HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-07-06, Page 5July Leh,
VW4ti iMAia�.
:..9A�iCN.YW.'XiWM(--lkt . .f;rY
We are privileged to announceour
o o.,
appointment �� nti as distrlbutors for
Designed and approved b
Dr. M. W. Locke of•..
Wi1lmsburea Ontario
IT BAVs been asked to write a foreword: to this booklet
-this I willingly do because I have been instru-
mental in having this shoe manufactured.
Many years ago I learned from my prafetice that cer-
tain details in footwear were essential to the good health
of the feet. particularly those that required treatment
haae always believed that many ailments of
the body arise from unhealthy feet, poor circulation
and weak arches, and that many of these ailments
would,,pots have occurred if feet, were, correctly shod
and s'lioefi jropetly fitted.
Atfon tune,.to obtain • the desired results, I prescribed
certain changes to be made by.ehge-repair shops in the
shoes> looms by my patients, always believing that in
some way a shoe could be completely manufactured
embodying features that would obtain better "results.
Eventually I met a shoe manufacturerwilling to
undertake the task and assume the'necessary expense.
The first shoes indicated that many changes and im-
provements were necessary. I know that time, work and
intensive study were spent on many pairs of shoes, but
eventually the present Lockwedge shoe was developed;
some details, I believe, being patented by the manu-
I was asked to give my endorsation to these shoes,
but withheld this until at least ten thousand pairs
were fitted or sold to my patients.
While I cannot expect that evert.pair of Lockwedge
shoes will be successful in their: purposes Lkn$w that
they have been helpful to many thousands of my pa-
tients and to many who have noteattensied,mpy shuns,
It is with the thought and hope that the Lockwedge
shoe will be a benefit to many that.h>sotwgave'tiy"endor�
sation, not only to the shoe, but to its wider distribution.
I am, of course, not a shoe manufacturer; nor have 1
any stock or shares of any kind in any Cpmpany manu-
facturing this special shoe.
Williamsburg, Ontario.
September, 1932, ev-eo-eh,,
From the Lockwedge Sboe Catalogue. Write for one.
y OCKWEDGE SHOES have benefitted
I.JI-4 thousands of men and women who
have attended the widely -known clinic of
Dr. M. W. Locke at Williamsburg, Ontario
We esteem it a great privilege to have been
appointed an exclusive distributor of Lock.
wedge Shoes and are happy iii the knowledge
that many more thousands will now be en-
abled to derive the benefits from the wider
distribution of this corrective footwear.
'We are now ready to fill prescriptions for
and actually fit Lockwedge Shoes.
All those who have already been fitted with
Lockwedge Shoes may now secure from us
the lasts they require, and those who have
not yet experienced the benefits of Lock-
.wedge Shoes, but have need for footwear of
the corrective type, may fitted by us.
The four regular. Lockwedge lasts for
women, and 'the two regular Lockwedge
lasts for men,all designed and approved
by Dr. M. W. Locke, are available in many:
styles. And it is important to know that
Lockwedge is the only Shoe that has the-
endorsation of Dr: Locke.
L for Wellington, where she will visit
for a couple of weeks,
e Mrs. Leslie Young, of Toronto,
_ visited over the week -end with her
s mother, Mrs.. P. Linklater.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLeod and
t family, Mitchell, spent the holiday
with his aunt, NIrs. Alex. Reid.
- Rankin, Toronto, spent the week -end
- with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. S. Isard.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tisdale have
t returned to their home at Tisdale,
Sask., after a month's visit here,
Mrs. -W. J. Clarke, .Toronto, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas.
Godkin, returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Scott, Langside,
spent the holiday at the former's
hone, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell,
.,Miss Lina Barber, of Toronto, is
spending her holidays at the house
of her mother, Mrs. Chas. Barber.
Help the Chamber of Commerce
X -Ray Fund, Join ,the, crowdsaat tl1,
Street Carnival, 'Tuesday, J'
tily'''' 18tltA'
Mr. Bruce Edgar, of Tor oto, spent
the week -end in Town and �sang at
the United Church service '<i1. gun:
day. ,, o ,s
Master Jimmy and Mise Betty`
Cummins, Toronto, are, visiting with.
their grandmother, Mrs': M. R. Beck-
Miss • Muriel Redmond, Toronto, is
spending the month of -July with her
'barents, Mr, and Mrs. R, `C: Red-
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Alvin
and '`tdith, of Toronto, were renew-
ing acquaintances in town on the
Mr. Chris, England and daughter,
Kate, of Lapeer, Mich;, visited over
the week -end with relatives and
'Mrs, A. W Ross and Miss Jean
McLean, of Blenheim, visited over
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. T.
A. Currie.
Mrs. Code and Mrs. Byies, Lon-
don, and Miss Edna Code, Dauphin,
Man., visited with Dr. and Mrs. R.
