HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-29, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News, s, Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1933 PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC RESULTS The results of the Music Examina- tions at the Public School are most encouraging and the results show very excellent work on the 'part of both teachers and pupils, and Prof. .A. W. AndertonnSupervisor of Mus- ic, is area* pleased with the COM- 2eiendable results. 14fiss Reynold's Room 76.3%. Miss Farquharson's Room 72%. Miss Mahood's Room 71.1%. Miss MacDonald's Room 67.8%. Average percentage of rooms 71.8. The following pitils made 100%,: Mary Preston, Doris Armitage, Fran - ▪ es Lockridge, Norene Benedict, Bil- lie Burgman, Margaret Inghatn. The prize this year, was won by Miss Reynolds' room with ' the high- • est eercentage of 76.3. s NOTICE To All Water .Users. The hours for lawn, garden and street watering are froth 6 to 9 aen. and 6 to 9 pani on all days of the -week, Anyone using water for the above- mentioned services outside the regu- lated hours will be proSeouted. Wingliam Utilities Commission. Caught 15-1b. Carp Last Thursday Phil Gillen, Scott St, was fishing near the lst bridge in the Maitland River and was re- warded for his efforts by landing a 15 pound carp. Carp appear to be 'Very plentiful in the river at present as several have been lindeded re- seently. Bees Swarm Down Main Street On Sunday afternoon a swarm of bees passed down Josephine Street, -creating considerable interest. The noise as they =loved along was sirn- :lar to a distant 'plane. For a few aninutes" ff lookedas ff they would settle at the corner of Victoria and Josephine St., but they drifted on in n south-westerly direction, Last year several swarms were reported in -town but this is the first that we liave heard of this year. WEDDINGS Dennis - Cardiff A quiet wedding svas solemnized at the home bf Rev. J. M. Laird, St. Thos, on Wednesday, June 14th, eshen Berva Beatrice, eldest daughter of the late Richard Cardiff and Mrs. Cardiff, of Brussels, became the -bride .of William Harvey; eldest son of aWr. and Mrs. Ernest Dennis, of Mor - .1 T1S Township. The bride was beco-mingly gowned in white flowered chiffon with white hose and shoes to match. After the cerernony'the young cou- ple left on a honeymoon to Toronto and points along the St. Lawrence River, the bricte travelling in a grey ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis will take up - residence with the groorn's parents at Browntown, second line of Morris. Elliott - Hooper A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Anglican Church, Gorrie, by Rev. R. Jones, on Wednesday, June '21st, when Blanche V, youngest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs: A. J. Hooper, of the second of Tutnberry, Was un- ited in marriage to Stanley G. Elliott only son of Mr. and Mrs. James El- liott of Guelph. The bride was char- mingly attired in a dress of pale blue chiffon organdy and hat to match, she wore thesgift of the groom, neck- lace, and was unattetided. Immediately after the cerernoey Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left on a motor trip to Sarnia, Port fittron on Lon- don, on their reture will reside in Guelph, For travelling the bride wore a navy suit with red trimmings and hat to match. A fox fur com- pleted the costume. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, E. C. Smith, Pastor. SUNDAY, JULY 2nd, 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—Subject "The Family p.M.—»The Living Stones." Baptisms at opening of Evening Service. A Hearty Weleothe to AIL iX5'444 “41. SATURDAY IS A HOLIDAY Stores Open Fay Evening , Saturday being Dominion Day, Jaly lst, the local stores will be clos- ed on that day, but will be open for business on Friday evening. All who have flags will add great- ly to the spirit of this holiday by displaying themon this day. Have You Poultry For Sale? When you have live poultry to sell call M. Brown, phone 239. Service and satisfaction guaranteed. Bowlers Win at Goclerich Oii Mondey evening a local reek, W, 13, McCool, J. A. Wilson, W, Mil- ler and Alex. Crawford, skip, won the rink tournament at Goderich with 3 wins and a full