HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-29, Page 3FOR THE BEST Eye Service GO TO Er F. HOMUTH Phone 118. Harriston HOWLCK COUNCIL Wroxeter, June 21st, 1933 Council met in Town Hall, Wrox- eter, as per adjournment, all members present, the Reeve presiding, Moved by Bryans and Weir, that minutes of last regular meeting also special meeting as read be adopted. Carried: Moved by Demerling and Lovell, that School Attendance Officer's Re} port be accepted' and placed on file,. Caitried,' Moved by ,Weir and Lovell that the following bills be paid (carried): Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as Clerk, $35.00; Chas. Simmons,'refund of dog tax, 1932, due to error,. $2.00; Geo.. Paulin, hauling wood from Dodds' Estate to Hall, Wroxeter, $1.50; T. ' Nash, printing letter heads and en- velopes for Clerk's Office, $6.00; R. H. Carson & Son, supplies for Gorrie shed, Twp.. Hall and Clerk's Office, $4,88; E A. Corbett, repairing, Awd. Drain Branch on Cathers Mun, Drain,. $5.30 E. A. Corbett, ' equalizing schools U:S.S..12 and U.S.S. 15, $8.00; ' G. A. Donaldson, tile for Awd. drain. Br. 'Gathers Mun. Drain $18.35':; Mun,, World, Collector's Rolls and forms for Clerk's Office $19,15; Mrs. Mc- Knight, pt.'salary as School Att. Of .ficer $22,50. Road Expenditures Jno, Montgomery, dragging and re- pairs to culvert $12.00; Harold Doig, levelling roadside 100 rod $10.00; T. Strong, dragging, gravelling and rep, to grader $11.155; Ed, Henry, and '.67; Geo. Paulin,. draging $11,68; T. Brown, gravel 7 yds. $1.05; C. W. Simmons, dragging, rep, to culvert and snow $9:55; Frank Coles, rep. to culvert and raking stones $2.62; Jno. Hyndman, drain tile (Gorrie) .70 John McCutcheon, Comp. wire fence, 80 rod, $160 R. F. Edgar, Supt. salary $840 Percy Ashton, comp. wire fence $17.00; R. H. Carson, axle grease $1,50; Thos.' Hutchison, levell- ing roadside $20,00; E. H. Strong, levelling roadside $14:50; Geo, Baker, levelling roadside, $4,80; Nelson Gowdy, levelling roadside and filling hole in road $24.50; Frank King, lev- elling roadside $4,00; Henry Bolton, drain tile $1,0Q; Chas. Irwin, rep. to culvert $4.00. Moved by Bryans and Demerling, that this Council do now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the third Wednesday in July. Car- ried, Isaac Gamble, Clerk, GORRIE Mr. and Mrs, George Foster • re- turned from a short visit in Owen Sound with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson, Miss Helen Jefferson returned with ' her grand- parents, for a short vacation. Miss Mary Hill returned to. „Tor- onto after a week's vacation with her parents, Mr. • and Mrs. Hill, north of the village, Mrs. Hill returned to the city with her daughter, where she willvisit before, going to Barrie where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. V, Holmes were. Winghaan visitors on Tuesday last. Mrs, Ernest King, son Harry, and daughter, Miss Clara, who is spend- ing her vacation at her home north. of the village, also Mrs, W. C. King. motored to Owen Sound on Satur- day where they spent the week -end, Mr, Moore and Miss Dorothy Van- stone, of London, called on Gorrie friends on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs, F. CrTaylor, also' Mr, and Mrs, Irving Toner attended the picnic held in the park at Port Albert last Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. Topping of Napanee, were guests of their cousins, Mr. arid Mrs.. A. E. Toner. Miss Frances Eaton, R.N., of. Ry- ley, Alberta,, visited with Gorrie friends on Saturday. Messrs. J. Archie Smith, of Los Angeles, Cal,, and brother, W. H. Smith, of Toronto, were week -end guests in town renewing old-acquaint- ances, ldacquaintances, Mr, Archie Smith has not been in town in 43 years. His home is the farm now owned by John Ga- thers. 1 Mr. and Mrs,. JohnHyndman ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. A, .E, Ton- er tb Listowel, Mitchell and Kitch- ener one day last week. We are sorry to report the acci- dent of Mrs. Heibine who had thea misfortune to fall and break her hip. She is in a critical : condition and is in Listowel . Hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade and son,. Robert, ` also Mr, Robert Gra- ham and Miss Margaret Graham mo- tored to'St. Marys on Sunday where they ivsited the area where there was so much .destruction done by the re- cent wind storms. Mr. and Mrs: McBride and daugh- ters, of Hamilton, .