HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-25, Page 4in era -K.�..� .:. may.:p•f AC THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES �Y CLEARANCE 10 SALE FINAL CLEARANCE OF SPRING COATS We must have space :For incoming. summer Merch- andise, an1ise,`therefore no reasonable 1e xf r «ill be refus- ed. e s -ed. 'Hisses' Sizes 14 to 20. Women's Sizes 36 to 44. Coats as low as . , ..... $4.9$ and up Tweed Coats, fur -trimmed .$5.95 'Women's Coats, fur -trimmed, and plain. Reg. $16.95, Clearing Price —$9.95 MILLINERY SPECIALS To clear �..uickly in Three Groups 89c, $1.49 and $1.89 NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING DRESSES In all the lovely new shades of New Green, Rose, Blues, Greys and Sand. Sizes ranging from 14 to 46. Misses' Celanese Dresses in Pastel Shades. all sizes, with puffed sleeves and sleeveless $2.49 1 Group of hisses' Pure Silks in Newest Mat- erials, including printed . silks and plain - silks, clearing price, .... $3.95 and $5.95 Women's Dresses in Celanese Crepes and in Printed Silk Crepes, sizes 36 to 46. Spec- ial Prices ....... , ...........$2.95 up to $4.95 BURK'S i Ladies Wear Wingham 1110=01 .0=0 O=O THESE WANT AD'S 4 BRING RESULTS 1.4 cents a word per insertion, with a rninirrsum charge of 25c. 0 MORTGAGE SALE Of ve;luable Farm ,Landsn the Count.in the p4�,e,lek' iy. uron. ' UNDER and by virtue of the pow- ers of sake contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be 'offered for sale by public auction at the A n- 'l - ericanHo el in the Vfllage Corrie ;an Saturday, May 27th, A.D. 1933, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon by George. W. Walker, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tractof landa pre- mises and mise situate, lying and being in pthe Township of Howick in the County of Huron and being composed of Lot number Six in the Second Conces- sion .of the said, Township, contain- ing one hundred acres of land more or less. This property is situate on the main road three and . three-quarter miles south of the Village of Gorrie and about one -.half mile front school. The soil is a mixture of sand and clay and about thirty acres is cover- ed with light .timber. On the premises is said to be a log house. • TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or niay be had on appli- cation to the undersigned, Dated at Wingham, Ont., the 9th day of May, A.D. 1933. GEORGE W. WALKER, Gorrie, Ontario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD, lingham, Ontario, Solicitor for Vendor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Wrox- etereRural: Telephone Company Lim- ited and in pursuance of the statutes in that behalf, TAKE"NOTICE that the above mentioned Company did on the 15th day of April, A.D. 1933, at a special general Meeting of the shareholders called for that purpose, elect to go into voluntary liuidation far the purposes of winding up said Company and distributing its assets and that the undermentioned was ap- pointed Liquidator for that purpose and F'CRTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the said Wroxeter Rural Telephone Company Limited are hereby requir- ed to send on or before the 30th day of May A.D. 1933 to the undermen- tioned L iouidator of the said Com - pant their navies and addresses, full particulars of their claims and the nature of their securities,., if any, held by them, verified by statutory declar- ation. Immediately after such last ,� mentioned date the assets of the said O' Company will be distributed amongst the person entitled thereto having o regard only to the claims properly riled,11 Dated at Wingham„' Qnt,, the 9th day of May, A.D. 1933. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham. Ontario. Liquidator. AUCTION. . r Art Y* o: `I Fn---$ h„ougl.out the Province of Ontario, 'ria:e and eeuipreent will be held at ainchading the 'Cato- of Ottawa. 