The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-29, Page 2GE T?t' TWO infuse six'.heapine £eespcanfels of "SAI,Ai7A" Black Tea in a pint sized tea-pot. After six minutes strein anti pour liquid into half -gallon et`+ntainer. W:hila hot, add e; cup and a. foalf of sugar and the juice of two Lemons; then fill container. j; Do not re with cold wNateP rri.gers%eastea Will tum cloudy. Serve as rizgttired, with an ice Dube in each glass. PSALM" TEA Fresh fraaln the gardens' 'Hen, Chas, '�+fc sea end 1litc i Hebburn, will not lake riace ass isle, failed to agree on thc. subject scar do-, ^ bate. 'The dia;�appointment is rtsn�zli, as` a,nt: could not arsag tris the;- twvc irtg about anything * * * Irtermer Kaiser William of Ger-- many, narrowly escaped death when the car in which he was riding moo ed tx ii railway crossing lust in thee tri avoid a Brash. I -Ie moved further than that to save his life when he beat a hasty retreat to ,Holland from Germany. * * >.: The manner in which some of the Hockey Clubs are run was bound to create the new word "Sharnateur," * * At Toronto Exhibition one of the features this year will be.sky-writing by a machine that is supposed to be nearly perfect. If they could place a today clouds o f t a ' , theclo � Ifni ore. nil ver ii r g that would be something, 3;c * , It's a queer world. Just when we begin to enjoy our . home-grown' strawberries the crop dries up. * . x Agnes MacPhail, Canada's onrt �w oman M.P. told a Lucknow audi.- ence that the erection in "her riding" of Grey -Bruce would be "interest- ing," If Aggie puts as much vim into her campaign there as she did h at L k it will The may not only cause death or gingham Advance -Times to himself, but to others. Published at The klighsKays Department are WINGHAM - ONTARIO this year using every means at their Morning by commandlto get the cooperation of Every Thursday g the general public in their Safety 'The Advance -Times Publishing Co. t First Campaign and results can only Rate One Year $2.00 be obtained by the' assistance "of the Subscription 'public. Drive carefully Wa11oCare- Six months, $L00 in advance p Tei. Li, S. A., $2.50 per year. , %finny — Reduce the number of acci- dents on the Highways. Forge rate, $3.00 per year; x * ,r - Advertising rates ori application. Ghosts which stirred the inbabi- jtants of a Quebec village turned out WT1 GIHAN( WATER THE BESToto be human beings, Oh, well, many Warning has been issued in. some ,people are now only ghosts of their towns recently that the water should ; former selves, be boiled before being used as a bev- ; * * * * erage. Kincardine newspapers carried, We have noticed many recipes for this warning but qualified this state- using strawberries in the papers late- onebeet x-. Get a have we like be tests e ti exk that further , Th raient since, ha - proven the water supply safe for use large diens fill as full as possible -but the public will be timid, never-, with strawberries; if not vet satisfied, theless. I repeat. injury The water supply here ` is of first _< * class gaulity and' people of Wiingham Charles E. Mitchell plans a corne- can drink it with all confidence. .Eve ;back. The J. P. Morgan bankers hold ery test made of the local water has ;practically all his stocks, as' comer_ confirmed the fact that the water sal, which fails_ $1,000,000 short of his here is of the highest quality, and, loan. We always thought if one no, doubt, the pubic appreciate this :must owe the bank, the best way is to owe plenty so -that they can do I the! worrying. * * into t a meeting Lucknow x not be surprising if the campaign is more than "interesting", especially for her. opponents.—Kincardine Re- view -Reporter. fact, * DRIVE WITH CARE The yearly toll of life and the , A member of the R.C.M.P. injured 3 due to auto -,ed `Pplead- dumber who are in'.uilty to stealing $65 in gold from 5 mobile accidents has, during the last the mint. His stealing money is a few years, become •a serious prob- serious offence, but the stain he pine- lem for the Highways Department. ',ed. on the worthy record of the R.C. Regardless ardles s of ,the number of laws :M.P, is even wore. they place lace on the statute books, loss ,'. * ' of life and injury on the highway s F Two youths were arrested in Lind- `things could be reorganized without cannot be less without the co -opera- say for guilding coppers and:passing too much trouble, it is immediately tion of both car owners and pedes -them as quarters. They will non- re- told that it is being false to the trust trians. pose in a cage which is not gadded. Y n ,. A carelss driver is a nuisance o i * * the road, and a careless pedestrian The much -heralded debate between * YOUTH VIEWS THE' _ MODERN WORLD The, Year Book of the London that left to add to the crowding in Normal School contains, an article: the pen. There will be pullets that written by Arthur Henderson, a for are' off in type, have poor heads or suer local High School boy, son of home other defect and might better H ADVANCE -TI ` hu 's' uze 2`9frh, Such' plum, slave bl'en atxalle pose ci Bible tit:teabh t1te i urtesy- of the ,Hon. rhroxnas L. the dy,;.141inister In a Agriculture. Honey Prospects Good if Quality w l Maintained Uniform quality, good packing, and lcontWaite' of, supply are three impor.