HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-10-05, Page 5Thursday, October 5th, 1933 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TRIMS �IUiIIIU11liUI$IIIinliul*IUNlIlui Iii*til*l�iE 11� FoW hooting Matclj � Thanksgiving Day, I October e• c er 9 th � r at the farm of W. JOS. HENDERSON Bluewale Road _v Shoot commences at 11- 1,30 o'clock. it ;P I I■ I I I NII I IINI! i�111�1J!!NI!!!I l lel l llll l l�H INI I I �I I!% Week -End BARGAIN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th $Z.45 Return munity Halla Keep the date open, Last week was a busy time at the Mantosit cemetery. The committee have reason .to 'be quite pleased the way. 'workers ers :responded to the call, iTuesday afternoon 50 or -More gaysa, a helpinglhand, showing respect fat, departed friends, McIntosh and Delmore W, M. S. r le G well represented 1 resented at the Z\iansc. Friday afternoon, With Miss I3ar- bara Inglis at the piano, the meeting opened with "Jesus shall reign" fol- lowed by scripture reading by differ- ent members, Mrs. Lily Sangster gave asplendid paper on "Thanksgiv- ing", ha nks' y- ing", A solo by Mrs, Thomas Inglis. Roll call by Miss Ella Inglish, Mrs. Doig closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch t ch was'`ser e v d bthe Bel more mote branch. As the Wingham Fair falls on Wed nesday, Oct. 11th, the Institute meet- ing will be heldin the Community Hall on Tuesday afternoon. The members are divided into groups each patting on 'a program, the losing side are to give a supper. Now is your chince to get busy and gather up ma- terial to help your side win out. A short play will, be put on at 'the next meeting; "How the story grew". Come and enjoy a good laugh. To TORONTOVisitors in the burg recently were Mrs. James Mulvey and mother of Rapid- City, Man., at Mrs. Mulvey's, also Mrs. Joseph Hall and Miss Em- ma Mulvey of Toronto. $3.25 Return To HAMILTON From WINGHAM Equally low fares from intermediate points. GOING OCTOBER, 13th RETURNING OCTOBER 16th Pull information from any Canadian Pacific Agent or Gr. I:+, Baker, Phone 47. Canadian Pacific BELMORE .pally day tivas observed in the Un- ited Church on Sunday, the therne this year was "Serving Jesus to -day". Oct. 15th is the Anniversary in the United Church. Monday evening a fowl supper will be given in the Com - Rev. and Mrs. ...Sinclair called at Tom Abraham's. Rev. and Mrs. Tay lor of•Rockwood; Rev. C. N. McKen_ zie of Ripiel. Mrs. John Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Scott are 'London visitors at present. Those of our Tillage .who are on the sick list at present are, Irwin Ed wards seriously ill in „London Hospi- tal; Mrs. Tom Abraham in Toronto; Mr. R. J. Douglas at Kitchener; El- don Renwickin walkertoii. May they speedily regain their health again. Rev. and Mr's: Turnbull of= Tilson burg passed through, the village on Monday on itheirway to•Tobermory.. YEAST WAWANOSH Messrs, Gilbert Beecroft and Gee. Taylor, Mrs. Wightman and 'Misses Beatrice. Beecroft and Jessie Finlay- son took in the Young People's Con- vention in. Stratford on Saturday,' We are glad to see Mrs, Robert Coultes out again after having quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland, and family from near Teeswatcr visiter at -Sara Mcaurney's on Sunday. Master Stanley Irwin has been vis- iting at Auburn for a Week, Mr. and Mrs, Greg Sliiell etter- tained,their. friends and neighbors to. a dance on Monday evening, On account of the great success of the garden party, Brick Church has decided to hold a klot Bowl Supper on Friday, Oct, 13th, This will be followed b o d '�' y a play by the Anglican Young People of Lucknow, entitled, "The 'Road Pack". : Mrs, Ruddy and Louis of Auburn, visited at Henson Irwin's on Sunday. Mrs, Norman Thompson of Donny- brook, spent the week -end at Frank BLYTH Mr. Wm. Yeo and family are mov- ing to ,Mitchell this week where` they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Swanson of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Laundy. Anniversaryservices were held in Trinity Anglican Church. Large con- gregations greeted the, speaker, Rev. W. H. Hartley of Kincardine, a for- mer and much-beloyed minister of this ;parish: The church was taste- fully decorated with fruit and flow- ers. The choir rendered suitable mu- sic; at, the evening service Mrs. Swanson sang "The Church by the Side of the Road." The offering on this occasion was liberal. Rev. Har ry Metcalf who is a visitor in.town, assisted