HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-09-07, Page 3Thursday, Septeiubeir 7 1633
Name and. Position
Mellor, ss
Cruickshank,. if
Somers, 1;F.
Gray, 0.17,
Lediet, 3b
Groves, c
5. Tiffin, p, "LF. . ,
Gurney, ib, O.F.
G, "Tiffin, p
Carmichael, lb, Q.F.
W, Tiffin ss
Rae, cf
Moore, O.F.
Bell, p, O.F..
Caskanette, 0.F .... ..,.,..,-,
j'ohnston, Q.F.
Team Totals
G. A.B. R, R. P.C. Po, A. E, P.C.
1 4 1 2 .500 0 0 2 .000
1 4 2 .2 ;.500 0 0 0 '.000.
10 42 15 17 ,405 07 22 7 .894
9 35 4 12 .343 8 3 4 .733
10 41 12 14 ,342 14 20. 9 ;791,
10 44 12 15 341 80 12 6 .939
7 24 4 8 .333 4 17 3 .875
10 40 8 11 .271 56 3 •' 4 .944
2 3 0 1 .333 0 1 0 1000
6 25 4 6 240 18 1 1 950
9 39 8 9 :231 18 ' 19 9 .804
8 35 5 7 .200. 8 0 0 1000
7 21 2 3 ,143 7 0 0 1000
6 14 0 0 .000 2 4 2 .666
1 2 1 0 .000 0 0 0 .000
1. 2 0 0 .000 '0 0 0 ,000
10 3.74 78 107 .286', 252 102 47 .882
Home run, Lediet 1, Three base
hits: Somers 4; Groves 2; J. Tiffin 2.
Two base hits: J. Tiffin 4; Groves 2;.
Lediet 2; Carmichael, Somers, Rae,
Gray, W. Tiffin. Sacrifices, Somers
2; Groves, Lediet, J. Tiffin. Double
plays, 5.
Pitching Records
J. Tiffin, won 5, lost 1. Bell, won
2, lost 2. Struck ant by Tiffin 49 in
54 innings; Bell, 25 in 27 innings; G.
Tiffin, 3, in 4 innings; Lediet 2 in 1
inning, Bases on balls: off J. Tiffin
22 in 54 innings; Bell, 14 in 27 in-
nings; G. Tiffin, 1 in 4 innings; Led-
iet, 1 in 1 inning, Hits: off J. Tiffin
43; Bell '31; G. Tiffin 5; Lediet 1.
World Wide News
In Brief Form
Pearce Wins World
Sculling Championship
'Cheered on by milling thousands,.
Bobby Pearce of Hamilton on Friday
night won the world's sculling cham-
pionship over the three-mile Canad-
ian National Exhibition course, talc-
ing the lead from the start, ,the de-
fending champion'> Ted .. Phelps, of
England, corning, in 1 minute and.. 25
seconds after the winner who made
the remarkably good 'time of 19 min-
utes, 25 3-5 seconds for the three
Empire Swastika League
To Be Formed
London -The British Union of
Fascists is planning a Swastika Lea-
gue of .the Efnpire. First steps to-
wards this new union 'are being taken
in negotiations between Sir 'Oswald
Mosley, the wealthy leader of the
British Fascists, and Col. Eric Camp-
bell, leader of ,the Australian "new
Campbell, it is claimed, will also
speak for South Africa and New Zea-
land and it is further announced ' `a
'Fascist movement is now being form-
ed in Canada and is likely` to join
up:" The new organization 'will re-
present "a very powerful comleina-
tion of forces" is the British Fascists
Deputy Minister Facing Charges
Brantford -Harry M. Robins, de -
• Wake ,up your Lever Bile
-No Calomel necessary
Many rpegple who feel sour, sluggish and
generally wretcbedsmake:the mietake•of taking
salts, .oil, .mineral water, laxative candy or
chewing gum, •.or :roughage ,which only 'move
the bowels' and ignore the !liver.
What ;you need is 'to wake up your aver
bile. Stant 5our liver :pouring the dally two
pounds of liquid 'bile,into ;your bowels. .Get
your stomach and intestines .working as they
should, :once •more.
Carterle Little Liver Pills will soon fix you
up. Purely vegetable. ;Safe. Sure. Qurok.
Ask for them by name. Refuse •eubatitutee.
