The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-11, Page 5i
Thursday, May llth,t 1933
Elk and Calf and All ,Calf 1Vlakes.
Models four@Dress or
S iiorts Wear
$1.98 .to 5.0
Soft as Velvet 'yet "tougher than
nails." Arid as for "looks" .. Man
they'll• maize your friends situp and take
notice !
The Good Shoe Store:
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ringler, Lis-
towel, were week -end viistors at the
home of .. Mr. George Walace.
Mr. Albert Campbell and Miss V.
Chamney represented the Donny-
brook apointment at the M. and M.
convention held in Victoria St. church
in Goderich last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mills and fam-
ily; of Detroit, visited friends in this
vicinity last week.
Miss Della Plowman has returned
home from Forest and at present is
assisting in the home of Mr. George
The Young People's Society met
as -Usual last *Frid'a'y evening with
Verna Chamney presiding. W. Bush
read the Scriptu,re lesson and W.
Craig- read a letter from Miss Ed-
wards, GordonRobinson and Sam
Thompson reach 'gave a reading, Dr.
Mortimore gave a short talk on Mis-
sions and the topic was given by Mr.
Miss Euplemia. Chamney spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
The Women's Institute met on
Wednesday, May -3rd, 'at the home of
Miss Josephine McAllister with 20
ladies present -The President, Mrs.
Bert Thompson led the meeting, the
Secy, Mrs. D. Chamney, gave a read-
ing on "Forgetfulness." The .roll call
was responded to by 'the paying of
How you may win the Chrysler
car and other prizes
Buy B-H Paint and Varnish from Machan Bros
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4. On the coupon write a slogan about any B-H
product• you have ever used -not more than 10
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5. The slogans will be judged and the prizes
awarded by an impartial committee whose de
cisions shall be final.
First Prize: a 1933 8 -cylinder Chrysler Sedan.
Second Prize: $100.00
Third Prize: $25.00, and
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Address it clearly and mail it to: SLOGAN DEPARTMENT,
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3. The Slogan Department cannot be responsible for' coupons
Lost in the' mails or which, for any other reason, do not reach
us before the closing date; Wednesday,, June 7th.
4. The prize winners will be advised on Wednesday, June 21,st,
5. All slogans submitted become the poperty of Brandram-Hen-
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5 For 4 Campaign
Up to the 15th of May inclusive, Machan Bros. are
offering a real Bargain in Bratndram-Henderson'•
Paints and Varnish.
Purchasers of 4 Gallons receive a bonus of 1 Gal.
Of 1 Gal. a IA gal. bonus Of a Qt a 1/ pt. bonus
Of .a IA gal. a pint bonusOf a Pint a IA Pt. bonus
3 44i 'dints,, Varnish,, £name
hi to Lead. —' 'Phone 58.
membership fees, The .annual', elec
tion of officers was held which re-
sulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. 5, I,
Cl•,aig; 3,st„vice, i Mips 3. McAllister;
2nd vice, Miss M. A, Brophy; Sec,-
Tr'eas., Miss Annie King; District Di-
rector, Verna Chamney; Auditors,
Mrs. W, : Moss and Loretta Kinahan;
Pianist, Verna Chamney; Branch Di-
rectors, Mrs, Bert Thompson, Mrs,
Robt. Chamney, Mrs, Hugh King and
Mrs, Fred Moss; Flower Corn., Mrs,
J. L McAllister and Miss E. Cham-
hamney; Program Com., Miss J. L Mc-
A1liater, Mrs. Will Moss and Mrs.
Will Redmond,
V. Clarence Stokes 63%.
,pr. 4. Marjorie Herd 328, Edna
Johann 311.,
Jr,. 4. Alba Stoke; 321, Kenneth
Hamilton 279, Margaret Abram 263.
Sr. 3. Wilfred Johann 162.
Jr. 3. Isabel Zinn hon. 221, John
Lawrence 176, Bob Curie 168, Allan
Haskins 152.
Sr. 2. William Abram 206, Jack
King 176.
Jr. 2. Edith Haskins, lion. 199, Ma-
deline Casemore hon. 191, Mary Kelly
149, Mattie Kennedy 145, Wes. Ab-
ram 127.
Sr. 1. Mary Abram.
