HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-25, Page 3orrje
4 40
candles were placed at the front of
FOR THE BEST ,the hall, representing the age of the
society, The evening, was spent in
• progressive euchre and crockinole,
Eye et�+`vr.i..� the honors being won by. Mrs. Mus-
and Mrs, Thornton respective-
ly, Refreshments were also served,
`Phone' 118. Harriston
Fbrtlwich, May 17th, 1933
Council met in United Church hall
according to adjournment, all mem-
bers present, the Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting were read
andon motion of Demerling and
Bryans, Were adopted..
Moved by 'Dernerling and Lovell,
that owing to the necessity of -paying
certain sums of noney past due, to,
the, School Boards,and to meet cur-
rent expenses, the collectors are here -
School Inspector Addressed
A good number of ratepayers, as
well as School Trustees of the, Dis-
trict, were present at the Gorrie Pub-
lic School on Thursday evening when
School Inspector, Mr. Gams, Walk-
erton, spoke on the government
grants to schools.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Butt were
I(itchener visitors last Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Finlay, Of
Toronto, were called to the . bedside l(
of the former's mother, Mrs. Chas.
Finlay, who passed away on Satur-
day. The funeral was held from the
Anglican Church, Gorrie, on Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. Hill, of Parkhill
ere guests on Thursday of Dr. and.
rs. Whitley,
Rev: R. S. and Mrs. Jones visited
friends in London on Wednesday,
wing taken Mr, Earl Harper' and
aughter, Gracie, who is under Dr.:
amsay's medical attention.
Mrs. A,.. Stephens and. 'son Bobbie,
pent a few days with friends in Har-
ston. •
Mrs. James Bell is spending some
me with her daughter, Mrs. L.
egg, of': Harriston.
Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Mrs.
ing attended the' annual meeting
e Women's Auxiliary .held in Cro-
n Memorial' Hall, London, on
ednesday of last -week.
Born—On Wednesday,' May 17
by instructed that. June 5th will be i,'
the final date for' payment of arrears
of taxes and return of Rolls, and that
no .further extensions will be given, ha
Carried. d
Moved by Weer and Bryans, that • R
the collectors be instructed to serve
a copy of foregoing Resolution on s
every person in arrears of taxes. — ri
Moved by Lovell and Demerling ti
that the following bills be paid: Ew- Cl
art McKercher, sheep killed by dogs,.
$6.00; Fred Davey, ' relief for Jean K
Graham .84; Dan Demeriing, wood th
for Mrs. J. Gibson $3.50; Jess. Mos- ny
+ere, ,lifting tile and hauling stone, W
Mun.' Drain No. 10, Branches G. and
H., $5.00; Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as .to
Clerk $35.00; Controller of Revenue,
license for `Town Hall,
Wroxeter, die
$3.00; Controller, of Revenue, Ii.cense
for Twp, Hall, Gorrie, $3,00; James
Waikom, extra on collecting taxes,
postage and exchange $20.00; Mrs.
Steve King bed and:meals for tran-
sients " .$2.25; Mrs, Beswetherick,
meals for transients $1.00; Stanley
Wolfe, supplies for Mrs. Haberlee, 2
months, to Mayc 17, $40.00; Mrs. Hab-
erlee, relief for one, month to June
21st $15.00; United Church, rent of
hall '$1.50.
Road Erpendituzes
3. D: Adams, Paris, grader blades,
drag scraper $42.10; Bert Hubbard,
levelling roadside, 80 rod, $8.00; Bert
Hubbard, dragging, $2.10 Ben Hys-
lop, levelling roadside, 200 rod,
$20.00; Ben Hyslop, dragging $1.50;
John McCutcheon, dragging $1.50;
John Sanderson; dragging $2.25;
Burns Stewart, dragging $2.25; Wrn..
