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ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 15th7 1933 sub$criptions $200
1111 1141 4
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
FoUr Parishes Represented --. 500 About eighty members of Maitland
Lodge LO.O.F. No, n9 assembled at
the lodge room on Sunday afternoon
and, headed by the Wingham Citi-
zens' Band, paraded to the Cemetery
for their annual service of decorating
the graves of departed brethren.
13r6. A. •L. Posliff had charge of
the service at the cemetery. Follow-
ing prayer by' Rev, Einest,Hayes, the
hymn ''Rock of Ages" was sung Bro.
Haney read the names of departed
brethren and Rebeccas.
During the -ceremony of placing
flowers on, the graves, the Band play-
ed "Abide With Me", "Nearer, my
God, to Thee," was then sung, after
which Mr. Posliff gave an address,
and Rev. Hayes offered prayer. The
service was brought to a close with
the singing of "God be with you fill
we meet again" and the Benediction
by Rev. Hayes, and the singing
of "God Save the King."
Tile annual Holy Name Rally of
:the Parishes of Si. Augustine, Goder-
ich, Kingsbridge and Wingba,m-Brus-
sels, was held Sunday afternoon on
the grounds of the Sacred Heart
Church here. Each of the four par-
ishes were largely represented , over
. 500 being present. The Priests pres-
,. ent were, Rev. J. F. Paquette, Wing
barn, Rev, L. P. Lowery, Goderich;
-.Rev. a l3affney, St. Augustine; and
.Rev. F. McCandle, Kingsbridge.
Due to the very fine weather the
.1 -ally was held in the church grounds
inetead, of in the church as previously
The meeting concluded ju.s a few
.apinutes before the severe wind and
.rain storm broke,
The order of service commenced
--with a parade of the members, after
which the choir sang "Come, Holy
.-Ghost." Rev. Thomas Mc Carthy, D.
,D., of St. Peter's Seminary, address-
, ed the gathering, speaking of the
_faith and duties of Holy Name men
,and encouraged them to be practical
Catholics by word and example. He
also pleaded with them to keep the
Holy Name Pledge which is to keep
the namee.of the Lord sacred and to
,..show faith and good example by their
. lives.'
An impressive part of the'orderof
„service was the Renewal of the Holy
Name Pledge. This was followed by
-the solemn Benediction.
This very successful annual rally
'was brought to a close by the sing -
:kg of "Holy God, We Praise Thy
The Annual Holy Name Rally is
held in turn by each of the four par-
ishes above named so it will be an-
r.other four years before Wingham will
again be honored with this meeting.
Strawberry Festival, June 22nd'.
At the farm of W. J. Currie, 12th
scon. of East Wawanosh. Supper ser-
ved front 6 to 8, followed by a very
interesting program. Admission 'ad-
mits 25c, children undet 12, 15c. Un-
der the auspices of Currie's Sunday
School and S.S. No. 9, East Wawa -
_Punt Venture is Fatal
Donald Muir, 10, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Muir, was drowned in
Lake Huron after Sunday school' last
Sunday. He and several chums vis-
ited an isolated part of the beach and
-put out in an old punt Losing their
,only oar, Donald volunteered to swim
ashore and lost his life in the altempt
W.M.S. Executive to IVIeet Here
An executive meeting of ,Maitland
.Presbyterial Society of the W. M. S.
of the Presbyterian Church in Cana-
da, will be held on Monday, June 19,
at 2.30, p.m., at the home of Mrs. H.
C MacLean, Wingham, when all mem
bers are requested to be present, in-
cluding executives of ,auxiliaries, Mis-
sion Bands, etc., throughout the pres-
byterial. Miss Lamont, Field Sec-.
retary, is expected to be present to
address the gatheeing.
The Jutte meeting of the W. M. S.
of the Wingham United Church was
held Tuesday of last week, The pro-
gram was in charge ,of Mrs. A. J.