- ant items in building and maintain - and Information •- mg an export trade in honey. Geo. R. Paterson, Overseas Commercial For the Busy Fanner, Representative of the Ontario Hon Haying Time Hint - ey Export Association, recently re- again, that llavin4 time is here turned from 'England, reports a good it is well to note that, ac- cording le results obtained at the O. A. C., Guelp1i, sweet' clover makes the best quality hay when cut Iate in the bud stage and about ready to blossom, wall 1v e melt (4 i' pre, ent`acono-' in, and reIard the: stat, .n from saner and incise lendable w .:i phiilt. the iiaeantirne, let us all work for . snore mutual understanding, and Iet strive to minimize any discord lith may arise through the preeent clk of this mutual undeisteuding.>" • Arthur Henderson. Certified Apple Orchards The opinion that apple orchards should be certified is gaining ground among apple growers and horticul- turists. It is contended that certi- fied orchards would raise the stand- ard of apple growing throughout the province. A certified orchard would be one which had no horse -thorns, wild apple trees, no neglected nor mag— got-infested trees within 200 yards of it. A certified orchard would be cue which was. well -sprayed and free from: apple maggot. 1 Lith every or- chard certified, bumper crops would be assured. Defeetive Chicks A casual glance over the chicks steady market for high quality On- tario honey in the British isles. lie said that consumers are gradually learning the importance of honey in the diet and also, to appreciate Em- pire brands. He states that quality in honey is judged by texture, flav or and color. Further, that British buyes think highly of the good clov- er honey frons Canada, and are quite prepared to pay fair prices for a well presented product. In Holland there is a fair xnarket for dark honey, and Ontario buck- wheat competes quite well with Cu- ban, Russian and that from other' sources. Crop Report A review of crop conditions as of June ist showed that pastures,'. hay and clovers had grown rapidly, show- ing must improvement over a.month earlier. Clovers and alfalfa generally promise heavy yields. In Eastern Ontario new seedings were badly winter -killed, but old stands appear may not detect any culls or pickouts: good. Haying commenced early this But on closer examination it May be year and has been- in full swing in noticed that some are not doing as most counties,Fall wheat has come well as others. Some have defects along,rapidly except on low lands, of body conformation, feet or wings. The fall of moisture has been very These might better be taken out now uneven, with some. sections suffering from drought and others needingl rain. Crop prospects are good in Northern Ontario. Livestock on pas- ture have plenty of grass and are in. good condition in Western, southern and central Ontario. Bruce County reports many fields of fail -e-heat badly lodged due to. unusually luxuriant growth. In Duf- ferin wheat, lwh a of fall , tgrowth he rmost 's satis- factory. a grains and meadoww s is factory. Huron County, . in common room at the feed trough and on the with most of '�'v'estern Ontario, suf- fered heavily from early June wind-. be sold as broilers, and the best car- i storms, in vw hich inany farmers lost ried along to be sold later asroast-barns as well as tomato and tobacco ers. plantings. Brant County- reports prospects for strawberry crop very good, with acreage down 25% from 1932. The Hessian Fly has played the fall wheat in Essex and Ontario 'Vegetable Growers" Associa much of the crop,. 