HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-07-06, Page 4TIE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES: p 0 1 Cents a word per. insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. M)1 0 0=1.01= 201 0 Q 1=102 N,CEPTJONAL OFFER -A seven James McCrae; number by Mr. Alex - roomed Brick Douse in the Village ander; selection by Old Tyme Orch- of Fordwich, good barn, fruit trees estra; solo, Clifford, Logan; Mr. Alex and also two good lots of 3 and 4 acres to be sold at a special price, ander; So16, Clark Johnston; read - Apply to, T. Fells, Wingham, phone ing, Evelyn Chapman; Solo, Lloyd 233. Shoebottom; Mr, Alexander; Ladies'. Chorus; •Old Tyme Orchestra; Mr. Alexander; and the singing of the Na-. tional Anthem brought a very pleas- ant evening to a close, The trustees of S. S. No, 5, „,Mor- ris, at their meeting an Mondayev- ening, engaged Miss Helen Grasby as teacher. • . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wade and Dorothy motored to Sturgeon Falls last week and on their return were accompanied by Miss Louise McKen- zie and Miss Beatrice Wade who are enjoying their vacation now. • C. R. Coultes spent Monday in To- ronto. FRED ALEXANDER, Concertinist, of 'Ioronto, is available for Garden Parties. Address care of R, Win- ter, R, R. 1, Belgrave, Phone 624 r15.: FOR SALE -100 acres of good farm land, good house and barn, one pig pen. Apply Mrs, Elizabeth Jenkins Minnie street, Wingham, FOR SALE—A seven roomed, frame dwelling in first class condition, Good barn and six and one half acres of land. Sacrifice for quick sale, Apply T. Fells. GIRL DESIRES POSITION — At housework, good reference. Apply at Advance -Times. LOST — Between Amberley Beach and Listowel, one Spanish guitar in wooden case. Finder please leave at this office. LOST - Truck license plate No. 53521C. Finder please leave at Ford Garage. NO, 1 CLOVER HONEY For Sale —8c lb. without pail, 9c lb. with pails. Apply Ted. Lewis, B Line. REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE Medium size, white finish. Advan- ce-Times. dvan-ce•Times. 1VANTEf—Girl to do general house work on farm. Apply to Advance - Times. CARD OF THANKS The family of the Late Mrs. John, H. Reid wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness extend- ed, floral tributes and loan of cars during their recent sad bereavement, also to express their appreciation of the kindly services of the Rev. L. H. Currie and the Rev. James Allen. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of East. Wawanosh Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained hi a "certain mort gage which will be: produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Bruns- wick Hotel in the Towel of Wingham on Saturday, July 8th, A.D. 1933, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by , Phomas Fells, Auctioneer, the following pro- perty namely: All and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises' sit - nate,. lying and being in the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the east half of lot number thirty-one in the sixth concession of the said Township of. East Wawariosh, containing one hun- dred acres of land more or less. This property is situate on a good road about seven miles from the Vil- lage of Belgrave. The soil is clay. loam. On this property is said to be a -good frame barn on stone foundation, a straw shed and: a cement house. Terms of Sale: Ten per cent. of the purchase money ten the day of sale and the balance within thirty- days thereafter. The. property will be of- fered subject to a reserved hid. Further particulars and conditions sale will be made known on the y of sale or may he had on appli:.a- L. 0. L. Church Parade The annual, Church