HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-29, Page 8• EJ GI- 'l 4i THE WI HAM ADVANCE -TIMES 'CEUM THEATRE Thursday, .Friday, Saturday, June 29, 'iii, July ist WILL ROGERS And MARION NIXON In "TO BUS'S' TO WORK" From the Story Jubilo. - Also -- Phil Harris and his Radio Orchestra in a 3 -Reef Featurette "So This is Harris." FOX NEWS. Admission 25c and 15c. NEXT WEEK: "HARD TO HANDLE" RED FRONT GROCERY Cut Rate Prices Wingharn's New South End Grocery in the Gurney Block -• The Cleanest and Most Sanitary Grocery found in Western 'Ontario. We are open for business and ready to serve the public at Special Prices. Everything marked, plain figures: 5 lbs. Rolled Wheat _,25c Angler Can Salrnon 10c 5 -String Brooms ......- .......... 20c Gold Medal Tea, Orange Pekoe 6 lb. Fine Rolled Oats 21c (with Salad Plate Free), lb. 45c Rice Krispies 2 for 23c Good Black Bulk Tea ... 29c lb. Best Jelly Powders 3 for 20c Gold Medal Pure Coffee (with Puffed Wheat ' 2 for 25c fancy Tumbler Free) ...... 49c Wonderful Soap (unwrapped Quaker Corn Flakes 3 for 25c bars), our price 10 for 29c Kelloggs' Corn Flakes 9c Christie's and McCromick's Salada Tea, 1 ib. 48c, lb. 24c Sodas, 15 oz. pkg., 2 for 29c Real good Plum Jam, large Crispy Butter Sodas ... 2 for 23c size jar 29c Good Asst. of McCormick's 'Eddy's Matches, ... 3 boxes 25c Fancy Biscuits 2 lb. 29c Palmtree Toilet Soap, pure Cheese (med.) 2 ib. 27c palm and cocoanut ... 4 for 10c Best Pastry Flour . 24 lb. 49c Kisses that are sweet, 2 Ib. 29c Blue Bird Toilet Paper 3 for 19 Grape Nut Flakes 2 for 23c Brunswick Sardines ..-.. 5c can Creamery Butter ..._. 21c lb. WE KEEP DOWN THE UPKEEP. PHONE US - NO. 17. WE DELIVER. BLUEVALE Knox Church Anniversary Services Anniversary services were held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, June 25th. Rev. Dr. Kannawin, of Toronto, Secretary for Y P. S. and S.S. of the Presbyterian Church was the special speaker for the oc- casion and delivered two splendid sermons at the morning service, his subject was "Peter's Confession," he took his text from Matt. 16:16 "Thou art like Christ, the Son of the Liv- ing God" and in the evening the theme was "The Abundant Life" tak- en from St. John 10:10 "1 am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly:" Dr.- Kannawin's message was ear- nest and sincere, a strong appeal be- ing made to the young people. The Church was attractively dec- gttamale .supplied, Visitors in the village for'Sttnday: Mr, and Mrs,: Will Jamieson and daughter, of Elora, with Mr, and al\Irs. P. 1), King, rIr. and I\Xrs. Gt.is- sley and faruily of Guelph, with 11Ir•, and' Id:rs, Archie Messer. Lawrence Smilley, Tecsa' ter, with 'Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Mowbray. i1;fr. and Mrs, W. L. Spier, Morris, With Mr, and Mrs. Will IVtehinney:. Dougal Strachan of Brussels, with his sister, Mas. Peter S. MacEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, of Wing - ham, with Miss Duff and Mrs. Ait- kin. Miss Mae Davidson, Wroxeter, with her brother, W. S. and Mrs, Davidson, Mr. aticl Mrs, Will Agar, from near Battleford, Sask.:, are visiting at the home of Charles Agar, Morris, and other relatives. Ur. Agar was a for- mer resident of this district, Ivir•. and Mrs, Alan Ramsay, Wing-. ham, and their daughter, Miss Jean Ramsay, of Paris, with David Ram- say, Mr. Carter of Harriston with his daughi,,er, Mrs. \\T, McKinney. Rev, William. Patterson is to be tare special anniversary speaker at Calvin Church on Sunday. Rev. jno. Pollock, of Whitechurch, will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church here. Meeting Uinted Church W, TVI. S.. The regular meeting of the W. M. S, was held in the schoolroom of the United Church, on Tuesday, June 20, the President, Mrs. R. Shaw, inthe chair, The Meeting opened by sing- ing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" and prayer by the President, The Scripture reading was in the 13 chap. of 1vIatthew, 'verses 31-44, after which several led in ,prayer. "Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts" was sang, and the minutes of last meet- ing read and adopted. The Roll Call