HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-08, Page 8PAG • I:l GHT YCEUM Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 8th, 9th and 10th -- SPECIAL "."—^ TONIGHT! A great picture comes to surpass ail that have gone before! ,CECIL a DEMIIIES F FREDPIC MARCH. ELISSA tANDI CLAUDETTE COLBERT. CHARLES LAUGHTON • Q tilramounr cilium • d Owing to the length of this picture there will be no short subjects excepting a Fox News Reel. Show will start at 8.30 sharp. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 2Qc. NEXT WEEK "ANIMAL KINGDOM" With ANN HARDING and LESLIE HOWARD WHITECHURCH t• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, of Am 'herstburg, spent the week -end with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Car- 'ri:ck.. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon and Ruth, -of Londesboro, and. Miss Bina Kirk, of Toronto, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. McNair, of Lucknow, visited on 'Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cornelius. Mrs. Crawford Skelton and her. mother, Mrs. Bott, of .Walkerton, were viistors one day last week' at the home of the late Mrs. McInnis. Mr. Wm. Purdon spent Friday last at. Hensall. Mr. Joe McInnis of Teeswater, motored to Toronto' on Friday to meet his brother, Tom, who .came from his home in Scotsguard, 'Sask'., to attend his mother's funeral on Sat- urday. On account of the anniversary ser- vices being held in Calvin Church on /1oj1Ze MEANS THE -"BEST QUALITY" IN PAINTS ENAMELS AND VARNISHES N ISHES SEE OUR SPECIAL VALUE PAINT AT .r P 59c a Quart Made by the makers of 'woo ammo Orr Elmer Wilkinson - Decorator White Shoes For Women This is undoubtedly. THE SEASON FOR •WHITE SHOES, in fact we have sold more white shoes this Spring than in any season of our Shoe Store experience and the end is not yet. White Shoes are extremely comfortable es- pecially in the hot Summer weather, they relieve that tired,achey' feeling and increase the joy of liv Why not try WHITE SHOES this season: OUR PRICES ARE MOST REASONABLE. Willis' Shoe The Leading Shoe Store Phone 129 Whng tos i Oote THE WIN GHAU ADVANCE-TIMh S Sunday, the services in Charmer's Church were withdrawn. The Y.P.S. of the United Church of` St. Helens, have invited the 'y Y S. of the lAtted Church here to come to St. Helens on Friday .evening .and. it is hoped as many as possible will take advantage of the invitation to have a social evening there. Mrs. Wm, Beecroft, Mrs. X. T). Beecroft and children spent Friday in Goderich, where Mrs, Beecroft at- tended the funeral of the late Mr; A, Dunkeld. Mrs. Thos,' Inglis has spent the last week in London Hospital where she underwent an operation on her eye, She has been suffering" from ulcers on the eye for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee of Wing - ham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John .McGee. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Harris and children of St. Marys and Mr. Fred Clubb, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Clubb, Mrs. Henry Grain and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilmour, of Turnberry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Grain: Anniversary services will be held in the United Church here on Sun- day, June 18th, Mrs, Walter Lott and Mrs. Wil- -fired. Jacques spent the week -end in .London, Mrs. Lott visiting with her. daughter, Mrs, Orval Newby, and Mrs. Jacques with her neice, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Mr. a;nd Mrs. Elgin Welhvood, Caledon Misses Olive and Arlie Little, Lon- don, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mc- Innis, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson and children, of Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin and sons, spent Sunday with 1VIr. and Mrs, Alec But- er, of Goderich. Mr. Joe McInnis, of Teeswater and Mr. Tom McInnis, also Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of Blyth, Dr. and Mrs. Dan McInnis of Clinton, visited with Mrs. Butler also The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Lott on Friday, to commence at 2 p.m. Wedding bells are ringing. Mr. jack Barbour from Sutherland,. near Saskatoon, Sask., was visiting with his uncle, Mr. Wm. Barbour for a few dayslast week, and they and Miss Muriel Watt spent Saturday at' the home of