The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-11, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Single Copies Five Cents
S4tbscriptions $2.00 Per Year.
The musical recital which was pre- Had. Layette Shower . for Mission
:stinted by Mr" Jack Lewis and. Mr, 'Hospital
:Ernest W. Bruce, of Hamilton, and
.Mr. George Smith, of town; in the The regular monthly meeting of
.audtiorium of St. Andrew's Presby- the Goforth Mission Band of St. An-
terian Church, on Sunday afternoon, drew's Presbyterian. Church was held
was well attended andreatiy apprec- at the home of Mrs., R.. H. Lloyd on
g Y
fated by all present. The proceeds Friday evening•,
from the silver collection were in aid After ,.th.e ,opening hymn, Cather -
•of the .Restoration Fund Campaign of inti Fry led in prayer, The Scripture
the Anglican Church, Mr, Lewis and read was taken by ,Mrs: Sell. Mrs,
fir, Bruce also the morn- A. E. Lloyd gave a report of .. the,
ing service in St, Andrew's Church, Provincial W.M.S. which was recent-
Mr. Lewis at the consoleof the or- ly held in Stratford. Mrs, Kenneth
'aan and Mr. Bruce, with solos. MacLeanclosed the meeting with
t The program Sunday afternoon was prayer,
as follows: The parcels received for the layette
-(a) Andantino Lemare, shower were brought in and opened,'
(b) Chorale Prelude - Bach (Bless- Many useful articles were received.
.ed Jesu we are here), Mr: Lewis: This layette will be forwarded to the
Fourth - Word (From Seven Last Outpost Mission Hospital Three
Words) - Dubois, Mr. Smith_ small quilts were quilted and an en
It is Enough, from Elijah Men joyable lunch was served,
•delssohn, Mr, Bruce.
(a) Gaelic Lullaby - Folk Song ar WEDDINGS
range for organ.
(b) Dance of Blssed Spirits, from Thompson -. Thom
Orpheus Gluck, Mr, Lewis. At the home of Mr. and. Mrs, Price
Confutatis _ (Manzoni Requiem) Naylor, Kew Beach, Toronto amid
Verdi (Sung in Latin), Mr• Smith. - many spring flowers a pretty wedding
Hear My Cry, 0 Lord - Wooler, took place on Saturday afternoon,
lefr. Bruce. May 6th, when Margaret Elizabeth
Watchman, What of the Night - Thom, R.N., eldest daughter of Mr.'
(Duet), Mr.. Smith and Mr. Bruce.` and Mrs, E. J. Thom, St. Helens,
March, from Scipio - Handel, Mr, was united in marriage to L. Camp -
Lewis. bell Thompson, eldest sore of Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Thompson, of Lucknow,
HOSPITAL DAY Rev. Dr, Cranston, Minister of Kew
Beach United Church, .officiated. The
Friday, May 12th, is "Hospital bride looked charming, in a gown of
Day" and the people of Wingham rose beige crepe with accessories to
and vicinity are cordially invited to match, At the conclusion a dainty
-visit the Wingham General Hospital buffet luncheon was served: The
when the Matron and Staff will be bride' was a member of the 1932 grad -
'pleased to show them through the uating class of Guelph Hospital, Mr,
auil:ding. and Mrs• Thompson will reside in
Hospital Day is held throughout Lucknow, wherethe former is Editor
the world in commemoration of the of the Lucknow Sentinel.
work of Florence Nightingale "The
Lady with the Lamp:" It is hoped Radio Fans—
that many of our townspeople and Station 10 B.P. presents the music
otherswill avail themselves of this'
of Jack Carrs Orchestra every Fri -
opportunity of seeing otir Hospital. day,' 6.30 - '7.30 pen.
Refreshments will be served. School Children Hear
Firemen to tAttend Church Service Temerance Talks
At 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoonMiss Duff, Field Sec'y of the W.C.