plus. Verandah chairs were the prizes. Bitten by Dog Mac Habkirk, 11 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Habkirk, was bitten by a fox terrier dog on Sun- day. The bite which was ,quite deep was on his left 'arm and just above the wrist. The wound is healing very nicely. Won lst Prize at Kincardine In a tournament of Mixed Rinks at Kincardine, Tuesday night, a local rink, Mrs. W. Miller, jack McKay, Mrs. J. McKay and Wally Miller, evori first prize with 3 wins and a plus of 10. The prizes ;were, electric pad, two electric toasters and a goose neck table lamp. Bowling Tourney Saturday On Saturday, July 1st, the Annual Bowling Tournament of rinks will be held by the Bowling Club. It is ex- pected that there will be a full entry of 32 rinks. The greens are in good shape and the new lighting system has been a big improvement Hand your names in for this tournament as early as possible. Whew! Some 1-leat! Old Sol surely made the thermo_ meter do its stuff on Tuesday. The therniometer in front of the tobacco' stosse registered 121 about 4,80 in the afternoon. The blistering heat drove all who could get away, to the river, and MacLean's swimming hole Was a busy place indeed. To -day (Wed- nesday) little relief from the heat is anticipated. Won Bowling Trophy A local rink did exceptionally well as a 'bowling tournament held in Ow- en Sound last Wednesday, as they won the Trophy Event and the Man - earls Challenge Cup will be among Alex. Crawford's possessions for thie year. They also received beautiful blankets as prizes. The rink was as follows: C. P. Smith, W. Hawke, j. Pollock and A. M. Crawford, skip. Professional Baseball Goderich is having a baseball dou- bleheader,as its chief Dominion Day attraction. A purse of $700 is being given for two games between the Black Sox, colored chainpions of the Ohio State League, and Easter Brands of Buffalo, one of the best professional teams in New York State. These games will be handled by professional umpires. First game at 2,15 p.m. There will also be a pro- gram of athletic events. Admission 50c, children 25c, cars free. In the evening there will be a band concert on the Square. STRAWBERRY FESTI- VAL WELLATTENDED The Strawberry Festival held at W. J. Currie's farm on the 12th con. of East Wawanosh, under the aus- pices of Currie's Sunday School end S. S No9, East Waw,anosh, Thurs- day last', was a most enjoyable affair. The supper tables, laden with cake, _tarts and sandwiches, with generous servings of strawberries, provided a most satisfying supper. E. S. Copeland was chairman of the piograrn which was made up of the following numbers and was greatly enjoyed: piano solo, Miss Tena Reid; concertina selection, Freek .Alexand- er, violin selection, G Shoebottorn, •ecitations, Jean and Josephine Van - Norman, selection by liigh School Harmonica Quartette, reading, Taylor, seleetion by Cleghos-n Trio, selection, mouth orgao sold guitar by keened' Rintoul, Mr. Geo, Spotton, M.Pe gave an ddress on "Curtent Topics of the Day." REV. A., E. MANN'S FAREWELL SERIVIO On Sunday morning, June 24th, ti tongregation of Bluevale Unit Church met to hear the farewell a dress of their esteemed pastor, Re A. E. Mann, Mr. Manrs is leavin Bluevale after four year of devote service here, and evil1 take up his ne charge at Wellburn, Mr., Mann gave a few reined touching on the position of a mini ter in a community, "A minister i with his people in times of the deer est emotioeal stress," he pointed ou 'Their joys and sorrows are share by him. They cannot help but fee one with him and his attitude io ward thern is one of mutual under standing." As his text, Mr. Mann took Paul' farewell message to the Corinthian "Fare thee Well and may the Lov f God, the Fellowship and Conmssin on of the Holy Spirit be With you 11, now and forever more. Amen." This message was dealt with in its a context, the conditions of the people in Corinth at that time, and .Paul's gi•eat love towards them "No other text could form a more fitting fare- well to a congregation of today than this sincere message which was giv- en in olden times." - Mrs, A. E. Man sang a beautiful solo "The Holy- City." The Communion service was ob- served at the close. Mr. and Mrs, Mann and son, Har- ry, are leaving.with the