Jr, 1. Yvonne Douglas, Reta Ken-
nedy. '
Sr. Pr. Jean Kelly, Ruth Johann.
Ungraded. d
No. on roll 29.
Jean S. Keith.
S. S. No. 10, Morris
Easter Tests:
Sr. IV -Isobel Mustard 74, Dor
othy Wright 69.
Jr. IV—Olive Edgar 67, Margaret
Miller 66 Goldora Dennis 66, Janet
Stokes 63t Clifford Bray 46.
Sr. ITT—Lena Mustard 74, Ruby
Dennis 61.
Jr. III—Gordon Staples 67, Ileen
Riley 66, Kenneth Bray 45.
Sr. II—Bernice Dennis 79, Helen
Riley 68, Fleming Johnston 67, Ray-
mond Dennis 66.
Jr. II—Ernest Dennis 74, Isobel
Miller 70.
Sr, I—Wilma Staples 76, Rhea
Johnston 76.
Jr. I—Jim Fraser 72, Stanley Bray
71, Alan Breckenridge 60.
Sr. Primer Charlie Shaw 76,.
Wilda Breckenridge 72, Meloin Jer-
myn 61.
Teacher, Anna M. Dobie.
S. S. No. 8, East Wawanosh
Report for March and April.
Sr. IV -Ferny McCallum 84, Edna
Vincent 82, Merle Anderson 81,
Graeme Anderson 73, Lloyd Robert-.
son 55, Lloyd. Cook 46.
Sr. III—Roy Bennett 68, Velma
Cook 60, . Maitland Johnston 58.
Jr. III—Jean McCallum 54.
II—Irma Cook 72, Russell
son 62, Stewart Jamieson 61.
Sr, I—Isabel Scott 77, •Clifford Ben-
nett 63, Dorothy Jamieson 60, Don-
ald Cook 39,
Jr. I—Bernice Anderson 76.
Primer -Shirley Chamney, Honors,
Nora Scott.
F. Walton, Teacher,
The Women's Missionary Society.
met in the United Church, with a
large attendance, Mrs. Win. Field
and the President, Mrs. W. H. Willis
led in prayer for the Kingdom of
God movement. 'The regular meet-
ing opened with singing and prayer
was offered. by Mrs. J. Wilson, The
6th chap. of the Study Book; His
Dominion of Canada, was synopsized
by Mrs. F. A. Parker, and dealt with
the pioneer work of. the women who
organized the three Missionary Soc-
ieties which have united to form the
Women's Missionary Society of the
United Church in Canada. This was
very interesting.
Miss Muriel Williams then favored
with a very pretty piano solo "Ar-
butus”, '
The reports of the delegates to the
Presbyterial were given by Mrs. Field
and Mrs. Blake, telling us about the
life and work of Dr. Chone Oliver in
India, and also of Miss Duff's ad-
dress at Presbyterial. Mrs, Dennison,
Herald for India, told its of the work
and aims of Mahatma ,Gliandi. The
meeting was closed with prayer by
Mrs. Willis,
Your system often needs more iron
when you have that always tired feel-
ing, — nervousness, headaches, poor
sleep and appetite, No need to be a
slave to this condition. Get Peptona.
It '" rtriehes. the bio6'd loiases the licr '' " � '
app Lite and aids digestion.• Many H, CIH tRoPI2ACTQI1S
praise Peptona for nevi' health 'grid CHi%l.6'PRACTIC• and
strength, Yost can get Peptona Only
at Rexa11' Drug Stores. Get a bottle' w•.
today ••at 'N:l'eIibbon's Recall Drug 'N'Orth4
Cost This Woman 75c.
If you are curious to know what is
happening to her bust, waist, and hip
measurements, read her letter:—
"I was 186 lbs. when I started tak-
ing Kruschen three months ago, and
am now 162 lbs,, and T hope to re-
dike my weight still more, Regard-
ing my measurements before taking
Kruschen: I was 41 -ins. ` bust, 38 -ins.
waist, and 49 -ins, hips, and now I
am 39 -ins, bust,, 36 -ins, waist, and' 45 -
ins. hips, my age being 29 years. A
75c bottle of Kruschen lasts me a
month. I take one half -teaspoonful
in a tumbler of hot water each morn-
ing before .breakfast. Apart from los-
ing weight, I feel so much better in
health, .x do nbt wake up in the
morning still feeling tired, and do not
get headaches like I used to.