` were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie,' Miss Margaret. Newton, RN., re= turned to Gorrie on Saturday after spending a week in Niagara Mr. and Mrs. George. MacDonald of Molesworth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.' R. G. Newton. Mr. Brown, who has been visiting his daughter,_ Mrs, Carl Newton, farr_. the past few weeks, returned home on Friday to Toronto, Mr. Jack Balers, proprietor of; the Gorrie Hotel is improving the exter- ior of his building with a coat 'of paint. Mr. and Mrs. John Menzie, Lloyd - Minster, Sask., who have been -visit- ing friends here for the past few weeks, left for a short stay in Mont real before returning home. Mr,,,and'Mrs. C. V. Besserer, of Detroit; Mich., are guests this week of Mrs. John Strong, Concession 6,` Mr, and Mrs,; W. J. Greer, Mr, and.: Mrs: A: H. Musgrove, of Wingham,• and Mrs. Stanley Smith,` of Montreal, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs: H. V. Holmes, Miss Jean MacDonald acted as or 'anist ver efficientlyin the Presby -CELEBRATE THEIR teian church here Sunday in.. the ab- GOLDEN WEDDING sence of the organist, Miss Evelyn Stephens. Mrs. W. A. Irwin returned from a vacation with Palmerston friends on Monday. ' Miss Young, "R.N., Iroquois Falls, spent the week -end with her auncle and aunt, Rev, and. Mrs, G. W. Butt, The Ladies' Aid of the, Presbyter- ian Church resbyter-ian.Church will meet at the home of Miss Davidson in Wroxeter,. on Tues- day next Miss .Nora Taylor has returned homer after spending some time with her sisters in Kitchener, Mrs, J. J. Allen, Mrs, J. N. Allen and Mrs. B. E. Martin, all of Wrox eter called' on Gorrie friends, on Mon- day.'. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Daly, Mrs. Warren, of Palmerston, Mrs. 'Sand- ford of Seaforth, and Mrs. Aldridge, of Regina, ' were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gingham and her 'father, Mr, Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0, Johnston are spending a shorttime with their dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs, W. Gamble, at Waldemar. Mrs,: Carroll Gregg and children. spent the week -end at Bruce Beach. Mrs. E. W. Bolton has returned home after spending the past week at her home at ,,Harriston. Mr, Fred Hyndman spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Toner and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Topping, spent Tuesday, -with Rev, and Mrs. Craik in Goderich. . Saturday being a holiday the gen- eral stores of Gorrie will be closed from 12.30 to 7.30, being open morn- ing and evening. The stores will -be open on Friday night as usual.' ■ ■ LaJtl:aHd Creamer - 3T la ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■; ■ ■ ■ I■ Of Eggs And Poultry u• ens ■ ii ■ ■. ■ ■■ 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ THE• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • 1 ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ mmommempmessamounnummummmannolowl UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingham, m Ontario.. Phone 271 ■ A happy event took place in Gor- rie on Tuesday last, when 'Mr; and Mrs. Isaac Wade celebrated their gold wedding . anniversary, Fifty years ago Miss Roselyn Stevenson, daughter of the. late Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Sevenson of lot 26, conces-. sion 9, Howick,' was married to Isaac Wade by the Rev, Thos, 'Muir, A. happy surprise awaited the 'bride and bridegroom; when they were enter- tained at the home of their only son, Norman Wade, for the wedding din- ner. They were met by the strains of the wedding march played by their eldest granddaughter, Miss Margar- et Miles, of Toronto, who was cele- brating her '20th birthday. The dining -room was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and the bride and groom were happy to have as another surprise their family pre- sent. Their son, Norman, proposed a• fitting toast for his mother and fa- ther, to which the. bridegroom ably responded. Many beautiful gifts were receiv- ed by the happycouple, .among them being an electric radio from the fam- ilyan basket of roses t d a b and snap- dragon from the grandchildren. Following the dinner the family, namely, Mr, and Mrs, Norman and sort Robert,- :of Gorri • Mrs. e Mr. and i I _. Davi an David Dane, Mr. and Mrs, Miles ancI family, of Toronto, accompanied their parents to their home in. Gorrie where a reception was held. This esteemed couple who are en- joying god health, have beeli Gorrie