HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-08-24, Page 8B; UEVALE , Mrs, Robt, Hamilton has been laid up \with pleurisy for some time, We hope she will' soon be better. Cash Specials this week at Berry's Pure Food Store: Granulated Sugar $7,23; Maple Leaf Flour $2.98; Gol- den West li'lour 82,65. We will pay 17c, 12c and 10c for eggs, Os Trip to the West Monday of this week a company of young men started on a trip to Nor- thern Saskatchewan, with a double object in view, If work is available during the harvest season they wilt take advantage of it as , well as en- joying the trip. Mr. Mowbray las had his motor truck turned into a comfortable covered cabin. They go. by way of Sarnia, Duluth, Winnipeg and on to .their destination. The fol- lowing form the party; Alex. Mow- bray and twp sons, Verdon and Ken- neth, Hugh Mundell. and Jack Mc- Tavish of Bluevale; Jim Deacon, Jack Currie, Lawrence Taylor, Bob and Elmer 'Arbuckle, of Wawanosh and Charley Knox of Londesboro, Children's Program at Institute Interesting Thursday afternoon was pleasantly, spent at the home of Miss Ella Bar- nard when the Women's Institute en- joyed a programme presented by the children of the community. The pres- ident, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray presided and carried through the business of the month. Sixteen member and thir- teen viistors answered the roll 'How and Why I Like Milk." Miss Eunice Thornton reprbseting the children, was voted into the chair and intro- duc the following programme: a pi- ano solo, Ruth Newbigging; a vocal solo, Lois ;Elliott; reading, Jean El- liott; ,.piano duet, Alba and Jack Mowbray; recitation, Betty Ann Fal- coner; vocal solo, Jean Stewart; pi- ano' duet, Lois and Jean Elliott. All present joined heartily in sopze corn- munity singing, closing with The Na- tional Anthem. Miss Barnard and Mrs. Whitney Stewart served reresh- ments. Rev. W. A. Williams, of Cranbrook and Ethel, . exchanged pulpits with Rev. William Patterson on Sunday, and preached two splendid sermons at Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue - vale, and at Eadies'. The regular ser- vices at Bluevale and Ebenezer were dispensed with on Sunday as the Pas- tor, Rev., V. Robb, is having his va- cation. Mrs. A. J. Cameron The following is taken from the Boissevain, Man., paper and refers to a former resident of Bluevale: "On Friday last another of Boissevain's highly respected citizens in the per- son of Mrs. A. J. Cameron, passed away at the age of 68 years and one month, Mrs. Cameron, whose maiden name was Mary Jane Robertson, was born at Bluevale, Ont. She came.west forty years ago to keep house for her brother, Jack. In 1906 she was mar- ried to Mr. A. J. Cameron, who pre- deceased her six years ago. Up to the time of Church Union she was an active member of the Presbyterian Church and since. then has been closely connected with the United Church. Her illness was of consider- able duration and was borne with great fortitude and she seldom com- plained. One daughter, Miss Jean, is bereaved of a loving and devoted mo- ther, also three sisters, Mrs. Scott (Susan), Mrs. King (Margaret), and Mrs. Clare (Jessie) all of Vancouver, B.C.; and two 'brothers, Peter of Gainsboro, and Charley of Boissevain are bereaved. The funeral service was held at the residence on Mill Road on Sunday afternoon and was con- ducted by the Rev, Mr. Murray, who also conducted . the interment cere- mony at the Boissevain cemetery,,' The funeral was largely attended, showing the esteem in which the de- ceased was held by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The pall- bearers were six nephews: Mac,, Lysin and Stuart Robertson, of Bois- sevain, Harry Robertson, Winnipeg, Charley Robertson, of Gainsboro, and Peter Robertson, of Gilbert .Plains. Mrs, Cameron was' a sister-in-law of Mrs. Mary Roberson, of this vil- lage, and Fleming and Molcolm Black are nephews. Mrs. Hugh . Ross, of IK.ingsville, a former resident of this locality, is visiting her friend, Mrs. Mary Mof- fatt, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Faggan and two children, of Kingsville, .;are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Aled Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond' and baby of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Ding. Mr. and Mrs. Wick of Detroit are. spending their holidays with Mrs. Wicks' patents, 'Mr, and Mrs. A. MacEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheson and Mrs, Mary Sanderson have re- turned to Toronto after spending the summer at their home here, Mrs. James Hayes, of Pittsburg, is visiting her sister, gra. W. J, Duff. Miss Alba Mowbray is spending :a week at Cantp C urinal on Lake Hut -, i v YCEUM THEATRE 'Ru>w sday, Friday, Saturday, August 24, 25th, 26th "EMPLOYEES ENTRANCE" With - ALICE WHITE - WARREN WILLIAM LORETTA YOUNG - WALLACE FORD A Department Store Romance. - Also --- Also, Single Reel Comedy "EYES HAVE IT." CARTOON and FOX NEWS W HITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Noble and son Roy of East Wawanosh, also Mr. and Mrs, Bert Wiggins, of Brantford, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, A. Emerson. Born -On Thursday, August 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson, of Culross, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston o£ Lticknow spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson and Catharine and Jimmie, who Have been visiting with his parents at Lncknow and with her mother, Mrs, MacGreg- or, left on Sunday for their home in Buffalo. Misses Evelyn and Ruby Reid of Ashfield have been visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. W. R. Far- rier. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutchison, of Wingham, visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Conn, and Miss Freda Conn, who has been vis- iting with Kinloss relatives- for the past week' motored to her home at St. Marys on Monday. Mrs. Mac Ross Rev. and Mrs. G. Cox Mrs. Cecil Parsons and son Don- ald Miss Addie Ross and Miss Olive Terriu spent Tuesday last at the School Opening Prices Boys' Tweed • and Wors- ted School Suits, Clear- ance of many of our bet- ter class of Suits. Special Price $4.75, $5.95, 56.95. At Hanna's Store Boys' High Worsted Tweed Bloomers Reg. $1.50, Sale 99c. Boys'"School Caps in fine Tweeds, ;,Spec. Price 50c HANNA L Co. Ltd. "MARVELOUS" The above somewhat "large word was used the other day by a certain young lady when 'ex- pressing her opinion in regard to - Medcalf Shoes ofor or Women And the sane young lady was not very' far from being RIGHT for we question very much if there is any Canadian made shoe that quite equals this very excellent of Women's Footwear at stich a POPULAR PRICE $5.00 Per Pair Medcalf Shoes are made in widths, and have practically all the fine points of the $7;00 and $8.00 shoes. We extend'a special invitation to all those lad- les who admire a real nice shoe at a most moderate price and for "strictly high grade". Willis' Phone 129 oe Store The Leading Shoe Store. Winghalm, Ont. '11 -IE WIN'GHAM ADVANCE-TIMS', NIN Thursday, August 24th, 1933 ltoraxe of M. and.Mrn, Coy,,. Painters= ton. Rev, and Mrs. Cox left here on Thursday to visit with his brother in Detroit, before starting on Monday for their home at Pangman, Sask. We wish them a,safe journey. Mfr, Andrew Thompson of Luck - now, who has been visiting for the past two weeks with Mr. Malcolm Ross,: returned to his home on Sun - clay. Mrs. Lott and IVtrs, Jacques spent a day last week' at the home of IVl:rs, Russel Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Sea Earth, and Mrs. F. L. Creighton and children of Detroit, also Mrs. Oliver kirk of Birmingham, visited Thurs- day last at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Ernest left with them to stay for a few days at Seaforth. Miss Winnifred Farrier is spend- ing this week camping at Port Al- bert with friends, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred and daughter of Chatham, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor and other relatives in this community last week. Mr. Isaac Davidson of Brantford, has been visiting with his niece, Mrs. Henry ,Godkin and at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson, during the past week. Misses Jean Currie, Merle Gaunt, Olive Currie, Miss Homuth and Mrs. Eldon Currie of Toronto, spent last week at Bruce Beach. Rev. and .Mrs, John Watt of Long Branch, have been visiting with Mr. '4Vrn. Barbour during the past week. Mrs. Watt is recuperating after an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. McClenaghan and children spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Jas. Barbour, Fordyce. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dobson, also Mary and Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. Claire, of Richmond, spent last week with. Mr. and. Mrs. Herb Pettapiece, Mrs. Cecil Parsons and son Don- ald, and Miss Addie Ross, who have been visiting with their parents, Mir.. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross, left on Sat- urday for their home in Toronto. The W.M.S. of the United Church are holding their monthly Tea at the home of Mrs. Ben McClenaghan on Friday. - Several families from Bluevale at- tended the United Church on Sunday to hear their former pastor, Rev. T. C. 'Wilkinson, again. • Quite a number from Here attend- ed the Decoration Services of the Orange Order in the Wingham Cem- etery on Sunday. Mrs. Cahill, of Paris, has been vis- iting with her sister, Mrs.. Wm. Rob- inson; and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and family, of Morris, visit- ed on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Robinson and also with Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick, of Crewe, who, we are pleased to re- port, is progressing quite favorably now, after a long- tedious sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Purvis of St. Helens on Saturday. Many from here attended the .Lang - side Field Day on Friday. Mr. and 1VIrs. Henry McGee, Gor- don, Mrs. Wm. Beecroft and Miss Myrtle Beecroft visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McGee and Mrs. Williams, of Blyth, and with Belgrave relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston; of Ashfield. The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church held a very successful quilt- ing in'the church on Tuesday. Lunch. was served and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and MTS. MacLaitghlin of De- troit, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. J. Chamney and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Forsythe who have been visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison, fon the past few weeks, left Thursday for their home in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt of Kinloss. ' 1VIrs. Inglis and Miss Nellie of Clif- ford, and Mrs. Mullaney and son, of Toronto, spent a few days last week visiting at the home' of the .forrner's sister, Mrs. Fred Davidson, ' Mrs. Wellwood and Mr. and Mrs, John Falconer of Wingham, spent last Thursday -with the former's son, Mr, Ezra- e1l W wood, ■Illilliillliltl■III/III/III■IIIiIIIAIII■III/III/ill Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of , - P. IT PAYS TO SHOP AT KN,G'S 'or [ens and Boys' Wear Fine Neck Ties 50c, $1.00, $1.50 Early Fall Windbreakers $1.69 Extra Flann'ette Pajamas $2.79 25 Only Auto Rugs ............. $1.49 Extra! 2 Trouser Navy Suits For $23.50 Men's All Wool Sweater Coats $1.59 $1.95 White Broadcloth 'Shirts $1.39 Good Khaki Tants $1.19 $1,00 Merino Undershirts ,.. 69c Borsalino and Brock Hats (Broken Lines) $2.98 To $8.50 Odd Trousers $4,95 Men's Early Fall Caps $1.00 $1.00 Auto-Gart Sox 75c 95c Westminster Silk Sox 49c Men's Everyday Pants $1.89 Boys' Cotton Knicker Hose 29c Little Whoopee Pants 79c $1.95 Boys' Tweed Bloomers $1.59 Men's White Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c Boys' Fine Wool Jerseys $1.00 $1.50 Coat Style Work Shirts $1.00 $1.25 Blue Chambray Work Shirts . $1.00 Special Showing This Week of Men's, Young Men's and Youths' Good Suits. Come in and see their good quality and you'll readily realize that it means genuine economy to buy your clothes at King's. KING BROS. PHONE 71 WINGHAM RE AWE'S SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Greasing REPAIRS, CAR -WASH, BATTERIES AND TIRES' "Prompt Courteous Service" BAD -DEBT COLLECTORS i ' NO COLLECTION -NO CHARGE Ilio'° �1 We collect accounts, notes, wag- es, anywhere. We will astonish you with results. Write us today for particulars, UNITED CREDIT MEN OF CANADA. Branches Everywhere. tP.O. Box 22. Owen ,Sound. WILLIAMS' WRIST OR POCKET WATCHES Outstanding values are now being shown. Call in and see our splendid line. • First Class -Repairing done on the premises. Williams' Jewellery Store St. Helens, visited last Thursday with their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Purdon, Mr, and Mrs. Broorner of Toronto spent the week-entd with Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, He "You look sweet enough to eat," She: "I do eat, Where shall we go?" "Write for money in your spare time;". urges an advertisement. Yes, but to whom? Patient; "My wife tells me I talk tt my sleep, What should :C. do " Doctor: "Nothing that you should not do." Automobile I A.,oble ■i __ m Insurance _1 ■ ■ at ■ Reasonable • Rates I. - i ii ■ Ai M i Distil) Phone 226 W,nigham i I. IIII iilliliIi II/IllilliIfH1lUuill$Ill$llirl�i RED FRONT GROCERY CUT - RATE ., PRICES - "The Best, Modern, Cool; Clean, Sanitary Grocery" We invite those living. in the North End of the Town to visit our new. store. By coming a little further we sure can save you a little more. Use our Phone 17 -- We Deliver no matter how small an order. ZINC RINGS Best Redpath CERTO Our Price GRANULATED Cut. Price ,... .. 