Parade was held by the L. 0. L., Belgrave and district on Sunday when the Qrder marched to the Presbyterian Church where Rev. Mr. Mills, minister of the Church, gave a splendid address in which he stressed that an order or brotherhood was no better than the individual made it. Mrs. Norman Geddes sang a very appropriate solo and a number by Mr. J., L. Stewart, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. C. Wade and Dr. Kirkby,was also 'enjoyed. A concert by the Blyth Citizens' Band was given on Sunday afternoon on R. E. McKenzie's lawn” and : was much ejoyed. We hope they will favour us again. Brick Church Garden Party A very successful Garden Party was held by the members of Brick United Church on Friday evening, when a spelndid supper was seived. in the shed and a play "No Account David" given by- the young people from Browntown was enjoyed by; the audience which filled the church -.r: -- Miss- Mary Coultes, of Torpn'toe. was •a visitor with Belgrave relatives on Sunday. •- Mrs. Jas. 'VanCaria.p ,Mary and °.;Ir- . ene, of Exeter, are visitors at , thee'. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Coultes: - Our Entrance Class, James Coultes, Kenneth Wheeler, Donalda. Mci.eeel; Margaret Higgins, Mae Young, are in Wingham writing their exami,na tions. We Irish them all success: Verna Johnston., is writing on fifth class work and we also wish her suc- cess. James Wightman has purchased the' home of the late Mrs. Campbell and has moved into it. Miss Stella Nethery, of Montreal, is home for her vacation. Will Grasby . has returned from a very enjoyable trip to the West:' Cameron Geddes, of Chatham, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Geddes. Mrs. John Stewart and Harry vis- ited for a few days with 'friends at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Burgman and family' cf Wingham, visited with Mr,' and Mrs. Yule on Sunday. Mrs. J. Coultes has returned home St.Helens. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Thom, of Helens, spent Sunday with Mr, a Mrs. T. .A.'' Camcrun. The Belfast School pic;isic is tci be held at the Nine Mile river on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Spence 'Irwin and daughter, spent Sunday at Auburn, Miss Melda Lane viae returned from her school et Coldwater for the vacation, Mr, 'and Mrs, Will Lane and Mrs. McClay of Ripley, also Mr. and Mrs. Graham, of London, visited recently at Mr. James Hackett's. Mrs. " Cook and Mr. and Mrs, Topp spent the week -end at Zion. at, ISILVERTOWN LOSE x�d ONE ANIS WIN ONE. Sarnia Softball Team Her on July 3. /for Two Games The first e,anie on the holiday be- tween Sarnia and Merleley's Silver - towns was a wierd game of ball, The visitors won by the :large margin of 23-2 and the. score about represented the play. The local boys made eight errors which, along with l8 hits by Sarnia piled up the large score. The Silvertowns went out •to win the second game and all played good ball to win 13-4. Andy Scott who pitched both'games for the locals, was .real good in the second' game, allowing but 8 hits and had 9 strike- outs. The other players also showed more class in this game.. A splendid turn -out of fans enjoy- ed both games, but of course; got the big kick out of the second game. This ,is only the second time this year that this Sarnia aggregations` have been on the losing side, and the Silvertowns deserve 'credit for their performance in the , second game. First Game Wingham— A.B. R. H. E. Williamson, 2b' _.. ....... 5 1 1 1. Scott; p _.. » 5 0 1 2 ton .P• mon to the undersigned. after spending a month with friends Dated at Wingham, Ontario, the tat Guelph and Toronto. Wit"'th da? of June, A.D 1933. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Douglas, Luck- . H. C nd $t i i now, visited with friends in the eelles ?ra-gin;, ant, 1.�end:�r"s,�-,�..sax#sci:tor.: .gym .Fenn Win ha x age an Sunday. s Garner Proctor of Melville, Gar er o STAINDitTh BRED, T -i Sask., visited with her sister, Mrs. ING STALLION T David Dunbar ,and other friesr4s Oast ADMIRAL S week. Sited ":sem Letanna ,S' 2.06e,,e) Dam 3 A. Brandon was in Goderich one nnie A. McGregor ep 14 . ,-day this week. rse of good finish, disposition and, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKent.i'e, of ,cif sterling qualities. His breeding of Windsor spent the holiday with dein the best with 7' generations en both father Mr. Robt. McKenzie. sides registered both in American and ' Canadian Records, and without doubt will beget speed and grand road qual- BELFAST iiii. e5 t Admiral S. is � 5 years age, : of 1~' , stands over 15e hands high and weighs over 1100 lbs. Carries a Form 1 Certifi- cate, To insure a foal with return privileges $12.00, Payable March 1, 1834. Further information from E. P1oin, Brussels, This horse is in grave '' Wednesday of each week: BELGRAVE Successful Garden Party 1plendid weather favored the Gar - deli Party held' by the members of the _Anglican Church in Belgrave Tuesday evening last week. A good- number of : people : gathered to en- the strawberry supper and after social time, Rev. Mr. Pocock, intro - he following.progra tilU 1 en jos ed: nuri3ber fie, Chorus]. cele 'tions ori dlr•,n by Mr. Ie. , .lexentter; read- lfiss Evelyn Chtgpniati;elrs, sy Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers ,and family, of Dungannon, spent Friday at Mr. Alex. Hackett's. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Zinn spent the week -end at Owen .Sound. Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson, or. Kinlough,. spent Sunday at Mr. Ralph Nixon's, Mrs. T. A. Cameronhas rettfrned home after a visit with relatives in Lanark. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Gandy, 12th con.,' celebrated their 20th annivers- ary of their marriage in Paramount Hall an June 23 to 150 invited guests. They received silver and china gifts. All report a good time: Mr,'and'Mrs. Irving Zinn and sons, Warren and Clark, spent theholiday in Owen Sound. Mr. ad Mrs. Jim Grant and little son, of Chicago, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 'Grant,'12th con. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson, Kin lough, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon Sr., ,10th con. Mr. John Brodie, 2nd con., while shingling the gothic on his house, fell about 24 feet. He was badly shaken up, but no bones broken. Mr. Brodie was a war veteran and lost. an arm in the battle of Vinay Ridge. He had just finished shingling his barn previous to the house. He op- erates his farm in spite of the handi- cap of the loss of an; arum. Mrs. Cameron, of Perth, is visit- ing with her son, Mr. T. A. Camer- on. Mr, Keith :Cameron is assisting Mr. Cameron with the haying. Mr. George Drennan had a barn - raising Iait Thursday afternoon: Mrs. "George Phillips and son, Al- bert, near Fordyce, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John -Campbell. Mr. and yrs. George Lane, Rev. Mr. Taverner and Mrs. Taverner, motored . to Coldwater and Orillia on Friday. 'Miss Melda Lane, who has been teaching at Eadies', returned home with them. NNYBROOK° Thet Women's Institute -meets on \ eiinescdae afternoon at the home of Mrs.,. John Redmond, ' Mr. -Wallace Cunningham, of Tor- onto,- spent; a few days with his nao-- -ther, at "'the: house of his :uncle, Mr. Geo: ,Wallace: • . Mise Wilma Dow, of Toronto, ''\'as a week -end' visitor with her cousin, Miss , Elaine • Bamford. Mrs..' Jos. Kinahan (nee Mary Cum- mins) and son'and'Mr. and -Mrs. Kel- ly (nee Nellie Boyle) who have been visiting in these' parts, rehired to their homes in the West, the be- ginning of the week. The regular meeting of the Y.P.S.. tt ill' be held on Friday .evening of this `'week:- Mrs. eek:-_Mrs. 