Walker. The devotional part was ta-
ken by Miss Isard. Continning the
study, of the, Bible, Mrs. Geo. Wil-
liams gave a paper on Martha, the
woman in the home, showing the
great contribution which the Marthas
have made to humanity down through
the ages, Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw pre-
sented the last chapter of the Study
Book, which dealt with the work of
the Home Mission Board of the Un-
ited Church since "Church Union in
1925. Mrs. Laidlaw took the work in
each province separately, shovving the
individnal needs of each and how the
Mission Board is meeting these
needs. She told that 718 Mission sta-
tions have become self-supporting
since Union.
Reports of the London Conference
branch meeting were given by Mrs.
W. H. Willis and Mrs. W. Greer.
Plans were made for packieg the
bale of clothing to be left with Mrs,
A, Coutts, the convener.
Mrs. GoWans reported kr the visit-
ing otninittees, that 54 calls had
been made during the last three
, months.
Joe' wseL,
By Bruce Liberals
At a slarge Liberal gathering held
in Paisley Monday, Fred W. Elliott
North Bruce member was chosen as
Liberal candidate for the Provincial
Sunday School Children Take Part in
Impressive Service
The Annual Anniversary and Flow-
er Service of the United Church Sun-
day School held last Sunday morning
was largely attended, not only by
members a the congregation but by
rnany members of other churchei.
The auditorium of the church was
resplendent with hanging baskets of
flowers and beautiful fIorel decorat-
ions below the pulpit, Each year
some particular design is carried out
in flovvers and this year there was
a bank of white peonies bordered
with orange blossoms. As the Sun-
day School pupils passed to their
places in the church they carried pink
peonies and these were set in the
white bank of peenies by four girls
of the Sunday School to forni the
words "God is Love." The proces-
sion of the Sunday School members !School Teacher Re Appointed
was an impressive ceremony and the ` Miss Norma Coutts who has been
choir of junior members robed in teaching school at S. S, No. 9, Hul-
white surplicesand wearing a pink les Ivas re-engag.ed as teacher for
Orchards Sadly Hit
The severe wind and rain storm on
Sunday afternoon caused considerable
damage throughout the district. The The first tournament of the season
most serious damage was caused to was held at the bowling green OT1
the apple orchards, especially in Mor- Monday evening, but due to the cold
xis : township. On the first line hardly weather the entry was not up to ex-
am orchard did not have trees up- pectations. Nineteen rinks were pre
rooted or broken off, and in some sent, Lucknovs 2, Goderich Eincar-
cases the entire orchard was damag- dine 2, Palmerston 1, Drayton 1, Sea -
ed. A barn on this line had part of forth 1, Wingham 7. Three games of
its roof carried away. A large tree Trebles, 10 ends, with a plus of 8
on the Bluevale road, just past the were played The winners were as
Junction, fell across the wires and follows:
broke them down. lst—a McDonald, R. Rae, W. Mc -
Practically alf, trees were stripped Coy, skip, Lucknow, 8 wins with a
of dead branches and a few beautiful plus of 23.
shade trees in town blew down. 2nd—F. Donnelly, W. Litt J. Bo
Some of the crops also suffered
severely and it appears that the worst
of the storm passed over Morris as
the orchards and crops, according to
reports, suffereesnost in that part
Entry Was Not Large Due to the
Cold Weather.
peony was most effectivethat school for the coming year.
Meeting of Chamber of Commerce
A general meeting of the Chamber'
of Commerce will be held in the
Council Chamber on Friday evening,
June 16th (this week) at 8 p.m. All
members are urgently requested to
be present, and a special invitation
is extended to any who are interested
in the work of the Chamber of Com-
merce to atfend this meeting.
Mr. Frank Howson, Sinkrintendent
riding. Mr. Mitchell Hepburn, leader of the Sunday School, was in charge
of the Ontario Liberals and Hon. Jas. of the service which opened with a
recitation "God is Love,'' by Grace
Hingston. 'Donald Lloyd then repeat-
ed a prayer of thanks, "For the Beau-
ty of the Earth" was then sung, fol
owed by prayer Rev. Mr. Doyle.