21c doz. JAR RUBBERS 6 doz. for 25c "Angler" Salmon Our Cut Price 3 tall tins 25c MAGIC Coffee Cut Price 33c SUGAR5c Or 2 for 55c 10 lbs. for 72c Or with an Order of Groceries r� I . 10 100 lb. bag PAROWAX 2 lb. pkg, 23c ' FRUIT JARS Small Med Large $1.05' $1.15 $1.55 per dozen. Hand Cleaner 'lPharmo", Kitchen Help and Garage Necessity. 3 tins for 25C "SPARKO" The Ideal Pot and Dish Cleans- er. 2 large tins 17c VINEGAR, White Wine or guaranteed Pure Cider Gallon 39c KING GEORGE Baking Powder Proved Good and Susseccful. ' 17c lb. Tin Why ;Pay More? DR. JACKSON'S Roman and Bekus Lishus Paddy Meals Large pkg. 33c Best Prunes Large, Sweet and Juicy, 25 to 30 prunes to pound. Special 2 lbs for CLOTHES Pins Cut Price 6 doz. for 15c SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES 3 pkg. for 23c Crosse & Black - well's BEST CATSUP 2 Ige bot. 31c Good Japan GREEN TEA Our own $lend 39c 25c Fresh Dates The Talk of the Town. .Buy yours here. 3 tins for '17C Big FLOUR Special The Best for Bread 2.55 for 98 lbs. A Good Bread Flour $2.39 For 98 lb. bag. For % Pastry Try Pat -a -Pan 55c 24 lb. bag Price by 98 Ib. by re- quest. Best BREAD FLOUR 24 lbs. Our Price 67c SOAP CHIPS SPECIAL 3 lb. for 25c CHEF CATSUP Cut Price 2 for 23c Black or Mixed TEA Our own Blend 32c lb. PINK SALMON Our 'Price tall tins 12c JUST ARRIVED GLENROSE TEA Our own Blend "Glenrose". "Pekoe Buds" Tea, packed exclusively for us in Black or Mixed. Special for 39c lb., or 1/2 lb. for .......20c CHOICE COOKED MEATS AT SPECIAL PRICES Orders taken for Fresh Spare Ribs or Tenderloin, up to Friday, 4 p.m. for Saturday delivery. See add in local news for prices. AiSlf WATCH OUR WINDOW,DISPLAYS They will convince you that you shourd.not pay more elsewhere. WE KEEP DOWN THE UPKEEP on, the guest of Miss Beryl Mundy of Wingham. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray on Sunday: Miss Alma Free and Mrs. Free of Dungannon, and Bert Bannerman, of Teeswater, Sprained Back in_ Fall While the threshing outfit of R. F. Garniss was in operation on the farm of Arthur Edgar, 2nd con., Morris, on Thursday afternoon, it was neces- sary to stop for a time owing to the shower of rain, when that was over Mr. Garniss gdt,up on the engine to adjust the belt and the wheel being slippery he fell to the ground, He received a bad •shaking up and a sprained back. He was able to return to his ;home in the evening, Friends. trust that there will be no serious developments. - United W. M. S. Meet NEN The W.M.S. of the United Church held its regular meeting Tuesday af- ternoon, Aug. 15th, the P?esident, Mrs. Robt. Shaw in the chair. The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. 'Milton Smith, 'and the different ar- ticles from the Watch Tower were taken by Mrs."' Breckenridge, Mrs. Fell, Mrs. Ed. Johnston: The topic. from the 5th chapter of the study • book was taken by Mrs, George Gar- nett. Roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture. "What's the date?" "I don't know. Look at that news- paper." "That won't do -it's yesterday's,"' "There is nothing solid and sub- stantial in this world but religious ideas." -Royer -Collard. Why Take.. Chances On spoiling the results of all your work and ftiss getting your pickles done p es down by usinga Chea inferior Vinegar, when you can get a pure Government -inspected Vinegar for only�a few cets per gallon more and be sure that your pickles are going to keep right. We stock only the best made, and sold bythe Canada Vinegar Co "-1i- the largest company of its kind in Cnada. White Wine Vinegar 45c gal Blended Vinegar . , _ .. 45c gal. Crown Quart Sealers ... $1.15 .Doz. Crown Pint Sealers $1.05 Doz. Rubber Rings 5c Doz. Zinc• Rings(The Best a 23c Doz. We carry a most complete stock of pure' Spices all guaran- teed fresh this season. Sugar Special Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 20 lbs. Redpath $1.45 Watch Our Windows for 1VConey-Saving Values. Biggs G WE DELIVER, PHONE 76. .'.ik4ratkl4:Ii�6Ne'nlli�u v414M.u:�<:1