The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-18, Page 4Township of Howick in the County of Huron and being composed of Lot number Six in the Second Conces- Sion of the saki Township, contain- ing one hundred acnes of land more or less. This property,. is situate on the attain road three and three-quarter miles south of the Village of Gorrie and about one-half anile from school. 1'he soil is a mixture of sand and clay and about thirty acres is cover - 4d with light timber, On the premises is said to be a log house. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty day's thereafter, The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further .particulars ,and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned, Dated at Wingham, Ont., day* of May, A.D. 1933. GEORGE W. \\TALKER, Gorrie, Ontario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD,. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for Vendor. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMJ PREPARE FOR THEHOLIDAY We , "knesday9ay2''' .t �t 5 Shopping Days, Your Store for, Values. Sheer. Chiffon Silk Hose A delightfully sheer hose; that has proved surprisingly durable —full fashioned, Colors, Chuk- ker, Dawn -grey, Gun Metal, Malt, Shadowtone, Silverwiug,_ Taupemist NECK SCARFS ' 49 Reg. $1.95 Double styled ladies' silk neck scarfs, fashioned in latest effects; colorings and designs. that are new, MESH GLOVES Ladies' Pull -on 'Gloves in the new mesh weeve, these mesh. gloves are, exceedingly popular for summer wear. 49C White only. Pair .....»- FINE LINGERIE Vest, Panties and Bloomers, fine run -resist weave or in the new novelty weave. Bloomers have medallion trim, panties trimmed with lace. Sizes, small, medium and large. Garment ...___,._..»....-._._ SUMMER PANTIES These new panties iiave'a wov- en oven ribbed effect, •which gives them a delightful effect for summer wear,lace or medallion trim; Sizes, small, med. Each . M.. le and large. • a Bonnie Tot Socks and Sockettes A large assortment in 4 length Hose with roll top, also sock- ette styles, our Bonnie Tot range of children's hose is a complete one; and is a general favorite with mothers in this district. 'Sizes 4 to Si. Prices: 25c, 35c, 39CPair Sale of Ladies' Knitted Suits, Regardless of Former Price. Mostly Half Price. Ladies' smartly fashioned Knit- ted Suite, clearing at this sen- sational low price. All one price only. They include plain col- ors and fancy cloths, mostly 3- piece.The last word style c7 and tailoring. plp Each if Ladies' Spring Coats Clearing, Half to One - Third off Reg. Price Ladies' Spring Coats at a price that spells. final. Marked down for Final Clearance. 1 reg.low rices /'�2 to 1�3 off prices Suede Fabric GLOVES Two fancy cuff effects in these popular gloves for summer wear, fine quality,' pull -on style, color, white. �9 Pair GIRDLES Girdle hose supporters, mater- ials new novelty mesh rayon, they are the side fastening sty- les, also have elastic inserts at side, four elastic hose Each .. 9 5 supports.C Brassieres to Match Youthful model in same :matere ial as above girdle, all have narrow elastic in back. 35c. Each_..»..._...». ...» _ SILK BLOUSES Fancy Patterned Blouses, pure silk. Choice of styles. �79 FLANNEL SKIRTS Misses' fine Flannel Skirts, all are smartly styled, colors that are new. 5 Each -_ _» ..- _ _ -» SEE US FOR FLOOR COVERINGS — OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT the 9th NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS Worean's Association Will Hold Garden Party The Woman's Association of Knox United Church field their regluar. meeting on 'Wednesday at the home of 'Airs. Martin Grasby when there was a good attendance. The 1'resi- j dent, Mrs, Finlay McCall un conduct -1 d the meeting. Several items of 1 business were discussed and it was also decided to hold a garden party en June 9th, and plans were made for this, At the close of the meet- ing a social time was spent when a lunch was served by the hostess as- sisted by Mrs. F. McCallum and Mrs. C. R. Coultes. Next Meeting at. the home of Mrs, A. Procter was accept- ed. Mother's Day Observed Mother's Day was very fittingly observed in the Sunday Shcool of Knox United Church Sunday