HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-09-21, Page 5577, Thursday, Sept, 1st, 1933 ". SWOLLEN ANKLES ;.atm°*". T ingharn SORE Dr. Geo. Boyd FEET The eminent Chiropodist and Foot Specialist will be at GREER'S SHOE STORE SORE HEELS WEAK ARCHES CALLOUSES BUNIONS CROOKED TOES ORNs Th.ursday, Sept. 28th ALL DAY Removing Corns, Bunions, Ingrown. Toe Nails Adjusting Bones of Fallen Arches, Weak A.nlles, Painful Heels. Exarnnation, Consultation and Expert Shoe •Fitting, wthout charge or. obligation. For early appontments Phone 23, Wingham. GREEK'S The Good Shoe Store. Winghann Ontario BELGRAVE Women's Institute Sept. 26th The Belgrave 'Women's Institute will hold. their September meeting at the home of Mrs. F. McCallum on Thurs., Sept, 26. This meeting is in charge of the Health Committee. The motto "To be Happy we must be Healthy," taken by Miss. G. Arm- strong. Roll Call "Health Hurts. Curent Events, ' Mrs. F. McCallum. Address by Dr. M. Calder. Readings, by .Mrs. R. McCrea. Lunch Commit- tee, Mrs. J. M. Coultes, Mrs.' R. Hig- gins, , Miss Cela Coultes. All ladies invited. Bride Showered The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Wilkinson. was the scene of' a hap- py gathering Thursday night .when about 150 friends • in the community gathered' together to do honor to Miss Ellen Stonejiouse, a popular young lady of 13elgrave i ' ' rew of her approaching marriage. Guilds were enjoyed as the people gathered and � i,, ell all bad arrived two, of tlr4watli- ring appeared representing a bride and groom, and with the guests of honor, occupied a central position, when a large white basket of gifts Was presented,, An interesting time passed as the various gifts were un- wrapped and displayed, Robert Coul- tes, on behalf of lois bride-to-be, and hi inself, thanked one and all for the beautiful gifts and the spirit of kind- liness which prompted their, many friends iii remembering them at this time, Lunch was served and a social time spent when all departed for their homes, after wishing the young cou- ple many happy years of life togetli- er. Mr, and Mrs, C. 13, Wilkinson have returned from Toronto after a week's visit. They were accompanied home by Miss Edith Littlefair who will visit with relatives here. Mrs. Jas, Young has.returned home from Lambeth where she spent two weeks with her son, Mr, Donald Young. The choir of Knox United Church, Belgrave, had charge of the music at the anniversary services at Donny- brook on Sunday, Sept. 17th.. The Triple V. Bible Class of the Knox United Sunday School, has •or- ganized a Glee Club and practice will be held on Saturday nights in the basement at 8' o'clock when Prof. `A. Cook will bd 'in charge. All young people of the 'community are invited to attend. Harvest Home Services The Harvest Home service was held in Trinity Anglican Church, Bel - grave, Sunday, 'Sept. 17, when Rey. Hayes, of Wingham, ; addressed . the, congregation. The Church was nicely decorated with fruit, vegetables and flowers. During the service a very' appropriate solo wassung by James McCrea. The service in the' Presby- terian Church was 'withdrawn to .en- able the members to join in this 'ser vice. ' A young son has arrived at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Ander- son, ader-son, Morris._ C'ungratulations. Anniversary Services will be held in Knox United Church on 'Surraay, Sept. 24, when Rev. Tucker, of tuck- now, will have charge. Services at SAVE MONEY ON CANNED VEGETABLES CNi L'ITY Stock up your pantry now. Buy before the expected price rise. Save money at Dominion Stores this week -end. FEATURING LEVER BROS. PRODUCTS RINSO LRr e C 2;15 r 19 