HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-08-10, Page 5Thursday, August 'l Oth, '1933''
Capt. and Mrs, W. J. Adams spent
the week -end at Watford.
r Field ,
a .k Ftvisited recently at
the home of his parents,
Mrs, Clark and children are spend-
ing their holidays. at 13arrow Bay.
Mrs, W, f, Todd, Lucknow, spent
the week -end with Mrs, Howard Rin -
Mr. and Mrs. George Olver spent
the week -end visiting friends in Ac-
Mr. and Mrs. Will McGowan spent
Sunday with Mr., .' and Mrs, Pat Gib-
Miss Bertha Casemore of Shallow
Lake, is visiting with Mrs. H. B.
Miss Frances Dawson of Teterboro
is the geust of Mrs, W. W, Arm-
Rev. Fr. Dalton and Mr.. Morgan
Dalton visited with Mr. and 1VIrs. P.
.Mr. and Mrs, L. Fitton, Toronto,
spent the week-end.with`Mr, and Mrs.
H. Garlick.
Mr. H. C. Gray of Niagara Falls,
N. Y., is spending his vacation with
his parents.
Mrs. Ellen McPherson and daught-
er; Miss Yvonne, spent' the week -end
in Toronto.
Miss Hazel Petts; of London, is
spending a few days with Mr. and.
Mrs. Joseph Guest.
Mrs, Hobbs and daughter, Wanda,
" of Toronto, are visiting at Mrs.
Lamb's, Frances : street.
Mr. J. R. Mens of Toronto, and
Miss Florence Eckmier are visiting
at the horse of W. Field, :
Miss Mary Ford of Milton, is spen-
ding her holidays with Mrs. E. W. Me
Roberts, and other friends. -
Miss Dorothy IeleGee of Blyth
spent the holiday with ber`grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Haney.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Habkirk and
family and Miss Alberta :Walker
spent the holiday at Lake Simcoe.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shoebottoln. s
of London,, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shoebottoin.
Mrs.• Sonter Taylor and son, Gor- I
don of St. Helens, visited with Mrs. t
Howard Finley and. Mrs. David Fin- .d
ley. a
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and Ber-
nice returned Monday evening from S
a motor trip to Toberniory, Wasago
Beach, Midland and; points of interes
along the Blue Welter ,Highway, •
Mr. and Mrs.' M. W. Telfer nn
daughter of Crediton, spent the boli
dayWith w ale'
her mother, t z, Mrs. C. A. Rin
Mr. and Mrs.. R. E. McKinney o
London, were week -end visitors wit]
her patents, Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Gur
t !editor, Mary Ann of Hamilton, and
iMr, and Mrs. Herb. Vance and son;
d Herb jr., of Toronto, were week -end
guests with Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Gal-
braith. Mr. Tribe and Mr. 'Vance
ney. . I•
Mr, Arthur Claxton and son, Ron
aid of Lindsay, were week -end visit
ors at the home of H. E. Isard, John
s tt`eet.
Dr, and Mrs. H, G. Armstrong and
family of Port Credit, were week -end
guests with her parents, Mr, and Mrs
Jas. Isard,
Mr. -Edward Forgie returned to To-
rontsr an Monday after attending the
of his '•
father-in-law, Joseph
Fellows, of Goderich,
Dr. W. J. Field, of Manchester,
Conn., is spending a few weeks va-
cation at the ,home of his.. parents,
Mr. and Mrs, W. Field.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. K:
Smith, Mr. Arthur Gibbbns of Oak
Paris, Chicago, were guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Wim. McGregor.
Mr. W. W. Armstrong spent' the
week -end at Stoney Lake, Mrs. Arm-
strong and Craig who have ben "holi-
daying there' returned with him'.
Guests with Rev.' and Mrs. Ken-
neth MacLean at Bruce Beach are
IVIr, and Mrs. Earl Diinning, Fraser -
dale, Miss Catherine Dunning, . Cum-
berland, and Miss A. MacEwan, Port
Mr. and Mrs. Ilowald. Marks and
family,' Miss' Isabell Harsen, all of
Toronto, who have been visiting with
friends in_ town fox . the past few
weeks returned to their home accom-
panied by Misses Edith Finley and'
Mary Robertson,
Guests at the, home of Mr. and Mrs
Frank Sturdy over the week -end were
Miss M. Wheatley, Seaforth, Mr. and
Mrs. R. White and son ,Donaid;`Mrs.