'Dow,- of Toronto, is visiting with her -sister,. Mrs. Thos. Bamford. Mss Lloyd Hinton returned last week 'to her home in Toronto, after spending a •few weeks with her mo- ther, Mrs.. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charlie Robinson, Mr. Cunnington and son Roy, Mr. Geo, Wallace ad Mr. Gordon Naylor, were: recent . week -end visitors, with frieds in Toronto. •Mie ante'. Mrs. Chas. Potter and fareilly were week -end visitors with her "sisters, Mrs. J. C. 'Robinson and Mas ,:Charlie Jefferson. BELIIORE be United Church was .the scene r4 larger; fvtering Friday evening 'Oka tlie•'''Rev, -Thompson was iii - ducted in to' the Mildniay, McIntosh and Belmore Churches, each congre- gation being 'well represented, Those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Reid at' Wingham, Monday af- ernoon, 'were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack •Reid, Mae and Mrs. McNeil, Mr, and iKelly, Mrs. rs. C eci McNeil, eila Mr. 'Wale -ors and M. Jeffrey. Tho fToronto: Mrs. S . se from Spot - ,on ton and: Betty at' Win. Curve's, the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jarvis, Arise Eunice Hakney, Teat Curie and MAS Sarah Hakney motored up ori Saturday, returning Sunday. Misses Myrtle and Elsie Hall, of Detroit, calved at Wtn. Irwin's, Sun- day, on their way to New Liskeard. for their holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Irwin spent Mr. R. T. Barton, of Newton, call- n un- 1+ iefi'ra o S r da at Seaford,. ed n Eleanor and M. yo J y A Durnin Family Picnic: was held i day. Miss label Baker is holiday at Listowel. ow �'splendid Mrs. Elmer Zinn gave a p 'books at the?,:ri on July 1st at the Nine :exile River on Mr. John Campbell's farm. Miss Doris Smyth of 'Wawanosh,. who was nursing at Mr. Clifford Hte, kett's, has returned home. "`" deavtir Sbriday evening. This week Mr. Davis is presiding .A:'carload 'cf friends from the 6t1, at 77uligantiion for .the. Entrance Ex- of i'ui~ berry visited at Mrs. a ` Cas e. mln tions.andil:sTena Hackett at in yafternoon. Thurscia,5'; July 6th, 1933' Iililei*ale" Road, was used for an inn- ing as pitcher for I ideatials, and he looks like a find. The line-ups: Old Timers - E. Hart ss, J. Jones if, H..Wild c, H. Mitchell ef, J. Tem- pleman 3b, E. Wild 2b, E, Small lb, L. Hingston rf, W. Sturdy p, 3b, A, Coutts p, Prudentials =-- j McI ib- bon c, IC, Lott ss, B. Fox 3b, M. Moore cf, J. Brackenbury 3.b, R. Thompson rf, J, Thompson If, H. Crawford 2b, M, Rae p, C. 'Murray rf, G. Johnston p. Umpires J. Tiffin, '. Fuller, Prudentials » „ .....,... 510 210 5 --14 Old Timers ,„....».,. ,..., 024 000 0 -- 6 Prudentials Win Another With G. Johnston from near Blue- vale, in, the box, Prudentials took Ingham's team into camp by 8-2 in a softball game Tuesday evening, Outside of the 3rd inning when Pru- dentials hit, Vanstone freely it was a very close game. They got five of their 8 runs' in this inning, Friday night Supertest. and. the Old Timers clash and that ought to be something. Ingham's: Templeman c, Beninger 3b, Gurney 1b, Mellor ss, Cruick- shank cf, Vanstone p, , Waram :rf, Hingston 2b, Douglas if. Prudential: Lott ss, McKibbon c, J. Bracken- bury lb, J. Thompson lf, M. Rae 3b, Crawford -2b, R. Thompson lf, Johns - Groves, c »». A 5 0 1• •1' Inghams 100 •O1Q 0-2 Gray; ''rf; .... ....4 0: 1 ' .0 » 4 0 0 1 Prudentials,... ,:.,..' 115 001 x-8 Smith,. 3b Brown, ss _.... ..._..._ . 