"Welcome Happy Summer" was then
rendered by the Junior Choir. The
Scripture reading, Matt. 6: 25-34, was
given by Josephine VanNorma.n. A
duet "Heart of a Little Child" was
sung by Joyce Walker and Doreen
Garlick. "Our Anniversary Day" by
the Junior Choir was followed with
the hymn "Take Time to be Holy."
The address was given by the Rev:
Manson Doyle, chairman of Church
Educational Committee. He stressed
the point that great benefit could he
derived from all members of the
Church, .old and young, taking ,part
in the service of the church. He also
spoke of the large number of new
church members who had been re-
ceived into the chilAh by the efforts
of the Young People's Societies. He
also told the children the -story of
the forty Roman soldiers who gave
their lives for Christ and how by
their example their commander had
been won to Christianity.
This very impressive service closed
with the hyrnn "Jesus Loves Me" and
Rev. John Hutton, of Uno Park, pro-
nouncing the Benediction,
Malcolm were the principal speakers.
Garden Party and Play
-A Garden Party will be held in
connection with the United Church,
Sluevale, on Friday, June 23rd. The
Young People of Ethel United
Church will give a play in three acts
entitled "Only a Step Child' Musi-
cal items will be given between acts.
Supper will be served from 6 to 8.
Admission 35c, children 20c.
Men's Wear News
King Broshave a fine stock of Su-
mmer furnishings: Sleeveless wool
pullovers; cool underwear; collar at-
tached shirts; Holeproof socks, good
braces, garters and belts; wool swim
suits; straw hats and caps; English
silk ties; Flannel trousers; Sumrner
pajamas; Boysblouses; Odd tramserseCotton bathing suits and a big
choice of all other Men's and Boys'
wear. King Beos.
Mrs. James Gray
There passed away' on the first con-.
cession of Morris, on Friday, June
9t1i, Eliza Craig, relict of the late
James Grey, and in her 79th year. De-
ceased was a native of Ireland and
came to Ontario about 60 years ago
and shortly afterwards was married
to her late husband and had lived on
the same farm- ever since. Mrs. Gray
had a kind disposition and was liked
by her neighbors.
There lives to mourn her loss, three
sons, Richard of San Francisco, John
and Ward of Morris, an only daugh-
ter, Mrs. Cameron died four years
The funeral took place on Sunday,
June llth. Rev. E. A. Mann conduc-
ted the services at the residence and
at the grave in Bluevale cemetery. A
large number of neighbors and friends
attended. The pallbearers were Fred
Churchill, Alex-, Campbell, Grame
Campbell, Hugh Sinnamon, George
McGee and Frank Stamper.
Mrs. Williaen MacKersie
There passed away eaely Saturday
morning, June 10th, Atm Reddaway,
widow of the late William McKersie
in her 80th year: Despite her advan-
ced years Mrs. MacKereioehad beeti
enjoying fair health until two weeks
before her death. She was born in
Wilmot Township and went as a
bride to 13luevale sixty-one years ago,
and for the last nine years has resid-
ed itt Wingham. Her husbarid pre-
deceased her about two years ago,
and she was the last surviving mem-
ber of eleven.
She "leaves to mouth her four sons,
James of San Jose, Cal., Arthur of
Hemet, Cal., Roy and Russell of
Bounty, Sask., and .one daughter,
Mrs. .Halliday of town. MET IN VVINGHAM
The funeral service was conducted About thirty members of the On
at her late residence; Shttter street, tario Radionie Society of Ontario held
bn Monday aftertmon by Rev. L. H. their monthly geteto-gether meeting
Currie, assisted by Rev. Mr. Moetieth at thOome of Dr. 5, A. Fox on Sun -
of Teeswater, and Rev, Mr, Finley of day- xi u This society meets
Wroxeter. The pallbearets were, Al- monthly ) ' discusses any problems
len Fralick, fames Wylie, Chester Hi- that have been encountered by these
ggins, Peter McDougall, A, Sander- members durleg the month and pass
son and E. Zurbriggon to fellow members any stiggest-
Friends from 1.1 diStatICC were pre- ions that \Ali benefit the work of the
:lent from Toronto, Brantford, Strat- Aociety, MerriberS Were present from
.ford, Niagara, Palls, Exeter, Teesevat- Toronto, Brockville, Kingetort and
r and Bu ussels. mzeny other points.