best wishes of the congregation for their pros- perity and happiness. CLINTON TEACHER FOR HIGH SCHOOL At a recent meeting of the High School Board, 'Miss Catherine Mc- Gregor, of Clinton, was appointed to. the. High School Staff for the follow- ing year, replacing Miss Lottie Ham- mond, who has been granted a year's leaye of absence to study in France. Salaries of the High School Steff also were under discussion and re- ductions were made which amounted in all to $780. Won 2nd Prize at. Myth At the Annual Scotch Doubles held in Blyth last Wednesday W. Miller and Jade Moon won second prize. The prize was table Covers. • Lakeside League Game Next Monday— Next Monday, July 3rd, Ripley Lakeside team and the local nine will stage a game that should draw a big crowd. In the game at Ripley the locals were on the short end of a 4-2 score, and they are determined to wipe out this defeat. The game will be called at 5 pm.—Be on hand and cheer the boys to victory. e' Butter Stolen from Buggy On Saturday night a farmer from Morris Township had his horse and buggy in the United Church shed. After doing some shopping he plac- ed four pounds of butter in the bug- gy, and when he returned some per- son had .stolen the butter. It is Lot often in this coinnumity that sneak thieving •occurs and it is hoped that, sach mean actions will not become a habit Parade to Church at 'Kincardine Fire-fighters from Teeswater and Wingham joined the Kincardine bri- gade, Town Council and band for the tamed church parade of the fire big- ade, held to the Kincardine Baptist burets, where Rev. E. P. H. Ring 'missed with them "The Open Door' e took to task those, who in tile oining elections, would be etriving ard to win parliainentary seats and eplored the fact that there was not uch ambition or activity show ie by e same people in church 'work, a th King's Week -End Specials 8'x:10' Heavy Grass Rugs about half price $2.98; Wabasso unbleached Sheets $2 19 per peir; Watson's bloomers, vests and Step-ins 59c; Cottage Bath Towels 49c a pair; Lit- tle .boys' Whoopee pants 79e; Little boys' Polo shirts 49e; English Voile dress goods 45e; Reg. 86e printed 1?1ques 39c; Girls' totton pajamas $1,49; 13rocaded silk rayons 29e; Reg, $1.50 silk panels $1,00; Extra weight 85c Awning stripe 39e; Cottage cash - ions 19c; Wabesso pillow tottons, 8 yds, $1,00; All linen 'Breakfast cloths 64 'hell, Size $1.19, and maily other ate ti actively priced slimmer goods. King leros. MASONS ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE Wingham Lodge A.F. 6c, A.M. No. 286 attended the evening service at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Seeday, About, 70 members met at the Masonic Hall and paraded to the church, Rev. Kenneth MacLean chose for his •text, from the first Book of Kings, 7th chapter, 21st verse "And he set up the pillars ie the porch of the temple; and he set up the right pillar, and ,ealled the name tkereof Jachin; and he set up the left pillar and called the name thereof Boaz," His sermon was divided into three headings "The Pillar", "The Art," "The ICeystone," STRAWBERRY SPECIAL Large fresh supply. of Strawberries every day this week. Special prices in crate lots. Open all day Satur- day. Bondi .Fruit Store. Bathing Shoes , Only 49c a Pair Store. . at Greer's Shoe SPECIAL BUS RATES Kincardine-Wiegham-London Bus reduced rates fol- Friday, lune 30th to July 4th. Open Friday Night As Saturday, July lst is a holiday we will be open Friday night to re- ceive Cream and Egs. United Farm- ers' Co -Operative, Orange Service, July 9t1i Winghant L.O.L. 794 will attend divine service at St. Paul's Anglican Church at 7 p.m., Sunday, July 9th. Brethren Nvil I meet at the lodge room at 6.30 p.m. Got 2nd 1Yrize..at Walkerton At a Doubles 'Tournament held in Walkerton Tuesday night, two local pair of bowlers were entered. 