4 0 0 2 LOCAL TEAM WON M. Groves, if 4 1 1 0. Elliott, lb' ....._ i" 4' 0 1. 1 Taman, cf ..» _ 4 0 0 0 39 2 6 8 Sarnia— A. Duddy, 2b... _ 6 4 3 0 Butler, lf ».»..»:......» ..-» . 6 1 1 0 Considine, rf ... .»..... 6 3 1 0 Hodges, cf _... 6 4 3. 0 Shrigley, lb _.» 6 3 2 0 Walton, 3b » 6 1, 1 2 Karr, ss ...» _.._...:,». : :.._..» 6 4 2 0.. Bell, c 6 1'2 0 Fennel, p .._ 6. 2 3. 1 54 =23 18 3 Second Game Wingharri— A.B. Re:H. E. Williamson, 2b 6 1• '2. 2 Scott, p 5 2. 1 0'' Groves, c - 5 3• 2 0.,. Gray, rf »- .- 5 1 1 0. Smith, 3b -_ __. 5 2 1 2 Brown, ss .» » 5 3 2 3. Mason, if _..._- ...._...:_ 5 0 1 0 Elliott, lb ._».- 5 0 0 0 Tainan, cf ._ _ 4 1 2 -0 45 13 12 5 Struck out by Scott 9. Bases on Sarnia— • A.B. ee. H. E. Duddy, 2b „: »:_ _ _ _....w. 5 0 2 '0 Butler, 1f ». __.. 5 '0 .1 3. Chamers, rf - _ . 5 0 0 '0 Considine, cf _ 5 0 0 .0 Shrigley, lb .» __._._» .» ... 5 ; 2. 2 1 g paM parr, ss _ ». •-•-•• 2 0 0 2' Waltpn 3b •--- 4 Tilley, c....,.._._. _.. 4 Hamilton, pµ,.__..»- __—... 4 Tedder, ss . __._... » 2 - MONDAY GAME Defeat Ripley..' Nine 12-9 in a Loose Game.: The Lakeside League game at the town park on Monday between. Ripley and the local nine was a queer mix- ture of good and bad baseball with. the local team on the long end of a 12-9 score. At the end of the fourth inningsthe- scorewas 10 0 andthe locals appeared headed for a win by a large margin. Ripley scored two in the filth and one in both the sev- enth and eigth while the local crew go 2 in the sixth. With the score 12 -4 -Ripley went to bat in the ninth and before they were retired had scor ed 5 runs. The play in this frame was very careless and players 'seem- ed to lack that .spap they have, dis- played in previous games. However, the game was won and that is `what counts, and with this game out of their system the players will no doubt settle down and do muchbetter in the future.," ' Carmicii='' ael played left. field and added much strength a'nd pep to the line-up. Joe• Tiffin, in the box, was not as steady as.` in the last game he pitched, but the support he received was not up tostandard either. The boys can play better ball than they did in this garde' and, no doubt, will. The big lead they secured ;early in the game seemed to have a bad effect, '0 0 3 Ripley - 0 1 0 A:B. R. H. Po A. E. 0 0' 1 Lane,' Ib -_ ».»,.._.. 3 1 112 0 0 2 2 0 McLean, If ._.. 4 1 0 0 0 1 _ — McKenzie, cf ._._ _ 5 1 0 1 0' 0 41, 4 8 8 'Thornton, c 5 0 0'7 1 0 out b : Hamilton 1. Bases Alton, ss _ ...».. 5 1 3, 1 5 " 3 Struck y 1 2. Tedder replaced Karr' in McLeod, 2b �.......... 4 1 2 2 2 0 6th inning. on balls PFinlayson, 3b ._..... 5 0 2 0 3' 2 Munn, rf .»._........_.. 4 2. 1 1 0 Robertson, p »_._... 2 2 0 0 4 0 Umpire — J. Jones. Old Timers Lose to Prudentials Prudentials had little trouble dis- posing of the Old Timers in a soft- balI league fixture on Thursday last. The score was 14-6. G. Johnston, ar IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile :—No' Calomel necessary For you to feel healthy and ba py, ybur liver.must ur two pounds of liquid bile ants your' bowel,; every day.Without that bile, trouble'startd, Poor digestion. Slow elimination: Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. Bow can you expect to clear up a.situation like,thu completely 'with mere bowel -moving salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or ebewing gum, or roughage? 'rhea, don't wake up your liver. You need Carter', Little 'Liver Pills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Ask for them by Lame. Refuse substitutes. 25c. at Ill druggists. 