L. Stewart.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Elliott and
family, of Norval Station, spent the
week -end with relatives in an'd ar-
ound Wingharii.
Mr. and Mrs, :Natty Plotlgins, of
guest's, 0t
12r. and
Mrs, W. lL Pretich at Point Clark
very the week -end.
Mr. Stan, Hutchison spent th
holiday in town.
Mr, Harold Ross, of Detroit, wa
home for the week -end.
Meet your friends at the Stree
Carnival, Tuesday Evening, July 18
Miss Elizabeth Johns, of Port Bol
borne, is home for the summer holi
Mr. Clayton Proctor, of For
antis, is spending his holidays in
tt own.
Miss, Marie Dannecker, L.T.C.M.,
of Stratford, is visiting with Miss K.
„ King.
Mr. J. Herbert Bugg, of London,
is visiting Mr. and, Mrs. John Gal-
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford and
baby were Brampton visitors over the
week -end.
Mr. Alex. Jordan, Kitchener, was
a week -end- guest with , Mr. and .Mrs.
O. Thompson.
Mr. and • rs. Geo. Schaefer "and
family, of Grich revisitingwith
Mrs. John AilcCool. '
Miss '•Lodine Thompson is . attend-
ing ,the osummer school at Western
University, London, -
Miss Kate',Gilmour, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her father,
Mr. James, Gilmour,
Mr. and Mrd' A. 'Fleming, of Chat-
ham, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. G. . Baker:+
Mr. Fred 'per, Oshawa, ` visited
over the +ay, with his pareints;•
Mr. and Mrs. S.. Piper.
Mr. and Mrs._ J. A,,. Currie and dau-
ghter, Ena, left on Sunday for a mo-
tor trip to St. Johns, N.B.
Mrs. R. E. Jackson and Kenneth
left on Tuesday to spend a couple
of weeks at Sauble Beach.
Nils Mary. McGregor, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, A. McGregor, •
, Mr. and Mrs. M. Telfer and dau-
ghter visited over the week -end with
her mother, Mrs. A. Rintoul.
Mrs. R, D. Mason and son, Chas,
W., attended the Campbell -Barber
ding in Toronto last. week, '
and. Mrs. V. A..) Willson, T ir-
o,,, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. George T. ,,'iiober{tsnn, ' ^
Mr, Ted. Isard, Loridan,,atnd Miss
Mrs, A.T, Ford left on Monday o
Mr. Wilfred McLaughlin, of T
onto, spent the holiday with his n
ther, Mrs. E. McLaughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Furniss and dau
ter, of Toronto, were week -end v
itors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Garlic
David Martin and family, of Gla
ford Station, Ont., spent a few da
last week with friends and relativ
in and around town.
Mrs. Chas. Barber and daughte
Miss Minnie, were ire) Toronto la
week, and while there attended tl
Campbell -Barber wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williamson an
family, of Toronto, spent the wee
end at, the home of the former's in
ther, Mrs. W. .Williamson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Murray and dau
ghter, Marline, Toronto, are spend
ing two weeks' vacation with he
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Isard.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mcivlicliae
and. baby daughter,;of Toronto, visit
ed-° over the week -end with Mr. an
Mrs. W. McMichael, ,Winghain Jct.
Mrs, 'W. A. Brackiey and son, "j'as.
have v returned to her home in Gray
enhurst, , ccompanied by Mr. an
,Mr's, Theodore Mundy and children,
Mrs, Stewart Cowan and children
returned home after spending the las
two weeks at the home of her bro
ther, Leonard Elliott, Norval Station
Miss • Joyce Miller and Miss Bad
die, of Detroit, also Miss Doroth
McDonald, of Kitchener, were week-
end guests, of Mr. and Mrs. J. O,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills, and
baby, Margaret, of ' Ottawa, are
spending two weeks' vacation with
the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
J. A. Mills.
Mn A, J. Snell of Toledo, Olrio,
renewed acquaintances in Wingltaln
and district last week. Mr. Snell has
been: a reader of the Advance -Times
for 50 years.,
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, VailNorman,
Fred VaiNornian, Mr, and Mrs. Jim
Findlater and Miss Celia VanNoranan
or- Rapids, Mich., spent a few days last
tiveek at the home of Mr and Mrs.
W. A. Mines and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kew, Timmins,
are home for the summer. Mr. Kew.
on his return north will reside at
Schumacher where he has been ap-
pointed _principal of the Public
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. •.Cootes, Tor-
onto, Mr. and Mrs. A. - E. Dunker,
Kitchener, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Peart
and daughters,' Helen and :Margaret,
of Elmwood, were week -end visitors
of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin.
Rev. G. I. and Mrs, Campbell are
visiting at the home of the latter's
mother, Mrs. Chas. Barber. Mr.