2.5c. at all ,druggiete. 51
puty minister of hospitals for On-
tario, was charged in police court
here with criminal negligence, driving
a car while intoxicated and having
liquor 'illegally in his possession. He
was remanded' and freed onbail of
$2,000. Police allege Robbins drove
his car into Jack Newitt, a youth, and
William Lintott, at an intersection
here, seriously injuring Newitt who
was reported to.,have suffered a frac-
tured skull. Lintott's injuries were
not serious.
Marvin Nelson Wins Swim
Winners of men's swim at Exhibi-
tion last Wednesday are:. as. follows:
Marvin Nelson, Fort Dodge,
Iowa 7.00 .37 2-5
Bill Goll, New York 7.18 .23
Frank Pritchard, 'Buffalo 7.20 .45 3-5
Harry Clancy, Cincinnati 7.36 .29 3-5
Stanley Pritchard, Buffalo 7.44 ,56
'.Eli Radakovitch., "Duquesne,
(Pa. 8.01 .59 3-5
This is Nelson's :second win in this
race awhicli proves him a real world
Italian Aviator Burned to Death
Brooklyn, N.Y.-General 'Francesco,
De Pinedo, one -of 'Italy's most fam-
our airmen, met flan'.iing death short-
ly after dawn Saturday when his
'huge 'plane crashed' and burned up at
'the start of a tale -off for Bagdad,
Iraq. A tremendous toad ofasoline
g ,
1;'027 gallons, +caused- his giant red,
green and purple plane to swerve
from •a concrete runway and hit a
fence, -at Floyd Bennett airport. In
a 'second 'it was a :roaring mass of
flames, and the flyer was burned be-
yond recognition.
Hydro to be Taxed •
Toronto-Ioi-.a concerted drith for
new revenue required 'to keep tax rat-
es from soaring, the thirty-fifth an-
nua'l convention of the Ontario Mun-
idipal Association approved a resol-
ution asking the provincial govern-
ment to amend the statutes to allow
the assessment of Ontario Hydro El-
L5lli 5a"1diP,
`TheLong Life Lamps"
egii 11
y l
delin `d
B, Q1'"
illy ro S ice
' 4 I
}� I
Sr t �q
HY®�O iitll
nd' uawante d
n "w+l+perr of S Last L %�
Wingham Utilities Commission
Crawford Block, ',. Phone 156.
Look lifre �0A L«ln
�li� ['
144 L«�I` yen 6r-
ectrie Commission properties on the
settle basis as privately owned cor-
Early last week Hon, William : Fin-
la,yson, Ontario Minister of Lands
and Forests, indicated the govern-
ment will enact this legislation at the
request of the municipalities.
Little Grain- at `•Churchill •
Winnipeg -Support of the 150,000
members, mainly farmer in the .Wes-
tern Provinces, of the On -to -the -bay
Association will, be enlisted to main-
tain shipments of wheat from Chur-
chill, the, Prairie Provinces' northern
seaport, if necessay.
General R. W. Patterson, president
of the.On-to-the-Bay Association was
on record as favoring the massing of
the association membership if other
means fail. •
Bins in the Government -construct-
ed 2;500,000 -bushel elevator at Chur-
chill, terminus . of , the Hudson Bay
Railway, are nearly empty, and un-
less shipments are rushed forward
from the prairies navigation will be
B. C. Election Nov. 2nd
Victoria -Voters of British Colum-
bia will go to the polls Thursday,
Nov., 2,,, to elect the province's 18th
Legislature. Official proclamation an-
nouncing the date of the proncial
general election was signed by Lieu-
tenant -Governor J. W. Fordham
Johnson. Nominations' will be made
Ocf, 12.
