HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-08-24, Page 4+�a► o>l %
13• cents a word per insertion, with a
girl students, near school, all con-
veniences .Mrs, Wm, Barbour,
John" St.
• Ing to take Upper School work, de -
':sires a place to work for her board.
Good with children. For name and
particulars call at or phone the of-
fice of The Advance -Times.
good comfortable home for stud-
ents, room or board, near High
School. Apply Mrs. T. Garrett,.
John Street.
Lumber. Cheap for quick sale. On
property of late Mr. Davis, Centre
St, Box A, Advance -Times,
red Rock Breeding Cockerels, Feb.
10th hatch. These birds are from
,matings from high record and pedi
greed hens and Government Ap-
proved R.O.P. male birds. Improve
your home flock by purchasing
these cockerels. Price $1.50 each.
Carson & Taylor, Gorrie, Phone
FOR SALE—Brick, House, in Bel -
grave, large lot, good barn. Terms
reasonable. Apply John J. McGee,
R. R. 8, Wingham.
Edwin Lewis, B. Line, Wingham.
LOST—New Goodrich Bus Balloon
Tire and Wheel, 6.50x20, between
Brussels and Wingham road, or
Walton and Brussels. Reward. Ph.
234r2; W. E. Clarke, Seafnrth.
MAN WANTED — to handle high
grade line of Teas, Coffees, Spices,
Extracts, Toilet Preparations direct
to established users. Openings in
Huron and Bruce Counties. Must
be responsible party over twenty-
one and own car. Write T. H.
Ward Company, John South, Ham-
ferred. Apply to Melissa Watters,
Frances St.
centrally located, all conveniences.
Apply at Advance -Times.
STRAYED onto premises of the
o the
undersigned on or about August 6,.
one red yearling steer, white star
on face and two white legs. Own-
er can have some by proving own-
ershipinfor this ad.
and payingHugh
Gilmour, R. R. No. 1, Wingham.
SEALED TENDERS will be receiv-
ed by the undersigned for the posi-
tion of caretaker of S.S. No. 9, E.
Wawanosh, up to Monday, Aug. 28,
at 6 p.m. See the undersigned for
duties which will commence Aug.
W. J. Elliott, R. R. 5, Wingham.
WOOD FOR SALE — $2.00 a cord
and up. "We Deliver"' any quan-
tity. Oberl.e's Grocery, Phone 167.
WANTED—Students to room or to
board. Modern home, two blocks
from High School. Apply to Mrs.
W. J. Brown, Patrick St.
ERS—Good home, all convenienc-
es, Mrs. Sarah Murray, John St.
Mrs. John Hutton and family wish
to express their sincere thanks to
their friends and neighbors for their.
kindness and expressions of sympa-
thy during their recent bereavement.
The Jeffray 'family wish to thank
friends and neighbors for their many
‘deeds of kindness shown during the
illness and death of their dear moth-
Of the following stock, goods and
chattels of N. T. McLaughlin, auth-
orized assignor, will be held on Lot
No. 6. Concession 4, Turnberry
Township, on Tuesday, September 5,
at 1 o'clock p.m.:
Cattle --1 spring calf, 1` white cow,
1 roan cow; Horses -1 roan mare
(aged), 1 brown horse, 1 bay horse
.(aged) Implements -1 wagon, :1 wa-
gon and rack, 1 mower, 1 spring tooth
cultivator, 1 stiff tooth cultivator, 1
Massey -Harris binder, 7 ft., 1 manure -
spreader Massey --Harris, 1 set sleighs,
1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set harrows, 1
disc, 1teel roller, 1 root
s oiler p ul er'
p ,
Sundries -• 1 set harness,
parts, 1 cream separator and sund-
ries, Pigs -1 black sow, 14 young
pigs; 1 Chevrolet Sedan; Hay and
Grain—About 150 bus. of wheat, 600
bus. of oats, 150 bus. of barley and
about 50 tons of hay.