in the services. Blyth Fall Fair took place Tues- day and Wednesday of last week and there was n large attendance Wed- nesday afternoon although the early morning was wet. The indoor 'depart anent was curtailed this year by re- duction of prize money .and classes reduced and collated. The school fair was not held this year consequently the interior .was not filled as in for- rrrer years. Large entries in horses and cattle also sheep, were keenly 'contested in each class. Blyth Band was on the grounds and rendered ex- cellent service.; Seafortli ' Dramatic Club put . on their play entitled "Climbing Roses." The hall was fill - Four weeks of EXTRA VALUES—four weeks ofra r a e :.• x 'effort on ourrt P a to bring you popular foods at, prices that will remake even the .most,•careful ,spender realize that at Dominion Stores YOU SAVE MONEY. We are going to bring you values that will make you. wonder values :that will stretch that food dollar to its uttermost limits. Penn -Rad Motor Oil 6-gt. Sealed �� Tin FSG 10 Bars is Double Action Classic, _Cleanser 5 Tins 25C • 24 -lb. Bag; FINEST PASTRY 3C FLOUR COOKING onions 50 -lb. Bag CHIPSO Small Package 215 Large Package ,$ 2Fo35 9$ -lb. Bag 2.29.F FINE SALT Bag39Bag 50 -lb. QUALITY SELECTED Sairnon KETA 3 "T„). iny 11 .Libby's o>' Campbell's Tomato Juice No, aoc Tin 1FRESH GRIST? Gamer Snaps lbs. 5` TABLE SALT 4 'Pkys, 25e MILD FI4VOREI) NEW sll.RRIFF'S Jelly Powclero 5 pkts, 250 Calay Soap . 2 ,Cakes ISO CAN AD A°S1 LA -. 1SSOR2'R.0 lb. Shredded or Desleeated CouK' asst e /b. e ed to overflowing. This was followed by a dance, the music .supplied by Arttthr's Orchestra The Directors of the Fair are to be congratulated on the success that attended their efforts in making the Fair a financial stic- cess, Rev, Harry • and Mrs. Metcalf are visiting I tr.s. Frank Metcalf, GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Weir were Sign, day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johann, Owen Sound, M. Andrew i r dt w M ]le i spent a day last week with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Bre-,. ckenridge, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers and Kathleen of Gorrie, were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mar- shall. Mrs. Robert Crawford and Mr. Wm. Kerr of Milverton, are spending a few days with their neice, Mrs, Oliver Stokes. • Miss Catherine Fortune visited a few days last week with Wingham' friends. IVtr. and Mrs. Alex. Corrigan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilkinson. OBITUARY Miss Ellen Perkins There passed away iti Toronto 'on Monday evening, Sept. 25th at . the apartment of her niece, Kenneth Av- enue, a former and much respected. resident of Gorrie, in the person of Miss Ellen Perkins, who in company with her sister, who predeceased her in 1907, conducted a grocery store in this village and in this capacity was favorably knpwn and highly esteem- ed throughout the community. The deceased was a native of Lan- ark County, and when she became in- capacitated through ill health, she re- turned to Perth, Ont., where she re- sidede with relatives until 1931. Go- ing to Toronto for medical attention she entered a private hospital, but the past ,year. was spent with her niece, and ,where she passed peace- fully away in her 90th year, having retained her faculties almost to the close of a useful life. • On Tuesday- evening a service was held in The Wni. Speers New Fun- eral Chapel, .Dundas St. West, con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Cox, Rector of St. Martins, and on Wednesday mor- ning the remains were conveyedby motor to the residence of her niece, Mrs. H. V. Holmes. At 2 o'clock the cortege proceeded to St. -Stephen's Church, of which she was a' devout member, and where an impressive service was conducted by her Tor- onto Rector, assisted by Rev. R. S. Jones of this parish. Interment was made in Gorrie Cemetery. Many beautiful floral tributes and the presence of relatives and a large circle of close friends from Perth, Maberly, Chatham, Toronto, Barrie, Hamilton, Milverton, Clinton and Wingham, testified to the respect in which the deceased was held. tt "Chuckles Coluinn Boarding -House Waitress (during soup course) : "Water, sir." Guest: "No, thanks. I have a plate- ful already." Flapper Ann: "Good -by, mother." Modern Mother: "Just a minute, dear. Sign 'the visitors' book in the parlor before you go!" Persistent Tramp (successful at last) ,, as) ,Thanks; ma'am. Is