morn- ing when there was a splendid at- tendance present. The Mother's Day service issued by the Ontario Relig- ious Education Council was followed The theme was the value of Home in the Nation's Life and the several hymns and numbers on the program centered on this theme. A very pleasing duet was sung by Ruth Wheeler and Clifton Walsh accom- panied by Elaine Walsh on the piano. Mabel McCallum recited one of Ed- gar Guest's poems. Goldie Wheeler gave a very interesting address on.. the theme of the service and showed the value of the home to the coun- try and community and also the part taken by each in the home and of the important placeheld by Mother. in the home. The talk on "Mother" was much enjoyed by the children, the speaker taking each letter of the word impressed on the children how "M" stood for "me" and showed how Mother was thinking ofthem always and "o" showed she was also think- ing of the other members in the home and "t" was when. they troubled her but "h" stood for: help they. could always give her so that she would be Table to enjoy "e" herself too, and that we must always reward "r" her for IN THE MATTER of the Wrox- eter Rural Telephone Company Lim- ited and in pursuance of the statutes in that behalf, • TAKE NOTICE that the above mentioned Company did on the: 15th day of April, A.D. 1933, at a special general Meeting of the shareholders called for that purpose, elect to go into voluntary liuidation for the purposes of winding up said Company and distributing its assets and: that the undermentioned was ap- pointed Liquidator for that purpose and FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the said Wroxeter Rural Telephone Company :Limited are hereby requir- ed to send on or before the 30th day of May A.D. 1933 to the. undermen- tioned Liquidator of the said Com- pany their names and addresses, full particulars of their claims and the nature of their securities, if any, held by them, verified by statutory torY declar- ation. Immediately after such last mentioned date the assets of the said Company will be distributed amongst the persons 'entitled thereto having regard only to the claims properly filed. Dated at Wingham, Ont., the 9th day of May, A.D. 1933. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham; •Ontario. Liquidator. "ii0=1001=0L 0=OLEO ..0:0 C + '! +.- V . i 3t/;4i.. • 1 •� 0 THE WANT AD'S BRING RESULTS' S 11 tents a word, peri hesertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. her care and thoughts for us all the NOTICE TO CREDITORS, time and do it all through the year. Although the attendance has been All persons having claims against over the hundred; mark, a new mark the estate of William \�Uilsore elate of t .the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer de- ceased, who died on or about the 20th day of April, A.D. 1933, are hereby notified to send on or before the 27th. day of May,A. D. 1933, to the under- signed. Solicitor for the Executors of the said estate, their naives and ad- dresses, `I full particulars of their claims and the nature of their secur- ities, if any, held by them, verified by statutory declaration. Immediate- 11 ly after such last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the persons en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims properly filed. Dated at Wingham. Ont., the 9th 0 day of May, A.D. 1933.' R. S. HETHERINGTON, O Wingham, OntaOntario.Solicitor herein. 11 fl = . O7 O. RZ* O 0=1,0 03 o AUCTION SALE of Hotel Furni-1. are and equipment will be held at Geddes' Hotel, Belgrave, on Satur- day, May 27th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.. Terms, Cash. No Re- serve. The Brick Hotel and Stable will also be of ered for sale, sub- ject to a reserved bid. Terns to be announced. T. Fells, AuctiOn- eer. BABY CHICKS and EGGS For .Hatching from Blood -Tested eteck. 