TERMS -,--Cash, For further pa.rtic-
talars apply to the undersigned.,
Dated at Winghain this 22nd day of
August, A.D. 1933.
T. R. Bennett, John Stevenson,
Auctioneer. Stratford, Trustee..
•,inirnum charge of 25c,
Q>GliO (0=02
The Municipal Council of the
Township of Morris are asking for
tenders for constructing a Cement
Culvert on the Blyth Creek Drain on
the sideroad between lots 10 and 11,
in Concession 9, and 2? miles east of.
the west gravel road.
Plans and specifications may be
seen at the residence of John A.
Brown, lot 11, Con. 9, Morris.
The tenders will be opened on the
grounds, on Wednesday, August 30,
at 2 o'clock p.m. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
There will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at the former resi-
dence of the late Mr, 3. A. Morton,
in the Town of Wingham, on Thurs-
day, August 31st, 1933, at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon the following goods.
and chattels:
1 solid oak dining -room suite, com-
posed of table, bu•1Fet, china cabinet,
and 6 chairs; 1 bookcase composed
of base, top and three sections,; 1
upholstered oak couch; 1 oak hall-
stand and mirror; 1 walnut living-
room suite, composed of 4 upholst-
ered chairs and settee; 2 upholstered
rocking chairs; 3 oak bedroom suites
each composed of bed, springs, dress-
er and wash -stand; 1 floor lamp; 1
vacuette cleaner; 1 carpet sweeper; 1
desk lamp; 2 new spring mattresses;
kitchen table and chairs; 1 Williams
sewing machine; 1 deck secretary; 1
bedroom dresser; 1 washing machine;
1 bookstand and dictionary; 1 man-
tel clock; 1 feather mattress; and oth-
er cooking utensils and small articles
too numerous to mention.
For further particulars apply to the
Thos. Fells, Wingham, Ont.,
R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ont.,
Solicitor to the executor.
Notice is hereby given that.3 have
complied with section 7 of The Vot-
ers' List Act and that I have posted
up at my office on the 21st day of
August, 1933,the list of all persons
entitled to vote in the said Munici-
pality at municipal elections and that
such list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law, the last day for
appeal being the 12th day of- Sep-
tember, 1933.
Dated at Belgrave this 21st day of
August, 1933.
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk,
Belgrave, Ont.
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of The Vot-
ers' List Act and that 1 have post-
ed up at my office on the 15th day
of August, 1933, the list of all per-
sons entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at municipal elections
and that such list remains there for
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
`have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law, the last day for
appeal being the 5th day of Septem-
ber, 1933.
Dated at Wingham this 15th day of
August, 1933.
W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk,
Wingham. Ont.
Miss Verna Barbour of Goderich is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Sam.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cameron, also
Messrs. Keith and Ralph and Miss
Jean and Mrs. Cameron, Perth, spent
Sunday with friends at Orangeville,
Mrs. Stewart Alton, Miss Elsie and
Master Jim Alan Alton of Toronto,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Mullin last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Farrier, Mr.
Carmen and Miss Olive and Winni-
fred Ferrier of Whitechurch, Mr. and
Mrs. James McWhinney and daugh-
ter, Marjorie of Dungannon, and Miss
Cranston, 'Goderich, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston,
Little Bernice' Matthews,Nile, the
little Misses Twarnley,. ofr Lucknow,
spent- few 1v da swith
Mrs. Wm. A-
Air. and Mrs Dave Ferrier, of
,Whitechurch, are visiting with Mr,
and, Mrs, Mrs, George Lane and El-
mer Will and Walter Alton.
"Bragson claims to have been born
with a gold spoon itt his mouth."
"If he was, I'll bet it had some-
body else's initial on it."
Miss Beatrice Joynt returned on
Saturday front a week's visit with her
brother, Dr: George Joynt, Toronto.