F. Gillam. and son, Gordon, of Tor-
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Finch and
ons of Stratford.
Mrs. Rachel Young, sister of Mr.
Peter Gowans and her..daughter, Miss
sabelle, also Mr. Jas. Morison, bro-
her-in-law of Mr. Gowans and his
aughter, Miss Jennie and son, Peter,
11 of St. Marys, weave: the guests of i
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gowans, Minnie
t., one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tribe and dau- a
were associates of Mr, Galbraith in
f France and this is their first reunion'
s' e returning � Inc
from the war.
To the Editor av all. thine
Wingham paypers.
Deer. Stu•:—
Av coorse ye wud be at the Tory
inaytir on Froiday noight av lash,t
wake, so I don't nade to be afther
tellin ye annyting about it, but I hev
a few wulruds to say to ,thim lads
who purtind to be Toiies, an yit nivir
showed theer noses insoide the dure.
The Hall wusn't . what ye cud call
crowded at all, at all, so it wussen't,
an mosht av the fellahs prisint wus
ould bald heads loike inesilf, barrin
the good lookin ladies. Me ownback
wus party lame, so it wus, so' that
be rayson av it, I cud • hev hall a good
ixcuse to shtay at home, but I saw
a lot av fellahs wid nothin wrong wid',
theer backs welkin the shtrates in
shtid av attindin the maytin.
Theer .wus a lot av thim Grits an
U.F.O.'s prisint, an I hope what they.
heered wud do "thim some good, but,
shure, a lot av thim cudden't shtand
the foire, an wint home befoor the
maytin wus more than half over. I
suppose ye moight 'as well throy to
turn a nayger into a whoite man, as.
to ixpickt to pound army since into
wan av thim lads.
It isn't the other fellahs I' do be
worryin about,_ at all, at all, so it
isn't, but what we kin do to lcape our
own byes in John. ` I mane theyoung
gineraskun'av Tories, who take more
interist in spoorts than in pollyticks.
We musht taich thim that the polly
tickle game has soft ball arr bowlin
bate a hundred ways, whin ye git to
undhershta id it, an. 1 am tould theer
is more money in it too, if ye know
how to,wurruk tings; but I can't say
from ixpayrience, fer 1 nivir made
annyting out av the Tory partly yit,
barrin a shake av the hand from iv-
rywan av- our laiders from the days
av ould Sir Jawn A. up to the pris-
nt toime, an, shure, that shud be all
nny good' Tory shud ixpiclet.
mai hI� ICS ;il�il'l!'I(
its tkc woman who nays
t Pa':
..,,-, re
Th, Big Bar 6 Bars
Gold Soap 25
Wheat Per Pkg. II V
Day after day—week after week
consistent shopping at "Dominion"
brings substantial savings in your
food budget and. an -immeasurable
sense of satisfaction that comes
from the knowledge that Quality
not be sacrificed ed to economy.
FROM AUGUST 7th TO 12th,
Canada and Durham 1 -lb. Pkg.'
Corn Starch 10'
Pure and Fresh
H. A.
1-1 10
b. C
LITTLE CHIP 12 -oft. Jar
Marmalade 21C
Cocoa y -lb. Tin 24
VICTORY Sweet Mixed
Peebles 42-o,c. oleic;
Jar 37
Soap 4Bars25C
Fresh, Flavorful, Stimulating
Sealed .
Blend lb
TEAy- b. 2 3
FigRol. 16
Vs Tin
Cannot Scratch
Med 13c
WELCH'S Med. Bot. C
Grape Juice 23
Kraft Kitchen
Fresh 2i C
8 -oz. Bottle
Mustard Tn.25
el Canadian
Nature', Best', .No. 1 Tits
Tomato Juice 5C
PERFECTION • ,8 -oz. Tia
Silver Cream19 c
AUSTRALIAN 16 -ox. Tsna
Reaches 27ins25c •
Shirriff's Asstd. Flavors
Jelly Powders 5c
lied TEA
Blue Label
I undhershtendthim Grits do be
havin the sense thrubble wig theer
young fellahs that we have wid ours.