The 17th,. Legislature was dissolved
Aug. '1 after running its full course
of five years. With dissolution, the
1932 Redistribution Act came into ef-
fect, reducing representation in the
Legislature by one seat to 47, chang-
ing the boundaries of many riding
and adding a new seat in Peace Riv-
Boy Scouts Rescued
Lake Placid, N.Y.-The three Boy
Scouts, marooned on a narrow ledge
of Wall Face Mountain for two days
were lifted to a safe ledge 200 feet
higher up the cliff by rescuers, who
succeeded in lowering them ropes,
The rescue was 'made by three ex-
pert mountain climbers from the Lake
Placid Club after more than 24 hours
of constant work. The youths were
lifted one at a time from the two -
foot ledge where they had huddled
together in the freezing wind all
Floundering Fish Causes Fatal Shot
Sault Ste. Marie -Clarence Geno,
28, was killed by the, accidental dis-
charge of a rifle on the iblattawiski-
awa River. A fish 'caught by Geno
floundered in the canoe, the line be-
came tangled in the trigger of the
gun and the bullet struck the man
just below the heart. In the boat
with Geno was Thomas Mitchell, 15.
He wrapped Geno in a blanket and
started to ' make the 15 -mile trip to
the nearest settlement, but the man
died before aid could be reached.
Expert Is Called' to Rescue of Deer
Watkins Glen, N.Y.-All efforts to
rescue from his rocky ' ledge the 7 -
point tuck deer imprisoned there for
a week were called off' by Watkins
Glen State Park officials tonight, to
await arrival from Albany of a State
Conservation Department specialist.
Workmen were preparing to utifize
an illegal"jacklight" aand, twwa stuffed
deer equipped with rollers in an ef-
fort to pure the friglhtereed a:nirnal
across a temporary bridge :erected to
help him to freedom. Sweet corn and
water are 1ow.:
,cred regularly to the
deer, and it has become so a.ccus:tom-
ed - to the crowds of spectators that
it has ceased to avoid .the receptacles
and eats and drinks :gtiite freely.
Bennett Against Shorter
Hours and Higher Pay
Montreal -Continuance of Canada's
national life depends on maintenance
of her position as .a great exporting
nation,' and, therefore, this country
cannot experiment with "shorter
hdurs ofr
wo lc and higher rates of
This declaration from Prime Min-
ister R. B. Bennett was interpreted
by his hearers as a partial answer to
the often -asks question d est on as tohow
far Canada might go",in following the
National Recovery ,plan of the U.S.
Can Have Title -
u c
ebe.Pr if neIini er'
14 st Bennett
can have a title the minute his de-
sire for it becomes apparent, if Lord
Rothermere, British newspaper Peer,
who landed on' the .Empress of Bri-
tain, is an authority. He delivered
the statement when discovered aboard
the big liner, which he boarded un-
afihounced last Saturday at South-
To Poria New Irish Party
Dublin -The Centre party and W.
T. Cosgrave's`Ctunanaan Gaedheal in
separate meetings agreed to aeeept
ptposals to merge with Gen. Eoin
O'Dttfty's banned Natiotaal Gtiarcl,
darts 'taking definite steps toward es.
tablishrent of ' a new, united Ireland
party, Action carte at eotlfereitces of:
leaders of the two parties and it was
subject to ratification of the respect-
ive general party conve;ations. The
executives recommended party con-
ventions be held September 9.
,„ ipai11r1,,voremir„111,,,,,l,rrlrrl,,,, ukiossim e
of the
Residents for 55 Years Move
Residents of Kincardine for the
past 55 years, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, G.
McIntyre left Wednesday for Toron-
to where they will reside. Prior to
their departure they were guests of
honour at a number of functions
where regret was expressed at the
departure of these esteemed residents
and tokens offriendship offered. -
Kincardine Veview-Reporter.
Durham Stone Plant Opens
It will be good news to former em-
ployees of the stone plant here to
know that it is to run this summer
for the balance of the season. At pre-
sent a gang of workmen is engaged
putting the plant in operating condi-
tion and with no setback it is expect-
ed the plant will be open for opera-
tion at once. So far as is known, the
plant will run for the balance of the
season, until the frost closes it down.
Durham Chronicle.
C.C.F. Speaker to Visit
Listowel, Monday, Sept,, 11
Captain Elmore Philpotts of Ham-
ilton is to visit Listowel and speak
on the aims of the newly formed C.
C.F. party. •The date set is Monday,
Sept. 11, but' all details for the meet-
ing have not .yet been arranged -
Listowel Banner.
Another Attempt Made
To Burglarize Station
During Saturday night, when an-
other attempt was made to burglar-
ize the local Canadian National Sta-
tion, the person or persons who en-
tered 'the building got nothing of
value, and that was the experience of
those who forced their way into the
station early in August. Saturday
night entry was made through one
of the windows. The following morn-
ing it was observed. that things in the
office had been disturbed, but appar-
ently no serious attempt was made
to iopen the safe and five coppers in
the cash drawer were not taken. -
Walkerton Telescope.