Palmerston Hotehnan Shot
Sylvester Dopfer, Palmerston Ho-
telman was shot in the chest on Mon-
day afternoon, supposedly by Mrs.
Jessie Abbott of .Marborough town-
ship. The woman was taken to head-
quarters at Guelph. Mrs. Abbott had
registered at the hotel in the morn-
ing and had retired to her room. Two
doctors had been summoned to ex-
amine her but on trying the door
found it locked. Two shots were fir-
ed from the room one hitting• Dupfer
in the chest above the heart
Veteran Chiropractor Returns
To Ontario
Dr. A. R. and Mrs. DuVal of town -
motored to Toronto on Sunday and
spent the day with his father, who
has returned to Ontario to reside.
Dr. DuVal, sr., is a veteran teacher
of Chicropractic. He was an intimate
friend of D. D. Palmer the discover
of Chiropractic and once held the
chair of Philosophy in the Palmer
School and it similar position in the
Universal College. Twenty years ago
he returned to Canada and founded
Canada's first school of Chiropractic.
Because of his advanced years, Dr,
DuVal has been living in retirement
in Saskatoon, but has corrie east to be
near .his two daughters in Toronto
and his sons in Hanover and Wing
Anniversary Service
and Garden Party
Brick United Church Anniversary
Service will be held Sunday, June 25.
Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev.
Mr. Craw, of Kincardine, will offici-
ate at both services. On Thursday
evening, June 29t1i, a Garden Party
will be held on the Church Grounds.
Supper from 6 to 8, followed by the
play "No Account David. Watch for
Salem United Church Garden Party,
Wednesday, June 21st.
A real treat is in store for all who
attend the Garden Party of the Unit-
ed Church, Salem, on Wed., June 21st
Supper will be served from 6 to 8, af-
ter which a three act play entitled 'An
Old Fashioned Mother' will be pre-
sented. This play was presented by
the Young VVornen's Augiliary in the
'United Church, Wingham early in the
spring and also in Teeswater, and in
both instances has been highly rec.
commended. Remember the date June
21st, good eats, good entertainment,
low admission price.
Band Concert Friday Evening
The Band will render their weekly
band concert on Friday evening at
the Town Park. The program this
week has not yet been selected but
will contain many outstanding num-
lets. The program given last week
was greatly enjoyed and was a fol-
lows: march, 'Canton Halifax', R. B.
Hall; overture, 'Spirit of the Age', Al
Hayes; waltz, 'Among the Roses', C.
5. Burnhouse; selection, 'Martha',
Flotow; march, 'The Sentinel', Hall;
overture, 'Crown Gold', C. Miller;
march, 'Chandlers', E. Seddon; waltz,
'The Seraph', J. VV, Lofferty; selec-
tion, 'La Sonnambula', Bellim; march,
'The Richmond Bee', Hall, 'God Save
the King'.
County Church Parade at Wingliatn,
Sunday, November 12th.
Delegates from the various branch-
es of the Canadian Legion of Huron
County held an enthusiastic meeting
in the Legion rooms at Clinton ou
Wednesday evening, June '7th.