I tink the young ginereshun has gone
to the bad intoirely, an if the ould
parthies don't look out, the fursht
ting they know thim C,C,F,'s will be
4 t4hin all the young mine, yis, an all
the girruls too, which wucl be wurse,
Annyway the fellahs' who didn't
attind the maytin laslit Froiday
noiglit missed hearin two good
spaiches, so they did. 07
Misther Martin tould thine Grits aff
to perfickshun, an Jarge Shpotton is
as shtrong av ivir whin he gits up on
the platfoornn, aven if the harried
wurrele an hoigh livin av the Polly-
tickle loife is beginnin to make him
more wake in body, "Rape up yer
courage Jarge" sez I to hint, "Ye kin
lick. thim Grits whin the nixt elick-
shun comes, aven if ye hev wan hand
toied behoind yer back."
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
The local nine journeyed to Luck-
now on Thursday afternoon for their
scheduled game in the Lakeside Lea-
gue and defeated the league -leaders
by the close score 4-3. Tliis was their
first defeat of the season, they hav-
ing won seven straight games. It
was a close game from start to fin-
ish. Lucknow nine took the lead in
the scoring, getting one run in the
first inning and two in the second,
but from then on were unable to
score again. In the 9th with the bas-
es loaded and no one out and with
the heavy end of the batting order
up, it looked as if. the Sepoys might
win the game or tie the score, but
A. Thompson ' and Garton both
grounded andl each time the runner
was found oiit at the home: plate.
'Gordon Irwin, the last man up,
tooka healthy clout at the ball'and
drove it into deep centre, where M.
Rae, after a nice run, stuck up his
hand, and with the sun in his eyes.
making it practically impossible to
see, yet loand behold, the ball was
in his glove, ending the game,
The locals got their runs in the
third, fifth and sixth inning. Both
teams played excellent ball and one
of the best games of the season was
A.B. R. H. Po A. E.
W. Tiffin,
5'0 0
3 1 1
Somers, 2b „ ,5 3 2 2 2 1
Groves, c. 4 1 1 8 1 0
Lediet, 3b 4 0 1 0 6 1
Carmichael, lf, =1b 5 0 1 4 1 0
Rae, cf . 5 0 1 '1 0 0
Gurney, ib 2 ,0 0 5 0 2
Moore, if •2 0 0 0 0 0
Gray, rf 4 0 0 3 1 1
J. Tiffin; p - 4 0 1 :' 1 5 0
40 4 7.27 17
L k
uc now -
A.B. R. H. Po A. E.
McLennan, ib 4 2 1 9 1 0
C. Finlayson, ss 4 0 1 0 0 1
A. Thompson, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0
Garton, 1b ....... 5 0 0 2' 1 0
Irwin, p 5 0 2 0 4 1
Clarke, .cf 4 0 0 3 0 1
R. Finlayson, 2b ,,4 0 2 1 0 3
Andrew, if .. 4 1 1 2 0 0
Cummings, c ..._3 0 0 10 3 1
36 3. 7 27 9 7
R. H. E.
Wingham. 001 021 000-4- 7 6
Luclenow ..,. 120 000 000-3 . 7 7
Runs batted in, Rae, Groves,
Moore, Irwin, McLennan, F. Finlay-
son. T
wo base hit,. Tiffin. Three -
base bit, Somers. Sacrifice hit, Led-
ict. Double play, Gray to Gurney.
Stolen bases, McLennan, -Thompson.
Left on bases, Lucknow 10, Wing -
ham 9. Struck out, by Irwin 10, Tif-
fin 4. Base on balls, of Tiffin 5, Ir-
in 0, Balk, Tiffin.
Umpires, McKenzie and Temple-
Time -1.55,
Merkley's Silvertown enjoyed the
holiday to perfection on Monday
when they captured the double-head-
er softball fixture in Sarnia with the
Mueller city league team, strengthen-
ed with players from other teasels.