011ie Thompson and Jack Mason won 2nd prize with 3 winsL and a plus of 20, the prizes being lawn chairs, Look at Your Label Our Mailing List has been correct- ed up to June 24th. If there are any errors or omissions please notify this office at once. If your label shows you are in arrears we would apprec- iate your attention to this matter. Appointed Director At a special meeting of the Culross Fire Insurance Company held in Teeswater on Saturday, John Burch- ell was appointed aedirector to fill the vacancy of the late Kenneth Mc- Kenzie. Previous to this appoint- ment Mr. Burchell was one of the inspectors for the company. Regulars Win 11-3." The Lakeside Baseball team played another exhibition game of ball with the Lower Town team on Monday evening. The regulars won 11-8, but at, that they did not playas smartly as they should, and they were helped by the opposition's errors. The reg-. tilers could be whipped into a good club with proper coachirig. Carmich- ale behind the bat for Lower Town, is a smart catcher, with plenty of pep and baseball knowledge, and would be a good mentor to have on the regular line-up. Palmerston, People Buy Arena A by-law to borrow the sum of $6,500 on debentures of the corpora- tion of the town of Palmerston for the purpose of acquiring lots 90 mid 91 00 the north side of Daly Street and lots 110 and 111 on the south side of Boulton Street on which the Palmerston Arena stands, was sub- mitted to the ratepayers and passed with a/ majority of 114 for the by- law. A note was held itgainst the rink of $'4,500, In order to release, the backers` of the note, the by-law was submitted to the people... New Relief Works VVouders for Stomach Sufferers Bisina-Rex is a new antacid treat- ment that is bringing welcome relief to people who have uffered for years from the agonies of acid stomach, It acts four ways to give this relief. Neutralizes excess acid; relieves the stomach of gas; soothes the irritat- ed menabrane.s; and aids digestion of &ode most likelee to ferment. It is sold only at Rexall Dreg Stores. Go to McKibbon's Ressell Dreg Store to and asle for Bisma-Rox. Big package for 75c, NEWSPAPER MEN MET AT GODERICH The annual meeting of the Huron County Newspaper Association was held in Goderich last Friday, Every paper ht the County was represented except two, The local paper was re- presented by W. B. McCool. Both morning and afternoon sessions were held at Park House, as was tee mid- day luncheon. The morning session was an open forum. R. M. McLean, Seaforth, led the discussion on Ad- vertising; a E Hall, Clinton "Prac- tical Problems"; W. B. McCool, of Wingham, "Cost Accounting"; and W. F. A. Naftel, Godcrich, "Circula- tion"; W. H. Robertson, Goderich, "Editorial Opinions." The guest speakers were j, A. Mac - Laren, Barrie, and Lorne Eedy, St. Marys. The following- were elected offic- ers: President W. F. A. Naftel: Vice Pres., Mies Clark; Sec.-Treas., W. B. McCool; Executive, W. H. Rob- ertson, K. M. McLean, J. M. South- cott and G. E. Hall, CAR AND JIGGER CRASH AT CROSSING Tuesday morning about 7.30, Carl Dickson's Chet,. sedan and e railway jigger collided on the C.N.R. railway crossing just back of the foundry. No person was hurt, but the jigger had to be repaired andthe car had• 'the left hind wheel broken off and the right fender and imming• board crushed, • It was towed to Merkley's Garage for repairs. • See Will Rogers with his Wit and humor at the Lyceum Theatre, this, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. White is Right White is the right Footwear for this suinmer—New Styles at Greer's Shoe Store. Anniversary Announcement, On Sunday, July 2nd, Mr. and.M Duncan Campbell, lst line Morris, Of the Huron County W.C.T.U. will will celebrate their 50th wedding an- niversary quietly. Recovering from Operation Sabecriptions $2,00 Per STREET CARNIVAL TUESDAY, JULY 18 A Big Night of Fun and Frolic The Carnival ommittee of the Chamber of Coremerce have aseade arrangements to . hold a Street Carni- val on Tuesday evening, July 18th. The prograin for the evening enter- tainment is practically • complete and further announcement next week will give complete arrangements. Sport Shoes For your nex-t pair. try Greer's It will pay yott, Institute Meeting ,The Women's Institute will meet in' the Council Chamber on Thursday, June 29th, at the usual hour. Will Broadcast at Kitchener The String Pickers, Don and jack Cleghorn, Fred Templeman, Earl Wild and A. Nichol, will broadcast over the Kitchener Station CKR.0 on Wednesday (this week) from 8 to 8,30, -Tune in on 645 kilocycles at this time. e. Earnings The gross revenues of the all -in - elusive Canadian National Railways System