residents for the past fifteen years, being successful farme.gs of E:towick before coming to the village,- Among theuet tt g s s who called were: lilt's. P. Zimmerman and daughter, Mrs. trig - den, both of Harriston, Mrs, Zim- merman, who was a resident of ria some ten years ago, celebrated her 86th birthday a short time ago and she too, is enjoying good health. FOURTH EDGAR - FAMILY RE -UNION The :fourth: Edgar re -union took place on Saturday, June 24, at Graig- alee1 Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Edgar, concession 4, Howick, There were 170 registered, Dinner was served at twelve, follow- ed. by races which were enjoyed by old and young, An interesting pro- gram followed, Robert: Edgar, Gor- rie, being president: A, 5.30 supper was served. The oldest relative pre- sent was Mrs. O. M. Anderson, of Guelph, aged 85 years, and the youngest being Bobby A. Edgar, of Gorrie ,who was also present. The president was presented with a cane by his uncle, John L. Black, of Ayr. Those attending were from: Guelph, Ayr, Bright, Paris, Drurnbo, Galt, Strathroy, London, Detroit, Kincar= dine, ., Wingham, Edmonton, St Paul, Minn., Listowel, Owen Sound, Moles- worth, Wroxeter and Gorrie. Week -end guests at the Edgar home were: Mr. M. Anderson and his mother, Mrs. 'O: M. Anderson, of Guelph Mr. and Mrs: Will Edgar and sister, Miss tttettimann of St, Valli, Minn., also Miss Bessie Edgar, of Toronto. GARDEN PARTY MUCH ENJOYED A very successflu . Garden Party was held in Victoria Park tinder the auspices of St. Stephen's Anglican Church on. Friday night. Upwards of 250 were present. The tables were nicely decorated with spring flowers. and were well arranged around the arena, being filled and refilled. A. feature of the evening which gave interest and amusement was a ball game played by the Gorrie team and a picked team of those,present. The umpire was Mervin Stephens. The program for the evening was a play staged by the young people of Drayton Presbyterian Church. The name of the ,play was "Willowdale" a three act comedy -drama, which takes place in the Basset country home in Willowdale. The scenes be- ing in the post -office andthe B p asset sitting -room in September. A shortsynopsis of the play is, Act I ---Th interior of the Willowdale post -office and joel.Basset store ort an afternoon in September,—The ac- cusation. Act TI --The sitting•si•ooiia of the Easset home, the evening of. the church social, the following week, --The ,engagemen`t, Act Iii -,=Takes' in the seine r.00ni,. a month later, and is the Wedding, The Caste of Characters: Joel Basset, .ser and post- master, p � d pCYw t master, who is a typical countryman uncouth bait not a caricature --Gor- don MaeEwan, Tom Skerrett, the accused, a tnaiY Iy young fellow, a bit countrified, but 'with a well-defined air of gentility, easy of manner and dignified on oc- casions—Lomer. Samis. Clarence Dinsmore, the school tea- cher, a gentlemanly fellow, inclined to be a bit dressy, however, becomes a lovely character. -Gordon Withers. Josphy Godfrey, A lawyer,ambit- ious and unscripulous, a keen busin- ness man with an evident good opin- ion of himself.—Archie Reid. Rev. Mr. Prosser, the - minister, with a mild manner but with a de- cided firmness in his final speech to Godfrey.—Donald Reid. Lem Hackett, Leader of the choir. and impromptu detective, who seems. a bit green, however is good-natured, —Jack Stubbs. Simon, Pinner, who would rather whittle than work.—George MacEw- an. Millie Basset, a child of fate, Ev- elyn Flewilling. Mrs. Basset, Joel's wife, inclined to have her own way ..Mrs. Gordon Wi- thers. Mrs. Hazey, one who imagines things, Iola Andrews.' Rosetta Gates, a bit flighty but a true friend.—Helen Jackson. Oleander, the "Help" who thinks life is a joke.—Marjorie MacEwan. Each of the players took their part well and held:. their aduience's atten- tion throughout the plot. Between the -acts, Rev. G. W. Butt, also Geo. Spotton, M.P., gave short speeches. Mrs. William Earngey of Gorrie, al- so Mrs. G. B, Withers and Miss Hel- en Jackson, of Drayton, ,sang solos, which were 'enjoyed as was the play. WROXETER Mrs. Lamer a9id son, John, De- troit, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Vogt, returning home on Sunday. Mrs. Howard Knapp, of Toronto, is the guest of her mother, Mrs, 'Goodfellow, who is spending the summer months in Miss Ada Gall- aher's house on Fralick St. Mr. and Mrs. R, Rann took advant- age