The first game, in the afternoon, was
snappy and fast, the locals bunching
their hits to secure 6 runs while the
Sarnia hits were 'scattered, the only
run being a' circuit clout. -
As the Sarnia team came to bat in
the first inning of the evening game,
rani began to fall, the • game, howev-
er, went on between showers, but
the grass was slippery and good ball
was impossible. Many errors were
made and many batters were given
hits that under ' ordinary conditions
would have been caught. Even in the
faee of these handicaps the game was
exciting. The locals tvere one down
going into the last frame, when with
One on Jardine got a homer, In ell
four rotne runs were knocked out in
the feet game.
First ane
Wingham— A,B. R. H. Po A. E.
Wam so
n c
, 1 1 2 0 0
Brown, 2b 5 0 1 0 1 1
Mitchell, ss 3 0 1 2 4 1
Jardine, p 5 0 0 1 3 0
Scott, lb ,..: 3 1 1 5 0 0
Groves, c 4 3 3 9 0 0
Gray, rf 4 0 1 4 0 0
Smith, 3b 3 0 1 3 0 0
Groves, M., if ., :, 4 1 1 1 0 0
36 6 10 27 8 2
Sarnia— A.B, R. H, Po A. E.
Dodgy, 2b 4 0 1 3 2 1
13uttler, If 5 0 1 1 0 0
Considine, rf 4 0 1 4 0 0
Shrigley, lb 4 0 0 4 0 0
Hodges, r cf 3 1
1 1 0
Lane, p, 3 0 1 0 0 0
Walton, 3h 3 0 1 7 .1 0
halmers, ss •4 0 0 1 2 1
Bell, c 4 0 2 6 0 0
34 1 8 27 5 4
R, H. E.
Wingham 010 201 002-6 10 2
Sarnia 000 000 010-1 8 4
Home runs, Hodges; 2 base hits,
Doddy, Scott, H. Groves, Gray; bas-
es on balls, off Jardine 4, Lane 4;
struck out by Jardine 9, Lane 5. Left
on bases, Wingham 7, Sarnia 8,
Second Game
Wingham A.B. R. H. Po A, E.
Brown, 2b 6 1 1 1 0 1
Mitchell, ss ......... _.•4 3 1 3 2 1
Jardine, cf, p 6 2 2 2 2 0
Scott, p, 1b 6 2 4 5 1 0
Groves, H., c 6 2 1 7 0 0
Gray, rf 6 3 2 1 0 0
Smith, 3b 6 1 1 2 0 1
Tainan, :If 6 1 2 3 0 0
Elliott, 1b, cf 5 1 2 3 0 1
Williamson, cf 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 16 16 27 5 4
Sarnia- A.B. R, H. Po A. E.
Doddy, 2b 6 1 0 3 2 1
Buttler If 6 1 1 '0 0 0
Considine, rf .... _ 6 3 3 1 0 2
Shrigley, 1b 5 3' 3 12 0 1
Hodges, cf 4 3 1 '2 0 0
Walton, 3b 2 2 0 2 4 4
Karr,, ss .0 1 0 0 2 0
Tilley, c 2 1 1 2 0 0
Finnell, p 4 0 0 1 1 0
Chalmers, ss 3 0 0 0 3 0
Bell, c.
w.... ...... _..:.. 3 0 1. 4 0 1
41 15 10 27 12 9
R. H. E.
Wingham 000 1020 112-16 16 ,4
Sarnia 600 030 240.-15'10 9
Home runs; Considine, .Tilley, Jar-
dine, H. Groves; 3 base hits, Hodges
Shrigley; 2 base hits, Bell, Shrigley,
Scott 2, Gray;;. struck out, by Finnell.
3,Jardine 3
.baseson balls
off Finnell 2, Scott 4, Jardine 3. Left
on . bases, Sarnia 5, Wingham 6.
Merkley's Silvertowns played their
return softball game in Gueph against
M1cDermid's of that city, on Wednes-
day afternoon. .In this fixture they
seem to have recovered some of their
batting ability and pounded the ball
for 12 hits, knocking Sinclair out of
the box, who was replaced by Scott
in the fifth.