6 -Inch Sprout
Mr.R m
n oh
Rome brought T g t to our of-
fice this week a sprout 6 inches long
with two second growth potatoes the
size of marbles attached. Early Rose
variety having a second attempt to
produce in one year, to the detriment
of the original product. = Teeswater
Disappears For Third Time -
Sacred Heart Church poor box will
have to be placed in the bottom of
a well at night within a heavy steel"
casing, for it seems' to be getting re-
lieved of its contents quite frequent-
ly. Last -week, for the third time in
its young life the inner valuables
have been extracted by an unknown
hand. Once, through a hole bored in
its bottom, anotlher tine by being
broken open, and now a padlock had
been destroyed to get at the contents.
Surely the thief has no conscience,-
Teeswater News.
Operation at 91
Mr. William Kydd; • of Usborne,
-vho is in his 91st year and is one
of the oldest residents in this com-
munity, underwent an operation in
Victoria Hospital, London, on Satur-
day last and is getting along remark-
ably well. Mr. Kydd has splendid
vitality and up until a couple :of years
ago knew very little of sickness. -Ex-
eter Times -Advocate.
Wins Motorcycle Race
At Toronto Exhibition competing
again the bestClass B amateur riders
of Canada and United States "Bill"
Lumby, local motorcycle racer, riding
his A.J.S, English machine captured
the five -mile event after a sensation-
al finish, bya bare 'tr o or three feet.
The time was ,5ntirtutes and 54 sec-
onds and he was never headed,-God-
erieh Star.
A Real Freak -Triplet Apples
Mr. Aylmer Fatum, of Kitchener,
avenue, brought into the office a real
Curiosity, Sometimes, twin apples and
other twin fruits are described in the
papers, but this is a real honest -to -
goodness case of triplets on an ap-
ple tree. The three apples are all
grown together, botthey have three
separate cores, and the blossom ends
are distinct. They were grown at the
home of Mrs. I+'atts n's mother at Ay -
knee -Ferias News -Record',
than why it's
Canada's Great
Sales Leader!
WHY is it that Chevrolet leads all
other cars in popularity? Why has
Canada given this car nearly 50% more
sales than its closest competitor? The an-
swer is easy: Canadians are ''nick to spot a
bargain. Motorists have learned that no
other new automobile gives you so• much
for your money when you buy it -and saves •
you so much every mile you drive -as a
Chevrolet Six.
No other car priced so low offers you
the style, beauty and safety of Fisher
wood -and -steel bodies the comfort of
full-size interiors and Fisher No -Draft
Ventilation . the driving ease of the
Starterator and Syncro-Mesh gear shifting
. . . the smooth, quiet, powerful perfor-
mance of a cushion -balanced six -cylinder
engine and the matchless economy
achieved by the Octane Selector and valve -
in -head design.
Chevrolet gives more for the money -
more of everything'you want for pleasant,
care -free, enjoyable motoring. And Chev-
rolet offers you this quality at the lowest
price ever placed on a full-size, six -cylinder
closed automobile -with the lowest cost for
gasoline, oil and upkeep of any car you can
buy! That's why Canadians have elected
the Chevrolet Six• to be Canada's Great
Sales Leader.
Low Delivered Prices and
Easy GMAC Terms
The "Automobile Buyer's Guide" tells
about our recent survey among Canadian
motorists and provides information which
you will find valuable in choosing your
neat car. Send coupon for free copy:
Customer Research Dept.
General Motors Products
of Canada, Ltd.
Oshawa, Ontario
C -23C
Watermelons 5c Each
When a large truck loaded with
watermelons and cantaloupes broke
down on the highway near St. Marys
and had to be towed into a garage,
the owner decided that the cost of
transhipment would be too great so
he sold the melons off cheap. Many
people got bargains, what withcant-
aloupes selling at 50c a case and
watermelons at 5c each.
Freak Calf Born •
A cow on the farm of Mr, George
Riordan of Arthur Township, gave
birth! to .a freak calf which lived on-
l3r a short time. The calf had two
heads, two necks and two pair of
shoulders on a normal body with four
Legs, -Enterprise -News.
