HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-08-24, Page 111'.77777:7771,7rN7r7'.'. .77,1,7.75,FTY77:47,1771r711071F1.04707171,11r7r1ITT""71M"'r
With Which is Amalgamated The Gwrie Vidette and Wroxeter News,
Single Copies Five Cents
an opport
of viewi
•Capt. Fr
with his
will take
The co
worth of
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paper an
which wi
.a ride in
hours' fly
See Ba
chute jun
of 1200 t
.about 400
The fl
farm of
-vale Road
On Frid
new scho
which repl
burned la
• opened.
and music
Lunch wil
hour. Du
'be a dance
sleep and
_your beaut
suffered f
tr,publes ca
getting rel
ena-Rex br
it today a
Pall Coats
Just c
-nein Fall
-value. ot
Paper Day
our Intert
able to. iss
time this
this week
s , trouble.
. .,,,se• . Red Front
Orders t
5 p.m. Fri
for 19c; T
in stock S
25c lb.; Su
Ib. pce., an
15c lb., al.
special pric
Eluevale U
in the Blil
Sunday, Se
A. V. Robb
here from
services ier
in the. tno
evening. S
wilt be giv
been traini
Two killed
Two you
killed at 5.3
the car in
struck by a
ger traie a
crossieg ea
tion and ale
able distatic
the train w
Victims o
.• Alice (Sall
old Monkt
e`y)Milleu, age
'Both were
trairi crew 1
Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year
l 'ON DAY •
, ,
, .
' RESULTS, 1933
$50.000 FIRE AT
' The winners of this district, No, 9,
Program By ' .Four Bands •and The
an Aeroplane Ride for 98c
ichute * Jump at 2 p.m.
Facts Three 'Charges Including Theft
Altori Adams, Alge; Geom. 1; Phys
• Chi . L A • L C
c, em; L. A.
Over 150 Men Fought Fi
of the Provincial Levirn Bowling As-
sociation, ,played in the play-offs a
Districts 9, 10, 11; 12 in Guelph on
Henderson and Wiritour Troup,
of London,. Well Received.
Successfully Contests Convention
Against J. George Ander' son,
- . .
Has Been Treasurer County Siiice
c, c, • c;
fames Ballagh, M. H. 2; Alg.
•ho are air -minded will have
unity on Saturday, Sept. 2nd
g Winghem from the air.
;e1 Gillies, one of Canada's
ig air pilots, will be here
Zeid-Rambler Aeroplane and
)assengers for trips over the
. . •
st is low. Buy a dollar's
merthandise at any of the
;s advertising in nextweelc's
1 you will .rnceive a ticket
:h 98c will 'entitle you to
the aeroplane. '
)illies has had over 4,000
ing time without a single
. .
is licensed, by the De-
to carry passengers. .
7ney Bustow *do his para-
p at 2 p.m. from a height
1 15.00 feet with a delay of
feet. • e
ing . field will ' be oil the
T. Joseph Henderson, Blue-
1927 .
., ----e.
Trig. c; Bon c; Zool. c. ,
Bernice Blake, E, C. 2; M, Pi,
'Fire which destroyed
ings in the bcsiness distri
Friday. A. M. Crawford lost otsit in
, -
Mani Enjoy Street Dance Following
of Lucknow. ..
Something of a sensation was cads-
ed in Goderich last week with the a.r-
rest of Gordon Young, Treasurer of
Huron County, and one of the coun-
ty's best known citizen.s, on three
charge • t .the C • • 1 Code;
s agams e =ma
theft of $2,400; destruction and mut-
ila.tion of books and records, and fail-
ing to account for moneys the prop-
erty of the County of Huron,
• Mr. Young was formallY arrainged
before William Bailie, ex., in the ab-
sence of Magistrate Reid. He was
notasked ipleadelect, d
o or an was
granted: bail in the sum. of $10,000,
furnished by Sarah Young and A. W.
Young. Accused was represented by
F. Donnelly and the Crown by D. E.
Holmes. The informations were
sworn to by P. E. McCoy, Provincial
Alg. 1; Geom. 1; Phys. c; Chem, c;
.F. A. c; F. C. c.
