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The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-25, Page 8
rel ?AGIT EIGHT THE WIN GUAMADVANCE-TIMES EM THEAT..I.: Thursday , Friday, Saturday, May 25th, 26th, 27th ZANE GREY'S "THE GOLDEN WEST" — With GEORGE O'BRIEN And JANET CHANDLER Zane Grey's Best Seller. Also Two -Reel Comedy "HEAR 'EM AND WEEP." And FOX NEWS. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 29, 30th, 31st :WARNER BAXTER, TVIIRIAM, JORDAN AND JOHN/BOLES "SIX HOURS TO LIVE" From 'the Original Story "Auf Wiedersehen." Also Two -Reel Comedy "THE MUTUAL MAN." WHITECHU RCH Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore visit- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel. Bolt, of E. Wawanosh; on Sunday last and with her sister, Mrs. John Purdon. Mrs. B. "Currie and Miss Clara Purdon of Wingham:, visited on Fri- day last with Mrs. George Tiffin and other friends in this community. Inspector Ball of Southampton was at S. S. No. 10 on Thursday last. Mr. Will Garton, of Leamington, partsfor a few days Hahn, spent Sunday with Mr, find 1\Irs. Sohn Pardon, Miss Florence Scott of Belgrave, Y.. f h �,. 1. �.i o the meeting erl the a nd g attended the United Church here Thursday evening as represetxtative of the Cit- izeeship committee of the Huron Presbytery and gave a splendid ad`- chess, Miss May Wigh>tman, Con- venor of the Christian Fellowship Committee of the Presbytery address- ed the Y.P.S. of St. Helens United Church ,on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Radford, of Blyth, were calling on Whitechurch friends on Sunday evening. Mrs, Curtis, of Bluevaie, spent a day last weak. with Mrs. Sandburn. Holyroad Young People are put- ting on their play "The Path Across tite Hill' in the Institute Hall here on June 2nd. . Lucknow Public School played a game of, softball with S. S. No. 10 on Wednesday evening. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Burchill and family, . of East Wawanoslh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Well- wood. er e11wood. Langside boys played a game of ball with the Whitechurch team on Monday evening. Whitechurch won t-4.` The return game will be played day. 1 in Langside Friday; evening. An interesting meeting of the W. Mr..and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson and M. S. of Chalmer'e Church was held children, Stewart and °Isabel, Lucke last Thursday, with the. : President, Mrs.' Frank -Coulter in the chair. Af- ter the opening' exercises and the roll call, Mrs. C. H. MacDonald, Luck - now, gave a splendid .report of the Mr. and Mrs.. George Garton. Ptavinc al W.M.S, which was held at` Mr. and Mrs. Desjardincs and fain - Stratford on April 25. Galvin and ily, of Ethel, spent Sunday with Mr. Langside congregations were invited and. Mrs. John' Craig. - to attend; and Mrs. J. J. McGee and• ` Miss Hazel McBurney sang ;a duet. GRAVE BEL Mrs. . Jas. Laidlaw and Mrs. Robert Ross also sang' a duet and Ms. W.Baptismal Service at United Church now, spent Sunday, with her mother, Mrs. McInnis. Miss. Gladys Garton, of Lucknow, stient the week -end with her parents, was in these o Coulter and the President led in Last week, gathering up a trucl:-land J. Mowbray gave f potatoes. prayer, Mrs. Robt. ,o p ! Mr. Sara Coulter is sporting a lyimouth sedan. Mr. and iti�Irs..Amos Cornelius spent 'Sunday with relatives in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Alec Naylor of Port Colborne,., and her aunt, Mrs. aunt - rite, of Hamilton, 'spent a few days with relatives in Wingham, Blyth, Brussels and with Mr. and Mrs. B. Bru s :S. Naylor. 1VIassachusettes, spent last Sunday , ter Taylor of W. Wawa-ral feature was the bapfismal service Mrs. Saw ywith her mother, Mrs. Fox.. s�was held and the following -'1.which to tit tl e t veryseriously � is he h o,t `nspent hap Webb and Miss ; Miss Lorna IUIcCleriagchildren were.baptised;: Margaret 1s a and Mrs. John k to the farm w=eek -end with her parents, Mr. and Verda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Elsie have moved bac Mrs. Ben of McClenaghan. Procter; Frances Meryle, daughter of The choir of the United Church,I and Mrs. G. Walker; William M are busy practising for the annivers- Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ary services which will be held an McArter; Edna Marie, daughter of the 18th of June. i�ir' and Mrs. Nelson Higgins; We are sorry to hear of the'seri-' Mar- garet Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mil, ous condition of Mrs. Wilkinson ofBlyth, mother of Thomas Smith; Lloyd Cecil, son of •nev. T C .