It was unanimously decided to hold
the Annual Huron County Veterans'
Picnic again this year. The picnic
will be held at Bayfield ott Wednes-
day, Julz 26th, and preparations are
now under way to make this year's
outing the finest ever held in the
comity, The Vetera'ns of Bayfield are
building it Memoriel Cairn to their
soldiers who paid the supreme sacri-
fice in the Great War, and the im-
preesive ceremony of unveilitig this
memorial will take place the clay of
the picnic,
The Huron County Vetera.ns'
Church Parade will be held this year
Winghant and Sunday, -November Id's mother, Mrs, Ellett Merhetson,
12th, was the date set. !Catherine street.
wan, skip, Goderich, 3 wins plus 15.
3rd -- Es Worthy, J. Morgan, W.
Spero, skip, Kincardine, 3 wins with
a plus of 10.
4th and 5th tied—R. Treleaven, IL
Fair, C. Chapman, skip, Palmerston,
and We W. Armstrong, AV. B. Mc
Coo], W. A, Miller, skip, Wingham,
2 wins with a plus of 16.
Many complimentary remarks were
received about the new lighting sys-
teni that has been installed and also
the condition of the greens. With
the new improvements that have been
made the club is looking forward to
a very active season.
Mrs. W. H-Waram was a Toronto
visitor over the week -end.
Mrs. Isobel Elston is .spending a
week in Detroit and Chicago...
Mrs. John McCool and son were
Hamilton visitors this week -end.
Mr. Uriah Sherk of Goodwin, Alta.,
is renewing old acquaintances in town
, Mrs. H. R. Howard of Toronto,
spent a few days recently with R. S.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Armitage were
London and Springbank visitors on
Mr. T. Y. Smith is in Toronto this
week attending Grand Lodge of the
1. 0. 0. P.
Mr. and Mrs. j. J. Evans left last
week for Temagami, where they will
spend the summer.
Miss Elizabeth Barber of Ottawa,
is visiting at the home of her mother
Mrs. Chas. Barber.
Mrs. Chas. Barber returned gri. RCA
day from a ten days' visit with her
daughters in Toronto,
Rev. and, Mrs, John autton of Uno
Park, spent the week -end renewing
acquaintances in town.
Dr, and Mrs. Vernon Ross or Lon-
don, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs,
G. 11. Ross on Sunday, .
Miss Agnes Cowan, of Sarnia, for-
merly of Edmonton, Alta., is visiting
with her neice, Dr. Calder,
Mrs. S. Smith of Montreal, is spen-
ding a few weeks with her parents,
Mr, and -Mrs. A. H, Musgrove,
Mr. W. J. Henderson was called to
Brockville last week on account of
the serious illness of his brother.
Miss Rose Bull and Mr. and Mrs.
A. T, Ball of London, were week -end
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. T. C. King
Mrs. T. Cruickshank, Mrs, Joseph
Schneider and Mr. Lloyd Hingston
isiptoenn, a few days last week in Ham- i
The Anderson family and Mrs. F. e
5. Fitzpatrick of Ashfield were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John E
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 13urginae and r
children spent the week -end in Park- n
hill, visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. .c
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize and Mrs. C
Wallace Twamley of Lucknow, spent
last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
John 131ake,
The popularity contest for boys and lo
girls at Williants' Restaurads nt enat
this Saturday night Don't forget to
bring in your votes.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Henderson' Si
and two children of Detroit, visited w
with Mr. and Mrs, W. j. Henderson, a\
John streets last week, ,
Mrs, 5, W. McKibbon and sons, pa
Jack and Walton !eft by motor on Ea
Sunday for Haileybury to visit Mride
and Mrs. A, P, Kneehtel. sic
Miss C Weir left last week to'uto
company her brother, the.HonRob- C. n.
at Weir and Mrs. Weir an a' trip 'W
through the Canadian I,Vest. bia
Miss M. Phillips, B.A. of Emiths
Falls, and Miss Yvonne McPherson,
who. have been attending the Ontario res
College of Education, Toronto, spent Ma
the week -end at the home of the lat- !an
The Turnberry District L. 0. L.
service was held in the United
Church on Sunday afternoon, June
llth. All the lodges of the district
were represented, first meeting at the
lodge roont and marching to the
church in a body.