Jack Brackeribury, Bot. c'; 2°01 2;
Phys. c; Chem- 1,
Bill Cruikshank, Trig, 3; Bot. c;
Zool c• Ph 3
. , Phys. ,
Dorothy Deans, Alg. c; Trig. 1.
Mary Dobie, Lit. 3. .
Grace Donaldson, M. H. c; eehys,
c; Chenz. c. ,
Carmen Farrier, E. C. c; M. H. c;
Geom, 3; L. A. c; L. C. c; F. A. c;
F. C. 3.
Olive Farrier, E. L. c; M. H. c;
Trig. 2. .
Donalda Fixter, E. C, c. •
Jack Fortune, M. H. c; Alg. c; Trig
2; Bot. 2; Zool. 2; Phys. 2; Chem. 2.
Isabel Fowler,, M. H. c; Phys. c;
Chem. c; F. A. 3; F. C. c.
Bruce Fox, L. C 3.
aged half a score of. hem
es, threatened complete d
the police village of Zurit
day afternoon. The loss .
ed at ' $50,000. More tha
incicding members of H
ton, Dasliwood 4nd Zuric
Fire Departments, and 1-
ed bucket brigades, battle
three hours to bring the
control. ,
Eighteen -Year-old. Ann;
telephone operator, stayec
her. switchboard to flash'e
to neighboring village F
ments, thengh the .buildir
she worked was threate:
Three people were inji
the battle with the fire.
the Singles to Frank' Lightburn, of
Toronto Victorias„ 21-17. R. Rae
The Tattoo.
Huron -Bruce Liberal Association Is
W. McCoy, Lucknow; lost in the
- The Band Tattoo whieh was held
Also Organieed. .
doubles to a pair froth the Toronto
Strathconas• 30-12. A locel rink, j;
A. Wilson, H. -C: MacLean, D. B.
Porter W. A. Miller skip, won from
Toronto Thistles 20-15 and from To-
ronto Morningsicles 25-15; and will
represent the above districtsat the
Dominion Lawn BowliegAssociation
Championships at Ottawa on Labor.
' ' n - - '
in the town park on Tuesday night
under the auspices of the Band Com-
mittee of the Chamber of Comernrce,.
attracted a large audience.. Four
Bands took part in the progra,m, the
Lucknow, • Band, Harriston Kittle
Brass Band', Goderich Band and the
Wingharn Citizens Band. Between
the selections rendered by the bands
the Henderson and Wintolir troup
from London,
On Thursday aft noon '
last week
Charles A. Robertson M.LA, for N
Huron • ' • N.
, of Colborne, was the choice
of the Liberal Convention, held in
the Town Hall, Wingharn, for the
new riding of HurOn-Bruce. J. Geo.
Anderson, of - Lucknow, gave him a
close run, being defeated by a small
margin. -
Mr. Roberts° first
n. was elected to
consisting of five Pe"0-
ple gave a number of entertaining
numbers, cornprieing Scotch tap and
tl. '
le Legislature in 1926 and was re-
elected in 1929. He is the assistant
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford spent
the week-end'in Brampton;
Mr. and Mrs. iI. Saunders, Toronto
were week -end visitors' in town.
Miss Mary Coultes, Toronto, is
visiting with Mre. Thos. 1)eans. •
Miss Mary Orvis is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Vic•La.ughlean at Tara.
Mrs. R. H. Saint is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Burke Listowel.
. ,•
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hilliard, Tor-
onto, were week -end visitors in town'
' • ' •1
Mr. Ross MacDonald Niagara FallsT1
it d withfriends' t .
vis ie in town •on Mon-
...,, .. .H
Mr, Phil Dyer and his mother, ofshould'
Lcindonvisitor. • t
, were in own this
' • •M
, rs. 0. Thompson, Louise Jim
• '
and Rae are spending a week at Bruce
Beach. , . •
Miss Anne Smith of Ottawa, visit_
ed with her friend, Miss jean' Cur-
recently. .