�SFi1Ltin- son. She suffered a stroke last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jghn„ G. Anderson; ems* one of Ralph Connor's readings and Miss Ida McQuoid read the Scripture lesson.After thernee tin g,Iun ch was served and a social half-hour was much enjoyed. Mr. Jas. Ross of Holyrood, spent last week with his sister, Miss Cath- arine Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, Lucan, and his sister, Miss Stella Patton„ of p Sunday School was held as usual in Knox United Church Sunday at 10 a.in. when there was a good at- tendance, one hundred and forty -foie- being present, Mr, Peter W. Scott t had charge of the Bible Class, as Rev. A. M. Grant was at Brick Church, the setvice there being held in the morning, commencing Sunday, for the summer months.' A large con- gregation was present forr the serv- ice in Knox United Church. .A spec Tor the busy season, Rev_ C. H. MacDonald of Luck - 'now, was in charge of the Prepara- tory Services in Chalmer's Church on Friday last and the. Sacrament serv- ices were held in;ahe church on Suri- •r and Mrs. ... ' 1' son £1\I. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and Charles Phil tp, HOT AND COLDHoward Wilkinson: Rev. A. M. Grant Eileen and Ivah of Lucknow, spent took as the subject of his semen, Shower h Sunday with her another, Mrs. .Jas. "Baptism." e c . • MacGregor. Mr. Malcolm Finlayson 1 and Allen Jean and. Kenneth, Loch- Mrs. C. B. Willeinson spent a few I dup-to-date Blyth d tl week «rth have. installed Suit Sale an. , Shower in my Barber Shop. alsh, also visited with Mrs. MacGre- Give it a trial. 25c Each 5 Showers for'$1.00. gor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Latronica and son Will of Turnberry, Mr. and Mrs. A. Many New Summer Suits on Sale For THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Big purchase of light and dark, patterns. All wool imported Yung Men's Worsteds. Two Pants — SALE 5 Thursday, May 25th, to say that the milking or marring' Mrs. (Rev.) Taverner, of the Ash - of :a home depended almost entirely field Circuit, went to Toronto on Fri - on the kind of mother in the home. day ,for a ':few days, to visit her'‘sis- A slheeial feature of the meeting was ter, Mrs, Rose, before she returns to 1 1 1 c, t • 'li me in England, ©t her q& of s 1 tothe d. gifts "i t tra i of the � esen a te.lr� nxother and the youngest grandmoth Miss Alma Hunter, near Tiverton, er present, Mrs. J. Scott presented visited with her parents, Mr, and the gifts to Mrs. Coultes, and Mrs, ,Mrs. Win. Hunter, near Zion• J. Curtis. Mrs, A. Mann sang "Jesus- Rev Mr. Taverner, Mrs, Watson is all the World to Me', and the roll Davis and. Mrs. Roy Alton, motored tit=as called and the offering taken, af- to Toronto on Monday morning, and ter which Rev. A. Mann closed with Mrs, (Rev) Taverner returned with prayer and the Benediction, ' Lunch them on Wednesday. was served and a social half hour enjoyed by all, 'Miss Bessie Weymouth, of Clin- ton Hospital, visited with her friend, Miss Neliie'McKinney, last week. Quite a number of lotal Orange- nen attended the County Meeting, at Londesboro on Friday evening, May 19th. Special Meeting of the Women's Institute The C. O. F. Hall was the scene of an interesting gathering on Fri- day afternowhen the Women's In- stitute held a special meeting. The President, Mrs. ,Alec Mowbray, pre- sided and opened the meeting in the Usual form: The first number on the programme was a vocal solo by Mrs. Kerr,f B els which was MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. ter Jeffrey and Mr. Joseph Casemore visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Robert- son;: of I3elgiave, on• Sunday last. Mr.. Wm: Pipe and seri from near Brussels and Mr. John Clegg, Wing- ltant, were visitors at Mr. Win. Find- later's last Snday. "° Mr. and Mrs. Robert G•o11ey and Grace were recent Sunday visitors with relatives at Kincardine. Miss Marjorie Hamilton, who has been with Mrs. Morgan Jones, Clin- ton, for some