HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-22, Page 7'hursday, . June 2nd, 1933 World Wide News �n Brief Form jobless Insult Mayor St. Catharines—Led by outside agi. stators, some e00.people twice march - „ed up and down in front 'of r Mayor Avery's passing v Ys hom e, 1 ss ng insulting laat- guage and generally causing disturb- ance. Twelve .policemen , were on duty around the Mayor's House, and no damage was done, and the crowd 'were kept under control, U, :S, Congress Approves Appropriation for Public Works Washington -Congress followed up 7unprecedented grants of power to President Roosevelt by appropriating 1$$,500,000,000 to carry forward .his emergency reconstruction program -for . the United States. Without any more debate than is :eoanetinzes necessary to pass a bridge :authorization bill, the Senate adopt- edthe House -approved ous approved conference re- port on the largest peace -time mon- ey measure in history, aid despatch- ed it to the White House. 'Start Action to Recover $1,000,000 from Verigin. Regina—Action to recover more than $1,000,000 from Peter Verigin, head of the. Doukhobors, as damages .and commissions, was : started here Tuesday. The claim, for $1,050,701.44, was filed by Gordon, and Gordon, solici- tors for Joseph M. Hackney, St, Paul, Minn., and makes the Christian - Community al Universal Brotherhood' Limited, and Peter Verigin defend :ants: The action dates back to 1929 when the sect leader and his followers sought distant fields: Premier Refused Greater Tariff Powers Paris—The Customs Committee of. the French Chamber of Deputies re- jected a proposal to give the Gov- ernment full tariff powers, which Premier Edouard Daladier might Lave used in bargaining more effect- ively at the London Economic Con- ference, Provisions of a Government bill submitted last week which would au- thorize it to substitute tariffs on ar- ticles now under quotas were turned -down by- the committee. Iimico Bank Robbed Mimico—Three men obtained $2300 from the Royal Bank of Canada ;faranch here in a daring daylight rob- bery Friday and escaped in an auto mobile, Two of the men, armed with a re- volver and shotgun, forced Lyle B. Taylor, teller, aud A. C. Becker, ledg- 7erkeeper, with two other persons, in- to the vault and then took the money from the teller's cage. Britain Pays U.S. $10,000,000 in Silver over the entire administration of re- lief and assess the municipalities for their, share of the burden: Toward this end, the'lnunicipalit- ze,5 of Western Ontario will meet at London on June $0, and a further meeting will be held later in York Township, when a deputation from the association will wait upon Prem- ier Henry and urge that this step be taken by his Government, Stabilization of Pound and Dollar Not Settled A puzzling feature ,.of current World Economic Conference news is the fact that, while London repeat- edly declares that stabilization of the British pound. and United :States dol- lar in relation to the French franc is virtually accomplished, Washing- ton as definitely and more officially asserts that no agreement on the sub- ject has been reached in London, and that no agreement can be reached anywhere but at Washington; inoth- er words, that any suggestion consid- ered by the United States delegates_ to the conference must be laid be- fore the President, the Treasury, and the Senate. Department for approval before it can be accepted. Western Wheat Crop Below Standard Winnipeg—Progress of the West- ern Canada wheat crop is behind nor- mal at a large niunber of reporting points, according to the third crop report, of the Searle Grain Company, Limited. Condition exceeds normal only in Manitoba: where the percentage is 102 of the nrmoal compared witia 94 per cent. at this time last year. NEWS of the DISTRICT z Ott [1,I,I lu l".111.1110, f I ffff 1111 lll" 1,,,11l,,1 k k 11"1 p"f 11. k k, k k".. Fire at Walkerton Fire of an unknown origin broke cut about 7.30 o'clock Friday • night in the store in the Robertson & Row- land block occupied by Louis Gold- enberg, who carries on a gentlemen's furnishings and dry goods establish- ment. The stock, .which was valued between $2500. and $3000, and on which $1000 insurance was carried, was considerably damaged by fire, water and smoke,—Walkerton Her- ald -Times. Grist Mill Entered at Paimerston E. S. Watt & Sons grist mill was entered by thieves and the sunt of $5.00 in cash was released from the till in the office. When the niill was opened on Sat-- London—A payment of $10,000,000 I ttrday morning at 8 o'clot,k it was in silver on Great Britain's war -debt -obligation of $75,950,000 due the U. S. was announced to the House of Commons by Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, in a statement which ac- • knowledged the debt "pending filial settlement," Simultaneously, the Chancellor in- timated that formal debt negotiations between. Great Britain and the Unit - ,ed : States would be started at Wash- ington as