Mr. Ed. Marsh and Mr. Chester
Casemore spent Sunday with friends
at London. . ' .
Mr. T. F. Harcourt of Toronto,
was visiting at ' Mr. John Gibbons
last- week.
Mrs. Jack Mason and Mrs. E. R.
Harrison are spending a vacation at
Point Clark., •
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth tee are
spending two weeks, Visiting friends
in Peterboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Brock of
Guelph, are spending their vacation
in this district. .
Mr. E. H. Bird and little son, Al-
frecl, visited last weele with her sister'
Mrs. Jas. Haugh. . '
See our windows with specials on
fruits and vegetables. Oberle's• Gro-
eery, ,phone 167. , .
Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Walker took the
boat trip from Sarnia to the Sault
over the week -end. ' .
Mrs. j. Haugh left on Sunday to
visit with her daughter, Mrs. H.
}loose New York. ' -
- Mrs. Lehnox and Miss Velma have
• 't to Port Perry,
returned. from .8.. visit .,
°roll° and Newcastle. • • ',
Miss Jessie M bb tt, Toronto,
spent the Week -end with her friends,
Miss Gertrude Stewart, ' .
Rev.d M ''.E F A t e f
. an Mrs. . .• rms roue o
Boanville; are visiting with Mr.
an Mrs am tenet .
d M 'S B t '''
' 's e
Mr. James Dean of Toronto is
spending a couple of•vveeks with Mrs.
Mary Finley, Scott :St. . 'marched
Mr. and: Mrs. Charles' F. -Stager of ,ed
' • .•
Torontot spentl the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs H. Garlick. '
• •
Mrs. Tom' Free and children of
_ , . ',
Hamilton visited for a few days with
n., Currie.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A, .
Master Roy Finley is: doing nicely
after having an operation iti the Sick
acrobatic dancing, songs arid comedy
skits. The committee made a tenhaving
strike .when they engaged this troup
as they proved themselves high class
entertainers of great variety and made
a big hit with their audience. The
members of the troup are Mary Bish-
ti , Mi
op Winto r onca Dodd, Frances
Sinclair,. Tom Sinclair, Mrs. A. V.
Chamberlain was the accompanist.terim
• . d
The music furnished by the bands
was of a high class order and was
• •
greatly appreciated. The municipal-'
ities which have Band .• •
such as were here for the Tattoo
be justly proud and give them
' '
their 'whole li •t d t
eel e s•uppor .
T1 b ' '
The ands paraded•from the Public
h groueds to the park,. with an
school mi '
i nterval of four nutee between them
The Lucknow Band -lead the parade.
followed by the Goderich, Wingharn
and Harriston Bends. ,
All the proceeds for the Tattoo
will go to the Wingham Citizen Bandway,
fund and it is expected that there will
be a goodly . amount for this pirpose
after all expenses are paid.
'Every admission ticket was num-
bered in 'duplicate and seven. prizes
were given to those holding the lucky
number's. This was made perssible by
the co-qperation of several of the
merchants, Mr. A. L. Posliff made
they draw during the program, which
resulted as follows:
• lst ticket No. 1715, Jean Moir, R
R. 2, Winglia.m, $10,00 in goods at
the Walker Stores. ,
2nd ticket, No. 231, Andrew Doug-
las, Lower Wing-hain, $8.00 in goods
at King Briss. ' '
3rd ticket, No. 923, Miss Louise
Hanna, Wingliaire $6.00 in goods at
Greer's Shoe Store.
4th tiCket, No. 65, W. H. Gurney,
Wingham, $4.00. in goods at Willis
e. - '
Shoe Stor.
5th ticket, No: 341, J.. W. Smith,
Wingharre $3.00 in goods e.t A. T
e •
Walker's Furniture Store.
6th ticket, No. 1848, Margaret Ar-
buckle Toronto $2 00 in goods • at
, , - • .
William's Jewelery Store.
7thticket,ConsolationPrize, No .