McElwain,. dragging $9.60; . O. Shoe-
maker, weeds= 1932, $2.40,; Arthur
Forster, dragging .$9,00; Walter Red -
don, dragging $5.55; R. F. Edgar
Supt. salary $23.70; John Holt, comp.
wire fence, ,$8.00; .Chas. Dickert, lev-
elling roadside $16.00; Jas. Steven-
son, levelling roadside. $8.00.
i, Moved by Bryans and Weir, that
this. Council `
cr do now s adjourn d ourn
to meet
in the Town Hall,' Wroxeter, on; the
third Wednesday in June. ; Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgar, a son
Miss Beryl Ashton and Miss
Seip, of Seaforth, visited with t
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs: R.
Ashton on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs.: A. W. Wright, of
Elora, were Saturday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Ashton and other re -
L.d.B.A. Entertain on. 50th Anni-
The members of the local L.O,B.A.
entertained their husbands and their
fiends in their club. rooms on last.
' Thursday -evening, it being their 50th
birthday. > The decorating tominittee,.
Mrs. Holems and Miss Margaret Gra-
ham, deserve'a vote of thanks for the
beautiful decorations.,: .Rive silver
Thursday, May 25th, 1933
auM� • ary
45'�i+p��x au1
Odd �-- But True
5�i yea-•'"��•a'k ti�r-wr.�;,�
75,000 POPL11.ATION .:
" t i�ORER
th, and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, for the week- W. I. member but vvho could- not do
• end.
A a something during the year to make
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera were in the Institute better,"
he Bsuggesting it
could be a reading,solo, demonstra-
tion, practical idea or even conduct a
contest. She also advocates spending
the Institute's .money at horne in the
community, and also urges that the
Institutes use the two weeks' short
course at their d-isposal, and pamph-
lets. These, along with current ev-
ents and "Love One Another" were
ways to keep the Institute above par.
Before closing her splendid address.
she displayed several articles of clo-
thing and accompanying patterns and
closed with hints for culture, art and
various thoughts for which it be-
hooves us all to strive for higher lev-
s els. Mrs. Nay forwarded a hearty
vote of thanks extended by Miss
IKeine and Mrs. Shera to the speak-
er before .Mrs. Knight, of. Fordwich,
gave a humorous reading entitled
"Telling the Truth." Miss V. Len --
a favored then with a solo "Thank.
e God for a 'Garden," which was enjoy-
- ed as were each of the preceding
numbers on the program.
The . meeting closed with the Na-
tional Anthem. During a. social half
hour the lecal society served refresh- I
merits. c‘.
i 9 32 MORE GOO
latives in the community:
Mrs. W. Clark and daughter, Ali
of Fordwich, spent the week -e
with Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards:
Mr. Brower, of Rothsay, and Mi
Evelyn Lnicoln, of Glenannan, we'
week-end guests. of Mr. and Mrs.
Cathers. ti
Miss Rose Taylor, of Kitchener,'
visiting her ,sisters, Mrs. lKnowlso
and Miss' Nora -Taylor.
Misses Margaret Foster' and Vern
Osborn, also Messrs. Win. Edgar an
Lloyd Cathers, spent Sunday wit
London friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ring and son
Earle, Mr. `rind Mrs. Kenneth Hasti
spent; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ir
McLean, of Brussels.
Rev. Mr. Butt speaks on the Lord'
Day Alliance;. work : at the' morning
service next' Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, William Campbell
and children; of .P+'ordwich, were Sun-
day 'guests of Mr. James Douglas.
Mrs. Laura Rose Stephen, Ottawa,
was the guest of Miss Martha' ],Keine
while in town. •
Rural Life Sunday was observed in
the United Church here on Sunday..
Mr, and Mrs. Rramage, Mrs, Peter
and 'Miss. Alice Ramage,' also Mrs.
Burgess, of Durham, ' were Saturday
guests of Dr, and Mrs. Ramage..
Mr. James B. Wylie, of Leaside,
was a week -end guest, of his mother.