'ix'dde ' Hotel, Bele-care, on Satur- ; Forms of tender with speciticataon_s div, May :rale t .1 c ^cle in the and . conditions attached can be ob- afierneon. Terrns. Cash. No.:, Re- $ stained irere H. F. Dawson, Actin a serve. The Brick Heeel and Stable Chief Pu chasiree - Agent, Dept. of will al o be offered s r sale, sub- Public Works, -ks, Ottawa: and R.Win-- 2ect R'.' a res er4 sd bid, Terms to : ter. Su ervisine A l.. t- p li.teet, S6 Ade be anneuaeed. T, .Fees, _Auction- 'snide St, East, Toronto. Ont. ear- Tenders 'will not be considered lin- les .nide on the form sappl'ied by the BABY CHUCKS eel EGGS For D pn tient and in accordance with Hatching fr m 3.�.:o:d-Tested .�',:k. d aartn ental specifications and eon- I have ben b-eedi 1_. z1:cam a d teens yeas : e : tee, * e nea*e T &'e 3rii'ht to demand from the Sec- t ,:IoartiL-...-_m e led t a' n: C:_. set --.: cessfuii tenderer a deposit, noa. ex - are'. extras and epee a s. Bab>; ceeding 10 per cent. of the amcun Chicks, May nine cents, a>,n•d Jute et tee -ender, to secure the proper eight eents. FiVe anr.elated , iter 7rit-,_ -.i the tcentraac. is reser: . e ,, ur>lr4 e. rdertd. ed. too s , e ;ryt'a rc'.'3^+t m"g',: C$t, st:et;- r 3 li-;.:rde'+...�sq +{'gy,--y tac,•n Zr. _L 1. & hl_,".e: CRSS-� . KEX N. DES 9' RDI S.., NED5. a'>`I TRY FAR., White Secretary. Church, Ont. D C men': Public Wark± t` t_a 'a. May 16 /933. BI:17 PLANTS .11. at ' , yn Greenlenese...._.ato. CabbaC-eeti C ua.si =tee , Asters, Gerin Baas. Fereiliter in ran. 15e and 4i e- tor p'm'ts ane garde a SIaf1"'H�' r : R y l Service ., c .. u h s ri.. 1a 4. J. H. H st. -” ti wee: entered int: herHk?'`snmth :fir Bennett- rest. May 16:6. 1St IN MEMORLAI§'t OR SALE--Ferd err' n. 1926 mad - el'. 'ea. L geed ,..:tL""ii:fid"... R. S. Hetheringtea. ?re preetsns to .ner hearts, has gone A v: ice we raved i. stilled, .. ' t`nnnte yaca�t"iour home an revet` mere be filled. FOR SALE—Geed erede Benkielheat go down ;; are. jewelled 50. ner busetei. RiieseIt Gaieet, Ph. 612r19. FOR SALE—No. 1 Silver Horn Buckwheat. 50e parr bn ilei. Atzars V.:Fateis n, R. R, t M^n ; el ant -i.'ti 4 MOWERS —l kr ve` �.Esser saws, sharp,nesharpened.Ytenbret- s repar'sed. 5ati f2,.tx n aeara rt-, Mlachine ;at L e :u" d s Lodi e, eel Read, Phone 259, There is no, death! The star's To shine neen se=e fairee And bright t u_: Heaver._ They shine fee everreeee.. Husband and Fatale'r NOTICE TO CREDITORS All1 Farsons hating claimsi c against ' r the estate of William Wilson, late of Ville Township of Turnberry in the County , 3 unr_tz e,r Huron, Retired .Farrier de- i cea_ed. who died on or about the :30th' day of April, A.D. 193a, are hereby acuned. to send on or before the 2eth 1 !day ofMay.A, D. -1932, to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executors of the said estate, their riaunes and ad -.6 HEADACHE .AFTER. HEADACHE Now She's. Free From Them A woman writes, "I would like everyone 'v1ia steers fromheadaches to try Kruschen Salts. Before takiaig Krusehen I was hardly ever free from a headache; But since I have been taking it regularly I have hardly had a headache, for which I •am very thankful, for headaches can make one feel quite ill. I have been taking that small dose of Kruschen every morn- ing in a glass of warm water before my breakfast, and I feel so well,"— (Mrs.) A.E.D.. "Headaches can generally be traced to 'a disordered 'stomach and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poisons the blood. Remove these poisons -prevent them forming again —and you'll never have to worry any more, . And that is just how Krus- chen Salts bring swift and lasting re- lief from headaches, Kruschen Salts aid Nature to cleanse your body com- pletely of all clogging waste matter. Start on "the little daily dose" of Kruschen' to -morrow: Thenyou will very soon have done with headaches: SOFTBALL LEAGUE DRAW UP SCHEDULE Next Tuesday will be the first game of the season dor the local Softball League, and with four teams entered again this year the Executive of the , League are looking forward to a bang-up season. Three of last year's teams, Sup'ertest, Ingham's and Prudential, will be back in there again this year. The fourth team will