Campbell was called to Ottawa on
Sunday to attend ,the funeral of a,
prominent membertiof his congrega-
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mines and dau-
ghter, Erma, of Niagara Falls, N,Y.,
also. Mr. George Mines, of Akron,
Ohio, spent :the weep,=end at'the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mines. They were accompanied back
by. Miss Marie Mit;es, who 'intends
spending two weeks in Niagara Falls.
Miss Mary Turner, who was tick-
eted through from Wingham to Net.
1 son, B.C., a. few days ago by G. L.
Baker, C.P.R. town agent, via the
lakes and rail route; has arrived at
her destination, and reports • a safe
and pleasant trip. Miss Turner in-
tends to spend three months in the
Pacific Provice, vinisting her sister
and other friends.
is -
spent the week -end with relatives and
friends in town.
Mrs• and Mrs. Chris.: Theyell and
family, also Miss McCastle and Mr.
Venton, all of Owen Sound, spent,
the holidays at the former's parents',
.Mr. and Mrs, Robt, 7`�ayeli.
Mr, and Mrs. ', E. Portune, also
Mr. and Mrs, b. Preen, of Grand.
All 1931 Taxes to be Place With
Bailiff for Collection
The regular,-' monthly meeting of
the town councilwas held in the
council chambers ori Monday evening
All members ' were present except
Coun, Davidson, His Worship May-
or :Willis in the chair, Mintites of
#helast regular meeting and :special
meeting were read and adopted.
A letter was'. read from the In5ur-
anoe Company- pwlieli 'carries the in-
surance on the town halls stating Abet
it was permissalle for a coal ort stove
td he used in : the town hall without
ehange{ of rate providing not m
them five gallons of coal oil ye s ke
on tkae promises and in a'stiita`ble
A communication from the Chain
ber of Commerce was received re
questing the council to give consider
ation to the matter of purchasing th
Wirxgham Arena and that a plebiseit
be taut to the ratepayers re this mat
ter at the December elections.
Colin, Hanna explained to counei
that the Arena was to .be sold on
Thursday, July 6th, under a mortgag•
and that it was'possible that the buil
ding would be sold. to parties out o
town and if this took place the Arena
would be moved out of town. If the
ratepayers were given a chance to
vote on purchasing the property by
Sept. lst, the sale of this week cotltd
be held up for the present.
On motion of Couns. Elliott and
Baker it was carried that the matter
re purchasing the Wingham Arena be
referred bac'ac to the Chamber of Corn
coerce with e request to work out a
proposition and report back to coun-
cil as soon as possible.
A letter was read from Mr, Thos,
Fells, President of'the Horticultural
Society, requesting the council to give
a substantial donation in money or
labour to help the society fix up the
Bell factory property on Josephine
street. This letter was filed.
The Finance committee submitted
a number of accounts and recommen-
ded payment, Moved by Couns,. El-
liott and Wilkinson that the report of;.
the Finance committee be" adopted
and that all uncertified accounts' be
paid when properly certified.
Coun. Gilmour reporting for the
Street committee stated that the ma-
chine for cleaning the sewers had
been received and that this work
would be completed in a few days. t
The sewer from Scott street to the p
septic tank, also from the man hole
to Lepard's barn had been cleaned.
He spoke highly of the efficiency of I
this machine and said that after work a
was completed the sewers would be in i
first class condition. He reported he t
had received complaints of deep (lit-. it
ches near Mr. Forgie's and also on h
Patrick street, also that there were
holes in the sidewalk on the McKen- t
zie bridge. He reported there was a c
small hole a short distance from the p
north end of the bridge and needs ci
are new pladks and, araotber place need
pt fteli;plrealie. 'These bad been repaire
an temporarily.
Calehirn, chloride has been put*
1- ail streets 'requesting same and wi
- be at.once put or other streets th
- have sines requested this dutlayer.
e The gravel used this ,year lae>,r
e ported was satisfactory but not t
- good a quality ah used last year.
Coun,Baker for the Property con
1 mittee' reported that the grass at th'
Park had •been cut twice, that the ban
e stand bad been repaired and paints
- and wire at park repaired, and tlla
f the cellar of.the town hall had been
Reeve McKibbon said the new fen-
ce for the cemetery had been purchas-
ed and would be put up this month
and recommended that it be painted.
It was decided that this work be done
in chgrge of: the Cemetery committee.
Coun, i Wilkinson for the Fire •con-
inittee.repotted two fires, one at Jos.
Wilson's, Shuter street, and one at.
Oberle's grocery on Josephine Street.
Very little damage resulted at either
fire.. He also reported that some of
the fire hose- was in poor condition
and., that 200 feet of hose was re-
On notion of Coun. Elliott and
Reeve. McKibben the Fire committee
was empowered to purchase 200 feet
of hose if it was found, necessary.