1870, Dr. G. W. Howson, Wingham,
'in goods at McKibbon's Drug
$5.00 •
S' • '
Mr. W. H, Gurney who won fourth
' '• d d hisluckyticket to the
prize onate
sand Fund. '
Following the program the bands
past the platform and pared-
to the town hall where they were
entertained to a lunch of sundwiches
cake and coffee.
Arthur's Orchestra played for the
street dance and crowds of datcersRobertson.
enjoyed themselves until the Home
waltz was played. • •
Liberal Whip at present. He has for
many years been active in public life
bee n .
Reeve of Colbornefor
ix years' and Waren of Huron
1925. ' '
New Organization Formed
Prior to the Nomination Meeting
the organization of the Huron -Bruce
riding' for provincial purposes took
place. H. B. Elliott, of Wingham,
acted ' 's chairman' el the P 'd •
a sie i. ie resi ent
Dr. D. A. Finla.ysori, of Ripley, was
c iosen, e en charge o the
H th took I • f •
meetin i
g.. '
The following officers were elected
Hon. - organ.
PresidentsM Dalton
of Ashfield Townshitz and Jno John-
' .
ston, Mildmay. '
President - Dr. D. A. Finlayson,
Ripley. . •
• 3r" - e_
--- Mlst Vice Pres. rs. Robert Day-
-d •; •
son, seeingannon. ,
2nd Vice Pres, - David McDonald,
Reeve of •Culioss. . , •
3rd :Vice Pres. ---)Oliver Heming-
evnshii . .
Grey To • • p,
Treasurer - W. T. Booth, Wing-
ham: - ,
Secretary - J. J. • Robertson, Col-
borne Township•
. i • ,
The . following were 'elected chair-
Man and vice-chairman of the various
monicipalities of the riding:
Ashfield -Murdock Matheson, Mrs.
McWhinney. .
Colborne - James; Bissett, Miss
. .
Stewart. '
' West Waeiranosh - Wm. Watson,
. ,
Miss ,McAllister.
East Wawa.nosh - George e Cun-
ningham, Mrs. John , McGee. ,
. Morris - E. Elston, . Jas. Clark.
Grey - Dr. McMaster, Mrs. And-
i-ew Lamont.
. Turnberry -- I. J. Wright, Mrs.
John L. McEwan.
Howick - Thomas . McClennan,
Miss Blythe McLaughlin..
Carrick - M. Filsinger, Jno. Doig.
Culross - David MacDonald, 01-
iv er Kuntz. • ' . •
• .
Kinloss -- Frank Henry, Angus
McIntosh. . .
_ A u A Martin John
Huron Augus A. ,
'Watson. . iDecoration
. h ,-. J. R. CtM• J
Blyt Cutt, 1 James
Laidlaw. •
Brussels - Wm. Ms Gillespie, Joe
-- • Wingham H. C. MacLean, Mrs.
• ' .
J. J. Elliott,
Mildniay.•-• Dr. E. J. Weiler Chas.
' .
E. Wendt. -. •
Teeswater -- Hugh Semple, '
Ripley - 'Eugene Martin, A. K.
McClay. -
Lucknow - G. H. Douglas, Stew-
It . will be noted that the 'Huron-
Bruce riding comprises all of the old
North Huron riding with the excep-
constable, who made the arrest.
There was a tense feeling about the
Mary Fralick, E. C. c; E. L. c; M.
H. F. A. 3. '
county building where a1 re-
:eumed session was held of an investi-
gation .instituted as a result of an in-
report made by F. A. Gibb &
. .
Co., chartered accountants, who start-
ed a special audit one inonth ago
, inquiry •
The Was started on Wednes-
day of last week before Mrs. Edna
t t
Special Examiner.A he
first session Mr. Young is said to
• • •
have made certain admissions, and as
a result Warden Ballantyne, ,on the
advice of R. C. Hays Jr., County Sol-
icitor, demanded and received his re-
signatioe, .
