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The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-22, Page 4
• " • • .1" • • ..:PAGE •_.trS E., I ,1,1" • rtc-1,-"r- '1,111"r,t, --;2 FROM IlEALFORTR-i 144, '7,Liarge --.C...-nt..,177.21 Set! S,272-...tnie. • : • • 1 • .21-4reroits..1.` "2:4E,T 74, 7',47,47,77.1 ti5c, z.'51,171';2:k azaitt.:7 -55-71e. 117e7.- 27....••-•4D-r7t 2„Tr.'2.1 :7=p•re7t2-7.: ri•-•„a:-..• ;arr. g: -...r.c.r.ther rt tte ILO," 7--- tr:;-. :rot: olvertz -=aze 2. 71.4;:;: .tEZE=4".t...i07 :Ire" w•-.44 tit ir.,,:kt,":17,, 7te. 21,2,1 1 1 9.9 ftiZ;7.-II±E.1.2.477.:E7-77," Z7.7 4 77 73 '' .,.2 • ,,. . ..,- ....;,..„...,,,.,..- ..c'...".--'.;• ..,-.2„ .,..........-1-... 1..--",.. t. , ---• -ti F4 ", 'l m ,.., ....31.,,, ...".y.I.... •o. 1..,,,,,i 7 ..,,,7 ... ,..r....,..., : -1 -, „: ' .‘, ';',:=X,,,,, -,-: - "-.::-: 7E11.7_•, ..7:7',='„,•-• •,17.7 4 i,9 :.-.......4,:t-otl.:1.. --,.... ,.23.-, 1-2:r 4 i! 0 0 4' 1 474"..." ". 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".."9.....1"....' - ' L.•.' • • . rznner. zzo toe= tr=terit., 'rhijr$414,7, h411(0 210, 103.3 's Favorite Sh Lnd ,Bc s' Wear Values mees Ranh Shb Isier„2-7.2e. =1- mr Sizes 14 to "IL EP -ch -- M.Erfs Fire Ties airl a irrrt- 'i • w7L.a.-1 • s±z .1Ty '- Ms Sacks c Pair Mc„. 2 pair for Ur • sarrtarese snre>„_•,.. iy w.-2, Men's Ravon Com7.A.,at- Men's Pyjamas 3.0aaS, Stho: matvz.--zsf_ca hrd-lada pv. - Ent.= SINS:: in -.7= rie_.s...z-t zirr, 1:&- S"nl'"TME :".ffgr.X717 z,17,1a.1 Teri 36 lt.„,4 4. = 22, Ze.g, 2.9D Shorts rasa Jers....vs ..2; S••• ame Sbm,ts, jeisey ga _arm came . sp • JrSeVS... , imam HanXiseris imismilI1 "•'.41", =Mt. wet.. „:„=. vein ••,=w, mes wool swinz sua M Outing Trouw,rs 5c5= gone ,7 xr.rr.- =run Ade "neln lorrm. reg. 1• .no Bove 5.1,,k,-rz,,,,s 2-4==s: TZ,2° -7214, 2. 1M Bays- Ties Parzs an-ro Barg.Hose Portr0=-, "bor.- lime in gad 1fgs E1- - tertmet arrg77-- 17":"77., 7 71674, air10 BoVs" Undethear BDTS Ber-tiiroo- Snits 7z.,44747...„„ 1,2t r p zser.....7. 24. , • 9 PP eat Eo ummer Requirements to the For Pfflow ,Casea Cotton. Shete ,.b.emstitalto pillow cases Full 1)0 size awl plaIn • 46 and 42 inch sm...s, flue benonvol„ fine bard wearing cot.- weighty cotton that stand904 a.. ton, fully white, reg. w=r, T. 36c, each . (.01i1V giicb , RoIIr Towelling Bath Toweis Pure Tr= roller towelling /0 in., size tfig30 pure white with fancy. 181, tcimioreiod r libtraleheirri4ghovrailerarg, sul,rtsubsefe them at the cottage, 4.a.F.