Mrs. John Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Herzog were the
guests of Rev. and Mrs. Garland at
lderton on .Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, H, Irwin and daugh-
ter, Lucille, • of Long Branch, were
guests of the former's parents, Mr.
rantford' on business' on. Monday.
Mr° and Mrs. John Hyndman were
visitors in Clifford on' Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Black, also
Mr. and Mrs. Knowlson Hueston,
were visitors in Elora, Guelph and
Kitchener on :Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jackson, of Parkhill,
were guests ' at the home of Dr.
Whitely .last week.
A meeting of the Women's Auxil
iary of Si. Stephen's Anglican Churc
a of Gorrie, met at the home of Mr
d Wade on Friday, when
h good number were present. The lad
ies' work was finishing a quilt to
and making clothing for the India
e girl, who is - .clothed. by this Society
a The' Roll, Call was answered by
Scripture verse, and minutes wer
s adopted as read by: the secretary, of
ter which interesting reports were
given by yrs. Taylor and Mrs. Geo
S. King -on the Annual Meeting of
the W A., which was held in Lon-
don, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
day, During the business period
plans were made for'the annual Gar-
den Party to be held around the mid-
dle of June, and committees were
named for same. After the various
matters of business had been discuss-
ed, prayers:were conducted by the
President, and a very dainty repast
was then r •
se ved by the hostess.
■ Being
Taken -■
(� en Saturda.. Evening■'
pen Y Until 9 , ■
O'clock For
■ The.. Benifit Of Our ■
' trcns.
■•�tA�'lVE ■
■ O
C 1ViF'A1V'Y L
Winghamy m, Ox11marl°'.
phone 271
*0 0******rrruamommemrimmarmrms**/
The Township Hall was nicely de-
corated on Wednesday afternoon for
the regular monthly meeting of the
Gorrie Women's Institute when they.
entertained Wroxeter, Fordwich and
Putman Girls' Institutes, The Dis-
trict President, Mrs. Robert Nay,
presided. •
The meeting opened in the usual
way, with the opening ode and Lord's
Prayer, followed by a piano solo by
Mrs. F, King. The minutes were
read by the Sec'y and approved, Mrs.
Holton of Fordwich then rendered a
olo "I know a Lovely Garden," Mrs,
N. Wade playing the accompaniment.
'his was followed by a reading by
Mrs. Stuart McNaughton, of Wrox-
ter. Mrs, Nay theta introduced the
guest speaker for the day, Mrs, L,attra
ase Stevens, Government speaker,
f Ottawa. This noted writer gave
very interesting as well as writer.
onal address on "Keeping the In-
titute Above Par..":
The speaker stated she had been
peaking for 35 or 36 years and
hereas her initiative speech p h was
Bread and Butter"—but alas times
ve changed and so has the rural
ones, for one finds there both
read and butter cif boughten types,
Mrs. Stevens was first a speaker
r. the
Agriculture 'Institute, Tlie
Baker stressed, the point that "No
the Stocks home.
Mr. Wilfred Leson, Toronto, Mrs.
John MacNaughton, • also Mr. ` and
Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead, London, were
guests last week at the MacNaughton
home. Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead, and
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton
spent Thursday at Wiarton.
Mr. Arthur McLaughlin, Fordwich,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLaughlin,
Mrs. Lorimer and son of Detroit,
arrived on Sunday to be with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Vogt, who is ill at her
home here.
Miss Rona VanVelsor and a girl
friend from Weston, spent the week-
end with her parents in town.
Visitors at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs, John Bush were, Miss Edith
Weir, Stratford Norma]; Mr. James
Edgar, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Jos..
Edgar, of Somerset, Eng.
Mrs. Vogt, one of our aged and es-
teemed citizens, has been quite i11 for
the past few days. Mrs. Vogt who
lives alone, was found by neighbors
ore Wednesday inorning apparently
having suffered a weak spell some
hours previous. Sfie was unable to
call for help, Under, the care of a
nurse she is improving. We trust she
ill soon be fully' restored.