Mr. Young's house was searched by
the Police and records seized. An
incipient blazein the county buildings
aided to anxiety of warden Banan-
tyne arid Reeve Goldthorpe, who re-
presented the County Council at the
probe. The proceedings were con-
ducted quiet] Mr. Young was not-
Y• . •
ified through counsel of his impend-
ing- arrest and permitted time to ar-
range bail before reporting at .the
Magistrate's office. The sixty -year-
old grey -headed Treasurer appeared
quite calm. On advice Of counsel, he
made no statements.
Cath. Fry, M. H. c; Trig. c.
Vera Fry, E. C. c.
Loreen Gilkinson, M. H. c; Alg. c;
Phys. c; L. A. c; L. C. c.
Norman Hall, M. H. c. Geom. 3;
L. A. 3; L. C. 3; F. A. c; F. C. c.
Reta Hastie, M. H. 1; Zool. 2; L.
A. , L. C. , F. A. , F. C. , G. A.
A 2. L C 3. F A 2. F 3. G
1; G. C, c. , .
Jack Herd, E. C. c; E. L. c; M. H.
Trig. le
c; c; e,ot. c; Zool. 2. '
Noral Hiseox, Alg. c; Zool. c; F.
A. 3. : • ' •
EvanHornuth, Geom• c• tool
, Bot • c. 7
3; F. A. c.
. Grace Ireland, E. L. c; M. H. 2;
Phys. c. . . •
• E. Jenkins, E. C. c; Bot. c.
Jack keine, Alg, 3; Geom. c; Trig.
I .
Ida Kelly, E. C. c; Trig. I.
Kenneth Lott, E. L. c.
Agnes • Loottie, • Geom. I; Bot. 3;
Zool. I; Chem. I.
Margaret MacNeil, Geom. I; Bot.
2; Zool. 1; Phys. 2; Chem. c; L ,A.
3; L. C. 2; F. A. 2; F. C. c.
Ellen McBride
Willie McDonald, IVI. H. c; Bot. ce
Zool, c; Phys. 3; L. A. c; L. C. c; R
Mrs. Ellen Jeffr
A grand old. life passe,
Wednesday morning, Aug
the person of Mrs. Ellen
lict of the late Wm. B.
la • old f 94
t e ripe o age o yea
ednis the last remaining
Turnberry Townehip havi:
- ,
froth Port ;,Perry 70 year
led To s
t on. t 3, concession
A 1
tasted a.1 the hardships
life; For forty years slit
a resident of 13elmore epic:
did health until a week
when she gradually weak;
She leaves to 111.0llrri th
loving mother, Willinot,
Montana; A.lbert, of Calif()
ard, on the tenth; Robe
boundary; Minnie and Ell
The funeral Friday aftei
'ducted by Rev. Thompson,
ly attended.. The pester to
from ,Genesis 49; 33, read !
also 2 Corn 5. A favorite h
of Ages, was sung. Mk
Caseniore and Margaret MA
sweetly "Good Night."
The pall -bearers were: l
ney, Fred Johann, Georg
. •
ay, Sept. lst, the beautiful
31 house, Currie's School,
aces •the school which was
.t . spring will be , officially
. fine program of addresses
will be given during the
commencing at 1:30 o'clock
I be served at the supper
•ing the evening there will
;. Everybody interested isi
. -
gas that causes loss of
rest ruins your health and
yl Even people who have
or , years from stomach
used by acid ,stomach .are
ef from Bisma-Rex, a new,
sting antacid powder. Bis-
nese lasting relief, tool Get
McKibbon's Inexall Drug
Won Second Prize '
At a Twilight of Mixed rinks at
Lucknow,Monde night a local rink
A. c. •
Corine McLean, E. C. 3,
Harry Mann E. C. 1, E. L. c.
• '
Mitchell, L. A, 1; G. A. 1; G.
Jim Hamilton, Reuben S
Fleming Ballagh. Inter:
made in McIntosh Cemete:
sived at Isard's, a large.
)f Women's and Misses'
Coats showing 'exeellent
tstancling styles and latest
Inspection invited. '
Late .