soon as possible, in accord- ance with President. Roosevelt's reply to the British remittance The United States accepted the partial payment, the Chancellor de- clared, "without prejudicing the free- dom of either . Government in subse- quent discussions." Priest Expelled front Germany Berlin -Dr. Erwin Wasserbaeck, a Catholic priest, who headed the Aus- trian Legation's press department, was 'expelled from Germany. The priest had been aroused from found the small amount of change which had been ;eft in the till the night before was missing, and Chief Wilson was called to retake investi- gations. -Palmerston Observer, • Fractures Arm Dr. J. L. Armitage, local relief of- ficer, had the misfortune to fractui e his left arm when he slipped on the steps Ieading down to the cellar in his ''home. In addition to his fractur- ed arm he was bruised about the legs as a result of the fall.—Kiticar- dine Review -Reporter. Mildmay to Have Pressure Tank The contract of constructing the addition to the pressure tank of the Mildmay Waterworks System has. been awarded to Wm. E. Macke, and the crushed gravel trucking has been given to L. H. Koenig, by the village Council,—Mildmay Gazette. Brussels Bank Manager Retires - After thirty-five years of faithful his sleep during the night and placed service in the Standard hank, now the, Canadian Bank of Commerce, 17 of which were spent as manager of the local branch, George I -.f, Santis has retired on a pension. Brussels Post. under arrest by orders of the Prus- sign Premier, Hermann Wilhelm Goering, in relatiation for the arrest i tl Vienna of Theodore Habicht, press attache at the German Legation in Austria. Ask Greater . Share of Church Property Petereboro—A committee from the Presbyterian General Assembly was instructed to confer with United Church officials in an effort to se- cure a revision of the property divi- sion arranged at Union in 1925. And in the background were suggestions that the conferences might lead to an appeal to Parliament, Want Relief Ad tthtisterea. by Province Hamilton --Meeting, privately the Executive Committee be the Emer- gency Association .of Ontario Muni- cipalities etepi•essed auianiinous desire that the ;Ontario government take Broken Axle Ditches Car A broken axle caused G. H, Ei•ek- meier's car to spin around on the highway last Sunday afternoon, op- posite Wm. Perschbacher's, and fin- ally' land in the ditch, The occupants of the car escaped injury, but the ma- chine was damaged.—Mildmay Gad. ette. • • Perth Liberals Wilt Meet June 26 Perth county .Liberals will hold a nominating convention in Stratford Monday, June 26, The cotivention will be held in the afternoon, at which the general business and organiza- tioii of the new consolidated Perth riding will be done. In. the evening at a large rally inagy prominent Lib- erals will speak. Fele yr THE WIN*IAM ADVANCE -TIMES Cow Gave Birth to Triplets Robert North, of the 12th of Wal- lace. has a sow which:' gave birth to triplets one day last week, two of which .died, after birth. The calves were rlorm.al in size and it is unfor- tunate for Mr, • North to lose the calves, which would have enlarged his quota of stock as well as being novelty and athe P farm yard, — Palmerston Obesrver, Walkerton's First Lady M.D. Mrs, L. H. McNamara attended the graduation of her daughter, Miss Hilda McNamara, as a Doctor of Medicine, at 'Convocation Hall, Uni- versity of Toronto, on Thursday af- ternoon last. Miss McNamara wlio is the first Walkerton lady to gradu- ate as a M.D„ has entered as an in- terne for a year ;Fi at St. Michael's Hos- pital, - c s pital, Toronto. -Walkerton Herald - Workman Injured" feeding a .planer at the God- erich erich Manufacturing plant on Satur- day morning William Bell was un- fortunate to have his right hand get caught in the rollers, with painful re- sults. He was able toextricate him- self, but not before it had been crushed, the nails torn off and the slain lacerated. The injuries are ex - Gi t vrx tensive but are riot' expected to cause the loss of any fingers, .~ Goderich Star, Southampton May Have to Pay The Town of Southampton guar- anteed the bonds of Plyweods Lim- ited to the .extent of $8,000, and as this company tvhose head factory is in theT A.. J S, is said to be in financ- ial distress, it is possible that South- ampton will have to retake good their^ guarantee. At the last meeting of the Southampton Council Senator J, Spence was engaged as solicitor for the town in this connection.-- Port Elgin Times, Kincardine's New Slogan "Kincardine -- where you're • a stranger only once." That is the slo- gan chosen by the chamber of com- merce to advertise . the town and to make it better known as a tourist centre and summer resort. From over 1.20 slogan submitted, "Kincardine -.where' you're a stran- ger only once" was chosen.