The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-18, Page 5Thursday, May 18th , 1933 G:;! EER'S Better , Sootwear Properly Fitted ES FOR ALL SPRING COSTUMES Smart appearance is achieved through select- ing the most appropriate Shoes for each and every costume. We have the styles, that will enhance any costume, and at pleasing low prices. 2..98 to $5.00 ATTENTION -- Return This Coupon - And get 15c Cash paid you, on any pair of Shoes with repairs over 40 Cents. Greer' Shoe Store "The Good Shoe Store" Wingham, Ont. BELMORE Mother's Day was observed in the Churches here Sunday. The children led in song.` Guests of Wm. Curie Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Curie, Mr. and Mrs. Spotton and. Betty of Toronto, Mrs. -Mary Law, of Toronto, with Mrs. Nichol; Blanche Irwin with her parents. Those in Toronto recently, Mr. and, I 'Mrs, rs, Turnbull, Mrs.Herd and Eliza- beth 1-alcncy. Miss Etoile Caseuiore is to be con;ratulatecl on winning the second p?`i e in the : competition offered in the Globe for Art and story of wild flowers. Women's Institute Over twenty-five ladies attended the May meeting of the Women's In- stittite, held on Wednesday afternoon at Mrs, Walter Renicic's. After the opening exercises, the minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Institute feel that they are now on the way to prosperity, Miss Beatrice Ferguson gavea splendid paper on "The Rural Girl and Iter Opportun- ities." Solo by Mrs. Clark Renick. Roll Call, Hints for Picnic Lunches. Community song, "There's a Long, Long, Trail." and the Institute rally song, Mrs, Albert Haskins and Mrs. Metcalfe served lunch. The next meeting will be held in the Commun- ity Hall; when • Teeswater Institute will be guests of the local branch. BELFAST Miss Elsie Vint, of Stratford Nor- mal, spent the week -end . with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Irwin and fam- ily, of Kinloss, and JM,[r, and Mrs. Gordon Irwin and family, of Wawa - nosh, spent Sunday at Mr. Wilson Irwin's.. Mrs. James Hackett spent Sunday. with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Hunter, at Zion. • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane spent the week -end at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane, Miss Etta Lane and Miss Robertson, of Ripley, spent Sunday at Mr. James Hackett's. GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers and Kathleen, of Gorrie, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIME Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes visited Sunday with Mrs. Crawford, Milver- ton, Miss Elva Metcalfe, nurse -in -train- ing, .of Guelph, returned last Thurs- day, after spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Met- calfe. Mr, and Mrs. Omar Stokes called on Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines of Orange Hill recently, Mr, and Mrs. Selah 'Breckenridge, of Grey, viisted Sunday evening with. the latter's parents, I1Ir, and Mrs, R Stokes. TIMOTHY HAY RETURNS HOME To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. Deer Sur: Ye remiinber more than a year ago I :tould ye I wus goin oversays wid Jarge Shpotton to throyto sittle tings in Oireland. Well, we wus af- ther doin the besht we cud, which wus so little that I wus ashamed to wroite an till ye about it, an so I said, to the IVlissus that I tought we had betther pack our carpet bags an go out to Alberta an shpind'the win- ther wid Katie an Nora an me oulcl brother Matt. Mebtyy I will tell ye someting about our 'thrip wan av these foine days, but what is thrubblinme now is the mess our byes allowed thin' Grits to make av Nort Huron, Not that I hev annyting in per - tickler agin thim lads up in Bruce County, fer a lot ay. thim are good enough fellahs to thrade harses wid, arr to mate at Tayswather fall show, but that is the bisht ye kin say , av thim fer, share, ' not many av thim are Oirish. I bet not tin min in Car- rick wear the shamrock on Saint Pathrick's Day, an not wan in Moild- may arr Formosa. 