Mr. Stanley Walker and Miss Ethel
Walker, Toronto, spent Sunday at
Mr. Elisha Walker's,. East 'Wawanosh
New No, 1 Potatoes, $2.00 90 lb.
bag, $7c peck. Phone us your order,
Oberle';,s, We Deliver, phone 1c7,
Rev. and Mrs, Stride and Myrtle of
Tilbury, visited Miss Eva Bolt and
Airs. john 1?.' Gemntill on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm• Arnold and
daughters of Balclur, Manitoba, vis-
ited with Mrs, John E. Getnmill last
Mrs, Percy Joynt and her two dau-
ghter of Grand Rapids, Mich., are
visiting with Mrs, A. Joynt for two
Mr. and Mrs. R, A, Bonner of To-
ronto, spent the week -end with the
latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Raby, Ms. and
Mrs. Stanley Hare and children spent
the week -end with friends in' New
Mr." and Mrs. S. A, Johnson and
young son of Toronto, visited last
week with. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Ro-
Mrs. Alex. B. Casemore of Chat-
ham, was a week -end guest at the
home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jer-
ry Casemore.
Mr. Jerry Casemore and three sons
Oscar, Ernest and Chester, visited
withrelatives at Wiarton and Lions
Head last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Laughlean and
family, of Tafa,. were week -end vis-
itors at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Orvis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansley MacDonald,
Winnipeg, were Monday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibson, as they
motored through to Montreal.
Rev. Fr. Kehoe of St. Ann's Par-
ish, Hamilton, and Father McHugh
of Freelton, were guests at the home.
of"Mr. John. Gibbons last week.
Mrs. T. Y. Smith, Miss Dorothy
Deans and Mrs. D. •Benedir!, and dau-
ghter, Noreen, are -spending two
weeks at Red Bay, near Wiarton.
Mrs. Mary and Master Roy. Finley
have returned from Toronto where
they spent the last month with their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Ley.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith of
Montreal, who have been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mus-
grove, returned home on Saturday.
Mr,' and' Mrs. Joe Schneider, Mr.
and, Mrs. H. Sinnamon, babe and Mar
jorie visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McMicael of Kitchener.
Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, Craig, and
Miss Frances Dawson of Peterboro,
spent a cpuple of days this week with
Mrs. R. S. McGee at her cottage at
Mrs. John Osier and little daught-
er, Maxine of Listowel, spent last
week at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bolt, 6th
con., Turnberry:
Mrs. Jas. A. Edgar is visiting her
sons, Arnold and Alvin in London,
and her daughter, Mrs. A. Hayden,
Strathroy. She will also ^visit friends
in Ayr before she returns.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman, Billy
and Ruth left last Friday to spend
their vacation in. Windsor, Toronto
and Parkhill. Mr. Burginan and Bil-
ly will also attend the World's Fair
at Chicago.
Mrs. Elgin Currie and son, John,
Misses Olive and Jean Currie, Merle
Gaunt and. Janisa Homuth have re-
turned to their respective homes af-
ter spending a week at a cottage at
Bruce Beach.
Dr. W. J. McLean of London, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Brooks, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. McKenzie and son,
John, and Mrs. Margaret McLean
were visitors over Sunday with Percy
McLean, Belgrave.
Mrs. Orian C. Dippell, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond. Hirsch, Miss Emma
Karscheski, of Buffalo, and Mr.
John Dippell, of Kitchener, visited
this week with -Mr. and Mrs. John
Stacey, 2nd of Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Armstrong, of
Peterborough, spent a couple of days
with their son, W. W. Armstrong:
Miss Frances Dawson, of Peterbor-
ough, who has been visiting here for
two weeks, returned home with them.
Mrs. Kellam, of,,,Detroit, and Mrs,
R. Holmes and Joyce, of Winnipeg,
formerly May and Bertha Gardner,
visited bn Sunday with friends at
Zion and Lucknow.
Don't forget the.. Orange Dance a
week from to -night. Refreshment
booth, in connection. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. Havens and fam-
ily visited over the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. Taylor, of Fordyce.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson visited
over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis. Taylor of Ripley.