:o electrical trouble with
,pe machine we were un-
.le our paper at the usual
•eek. We are one day late
due to the above noted
• • . ,
. .
StOre-.Meat Specials ,
ken for Sat. delivery up no
Lay, for Spare Ribs, 2 lbs.
:nderloins for 30c; always
ugar cured Sliced Bacon
sar cured Beck Bacon 22c
. Sugar cured Cottage.rollsof
;o cooked . meats at very
es. , •
e .
r Services at
'sited Church
Services ' '11 b held
Liar will e -
evale United Church on
pt. 3rd. The pastor, .Rev.
, who has recently moved
L'entralia, will conduct the
.ich will be held at 10.30
•ning. and at 7.80 in the
' 1 musical selection
pecta , s
:ii by the choir who have
tg. under the leadership, of
1:ooke„, of Blyth.
T H r. and
Mr. and Mrs. \A . H. Willis,, • _
Mrs A., laylor, won second prize
• • ,
with 3 wins and a plus ,of 13.
Editor Is Lucky
,The weekly prize draw at Hazel-
grove & Goodyear's Tobacco Shop
was won last week by W. W. Arm -
strong. One dollar's worth of trade
is the prize so we will have free
' .
smokes for this week.
Blnevale Orange Lodge
Service • '
Bluevale L. 0. L. No. 766 will hold
their annual decoration service in the
Bluevale Cemetery, on Sunday, Aug,
27th at 4 o'clock Rev. A. V. Robb
' ' •
Bluevale and. Mr, David Roland
of Glamis will deliver the memorial
addresses. Brethren will meet at 3.30
at the hall. Everyone cordially invit-
ed. .
Narrow Escape
On Sunday .morning Mr. D. Silver
g o.,
of the ' Hub Clothin C had a liar-
e f injury.H ;..' d '
ow escape rom e w s riv-
ing to Toronto and when on the de-
tour south of Arthur he turned out
C. 2:
Winnie Moir, M. H. c; Geom. c;
Zool. c; F. A. 3. .
Milian Moore, M. H. 1;. Alg. 1;
Geom I.• Phys 2. Chem. 2- L. A. le
' ' • • ' , 1
L. C. 2. F. A. 2., F. C. 3.
John Norman, E C. 2; M. H. c;
Alg. 3; Geom. 2; Trig. I; Bot, .2;
Zool.' 1. Chem.2, -
John Pattison, Alg. 2; Phys. 1; L.
C. c.
jack Pollock, E. C. 1; E. L 3.
Ella Rae, Alg. c; Geom. c; Bot. c;
Zool 3. F A. ' 2. F. C. ' C '3 '
' ' ,
Murray Rae, -Phys. e; Chem. 3; L.
A. 3; L. C. 2; F. A. c; F. C. 2.
Leah Robertson, E. C. 1; E. L. c;
F. A. 3; F. C. c. .
Mary Robertson E. C. 2.
" •
Jessie Ross, M. H. c; Alg. 2; Geom
3. L. A. c;L: C.'3; F. A. c. F. C. 3.
' ' - '.
Russell Scott, E. L. c; M. H. c; Bot
3; Zool. c; Phys. 3.
Mary Stewart, E. C c; E. L. c.
Jim Thompson, E. C. I. •
E-ae Thompson, Alg. 2; Chem. 2;
L A c• L. C. c. F. C. c.
L. • • , ,
Olive Tiffin, E. L. c; M. H. 3; Alg.'
2; Trig. 1.
Alg 2. Bot
Vivian Tiffin, M, H. c; .
. • -
William Johnato:
Following an illness of ;
the death of William John;
ed at his residence, let 36,
9 East Waevano.sh, on Mo
21st. Mr. Johnston can be
ed a pioneer of East Wane
ing lived there since he was
old and 57 years on the
He was born in Cartwright
Durham County in 1855,
years ago on New Years 1
Elizabeth Ilenter, and four
they celebrated their 'gold
anniversary. ,
Surviving besides hie i
one son and one daughte
Shoebotfoth and Charles, bc
Wavvanosh, and one broth;
of Parry Sound. .