of the excursion and spent the week -and with friends in Toronto. Mrs: Parks spent last week with Listowel friends. r ADD 'WROZETER0 I'. IN PPC ... S Miss Elsie Gibsonand Miss Marian an Gibson, of Winnipeg, arrived here by motor on Thursday Blast and will be withh their re r `mot er, Mrs. Thos. Gib- son, for the summer. Mrs: .Robt, Stocks is ,spending, a few days it London, the guest of her slaughters, Mrs. Norman Brandon and Miss Ruth Stocks, :Mrs. Geo, Turvey was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs, M. Sa- cra. Alr. Wm. Edgar, Miss Edgar and Mrs, Cameron Edgar, all of Edmon- ton, visited at thehome of Mrs. Mary Edgar on Thursday last, Dr. john Munro, of Hamilton, is spending a few days at the honie'bi his mother, a former teacher in the school, ;aucl,,. Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Kitchen visited, sister, Afiss I-Ienry, IZ,N•, of New friends in Brussels on• Thursday last. York, called an old friends in the Mr, and 1VIrs. John Padfield, Ma-, village Thursday. Tom and Miss Melhpa Padfield' were i Mrs, Blade, of Owen 'Sound, is vi - Snjnday visitors at the home of gr. iting at Hugh Edgar's in Holl=icic• and Mrs. ;Thos. Shearer, Harry ,Hupfer, Harvey and. Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. 3. H. Wade, Ford, McMichael and children were in with, Mr. and Mrs, Will Campbell, Windsor Friday, returning Sunday. Owen Sound, were Sunday guests at 1 Mr, and Mrs: R. AftMichael spent the laonie of ID, S. and Mrs. Mac- the week -end in Toronto. Naughton The members from here attended Mrs. P, S. Ewenmother, Mrs. D. Huron spent Monday the 31st annual meeting of the East at the home; ofMclie . •Women's Institute held w Strachan, Brussels, Ethel on Tuesday. Miss Ruby Baird; who has been Mr, John. Hupfer and friend, 'Urea with Mrs. Vogt for some time, spent Ida Griffiths, have returned from a the week -end at the home of Mr, and week's motor trip visiting relatives in Mrs. Howard Wylie. Essex, Windsor and .Detroit, also Mrs, N. T. McLaughlin and Mas- calling an Jack Miner, Kingsville, on ter Jack spent the week -end with: the the way home, . former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. C Orange Service 'Sunday Hutchison at Fordwich, The Wroxeter Orange ^Lodge will Misses Laura. Wright, Annie Lit attend service in the 'United Church tie, Ileen Schaab, Elsie Davidson and Sunday evening,' July 2nd, at 7 p,m, Evelyn Gamble motored to Goderieh Rev, Bro. Butt, of Gorrie, will be the on Thursday last . and enjoyed a pic minister for the evening. Visiting nic supper: brethren from other Orange lodges Miss Elsie Davidson; Principal of are invited to meet with the local C. 'S., is presiding at Fordwich dur- brethren at their lodge room at 6,45 ing the exams, while IVIiss Beckton and march to the Church. of Fordwich, is presiding here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson and Dr: Thos. Gibson, all of Hamilton; i spent the week -end with Mrs. Thos. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McMichael Gibson. motored to Port Burwell on Satur- Association Library Formed day for their daughter, Miss Eve, A : meeting of those interested in who teaches school there. They were accompanied by : Mrs. D. L. Weir as far as London where she will visit friends for a week. Miss Edythe Weir spent a few days with friends at Molesworth last week. Mrs. Percy Merkley, of London, spent a day or two with" her uncle and aunt, Mr .and Mr's. Eli Bolt, and other friends. Miss Mary Fitch of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch. The Garden Party which was held in the basement of the church was a decided success in eevry way. The programme was given in the shed. The play entitled "An Old Fashion- ed Mother" was given by Wingham talent and appreciated by all those present. The weather was all that quickly, and as a result, Keith was could be desired. The proceeds of thrown with considerable force to the the evening were $87.50. ground. He was 'unconscious for a '1 #: time and suffered a painful injury to his hip as well as requiring several stitches in a head wound. He was taken to Dr. MacLeod's office and later was able to go home and is making a splendid recovery. Miss Mae Davidson spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, while there attending anniversary, services at the Knox Church, Bluevale. Quite a nunaber from this vicinity attended the Garden Party at Salem last.. Wednesday evening. The Salem ladies