HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-07-13, Page 3idette at FOR THE BEST Eye Service GO TO F. F. HMUTH Phone 118. Harriston GORRIE Meet your friends at the big Street Carnival in Wingham, Tues., July 18, W. M. S. •Entertains Mission Circle The regular meeting- of, the Gorriee W. M. S. met in the classrooms of.. the United Church on Thursday af- ternoon, and entertained the "Pro- gressive Mission Circle, who furnish- ed the program except the address of the day. Miss Marjorie Baker who was in charge opened the meeting by sign- ing "God moves in a; mysterious way" followed by sentence prayers by Mis- ses Bessie Wylie, Agnes Edgar and Marjorie Baker. Miss Aleexandrie Hamilton, then favored with a plea- sing solo, entitled, "Tell me theestory. of Jesus". Miss Norma Graham gave a reading, entitled, "People will talk" This was followed by another hymn, after which . the guest speaker, Mrs. Robert Nay of Fordwich 'gave a splenldid report of the convention held in London recently of the W. M. S, work, In giving her report she was pleased to say that of the 8 Presby- eries in this conference area, Huron Presbytery ratedamong those at, the head of the list, tying in 3rd place with Middlesex 'County with 67% financially. Mrs. Nay in bringing ler report gave her listeners some of The bs,±illaant thoughts delivered at the convention.. She also 'explained how the 3 'Oriental students who 'are at- tending Alma College at present were able financially to attend as the',cost is $600:00 per year. Among, the interesting thoughts were, That it was 7ieoessauy lto' Swark as well as pray" in order to accomp- lish the great needs of 'today, and too, the necessity .of a 3 .niiasu'te :tem- perance period at every meeting and, also The greatest greed of advocating and practising Peace. In .closing the speaker asked that the societies sing "Thy. Kingdom 'Come 'O Lord": At this period Miss , Annie Doug- las read the scripture lesson .found in lst Cor.. 13 chapter, after which -Miss Janet Rattan gave a piano 'in- strum:ental. The minutes of 'both mis- sion circle and society were •adopted as read, the president of the society, Mrs, R. A. Ashton ;took charge and l load Id fine ,cattle to Toronto on conducted the business for the so_ 'Saturday Mrs. Robert Cathers is spending. some time with her daughter'Mrs, William J.•ardnne at Brussels. Mr. Alex Hastie of Toronto :called ,on his ,brother Kenneth Hastie one day recently. • in Lucan on Friday after spending the past few weeks with her mother Mrs. Neill, Mr, and Mrs. Knowlson Hue -Stan, are spending this week camping, .Spie'ndid Adres's On South America Quite a number took advantage of the splendid illustrated address held in Gorrie Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, when Rev. Stor- ey—returned missionary from South America gave an interesting lecture on the Country and its ` Inhabitants, Many educational, both geographical and historical facts were, brought to light and with one who so recently has returned from that land brought to the minds of his listeners many enlightening horrors of the land, A- mong the 400 or 500 native Indians only one convert so far has been ac -,i con plished. He also spoke of the intense heat of that land being as high as 120 de- grees. In nia°r"lceting the wheat, it is loaded on wagons, of 30 feet in leng- th with the rear wheels being 12 feet high, carrying 250 bags, drawn by several teams, and taken to the train 'or wharf, where it is piled on flat cars on the railway and likewise on the boats. However, this great Nation is already conimerically known, but very few of the natives have been. fortunate to here of the Spiritual side of life, therefore itis hoped that as time goes -on more Missionaries will become interested and no doubt will in a short time, becoming to the fore Spiritually. Miss Mary Maguire left Saturday for a .visit with her sister in Toronto Mr.. Garfield Vanstone has accep- ted a position on the lake boats ply- ing out from Parry Sound, and left this week to take up his duties. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong returned from -a trip in Manitoba on 'Thursday, Where they visited with friends for the past month, Miss Agnes Edgar spent Sitronday. with London friends. - Miss Alma Hastie of Kitchener is -Visiting her father and other friends .at present. Misses Andrene 'Pytk'e and Eileen Galbraith ':spent Sunday with their sxncle and :aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton, - The 'Gorrie Community Picnic sponsored by thee Women's -Institute Will be held in the Agriculture Park on Wednesday July. 19, to 'which every one is extended a hearty in- vitation. Bring your baskets and .cups, the 'institute Will do the creat, Decoration Day in .connectionwith the L. 0. L. and the L. 0. B, A, ,will be held in Gorrie ,Grnetery on