-2Vlay 28th, the Western Firemen's As- MU., throughout last week gave talks
sociation will worship at Knox on Temperance to the children of the
'Church, Teeswater. The service will Public .School. She visitedeach room
be conducted by Rev W A. Mon- and on Friday gave her final talk,
teith, minister of the United Church. Copy Left Out Last Week
Rev. Allanwill preach the sermon. We regret very much that owing
The local brigade have made arrange -
to the large arnount of copy receiv
.nnents to be present at this service, +
ed during the last few hours before
Will Present Play in Teeswater we went to press last week, that we
The play "An Old Fashioned Mo- had to leave some over to this week:
.:the?' which was presented in the As we go to press during the sum -
United Church here about two weeks mer on Wednesday morning we will
ago by talent of thischurch under the appreciate getting copy as early in
£uspeces of the Young Ladies' Even- the week as possible, Monday if pos-
ing. Auxiliary will be given in Tees- sable,
water on Thursday, May llth, under Fortner Resident Passes r
the auspices of the Teeswater United Mrs, R. J,• Breen, Turnberry, re -
Church Young People's Society. ceived word on ,Monday of the death
Attended Meetings in Brussels of her brother-in-law, Mr. J. J. Nay,
Mrs; W. Williamson, Mrs, w j, Ninga, Man He died Friday morn -
Henderson 1,and Mrs, H. F. McGee ring' Mr, Nay was a4 former resident Mrs. Catherine Yours of Minnieof Howick but has lived in the West g'
,attended the Maitland, Presbyterial St,, Wingham, celebrated her 97thW,M.S, of the Presbyterian. Church for a long number of years. He is
survived b Ines wife, formerly Mar birthday on Wednesday, May 3rd,
in Canada, which was }.meld in Mel -y y 1933:
ville Church, Brussels, on Tuesday. tha' Wray, of.Howick, and two dao- _ MrsYours as` well and smart for
The: Maitland Presbytery was held ghters, Mrs, (Rev.) J. Flatt, Thomas . • b
burg, Ont,, Hire: (Dr,) J. W. Ferg her years, as one of the guests re -
the same day 'in Brussels and was
:attended by Rev. Kenneth MacLean of Ninga, Man, also one son, Rob- marked "tripping down the stairs likea ' young nrl."
and Mr, H. F, McGee.
_Are of Bossevain, Man, y g g
The final Cribbage Tournament of High School Girls Finish Seriesfor most A mo f unusual and painful acei-
the season was held in the Armouries This Season dent occurred to Mr, W. A. Mines,
on Thursday evening, May 4th, when - of the 6th 'Con. of Turnberry, on
eight tables were present, The win- For the past three months the Monday of last week, Mr. Mines was
ning scores were very close and were girls of Forms IIT, IV and V of W. leading a cow along the road and had
as follows: First, G. MacKay, 8 wins H. S,>have been holding: a Basket- the lead rope wound around his left.
and 'a plus of 1172; Second, 3, Wilk ball Tournament in the Armouries ev-, hand. In some unaccountable man -
son, 1187; Third, R. Bacon, 1174; and ery Thursday morning, as • part of per the animal became frightened and
Fourth, W. Broome, 1174, their regular physical training pro- made a dash for liberty. The rope
These cribbage . games which have gram. The four teams "Reds"; tightened around his fingers, tore the
been played every second week since "Blues" "Greens" and "Yellows" corn two middle fingers off at the second,
the New Year have been greatly en- pleted the second series of their tour- joint.
joyed by the players and plans will nament, each team having played five joint.
be made to again hold these contests games. Much interest has been talc-- Mr. Mines' many friends were
during the corrin fall and winter, eng each fought'val- greatly shocked on hearing of his ac-
gin the. aures and
iantly to come out on top. A week cident, but we are pleased to report
WEST INSTER GUILD ago last Thursday told the tale: the that the hand is healing as well as
"Yellows" were victorious, having could be expected,
VISIT TEESWATER won four of the five games. The
"Greens" were a close runner-up. WOMAN'S LEAGUE
The .Westminster Guild of St. An s th "B lues "
diew's Church were the guests'of the'`� e l s were the winners
You Peof the first series a' play-off game ELECT OFFICERS
ng ople s Society of Knox:between the "Blues' and the "Yet -
Presbyterian Church, Teeswater, onThe Wingham Sub -Division of the
lows was 'held Thursday, May 4th,
Monday evening, The devotional ex- Catholic Woman's League held their
The game consisted of three eight -
excises were in charge of the Tees -cornute periods. annual meeting in the Sacred Heart
water Young People. Church on Sunday afternoon. The
The first period proved to be quite
Miss Alexander gave a paper on excitingandresulted in 4- object of this league is "For God and
.a tie 4. Af
"Ambition" which was filled . with Canada." The following were elected"
ter a five-minute rest, both teams
helpful suggestions.for'the Young lined' upbravely for the second per -
for the ensuing year:
People of today. Y 1 Hon, Chaplain—Father Paquette,
icd, each determined to break the tie. Past President—Mrs. J. Gibbons,
The program of fthe evening was After strenuous battling the "Yel-
given by the local young people andlows" scored Six points while the President—Mrs" Patrick Gibbons.