54 Farm for .Sale` One of the best 200 -acre fauns in the County will be sold cheap, on account of :ill , health of owner, including crop, stock and implements at pur- chaser's option.' Will accept property intown in: part pay- ment. Property is now clear of debt, but a substantial portion of purchase money e m be al- lowed lowed to remain under short - gage if required. REAL ESTATE Cosens INSURANCE AND Wingftarn Ontario 0 Totals ._.w_ .._» .. 37 9 7 24 15 6 Winghamm— ° A.B. R. H. Po A. E. W. Tiffin ss ._._:, 4 2 1 3 2 2 Somers,' 2b .._ _ 3 1 1 8 1 1 Groves, c - ------ 5 3. 1 7.. 2 0 Lediet, 3b ..» _ . 4 ':2 1 1 5 ' 2 Rae, cf ._.._ 5 2 0 1 0 0 Gurney, 1b_ 5 1 1 5 1 0 Carmichael, if�.»». 4 2 2 1 0 0 Gray, rf_ _. 4 0 2, ,:1- • 0 . 0 Beil,'r± ,__»�_. �..1 0 0 0 0 0 J.. Tiffin, p -_ _-.. 4 .1 1 0 4 1 Totals _ _ . 39 12 10 27 15 6 R, H. E. Ripley .'_«.M»» 000 020 115— 9 7 6 Wingham -_- 003 '702 00x— 12 10 6 Two base hits, Laney Finlayson, McLeod, Carmichael, J. Tiffin. Three base hit, Groves. Sacrifice hits, Som- ers 2. Stolen bases, Alton, McLeod, W. Tiffin, Rae, Somers. Bases on balls, off. Tiffin 6, off Robertson 2. Struck out, by Tiffin 7, by Robert- son son 7. Hit batsmen, by Robertson 1 (Lediet). Left on bases, Ripley 7, Wingham 7. Umpires, McClay and Wild. Time 2.05. MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. J. Heywood, Miss Lucy, Jack and Arthur, also Mrs. G. Edgar, of Toronto, spent the week- end with George and Arthur. Edgar and. attended the Edgar Reunion on Saturday. Mr. Bruce Edgar of In er �,' V i9urolY, spent Sunday at the hoine of Tris 'par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Edgar, .i y Edgar, r. and iVlrs. Joseph of England; and Mrs.:�atnes Edgar of J g Win harp visited for a few tv days Iasi week with Mr. and Mrs. George Ed- gar, 2nd ton. AT ISARDS GROUP NO. 1-- A range of Dresses made in smart models, of Pretty 'Voiles, : fancy Prints and plain 1labrics all are guaran- teed colorfast., Your Choice for $2.69 GROUP NO. 2— Comprises a large assort- ment i ofToniens and Misses � Dresses in regular and half sizes, and choice,., of many styles; 'of plain: and printed materials';'all art 'washable. 'rake advantage ofthis mon- ey saving price. • NOW ONLY $3.95 WASH SKIRTS, --In White and colors, smart stylesmade'of Pique Silk Cfej1.4.nd all wpol"" fabrics, Bargain' at... .. $:105 and'$.2.05 Our Prices are Reduced 10 ' P, er Cent. on all our Better Lines. of Women's a~id` lVlsses', Suits, Dresses`a d Blouses' a � See• our range of Swagger Suits, they are smart models, and best colors. See them at reduc- ed prices. You will,save if you shop at Isard's Stores. card & Co. HURON.COUNTY -. W.C.T.U-. 'CONVENES (Continued from., Page 1) Rev. C. J. Moarehouse,' Brussels, then gave a masterful address on. "Temperance- - and- -Prohibition." He spoke of the . effect of alcohol on the human system. Alcohol had three ef- fects,.lst, caused great depeession, 2nd, ntuliidity, 3rd, death. "Ii-.--Moore- house 'also emphasized" -the fact that there is no halfway temperance mea- sures. Temperance means total ab- stinance and alcohol in any form should only be used as a medicine and then with great care. Speaking of the work of the W:C.T.U. he pleaded that "may we arise and face the day and may God direct the W. C.T.U. in their task." Mrs. R. J. Tindall, President of the local Union then presented Mrs. Jno. Anderson, B. line, with a Life Mem- bership pin. The election of officers then took place. Hon. Pres,, Mrs. A. M. Mc- Quire, Brussels; Advisory Presidents, Mrs, A. E. ' Lloyd, Wingham, and Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Presi- dent, Miss J. S. Murray, Exeter; lst Vice Pres., Mrs. R. J. Tindall, of Wingham; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Rev. C. J. Moorehouse, Brussels; _Corres- ponding Sec., Miss Ethel Murdock, Hensall; Rec. Sec., Mrs. C. W. Chris- tie, Exeter; Treasurer,' Miss