'Tis a Grit hoive intoirely, so it is, that we hev got SENSATIONAL NEWS SAVE MONEY 6 U HEN BUYING TIRES I E The Lowest in Price! The Highest in Quality! The Most in Guarantee! Full auuoon :.ir s and Tuxes ,, ric List TIRE SIZES Old Markings 29x4.40 31x4.40 29x4.50 30x4.50 28x4.75 29x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.00 28x5.25 29x5.25 30x5.25 31x5.25 New Markings 4.40/21 4.40/23 4.50/20 4.50/21 4.75/19 4.75/20 5.00/19 5.00/20' 5.25/18 5.25/19 5.25/20 5.25/21 28x5.50 5.50/18. 29x5.50 5.50/19 30x5.50 5.50/20 29x6.00 6.00/17 30x6.00 6,00/18 31x6.00 6.00/19 32x6.00 6.00/20 33x6.00 6.00/21 34x6.00 600/22 35x6.00 6.00.23 29x6.50 6.50/17 30x6.50 6.50/18 31x6.50 6,50/19 32x6.50 6.50/20 4 -Ply SPECIALS, Column "A" Reg. Your Price Cost 7.30 4.69 5.15 X4.95 • The New "SUPER-LASTIC" Column "B" Column "C" Regular Heavy Heavy Duty 6 -ply 6 -ply Regular Your. Regular Your Price Cost Price Cost 8.55 5.45 11.90 6.45 11.60 9.85 ......... • 9.20 5.90 9.55 5.95 10.55 6.75 11.05 6.95 11.40 7.30 11.75 7.50 12.85 8.20 13.30 11.30 13,70 8.75 14.15 8.95 14.60 9.35 14.90 12.65 15.55 13.25 18 6110 30* 15.55 18.90" 16.05 18.65* 15.85 12.20 7.90 12.65 7.95 13.05 8.30 13.45 8.65 14.35 8.95 14.70 9.35 15.85 9.95 16.15* 13.75 16.65 10.75 1720 10.95 17.15 10.90 17.80 10.95 18.80* 15.95 18.80* 15.95 18.90 12.35 19.55 12.50 19.90' 12.70 20.55 12.95 • 23.05* 19.60 • 23.25* 19.75 23.50* 16.95 .....•i ...•.•.•• •• 23.85* 17.15 .......... ••••••..... "SUPER-LASTIC" MASTER Column "BM" Regular Heavy 6 -ply Regular Your Price Cost. Column "CM" Heavy Duty 6 -ply Regular Your Price Cost Balloon INNER TUBES. "Super-Lastic"--- Moulded' to Fit Column "E" Column "F" Heavy Duty New Process. Red Black & Red Reg. Your Reg. Your Price Cost Price Cost 1.19 9.40 6.15 1 80 2.35 1.49 2.60 1.49 1.80 .1.19 2.25 1.49 1.80 1.19 2.35 ' 1.49 1.80 1.19 2.70 1.49 1.80 1.19 2.25 1.49 2.30 1.35 2.70 1.80 2.45 1.35 2.85 1.80 2.30 1.45 2.70 1.80 2.30 1.45 2.70 1.80 2.45 1.45 2.85 1.80 2.65 1.55 3.10 1.95 2.75 1.69 3.25 1.95 2.75 1.69 3.45 1.95 2.75 1.69 3.95 1.95 3.15 1.95. 325 1.95 3.45 1.95 3.95 1.95 3.95 1.95 ...•.. .... •.• • ••••• 4,30 2.45. .... 4.30 2.45 3.65 1.95 10.10 6.65 10.50 6.85 11.60 7.60 12.15 7.95 12.55 8.20 12.95 8.45 14.15 9.25 15.05 49.90 15.55 10.15.. 16.0510.50 12.80 8.80 13.90 9.10 13.70 9.40 14.15 9.70 15.05 '10.30 15.45 10.60 16.55 11.45 17.50 11.95 18.10 12.40 18.00 12.35 19.60 12.85 21.50 14.10 21.90 14.35 22.60 14.80 2.75 1.69 2.75 1.69 2.75 1:69 2.75 1.69 2.75 1.69 • 33x6.50 6,50/211......... 24.20* 10.95 Items marked * are not "Super-lastic " but are supplied in various makes of high quality. They carry full Bonded Gua GIANT BUS -TRUCK TIRES Tires Tubes GIANT BUS -TRUCK TIRES f 4.20 2.65 4.35 2.65 ....... 4.70 2.95 4.70 2.95 rantee Tires Tubes 33.15 3.45 30x5 Super -Service. Built specially for dump trucks and for extra heavy load's... 32x6 Genuine Heavy Duty. 10 -ply con- struction with, two extra plies under the tread. Twin bead construction. 30x3 TIRES 20.40 1.95 32x6 Super -Service far dump trucks and "Super4astic" Stan- 3 89 extra heavy loads. Hard, 6,000 miles 32x6.00 Bus -Truck Balloons of the lat- est design and construction ................ 