Idly '30th at 3.30 o'clock:, Mr. Thomas Bradnack shipped two ciety and thanked the speaker and circle for the programme. The Aug- ust meeting for the Society will 'be held at the home of Mrs. Alex Edgar. The meeting closed with a hymn and Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Leckie returned to her home OtF COLOUR HOW IS. YOUR LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile --Without Cdentel Your Bele n vezy •smallorgan, but it -a ex, fainly oar Vat your •digeetive and etiu*tive organs oui •of kilter, by ,neiueing to pour out ita daily two pounds of.liquid •bile into your beam% 'roil A•on't eompletuly ooreeot such a condition. by taikiog salts„oil, mineral orator, laxative: candy or cbeavang ga n. or roughage, When they've moved your •bowels they're through -and you peed aisveratisnulant. Carter's Uttle Livor Pills will soon bring uack the sunshine into your life. They're purely vege- •iable. Safe. Sure, Ask for them by name, Refuse Substitutes. . 25e at all druggists. 48 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brathtock spent .a ,couple of days at Bruce '1ll each last week the guests of Dr. and Mrs. McLean.:” Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and dlaughtter Miss Margaret spent a ,couple a f days week in London. x . Rev. G. W. Butt and son Ebner were 112 Stratford on Saturday: Mrs.' Dick, Phillips and daughter Helen of Detroit, also Miss Agnes Johnston of Arthur called on Gorrie relatives last week. CongrsibuIations are extended to Miss Rtutb Heinmiiller on •securring her first year in high school at Ches- ley, taking first class hotnors"in nearly INuuuu ntorasIuu iliali IIIc IuI aimi .ipl Maitland Creamer ■ ■ 1 Buyers Of, ■ ■ C' Cream, Eggs ■ a And Poultry s THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ■ w: Wingham, Ontario, • Phone 2'U. COMPANY, LI MITE». ■ ■ WINIIIININISIMIIINNNN# NNNII ill1 I1I11111I11NNN N • •C ■ •w O m • m • • N f Thursday, July 13th, 1933 roxe • �1AT ^ n. � ": gicemen-6R4M1 • subjects. Mr. Goodfellow of Teeswater was to guest at the home of Mrs. Pearl Kaine oneday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson of 'Owen Sound are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Foster. Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston and fam- ly of Kitchener were recent visitors of bliss Martha Kaine. Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay Clegg and 'daughter of Harriston, were guests on Sunday of Mrs. James Bell Mr. Matthew . Frizzell of Wroxeter was a Sunday guest of Master Jacek Newton. Misses Edith, Norma, ani Dortt-'hy Vanstone and Messers Jack Moore, Clayton Story, nad Charles Ritchie. all of London were Sunday guests of the girls,. father Mr. A. Vanstone. Miss Martha Keine spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Neth•ery at Belgrave. Mr, and Mrs. Manford Ireeaaa en- tertained at a house .party for bis -sister and her husband, Mr. and 1VIrs. :Stanely Goudy, Toronto Friday ev- ening, all reported a splendid time ti Mrs\Lorne Nile" (Nee Isobel Doig) of London called on friends ini.'Gorrie l .on Sunday. lr, and Mrs. Bert Greer, also Mr 'Sam Greer and daughter of Toronto called on friends in the village on. `Sunday. Mrs. short spent a few -days ti "T:orento and Weston last week. Mr. rad Mrs. George King and son Harold snent Friday at Bruce Beach. 3VIr. ;and. Mrs. James Vittie were in London don recently visiting Mrs. Prit- reltaed, who has not improved very meta ;i:n'health. Ma's, Gervin of"Goderich is the 'guest of her brother, Mr. Sam Ferg- 4itSon Miss Marjorie Hockridge of Guelph as sp,errding her • vacation with her aunt, Mss, Russell Grainger. Rei* R. ;S. and Mrs, Jones and son Dick spent s couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr. Jones' sister Mrs. Lansing and children, Dorothy, David and John of Terre Haute, Indiana, met them there and returned hone with them, where they will be their guests for some time. Miss M.' lvlaguire left on Saturday to spend some time in Toronto. Mr. Frank Cole and daughter, Mrs. F. King visited friends in Fordwich oil Thursday. Rev. G. W. Butt and son Elmer were in Stratford on Saturday attend- ing a • wedding. Mr, and Mrs. 'Foster and daughter Miss. Margaret, were in London one day last week. Mr. Herbert Neill has returned home after spending soxne time with his sons at Matherson. Mrs. Dick Phillips and daughter Helen of Detroit, also Miss Agnes Johnston of Arthur spent: a few days last week visiting friends in and ar- ound Gorrie. Dick Jones is spending some time at Cainp Ahmed, Algonquin Park. Mr, and Mrs, R. A. Aehton p sent Sunday with friends in Walton.. Mr. Mervyn Stephens spent the week -end with friends in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss E. Perkins are spending the week at Bruce Beach, Miss .Jeanette McKee of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. Wylie and Miss Bessie Wylie for the ,aveek-end. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Carson and family visited friends in Wingham on Sunday. Little Miss Jeanne Gedke of Ford - with, spent a few days last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Class. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balers and Velma spent Sunday at their son's 'home,, Mr. Leslie Baiers of Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jardine of Tu- gaske, Sadie, were . guests of L. F. and Mes..Ashton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston spent Sunday with friends in Walton. Mrs. F. Wessman of Bornholme, 'visited with friends in the village on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Herzog spent Sun day With friends in Fergus. Mr. Adam Sippel has improved his place at business with a fresh coat of paint. A return game in the Junior Ball League, with the Gorrie Trail Rang - errs, was played in Listowel with the Listowel Burning Bush, on Thurs- day evening last, the score being 23- 1:9 With the honors going to the Lis- towelers. la The y deciding game will be played in Gorrie Park' on Wednesday, July 19th. The ofthe ' W.A. United Church 10111 hold their regular monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. A. E. Toner on ",Thursday, July 20th. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs, 'Gaeo, Allen and Miss Janette. Allen left ,on Friday for their vacationTley will visit Ir and Mrs. Mac Allen •at T'i1sonburg, going from there to visit Dr. Frank Allen at Boston then on to Quebec, return- ing home by motor. Mr. Andrew Shearer of the Colleg- iate staff at Sault Ste. Marie, returned to his Moine on Thursday, where he will spend his vacation. Mrs. D. W Rae who has spent the past few weeks in the west with her two sons at Seaman, Sask, and other friends, returned to her home last week. Miss Annabel. Fraser of La Rivere, Man,, arrived here on Saturday and will spend the summer with Iter sis- er,. Mrs, Joseph Lovell, Mrs J. H. Wade, Mrs, Cora Whit- field of 'Detroit, and Miss Dorothy Tuck of Atwood; visited on Wednos, ay last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mowat and children, of Toronto, pent the week -end at the MaeNau- ghton home, Mr, and Mrs. Will Fraser, Ridge- own, spent theweek-end at the home f Mr. and Mrs: Joe Lovell. Mr. and Mrs, r l s, No man Brandon and ittle daughter, also Miss Ruth Cocks of London, are holidaying f d s t 0 1 S with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. Stocks, Mr. and Mrs. Syd: Smith and three daughters left last week for Stokes Bay where they will spend their va- cation. Mr. Oscar Nichol of Dungannon, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Beckner and, family of Stratford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Meahen, on their re- turn they were accompanied by their small son, who has been holidaying at the Meahen home. Miss Daisy' Stocks is spending a few months at Port Stanley,. Mr, J. R. Wendt spent a couple of days in.Toronto last week. Jack Wendt of Mildmay is spend- ing bis holidays at the hone of his uncle, J. R. Wendt. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Howe and son, Laurie, of Toronto, spent Satur- day and Sunday with the Misses. Howe. Mrs. Berkenshaw and son of Tor- onto, are visiting at Fred Kitchen's. Mrs. T. W. Gibson of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mr. Thomas Gib- son. Shareholders of the 1.Vr'oxeter Ru- ral Telephone Company have been. notified of a general meeting to be held in the town hall, on Friday, July 14th, at 2 pen.• Another big display of Dresses on Friday, July 21st, by the same re- liable niatDavye r` s Store. New Business Place Opens Mr. Kuglin who come from Wil- liamsford, has opened up a harness and shoe repair shop in the Vanvei- sor Block. We welcome Mr. Kuglin and family to our community, and wish them success. They are resid- ing in the Booth house on Howick street, Miss Clara a E' ott f o Guelph, was a guest of Mrs. J. N. Allen last week. Miss Helen Gibson of Toronto, was a visitor at the .afire of Mrs. G. A. Wearring recently. Mr. Jack Edgar of Fort Francis, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr .and Mrs, Hugh Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bailey of De- troit, also Mrs, Phyle of Mount Cle- mens, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mc- Laughlin, 4th line, Miss • Mae Davidson was hostess to the Ladies' Aid of Gorrie Presbyter- ian Church, Tuesday of last week. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Sanderson, Wroxeter; Mrs, Chas. Stewart, Toronto; 11ir, and. Mrs Wyrnen, Harriston; Miss Hazel Wy- men, Fordwich; Mr,;, J. Hastie, Mr. and Mrs, H. Hastie, Gorrie. Report of S. S. 14 Howick and Turn- berry (Wroxeter Senior Room) The following students were suc- cessful :in their promotion examina- tions and year's work. Jr. IV to Sr. 117•-Lueelle White, Kathleen Durst, Dorothy Brown. Sr, 11I to Jr.' IV...,William Martin, Reginald Robinson, Crawford Gib - Jr, III to Sr, III ---jack lxilli; an, Charles Patterson, Gordon Louttit, Maxine White. Annie. Little, teacher.. W. M. S HEAR SPLENDID TALK Thursday afternoon was the occas- ion of a pleasant and profitable gath- ering in the schoolroom of the Un- ited Church, when the W. M. S. held - the July meeting and had as their guests niembers of the Fordwich, Sa- lem and Bluevale auxiliaries. The president, Mrs. T .Gibson, was in the chair, and opened the meeting with the hymn; "For the beauty of the earth", following with a scripture reading from the 10th chapter of Mark, 'Mrs. R..Stocks led in prayer and the hymn,"The morning light is breaking", was sung. After a brief business session, two vocal duets, "Some blessed time", and "When I survey the wondrous cross" were beautifully rendered by Mrs,. Geo. Allan and daughter, Miss Janet Allan. The guest speaker for the after- noon was Miss McKenzie of "Ripley, who labored many years amongst the Indians in the Canadian west and also engaged in "The Stranger's Work" of the church. It was on this latter sub ject she spoke, basingher talk on the verse in Matthew's gospel, "For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger, and ye took me in."' The Mission Circle then presented a playlet, ."Disarm the hearts," after which the meeting was closed with the singing of the hymn, "In Christ there is no East nor West." A lunch was served later and a so- cial hour enjoyed. SCHOOL REPORTMargaret White 71, Woodrow Dus- tow 70, Viola Dustow 65 Jr. III to Sr. III—Florence Dustow 65, Dorothy Stewart 64, Bobbie White 62. - Sr. II to Jr. III—Helen Preiss 70. Jr. II—Allan White 62. Sr. I -Edgar Dane, Maxine Harris, Harold Finlay, Pr.—Leonard Preiss. N. Inglis, teacher. "Howich, S. S. No. 1 Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Erma Harris '73 S. Se No: 3, Turnberry Jr. IV to Sr, IV. Pass 540. Hon: ours 675.—Arnold Jeffrey 690, Mary Baird 660. Jr. III to Sr. III. Pass 480, Hon- ours 600.—James Stokes 611, Adelene Vansickle 552, Marion Wallace 551. Sr. II to Jr. III. Pass 480, Hon- ours 600.—Walter Dunkin 625, Lois Appleby 618, Jr. II to Sr. II. Pass 480, Honors 600.—Donald Wallace 617, Jackson Duncan 614. Primer—Bernice• Appleby, Mabel Dunkin, John Rutherford, Florence Wallace, Nmnher on roll 13. Av. att. 1Z Helen M. Mulvey, Teacher. IS. S. No. 9, Turnberry Standing at the close of term: I Jr. IV—Andrew Douglas, Marguer- ite Henning. Sr. III—Peveral Breen. f Jr Eltley, Kati ley, Irene Taylor, Jr. II --Eddie l'a Drell Powell. Jr, I ---Mary Powell, Primer—Clarence Henning, ' Alice Howes, ,Frances Wylie. Gladys 141; Hutton,; Teac! er. BELMORE Strawberry Time in Old Ontario • Go to be early, Anel ud, If we getget awaypat on you It will just serve you right. We want to get back there Before the sun gets too hot, Now don't look so grouchy, For you'll get a whole lot. But where are you going? Back to Murray's bush, For those Sagging behind There are plenty to push. They don't ge in wee bunches, Two, three or four, If you were out on the road You can count twenty or more. Some in bare feet With face of tan; Young "Bob" Abram, There's a sturdy wee man: He'll stick to the job And never say "stop." Until his pail is full, Right up to the top. There are others who lie In the shade of the trees; They were never brought up To get down on their knees, While others get sick, If the sun is too hot. Some like the Quakers, Have a queer kind of squat. Now, I want to tell you 1 had some great fun, Watching those pickers, .Back there in the sun, To note all positions, All shapes and size, When they weren't picking berries They were swatting the flies. When all are tired out, They make for . the spring, But drinking+. too much Isn't always the thing. If you go home past your neighbors, They'll hand you some crearrr, Who won't live in Belmore I'd call pretty green. First Boy: "I feel queer -just had, a spider run up nay coat sleeve." Second Boy: ' "That's nothing! I've just had a sewing -machine run up the: seam of my trousers," "I've not seen old Mrs, Wiggins lately. How is she?" Dead, sir." "What joined the great majority?"" "Oh, no, sir! She was a agood en- ough woman as far as I know." Secreiaria l Science Business Adminisfrafion Office Training ng One Year Post -Matriculation Courses Write for syllabus of Course inhi zv cho are interested. y Fall Term opens August 28 LONDON );stab. 1585 CANADA tionetsamagtmosEnsmnumminelMilsmooll 411 Clarj 4J/isd# The DUNLOP "PO17T' TTire 1'16W hale in Canada tela limited number of slzts-.-is tilt leader of a complete lista of DUNLOP Tires which offer you unsurpassed vela* to ovary priet patlge,