there any- thing I can,ydo by way of return?" Housewife (shortly): "Yes—don't." "When 'the judge ruled that Jones had to pay alimony, how did he feel about it?" "Changrined:" "How did his wife feel about it?" "She grinned" Detective: "Does anyone know the real value of the stolen jewels?" Actress: "No one but my maid." Detective: "That let's her out. I suspect either the chauffeur or the cook." "Can you think of anything mare utterly useless than silk stockings?" he said. "Not unless it's the things that stand at the street corners watching them," retortedhis young wife, "Has your husband taken the med- icine I prescribed? A tablet before each areal and a small whiskey after? "Mebbe he's a few tablets behind, but he's a month ahead wi' the whis- key!" "Did you really put some wild Ar -1 abs to root in the middle of the des- ert simply by using a golf clttb?" "Yes, I took a couple of practice 'AGP: F'I I Meet You. Frievds At Wingham Fall Fair Tuesday and Wednesday October 10th, 11th Major The Hon. Robert Weir Minister of Agriculture, for Dominion of Canada will officially ally open the Fair at 1 p.m. on Wednesday. Many Special Attractions Horseshoe PitchingContest ; Hurdle, Running and Bicyicle xcyicle Races Large Entry of Cattle and Horses orses. Junior nio Farmers' Calfb u l C Competition The Fair Worth While Something Doing Ever Minute Attractive Midway l'all Fair Concert Wednesdayi' Evening, "A Wild Flower Of The Hills" • Presented by Victoria Players of Goderich, Proceeds .for P Hospital X.RayFund, Under auspices of the Wingham Chamber of Commerce. You Have Seen the Rest New See the Best 4„o 5� swings and they thought a sand storm was blowing up!" Prisoner: "There goes my hat. Shall In ru after it?" P. C. Casey: "And not come back! No. You stay here and I'll run after the hat." Cop: "Wake up! You can't sleep in that hallway!" Somnolent One: "I have a perfect right to sleep here! I'm the night watchman!" First . Workman (very angrily): "Did you tell Bill I was three -parts daft?" Second Workman: "No, I thought he knew: judge: "Do you wish to have a de- fending counsel?" Accused: "No, sir; but I should be^ obliged to you if you could get me two reliable witnesses." "Hallo. Got a dog, I see—thought you didn't like dogs;" I don't, but t my wife pickedup a lot of cheap dog biscuits at a bargain sale." "Hallo," said the neighbor, "back. from your day's shooting? Have any luck?" "Rather," said Jones proudly. • "I got twelve ducks," His' neighbor nodded approvingly. "Were they wild?" he asked. Jones looked thoughtful, "I can't say they were exactly," he replied, "But the farmer who owned then certainly was." As soon as Jones saw the stranger at his gate he anticipated trouble. Moreover, he guessed that it would be about his dog,and he was right. "My name is Green," began the Husky and Happy - Oh Boy! stranger, "and l've come to see about: that dog of yours," -464. "Yes, sir. That canine of yours has bitten my mother-in-law three times." "Has he? Well, I'm sorry, but I don't know that I'm prepared to do anything in the matter—" "Do anything, be jiggered! I've come to make an offer for the dog! Movie Star: "I've derided to de- mand a new trial." Interviewer: "But why? You won the case." Star: "I know, but I wasn't satis- fied with the publicity," In an effort to bolster the saving ' habit, an economist has estimated, if you deposit $1,000 in the bank, and leave it there for 150 years at 3 per cent interest compounded semi-annu-, ally, your great -great grandchildren will have a swell time, rorty -eight happy boys and girls at the Royal York Rag, Toronto. They are the lucky winners of the Silver 'Token Contest sponsored by Crosse and Blackwell, well-known manufac- turers of food products, and their reward was a two-day visit to the Canadian National Exhlhitfon, ...,..a .. •,......z•-:n.,..c�x.,.r::c:i:>:•wR:..ai:....: v'i'v' <:tksi2i>.:.`LSi''• iil They all travelled Canadian; Pacific and the Royal York Hotel was theirs for two full clays, There was much entertaining in the various rooms occupied by the youngsters. The contents of a large nuttiber of bottles of pop were Consumed. ' Hands Welt swept over slink beads and ties Were adjusted before entries were, made to the dining rooms, alid there was inuch jolly chatter over : meals. Thorough tours were made Of the big exhibition acid for a. long throe to come these boys and girls"' til ha't'e happy tiiontories. of the two ezeiting and hflariotts,' dant. u.