time, spent the week- end at her home here• , aWe are pleased to report -that Mrs, Walter o russ Duncan, Campbell, whro has been un very much appreciated, then all join- der th"e doctor's care, is feeling much ed 'in. community singing. The Pres- better. le spent Sunday ident introduced the : Government 1 Miss Dorothy Go1 y ker Mrs. Laura Rose Stephen of with Miss Nettie Casemore. (Speaker, 1 Mrs, James Aitchison, of Port Col - Canada" Mrs. Stephen was the .."All, Canada" delegate to the Educational borne, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. and Institute International Conven- Will Abraham. McMichael, Wrox- tions held at Brusaels Lenge and Ant -1 Mr. and Mrs. A., ., in 1c- Mr, and Sunday at the home of I Mrs, C. G. Campbell. P Forsyth New Country Club, Kennel Club Out- ing Shirts at 1.95 Stripes, Plain Patterns, Collar attached. w*erP Belgium, ' 1931.She is thor- eter, spent oughly acquainted with Institute 193a < tivities an her address d - dd was most in -1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Bel teresting',and helpful, Her fjrst sub- ; grave, spent Sunday at Mr. Duncan ject "Useful Hints for Thrifty Idouse .,Campbell's. wives" was introduced by relating 1 Mr. Robt. Baird, of. Blyth,' spent some ideas gathered 'from Institutes Sunday at Mr. John Casernore's. in other countries, in the way of pro„:1 Mrs. J Mayes, of Glenannan, is vis - gramme :planning, to the best inter tiing her. sister, Mrs. John. Casemore. csts of the branch. Her demonstra- tions and etihibitis' of . labor-saving Hann; BLUEVALE United Church W. M. S. Receive sound practical doctrine. summing .. _ leer address, she said to be truly, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Campbell and Presbyterial Reports culturalup an- family visited in Dungannon Sunday A .most enjoyable afternoon was one must have good m i y her, Mrs. Barklay. mot spent in the schoolroom of the Unit -: Tiers, use good ,grammar, educate one with her .Bev la's Society have r Church o Tuesday, May° 16th; self with good reading and good Pic-: The Young People's Parliament and wehen the regular meeting of the W. tures and always keep good com-(postponed their. Mock g 1 of a Mother's pany. Mrs, W. C. King, of Brussels, . the regular meeting will be held next M. S. took the Sorin Day.the eon re ation then favored the ladies with a beattti-`IFriday evening, winvited ladiesan of g g Miss. Beatrice . Miss Eva Rintoul, R.N.,. Wingham, umber fol piano solo and and agoodly number home of were visitor at the wasrecent . attended. thus. R. ,;Shaw presided, Thornton rendered a vocal solo. The a Robinson. i on behalf of• the Institute, Mrs. Wm, s ent n c.id� and she - opened the meeting with the 1.,� �. Doxology, after which several ladies expressed appreciation of the very Mr. Wilfred Robinson, who ,has h . ord's Prayer splendid address and thanked all who completed . his course' in medicine in led in prayer' ai7cl the L was repeated in uison. - Minutes of had assisted in snaking the meeting a Toronto, arrived home last week. NEW TREATMENT devices; also examples of economy thrift in 'sewing were most inter - and, tl inter- esting. Several helpful suggestions children, of Crewe, w on household'science were gratefully itors at the home of her mother, received. Her second subject "The Mrs, Jos. Charnney. of Crewe, Cultural'' Side of Life" was'an add -; Miss Frances Crozier, we of pcharacter, full of spent Sunday with her grandmother, cess splendid_ .tar H. Campbell. Unit DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs, R. : Finnigan and Crewe, were Sunday vis - KING'S Weekel old IHIolidartime Is ,here again and new Clothes will be 'need'ed. Si Caine to King's, and let them outfit you with quality garments of the latest styles and at a cost practically as low at that of inferior grades. Good Clothes are most reasonably priced to -day Women's, Misses' and. Juniors' COATS, DRESSES, MILLINERY, HOSIERY, GLOVES LINGERIE Men's, Young Men's, Youths' SUITS TOP COATS HATS . and a complete Stock of Strylish Furnishings. SPECIAL... Pure Wool' New Sleeveless Pullovers, Pineapple stitch. - • All sizes. $1.59 HOUSE FURNISHING TIME Full stock of Curtains, Drap- eries, Hangings and Floor Cov- erings. 4 y d. wide Linoleum 2°98 KINGi"iP ,,� , t,` Se q�`yy, �� ,.. , , � .M1 i 4 1 tzt.P3CFi4�E�r: .C1�j' ��F 4t. 