(Miss) M.A.H.
Kruschen contains those six miner-
al salts, proportionately balanced,
found in the waters of those famous
European Spas used by generations
of fat people to reduce weight.
Kruschen helps blood, nerves,'
glands and body organs to function
properly—you gain new strength and
energy—feel years younger—look bet-
ter, work better.
Winner in Bridge Competition
Mr. C. F. Chapman, of Toronto, a
former accountant of the Bank of
with his partner, P.
F. 'Carey, of Toronto, won second
prize ($250) in the second Evening
Telegram National Bridge Coxnpeti
tion. Mr. Chapman is considered one
of Canada's outstanding bridge play-
ers. Last year, partnered with O. P.
Watson, of Toronto, they were very
close to the winners in the Interna-
tional Contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines and dau-
ghter, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc -
Mr. Jack McKenzie is a visitor
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Arbor Day was observed in the
village scho61 Friday and in the af-
ternoon teacher and pupils enjoyed a
trip to the woods.
Joe McGill and Herb Wright spent
Saturday at London.
Next Sunday, May 14, being Mo-
ther's Day, special services will be
held in Knox United Church Sunday
School at 10 a.m, and also in the
church at 11 a.m.. A large attend-
ance is looked for,
Much sympathy is extended to
Mrs. William and Mrs. Garf. Shoe -
bottom in the recent death of their
mother,' Mrs, J. Stanley, of Glaris.
The annual meeting of the Bei -
grave Women's Institute will be held
on Tuesday, May 16th, at the home
of Mrs. John VanCaunp.' Motto First
Things First, Mrs, J. Taylor. Roll
Call, payment of fees and suggestions year's program. Current Ev-
ents, Miss Nora VanCamp. Address,
Good Manners in the Home, Miss
W. Rae. Music, Miss M. Armstrong.
Lunch coo., Mrs. C. Wade, Mrs. J.
Miller, Miss C. CouItes. It is hoped
the members will make a special ef-
fort to attend this meeting.
Wake up your Liver Bile
—No Calomel necessary
Many people who feel sour, sluggish and
generally wretched make the mistake of taking
salts, oil, mineral water, laxativecandy or
chewing gum, or roughage which only move
the bowels and ignore the liver.
What you need is to wake up your liver
bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two
pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get
your stomach and intestines worling as they
should, once more.
Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you
up. Purely vegetable, Safe. Sure. Runk.
Ask for them by nam. Refuse substitutes,
Wm, at all druggists. 61
111111141111111111I111I IlafInm)11411111111191111111Ifl 111,
Reasonable Rates
n ��
Phone 226 Wnigham
�IIipiIIMUI*IIINIIIMIf * (11111iwlUIUIn IIIhiI ifl
Sprite er thiderwear
Greater' Stocks ,M; t Special Prices
Penman's Merino Shirts aid Drawers, each , , , .79e
Penman's Merino Combinations for . , _, .... , , .. $1,39
Penman's No. 71 Combinations for . , , , -
Shirts and Drawers, Each ,. , .. , .. , , ,89c
Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Penman's and •
Simpson's Special, Each ... . , . 49c
Combiniations for r 79c
Spring Needle Combinations, RYbbed in white 98c
Shirts and Drawers, Each 69c
Silver, Fleece Combinations, Spring weight, 98c, $1.29
1 A 41l'1"*, tt,i i'4
Pure Wools aid (Botany
Yarns) guaranteed fast dyes,
See otu Specials at
$10.95, $12.95, $14.95,
$16.9$ to $18.95
�H f�i9
G €NTL€ M€14
Zile Master `lfat of (banada
Biltmore's Famous Hats in the Latest Styles, Gen-
une Fur Felts, Specially priced $1.95
Wool Felt Hats, newstyles and shades, specials $1.59
Biltmore Hats in the better qualities, at $2.95 - $3.49
Overalls and Smocks in famous makes, Head-
light, Carhartt's, Snag -Proof, Winchester, Light-
house, Hercules and Pickets.
