all descriptions are bound to go higher in price. As an illustration of this— "Speaking to a certain buyer of hides who vis- ited Wingham during the past week the writer ask- ed the question, viz : "What price are you nowpay- ing for hides ?" His reply was 6 cents per lb. "A.nd. what price did you pay for similar hides six months ago ?" His reply was 1,V, to 2 cents per lb. It 'must therefore be 'very evident to everyone that there simply must be a • very perceptible ad- vance in shoe prices in the 'near future, in fact they cost the shoe dealer to -day approximately 10% more than six months ago, and this is only a frac- tion of the raise that is coming soon. BUY NOW IS OUR ADVICE. • MONDAY NEXT IS THANKSGIVING DAY, When our store will be closed all day; but open all` day the following Wednesday, the last day of the Wingham Fall' Fair. Willis° Shoe Store "TheStore That I(nows How to Fit Your Peet.". Photo) IMS IVitaghanl, Ont, Kings' is ,Headquarters for your Fall Outfit Showing' What's New ! Coats, Dresses, Millinery Knitted Suits Fox Scarfs Sweaters Kayser Gloves Nemo -Flex Corsets Orient Stockings STYLISH FALL APPAREL Misses', Women's, Junior and Children's sizes, and at prices you can't help but like. 0 It's, easy to• shop at King's where you'll find such large stocks from which to choose, and we in- vite. you to see the new things in our ladies' show rooms and throughout the store. FREE GUESSING CONTEST Ladies, see our South Window for. particulars. You may win a nice prize for not much effort. ING BROS. Oberle's Grocery Phone 167 We are buying Dressed Poultry and live Old Hens up to Thursday eve'g., Oct. 5th. Prices paid according to weight and quality. Potatoes for Sale ... $1.00 for 90 lb. bag, 25c a peck Cooking Onions No. l's and No. 2's in 50's or 100's. Wood' $2.25 a cord HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Give us a trial and be satisfied: Prairie. Rose and 0' Canada Flour. Phone 167. Ir Exceptional Value In •Fall Suis CLOTHING THAT.,WILL GIVE GREATEST SATISFACTION AT POPULAR PRICES FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Youths' Suits, in dark shades including browns, grey, blacks, blues, On Sale .... $12.75 Young Men's Suits, smartly tailored in dark worsted, serges and browns,.for week -end 13.95 Men's Grey Serge Suits, Navy Blue Suits, heavy Worsted Suits in two and three button, con- servative models, regular up to $24.00, our .Week -end Price ..... ..::$17.50 Young Men's Pall Top Coats, in guard models, tube models, Special . $10.95 New Models, in Winter Overcoats 'in Blue Sil- vertones, brown;silvertones and black silver - tones; Special , , ...$14.00 Penman's 71 Underwear, Merino, Shirts and Drawers 75c each, Combinations ......$1.49, Carhartt's Overalls and Smocks ..............$1.7.5 Kitchen's Work Shirts . .$1.19 • NEW MADE -TO -MEASURE SAMPLES ARE HERE Best makingand' trimming agencies ,and fit. >3 � a Agents for Schiffer-Hillani and Royal York and Society Brand Clothes. We also inake and trim any suit lengths you have. Best quality $16.00.