—Kincar- dine- Review -Reporter. Slogan Contest Around 75 entries were received in ,the Slogan Contests held by the Ag- ricultural Society. Miss Nan Bali) gh received the $2.00 cash prize foe- the best slogan, which is to be used on all Fall Fir advertising and station- ery, The logan is "Progress ---evident Teeswater Fair shall Teeswater News. New Golf Course for Seaforth A eonunittee appointed by the meeting itis i C rzen. called ofz � al d bythe Sea - forth a forth Golf and! Country Club, to coal- Sider a new golf course site, perches - ed the Case property on the Huron Road, East. The Seaforth Golf and Country Club have been located for the' past- fifteen years on the Dodds' farm in InToKill'op. The change of site, however, has been necessitated by the inability of the Club to have the lease, which runs out the end of this year, renewed on satisfactory terms;. It is expected that the new course, wilt. be readly for play .next season,—S'eaforth Huron Exposito n every hand; till expand." --- Celebrates: 90th Birthday • With the progress of Canada for ninety years passing through the pages of his memory, from the days when fires were: lighted by means of flint and steel to those of to -day when, heat and lighting are turned on by the ' magic touch of electricity, Rob- ert Russell, of. Goderich, on Thursday celebrated his • 90th birthday at his comfortable home •on Wells street. Mr. Russell rejoices in the fact that. his health permits him to enjoy his farnily and friends who gathered ar- ound him. to celebrate nearly cen- tury of useful' kindly life: '��omowwnuw�pnw.p,caroo+m.cy,�aU.oM•u«�LwWPpww TESCHOOL ll SUNDAY C Of1L IpESS4i N I W YMI+o..Opn...3Y..n W.oM1�.orwMPo...o.w..oa,l. EDITORIAL REVIEW, The idea of this form of review is to ask each person to apply the principle of some lesson of the quar- ter- to a present-day problem, on which be will write and read to the class a brief essay like a newspaper' editorial. Here are some suggestions — "The Shortsightedness of Modern Life" (the Resurrection lesson), "True and False Nationalism," (the lesson on Christ's triumphant entry), "The Abolition of Poverty" (the les- son on the rich young ruler), "Need Life Be Uninteresting?" (the lesson on the transfiguration). "Discussion That United" (Lesson VIII. "The Selfishness of the Saloon" (Lesson IV). "Nation Helping Nation" (Les- son I). Lesson XIII. --June 25 THAT REPRESSED NR IS . LARGELY LIVER W;nke: upyou r Liver Bye+ —Wi(11014 Cao F op• " Ia a k1" P1r b taea Liver kr t p{�urFo to stat y two ppand:e!ot into yo� tu-bowels. i tum and ell rain are both• ba u'prod•: rrur enure systema at being poison . ' aganaecl ka ;trey atmulat , klo thing, tbatooeadartberthaoealte, ntlnergy,,4RMt .- lazatwe candy or;ebewanggum or !MVO which only move the bowejd--utuoruug Poo cause of trouble, ou:Jiver. Take, Carter'w ittle Liver kills, l'ure7y yap,. table; No ltaralueal4n:ku•1(nleraurr}), Safe,. Burk. Aok for; them, by nails: R fuwa rubetituteii,, 25o, at431:orets • ts, Review: JESUS OUR LORD AND. SAVIOUR Golden Text; All authority hath, been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing. them, into the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spir- it; teaching them to observe an - things whatsoever f commanded you and lo, r am with you always, even unto the end of the world,—Matt. 28r 18-20: "George," she asked, "if we were. both young and single again, would you want Hie to be your wife?" "Myr dear," he answered, "why, start- :a quarrel just as we've settled: down to enjoy a quiet evening?" SEE your local Hydro Commission for further information about the Hydro Plan of Free Electric Hot Water Heater Installation., Perhaps you have long desired the convenience of continuous, automatic, hot water heating in your home. If so, the Ontario Hydro Com- mission offer `of free installation of flat rate electric water heaters in Hydro homes is your opportunity. Remember, . installation of these heaters does not cost a cent And all heaters are automatically controlled. A . turn of the, tap ` gives you hot water instantly hot as you need and as much • FILL OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY NO INSTALLATION COST NEW LOW AXES NO WASTE Never has Hot Water Heating Cost so Litde HOT u0 .tiOritatia ee,eeeeeet •a� esese.4',- as you peed --a whole tankful at a time. All waste is prevented. Tanks are insulated to retain heat. Automatic control shuts off current when water is at desired terriperature,. At any hour, hot water is available without trouble, worry or attention. Mail the coupon below now. Secure early installation. Electric water heating, under the Hydro plan of free installation—and at the new Pow rates now in force -will cost you less and give you more than any other system of water heating. Mail the coupon now to your local Hydro officials or municipality. We Oft Oft* �.,..e,,.....,.11p .` E YDROELECTIUC SYSTEMWrite the Herne of your municipality Address a f your local ilydin System Write your name here 1lrlxte your address here Mit nYh,i!'w...„p pre, wl:r+iiribpw,.w Min w,,.rw N'r.n....wiiiitinkw.,.,w.�+ pb:A •