The funeral was held frc
eesidence on Wednesday
at 2 p.m., Rev. L, V. Fococ
ted the services at the lieu
graveside. Interment bein
Brandon cemetery. The '
were Alex. Porterfield, Jas,
George Cunningham, Ed.
Scott and W, Vincent,
to avoid a bad spot in the road and
his car slid into the ditch striking a
telephone pole. The windshield of the
car was broken and the left fender
bent Mr' Silver did 'not receive so
' ' .
much as a scratch due to the fact
that he was travelling at a very slow
speed. -
3; Zool, 8; L. A. 3; L. C. I; F. A. 2,
F. C. I.
Dell Walker, M. H. 3; Alg c; Geom
2; L, A. 2; L. C. 2; F. A. c; F. C. c.
.Keith Watson, Bot. c;• Zool. c.
jean Webster, E. C. 2; E. L. 1; Alg
I; Geom. I; Trig. I; L. A. 1; L. C..1;
F. A. I; F. C. 1; G. A. I; G. C. 1.
Liberals Win. in Nova Sc
Angus Macdonald,, 43 -ye
tive of ' r'
Inverness -ounty,
tia led the Liberals of tha
to 'a swee • victory'
ping ovei
ser t' C ent . I
va ive sovernm o.
on Tuesday.
Children's Hospital,' Toronto, .
M' Gladys Robertson R.N re- To Teach in the West ,
• Miss , .., . •
fer spenclitig a Miss Florence Deacon, the To -
turned to Toronto, at . , . s
few weeks at her home here. ronto•Ptiblic School Staff left on at-
' • d • Edmonton,•
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith an fa- .urday for after spending
rnily left on' Monday for a three the holidays with her sisters in Mors
week's vacation at Grand. Bend. ris and East Wawanosh. Miss Dea-
Mr. and Mrs. jack Isbister encl fa- con will teach in the Western city
tion of Goderich Town and the fol-
lowing added from the old South
Bruce riding: Townships of •I-Itiron,
Culross Kirtloss Carrick and the vil-
' ' ' •
lages ol" Teeswater, Mildmay, Ripley
and ' Lucknow. . . '
(Continued on Page Five)
rally of Onaway, Mich., are, visiting during the next year, -being on ex-
with his mother, Mrs. W. Isbisten change with .Miss Campbell of Ed -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bienian and farri- monton who will take' her roorn in
of Londori, were weeksend guests Toronto. .
her mother, Mrs. W. A. Currie.
,,, Women's Institute, August 81st
A meeting of the Women's Insti-
tote will be held in the council chain-
ber on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 31,
- -
Blanche Weir, Alg, c.
Elizabeth Weir,M H 1- 2.
M. H. , Alg. ,
was: Liberals 21, Conserv-a
doubt 1.
, Auto Smashed to Pieces
. "
Geom. 3; L. A. c; L. C. c; F. A. c;
F C 3
ng people were instantly ily
0Monday afternoon when
,hich they were riding was
Canadian Pacific passerts
t the second' public road
st of West Mooktoti sta..
eut half a Mile east of the
a car, tarried a considers
e down"the tracks, before
is brought to a stop, was
f the double tragedy were' trade,
r) N, Golightly, 1.9 -year,.
el giti, and Hector IVIc-
d 23 of enount „' Forest, iiig
lead when Meinbere ef the
'cached them,
Wingham L.,0.1, No. 794 held their
DecorationS ivied on. Sun
Atnual C. • -,
• •
C c. Trig. 1.
jim Weir, E. C. ,
E. C. ; E. L. ;
Tom Watson E C c E L 3
. Mrs, J. McCool visited with her . '
daughter, 'Mrs, George Schaefer of OPENS
Goderich, for a few clays this week. TUESDAY, SEPT. 5th
at 2.80 &clock. All itemizers are aSk-
ed to make a special effort to be pre-
sent. An invitation to. all ladies in-
terested in the work of the Institute .eterY"
day afternoon to the WIngliam Cern'
About eighty members of the
order were in the parade.