Mr. Harry Mc•Clenaghan of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Green and George Macintosh of Teeswater, and Mr. H. Shelton of Mount Forest, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt: Misses Olive and Ruby' Kennedy spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Toynbee Lamb, of God- erich. - Mr. Henderson has been- re-engag- ed in S, S. No. 10 for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbotar and children, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chris. Hetherington, of Blue - vale. Mrs. Hodgins of Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Gillespie motored: to St. Catharines to visit their brother-in- aw, Mr. Cliff Borthwick, who was injured in an aeroplane collision last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peppier, of Tavistock, spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. Emerson. . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips, God- erich, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan: Kennedy spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. L. Durnin, of St. Helens. Miss Winnifred Farrier is spend - .ng this week with friends, in Ripley. BLUEVALE Ladies' Aid and; .W M. S. The regular monthly meeting 'of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyter- ian Church was held in the school room on Thursday afternoon. The President, . Mrs, Alec Mowbray, . pre- sided. The meeting opened with singing and prayer. After hearing the minutes read and the financial state- ment given, discussion followed on the raising of funds, some of the ideas to be carried out in the near future. The W.M.S. met at the close of the Aid meeting, the President, Mrs. P. S. MacEwen, in charge. Scripture reading was taken by Mrs, Roy Tur- vey and Mrs. Eld.r.d Nichol gave the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. P. S. Mac- Ewen gave 'a report of the 'morning session of the annual W. M. S. Pres- byterial held recently in Brussels, which dealt mostly with secretaries' reports. The afternoon session was reported in a very interesting manner by Mrs, P. ID. Ding, and. Mrs, D. 5,. Falconer gave a report of the mes- sage brought by Mrs, W. A. McLen- non, Provincial President and Guest Speaker at the evening meeting. The chapter from the Study Book on "China, Its Area, Population and its need of Workers to Spread the Gospel" was ably taken by Mrs. Cam- eron Adatns. The meeting closed by FOR .HOT WEATH- ER WEAR Wash Ties, Fancy Plaid •and Stripes, `fast color. 50c Young Men's Broad- cloth Shorts Elastic Top, Forsyth. forbelt r 4 50c Non -Run Silk Under- wear Jerseys 39c HANNA & CO all repeating .the Lord's. Prayer in un- ison. The Blue Banner Mission Band met in the school room of the Pres- byterian Church on Saturday 'after-. noon with a .good attendance. ' The meeting opened with singing' a hymn and prayer, and Miss Marian Kauf- mann read the Scripture lesson. Miss Hare. Mundell then readan .interest- ing article on "Our Canadian: Hospi;` tars": The meeting closed by singing and repeating the?Lord's Prayer. Mr. Robert Shaw conducted the regular session in theUnited' Church and at Ebenezer on Sunday in the absence of the Pastor;. Rev. A. E. Mann, who is attending the general Conference of the United' Church of Canada, at London. He i's accompan- ied by- Mrs. Mann. The Sacrament of the- Lord's Sup- per was observed in the P'esbyterian Church on Sunday morning. The pastor, Rev. William Patterson, con- ducted the service, taking- his text from; Luke 22:27 "E aur among you ache that serveth." William Clark of Palmerston accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. H. Horsing and two children, Tor- onto, were week -end visitors with Mrs.. Clark's 'brothers;, Messrs. Arthur and Robert Shaw. ,IIrlIlirII111II11II1111111 11ytt 11113111II11IIl lI111111� ji Williams' _ ' E Jewellery Store ■ See Gur New Samples El 1i of SPODE • •w '- ...DINNERWARE IThe Best China made. HOW ABOUT THAT WATCH THAT NEEDS ATTENTION? w All Repairs done on the prem- !