1 have been breeding for fifteen years for size, large eggs, heavy production and vigor. All eggs set are extras and specula. Baby Chicks. May nine cents, and Jane eight tents. Five unrelated chicks free with `every hundred ordered. These will be toe -punched. Inspec- tion invited. Phone 511-42. KEN- NEDY POULTRY FARM, White - Church, Ont. BABY CHICKS Line bred front line bred R.O.P. and Registered high „production hens. We guarantee our chicks free from disease and that they will reach You right in every way.Leghorns '$7.00 {per hundred Barred'Rocks $5.00 per hundred any time after May 15th. Order yours now-,. pay for them when 7 you get theca. Walter Rose, Brussels, Ont. TURNBERRY COURT OF REVISION TOWNSFTP OF Take notice that a Court of Renis-. ion will be herd in Blnevale on Men- day, on day, the 29th day of May 1933, et 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the as- sessment roll or 1932. \VrihtCruikshank, v P1. \NTS . ,zc�►t'ai at Win ham Reeve. Clerk. I J g , W R . reenhouse —'Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Asters, Geranium , at Royal Service Station. Phone 174.' Homuth & Bennett. FOR SALE—Ford Coupe, 1928 mod- el. Rea I good condition. Apply to R. .S. Hetherington, FOR SALE ---Good grade Buckwheat 50e per bushel. Fussell Gaunt, Ph. TENDERS WANTED By TOWNSHIP Of KINLOSS Sealed Tenders will be received by - the undersigt:ed up to a p.na. Monday 3 the 229th29thday of May, 1933, for the Cruehing of 3000 yards, of Gravel', (approx.), and also trucking the same. 612112. _ C g LAWN , MOWERS A1se knives, S sharpened. Umbrel- las scissors, sawv., $ a i las reparied, Satisfaction guaran- eed. Machine at Lepard's Lodge, Diagonal Road, Phone 259. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Thursday May 18th, 193$ Silk Limn u y (White, Yellow, Peach, Flesh and Orchid) Fashioned in the newer puff -sleeve styles as well as the simple short -sleeve modes some women prefer. With neck- line and tie -belt arrangements that are flatteringly becoming. Ideal for any daytime wear. I,n sizes for every type of figure. $1.95 to $2.95. —for Women and Misses E. Isard Co., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little of Win- throp, spent a day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Geddes. Mn and Mrs. David Scott spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule called on friends in Seaforth on Sunday. Mother's Day Observed in Presby - fan Church Sunday, Mother's Day, was fitting- ly observed in the Presbyterian Church here. The official prpgramme. was carried; out by the Sabbath School. The topic "God is Love," as. illustrated by a faithful mother, was taken by Mrs. Porterfield, and a very Y pleasing duet was given by Misses Doris Scott, and May Young. The service following the Sabbath School was conducted by the Rev. T. Ward- law Taylor, D.D., of Goderich, who delivered a sermon appropriate for the day, taking his text from the 8th verse, 35th chap. of Genesis. A much appreciated solo was contributed by Miss Annie Geddes. At a meeting of Huron Presbytery held recently, Rev. Dr. Barnett and Rev. Dr. Taylor of Goderich, were appointed as supply alternately, f or infancy,their lodge is advancing with prospects for many new members for their meeting in June. We extend our best wishes for the advancement of the Sepoys. The social committee of L. O, L. 428 held one of the most entertain- ing socials and dances last Thursday evening at their May dance, the hall being filled. Next'- social will be on May 25th. Everybody welcome. Mr. Win. Lyons, of St. Helens, vis- ited friends in our burg. Last week, The remains of the late Mrs. Doug- las were laid to rest in South Kin- loss cemetery on Thursday last. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Douglas and family in their bereavement. Mr. McTavish, our local drayman, has moved into half of Temple Clark's house and Mr, and Mrs. M. Deeves, of Hanover, have moved in- to Mrs. Miller's house. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Shiell and Jack of Windsor, spent the week -end with relatives on the 10th, Mr. Joe Kerr is working on con- tract in the vicinity of Kincardine. Walkerton Firm Expands The Larsen & Shaw steel die works which is one of the thriving indus- tries of the town, has just finished installing an 8 -ton press for the man- ufacture of all -Canadian copper cook - was set when -149 were presen • ing utensils; which is a new line the The service in Knox United Church the charges of Blyth, Belgrave, Au- firm is ,,Ding into. The machine, on Sunday ewere also in keeping with burn and Smith's IIiIi; in place of a which was manufactured in Toledo, Mother's Day. `A Mothers' Choir student as formerly, .assisting the Ohio, is such a mammoth affair that sang an anthem'``Mother is Praying Pet/ Mr. Mills, the resident minister. a portion of the north . wall of the for 'die" and a duet by Mrs. James Mr. G. W. Geddes, Manager of the factory had to be taken down to ad - Northern Life Insurance Co., Mrs. snit it,.