Lifebuoy Soap 3 Bar: 21 C, LUX TOILET.SOAP - ae LUX FLAKES - 231.0 (I SUNLIGHT SOAP - 4 for 250 Brunswick CHICKEN HADDIE Really Tasty Product Salado' Tea Tins CHOICE No. 2 Tin 1 Rasp berries 1 -Ib. Pkg. 450 Pkg. For Soups and Gravies OXO CUBES - 4 cubes 120 Clark's. - N. 2 Tin PORK AND BEANS 10 I Kraft 54 -lb, Pk,g, • VELVEETA CHEESE - . JAC 1 Tall Tina C t :FRESH AND TASTT' ag Campfire 1 -lb. Pkq. Marshmallo JY� BROWN LABEL. %-7b, 23 "Double Superfine KEEN'S MUSTAR Hautes' LEMON OIL Eats Dirt GILLETT'S LYE 2 -ox. Tin D 1 bottle 230 2 tins 23+ EVAP. MILK CHRISTIE'S' /FRUIT Special C OOKIES ralue Ib. ALL BRANDS 1 CANADA'S LAR,,G,EST RETAIL GROCERS THE WINGRAM ADVANCE -TIMES 11. a.n . and 7,30 p.m, ' Special' tnusie` will be given by the choir and a cor- dial invitation is given to all to at, tend these services. J. Miller dripped two cars of cattle to the Old Country Monday and C R. Coultes loaded out a ear of hogs. Mrs. J, Burks of Port McNichol! is spending a time with her brother, Earle Anderson and other- relatives, LOCAL AND PERSONAL IvErs. George Williams spent the week -end in Toronto, Miss Kathleen Pringle is spending a vacation at Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs, 5. H. Crawford spent. the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Ansley has returned home af- ter visiting her son in Toronto, Mr. Brodie of the Dominion Bank Staff, returned Tuesday from his va- cation. IVIr. and Mrs. H. G. Williams, of Toronto, are visiting their son, Mr. Ed. Williams. Mrs, Garnett Wellwood; Enwistle, Alta., is visiting with lier sister, Mrs. John Falconer. Mrs. (Dr.). Hubbard and, son, Chas., also'her father, are visiting Miss El- ston., Minnie St. Mr. Wilfred McLaughlin, Toronto, visited last week with his mother;' Mrs. E. McLaughlin, Mrs. Margaret Irwin, Toronto,'vis- ited over the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Wrn. Davidson. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Bundscho, of Shakespeare, visited over:" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, T. Fells. Mr. and Mrs, Percy T. Kerr, Sar- nia, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr on Sunday. Miss Janisa Hornoth visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, John Kerr and otherfriends over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Snell and fam- ily of Auburn, spent Sunday at the hozaie of Mr. and Mrs, George Walk- er, East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. C. McGregor, Bur- lington, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Duf- '1n, Dundas, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs J. O. Habkirk. Guests with Mrs. '5. J. Elliott 'last Wednesday were: Mrs, N. J. Even, Mrs. B. Berendsohn, Miss M. Jones,. Mrs. N. Lutz, Mrs. H. St'uke, Mrs. N. Hanks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFadden and daughter, Florence and . Miss Facie McFadden and Mr.Wr. Clayton of Tiverton, spent Sunday with.. Mr. and Mrs.. George Walker, East Wawa- nosh. Captain John. R. Low resepresent- ed Vancouver, B.C., at the 'Canadian Corps of Signals Convention 'held in Ottawa last week. Mr. arid Mrs. Jno. Kerr had the pleasure of entertaining Mrs. Low during her husband's stay in : Ottawa, Mrs. Low is •a daughter. f Mr. John Fyfe, of Vancouver; and a neice of Mrs. John Kerr. • / ST. HELENS Miss Mand Lyon,deaconess of Cal gary, was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mrs. Dick Martin and daughter,' Laurene of . Huron township, were week -end visitors with her father, Mr Wm. Woods. In the death of Mr. Win. Taylor, which ..occurred :so :suddenly on Wed- nesday::the community suffered a dis- tinct Loss. A