Mrs. Hastie, 2nd line, went to Lis
owel on Sunday to visit her brother
DIr. Joe Yeo, who is seriously ill,
Mr. andN
.[ s,ohs
Hall and J a d Gor-
on, were Sunday guests of W. I
and Mrs, Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Sellers, Brits -
els, ,11Ir. and Mrs, Tyndall, also Mr.
nd Mrs. Jerry Casemore and daiteh-
The regular lar
meeting g
f the
I g Wo-
man's Association of the Gorrie Un-
ited Church was held at the home
of Mrs. W. H. Gregg on Thursday,
with n the President, Mrs. Harvey
Sperling in the chair. Prior to the to
business session the ladies quilted a ,
t;ae had for-. -ilii;r special speaker, bell if he cuddent larn axon a few
119rr. Laura RBei Stephen, of Ottawa tangs be thravellin .on the thrain foo
;Mrs. Stephe ^ wile her loci;,: cx p;.r� at•r foivc days, an talkin wad a lot
%rtti in In tit+ite wicrk gave tin in av diffrunt 'min, an, siture, it wus a
tereeting addrese which was in h trate fer me to tape a trip, troo thim
ape; eciated as was ahl, the r,. , nits] Westhern prawvinces afther` not beim
ity of the Gorrie lacli�s anny further away from home than
Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Martini also Toronto Fall Show fer nearly fifty
Mr, and Mr,," Clarkson Martin and years. Mebby I nroight av had a bet_'
baby, all of 1W1lzng:ham were ;Sunday ther tonne if the misses hadn't been
guests of Mr. 'and Mrs, Bert ,\Martin, wid me, but I "daurna complain" as
Mrs. T. tai we was a, Witngbarn nae auid;frind, Sandy Banks, wudsay.
visitor on Friday. Wan ting T larned was the rayson
Mrs, A, lblorl-eae and her da>>;;h, the railways are not payin i'pinses,
ter, Miss Helen, of 'Waterloo, form- at hist wan av the main raysons. Too
crly of this ,ila,.e, called cel a num many payple do be thravellin on pass-
bee of 'friends lrerc on S.inclay. Mrs. , es, is the thrubble. Sometoimes ye
Hurtle and her son, Professor 'Hurtle see on the thrains snore passers than
also of Watereeo, accompanied thein. 1>assengers;
The Woman's t n An whin I used to loi awake in me
" bunk fer hours all troo the noight,
be rayson av the shlammin an jam -
min av the cars, I got to tinkin out
a lot av tings I wondhered if the
thrubble wid the whole wurreld wus-
sn't the same as wid the railroads ---
too manny passes, so to; shpake.
k lot av fellahs do be roidin on
passes troo this loife, are only payin
half fare. Iviry man who doesn't give
value fer what he gits troo loife is
SANDERSON—In 'Turnberry, on thravellin on a pass, an somewan ilse
Thursday, May. 18th, to Mr. and ,is payin' fer his roide. Shure, there
Mrs, Roy Sanderson,` a daughter -,do be a lot av free thrippers in the
Hazel May. - wurruld- at the prlsint 'toirne: The
ADAMS -In .Ternberry, on Tuesday, woods is full av thirn as ye inoight
,May 16th, to Mr: and Mrs. Harney say, yis, an the Parliaments too, fer
Adams, a son—Harvey Scott that matther.
Wan day whin I wus diggin in the
MISSION CIRCLE (garden an tinkin av these tines, two
are tree robin birruds came lhoppin
arround lookin fer someting to ;ate:.