Rev. H, Gibson, Rector of the An-
glican Church, Harristom was the
guest speaker, and delivered a very
forceful sermon, basing his remarks
on the 1st verse of ,the 5th chapter
of Galatians. "Stand fast therefore in
the liberty where with Christ hath
made you free." He spoke particular-
ly on the colors of the order, stating
that Red stood for sacrifice, Blue for
peace and Purple for loyalty, point:
ing out the duty of the brethren to
Otto h
e another and to the churc.
Special music was supplied by a
male quartette from the United
Church, Wingham, composed of
Messrs. Wilkinson, Christie, Ramsay
and Mitchell, with Miss B. Reynolds
at the organ.
Engagement Aneeounced
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lockeridge an-
nounce the engagement of thir young
est daughter, Alma Greta, to Mr. Wil-
liam Henry Connolly, son of the late
Henry and Mrs. Connolly, of Burling-
ton. The marriage to take place
quietly the latter part of June.
Drowns While on Fishing Trip
A very sad accident occurred at
Nipissing Chutes on the South River
on Monday of last week when C.
Wallace Campbell, Powasson, aged
40 years, was fishing. He lost his
footing and slipped into the swift
and deep waters and was carried
away by the raging water. The body
was not recovered until Wednesday
and the funeral was held Thursday
afternoon. His wife wa's Ann Chalm-
ers, of Milverton, who attended Bus-
iness College here, and 'Mrs. P Biggs
is a sister.
Mrs. W. B. Wilkinson
F'ollowing an illness of four we
Mary Jane Walsh, beloved wife
W. B. Wilkinson, passed away at 1
late residence, Mill Street, I3lyth,
Saturday, June 10th. About f
weeks ago Mrs. Wilkinson suffer
a stroke and gradually became wea
er until death brought reliel on S
Born in Halton County sevent
two years ago she came with her pa
ents, as a child of six years, and s
tied on the gravel road between B
grave and Blyth. After her marria
on Sept. 15th, 1891, she and her hu
band farmed in Morris Township f
a number of years. Twenty-nin
years ago they moved to Ripley, b
for the past two and a half yea
have tesided in Blyth. In religio
Mrs. Wilkinson was formerly a M
thodist, but since union, a member o
the United Church.
She leaves to mourn het loss be
sides her sorrowing husband one son
Rev. T. C. Wilkinson, St. Helens, an
one daughter, Mrs. W. S. McQuire
Huron Township, near Lucknow. Sits also survived by three brothers an
wo sisters, Joshua of Belgrave; Jam
s, Toronto; George, Barrie; Mrs
lizabeth Bell, Hamilton, and Mrs,
d. Grainger, Dinharda, Sask,
The funeral was held. from her late
esidence, Blyth, on Monday after-
oon, June 12th, the service being
onclucted. by Rev, Mr, Been, Blyth.
ntermertt took place in Brandon
emetery, Belgrave.
Mrs. Thomas Gray
The death of Charlotte Cook, be-
ved wife of Thomas Gray, occurred
her home, Lower Winghatn, on
riday, lune 9th, in her 79th year.
rs, Gray had been ill for the past
x weeks and had gradually become
eaker until on Friday she passed
vay to her reward. Born in Prince
clward Island she moved with her
rents, as a child of six years, to
st Wawanosh, and has been a res -
tit of this locality ever sinee. Be -
les her leueband she leaves to
urn her loss, two daughters, Mrs,
Brooks, of Wingham, and lefre,
illiam Shortreed, of British Column-
, also one brother, Frederick, East
Thefuneralwas held from her late
Mame Sunday afternoon, Rev, K.
cLean of St. Andrew's Presbyter.
Church eondneting the,,,service.
ertnent was made in Wingham
Mrs. R. J. Tindall Again Electe
The annual nfeeting of the W.T.
LT, was held at the home of Miss Is-
ard, Thursday, the president, Mrs. R.