- 15e Tea Towelling sn=Ler 0..1 vtors test ilY laUriderea, reg.. iffo ymn- Tea these will make Linen cloths, colored ...,711.1-4i dryers, come plain and r.,*.mecited. 20 in. wade and 99, mi=e line= re!..g., 20c, yard 4,44.11v Paper Naikins Packet ofszijr iu;eastd 1 crams. Each packet , Rough Crepe, Pastel Col - Curtains ors Curtains for the cottage ,or 1=e PasEnnable srts are wane from -these new =taws are red +7,is portaar _Tanen crpe, wasbes dainty. Come in fine scrim., ruf- reteln,S '2'21:3 rough border .I3 patterns d weave. SE =ch..s wide. 1 el 5 would sell regrOar to 65c.. I�' 1-=a I *Lc Full size. Pair Borders Excellent everyday cloth aii-a dis. tinction by using t.114Strk for pic- nics, they wash easily, m123= their colore4 borders, 452 inches square, reg.. 1.25: 69c Real Silic Hose, Pair 69c Two qualies in this wonder hose, cliffon. and service weigizt Orz- ctsnnnersay -these hose stand up to exceptionally hard wear. tids seas='s colors, full fash-ioned. Sizes Ef, to 10i. Mesh Hoe -12.vr for summer wear, and at -44,q 1.,v,w_es low =ices; sold last lyma- $1.50 Full range of orarr=._±r wea.- t E to 70. Broadcloth Slips SiEZt.-D„ Princess res, ane not= b:-.oaacirith. s, in white •=11A uni= "thlf length, 41 Size 34. to 4.2.. t-fv• Child's Wool Bathers am5 mm -,e nest bather with low-cut back. Sizes 24 to 2E. Regolw $1.35. 98 Bag Caps STS in ALu....e 1 plthn style. eat.±,WC style -Wrth rihiu an Rubber hen, nav1i-colored bleaam.., 19c New Prints 15c P77,.'nrs gone striped. thme B...7 -411P patts. you'll say other Roral fts 43.1 iTh4P'S Tare .... Mesh Gloves Fashionable =ash gloves 'ffor mummer wear, various choose from. Sizes 6 to 7i; ors, egg shell and what. Priced Per Pair 29-c to 59c Mesh Panties 11,-ce uvula?: styled rayon. un--L- =1er Tlanesrn msb weaTe.. s=neal, medium Dhin and lace an colors Lc.J AL:. Women's Wool Bathers Pure wool haths, -1= suLs-r‘ back oae-siece ith excepri-'r-al Sizes 34 to 4.2„, Reg. 1 =.41i SI.75„ Each ..Ls.‘"Zo Bonny Tot Hose Bo=y Tot hos;, -Jae ''T•• int hose ,a we= -.the best at ook ,theztfst Plaza" colors, fancy Dian tons. pair 25c 29c Summery Voiles New zett.--os, S'D coal and =7.xt for wear. 36 ;lathes wide, 44 Ys_rd fff 101 Sleca.' STrrATI/Fr Frocks $5.11U. • '.7.'",°="77.. .7"-" L.:1•4•t".sisi ZIRZT:E» • ,•• .Sommer 11611-7mPry r•ormita' .5.rm &...