Mr. R. H. Lloyd, the Precedent, act "Blues" scored onlytwo. This made 2nd Vice-Pres,—Mrs, Jno, Moir.
Mrs. Janet Holmes
ed as chairman. W
—Mrs, W. Forgie.
it look rather blue for the "Blues" 3rd Vice funeral of the late Mrs. Janet
Following the program an enjoy with the score 10-6. This did not dis-Secretary—Mrs. John Lockridge. held
Holms was eF-":
able social hour of games was enjoy- Treasurer—Mrs. B, Beninger. on rrday,`;May 5,
ed and the Teeswater Societyserved courage them and after another five- from her former home in Turnberry,
minute rest they went into the third now occupied by her grandadughter,
a dainty lunch, period with more vigour and pep than Business Sold
Mrs. John Moir and was largely at-
• Work Shoes before. The Tobacco business and Pool tended by many old friends and nei-
Again, the "Yelows" seemed to be Room of the late W. R Dyer, also ghbors. The service was conducted
Greer's Work Shoes for hard eery- the faster team when they scored the building, has been sold to Mr, byRev, Wallace of St, Paul's
ice, $1,79 and $1:98: u s Church,
four points at the beginning of this Haselgrove, of London, and he wily. Stratford, assisted by Rev. K. Mac -
"The Path Across the Hill" period, making the score 14-6 in their take possession on Monday, May 15, Lean of St Andrew's Presbyterian
Will be presented by the Blyth favour. As both teams were tiring Church, Wingham, of which deceased
Dramatic Club in St, Paul's Sunda Miss McGregor, referee, gave them LOCAL A.ND PERSONAL was a member for many years. The
School Room on •Friday, May 19th.a one -minute rest. This seemed to pall -bearers were, Messrs, Robert
Admission, Adults 25c, Children 15c. be just what the `Blues" needed for It pays to buy Footwear at Greer's Johnston, Geo. Casemore, Robt. Dick
they scored eight points within a Shoe Store. son, Angus McKinnon, Jas, Porter
Congoleum Rug Free minute of one 'ori then Both teams Miss Anna Forgie spent the week- and Jas. Leiper.
Comein and guess the lucky num- were on their toe as the game was end in Toronto, Mrs, Holmes, whose maiden name
ber—that's all you have to do to get again a tie, 14-14. owever the whis-. Mr, H• Brennan, Chicago, is visit- was Janet Muir; left her home in
this lovely Congoleum Rug Free, We tle blew to end the game ,before, an- ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. VanNor- Scotland when a young woman and
are giving it away this Saturday.— other basket could be, scored. man, came to Canada, making her home
Ding Bros. Each player put forth her very best Miss Lettie Fox of Whitechurch, is with relatives in Hullett Township,
effort to win but all were quite sat- visiting with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Mac- where she married Henry Stephen-
isfield with the score 14-14, Lean, son and upon his death a few years
The players were as follows: "Yel- gr. C. R. Wilkinson spent Sunday later, she came to Turnberry and lat-
lows": Capt. E. Rae (4), 0, Tiffin with his daughter, Mrs. Baskerville, er became the wife of Bennett Holm
(10), D. Fixter, J. King, J. Mitchell, in London. es, who predeceased ber in the year
J. Buchanan, Subs R. Hastie, L. Mr; and Mrs, B. Kerwain, Clifford, 1900, Mrs, Holmes, however, conti n
Robertson, G. ' Donaldson; J. Ross and
P. Jones. "Blues": Capt., I. Fowler
(8), D. Walker (4), L. Kelly, M.
Stewart, E. Weir, W. Moir. Subs:
M. Johann,,. M. Fralick, N. Hiscox
(2), K. Austin and A. Chittick.
Vera Fry coached the "Yellows"
and Edna Jenkins the "Blues." G.
Ireland was score -keeper and M.
Mitchell time -keeper.
The losing teams, the "Reds" and
the "Greens" played a consolation
game, the score being 2-0 in favor
of the "Greens".
BIRTHDAY CELEBRA-The line-up for the "Greens" =
Capt,., G. Ireland, M. Mitchell, A.
•TION McMichael, J. Woods,: M. Covert, L.
Gilkinson. Subs,, J. Webster, A.
Louttit, M. Field, F. Nethery, C. Mc-
Lean, E. McBride, M. Robertson.