—Walkerton Herald -Times. also appropriate. Rev;' A. M. Grant, the Pastor, took as his subject "Mo- therhood" and pointed out the great influence that mothers have and its effects on the people about. At the conclusion of the sermon rIrs. Michie sang a , very pleasing solo which was '1 also in honor of mother. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messer and children, of Palmerston, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Graham, of Stratford, visited with relatives here. Miss Annie McDowell spent a few days with friends near Goderich. C. RR Coultes shipped a car of cat- tle to Toronto on Saturday and was in Toronto over the week -end. Belgrave stock yards have been the centre of activity during the week and a very large number of cattle were weighed up for the grass for the different buyers. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 120 head went over the scales. Mr. Dan Ferguson, of London, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and firs. A. Ferguson, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carney anddaughter of Walton, visited with Mrs. Forbes The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber at the Court House, Goderich at two o'clock in the afternoon, Tuesday, June the 6th, 1933. Ail accounts,, 'notices of deputations or applications and other important business requiring attention at this Meeting of Council Should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday previous to the meeting of Council. Dated at Goderich this 15th day of May 1933. GEO. W. HOLai_N, County Clerk. Court of Revision On the assessment roll of the town oI Wingham for the year 1983, will be held at the Town Hall on May 25th at 8 pan. CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity of thank- ing' our many friends and neighbors for the help and sympathy which they extended to us during our re - 1 tent sad bereavement of our loving father, Wen Yeo. Signed, The Family. rushin to be done in taro diff- erent pits. for to state price per yard fo. Crushing, and price per yard per anile g truckin • . haul for - The lowest or any tender not nee- essarily accepted. J. R LANE, Clerk, y R. 2, Holyrood, Ont. PIGS VOR .SALE—Eleven Chunks, weeks old and eight ready to wean. Apply Herman Netliery-; Belgrave. WANTED—FBatferni Scales, eve.[ he itag eapaet$ 1000 or 1201 1b. b- erie's Grocery. Phone 167. Get,t. A,ppreeed 1 A.R. ED ROCE $7000 FARM POR .SALE X3500. This is a bargain. Owner t`.ettt,rning to England, RWinterw Belgtavn R: I. TENDERS LiERS Swill be teee ved by ki undersigned up ltr Pridad,, May 1 a : lr p.m., for the positron, of rare- taker of the. \Wirt ghant Bewiing Cltab. State salary 'pet month. The I o w est or'any tender not nee, eeeepted. J. A. Wilson, MORTGAGE SALE Of valuable Farin Lands in ehe Township of Howick in the County of Huron. UNDER and by virtue" of the pow- rs of sale centained in :s certain t,.tgage tvititla will be produced at time •nf sale there will be offered or sale by public auction at the An- o-Atnerican Hotel in .the Vil%age of rrie on Satardav, May 2/th. :1 , at 1 o'clock' inn the afternoon b:' . 'l\%. Walker, . Auctioneer, the tib property., aatiely: AND SINGULAR that eer- tvia tract o't land and pre- yridg =Id ttt" :J ± the IN .MEMORIAM Geddes and family, also Dr. Hardy Geddes, all of London, were Sunday visitors with their aunt and uncle, lir. and Mrs. Ale. Porterfield. SMITH -1n loving memory of Mrs. J. W. Smith, who pasesed away one year ago today, May 13, 1932. What is home without a mother, What are all the joys we meet, \A/lien her loving smile no longer Greets the conning of ear feet. Iron were true and patient Through the years you struggled. +ales And those dear hands now resting Made a 'home that now :is gone. Those who have a .tnother Cherish her with care, There