_ ises. Nothing but Genuine Ma- 1 aerial used. ,..Prices Moderate. r i 711 le Telephone No. 5. , 1111IilhMIftI flhI11IIIINIIIU11ISIl1NIIINIii.IIIIN i u REAV IES SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Greasing REPAIRS, CAR WASHY BATTERIES AND TIRES "Prompt Courteous ServiceYd . Mrs, James Aitcheson of Port Col- borne Spent Sunday With friends in the village. Mr. William 11Iullfichael spent Sun- day with his daughter,-: Mrs, Sinna- mon, Wingham Jucntion, J. Wesley Beattie, and daughters, Ethel and Florence and Wo H. Gould- ing, M.P. for South Huron, of Sea - forth, visited F. B, Scott and family cn Thursday, ,• Lawrence Smilley, Teeswater, spent Sunday,witTi Mr, and Mrs, E1.lec Mow- bray, Miss Janet Robertson, of. Brussels, was a week -end visitor with her mo- ther. Mrs. Wm. Robertson. BELGRAVE Mr. aucl Mrs. Jno. • McQuire were viistors for the past week with their daughter, Mrs. Cecil Mines; in Ni- agara Falls, N.Y. Mrs. Jim Wightman and Phyllis, viisted relatives in Stratford. Mrs. Chas. Campbell and Annie. McDowell are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Campbell at Aylmer. Mrs. M. Robertson of Rockwood, is viisting with her daughter, Mrs. 0. E. Taylor. Rev. A. M. Grant is at, London at- tending the Conference of the United Church which is being held in that city at present.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Henry, White- church, visited one • day this week with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Brandon. «Women's Institute Members of the Belgrave Women's. Institute met. 'at Londesboro with members of the Blyth Branch where a pleasant meeting was held. At the conclusion of the business meeting a short play - was given by several .rnem- bers' of the Blyth Branch, which was followed by a vocal solo by Mrs. Phillip. This was followed by a pi- ano solo by Miss Sara Cole, a paper "First Things, First" by Mrs. James Taylor, and a paper "Our Talents, What shall we •do with them?" tak en'by Miss Cela Coulter; also a violin selection by Miss Ruth Cole. The Belgrave Branch is Invited to attend the meeting to be held at Au burn on Friday, June 16th, when Miss Guest the speaker from the De- partment, will address the meeting. Miss. Guest, who ' has addressed a similar meeting a few years ago in Belgrave, is a splendid speaker and will speak on the subject. "Meeting present conditions in a practical way." It is hoped that all who can, whether, members of the Institute or not, will attend this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lake, of Fergus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon. Mr.' and Mrs. Will - Adair and Bruce, of. Kincardine, also Mrs. Jno. Robinson, visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. N. - Robertson's Iast- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wild Adair and Mrs. John Robinson, of ICincardiine, also Mr. and lois. Wm. N. Robertson and Jean, called on Mr. and Mrs. Mac Abram„ Ethel.. TRIPLE. V FOR BELGRAVE On Thursday evening, June 1st, 29 young; men of the. Belgrave district met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Proctor,, ost, the third line of Morris. A number of these young men had been meeting earl Sunday, under Mr. Pi;octor"'s leadership itt a Young Men's Bibio Class in. Belgrave,, but felt that their flan/hers and activities might be increased if sufficient inter- est were taken in making others wel- come and the class programme at- tractive. After an hour of sports the gath- ering convened at the house to con- sider adopting a class name and or- ganization, Guest speakers from the Triple V Class of Wingham, were present, and, after telling of the need of greaterinterest on the part of the young men in thebest things in life„ invited the Belgrave young men to become one of the increasing number of Triple V classes in this section of the Province, and to adopt the name and constitution of the same. After home discussion this invita- tion was accepted unanimously and election of chief officers was carried out with the result that 'Harold Vin- cent is One President; Geo. Martin, Secretary, and Edgar Wightman is Treasurer. Other items of the programme consisted of singing of familiar hymns, musical -numbers by A. Jam- ieson and C. Robinson and Mrs. W. 5, Johnston. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor served re- freshments which were much enjoy ed, A hearty vote of thinks was .ten- dered the host and hostess for open- ing their home for the meeting and for the splendid interest they were taking .in such, a worthy causet,as well as fors;;, the generous luncheon served.: "So Bal is engaged? Is Vela, the bride-to-be?" "No, Vera was the tried -to -be." 