be the "Old Timers"' who have replaced Merkley's .Silvertownsin the league. The Old Timers will be comprised of players who have not played much ball for a few y: ears. They well, no doubt, supply plenty of fun and may surprise the teams of. younger play- ers. An exhibition game will be played Friday. night, May 26th, weather per- mitting, and if the grounds are, in shape. The fallowing schedule was drawn up Saturday: night. The games ` this year will be played on Tuesday an*1 Thursday evenings. May 30—Inglars v. Old Timers. June 1—Prudentials v. Supertest: 6—Inghara's v. Supertest. S—OId Timers -v. Prudentials, 13—Ingham's v. Prudentials. 1i -01d Timers v. Supertest. w 20—Old Timers v. Ingham's. 22—Supertest v. Prudeozials. 27---Supertest v. Ingham's. 29—Prudentiais v. Old Timers. July 4---Prudentials v. Ingham's. 6—Supertest •v. Old Timers. 11—Ingham's r. Old Timers. 13 -Prudential v. Supertest. 13---Ingham's v. Supertest. 20 -Old Timers v, Prtidentials. 25—Ingham's v. Prudentials, 27—Old Timers v. Supertest. Aug. 1—OM Timers v, Ingham's. 3—Supertest v. Prudentials- dresses fulfil particedWrs of their c c. :ee and ,,he nature of ,hear secuf' ities, if any, held' by them, verified ; by statutory declaration. Itnmediatee 7y a ter• ,such last mentioned date the assets! of the said deceased will be xrtauted an n.ngsk the persons en- id;=itled thereto having regard only to the claims properly pared. Dated at \ inghani, Ont, the 9th day c: Mae. A.D, 1983. R. S. HE T HERINGTON,. 11 taighare, Ontario. Solicitor herein. I;~r 'ME3aIORIAb I.TTING—I!ovine,- memery : dear Mother, Elizabeth L_tai s°z, passed away May 26th. 19.32. SEED BUT/ EAT +R SALEfi +, e per bush.e. " r., i. Henry, Ti=e a sad fattt sweet reiaaem- �..� :i„•,,. +t".�".jai:. 2, 1.1irrli` _ _ a yvtt.. r1... There here is memory ry f 1,1d and tree„ TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE .•— 't Good quality. put in WC' boxes,,', nis;.T all winds of Re -we -ring plant for gardens and pees. Lowest p-Ec es. ThvenasKew, at Haase err Shop. OR CCA Seale Tend r • addressed to th 'to drn, zatadessignedattd eedorzed "Ten re ',;for their for Ccwalw Will t: evela rls noun (daylight sarai g);, Wed- 'reravereent. rte< hy, Jane. 1t.„ 1933, for the Supply f C. B. wail for the Dominion B l' sgs,`' - R. E. ere is a token of asffectien, mother, And a heartache still 2.cr yen. Hilda and l8a IIll. CARD OP THANKS Mr. James i' McDonald_ and .ati teke this. epportte!tity of thank' eta neighb'or's and friends for their ny'ki:idaeesses and for sv apathy teetded during their recent bar -re as CARD. OF THANKS KS isb t; extend. our stpreea Meredt and tier ad •+ c atess retell' Armitage, Armitage. 3--Supertest v. Ingham's. 10—Prudent-leis v Old Timers. 15—Prudentials -v. Ingham's. 13—Supertess 'v. Old Tuners. ii HYDRO PLAN IS FORWARD STEP Witte public intere t focussed ern the Ontario Hydro plan to equip Hyp - dreg homes n Ontario with electric «;dater heaters at no intallatien cost, • the statement of. J. R Caeke, enair- ;inan of the Ontario Hydro, comes at Aa timely moment. Qaeried on the Hydro plan, Mr. liCook said it was already exercising a. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of William Rundle Dyer, late of the Town rel yVittehan, in Ontario,, Merchant, -u who, died on the 26th April, 193.3, are n„.:tifaed a n or before the 20th Jane, 1933, to dell,- er tri the undersigned ed Solicitor_ for the E; eau o:_ of the last Will of the said deceased, particulars of their claims verified by.. t1SSidavit; and that the said 20th day of fine, 11938, the Executors will distribute the as- sets We the Estate a roncest . these Iew ffutl_y.-en'tit/e thereto, having .e - rd the claims ai of which aie- tice: shall have been received. DATED at London, Ov `ario,, this 16:h day. -k May, A. D., 1933. 