45,000 acres, will tion : (1932) just. issued by the De- ^ be affected. One hundred bacon partment and containing the follows -'hog boars have been purchased in Es- ing valuable chapters: President's ad -Ilex itothe last 12 months. Down -in dress by C. I. Delww•orth; report of Carleton County heavy losses are re - thing, and then finds that it can do Secretary -Treasurer J. Lockie Wil -ported from wire worm and cut worm nothing. It feels that it could organ- son;. report of Fieldnian, Geo. Rush; Ion spring grains and corn. A- severe ire the entire world, but finds that The Trucking Problem' as I See It, Ion inflicted a ,ass estimated at the world.is 'already too well organ- by Paul A. fisher; Market Condit- $100,000 to $150,000 covering practi iced; and if it suggests that perhaps ions 'by L'i B, • Somerset; Vegetable catty all vegetable gardens and green Orchards �a w . east - of Ottawa. � s Diseases and Their Control, by 'I7r..house H. W.Dye; Asparagus Culture, by /have had an unusually large,show of Harper Secord; Cover Crops, by T. 4 bloom and. the prospect of fruit of H. Hones; How to. Cut Cost of Pro- all kinds is favoxabre. Barley acre - duction, byChas. T. Williams; ageis larger than usual and oats are am ,Soil. g W.cropss ow- hboth Ti -' a with Heating by Electricity, by O. Z� . Ti about average, tus; Possibilities of Western Mark- ing well. ets by H. E. Toms; Fertilizers, by Major J. Black Copies are obtain- Sow Buckwheat in July able from the • Department or from The acreage of buckwheat has your local . representative. shown a steady increase in Ontario now stands at 200 000 every year and a , acres. Its popul'ar`ity is increasing due to the opening of the European market for buckwheat and to -its ab- ility to smother weeds. Buckwheat fits naturally into the , crop rotation as a late sown crop or as a special smother crop, and for best yields and as a means of checking weeds, should not be sown until, after July 1. The practice of some farmers in planting buckwheat to June results in buck- wheat becoming mixed with clover and other light honey, with a ire - W. J. Henderson, Winghant Junc- tion. The article is well written ,in- deed, and appears on the Literary pages of the Year Book It is indeed an honor for a student to have his Crowding is frowned upon by ex - work appear in his school record. We pert poultrymen. If at all possible, 'o oww's: article as 11 separate a ate t quote thehe p cockerels front the pul- "The youth of yesterday felt per- lets so as to give the pullets more haps that not1ing was certain except the uncertainty of its own „future, but unlike the youth of today was never compelled to think that perhaps it had no future. It knew the boredom of Having too much work to do, but it never knew the far worse boredom of having no work to do. It was gay because it knew it would soon have to be responsible; youth today is ser- ious because it is afraid that it will be deprived of the opportunity of be- coming responsible. Youth feels that it could do every - be sold as broilers than kept to ma- turity. Und:er present price condi- tions one can afford to rear and keep only the best for the layin.,g flock. Vegetable Growers' Report Of interest to vegetable growers will be t e 28th annual report of the e��e zone viaffiileeetia„get iai�ihr� Lorne In. and see the world's safest tire LOOKTHE MOUNTIE 'li ittien.tells ytln we sett Geodt. h zofecp Silver- townt wlrh. Life.-saver Golden Pty. �011r,�ItR f'r 9 fi43, .ae ti ACIi % The amazing new Life -aver Golden Flay ire Goodrleh Safety Silvert owns checks internal heat and keeps rubber and fab• riC front separating— prevents blisters and •se protects you frcnn blow^outs. That tire has the most skid• resisting tread oilthe road cloodrich Standard Cavalier offer's fealty esoanwith a iter at;tntouet of traction n theetread. No better tire at this price. Goodrich. produced the Cortttn,anderforthe tnati who wants as good a tire as it Is possible its xneke at aatatnazingty low price. Corri- xuiandetii will give teat setiefactiOti. CECIL MERKL Y PHONE 84 WINGHAM FREE This emblem with reed rNflettor pry*. tectd you if your tail light gas out, Come_in apd joie oua fcty T.eUgunvett b KV ti placed in it. It is told, furthermore, rthe world that sieves in the history of has youth been so fortunate as today in the opportunities andeducation offered to it. Youth, of course, maintains that this is not so. It claims that not on- ly is it being given ars unsuitable ed- ucation, but that it is actually being. "de -educated" --for, after all, true ed - cation is not merely learning a re- cord of other people's discoveries, but rae learning th r learnin r how to smoke one's own discoveries. Youth claims it is being '`de -edu- cated” because it is being denied les- sons in self-reliance: in favor of de- pendence; denied lessons in industry and discipline in favor of a period of waiting, and denied the .right of shift- ing for itself, in favor of having oth- ers shift for it. Not only Is it being h' which really denied. lessons in € rings wv is i ce:•unt if it wishes to make a living, but its time is being spent studying subjects which it does not expect to remember three days after gradua- tion. Youth recoggia5s that studying these