HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-01, Page 7Thursday, June lot, 1933 1 World Wide News In Brief For. Snowden Attacks MacDonald • "very ill advised," and contended that the Chief Justice Sir William MYlulock had been filling the peeitiol ''very nicely," Old Custom Revived Barrie -At the farrns of George Snider and James Rix, at Craighurst. and Crown Hill, near here, service. was held when clergymen of. the An- glican Deanery of East Simcoe gath- ered for the "Blessing of the Crops" reported to be the first service of its kind in Canada. The service was instituted about A. D, 500. After the singing of a psalm and the: reading of a short passage from Scripture, prayer was offered for the success of the farmer and his work and a blessing asked upon the implements he uses and the animals that give their lives for the country. The clergymen' taking part were: Rural Dean D. M. Rose, Orillia; Rev.' W. Kenny, Wyebridge; Rev. W. Pro- vince, Warminster; Rev. T. R. Haughton; Shanty Bay, and Rev. W. Newman, Craighurst. Kingston Unemployed Smash Windows IKingston-What might easily have developed into .a riot was averted here after members ofthe une'mploy London—•Viscount Snowden of lelc- ornshe.w, made a, scathing attack on Prime Minister Rainsay ,A'IacDonald, his former Nationel Government Cab- inet colleague, in the House of Lords today. "1 would suggest that the Govern anent should look into,the case of the Prime Minister, not only in his own interests, but in the interests of the country,"Lord Snowde is a positive danger to the country that its affairs should be in. the hands of a man who, every, ti ie speaker, exposes his'ignorance or incapacity." Nazi Visi pposed by Communists NewY thousand Commun- ists and anti -Nazis, protesting the ar- rival of Hans Weidemann, Hitler good -will ambassador to the Chicago World's Fair, . vented their wrath. in .a pitched battle with police, after Weidemann slipped unmolested from a Brooklyn pier on to a tugboat. Thirteen men and red -hatted wo- men, battered in the battle, were jailed on charges of assault and dis- orderly conduct. Two policemen were taken to hosptial after' the fray: one, a sergeant, with severe head lac- erations; the other, a patrolman, with i n said, "for it lie tor; O • a broken wrist and three broken fin- ed swarmed into the City Hall and gers. smashed : windows leading to the Council Chamber, where members of C. N. R. Shows Improvement the Welfare Board, were in session. Ottawa—Members of the Govern- The intruders left only after Mayor ment are highly pleased with the Hopkins assured them a decision on substantial improvement in Canadian a proposed reduction in relief would National Railways' earnings duringbe given at once. the past few weeks, especially as the betterment, when taken in conjunc- Price Replies to Hepburn tion with other indices, seems to Acting Premier W. H. Price, lead - foreshadow an upturn in business ing the Ontario Government while throughout the Dominion, Premier Henry is absent on vacation Hon. Dr. Robert J. Manion, Minis- in a statement issued recently, takes ter of Railways and Canals, observed issue with the arguments of Mitchell tonight that the financial statement F. Hepburn, Liberal leader, and Hon. of the Canadian National during the Harry C. Nixon, Progressive chief - past fortnight is the best in two tain, that the office of Lieutenant - years. He pointed out that while the Governor of ,Ontario •should be ab- pulicly owned system had reported a olished. There is a service perform deficit of $29,000,000 last year, or ed by occupants of this position that approximately $750,000 a week, the is more valuable by far to the Prov - company was in "the red" by only ince than the money expended on it, $52,000 last week. This is the big- asserts Colonel Price. gest decrease in two years. Colonel price declares that both Mr. Nixon and Mr. Hepburn have been in positions where they might have taken some action to achieve what thew now appear to desire, but slid nothing about it. Mr. Nixon, he recalls, was a member of the Durry Government, and that Administration retained the office the same as other Governments.. And Mr. Hepburn had never requested a division of the Do- minion House\ on the advisability of abolishing the office, he pointed out, Hepburn Chosen Candidate Aylmer—If elected to the Provinc- ial House, Mitchell F. Hepburn, M. R, Ontario Liberal Leader, with the approval of his friend, Hon. Harry Nixon, Progressive Leader, will re- fuse to vote money in the esimates for the upkeep of Government House and the position of Lieutenant -Gov- ernor, and "will freeze them out." A declaration to this effect was made by Mr. Hepburn addressing 1200 'Liberals at a meeting held in Japan Oppose Tuteaty the newly organized Provincial riding Geneva—Japan cannot .sign the of Elgin, which takes the place of projected general disarmament treaty the two old ridings of East and West if it refers to the Washington and Elgin. London naval conventions, which Mr. Hepburn who was unanimously bind her to the short end of a 5-5-3 selected as Liberal standard-bearer areice Tokio' spokesman, Ambass- for the entire County of Elgin in the ador Naotake Sato, informed. the Dis- next Provincial election, emphatically armament Conference. -declared that the present cost of gov- Reference to these former agree- •'ernment had to ,be curbed. ments, Mr. Sato said, would amount He .believed the appointment of a t� perpetuating the present plopor- Lieutenant-Governor at this time was tion in the new treaty, which is con - Acorn Bern Ventilators Prevent spon- taneous combus- tion. Base, 20 in.; Drum, 16 in.; Height, 4 ft. 5 in.