'G INItNG. D'E'ER d: GRANT, 101 Dundas Street, L or.nd[ . n, Ontario.Solicitors for the Ea-eedtors MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Haien Can qty Comae: win • the 'Ct rich Chamber at the r use.,. Gedeu aeb at 't-tvo o'cleck' to. the afterno;ont, Tuesday; June the 6thr 1983. Ali arcoat its. m,rtcces of deputations err app„a trees and •other iraapertatat business requiting atteatien at this S ee eaa_ of Coiaacil should be in the hands of The Clerk not later than Mt rt ay pre viols to the aeetieg of 1 Courtert Dated at Gode,4cfq lhttr da�r a I Mae 19__ can -t Cl' 1.ae!. era iee.a, and if in ONTARIO -1931 Killed 571, Injured 8494 Property Damage $1,094,000 .094 000 IMAGINE 9065 persons killed or injured by Motor Ve- hicles in one year be- cause of carelessness. DRIVE AND WALK. SAFELY 1 This Warning isaisstted with snecial. tonserat of the Ontario Department of Highways, by these two insurance companies, in an endeavor to e.o-operate bi the catnpaigu for Safe and Sane Driving CANADIAN GENERAL Itestrance ConinaitY ONTO GENERAL strance COMpan ABNER COSEN ub staiiit.' AGENT stimuleting and beneficial influence onindustrial and domestic life in the province, "Most of us kopw," Mr. 'Cooke`. 'went on, "that nietai-wbrking and el-" ectrical trades in the province hay'e directly benefited by the work involv- ed in the extensive manufacture o.f heaters, heater parts and accessories to the specifications of the Hydro Commissioe. Employment has been given to many Ontario citizens at a time when it was sorely needed, and the consequent flow of wages has favorably afefcted retail and other'. cornihercial activities directly assoc- iated with the plan, "Naturally the increased industrial activity and consequent employment are desirable results of the Hydro Commission's decision to go ahead with the, plan, Bet I think that the direct benefits in service to house- holders deserves' special emphasis. "Here is a plan that permits ten- ants and owners of Hyrdo homes to enjoy the recognized benefits of elec- tric water heating service without a cent of installation cost. There are thousands of residents in Ontario whoa appreciate what electricity meansin added cleanliness, 'conven- ience and economy. But many have considered the cost of installing' wat- er heating equipment a handicap in these times. It is to these people, particularly, that the Hydro plan of free water heater installation will ap- peal, as well as to thousands of oth- ers who .have merely postponed in- vesting in installation . from time to time. The large, number of applica- tions for free installation already re- ceived indicates that practically ev- ery class of tenant and owner is fully alive to the merits of the plan. "The additional outlets for power which this wide public acceptance of free heater installation makes poss- ible will, I am sure, enable the Hy- dro Commission to effect economies t' inunit costs M powet,,delivered. At -I any rate, the Hydro plan is one that benefits all parties and injures none. It certainly in- olves a heavy initial I investment by the Cominission but I confidently expect to see the entire investment repaid by revenue inside. the first twelve months so that the plan et -ill literally pay, for itself. €. "The Hydro plan in a genuinely constructive undertaking. I think - it shows that the Ontario Hydro Corn- q mission is doing its part to promote the interests of consumers and main- tain the activitiy of one of Canada'; • greatest industries the power in- dustry — which has set to work ht Canada an invested capital of $1.-e 056,000,000, Thu: Ma 25t I9a Smith, wearing a very loud plus four suit, was indulging in a country walk. Approaching an old man lage, he asked, "What are sights around here?" Looking his questioner up do w la, the old man replied: "Th in a the chief iters, sir" HURON OLD BOYS' an Fi5 omy Prices And • .. •. Matchless Bargains At ISARD'S STORES Women's Cotton Stockings u1 Black, Gunmetal and Sand, Sale.................................15c Bobby Hair Pins, 2 cards for . , ......5c 6 Yards 34 -inch Elastic for _ ...... 13c Childrens Cotton Hose, Sand shade 21c Special in Women's , Champ -Suede Gloves.. . 25c Boys' Navy Cotton Jerseys . ; 19c Men's All Wool Work Socks .. ..... 