served a delicious supper and the play "An Old Fashioned Mother" given by Wingliam talent, was ex- cellent. SALEM the Library was held on Friday night last when an Association Library was formed, and a Library Board appoint- ed with Rev: W. A. Finlay as chair- man, and Mr. Ted Hucks as Secre- tary -Treasurer. Members' fees may be paid to Mr. Rucks at the Bank. The members on the Board are as follows: Rev. W. A. Finlay, Mr ,Ted Rucks, Dr. MacLeod, Mr. G. A. 1Nearring, Mrs. J. Lovell, Mr. J. R. Wendt, Mr. Henneberg, Miss Elsie Davidson, Mrs. Thos. Gibson, Miss Ileen Schaal. Injured in Motor Accident Keith McLaughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, narrowly es- caped serious injury when he was thrown from a car, while standing on the side. The driver coming on fresh gravel applied the brakes too Illustrate Practical Help A typical example of the practical work of the Illustration Stations of the Experimental Farms is afforded by the present-day up-to-date farm of Mr. Wm. Michael in the Peters- field district of .Manitoba. Mr. Mi- chael, who was a marine engineer and knew little about farming, tool up his farm in 1921. It was then its a neglected condition, ;the dwelling house and one storey barn dilapidat- ed, and only remnants of fences on the land which was polluted with sow thistle, wild oats and stinkweed. All of his first and most of his sec- ond season's grain -crop was ordered A number of members of the -vVo-•cast by the Provincial Weed Commis- sioner, and it was about this time that the district came, under the not- ice of the Experimental Farms. In men's Institute went to Ethel Tues- day, where the Annual District meet- ing was held. • Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton attended 1925. an Illustration Station was es- the funeral of the late Mrs. Fred tablished' an Mr. Michael's farm. A Tuck, near sAttwood, on Friday last. series of demonstrational fields, deal Miss Veen Schaab spent the week-ing -with cultural. methods, crops and end at her home in Elmwood. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tisdale and son, of Loverna, Sask., were Friday guests of Rev. W. A. and Mrs, .Fin- lay. Mrs. (Dr.) W. H. Wilson, of Edmonton, was also a guest at the Manse on Monday last, Don't forget the United Church Garden Party on. Wednesday even- ing, when the supper will be served on the chruch lawn and will be fol- lowed by a play in the town hall. Creighton Reid, of Wingham, spent Saturday at the Manse. Mr. and. Mrs, J. Gaunt have re- turned to Winnipeg after a short vis- it with the latter's mother, Mrs. Nokes, Miss Alice Meehan, of .Wingham, was a week -end visitor with her bro- ther, Mr, Tony Meehan. Miss Ann Moffatt, of Toronto is a guest of Mrs, W. S. McKercher. Mr, Thomas Ritchie spent Thurs- day in Galt, Mr. and Mrs. D Breckenridge have returned to the village, having sold their farm: in Grey Twp;, to which they moved a short time ago. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey P'elit,. Brant- ford, spent Tuesday with the Misses Howe. Mr. Les. McLaughlin returned to Oshawa on Monday. Messrs. Duncan McKer'cher, W. S. Sanderson and sons, Ross and Mac, and M. Sellers, motored to Niagara Falls where they spent a few days sight-seeing, Mrs, Chas, 14ind of Waseca, Sask„, rotations were laid out During the first two years a great deal of the crop had to be cut early because of weed infestation, but to -day the whole farm is exceptionally clean, the farm house remodelled, a modern barn built, and the entire farm fenc- ed in. Last season his herd of 11 cows produced an average of 7,780 pounds of milk. By adopting .a crop- ping scheme, including a forage crop, and by alternating alfalfa, grain and summer -fallow, Mr. Michael has transformed, in the .period of 11 years, this very weedy property into a fine clean farm. Aberdonian (giving advice to his son): "Laddie, be honest, Honesty's the best policy. I've tried both." Her BACKACHES have GONE! Quick, sure relief with Frady et iv .s "'t''onr -splendid remedy acted like a tonic t0 tuy entire system. 1 can't be- gin to tell what 1 suffered front backaches du to kidney derangement. when 1 would ben down it seemed that 1, couldn't straighten no again, 1 was continual) awakened atnight from the same cause. Dizzy, sick headaches and a 'weakstomach made me feel perfectly wwretched,. , Now 'thanks to your 'wonderIut 'Fruit-a-tirves',1 am enjoying life again." Fruit-a+iiess .. aitf drugstores