—only 55.00. Pres on Ga van zed Tanks Spec al Spring Sale. Write for pr ces. Stocum'a \ Spark Arrester For your house chim- ney. Pre- vents roof fires: Slocutn's Fire Suffocator For putting out fires when they are beginning, PRSStOt, Barn Door Hardware We can save you Money on your barn door hard, nit. Write for prices. lotudBstelBuitwih�rggge trusses or p rink trusses, Roofed and s'ded with fire. proof steel. Write for "book About Barns". Use Preston "Led-H'ed" Nails Lead is used on the head of these nails to seal the nail -hole. Now only 15c, lb. Millions of dollars worth of farm build. ings are being eaten up each year by rot and decay caused by leakyroofs, and by fires. Save your buildings N 0 W before they get beyond. saving. Re -roof with Rib -Roll. Rib -Roll is permanent. It cannot warp, shrink, peel, crack, curl or bulge. It is fireproof -sparks cannot ignite it. When properly grounded at the four corners according to the Ontario Lightning Rod Act, it gives complete lightning protec- tion. ' Councii Standard" Rib -Roll is now sell- ing at the lowest prices in history. Quality is still maintained at its highest point. Write for free sample and useful roofing booklet. We make all kinds of Sheet Metal' Building Materials.. J ., AY rt. CDUNCILSTANDARD ,y,.alr'4 $tAVY 0.w�� st a *A NId MitOti Factories also at Montreal & "croute Guelph Street Preston, Ont. teary to Japan's desires. The Japanese. delegate made it clear that his country proposes, at the expiration of the London treaty lit 1936, to seek a revision which will give the Japanese navy greater rela- tive strength in the face of United States and British sea power, Suggests Dropping Provincial Government Chatham—The Chatham Board of Trade, in annual session, passed a resolution urging far-reaching re- forms designed to bring about a re- duction' of governmental costs to the people of Canada. The resolution will go to the Federal Government, and copies to every Board. of Trade and Chamber of Commerce in Canada, with a request that it be endorsed and an agitation carried out to bring about the reforms. The resolution urges abolition of. Provincial Governments, which are considered "unnecessary and out of date and involve too much duplica- tion of services." Accept No Further Obligations London—While welcoming the Un- ited States Government's decision to consult with other nations in the ev- ent of a threat of war, Sir John Sim- on, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, told the House of Commons that Great Britain had reached her limit in assuring ablogation.s for se- curity. In the course of a long debate, the United States' enunciation of policy was criticized' by Right Hon. George'. Lansbury, leader of the Opposition, as containing "Limitations which Militate against its effectiveness," and was • lauded by Sir Austen Chamber- lain, former Conservative Secretary for Foreign Affairs. Laying down five principles of Bri- tish foreign policy, Sir John announc- ed that the first was: "We must warmly welcome and warmly res- pond to President Roosevelt's mess- age." NEWS of the DISTRICT Four -Legged Chicken Product of Hatchery J. G. Tweddle, the local chicken magnate, turns out chickens by the hundred theusand from his hatchery every year, but on Thursday morn- ing, he found something unique, and he is wondering if ; it is the first of a race of quadruped chickens which will have four drum -sticks when ser- ved up on a platter on the dinner table. The chick was a White Leg- horn, apparently perfectly healthy. But had four legs and feet instead of the customary two. It uses the front pair for walking, and the back pair, which are partly grown togeth- er, drag behind and are no help in locomotion. He will -try to raise it to maturity as a curiosity. — Fergus News -Record. Palmerston Ratepayers Will Vote on June 17th A By -Law to borrow the sum of $6,500.00 on debentures will go to the polls on Saturday, June 17, and the Ratepayers will decide on that day the outcome of the much talked and discussed rink property question which is included in the property the Town Council are in hopes of ac- quiring to become part of the town's system of parks.