The May meeting of the Mission Bean full av me subjickt,' so to shpake
Circle held last Thursday evening in I ,ought I wed give:thim a few the Wroxeter United Church school ruds av advoice.
room was.of special interest, when
"Shure, 'tis an aisy toime fntorely
the members had as their guests, 'the ye do be Navin, wid nothrl to do`bub
g shtick out
mothers and also members of the yer chists,. an wait fer
W,. M.S. somewan ilse to dig up wurrums fer
The President, Miss Daisy Stocks, ye to ate. 'Tis transients ye are, an
presided over an interesting program, nivir did a day's wurruk in yer loiv-
Marjorie Paulin read a story of a e5, an nivir intind to, if ye kin git
Missionary, Dr. Mary Stone; Vera out av it. Ye are no betther than a
Durst gave a reading entitled "Mas- lot av min I cud minshun, I said
sionary Ruts", while two splendid a lot av more tines to shim birruds
violin' solos were given by Margaret'.
befoor I usefeed diggin an wine
Edgar. An item of special' interest to the house fer a resht., I shtarted
was a short play under the direc-
to rade the payper, but soon fell ash -
tion of Mrs. W. A. Finlay, entitled lape an drained that Mishter Robin
"Disarm' Hearts." shpoke up an tould his soide av the
The shtory, av how he shpint mosht
scene took place in the living his loife kaipin me garden free ave
room of a home, where a group of bugs an tin s. He said that if
girls gather around the fireplace, e g it
chatting and singing delightful old v ssen t• fer the birruds we wud'den't
songs and the hostess serves refresh- be able to grow annyting in our gar-
ments to her guests, bringing out dens at. all, at all, so we wudden't.
Women's Association
TI n s Alsocration, United
Church; met on Wednesday last with
a good attendance. Mrs. Hemphill,.
the President, presided, and after the
business items were dispensed with
two quilts were quilted, one of them
to be sent in the W.M.S. bale. Tea
was served' at the close.
many lessons on our attitude to t, ovin that iviry fellate kin put ups.
foreigners in our country, some koind av.an argymint, avert a.
At the close dainty refreshments Grit goliytishan.
were served by the Circle members. Yours till the nixt toirne,.
Timothy Hay,
Mrs. Irwin Edwards and baby,
London, are at present visiting h
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Thomas spen
last Sunday with friends near Ford
Hard to Believe
Goldsboro, N.C.—Torn McCullin of
of. the Mineral Springs section of Gran-
er tham Township was plowing recent-
ly, when he heard his wife scream..
t He rushed to the house and found a:
Miss Norma McEvers. of Winghai
spent the week -end with her friend
Miss Mary Fralick.
Mr. Carman' Hetherington fro
near Bluevale, spent last Sunday with
fill.. Jack Fortune.
Miss Edythe Weir, of'Str•atfor
Normal, spent the e weel.-end with he
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Weir.
Why does Howard Wylie wear
such a broad smile these clays? 'Is
it that little boY? Congratulations.
Mrs, Melvin Willits, Messrs Jack
and Wet. Willits and Mr. Kenneth
Bennett motored to Toronto one day
last week. Mrs, Lydia Willits who
leas spent the winter there returned
with them.
' Mr. Win. Casemore of 'Wroxeter,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Casemore.
'We are pleased to report that Mte:
Wm. Mines' hand is improving nice-
ly since, lie had his fingers partly.
torn off with a rope some time ago,
- snake had chased:a hen off her nest,
and eaten the eggs. The snake's to
ii c carnation was slowed somewhat by
t the hearty meal, and McCullin caught- ,
it, killed it, extracted the eggs, and
put them back in
1` the :rte t
s before
I x
they became cold. This week the' hen
I hatched a fine brood of chicks from
d the eggs the snake stole.
quilt. The meeting opeued with the
familiar hymn "p Happy . Day," fol-
lowed by the Lord's prayer in uni-
son. Several items of business were
brought forward and discussed, af-
ter the: minutes were adopted as read
by the Secretary. The meeting clos-
ed with the hymn "Jesus Lover of my
Soul" and prayer • by Mrs. T. O. tho
Johnston. Refreshmentswere served'.
by Mesdames Hutchison and Johns-
ton, assisted ;by the hostess.
r, Marion; all of Wingham, were
unday attests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKee, also Mr.
id Mrs. Stanley MacKenzie and
ildren, all of Sault Ste. Marie, were
eels -end guests at the honie of Mr.
d Mrs. Gordon Gibson, Mrs. Jolie
Iker atid. family of Harriston were
so Sunday guests at the Gibson
Miss Mary Harris arrived home
to t
of t
Mrs; D. Robinson is visiting in
William Bird of Brussels, is visit-
ing; Mr, and 'Mrs. Thomas Jacklin.