M. Bail- ie, Goderich; Y and L.T.L. Sec'y, Mrs. G. Johnston, Goderich. The meeting then -closed with prayer by the Rev. E. C. Smith, of Wingham. PRESENTATION • On Wednesday' evening,June J 28th, School sectiorPNo. f2, East and West Wawanosh, assernbled at the school for a social evening, also to say good bye to their* ' school teacher, Miss Grace Lockhart, who has been teach- er in the section for ten years. A program was prepared by the young people of the section and during the program Miss Lockhart was present- ed with a walnut table, an expression of the high esteem in which she was held by . the section. n ; a The following address was read by John McGee., To Miss -Grace Lockhart: Havinglearned d witlr some regret of your proposed removal from our midst, •we the trustees and ratepayers of School Section No. 12 desire to meet with you in the school for a brief social evening before you go and in doing to manifest to you our appreciation of your services in our school. During the past ten years you have been most faithful in the performance of the duty which we know was not without sacrifice to you It is a most important and responsible position and one which is s n t o and news' has been recognized as it. ought. You have not only been most ' effi- cient in this importantpart, butyou( have also been regular and prompt! in your place and have always cheer- fully responded to every call made upon you. We recognize the fact that by your present removal it will be a difficult matter to fill the position. It is a position that not even all good tea- chers can fill, so many are the quaff- itis combined in a good teacher. However great our doss may be and what: ever, may be the future of our school, we must not forget to be grateful for all past services render- ed. It ought not to require any special' opportunity to recognize such ser- vice and yet this time of your, de- parture serves a fit occasion for such recognition. Will you;lease acre p t these few P words and accompanying table as an expression of the feelings of those among whom you have labored . and may health and prosperity ever at- tend your future life. Signed ori behalf, of Section No. 12 East and West Wawanosh, June 28, 1933, Wm. Webster, Chester Taylor, John McGee. PRESENTATION A very enjoyable evening was spent at Powell's School,. '9th Con. Turn berry, on Tuesday, June 27th, when their: teacher, Miss Hutton, was pre- sented witlf a• beautiful trunk from her many friends in the school sec- tion. ' Earl Elliott read the address while Graham Wray presented the trunk. A very suitable reply from the tea- cher followed, then Lenora Higgins and Mrs. C. Rettinger 'creditably sang "She's a Jolly Good•, Fellow.:. After the sumptuous repast the evening was spent in guitar and violin` music by Raymond Henning, G. Howes, , G. Wray,, Earl Elliott: and Leslie'Bolt. The attendance. '"was very large showing the esteem in which the tea- cher was held. Miss Shiells of Blue- vale, takes over „the responsibilities and we fell sure she will be ,quite successful in'her undertakings. Belmore School Clas e s s for Septen"iberl, Sr. V Clarence Stokes, Mary King'. Sr. IV —' Alba Stokes, Margaret Abram. Sr, 111 —IsabelWil- fred Isabe 'Zinn (lion,), ti Johann, Johnnie. Lawrence, Bob Curie, Allan Haskins (Hist,) Jr. III - Bill Abram (Spell.), Jack Ding (Spell). Sr. II -•- Edith Haskins, Madeline Casemore, Jr. II — Mary Kelly, Mattie Ken- nedy, Wes. Abram, Marg,` Abram. Sr. I -- Yvonne Douglas (Arith.). Jr. 1 ._.: Reta Kennedy. Sr. Pr. Jean Kelly, Ruth Johann. Jr. Pr. •— Jean flaskins° and .Bob, Abram, equal; Prod, Tetiish, Lloyd McNeil, Bessie Stokes. Number writing Entrance, 2. ',; Jean •S.. Keith, Teacher.