good neighbour and a kind friend to all. Mr. Taylor *will be sadly missed. His passing will be keenly felt in .the United 'Church, of which he was a member of the ses- sion and a valued member of the choir. To Mrs. Taylor and to his sons and other relatives 'goes the syn pathy''of his many friends. CAN ADIAI 1 PACIFIC September 29 30 To MONTREAL and return $9.10 �- Quebec : City and return $iZ!35 From WINGHAM Equally low fares from intermediate. stations. GOING,: 'SEPT. 29, 30 Returning: Leaving Montreal not later than Evening October 1 Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent or G. L, Baker, Town Agent, Phone 47, CANADIA.r 1 'ACI'IC Miss Mary Rutherford rettitnxed. from .a visit with Rev, and Mrs, R. W. Craw at :Dorchester. . ' Misses Lehi Wr.at c.rhead`axtd Jean Webster and John Foran went to Stratford on Monday where they will attend Normal. Mrs, Hugh Rutherford,Mr, and Mrs: -„Will Rutherford and family; Messrs. John and Robert and Miss. Annie Durnin, Mr. and \'Irs Chas. Durnin, Mrs, W. L Miller,, Miss M. C. Rutherford, Miss Mary and Mr, Ross Murray attended the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. John Bennett (formerly Miss Christina Rutherford) at Port Albert on Monday evening. Rally Day, will be observed hi the United Church Sunday Scholl next Sunday morning at 11. o'clobk. MAITLAND PRESBY- TERY Y. P. MET AT KINCARDINE Jack McKibbon, Wingham, President, in the Chaisr. The young people of the Maitland Fresbyteryof the Presbyterian Church in Canada held a rally on Tuesday last week in Knox Presbyterian Church, Kincardine, with a large at- tendance. Jack McKibbon, Wingham, Presbytery President, had charge. In • the afternoon, Rev, K. MacLean, of Wingham, presidedover a round ta- ble conference at which was discuss- ed the best ways of organizing Y. P. societies. Rev. John Pollock, White- church, had chargeof thedevotional exercises. In the evening, after' supper had been served by the Ladies' Aid ' of Knox Church, officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Pies., Wm. Henderson, . Lucknow; ist vice, Miss Mildred ,Logan, Brussels; 2nd vice, Rev. F. B. Allan, Teeswater; 3rd vice, Miss Eleanor Knight, Cran- brook; rec. sec., Mark McGregor, of Teeswater; ':cor. sec., Miss. Margaret Campbell, ,Kincardine; treas., Arthur Simpson, Kintail. It was decidedYto hold the next meeting in Teeswater. Miss Catherine.Bell, Ripley, gave an address on what the church ex- pects ofyoung people and pointed out that the loyalty and support of, the young people was necessary. Too many, she said, criticized without tak- ing part. ' To these she appealed to get into thework of the church:. Music was given by Miss Peggy McKay and Mr. Beamish, with Miss Eleanor Snider as accompanist. Rev. T. D. McCullough conducted devo- tional exercises, while the Moderator pronounced the benediction. Summer school activities, reported by Miss Catherine Fry of Wingham, were read by Mr. Douglas McDonald of Lucknow. • The young people voted the sum of $25 to the .work of Rev. Angus Mc- Kay in Jhanki, India. Rev. Edgar Foreman of Moorning- side Presbyterian Church, Toronto, brought to the assembled young peo- ple an inspiring message during which he urged them • to dedicate their lives to the church. HERE AND THERE AROUND LUCKNOW AG ECIALS FOR THIS WEEK AT KTHE HUB” just arrived 100 doz, Men's V,Tork Shirts and Chain - brays and full weight flannelettes ...: , .. . 39c, 49c, 69c, 79c, 89c, 98c, 51,39 Wool Work Sox, 15 Pair or 7 Pairs for .$1.00 T-Ieavy Weight Wool Sox, 4 Prs, for 1.00, 5 Pr. 1.00 Men's' Leather Vests . .