J. Tindall, in the chair.
Two splendid papers on Citizen-
ship were given by Mrs, Gennnell and
Airs. A., H. Musgrove. A voeal duet
by Misses Caroline Wellwood and
Tena Reid was enjoyed.
The election of officers took place
as follows: Pres., Mrs. R. 5, Tindall;
vice-pres., •Mm
rs. Gemmell, Miss R,
Lewis, Mrs. (Rev,) Smith; rec. sec.,
Mrs, j. Kelly and Assist, Mrs. A. E.
Lloyd; con sec., Mrs. A. Cosene;
treas., Mrs. Joynt; Committees: Press
Mrs, A. H. Musgrove, Mrs. 5. A.
Morton; Station 13oxes, Mrs, S. Tin-
dall; Evangelistic, Miss R. Lewis,
Mrs. j. Anderson, Mrs. 5, Stone;
Flovvers and Delicacies, Miss Isard,
Miss B. Joynt; Travelers' Aid, Mre,
Wellwood; Temperance in Sun-
day School, Miss B. Joynt; Mothers'
Meeting, Mrs. G. Mason, Mrs. Thos.
Kew; Citizenship, Mxrm-m
's. Geil,
Mrs. A. IL 'Musgrove; Medal Con-
test, Miss B. Joynt, Miss V. Mc-
Laughlin; Little White Ribboners,
Miss R. Lewis, Mrs. 5, Lennox; Sci-
entific Temperance, Miss E. Bolt.
Miss Rose Coventry has returned
home, having spent the winter in
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dr. Margaret C. Calder and Dr. R.,
L. Stewart attended the Huron Medi-
cal Society Meeting which was held
in the Clinton General Hospital last
Mrs. S. W. Hensley and Aubrey of
Indiana, mother and brother of Mrs,
(Dr.) H. W. Colborne, are at present
visiting with her. They will remain
mere for several weeks.
Col. the Rev, R. H. Steacy of Ot-
tawa,Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Webb of
Gananoque and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Thompson of Seaforth, were guests of
W. T. and Mrs. Booth on Sunday.
Mrs. W. Turner and her mother,
Mes. V. R. VanNorma.n motored to
Toronto on Monday to vesit Mrs. A.
on tSamsbury. Mrs. VanNorman will re-
ke'lMrs. W, R. Hamilton motored to chener "last Pelday. Miss Louise
o'nr main there for two or three weeks,
ed Mr. and Mrs. 0. Thompson and
Thompson returned with them and
Y. spend the week -end with her parents.
r- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Diag-
et- onal Road, spent the past couple of
el-- weeks in Toronto, visiting their &az-
ge ghter, Mrs. Ba.ssell, Wellesley street
s- Mr, Scott is in his 85th year and
or greatly enjoyed his holiday. Mr. and
e Mrs. Scott spent a day at the home
tit of their former Wingham neighbors,
I's MT. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Willow -.
n bank Blvd. ' •
e -
A Monster 'Garden Party
Will be held in Ebenezer Church
shed on Friday, Jane 16th. Tea serv-
ci ed from 6 to 8, after which the young
people of Brick Church will present
e Grove", musical numbers between
acts. Admission, Adults 85e, children
2t0hce3-act play, entitled "Orange .ir ,
Firemen Get Two Calls
Saturday night about 10.30 the fire-
men received a call to the home of
'W, Currie, Patrick st., a chesterfield
had caught fire but the siren had
hardly ceased to whistle when word
arrived that the fire had been extin-
guished. The chesterfield was it loss
as were some cushions and it rug was
also damaged. Tuesday evening a-
bout 7 o'clock a call was received
from the home of j. Wilson, Shaer
St, Pleasant Valley. A partition
through which it stove pipe passes in
the kitchen caught fire but the fire
had been pretty much overcome with
a garden hose before the firemen ar-
rived. Very little clattage was done,
It take only about 8 minutes after
Bistna-Rex, the new, delicious -tasting
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ery of indigestion and other stomach
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