17.50 1.95 BILL INGHAM Exclusive Agents for SUPER -L AST1C TIRES INGHA Specialist in Vulcanizing and Tire Service, The OnlyVulcanizing Sp g Plaut in this district. EASING OILS .BATTERIES AND GENERAL SERVICE. . , .i�,,.GR , , � GAS, PHONE 298.,;. tat PAG,' I r r Greater ..:Stocks. t pear« Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers, each ,' • .79c Penman's 1Vleri'no Combinations for .. .....$1.39 Penrarils No, 71 Combinations for .... , $1.69 Shirts and Drawers, Each .. ; . ...89c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Penan.ara's and Simpson's Special, Each .. , . 49c Combinations for .. .. .79c Spring Needle Combinations, Ribbed in white ...98c Shirts "and Drawers, Each 69c Silver Fleece Combinations, Spring weight, 98c, $1.29 Prices 0.41 frit MEN'S And YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Pure Wools and (Botany Yarns) ;guaranteed fast dyes. See our Specials at $10.95, $12.95, 514.95, $16:95 to $18.95 NTL • PR,CFert flhn r Zlae'Master `fat of Garuda MEN'S DRESS HATS I3iltmore's Famous Hats in the Latest Styles, Gen- une Fur Felts, Specially priced . $1:95 Wool Felt Hats, new styles and shades, specials $1.59 Biltmore Hats in the better qualities, at $2.95 - $3.49 WORK DEPARTMENT Overalls and Smocks in famous makes, Head- light, Carhartt's, Snag -Proof, Winchester, Light- house, Hercules, Pickets and Walker's. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Wonderful range in Plain and Striped Broadcloths at . • .....69c, 89c, $1.29, $1.49 to $2.49 ate•-= �. MEN'S SUITS Made to individual measure, see our, range of cloths to choose from, Priced Special $16.95, $18.95, $22.50, 27.50, 32,50 to 35.00 MEN'S SHOE SECTION Men's Dress Oxfords -Special Prices that are hard to beat $1.89, $2.29, 2.39, $2.69, $2.98, $3.29 to $3.87 and $4.95 Men's Work Shoes -Valentines and Grebs;°••Specials at $2.79, 2.95, $3.39, $3.95. Solid Leather Work Boots .. $1.79, $2.39 The Hub Clothing Co. WIINGHAM'S MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE into, an our only chance is to shtir up thim C.C.F. byes to run a man, an make it a tree-carnered foight. That's what wus afther givin Jarge Shpotton his shtart, an see where he. is today. Shure theer isn't a Tory in Nort Huron kin bate him at gittin a nominashun, an not a Grit who kin defate hint on elickshun day. limbers av Parleymint are loike ottyrnobeels; wance ye git thim shtarted they will run a long way ov- er all koinds av roads an detoors, as long as they hev plinty ape -gas, but widout it they can't thravel at all, at all, so they can't. Thim Grits do be throyin to make thrubble about that dale Mishter Hinry an Mishter Meighan put troo wid thim power payple• I don't know how to shpell the wurrud, fer some poyple call it Abbie Tibbie, loike a girrul's name, an some call it Abit Abee, loike the name av some furrin- er. Mebby thin'. Grits will want a cornmishun appinted to decoide on the proper way to pernounce the wurrud. Yours fer a new shart, Timothy Hay. STOMACH SUFFERERS MA VEL AT NEW 3 -MINUTE RELIEF People who have suffered for years from stomach agonies are marvelling at the quick relief of Bisma-Rex, a new, delicious -tasting antacid powd- er. And its comfort is lasting, tool It acts four ways. 