The Silvertowns also played a stead-
ier game in the field and of their four
errors only one was costly. The
Guelphites hit fairly freely but the
hits were more scattered. Menzies,
the first man up in the fifth, clouted
the ball for a home run. At no time
during the game were the Guelphites
in the lead, and it wasn't until tine
sixth inning that they .tied the score
9-9. •
Silvertowns— A.B. R. H. Po A. E.
Williamson, cf ..._. 5 1 1 0 0 0
Brown, 2b 4 2 3 2 0 0
\2itcheil, ss
Jardine, p
Scott, lb.
Groves, H., c
Gray, rf .
Smith, sb
3 2 1 1' 0 0
4 1 2 1 1 1
3 0 '0 2 0.1
4 1 110 2 1
4 2 1 0' 0 1
3 0 2 4 0 '0
Groves, M,, If 4 0 1 1 0 0
34 9 12 21 3 4
Guelph— A.B. R, H. Po A. E.
Bennett, 3b 4 1 1 2 0 1
Beddow, 2b 2: 1 1 1 1 1
Root, lb 2 "1 0 4 0 0
Procter, If - 4 1 3 1 0 1
Wiggin, ss 3 1 0 0 1 0
Tiller, c4 1 1 12 0 2
Sinclair, p, rf 3 1 0 1 0 1
Menzies, cf ,: 2 1 1` 0 0 1
Scott, rf, p 3 1 1 0 0 .0
27 9 8 21 2 7
R. H. E.
511 002 0-9 12 4
080 033 0-9 5 7
Pr'udentials Lost to Kincardine
The Prudential softball team of the
town league played the crack Pure
Ice team of Kincardine a game in
,the lake town on Monday evening.
They made a really wonderful
ing as they lost by the narrow
gin of two runs, the score being 8-6.
The Pure Ice team are a picked team
and the 'retrain game which willbe
played next week should be a hot
Supettest Trims Iiighams
Supertest climbed another notch in
the softball league on Tuesday evert
ills when they trimmed In chant's to
or misled by ,merchants who purport to sell shoes
approved by Dr. M. W. Locke . .. There is but one
shoe approved and designed by Dr. M. W. Locke of
„Williamsburg, Ontario. For the protection of the
shoe -buying public its name is stamped on the linings
and sole: This shoe may bear either of these names:
D 8Y
Am)D.St tiVCD ey
Teel. M.W, LO C KE
Unless it bears one of these stamps of approval, it is
an imitation and is positively not genuine. We regret
that we find it necessary to publish a warning such as
this, but in the interest of our clients and ourselves,
and in justice to Dr. ' M: W. Locke, of Williamsburg,
Ontario, Canada, we deem it necessary,
Most styles $9.00 - A few at $ 10.00
Greer's Shoe Store
The"M. W. Locke Shoe"
and "Lockwedge Shoes"
are identical in lest end
"Lockweclge shoes!"and
"M. W. Locke Shoes"—
designed and approved
by Dr. M. W. Locke
the tune of 11 to 4. Both sides .scor-
ed in the first inning, Supertest got
5 and Inghams 3. Supertest scored
2 in the fourth and four in the fifth
while Inghams only other score came
in the fifth. Outside of the first and
fifth innings the game was a snappy
exhibition, but as the evening was
cool there were not many present.
Supertest-Carmichael, c; W. Lediet,
p; J. Tiffin, 1b; Elliott 2b; B. 'Mitch-
ell, ss; H. Mitchell, 3b; A. Lediet, rf;
L. Bok, cf; 7. Seli, If. Inghams—Mc-
Kay, c; Vanstone, p; Gurney, lb; H.
Templeman, 2b; Mellor, ss; Manders
3b; F. Sturdy, rf; Cruickshank, cf; D.
Waram, If.
Many around St. Augustine learn-
ed with regret of. the death of Mr.
R. Phalen, of Goderich which took
place at the home of his daughter, in
Michigan. Although he had suffered
a stroke a year ago, his death was
very sudden. His remains were laid
to rest at Goderich,
Many .from this vicinity attended
the garden party on Wednesday at
Mr. John Boyle is suffering from
a severe attack of quinsy,
The St. Augustine branch of the
Women's Institute held a very inter-
esting meeting at the home of Mrs.