followed a reading by Mrs. Brecken- ridge about "Our Schools in. Japan.' The devotional. leaflet "The. Society Woman, Lot's Wife," was read by Mrs. E. Johnston, and IVirs. •Brecl.en- ridge, Miss Beatrice Thornton and', Mrs. Curtis gave readings on'i arious topics. "Take the Name of Jesus with You," was sung, and Mrs. 0. Thorn- ton took the Study Book. After the offering was taken, Mrs. Mann told us a story of a Japanese woman who spoke at Conference, and of how grateful the women of Japan were, `for having had the Gospel sent to them, and after this little story, Mrs. Manu closed with prayer and the Benediction. The Bluevale Auxiliary is invited to -spend a social afternoon with the Wroxeter \\r, M. S. on July 6th. Mrs. B. Costello, of Montreal, is holidaying at the home of her broth_ er, Mr, Geo. O. Thornton. United Church Garden Party On Friday evening, rune 23rd, with ideal weather conditions, the Blue - vale United Church held their annual. Garden Party. A fine supper seiv- ed in the basement of the Church formed the first part of an entertain- ing evening. The programme, a play entitled "Only a Step: -Child" was one of unusual merit. The players, young people from Ethel United. Church, all took their respective roles with an ease and naturalness that is not com- monly found in the amateur play. The Heroine was an unconventional young lady front a Western ranch, who had been forced by circumstanc- es to return to her father and step- mother, living in Montreal. Her in- capability' for adapting herself to the new conditions of living, "provided some splendid touches of humor. She aided her father's family when they were in financial difficulty, and al- though she was snubbed and ridicul- ed by her step -mother and her half- sister, her forgiving attitude and her generosity, in the end, won her the hearts ofeveryone. )ro- music was 1 Between acts violin vided by Mr. Fred Hollenbeck, and was much appreciated by all. Mr, Ross Smith and Miss Beatrice Thorn- ton ably entertained 'the audience with vocal selections: orated for the occasion with Canter- bury bells, peonies and ribbon grass. Special music by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. J. C. Higgins con- sisting of anthems, male quartettes, a duet by Mrs. Kaufmann and Alan Ramsay and: a solo by_ Mrs. Kauf- mann added greatly to the service. At the close of the evening service Dr. Kannawin addressed the young people in the school room, -'giving an. outline of the activities of Y. P. S. throughout Canada. • Dr..Kannawin is so thoroughly acquainted with the work of young ,people that it is a real pleasure to hear him. Strawberry Festival Don't forget the Strawberry Fes- tival' on the Manse lawn on Thurs- day evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid when they will have sev- eral nice quilts for sale. A good sup- per will be served and a good. pro - Wedge Shoes For Women and Men We beg to announce the Agency for a WEDGE SHOE with inside Arch Support which is regarded sa real panacea for those who have foot troubles. They are strictly High Grade Shoes made by the Strider Shoe Co. of Montreal, and are regarded by the makers as the equal of any WEDGE shoe made whilethe prices are much lower. Women's are $6.00 and Men's $8.50 Women's are in stock in Two Widths, A and C, aid are of extra, good quality. We invite all those ladies or gentlemen who have. "foot troubles" to call in and inspect this SHOE - it may be the solution to your WEDGE troubles in this respect, Willis' Shoe Store Sole Agents for The Strider Wedge Shoe in Winghar. P one Ux+9 'V It ghalydly 'Ont. BELGRAVE The funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. Campbell was held on Friday after- noon from Knox United Church when a large number of drelatives an relatives gathered together to show i their love and respect for one who had passed away. Rev. A. M. Grant conducted the service. Many floral tributes of sympathy were received Burial took place in Brandon cemet- ery. J. A. Geddes,' :11 Dunbar, Alex, Porterfield, "3, 3. L. Stewart .and Dr. H. Kirkby'acted as pall -hear - els, The sympathy ','of many friends goes out to the family in their sor- row, C. R. Cottltes and Harold Procter spent the week -end in Tordnto. Miss latna Proctor has been engag- ed `tn tate Stone School for the Corti' itYg year. Mr. and Mrs. l rank IV/c13nttald and datrgltter of 1'ee,wittor, spent Sunday elth ,Mr, and Mrs.' A. Young and Special „IVacation Needs Men's Four -Piece Suits, Dark Patterns, Extra Trousers :12.50 Menrs White Sleeveless Sweaters, All Wool, and black trim. Special 1.25 Boys' Flannel Shorts, Navy Blue and Greys 1.25 Men's Hatchway Uwear Buttonless 1.00 suit Fancy Belts for 4 Sport Wear; Cowhide. 