'Neutralizes excess acid; relieves stomach of gas; soothes membranes; and aids digestion. Get Bisma-Rex today at McKibbon's R.exall Drug Store. OBITUARY Fred C. Stokes The sudden death of Fred C. Stok- es of Big Valley, Alia., occurred on .April 24th, Mr. Stokes apparently in good health,awakened about 2 a.nr. with a severe pain hi his heart and passed away about one hour later, His brief illness ,and his unexpected death was a terrible shock to hiswife and children, Ip',1G18 he was :mar- ried at Lethbridge to Lillian Marie Baer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Baer, former residents of Wingham. Mrs. Stokes was a graduate of the Wingltani General hospital, He is survived by his, widow, two sons, John and Roderick, and three daughters, Fern, Colleen and Fred- eena; also two brothers and two sis- ters. The funeral was held`from the United Church, Big Valley, under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. Many Unpaid Taxes That a lotof people in Walkerton haven't paid their taxes or water rates for years was revealed in the report as submitted to the Council by the Town Auditors, Messrs. Far- quhar Shaw and J. S. Cornish, on Monday night. -Walkerton Herald- Times. Farmers Benefit From Price. War The farmers of this locality bene- fitted last week from a price war that was waged among the butter manu- facturers in this part of Western On- tario. All the dairies lost 6c per'lb. by this rivalry, but as it went into the pockets of the farmer, no person is feeling badly. The price cane back to normal this week. -Mildmay Gaz- ette. Rate of Interest Cut to Provinces Ottawa-Confirrning the statement of the Minister of Finance to the. House of Commons some days ago, the Dominion Government has reduc- ed its interest rate on Ioan to the Provincial Administration by of 1 per cent. In an Order -in -Council tab- led in the House it is set forth that after May 1 the rate of interest on such advances will be 5 per cent. in- stead of 5} per cent. CORRESPONDENCE Ducketshop,' Buildings, London, E.C. 2, Editor, Toike Oike, Dear Sir, Having been informed that you are interested and open for a deal in live business proposition, 1 take the lib- erty of presenting to you what seems to be a most wonderful business, in which you will no doubt take a live interest, and perhaps advise us by re- turn the amount of stock you wish to subscribe towards the formation of the Company. The object of the said Company is. to operate a large cat ranch near Manchester where land can be pur- chased cheaply for the purpose. To start with we want a million cats. Each cat will average about 12 kittens per annum, the skins run from 6d, each for the white to 2/6d, 017 each for the pure black ones. This will give us 12,000,000 skins per year to sell at an average price of 1/6d., each, making out revenue £2,500 per day. A man can skin about 60 cats per day, at 5/- per day wage, and it will take 120, men to : operate the ranch, therefore the net profit per day will; be £2,475,. We feed the cats on rats and start a ranch, The rats multiply four times as fast as the cats, so that if we start with a million rats we shall have four rats per cat each day, then we shall feed the rats on the carcasses of the cats from which the skins have al- ready been taken, giving each rat one quarter of a cat. It will thus be seen that the busi- ness will be self-acting and automatic throughout. The cats will eat the rats . and the rats will eat the cats and we shallhave the skins. Awaiting your prompt 'reply, and trusting you will appreciate 'the op- portunity to get rich quickly, Your faithfully, S. Skinner & Co., Ltd. P.S.-Eventually we shall mate the cats with snakes, and they will skin themselves twice a year, thus saving the men's wages for skinning and al- so getting two skins for each cat: IRIN10111(3111IB3111ii911161111t III WWI Ill111U1 ltl um . _ re Automobe 9 I = at i 1 Reasonable Rates ii IA n 11 Ai Bishop: i M b li, _ P ori � 226 W�xiglnaxn .,..,� 1nMIlt1I1moimoIilitlllll ln0lfllilllltomil lmmili insur � A. R.&F.E.DUVAL CHIROPRACTORS CEX1 OPRACTIC and North Street ' noirliant Telephone 300, 66. •.d