Wonderful range in Plain and Striped Broadcloths
at .. 69c, 89c, $1.29, $1.49 to $2.49
Made to individual measure,
see our range of cloths to
choose from. Priced Special
$16.95, $18.95, $22.50,
27.50, 32.50 to 35.00
Men's Dress Oxfords—Special
Prices that are hard to beat
$1.89, $2.29, 2.39, $2.69,
$2.98, $3.29 to $3.87 and
Men's Work Shoes --Valentines
and Grebs, Specials at
$2.79, 2.95, $3.39, $3.95.
Solid Leather Work
Boots .... $1.79, $2.39
The Hub Clothing
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe spent
a few days last week in London vis-
iting with Mr. and Mrs. R. McArthur.
Mrs. ,Duncan McLean of Petrolia,
returned home after spending a week
with friends on the tenth.
Mr. Jack Willitts was a Sunday
visitor with his cousin, Mr. Alex,
Mr, Clark Elliott who has been at-
tending University at Toronto has
returned to his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Little, also Miss
Isabel Metcalfe, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with their parents. Is-
abel will remain for a couple of weeks
Mr. T. A. Cameron is under the
doctor's care at present, but we are
pleased to hear he is improving.
Mr. Leonard Webster, near Luck -
now, is assisting Mr. Spence Irwin
with the seething.
Miss Frances Gibb, near Blyth, is
assisting Mrs, D. K. Alton at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall and lit-
tle daughter, of Kincardine, visited
with Messrs. Godfrey and Wm. John
Born—On April 29th, to Mr. and
Mrs, Nelson Raynard, a daughter,
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lee, Toronto,
were visitors with Mrs. Lee's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Rintoul.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Swan and family
were recent visitors with the foriner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Swan
of Ashfield.
Mr. John Webster left on Friday
to spend the week -end with his dau-
ghters in Toronto, before going on a
trip to Montreal.
Mrs. Harry McAllister and daugh-
ter May, her son, Mr. John McAl-
lister with his wife and family, 'Ehn
wood, were visitors with the former's
mother, Mrs, Chas, Durnin Sr,
Mr. Tyson and Miss Vera Woods
of Toronto, Mrs. Dougherty and lit -
tic daughter, Gwendolyn, of Guelph,
were ' week -end gtleats with 'Mrs;• �,
J. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks and
baby, Eileen, of Dorchester, spent
the'vrecic-end with Mrs, Sparks' .par -
w —
alwMith the
set Wingitarri 'sits, Mr, arid. Mars, John M`rilei
Telephone 800. 1'fr, and Mrs, i2, ljcycll, Wingham,
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Swan.
Mr. John McQuillin went to Lon-
don on Monday and on his return
was accompanied by Mrs. McQuillin,
Her many friends will be glad to
know that she is able to be home af-
ter five weeks spent in St. Joseph's
Hospital following her operation.
Mrs. E, J. Thorn went to Toronto
on Thursday to be present at the
marriage of her daughter, Miss Mar-
garet Thorn, R,N., and Mr. Campbell
Thompson, of Lucknow, which.. took
place on Saturday.
Harriston Church Selects Minister
Rev. T. Lewis Williams, B.A., B.
D., of King, Ont., was the unanimous
choice of the 'congregation of Knox
Presbyterian Church, Harriston, at a
meeting held last week and a call has
been extended to him. The vacancy
teas caused by the removal of Rev.
D. Parry -Jones to Oshawa.
E `'h EL
Ilnl'1'(s:1�1AIs s EXTERIOR FLOORS
Imparts Life and Color into every -day surroundings,
and is easily applied. Little work --no worry.
Those chairs which have become so dull hs appear-
ance! That table which you have dentally condemned
to the dump! Bedsteads, furniture, woodwork and
floors which have begun to worry ,• you because dulled
by wear and tear[
Try what FLO-GLAZE 4 HOUR ENAMEL will do for
thein. You will be amazed at the wonderful results.
Dries in 4 hours. with a finish that is glossy and durable..
Toget the Best out of Good Material it must be
well applied.
Our Prices are Lower than ever, before.
Ask us to quoteyou o
'work you have in end.
Good'workmausbi ��. is cheapest in the long run. l' � �' `Ilii,
Wet' Wiikinio