75c Silk Coatless Braces, 4 and 6 Point. 50c HANNA & CO, family: Miss Agatha Coultes who -graduat- ed from Groves' Memorial Hospital,. Fergus, is spending a noliday wiri, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coul•• tes. WILLIAMS' WRIST OR POCKET WATCHES Outstanding values are now • being shown. Call in and see our splendid line. First Class Repairing done on the premises. Williams' Jewellery Store MIII■IIIIIIISI Illi (IMNIMIIIuIIIul I IMIIIMIIIUIi1M i- e Auton�0 I b Insurance Rain is' badly-: needed in his dis- triet and the lack of it has hastened' the strawberry iaeason to an early close, Brick Church held its Anniversary services Sunday' When food congre- gations attended the services Rev, Craw, of Kincardine, gave two very interesting addresses which awere fol- lowed with close attention by, all, Special music was also given by the choir. A garden party will be held in connection with the hniver•sary at the Church on Thursday evening, Miss Lilia Taylor has secured a school at I`ippen. Mr. and Mrs, 5, W. Horner, Zur- ich, spent a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Brandon, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Haugh of Wing - ham spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Brandon, at i nl Reasonable Rates A. M. Bishop ASHFIELD Harvey Kilpatrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick, Who attends Lucknow High School, was taken to Goderich Hospital the beginning of last week and operated on for ap- pendicitis. We are pleased to report he is getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nelson and Miss E. Selliery motored over from. Cleveland, Ohio, and are visiting wiitir their uncle and aunt, Mr. Robert Nel- son and Mrs - John John Mullin: Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell and son, ].VIr. and Mrs. John Campbell, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. Will and Miss Rya Campbell, West' Wawanosh. Mrs. T. A. Cameron is attending a wedding and visiting with relatives in Perth at present. Mr. Jim Alton of Toronto, is as- sisting his uncle; Mr. Tohn Mullin, with the hay. HERE AND THERE We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Stewart on the ar- rival of a baby boy last Thursday. Mr. Frank McNall -visited with friends at Blyth last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore, of R.ockwood, visited. Lucknow friends over the week -end. The County of West Bruce L.O.L. attended worship in Luckncw Pres- byterian Church last Sunday evening when over 60 o fthe L.O.B.A. and .L.O.L. and visiting brethren listen- ed to a very impressive sermon by the pastor, Rev. _C. H. McDonald. The public meeting. held last Thursday evening in the interests of the Orange Order was well attended. W. M., Marie Gardner, acting chair- man, called the meetin gto order by ■ • Phone 226 'Wdughani 111111.11s1M1110111111111111111innatmolaminiii BEAV"IE'S SERVICE ee�rarta STATION Gas, Oil, Greasing REPAIRS, CAR WASI4, BA`I'TERXES All') TIRES "Prompt Courteous Seiviee" imamosasamaystaimismome Thursday, June 29th, 1933. rrl�ES.F-1 --.reX(Illll/lIN(ll/l/l WHY ROAST OVER YOUR STOVE? LET US DO YOUR SUM- MER BAKING. BREAD - ALL VARTETIES SWANSDOWN CAKES PIES TARTS BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Gibson's Bakery -"ALWAYS THE BEST." Phone 145. HARK OUR DRIVER CALL. Ii Helen's ens Beauty Shoppe (Miss Helen Beattie) Have Comfort in your holidays by having a "BONAT" PERMANENT WAVE The only natural wave with spiral top and eroquignole rin- glet ends. Also Introducing The "NEW BEAUTY" OIL PERMVMANENT at Special prices for July. Special' permanents far ,children Shampoo and Finger Wave .50 Marcel .40. School Girls .25 l-iot Oils _,... 