—Palmerston Ob- server. Spare the Birds During the past week a number of robins have been ruthlessly killed in this town, evidently by boys around with catapults. This wanton destruc- tion of bird life is absolutely deplor- able. The robin, besides being the. gardener's friend, is a fine songster, and should not be subjected to this sort of treatment. -Walkerton -Her- ald -Times, Steal Gasoline On Sunday evening thieves helped themselves' to over two hundred gal- lons of gasoline from the Imperial Oil Company's tanks at the C.P.R. station. A large amount of the gas- oline was spilled but the thieves got away with three or four barrels of, gas. -Arthur Enterprise -News. Lightning Strikes Twice Elora—The old saying that light - Ping never strikes twice in the same place was disptovcd when a bolt of lightning struck the chimney of the resdence of Harvey Bell, well-known Elora merchant. The bolt raised a cement cap on top of the chimney, weighing nearly a ton, and tore a hole in the roof of the house, ground- ing an an eavetrough at the edge of the roof. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bell were in the house at the time the THE WINCHATvi ADVANCE -TIMES chimney was struck but suffered no ill effects from the experience, Ahaut thirty-five years ago a bolt of itght- ning struck the exact same spot, and followed the same course to the ground. Twice before the sanr'e house has beenstruck with lightning. Shot Homing Pigeon Shot 'through the - wing while in flight a young homing pigeon owned by Goldie Smith returned to its pen Monday wounded, but still able to fly. The bird had not left town, its' owner states. The shooting of pig- eons is a serious offence. The hom- ing pigeon association has a stand- ing offer of $10 for information lead- ing to the conviction of anyone guilty of this offence.—Goderich Star. 26 Great Grandchildren Mrs, Elijah Jory, of town, has the proud distinction of being the great grandmother of twenty-six great grandchildren. The latest one is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell, born at Dashwood on Friday of last week.—Exeter Times -Advo- cate. How About It? This is apparently the season for erring husbands to be put "on the spot" by irate spouses, for no le than four have been subpoenaed t court for non-support. After havin their feet in the oven all winter th wives believe they r t e should su u d stir 11 Y tem selves and bring in a little cash. Goderich Star. Some Large Asparagus Mrs. W. Marquis of the Base Lin brought into this office on Tuesday rnorning,a cutting of asparagus'which at least to us, looked like a champ- ion. It measured 4er inches in cir- cumference, a nice fat stock which was also a nice, tender one,, for the lady allowed us to carry it home and cook it for our supper. — Clinton News -Record. Aft top of the trunk," which was plinter- ed .and peeled amazingly. Wood from the shattered tree was scattered about to a distance of some 140 pac- es,—Lucknow Sentinel. Frightened. Team Runs Away On Monday morning a team of horses, attached to a disc harrow and owned by'James Montgomery, took fright while standing near his home and dashed for liberty, Run- ning toward the gateway they pro- ceeded south along the 15th sideroad until they came to Shirl Bowers' farm where they were caught and brought back. In spite of the strenu- ous exercise, they did not manage to break any part of the harness, nor the disc, and Mr.'Montgomery read- ily forgave them for their mad rush, —Ripley Express. Sunday School Lesson Continued from page six les of Palestine. Until that day when I drink' it new in the kingdom of God. Not newly made, but of a new and better kind. And when they, had sung a hymn,, they went out into the mount of 01- . ves. Before leaving the upper room Christ spoke his wonderful farewell ss' discourse to his .disciples, recorded only in John 14:16, and offered his farewell prayer with them, John 17- g four chapters that may justly be call- ed the heart of the Bible and the crowning expression of Christianity. THE DENIAL OF OUR SAVIOUR And Jesus said unto them, All ye e shall be offended. Our Lord had done his best to prepare them for the ter- rible events that were to come, but they were yet unprepared they would. fall over thein, they would desert him and flee at his arrest, as came to pass. For it is written. Christ is quoting Zech. 13':7,' a Messianic pro precy, I will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered abroad. Thus also without Christ, the Holy Spirit, any body of Christians today lacks force and coherence, and soon is is scattered. This has been the history of many churches. Howbeit, after I am raised up, 'I will go before you into Galilee. •Our kindly Saviour, in his prophecy of smiting and scattering, yet inserted a note of hope and cheer: they were to see him again, and in their fam- iliar Galilee surroundings. Choosing County Herd Perth County is again to be repre- sented this year by a Holstein herd at the Canadian National Exhibition and at the Western Fair, London. At the present time the herds in the county are being visited and the first selections is being made. The cattle from Perth last year made a very goodshowing at both London and Toronto. -Listowel Standard. Deer Seen at Teeswater On Saturday, May 20th, Mr. Alex. II+IcLennan spied three deer near his barn, and he was within 30 or 40. feet of them. Mr. McLennan's pro- perty is practically in the village and the animals seemed fairly tame. -- Teeswater News. Posts Hit by Lightning Tuesday night's rainfall was a great help to the spring crops. The show- ers were accompanied by severe lightning. The S. B. Telephone Co. had several of its posts ,on the 14th concession of Carrick splintered and smashed by lightning.