'sd'ay, June 8th, 1933', i '� . t Pays to Shop atKing's Grand Clearance of Coats Women's, Misses And Junior Every Coat in the place has a Big Sale Tag for this Thursday to Saturday. QUARTER, THIRD TO A HALF OFF. So you see the tremendous savings we have for you; Regular Sizes Half Sizes Stout Sizes. Tn the season's popular materials and colors, including Navy, Black and soni,e White Swagger Coats. REMEMBER THE DISCOUNTS �4-.1/3TO1,2OFT Never before such an opportunity to buy Stylish Coats at Cost and Less. NEW. SUMMER DRESSES ARE HERE. Kayser Silk Stockings, Gloves and Lingerie for Summer Wear. NEW. MILLINERY. I{ING BROS. MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Basal, also Miss Irene and Master Johnnie, vis- ited recently with Mr. Wm. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warwick. Miss Mary Inglis of :Belmore, spent the week -end. with Miss Annie Find - later. Mr. Mac Thomas, - of Stratford, spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elston. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MicCntcheon of near Brussels, visited with the Iatter's sister, Mrs. George Coulter, on Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry'Bosnian are at present on a trip out west where they will visit relatives at Liberty, Saskatchewan and Sort& Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ament viisted at the home of Mr. J. Steddens, of near Brussels one evening fast week. Miss Winnifred Edgar viisted with relatives in town one day fast week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D; Murdock and little daughter, Phyllis.). of Toronto, motored up and spent the week -end at the latter°'s parents';. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edgar, 2nd line of Morris. HERE AND THERE AROUND RAPID CITY Mr. and Mrs. ,roseph Guest, Tees- water, visited .on. Sunday with Mt - and Mrs. Charl'e's Thompson. Mr., Ernest Gastdrner, of Zion, visit- ed oat Thursday. (hast with Mr. diad Mrs.. Mark Gardner. Ernest is bet- ter again aftesrr his serious illness of. last spring. L. 0. L. 48; June meeting, Tues d',ty, June nth and Semi -County of West Bruce meets in Bethel Half os, Wednesday, ,mane 14th, at 8 p.m. Vis- itors cordially invited. Lucknoit L0.0.P. led by Lucknow Brass Band Marched to South Kin- rossloss Cemetery ry on Sunday afternoon, and decorated the graves of their de- parted iiithren, SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. , Turnberry Pupils were examined in Grammar, Geography, Composition . and Spell- ing. Total 350, Honors 263, Pass 210. Jr.. IV.—Bruce MacLean 265, Mar- ion Gilmour, 258, Allan Reid' 223. Sr.. III -Norman Hastings 221; De- light Reid 196. r' Sr. II .Jean 'Underwood 264, Bil- lie Hasting 243.. Sr. ]'-Edna Jenkins &9%, Billie Jenkins 85%, Ross Resting 77%. Jr. T—Irlma Smith. 85%, Vernon Reid 80%, Alma Smith 80%. Teacher, L C. Hicks. B:eI'more School Report Class V—Clarence Stokes, Mary Kiing. Sr. IV—Pass 420 -Marjorie Herd. 511, Edna Johann 450, Lloyd Douglas 133* Jr.. IV—Alba Stokes 3t, Kenneth Ham:61'to.n 276, Margaret Abram 217*. Sr. In --Wilfred Johann. 188. - Jr. III—Isabel Zinn 190, Bob Curie 136, Johnnie Lawrence 122, Allan. Haskins 113. Sr. II—•Bili Abram 187, Jack King x40, Wi hiam Fitzpatrick, absent. Jr. Ill—Madeline Casemore 206, Edith Haskins 205, Mary Kelly 166,i Mattie; Kennedy 117, Wes. Abram 103, s Sr: E—Mary Abram. Jr. 1—Yvonne Douglas, Reta, Ken- nedy. Sr Pr.—Jean Kelly, Ruth Johann. Jr. Pr.—Jean Haskins, Bob Abram, Lloyd McNeil, Fred Temish. Jean S. Keith, Teacher. 14-1b. Carp Caught in Maitland Mr. Oscar Arnent of the 1st ' line Morris,; caught fan unusual -sized fish in the Maitland; River near his home one.. ,eventixg last week.. This speci- v.F nten ti 'r a a cap weighing 14 lbs., and measuring 32 inches long and 2b inches around. Oberle's Grocery Phone 167 WE DELIVER Sugar ♦.. • . : • .. 10 lbs. 72c Seedless Raisins . ,...... , , 2 lbs. 23c Wonderful Soap . , . ........ 8 Bars 25c Home Rendered Lard .. • • .. ♦ .. ... 2 lbs. 22o Summer Sausage 04006066046066.6. 27c lb, Sausage (Home-made) . , ... , . , w 14e lb. Black Tea ...... , ... 24c lb Dain' Butter (Choice) ... 21c lb, Mixed Chop 1/a Oats and Wheet $1.30 cwt. vssanarmilsoiftwareasimethpaneimint .Special Prices on Hatlover and Wingham Flour.. Brand, Shorts, reeds of All Kilids. EGGS 13c, 11c, 9c. Potatoes Wanted.