35 Eyebrow Arching ..,..., .25 Only the best solutions used and all permanents guaranteed. .Por Appointment can 133. KING'S Concerning Smart Wearable fog TWomen Each few days brings us shipments of the latest creations from the large fashion centres. Dresses beautiful and cool, Sheer Lingerie New Gloves Summer Dress Goods, Kayser Crepe Stockings, The coolest Foundation Garments and much other SUMMER MERCHANDISE Styles are authoritative. ' Qualities the'best. Prices; Value considering are favor- ably moderate. Friday Dress Sale -For July lst-Come Early A. group of short Celanese and Silk Dresses for the Half Size figure or Misses, Blues, Green, White, Mauve, etc. Out they go - Each $1.49 Dress Goods Special 98c Beautiful materials in Celanese and Georgette prints. Lovely Summer colors that were regularly priced $1.65 to $2.25. July 1st Special -- Per -Yard 89c Be here early for these. A New Kayser Number See the New "Jiggety-Jig"'garment. A cotton mesh pantie. ,The coolest ever, 75c. Kayser Mesh Gloves $1.00 Really an artisocrat in the glove family, per pair $i.00. Kayser Silk Stockings $1.00 Pair A new number with "Fit All Top" that every woman will want. Summer shades, per pair $1,00. LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE THE COOLEST FOR YOUR COMFORT ON DOMINION DAY AND THE WEEK -END. KING BROS. 1 41, Oberle's Grocery Phonel67 • We grade your Eggs and pay the Highest Price SPECIAL. Summer Sausage 27c ib. Home Made Sausage 15c lb. Chocolate Cakes, 2 lbs ....:: 29c Peas, Corn, Tomatoes 10c Bran 95c Shorts $1.00 Middlings $1.20 Screening Chop ... ....: Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. _...._.._59c FToni- $2.20 and up Mixed Chop,, 'z Corn and Oats $1.40 cwt, Mixed Chop, Vi; Wheat and Oats $1.40 cwt.. WHEAT WANTED AND WHEAT FOR SALE singing The Maple Leaf Foaeuer. C.. Master, Will Haldenby, then intro- duced the speaker, the R. fir.. Bro. L. H. Saunders of Toron.tot,P,.( n„III, of Ontario West who delighted the ad.0 ience by a review of. the. great work accomplished by the various' lodges• throughout the Province,, also the 'Orange Home at T'osonto5, who care for so many little orphan children. The L.O.B.A. of Ihunkriovt; Sep:oy Lodge, prepared a very tasty lunch for the' speakers of the evening. A social and ,dance afterwards was larg- ely attended. • ST. HELENS Messrs. Fred Webb, Ed. Thom, William McQoillin and Wallace Mill- er were reent visitors, with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ReIL, at. Pine River. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Laves, Mrs. Jas, La,vis, Ms- Reg. Lavis and Mrs. , S. McLeod., of Kinloss, spent the week- end at Niagara. Mr.. Alf. and Miss Greta Webb were week -end visitors with friends at Hillsburg. Mr. McIntyre and Miss M..Quillin have been re-engaged as teachers in the school here. The United Church Garden Party will be held on Thursday, July Gth. The Victoria Players of Goderich, who put on their play "Only a Step- child" so successfully at the School Fair Concert last year, have been se- cured to present their new play"A Wild Flower of the Hills.'' Plan to spend the evening of July 6th at St. Helens. IIItixtItat&lti1IM111■llltlllMl1111;11.111t111tII111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111\li1M111t111M11% Save on Groceries .:. .= The Secret of our being able to give our cusii - • Comers such money -saving values is very simple, because after all the customer must pay the'over- E head expenses of any store, avid , our •expense in. i woPerating this store is very low, enabling us to pass � on a savinig to YOU. A FEW SAMPLES u 1 i_ u Alymer Pork & Beans 12..... ...:.... oz. Tin 5t Canned Cherries in Heavy Syrup ......... 10c Kayo Orange Pekoe Tea ......... 39c lb. Choice Rice .... 5c lb. Wonderful Soap 8 - 25c Brunswick Sardines 5c Bak'g Powder 16 oz. 19c ETHEL BREAD. - PHONE' 76. ■ P. R. IIIGIGS FRESI I FR 1T WE l7 EEIVER. r lit h oalMI1I III1�111 'IIIMIMi )(1tI11i11ai11 aMIllMuli�lllMgl'Ml1�INiIrIMIri�Ili�►11Mr�11MIIlM►,I�IIIMIIfM