for the week ending June 21, 1933, were $3,217,050, as compared with $3,197,567, for the corresponding period of 1932, an increase of $19,- 483. Brussels Jeweler Hurt in Fall FromLadder H. L. Jackson, Brussels' well- known jeweler, met with an unfor- tunate accident last Wednesdaee He •was making repairs to his kitchen roof and was standing with one foot on a ladder and the other on the roof, the ladder slipped and he fell to the ground, receiving a badly bruised face, and a gash on his fore- head which required several stitches. Annual Convention of the W.C.T.U. rs* The thirty-sixth annual convention be held Tuesday, July' 4th, in the 'United Church, Wingham. Reports for the year will be received. and Miss R. Duff, Field Secretary of the Pro- vincial W.C.T.U., will address the convention during the afternoon ses- sion. Morning sesion at 9.30, after - u000 session at 1.30 o'clock. Dinner will be served by the Wingham Un- ion in the Gymnasium of the 'United Church at 85c per plate, Mr. John Fowler, who underwent a very serious operation in the Wing - ham General Hospital, has recovered sufficiently to be able to return to his home, Goose Softball Games Here Those fans who get a kick out of a bard -fought softhall garne will want to be an hand Wednesday evening at 6.30, when Merkley's Silvertowns are playing a return game with Roy Bro- thers' team of Stratford. On july lst a team from Sarnia will play an ex- hibition geese with the Silvertowns, and this game will be worth seeing. New Bank Manager for Gorrie Mr, W. A. Sawtell, of Hamiltoi former manager of the Teeswate branch of the Canadian Bank of Corn merce, has been appointed Manage of the Gorrie and Fordwich branche of the Canadian Bank of Commerce replacing Mr. H. V..liolines, who ha been manager of the Gorrie brand for 28 years. • Mr, Holmes has been granted two . years leave of abeence perior to retiring on pension. Mr Sawtell will assume his duties July 1st, and will reside in Gorrie. Ingham's Win from Supertest A large crowd was present to see the Ingham-Supertest softball game Tuesday evening. Ingham's won 8-3 and did not need their bat in the 7th. Bill Lediet pitched a good game for Supertest, but the Support he receiv- ed in the field was very poor. About the only bright spot was a beautiful 1, Ishoe-string catch that brother Abbie ✓ made. in 'right field. ,ingliam's played _ a steady game with Vatistont on the ✓ mound. Mellor at short, was good, s and has played exceptionally well all , season. Purdential and Ingham's 1A'111 8 meet next Tuesday evening and it s should be some game. Batteries: Ingham's, Vanstone and Templeman. Supertest: Lediet and , Carmichael. Ingham's 103 018 x--8 Supertest 010 020 0-3 s: W. McRibbon and Fred Fuller. Rain Badly Needed The dry hot weather that has been general ,throughout Western Ontario has had its effect in this district. The crops are badly in need of rain. South of here on Monday they did have some rain but not enough to be of much use. The west ;seals° suff- ering from lack of moisture and in some parts particularly Manitoba, the grasshoppers are eating the crops. It looks today (Wednesday) as though it will not rain bet let es hope upon hope that we get a real day's rain before many hours. ' Rev. L. H. Carrie Returns Rev. W. N. Chandler, who has been in charge at the United Church for some time past due to the illness of Rev, L. H, Currie, left on Monday far his hoin Tormito. He spent a day en route with Rev. Mr. Moore - house of Brussels, an old friend, and on his arrival in Toronto On Wed- nesday will attend a Picnic held hi honor of his father, who is 91 years old and enjoying splendid health, The congregation of the Utited Cherch will be pleated that Mr, Curries 'health is improved and he will cons duet the services next Sunday. EVENING AUXILIARY OF UNITED CHURCH The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, in charge of Miss Beatrice joynt, was held at the home of MTS. W. A, Galbraith, on Tuesday even- ing, June 20th. After the opening hymn the Scrip- ture was taken by Miss Marion SimP- son, who gave a brief outline of Mary the Mother of Jesus. A pleasing pi - SPLENDID LIONS CLUB CONCERT The Lions Club Concert held fo the Wingham United Church un Fri day evening was fairly well at