never will be another To fill her vacant chair. Sadly , hissed by Husband, Children and l :Grandchildren. BORN tin In Morris I �1BERT'SO'N-•--Twp., ay :15th, 1933, to Mr. arvey M. Robertso an ]tt. ONTARIO 1931 Killed 571, Injured 8494 Property Damage $1,994,000 IMAGINE 9065 persons Wiled. or injured by Motor V e- hiicles in one year be - use of carelessness. DRIBE AND WALK SAFELY! .:..This Wareing is issued with special consent of the Ontario Department of Highways, by these two insurance coirrpaties, in an etideavet to co-operate in the carnpaig 1 for Safe and Sane Driving CANADIAN GENERAL Insurance Company TORONTO GENERAL ABatNfSER ' COSENS bstIura`lanGJiE3Coiy rt es ASHFIELD EAST WAWANOSH SENESSESeir Miss Agnes Robertson, Dashwood, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman spent Sunday with friends at Done - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Armstrong gat and. two sons, of London, spent:the week -end with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin, near Mafeking; Mr.' and:Mrs, David Little, near Courey's 'Corners. Miss Er�ria McDonagh,' London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Charlie McDonagh. Mrs. George Lane attended the London Branch Conference, in Lon- don, Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Taverner'and Mrs. Taverner'and Mrs. Cyril:Campbell spent Wednes- day at the meeting. Miss Ruby Matilda Dickson, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, near Port Albert, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Douglas Mur- ray Dyer, Eden Mills, Ont., the cere- mony was performed. in the Presby- terian Manse, Kitchener,. on Satur- day afternoon at 4 p.m-, -Aril 29th, Rev. Mr. Munro officiating. Mr. and Mrs. George Lane, Clif- ford, motored to Riverview and spent the week -end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham an fancily, near Sheppardton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morrison :and sons, east of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. K. .Alton. Brick United Church are going to hold anniversary services on Sunday, June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Wightman and family, of Flint, Mich., called on friends here on Monday. ST. HELENS Miss Mildred McQuillin was home from Stratford for the week -end. We welcome home Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Levis, who have spent the past year in Sussex, England. Mrs. McIntyre, of Dungannon, is making an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. George McRoberts. Miss Ethel Robertson, of Luck - w, spent .a few days with Mrs. J. B. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. England, of Rapid City, were recent visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Swan. Mr. G rd.,n McIntyre spent flee vaeek-end at his home at Paisley. HERE AND THERE AtouND , BAPYIi,, aC Y The ;<.,.t✓l.B,A. 'held their regular May meeting last Wednesday"even-.` atg in Lucknoty Orange Hall, the, ladies have chosen the intoe Luele- tow Sepoy L,O.B.A..Althotigh in its WEEK - END EE KED SI L PEC A S Room Must be Made for Our Summer Stock. 75 COATS ed C leer must Be Within a Week's. Time MISSES' - WOMEN'S, FINE COATS at $5.95 Up •. CELENESE CREPE DRESSES For Misses at $1.89 New Hats at ....89c 1.50 New Dresses were just purchased this week and we are putting them on sale at very low price WATCH OUR WIND- OWS FOR SPECIALS BU' Klw.l Ladies Wear. 1 1 To get the •Best "LEAVES NO DRUSM MARKS" Mr5D Its:GAN&OA FOUR HOUR E NAM E L I NTERIOR E EXTERIOR FLOORS WOODWORK, •AUTOM OBILE; BOAT5,ETG Imparts Life and Color into every -day surroundings,. and is easily applied. Little work—no worry. Those chairs which have become so dull: in Wear - ante! That table which you have mentally condemned to the dump! Bedsteads, furniture, woodwork and floors which, have begun to worry you because dulled by wear and tear! Try what FLO-GLAZE 4 HOUR ENAMEL will do for them. You will be amazed at the wonderful results. Dries in 4 hours, with a finish that .is glossy and durable. out of Good Material it Trust be 'well applied. Our Prices are Lower than ever before. Ask us to quote, you onmind. y work youhave in na Good workmanship is ebieapest in the longrun. � D to