15c Boys' Knicker Pants 59c Boys' Balbriggan Combinations 49c Boys' Tweeds Suits, Sale Boys' Peanut Hats . .. .15c Girls' Ankle Socks, Best Colors Women's Art Silk and Lisle Hose .29c Pine Quality Factory Cotton, yard wide . . ,11c New Patterns, 36 inch Prints, Bargain .. , 15c Linen Towelling, 2 yards for ........ 25e Clearing Ladies. Slippers and Oxfords $1.95 Ladies' House Dresses, tub -fast 69; 79c Supersilk Chiffon Hose, Special .. .69c Curtain Nets, reg. to 40c, now .. ...25c . Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs, AllSizes inStock at Reduced Prices. Linoleums by the yard in widths of 2, 3 and 4 yds. All at Cut Prices. Frilled Curtains at 39c, 59c, 79; 98c Lace Curtains on Sale . .$1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Lunch Cloths, all linen, sale ...'. .69e Baby Bonnets, Sale , . .:39c Girls' Silk and Wool Pullovers, now ..... .59c Girds' Rayon Knit Bloomers, now .. ...29c Wonien!s Broadcloth Slips .. .. . .....69c SALE -OF PRINTED ORGANDIES Spot and Floral patterns, 38 in. wide ..39c, Cretonne and Chintzes, yard wide; reg. 25c, 20c New Wash Fabric, called "Sparva” Cloth in a large selection of shades, yard wide, guaranteed 0 fadeless. Reg. 40c, our price 35c. It is selling fast. Try it you will like it. , Simplicity and Chatelaine Patterns in Stocks - .15c. Ho nr Phone 68. se' elet: e der 7.4r. Y..r. F d'and Mrs. J. Ferguson, :lir. and Mrs. ;G. Trowhill, Mrs, M. Irwin and Miss Irwin, Mrs. 1. H. Brown, Mrs. C. Iaane, Mss. lit in. McCreath, Mrs. W. : Sprinks, Mrs. A. Becker, Mrs. J. Per - ASSOC. OF T OROlTO A very enthusiastic meeting of the Executive of the Huron Old Boys Association ' of Toronto, was head a the horn of Mr. and Mrs, David 'Thompson, 17 Linden Street, Friday o- evening Inst, The meeting of the. Executive was 'eoan.bianed with a Euchre' and Bridge The principal business of the Eec- ' ecutive was the completing of ar- 'rangements for the big annual picnic of tee Association at Area No. 3 Ca- `nadian National Exhibition Park tin ,Saturday, June..2lth next. The business of the Executive fin- ished, the evening was devoted t> Euchre and Bridge, soine 25 tables being utilized for the occasion. Prizes were awarded to the champ- ion player at each-. table, and the l ecky member prize was won by E. Fioody for 'tile mien and Miss Vie Couper for the ladies. The leading feature of the evening etas the presentation of a beautiful lioisquet of "Asnericaa'a Beauty" roses to Mrs. Wm. __McCreath,, the ?Young '. old girl'' of the Assdciatioz (as she is known to the members) on the oc- casion of her S3rd birthday and in i`recognitio'n of her many labors on behalf of the Association. The pre- sentation was made by the President ',and Secretary and Mrs. McCreath acknowledged the gift in a very hap - Py speech. Seine of those present were rand Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mfr. arae '3. A. McLaren, Mn. and Mrs, 1C. Maclricar, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchanan;, Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson, Mr. Catnplell„ Exec jliss Mote ftrav� Mir: '•1G a dyry.. le 'Walker, 0ai, C. ata 0 Ships A A. asiid avid S. H. B.;: Martin, '3Ir. :Miss Sad - J. A. ad-J.A. d the ,M1 kis. John :. Dr. ry, Mrs. S. Yung, Mrs. J. D. Guy,: Miss McLean, 'Miss Kerr, Miss Beck- er, Mrs, J. Co.sMr.• Geo!'' Muckle, Miss J.. _Anderson, Mr.. W.' H. Fer- guson and Miss 'Vie Cooper. "LEAVES NO BRUSH MARKS" rr MADt_IN CAF1A-DA �Ft' U R L INTERIOR C,EXTERIOR FLOORS W0o0WORK,- AtJrom 0B 1 LE; BOATS, ET imparts Life and Color into every -day surroundings, and is easily applied. Little 'work—no woriy. Those chairs which have become so dull,at( appear-. ancei That table which you have mentally condemned to the dump! Bedsteads, furniture, woodwork and --floors which have begun to worry you because dulled by wear and tear! Try what FLO-GLAZE 4 11011 ENAMEL will do for them. YOU wI1l be amazed, at the wonderful results, Dries in. 4 hours, with a .noshthat is glossy and durable. ASK US A.1OUT OUR FREE PAINf OFFER, ENDING JUNE 3rd. conic iNt