Mr. ancl Mrs. Harry Dane is vis-
iting friends in Oshawa for a couple
of weeks.
Mrs. Ben. Ringler, of Preston, vis-
ited her sister, Miss Carmichael a
few days last week;
Rev, Mr. Turnbull, elttYoreof B o-
preached Sunday evening in the Un-'
ited Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben' Wade visited
their a r son, Will, at Goderich, Sunday,
Dress display at Davey's Store, on
Tuesday, May 30th, by well-known
manufacturer of ladies' wear, Do not
miss this style display,
Miss Elva Stocks
S and her friend,
Miss Dorothy Bridge, both of Strat-
ford Normal, spent the week -end at
t week after a few weeks' visit in
Mr. Husks spent the week -end a
home in Hart•iston.
tifr. and Mrs, Chester Smith, Galt,
nt `the week -end with their parr-
s, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.
fr. Oscar Nickel, of. Dungannon,
nt Sunday at the home of Mr, and
s. Alex, Wright,
?isses Margaret and Irene Wright
Stratford Normal, `,;pent the week, -
at their home :here:
Its, John Ra:. and Joy, returned
to front 'I orr it i last week,
he many friends of Rev. W. A.
ay were verb= glad he was able
ake up his work on Sunday morn-
after a te:,7 weeks' illness. Rev.
Turnbull of Belrnore, had charge
he even.. a service' s
's, John Aeli, Listowel; 'fent the
few 4:r'.s :'I:`t th» hnnme; of her
liter, Mrs. 1toy Anderson.
bout 25 int+tuber,' of our 1,•cal ln•
te, weret1c., .r e guests of the Genic'
eh Wonietee Institnte at Mei
Interest//t May Meeting whctt
To the Editor av all tulle
Wingharn paypers.
Deer Sur; —
Sonie payple say that thravelling
gives a man a lot av new oideas, art
that ye kin gat a betther eddicaslrun
that way than by attindin collidges.
Mebby this is three .to some ix,tint,
but not always, fer theer is me ould
brother o her Matt. who thr•avelled all
round' the witrrtnld, an mixedd ",
naygers, an brown thin, an yellow
rein, foindin out all they cud tell
him, an thin hadn't anny more sinse
than to lave the Tory parthy an vote
wid thine LI.V,A. lads, whin he mar -
tied the war wieldy an sittled in Al-
Av coorsc a fellali wed be a 1
Spring And
Blue Gold Back Overalls,
per pair $1.89
Heavy 8 oz. Black Overalls
per pair $1.60
Work Shirts, each ,,.,.89c
Wool Sox, 5 pairs for ..,-,-,.$1,00
Sweat Shirts, Zipper front $1.39.
Fine all wool Sweaters ..,.._$2.39
New wool felt Spring Hats
Each $2.39
Men's fancy Sox, 25c pr. to 75c
Ties, each: 25; 50c, 75c - $1.00
Wen's Work Boots $2.75 $3.50
Men's Pine Oxfords, pair $3.75
Groceries -
Oxford Blend black or green
Tea, Ib. .,.,49c
Fresh ground Coffee, lb40, 50c
Macaroni, ready cut, 4 lbs. 25c
Tomato Juice, 3 cans for . 25e
Fairbanks Laundry Soap, 3 10e
Clover-leaf'Ca and
p Saucer lOc
Manitoba Flour, 08 lbs. —.$1.08
Any Quantity of Lggs & Create
ole W��axete><