-arments -72,*•41.41 .2.qt 'Cnse,,de.r. would 7 • 7=1 Teattbat Fitted., at ••• Mo • Frocks, Each $2.419 Cris,'" new voies, prnts. planes, etc. -.dame dresses arked dawn clearance at this :01"-,e ptice Many are. 4.11 -ted with orgad, an are fast colors. Sizes to 44. Wash Suits for Little Tots Festarlirg wash stdts icr os and boy. ages 2 to 6' years. B7,ye two-: niece wash su=„ griz palitte aress- meist-ap over shoulder .etrabling alrssossan:stiptsat,ate, lat,pttaraer.tiesconsbastves to allay in this Inanne.r later ,patring fresh, 1 59 Kiddies' Beach Pynas Materials, linene with cantasting col - r come in two 'piece. 'Mara pant and separate top. Pants yoke, front with -as&e at waist. j2,0,„,„ Size 2 to /0 years ViTia ; r1r."7"7"77`',"4"" '17 "' - 7,12,.. _ • :..22•:".; n„. : .tro,e3.; • • : • 222 • •. = = 72 ••=t 7 •'• •"`" • , ,;,7,"..4,1 r.)1,7,„ • • 71-4; :7.77 E`,,, 7 •-•":. , -,. ,17-7,721tt te, trn.21t,o, Itr.r7;r: ;7,t .-.„ 15;1 7=2..-,A.Lit' • LI••• 4" 122.-.11., ft .7,12 .= as.± ;tate", art,f.: tact ze • 7:471 ort,=L, • . ' ...,........„.2,..... ".0',-2...E.:71"7 .I''' Er1.-..-771' 7.2777E*4...1" • .7'-'77'' -7"-"'"'"-"4" 1:1r. ''''' ""2"V't '''''''''''''''L ''1-" T.,:tat.,'" 11_11: 1:',1 ' '....='"`"':.-. ""' 7t 7..--,--• :27 Prilm:,-.. ."t'o '-'vt:"' 'cnt 4 ki A •-:," ,.'"'rrrz-4- ''.1-'r..'t2"-r-4 't:71=tsitel" HPr.- 17c22:1"-- 17-1-c:111i-z. gciti-‘4% -)f. En 1 . V7:-r..-zrz..r--,' .,rttAir..1. 1.... r* 4' .1........,...17. . . . —, • . • - •N. 7.r7..,....''I'47......::, 111.-.71:47:-:-1)-„„--t. ,,r7, -•••••...,,-4,-7,1:111:.4,z„ 7,,,,,,,t, 1-74.. -.;...,t; :.71..: .,."2.;e1Zztiralerleestleiltri'r4SltilI1:tf-t wIlAz.alz,z„R17.111-41,43::11:71, ,. ...._ ,..,,,..„,,,, „.. . .-.4_,,,:-,,,„,:f.,,,,,,1„. ---.: -vb,7.7i,::,..; ..,,,,;,,,,,,,,,iii;_,!:;..:-_,,,,,,i7...z.i;2Idziotalyo-kN4latirnflrvt,11,:11:i41,if -.7-7... f';, -..or ,...-trt.t.r:2-it-;.. t- ..1":: S7".7.III.L "I:=',4E • - .... :41 It 9 1V1ORTGAGE.SAILE .... ,,-,..,..., ,L ,..-',„:,,i. 21,17,"! _ ''.. ....'• 1 „IT I ;.;F'"'":!;:; I.", 'II.: ....'.. `...i'""'"I":: ":,,::, , ....• I - 2,ni,.........."2..:;" ,:....,. t., ,,,,,f,::: .i, 107 =.,„,, z.,,,= , „t . , „...:1,i_,,., 42,1,, :71,..t111„ . , '""E: ' r;;;I: the' .0.1' tg.',VICOU group rm. Didn't tim but-''''ntk u'lzt vm /411-i? !!„..,....: , ...........— 4 t, I' S.• 1' LI .,.."--- .. ....-- --. z., -•;,---v- -,-7 --r1-,r,-r-i.t.:•." • ',,,. -•-•,..- 4t-4:.-4-4't.t. .!!,-,,,7 ,-;,";,ro-1,,bmri4.... iti: werzr zorsitbztoa by 1,I.o.-,, 7at, 1211/1:t 4X -O. tiltr.r took 1.1,".'!..'4,1-7.i-,' It'Z'..12Zr ,4;rat•I'..r., .