'e; .'S 'LM Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon, June lst, at the, home of Mrs. Wallace Miller. All ladies come prepared to answer the roll call with a joke or funny story. It is expect- ed set of God- r on Bs. •ed that Mrs. Go d > erich, who ,is the district president, will be present to address theemeet ing. the last meeting were read and ad- opted. Mrs. E. Johnston read the De- votional leaflet "The Woman of Quiet" and hymn 123 was sung as "Faith' of our Mothers." Mrs. J.in days B. tiring to Breckenridge gave a ` Temperance Mrs. B. Wilkinson, who: i5 under the doctor's care:. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCrea have Sanderson, of Wingham, spent Sun moved to their old home in town Sa , day with their sister, Mrs. Charles from Londesboro, Mr. and Mts. Kenneth Stonehouse ��• ,..,...r . -_ ® Sandburn, of London, spent the week -end with laigaffiliglailliningillaiallanlinalla Mr. and Mrs. Alf.' Mitchell, 'Wing- __ ing the' former's parents. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Blay and daugh- ter, Miss Marian Munro and B. Aus- tin, of London, also Mr, and Mrs. • A. Rann and son, of Brussels, were callers a tW. Geddes'.. Sunday ca J Women's Institute Annual Meeting Anna Jettic Shoes Bel - The annual meeting of the Bei - grave Women's I titute was held. on Omen V C tl a For t dance d reading and Mrs.' S. Johnston, Mrs. R. McLennan and Mrs. C. Hether- ington readings ,frown the Watchtow- er. Mrs. J. Curtis gave a talk on Christian Stewardship, and Mrs., L. H. Bosnian a splendid report of the W. M. S. 'Presbyterial' held at Tham- es Road. A solo, " lqake some other Heart Rejoice" was sung by Miss B. Thornton, and the story of the early Presbyterian Missions in Canada was read from the Study Book. by Mrs. G. 0• Thornton, Mrs. Fell to continue. the Study Book at the next meeting. ns t Rev. A. Mann gave an address on `Mothers'. He spoke of various types Tuesday afternoon, May.16th, at tile home of Mrs. J. an amp, With of mothers he had met, and went on women in or within a few miles Approximately 200 of the Town of Wingham wear ENNA JETTICK SHOES �! ET that Many of We mention this for the reasoni most popu- larthese will wear no other kind than this p lar make. °or itlore reasons for the There must be one - of this excellent line of footwear and popularity mood ualties we would mention its amongst its �. qualities as the main reason. FITTING, QUALITIES being In fact if you have had trouble in getting a PER- FECT FIT we are prepared to guarantee you this', which is very ar•• from AA Y ' rr keep �f n We -verything. l t�l a f own, continually in stock, as also the extra wide, your' foot may be extremely narrow or ..1x3. in case Se .tel we mentioned ,extremely wide beyond that we have take your measure with the Braddock mostaccur- atefail, ,system of measuring and, procure, without y in .saw .days time. `INVITE YOU TO TRY ENNA JETTIOK'S NEXT TIME YOU WANT SHOES. e Leading' Shoe Store VI/Iintghalr , Ont. phone 129 fairly good at en - 'Phe Roll Call was responded to by 111■111®IIIIIIII111IIhIIIOIlIN11111111111111d1111#111'111 payment of fees for the coming present from success: Guests'were. Brussels and Wingham .Institattes. The members of the local' branch served refreshments and all joined in a social half hour. Miss Mable Coultes of Toronto, is a week -end visitor with her,:motlier, Mrs. Thos. Coultes. Friends of Mrs. Milton Smith • will be glad to know that she is making very favorable progress after her re- cent operation for appendicitis in the Wingham plospital. N. B. McEal:her•n and Miss Olive Garniss, of Mount Forest, *ere Sun- day visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, F. Garniss. Hamilton, iblr,.and Mrs. Thom of Ha , are visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ar- thur Shaw. Miss Cora Gannett, of Wingham, spent' Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gannett. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw are en- joying a visit from. Their family, Mr. and 'lets, Milton Fraser and two children of Cdtir de Lane; Idaho, S.; Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Gates and family of Cherrywood, and Mrs. E. Hyslop and son, of Barrie. Miss Janet Robertson, of Brussels, was a �weelc-end viistor with. her mo- ther, Mrs,Jilliam Robertson. WORKS• year. An excellent address on the motto "First things :first" was 'given by — y was in charge of the current event g. Mrs. J. Taylor. Mass N.yan Cam p .Teweliery Store period The members, with the co -opera- V • ii tion of the cemetery board, are cont- p See Our New Samples I II moncing the work of the improve- Nj of = in nient and upkeep of the Brandon ce- 6 SPODE P r etery�, It is hoped this activity will have the support and co-operation of ! DINNERWARE p Best Chi — the entire community. i The China made. r, An invitation was accepted to visit li— the Londesboro Branch on June lst, — 1HOW ABOUT FOUR. WAYS TO RELIEVE ACID STOMACH Stomach sufferers everywhere, are finding a welcome new relief from acid stomach disorders. Even ex- treme cases respond to, Bisma-Rex, the tasfy antacid powder' that gives relief in a few minutes, Its comfort lasts, too. You owe yourself a trial of this relief. ` It is sold at McKib- bon's Recall Drug Store. Get Bisma- Rex todayl ASHFIELD Mrs, James Cook returned to her brother, Mr. Charlie McDonagh, on Saturday, after a two -months' visit THAT with 'herlit . Mrs, rs, Earl Lapp,- of WATCH THAT NEEDS Ii Toronto ATTENTION? w m.r. and Mrs. Wm. Spindler, Mr. also to attend the summer speaker's meeting at Auburn on June. 16th, Delegates were appointed to attend held in Animal to be •i the. District Arant Wingham early in June. A very worthwhile address was given by Miss s Wrnnifrcd Rae on "cood Manners in the Home," The following officers were elect- ed for• the conning year: President, Mrs. j. Taylor! lst vice Pres., Mrs. F, McCallum; 2nd vice Pres., Miss E. Procter; Sec'y and gess Report - gr, Miss C, Coultes; Pianist, Miss M. Armstrong; Treasurer, Mrs, Coultes; Branch Directors, Mrs, I. Higgins, Mrs. it McCrea, Mrs. S. Procter, Mrs. C. Procter; biatri,et Director,nirector, Miss I?, Procter; Outlotilt Corn, ; Mrs,' C. Coultes, Mrs. R. Mc.,„ Crca, Mrs, H. Wheeler, Mrs. C. Procter; Mrs. W. Pocock, Auditors, Mrs. 1. Ilfggins, Mrs. F. McCallum: ta All Repairs e on the preen. .11-I and Mrs, David Huston, of Lt cknow, don P gd ises, Nothing but Genuine Ma - 112 G terial used, .,.Prices Moderate FEFE Ii Telephone No. 5. I I IAII Ii�I111N111,I I I AI l III I IPI l IMU1U111 111*lli>Aili 1• REAVIE'S SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Greasing '. REPAIRS, CAR WASH, BA' `t1tIgs AND TIRES rompt. Courteous 5et'vicer Aft G Work Th;.t LASTS ST. HELENS We are sorry to report the serious illness of ,Rev. Wilkinson's mother, who' suffered a stroke at her home. at Blyth last week. Mr. Chas. `Reid of Brucefield, was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs, R. J. Woods. Mrs. Brumpton of St, Thomas, is a visitor with her' sister, Mrs. Harp - The Messrs. McKenzie had a very successful sale of farm stock and,.im- plements on Thursday. Mr. -and Mrs. Doherty and little daughter, of Guelph, were week -end visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mr. Joe. Murray, of Langside, was a'visitor with his cousin, Mr. John McGuire. The June meeting of the Women's nc called on Mrs. James Cooi.Stilay Mr.. and Mrs. Reggie Lapp an�• family motored from Toronto and le with their uncle e -end spent the we t c and aunt, Mr, acid Mrs. Charlie Mc- Donagh, Mr, and Mrs, John Blake and Ber- nice, of Wingham,' visited with rela- tives near Mafelcing on Sunday and attended the anniversary at Lion Church, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips, of Gotterich, spent Sunday with their cousins, -Mr. and firs, Saris Reid, ; ,of near .Zion, also the anniversary Zion Chttreh, - Mr: and Mrs, Herman, Phillips and fatuity, Mafeking, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. ',pies Campbell; Any fixtures in the bath room, kitchen or base- •meat that need the at- tention of an Expert Plumber? Then call in Machan Bros. They'll do the job right and the charge will be reasonable. PHO 58 Oborh's Grffl�ry' PheneiBl' Hour# Feed MC Corliixick,',s Butter Soda (Bulk) 2lb.....1 ..22c:: Fancy Cakes, lb. ...15c Dates, 4 lb..... n ...25c , Summer Sausage lb. 27c Seed Corn, blurs. $1.20 up Caustic Soda.... 10c per lb, 5 lb. tion Willpy a 50c Cash or 55c Trade for No. 1. Potatoes. EWanted ;s --- llfaif trade, half' cash,: if crstomer gg wishes.