—Mildmay Ga- zette. Kittens Without, Tails Albert Gropp, of Brunner, has a cat which gave birth to three kittens recently that are quite an oddity. Two of them have no tails at all, while the third has a tail but it is only about half the usual length. The suggestion has been made that they should call them "Tommy and Jimmy Depression" as they will have to get along with less than the usual—Mil- verton Sun. Imports Alligators Two alligators, the first of their species to arrive in Arthur were re- ceived last week from North Carolina by Mr, Gordon Green. Gordon re- cently brought the pair into our of- fice for inspection which was carried out from the north while he held their mouths; filled with teeth, fac- ing south. They resembled lizards and are not full grown although Gor- don figures they are about six years old.—Arthur Enterprise -News. Frightened Horses Cause Death ' When a double team of horses which he was driving along the road- way took fright and ran away Rus- sell Fenn, aged 82, farmhand, was early Tuesday afternoon precipitated. from hisseat on a land roller, which passed over him, inflicting fatal in- juries. The late Mr. Fenn worked for John A. Yuill, concession 5, Goder- ich township. He was married, leis wife. being the former Miss Roppel of Tiverton. They had been with Mr. Ytuill for about a year. — Goderich Star, Lightning Splinters Tree A large hemlock tree in Stewart's btish at the second 'concession of Kinloss, has been discovered splint- ered plintered by lightning; no doubt during the time of the severe electrical storms, more than two weeks ago. The big hemlock was severed at the SLAT'S DIARY Friday—Ant Emmy had a Letter frum her neffew over in Jackson caunty and he has. ben a going to col - lige for severele yrs. and now he says he is a going to be a Roads skoller. Ant Em- thinks that will be a mitey fine thing and mebby, they will get sum De - sent roads over in Jackson county. Saterday — well ma was skared to- nite. After pa' got payed and cum home he tuk a nap domestic electric refrigerators is' i. GENERAL ELECTRIC • Come lin and let us show you the reasons 1 out of 3 homes, which" have electric refrigeration, know a Gen. eral Electric Refrigerator is the finest investment they ever made. They know its trouble-free, expense- free service and the many food savings it has brought. ht r There's a size to fit your needs— a price and payment plan to fit your purse. MADE IN CANADA G -E Refrigerator with.. famous ,Monitor Top. New G -E Junior. Out standing value in the low-priced field. orr YD -53 Wingham Utilities Commission Telephone - '- 156 ,1 l;. and when he awaked pu why ma wa histericle and sed she had lost her Ring. But evry thing was all rite of ter a wile becuz pa found the ring in his Pocket. But they was a five $ Bill gone. Sunday—well I gess ma and Mrs. Gillem will Quit rideing around to gather enny more. Mrs. Gillem was a giveing her husbend fits today and ma agreed with her and now Mrs. Gillem won't speak to ma a tall. Munday—well weehad are General Test today and I think I will get a good Grade. A lot of them got stuck on the wkestion What is a Senator but I remembered seeing him with a Beard and 'a horses Boddy, so -I gess mebby I got 1 on the rest. Teusday—Ma ast Joe Hix if he thot time wood be enny better if they wood bring back beer agen and Joe replyed and sed Well if we had beer it wood seem like the times was bet- ter enny ways. Wensday - well the skool board says they will half to Close the skool a munth erly this Spring unelse they get sum more money. Well I spose it will be just are luck' for the skool bord to get the mutiny. Thirsday — Mrs. Crunch is offly kind Hearted but she all so loves to fish so now she has Fixed up a line without no hook on it so she wont s half to hurt the little Innisent Fish, 11 CITIES HAVE DAY- LIGHI' SAVING TIME Citizens of eleven Ontario Cities this summer will put the clock ahead one hour in observance of daylight saving time. In fifteen other cities. standard time will prevail.' First to begin fast time were 'To- ronto, Ottawa, Kingston, Oshawa, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Wel- land. The change went into effect on Sunday, April 30, in those places. All of them switch back to standard time on September 30. Other cities on daylight time and dates of observance are as .follows: Guelph, May 14 to September 19the Hamilton, June 3 to September 16th; Sudbury, June 3rd to September 3rd; Peterboro, June 15 to September 24. The fifteen cities on standard time> are London, Windsor, Chatham, Woodstock, Galt, Owen Sound, Strat- ford, tratford, Kitchener, Belleville, Brock ville, Sault Ste. Marie and North Bay. Pat got a job at a railway station. When the first train came in, howe ever, he forgot the name of the sta- tion, so he yelled out: "Here ye are for where ye are going. All in there_ for here come out," 1r`l, t..• V►Mb Win IMRE is NO PERPETUAL. aurrI0N "Ng NOT 'WEAK ' i' DOE% TINKE .T PEP OUT OF 0,1 me , se LOCVA b• i iolt'kpitto hfrAit414104 coria..'