, ,
Wor. Master William Henderson
had charge of the service at the Cern-
etery which opened with the singing
of a hymn and responsive reading.
The tames of the deteased brethren
Trig. 1. ' '.
Janet Woods,,M. a c; Alg. cj Trig
1; I3ot. c; Zool. e; F. A. c; F. C. c,
84 per cent. of the papers written
were passed; 44 per cent. obtained
horror standing. Any one wishing to
appeal, apply be the Principal, Mr.
L Brackenbur for forms
G. L. ,, y -
Don. Ewing, of Teeswati
tered the Hall of Fame. 1
tiesda.y evening while playil
with W. M. Hutchison, te
l3ank of Mcintreal, at Tee
matle the nth hole in on;
juet getting dusts as he dre
he knew, his ball was on
Miss Minnie Barber ie spending • .
. . , .
holidays in Ottawa, the guest of her Summer is fest passing and the ring
sister, IVIre. (Ron.) G. T. Campbell. of the school bell will be heard be-
Leave your basket or crate of eggs fore long, In ' less ehan two, weeks
at (Merle's atid be more than satis- the students will once more be back
Bed. We pay highest pricee, cash or at their desks, starting another Year
of school life, 'rhe Schools will re-
... .,
Mrs. Theodore eviairidy aria eon, Ro- open on Ttiesclay, SePtember 5th.
bert, have returned hetzle after spend- • Last -Year there was coneiderahle
a week with Mr, and Mrs. Fred confusion about the date schools f"6-
Herimore at Sarnia. opened, bet tins year the date is see-
(Additioiial Lotale on Page Four) (ember 5th, the day after Labor Day.
are cor ta y invt .
cl. 11 ' • •ted '
Golf Club Dance .
The Alps Golf Mid 'Country Club
was the scene of a merry party on
• •
Friday night when the members of
the Club and their friends enjoyed an
evenhig. of dancing, The 131tiebird
Orthestra, of Walkerton, again fur-
niehed the Music to the satisfaction
es ail present, Lunch svas ,served by
the members of the Club.
numbering about 180, ,were read by
. . .
Celiclair Phippen, the, secretary. '
A forcefel . address was given by
Ree. L. E Currie, after which the
floral tributee were placed e)it the
grAve8. '
Irisitc,rs over the week -end wi'th
Mrs, Margaret Mcl,ean were Dr. W.
5. McLeart of Westminster Hoepital,
London, Mt. and Mrs. R. Brooke .of
Toronto. ''
or nearby. He started look
bail and imagine his, empri
was discovered that the b
the cup. Don. will have a ;
to tell the boy,s at WO,St.
sity when lie ,returete this 1
re for Three
three burnt.-
ct, and dame
es and store
strectioli of
h late Mori-
as estirnat-
n 150 men, •
ensall, Clin-
h Volcnteer
cl for nearly
flame under .
b •
leas ,for aid .'
ire Depart- • ;
g in which
ed by the
red during
d. out early
nst 16th in
Jeffrey, re -
Jeffrey; at
rs. Deceas-
pioneer of
ug come on
s ago, set -
12, hiving
of pioneer
has been
ying splen -
or so ago,
loss of a
of Billings
rnia; Rich -
rt, on the
at home.
noon, con -
was large-
ok his text
Oth Psalm
3m1, Rock
ses Etoile
indell sang
Peter Hak-
e McKee,
tokes and
ent was
ix months
ton occur-,
day, Aug.
truly call -
nosh, hav-
four years
one farm.
e married
years ago
n wedding
idow are
, Mrs. F.
th of East
r, Charles
m his late
k, conduce
e and the
made in
Walsh, A.
ar-old na-
ova Sco-
t province -
the Con -
he result
tives 8, in.
r, has ett-
aet Wed -
g a round
ler in the
swater, he
• It was
ve off and,
the green
ing for his
se se -hen it
all was in
teat story
•ti Velvet-,
' ;...eirar..„„erereeeen.