and exceptionally well received. This is one of a series of six concerts un- der the auspices of the Goderich Lions Club in aid of the Leone Club Crippled Children's Fund. Mr. Leslie Somerville, Concert and Radio Organist of Hamilton; Miss Peggy Moreland, gold. medallist Vi- olinist of the Stratford Musical Fes- tival; Mt-, Chas. IVfeakins, well known baritone of Goderich; Miss jean 'Christie, contralto soloist, town; and. Mrs. W. Joynt, Soprano solist, Luck - now, were the talent and every num- ber was exceptionally well rendered. Reg. Hopper, field secretary of the Ontario Crippled Children's Associa- tion, gave his lecture on the work of the Association illustrated, with mov- ing pictures. • NOTICE lerptice has been received from the Provincial Weed Inspector that all noxious weeds must be cut by the owners before the seeds ripen. If this work is neglected it will be done by the corporation and charged to the owner of the property in his taxes. G. Allen, Weed Inspector. Old Shoes Made Like New At Greer's Shoe Store — Bring your next pair here—Lowest Prices. Softball Thursday Evening Prudentials and Old 'Timers meet in the Softball League fixture on Thurs- day and this game should provide plenty of fun for the fans. These games are drawing good crowds who enjoy these battles greatly,. OBITUARY Emily Stapleton 4 _ „es The funeral took place in Turn - berry on Monday of Emily Staple- ton, wife of John H. Reid who died at her residence in Turnberry on June 24th, following an illness of al- most three years. She was born April 19th, 1973, at Merton, Devonshire, Eng., and was daughter of the late Robert and Elizabeth Stapleton, and as a small child came with them to Rice Lake, Ontario. One year later she came with her parents to Turnberry where she lived until her marriage in Sept. 1894 to John H. Reid of Turnberry, Betides her sorrowing hushand.._she„. leavet to Motirn her lois, Iwo, sorter - Nelson of Turnberry and John A., of Belmore; also two daughters, Mrs. DuVal of town and 'Miss Edith, at lime. TWO children, Allen and Bet - the, predeceased her several yeatte ago, Surviving her also sire imer grandchildren mid five brothers: VVilliam, James, Arthut, Penenhel and. Robert Stapleton, all of whoin live in this vicinity, and two sisters, Mrs. John Pringle of Turnberry, and Mrs. William Enepflar of Stratford. She was a good wife and 'slather and possessed a hospitable and. cheery disposition Which won for her a wide circle of friends and endear- ed her to her neighbors. In times of sickness or distress she quietly gave of herself and many in the commun- ity will remember her sympathetic services and kindnesses to them. The pallbearers were: her neigh - bore for 26 years, and some had at- tended public school with her, they, were: Win. Deans, Wm. Adair, Wrre Jenkins, John Hardy, Andrew Car- ruthers and Wm. McGill. Mrs. Reid was brought up a Bap- tist, but for many years had attende ed the United Church. She believed in the unity' of all tinder one God. The services at the house and grave were conducted by the Rev. L. Currice assisted by the Rev. James R. Allen, of Montreal. Inter- ent was made in Wingham Cereete ry. Those from out of town who at- nded the funeral were: Mr. and rs. Vi,Tnt, XCItepi / a r, Stratford; from oodstock: Mr. arta Mrs. Fred right, Mr, and Mee. Jobe Bright, r. and Mrs. George Town; from alkerton: Mr, leobt. Ferguson, lErt. ill Fowlers Mr, Jobe Ferguson, Mr. Ora and Irene Ferguson, Earle Pere d Mrs. Archie Ferguson, Misses sots; from Luclsnowt Mr, and Mrs. iff Atchesoe, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. cheson; Mr. end Mrs. Robt, Case, ore of Shallow Lake; Mr, and Mee, onck of rsllevood; Mr. and ISIrse F. kell, Teeswatcr. nt ano duet was given by Misses June Bochanan and Isabel Habkirk, Mrs. te (Dr.) Parker gave a very interesting M 13 alt gu Cl At Ar talk on the sixth chapter of the study book', which dealt with the forming of the first missionary societies of the churches which now coniprise the United Churell of Canada, and the splendid work they have done, The president then took charge of the beeiness of the evening sold the meeting closed by all reptatieg the lefizpah Beeedictioti. A dainty hotels wag served arid .a pleasant time was spent in eocial chat.