Pretty Slick
Next time a three-year-old visitor
to Kincardine slicks down his curly
hocks he will be more careful. 1. His
first experience along that line was
almost iiisastrous, for instead of
some nice brilliantine with a, lovely
perfume the lad applied some china.
theresult was the
anent. At first �v
same as with the genire product but
when the cement dried it was vastly
different. Parente thought would
be necessary to have the hair cut off
but frequent and persistent shampoos
ere successful saving
Kineatdine Re ieyv-Re orter
Pool Room Robbed
Burglary or Fisher's pool room and
theft of a number of articles were
being recently investigated by Pro-
vincial Constable T. W. Oldfield.
Thieves broke into a back window
of the pool room, over the week -end,
and ransacked the -establishment tak-
ing almost everything which was
portable,and of value. Fourteen dol-
tars in cash was stolen, together with
a couple of gross of cigarettes, a
large quantity of razor blades and
chocolate bars, and a taint -vending
machine. The machine was later
found, smashed to pieces, in a church
shed not far from the scene of the
burglary. -Palmerston Observer.
Fishermen On Lake All Night
Considerable anxiety was caused on
Monday night by the failure of John
(Reddy) McDonald to return with his
motor fishing -boat ,the Margaret, af-
ter leaving the harbor early in the
morning to lift and reset his nets.
He was accompanied by his crew of
two helpers, Bob Weston and an-
other who ,goes by the name of 'Slim'
and by three boys, Burrell Jones-
Batentan, Raymond Murray and Roy
Mundy. 'When he did not return oth-
er fishing boats put out -in the hope
of finding him. When morning dawn-
ed the fishermen still had not return-
er, but about 7 o'clock the Govern-
ment steamer Miseford, returned . to
port with the Margaret in tow and
everybody safe.-Goderich Signal.
Assembbe Their Own Car for Trip
Harriston-Early Sunday morning
four young men of Harriston, with
more faith d
thee money, started one star: ed of t
on a trip to New � York City. The car
aired was an old touring, the parts
assembled mostly from old cars about
the town dumping grounds and Oen
dotted car Was
wrecked cars. Thevas
decorated with the slogan "New York
or Bust." and the name of Harriston
painted an the back of the car,
The 'mileage covered an the trip
was 1,400 utiles. Three mountain
ridges Were traversed, Catskill, Blue
Ridge and Adirondacks.
County Clerk Not to Resign
Goderich- County Clerk George
W. Holtman, who has been prevented
by illness from appearing kr exam-
ination at the probe into twenty' fin-
ances, issued a denial that be had
offered to resign, as reported. lie
said that Warden Pal atttyne or any-
one ,else had not the authority to
make such a statement.
'Warden Ballantyne, shown' this
statement of the clerk, emphatically
repeated that Mr. Holman had offer-
ed to resign and that he did so be-
fore a witness, Reeve Goldthorpe.
"Mr, Holman is not under 'suspic-
ion in any connection with the cash
Shortages," said tate warden "but
there are certain clerical irregularit-
ies having to do with the orders for
.payments which, the auditors wish ex-
Women's Institute Build River Wall
Exeter -The Exeter Women's In-
stitute feel grateful to the men who
availed themselves of the opportunity
to help build the stone wall on the
shore line at Riverview Park. One
hundred feet of wall including a 7-
lift cement stair down to the waters:
edge has been completed so far. It-
is their intention to extend the wall'
still farther east another 100 feet at
a future date.
.,r- ,.,+1
"Madam, if you buy this car, we
will put your initials on free,"
"Yes, but my husband says it's not
the initial co t that matters -it's the
Quick, sure
relief with
Fruit -a: -tortes
"Your `splendid
remedy acted ifke a
tonic to any entitrl
system, 1 ean't be'
gin to tell what I suffered frond backaches dun
to kidney derangement. When 1 would bend
down, it seemed that 1 eouldn t .straighten u
again.. 1 was continually awaLened' at night the samcae tte. tizzy, sick Itead:tehair
and a weak stomach 'made me feel perfectly
wretched, your wonderful
`krprts-tiVes r.i ora Now thanksto cxtibyiilg isfc'again."
"rnlifoka4itteit2 ... d'rtrg *tot*