The Mayor reported re complaints
of the service of the Bell Telephone
Co., that inspectors had been here
and . that. some readjustments of the
operating staff has been made which
they felt wottld overcome this diffi-
ca;lty. He also brought up the mat-
ter of children being about the street
after 9 pain, .This was left to the dis-
cretion of the: nightwatchnian.
He aro explained how and when
he automatic pump was used at the
ump house.:
The Mayor also reported that Dr.
Fraser, Provincial Board'of Health
nspector, had been in town last week
rid . that hethad stated. that pastuer-
zatiota of •milk was a. very fine thing
o. protect the"health of the commun 6
y. It was expected that`s report of
is visit would be received later. t
Complainfs' have been received by
he Mayor from Mr. A. E. Lloyd that' 7
onsiderable vandalism"had taken
lace..at-the rubber plant. It was de-
ded to place signs on this building
s 1ferrn'.itiF a re>�F'p4i�l'Tt X s.
d giving anfcr" aiti'on' wlaiclx woi1'd lea
to a conviction,
on The clerk read; a list of those` in aA
111 rears df taxes as follows: 1.9.30, $143
at, X931, $'36 .77; 1933, $4710.60,;, tgtai •ob
X5690.73. It was.4ecide b, r'tkr
a- til to hand all 1931. taxesto, the baxi
iff for, collection,'
CQuncil`'then adjourned to ineeY'.t
tile call of the Mayor,,,
S. 8. No, 7, Morris (Stone Schooly
Report for the June Test Examin-
ations. Honors 75, Pass 60. Pupils.
with 60% will be promoted
Sr, IV --Margaret Coulter 84, Fran-
ces Edgar 67, Laura Hopper 64 (his-
tory), Charlie Higgins 63 (spelling),
King Hastings 61.
Jr. IV -Ruby Casemore 77, Harold
McCallum 75.
Sr. HI -Harvey Edgar 70,
Jr. III -June Burke 74, Jack Hig-
gins 71, Evelyn Scott 63, Stewart
Ament 47.
l II -Charlie Procter 88, Arthur . Ed-
d -gar 78, Maxine Thompson 77, Jim;
I Casemore 67, Charlie Campbell 62,.
Margaret Haines 62, Clarence Golley
49 (app), Laving Scott 23.
I -Jim Coulter 86, Irene McCallum
78, Calvin Burke 77, John Haines 76„
Norman Higgins 76, Frank Burke 73„
Billie Elston 73, Bernice Thompson;
Tl;, Muriel Hopper 67, Jim GoIley 38;
George Higkins 30,
Sr. Pr. -George Edgar 93, Jiznmie
Elston 80, Verna Thompson 64, Hugh'
Campbell 58.
Jr. Pr, -Excellent, Grace Coulter,.
Wilfred Haines, Carrie Higgins;'
Good, Chester Higgins, Glenn Gol-
ley; Fair, Stanley Hopper, Edwin El-
ston, Jim Cameron.
Viola V. MacLeod, Teacher,
Promotion Results of S. S. No, 9,
East Wawanosh
Sr.. ,III to Jr. IV -Ariel Johnston
4.5; Lenore Wellings 58 (on trial).
Sr. II to Jr. III -Kenneth Johns-
on 69, Howard Walker 68.9.
Jr. II to Sr. II -Louise Couites
5.3, Lloyd Shoebottom 67.9.
Sr. Primer to I -- Catherine Cur-
rie, Lois Johnston, Wilfred Walken.
E. M. Kew, Teacher.
Here's an advertisement that
again emphasizes Dominion Stores
UNUSUAL VALUES. A great list
of fine foods so attractively priced
that a dime takes on a new and
greater importance.
Dominion Stores offers you QUALITY-SATIS.
TOMATOES "Bassfde Choice Qzu2ity, lVn 2%
3 for 10c
Brunswick Brand
2144 I 0
Libby's No. 21,4
SAUERKRAUT - tin 10e
Heinz -Med.
PORK & BEANS tin 10e
SOUP . a - tin ZOe
PEA SOUP - . tin 100
Pure small bot.
VINEGARS small bot. 100
Family Brand
MOLASSES . }in xOe'
Cleans Everything
LAVOLINE . - pkg. 106
CLOTHES PINS 3 doz. 100
Chases Dirt
SymGRAVY SAington's I;T Small1Oa► tin
CATSUP . bot. i0e
GO lb. O;Oft
�' pkgs. ff's 10/e
EXTRACTS 2-o. hot, '10e
Cow Brand -Ib,Oe
COCOA - - Srnatl1tin 0e
Wgsri. �,gley0's
Asst. in Glass Shakers
SPICES - ` - .. 300
6 -az.
C417Ia.i1 ti
3xiniiA� «