subjects has 'a great cultural' value, but it is forced in this ,age of materialism to be more directly in- terested in 'ill ulitariafi value. It un- fortunately 'blatnes those in authority for -stressing unduly the cultural value and scorns aesthetic attainments the desire for a more practical edit., cation. If one can study these subjects successfully, one has ability, but the lamentable fact as youth sees it is that this ability is a drug on the mar- ket, Pragmatism has crowded it out and' youth is not given the opportun- ity of becoming pragmatic, It is unfortunate that youth should. adopt this attitude, but as the boys:; and girls go back to the books which they once hoped meant success, they soniethries think that ability will neve er L"ount for very much again. It is slot a ease of the youth of today wile- fully adopting; ars attitltde ^atttegonist-. is to 'that of age, Doubtless, as it goes..rthtough life, its attitude will i?hange in many respects: Doubtless New Health Broadcasts Stress Value of Milk`- - The Ontario Federated Wbinen's Institutes will present regular week- ly Health Programs aver radio stat- ion CRCT, The first was given on Monday evening, June 19, at 6,15 Daylight Saving Time. These value of willstress the talks e t milk in the diet and, it is expected, will ;create a greater consumer ep- preciation of this important product of Ontario farms. INSTALL AN J4Cu BA HROoM NOW OU may have done without a bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than you could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced. manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. Let us show you different designs in Ernco Bath- room equipment. The three pieces shown in the illustration, with all fittings, ready for installation,os.x'5 Our booklet, showing different styles in Emco Bath- room equipment and with prices shown, -will be gladly mailed you. Duro PressureWater Systems, all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your home. THE FRESH FLOW e: fresh where r used wh tzbeu f Ca mater direct from the' well is required. Capacity,F360 gal. per hour. Small.3 gal. Galvanized Tank 3t H.P., 110 Volt Motor - 60 cycle or ®`� - 25 cycle . Extra for ,S0 gal. Gaivan- ized Tank, .. $10.00 Easy time payments available on all Emco equipment. FOR SALE BY Bros. L Machan 'EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Toronto "Winnipeg Vancouver. z6 earearranneenliellaletalaelanga mendous loss to the beekeeper, cut- ting the sale value of the white hon- ey crop 50 to 75%. The apiary is a valuable asset to any farm in 'aiding fertilization of :all plants especially fruits and the apiary. owner should not be forced out of business by thoughtlessness on the' part of farm- ers in sowing buckwheat early in the season. Minister in England Ontar- io L. Kennedy, Tho as Y Hon. , Minister of Agriculture,'is on a six weeks' trip to England for the purpose of personally canvassing the British' market with a view to fur- ther stimulating the sale of Ontario farm produce and to make a study of what the British consumer wants and how it may' best be served. He has been delegated by the Government to make whatever changes necessary to constitute Ontario House in London a great central point for marketing Ontario's produce and to bring back recommendations to` aid 'exporters here. An attempt to ptish the sales of Ontario flue -cured . tobacco, live- stock, cheese, and fruits is the • prime ary object. of his visit. 'There' has been a very' gratifying increase in s ales of , Ontario fru t o r an to the: presence of a representative on the market who -has studied the requirements of the British import-�.- ers and has passed his knowledge -eel to Ontario growers. hoped to extend the plan to It is include other farm products and the Minister's personal visit shoixld iso far towards providing the necessary, information for pushing the 'taexe paign. ' ' Bill : "What's this about the boys 3 planning a kitchen shower for Jim?" Jack: "Well, they all Iike him, and, marrying the girl he is, they know he'll spend more tirne in the kichen than she ever will, so they want to fix him up with things that will make his work in it as easy as possible." asuommeemanismonimamillims Secretarial Science Business Adininistra+ion Office Training Ono Year Post -Matriculation Courses Write for syllabus of Course in which you are interested. Fall Terns opens August ?S LONDON listab. ,1885 CANADA You can avoid dangers you can SEE —REMEMBER 46 killed, 124 inured walking on rural highways in 'Ontario In 1932 to MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ON1`Alt1O DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Leopold ltdataulaY. WiL nlsti