Mr. and i'vtrs. M. Gardner visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley
Warren's Institute Hear Industrial
The Canadian'Industries meeting of
the; Belgrave Women's Institute was
held Tuesday last, at the home of
Mrs. R. McCrae, Belgrave. The pres-
ident, Mrs. J. Taylor, conducted the
meeting. It was decided to hold a
social evening some time during the
fall. As the next meeting falls on
the sane date as the Belgrave School
Fair, it was left in the hands ofthe
committee to set the date for this
meeting, A. very helpful paper was
given by Miss Cela Coultes on the
motto of the Institute "For Home
and :Country." Roll call was respond-
ed to by naming an industry of Hur-
on. Current events discussion was
led by Nora VanCanip.. The paper on
Canadian Industries was taken by
Mrs. C. R. Coultes and after outlin-
ing many of the industrial activities
of the country special mention was
made of the making of our ready-to-
wear clothing. Miss Ruth Cole fav-
ored with violin selections accompan-
ied by;Miss Sara Cole. Miss Lilla
Taylor read a paper on nutrition val-
ues. Miss Beryl Cunningham gave an
illustrated talk on the manufacture of
woollen goods from the unwashed
wool to the finished goods and also
oi* the making of shredded wheat.
Miss Sara Cole favored with piano
numbers which were enjoyed. The
meeting was closed with the; singing
of the National Anthem after which
lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Kenzie, of Detroit, are spending their
holidays: with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. McKenzie.
Mrs. H. Brandon and. daughter,
Freida, of London, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shoebottom.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie, of New
York State, have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Procter.
Miss Willa Reid visited a few days
with her aunt, Mrs. Joe Brandon.
Charley Shields shipped two car-
load of very fine cattle to the Old
Country on Saturday.
The Watson Bros. of Blyth, ship-
ped a mixed load of cattle and sheep
to Toronto.
Mr. Herb Wheeler and family spent
the week -end at Bruce Beach.
Miss Jean L. Robertson, Belgrave,
spent the week -end with Miss, Nettie
Casemore, Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Golley and
family, spent Sunday at Wm. Rob-
ertson's, on the 9th line.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson and
Lloyd visited at Mr. Walter Jeffery's
on Sunday.
Miss Mary Coultes, of Toronto,
visited with relatives here on Satur-
Anna and Harry Reid, of Varna,
spent last week with their cousins,
Jim and Mebal Coultes.'
Mrs, M. Robertson, Mrs. 0. E.
Taylor, Jack and Lloyd ,were visitors
with relatives at Lucknow.
C. R. Coultes. was'•in Toronto on
Peter M. Scott, who has taught at
Burwash during the past year and
just completed a short course at N.
Bay, is spending his vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S., Scott.
Jean and Margaret. Elliott, of Blue -
vale, are holiday visitors with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wight -
The service in Knox United Church
was taken by Mr. Robert Coultes on
Sunday assisted by Melville Beecroft.
Mr. Coultes gave a very helpful ad-
dress at this service. Next Sunday
the service will be in charge of the
Triple V Bible Class of Knox United
Church and the class will also occupy
the choir and special music will be
Mrs. Jas. Grigg who has been a
patient in the Wingham General Hos-
pital for the past number of weeks,
has returned to her home.
Miss Verna Barbour, of Goderich,
is visiting with her grandmother,
Mrs. •Sam. Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, of Port
Albert, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Alton.
Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Hackett and
family spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Stuart McGillivary, Kinloss. --
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton and
son visited recently with friend's in
Mr. John Cook, of Winnipeg, spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
Jas. Cook.
Mr. and, Mrs. Smellie .and family
returned to Toronto on Sunday.,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cameron, also
Ralph, Keith and Jean, spent Sunday
at Orangeville.'
The two Irishmen were trying to
open a bottle but the cork was very
"Will yet get it out?" 'asked"one.
"Begorra,'Y said the other, "01'11
get it out even if I' haye to push
it i