R. Finnigan on Wednesday last, Mrs.
Bert Thompson, the president, pre-
sided. The roll call was answered by
current events. An interesting pap-
er was given by Mrs. D. Chamney
on "Something to Do," . Miss Lucy
Thompson gave 'a paper on "English
Authors" and Mrs. Bert Thompson
gave a paper entitled "We Have. no
Choice but to Choose" which were
all interesting. Miss Rebecca Thomp-
son gave a demonstration on picking
wool and gave a splendid talk on the
proper and most satisfactory way of.
preparing wool for a comforter. A
social time was spent when lunch was
served by the hostesses. The Sept.
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
Bert Thompson, when Mrs. Thomp-
son will give a demonstration on
making different kinds of salads.
Knox Ladies' Aid and W. M. S.
The monthly meeting of the Lad-
ice' Aid of Knox Presbyterian church
was held in the school room of the
church on Thursday 'afternoon, . the
President, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, pre-
sided and conducted the business.
Following the meeting the W. M.
S. met with the President, Mrs. P,
S. MacEwen in the chair. After the
opening hymn, the devotional period
was conducted by Mrs. J. J. Elliott.
and Mrs. D. J. Falconer. .Arrange-
ments were made for forwarding the
hale of requirements to the Presby-
terian supply secretary. A splendid
chapter from the study book dealing
with the work accomplished in the
Indian schools throughout •the West
was read by Mrs. Alex. Mowbray,
and enjoyed.
The Society accepted an invitation
from the Blue Banner Mission Band
to attend their meeting on Wednes-
day afternoon next. The President
closed the meeting with prayer.
United Church Woman's Association
The regular meetingof the Wo-
man's Association of . the United
Church was held on Thursday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. Robert
McLennan, lst con., Morris; with 32
members and three visitors present.
The President, Mrs. S. Johnston, pre-
sided and opened the meeting with
singing. Scripture e reading and the
Lord's Prayer in unison. Roll call
was answered by a verse of Scripture
commencing with the letter "A" for
August. A pleasing feature ofthe
afternoon's Program was a solo con-
tributed by Rev. V, Robb. The chief
item of business was snaking arrange-
•rnents for some decorating and pap-
ering at the parsonage, while Rev..
and Mrs. Robb are enjoying their
holidays. . After all business was car-
ried out, the hostess served refresh-
ments, assisted by Mrs. Ed. Johns..-
Mr. Robert Shaw occupied 'the pus✓
pit in Bluevale United Church and
Ebenezer on Sunday in the absence
of the pastor, Rev. V. Robb.
Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Wingham
exchanged pulpits with Rev. Patter-
son, of Bluevale on Sunday,
Visitors: ::.
Mgrs. Henry Ross and little daugh-
ter spent a part of this week with
Mrs, Whitney Stewart.
Mr, and Mfrs, Edgar McMichael and
baby daughter, of Toronto, are with
their grandmother, Mrs. filo. Hutton.
Miss Sanderson returned: to Tor-
week after spending her
holidays here, and Mr. and Mrs, Will-
Griffiths and son, Fred, have return-
ed to Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and
two children, who have spent their
vacation here are leaving this week
or their new bonne at Hepworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ding and child
en of Torono, spent the week -end'
ith relatives here,
Mr. McKee, of Montreal spent the
-eek-end with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
urtis. Mrs. McKee and children will
eturn home with him after spend -
g some weeks here.
Miss Cora. Gannett, of Wingham,.
as a Sunday visitor with her par-
Russel McKinney of Toronto, with
Miss Graves, of Seaforth, with Misa
orcnee howler.
For Distance Travelled Bargain Fares
From Kincardine, Ripley, Lucknfow, WinghainBrush
sees, Atwood, and all intermediate stations.
To Toronto, Kingston, Hamilton, London Niagara
Falls, Ont:, also to all interniedate stations.
Children - usual half fare:
•Going: Sat., Aug. 10, all trains. Returning: U'p to and including fol-
lowing Monday, Tickets gond in coaches only. No baggage checked
Tickets sold by Agents and on Trains
Poi' specific fares, information, train service to and from, any point
intermediate to and including' above destinations 'consult nearest agent