„. .i.....1 ... ,O. ..,, EAL7T WAWA:NOSH ,...,;,.;,..;,, ..L..,,7:..._ ''':, ':',. .t.:11:, ; ';.t.:'.,-2.'.,-... al.,•,..,. -.7, ::::-;7::. -7-;,,, '''_'•.:..'.-:--rr-:_•l7• 7,-',;,-:.••=1:;.: ,.7,:ezi'atil7p-cdIt11..;:o1(- -.7,,....a...i.,..,,..„.„ .... 7.?"7.17 ,,17777:::;V: ,,E,•••7tt7TZ.. .,,„_;,,,,,_ ..4 ,,,t,,,,,.._ ,,,,,_ Ir. _.... _ _ ... ......,;„ _ ..,,,,... ,,1 ott,'„ .,,..,:ut„, Iterot, llte, latter "Ill"".",""011 _ . , , „• . , ..--- --,,,,..,,-, •4 1,,,,,,,,,"-6,e- ,..:;i:yift-br, 'czate ..troln ',1 gillit'' pkkorm ' ;Bueintst. ,A,:amittisttstiNt . Stmfarizil $-.4,,,T,toRtit• ,., r_ • - ',...‘4, .,.' ; '''''''", ''''.' ' ' .,,,r. . r r *,..:•i , /1'; :=.,." b.1..",', ltint7a$: aintt"1"1 gi-rtit won fil , . . _ --........-. .`,.....P. •,'"..,-..,....,..S',, .Z.,17,• .................... •:4 ir, .: 4 2 17' r, . , , , _ ......„..... . ,ilearaL nnr tmins toi.„..1. pall in a lug., 1. • Pike, Tr41411ATI4' • --`1,„F *„..z. '' - ':.!,;"',"1 17"'::; ':'.'' 1,r7.;',i.:1.7.1-",-... ,,,.-- 1., ' ' "f ' ' 4 !..'" ' '!:*r:''''''':- - ' ' ' ''''''''':i''::1:114':L''''':'':11117• '!-;1'":'I,',,,,,,,,‘" : ,.1'"i:1:,,,:,.V171111si11.1.14,,,,14,,07,1Z;e1 r.r-,::....... .., r..ht.ar.. - .. a la MA .., 1 . '''''' .' ' ,,..• , 1 ...“,„,.).*". '''' ilr±, 4n15'4iali'°1't:7, 7"'1:t.A 11!..4 IMI....: ':L.'le1:24.::7 lit!tn,;,}1,:.:Z:7 t',,,,:l.. t....:tt.t.:1,:r ..',,_.' C..;:Vy j.1.1%. 1.,..4.4tt, 117,...,,,,,,,I,,,,l,„.,110,,,,„1,, • ,, ., • -' ,,,-, • -,::,.,..:, ,,-: •"-- • - .,,,,,..'.,,,,, ,•;•• - ,,,,, .?„..„1.,.,,,;„.„,„',.I-, .r?,4,2..,!i 1"".; ,..!.it,,, 1.....,4-117t..... "Tr1:4.t'' -............ ......o,....4. ..,..L.4.t ..t ,,, • , •• , , ,,, , , ..:. , A. K .k,:+ 1,, u : 4,11 i:II„N 1,141%, i PRESENTATION OM behalf of yur •noighbts 1 "3 0 ID friends. 13 -Te ID 1.6 aud .ir.zpy and, -alms wh oi.d 2 1 IA' 2 71..cor 2 ....USA/I, • * •••:. - 7 IV zmsrand 3. :E. 4.,e'"-t•lir-trr. 77 Et in miade t*ery suitable invited all to zome and e see a they became settled hme. IRON PRESBYTERY Y P S PICNIC ' 717.lat sezond annual picnic of til, ,"?..2.r. • :r7 S'A'.ttTrZay- jt le 3.tb, :74-Ora•Ze Indian R•oad, Trord,zi, <-341rae i efirr- b8ONVa. ItUal.tera,a Ziertvoae Vanstoroe, Tbe ittts,4, VAS r.,11d• irome rit,46.4.nzt ent Dy., httrvttzt ntttit Lz-ra Ocrat-Ae.r.N,'. BORN • ..7."" ..t! „ 41;t4oit-: ,c/ rAIR;;;" 1,tto •!,,,,; 1,4;4; :1:v.v. 31.14-0,,,E., , .„ . YeAr rw.440110*.Aleives 4,Nrmis ,sytelitA. ut ttstio mkoot 4.0101611k 40. ltro$'