$4.69 Genuine Horsehide Vests . `. $6.95 Men's Leather Coats $6.95, 89.95 Men's Wool Sweater Coats 98c, 1.39, 1.95, 2.69, 4.98 Men's Wool Pullovers ... .. . $1.48, S1.95 Men's Zipper. Swear.. Shirts .. , , ,S1.29 Penman's Merino Combinations, fall weight .$1.39 Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers ........79c MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S FALL SUITS Pure wool botany yarns, guaranteed fast dyes, at $11.95, $14.95, $17.95, $18.95, $22.51). BARGAINS IN BOYS' DEPARTMENT Suits of good tweed in Boys' and Youths' sizes. $3.79, $4.95, $5.95, $9.95 Penman's Merino Com- binations . .89c Zipper Sweat Shirts ..98c Wool Pullovers .... . ...79c, 98c, $1.29 Wool Sweater Coats .. 98c,-$1.29, $1.95 Boadcloth Waits .35c School Shirts in good quality chambray...39c, 49c WORK' SHOES ON SALE Work Shoes, Panco stole, to clear `..... .. $1.79 Solid Leather" Work Shoes, leather or Panco soles, at .. . ... .. .. $1.98 Greb and Valentine Shoes $2.98, $3.98 NUB CLOTHING Co. Reliable and Dependable Men's and Boys' Store M stockings, demonstrations of school. lunch • for child walking a couple of miles to school. Roll call, exchange Of flower slips. The next meeting will be held in the hall, when each ntetnbcr is expected to bring a quilt Mr. Harvey 'Webb, Miss Gretablock. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 1. Work has commenced at renovat- Cameron attended the London Fair ling the McIntosh cemetery: Those last Wednesday. interested will be expected to give a Mr. Kenneth Cameron, Mr. John helping stand. and Wallace Miller Mr. Mark Gard- Mr. John Harris and Robt. Jeffray ner and Mr. Will 'Andrew motored on . Monday last to see some of the large fruit orchards at ,Clinton and Goderich. Mrs. "Kenneth Carheron of St. Hel- ens, and Miss Dorothy Berry, I uck now, visited on Saturday with friends "Kingham: n. BELMORE Anniversary services will be held at McIntosh church next Sabbath. A supper will be served in the basement of the church on Monday evening, Sept. 25th, admission 25c. Conte and meet your friends. The following speakers are expected, Mr. Montieth of Teeswater, C. N. McKenzie of Rip- ley„ and the Clifford quartet. Mrs. Alex. Casenzore entertained the Mission Circle at her home Fri -1 day evenittgg. After the meeting var- ious amusements were enjoyed. Miss- es Sean Herd and Etoile Casemore served coffee, sandwiches and cake. There were twelve present. :11.41..s. Alex. Corrigan gave her hone Wednesday afternoon for the Wom- en's Institute, Over 30 attended and joined heartily in all the proceedings After the ,regular sheeting the follow- ing l'ielpful program was given, ad- dress and motto by Mrs. R., 'Anther - ford, "Let• tis then in loving mood,• each help each through life's short span, if we can't do all we would, let us then do all we cart"; reading, Mrs. McLean, Jane Brown', demonstration of kitchen helps, Mrs. 'Newans; helps 'for hard times, Mrs. It.ticben Apple- by; cutting down of mild garments and visited Sunday with Eleanor and M. Jeffray. Miss Virginia Newans, neice of Mrs. Newans, since returning to De- troit fell while carrying a stone par and almost severed one finger on the broken vessel. Minnie Jeffray was a Wroxeter vis- itor last week, the guest of Mrs. Wray. Margaret Linton and Ruby Baird. Mr. Herd is erecting a kitchen to his new dwelling house. A ne y time you're hungry. JUST enjoy a bowl of Kellogg's. For breakfast, lunch, the children's supper --these crisp toasted flakes are perfect. Kellogg's are rich in energy and very easy to digest. No trouble co prepare. Economical. Always oven -fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. —41 gip - FLAKS • OVENtPiE5H • FtAVOR•PEBFECT °A,P' 0. .G ca im