"Reds": Capt., E. Jenkins, V. Fry,
M. Simpson, V. Tiffin, I. Kelly, M.
MacNeill. Subs., J. Lane, B. Blake,
K. Fry, L. Leggat, E. Homuth,
Will Occupy United , Church Pulpit
For the next month Rev. Mr.
Chandlier, of Toronto, will occupy
the pulpit of the United Church. He
will also be present at all times dur-
ing thenext four weeks to attend the('
needs of the congregation. Mr. Cur-
rie was in town last week -end but is
still unable to return to his duties at
the Church and has returned to To-
ronto for further treatment,
Four Teams Will Play in the Town On Monday evening Dr, R. C. Red-
League This Summer. mond gave a very interesting talk in
the Sunday School room of the Unit-
At a Softball meeting in the Caun- ed Church under the auspices of the
cii Chamber on Thursday evening of- Triple V Bible Class„ Dr. and Mrs.
ficers were elected for the ensuing Redmond. spent two months this last
year. The President for this year winter at Kingston, Jamaica, and on -:
will be Ed. Small; vice-pres., R.' A, Monday night he gave an account of
Coutts; sec-treas., Lloyd Hingston; this very pleasant holiday. He told
Grounds Committee, Ed. Small; about the trip by boat from Halifax
Lloyd Hengston, Murray Johnson, and the stops made enroaite to Jae
Jack McMichael and Earl Wild of-nraeca. He explained Jamaica was an
ficial .scorer, Geo. Haller: island 150 miles Jong by 45 miles
Four teams will be entered in the wide and compared it in size to the
league this year• Supertest, Ingham's, Counties of Bruce, Huron and Lamb-
Prudentials and the fourth team call -
chief asset and the temperature dm--
ton. The climate of Jamaica is its
ed "The Old Timers!' C Merlcley's
ing his stay there averaged from 90
Silvertowns will not be in the league at midday to about 70 in the evening,
this year, but it is their intention to There
was always a seabreeze on
play exhibition games throughout the this island which made the climate
summer. much more delightful,
Tlie mlast Jamaica has a population of one
well-patronizedsoftball gaandes enjoyed,year and thweree million, only about 2 per cent, being
officials of the league are looking white. Being a Crown colony the
forward to even, greater enthusiasm Government consists of four men ap-
this year. The schedule has not been pointed by the British Govt together
drawn up as yet but will be shortly, with fourteen elected by the different
It is expected ` that play will start parishes and ten others appointed,.
about the first. of June. Kingston, the main city on the Is-
land has a population of 120,000 and
O •' ITUARY is a new and modern city, as it was
completely destroyed by an earth-
quake in 1908. No building is more
than two storeys in height. The
streets are paved and .there is an el-
ectric car service, but one peculiar
thing is that outside of the down-.
town section there are no sidewalks
and pedestrians use the roads. Des-
pite the number of cars there are few.
accidents. Kingston being a garrison
city, there are 1000 soldiers station-
ed there, but in the summer time ow-
ing to the extreme heat they are mov-
ed into the .mountainous regions,.
The chief products for export are
bananas, oranges, grapefruit, cocoa-
nuts and sugar. The cocoanut trees
are very prolific, bearing the year
round. The main forms of recrea-
tion are golf and swimming, and due
to shark infested areas swimming is
only allowed at certain places.
Dr. Redmond regretted that he was
unable to show his post cards as
he had not a machine for doing so,
but hoped that at some future date
he would be able to do so.
Dr. A. W. Irwin was chairman and
the audience was favored with a duet
by Miss Jean Christie and Mrs. Jack
'T, -Kay and a solo by Mrs. G. L.
First Baptist Church
Special Mother's Day services next
Sunday morning and evening. Rev.
E. C. Smith has chosen for his ser-
mons the following subjects. 11 a.m.
"Mother 0' Mine", 7 ,p.m., "The Mo-
ther of a Great King." Special music
at both services. Everybody wel-
Please Note
As our paper will be published on
Wednesday morning during the sum-
mer will all advertisers please have
copy ready for paper on Monday and
all who have news items please phone
or mail same as early as possible. If
you have news telephone 34. Thank
About sixty of her nieces, nephews,
Legion Hold Social Evening neighbors and friends gathered at her
ODDFELL.OWS ATTEND- The regular meeting of the Wing- -home to congratulate her on attain-
CHURCH SERVICE ham Post No, 180 Canadian Legion ing such a great age.
was held in, the Armouries on Tees- Relatives were present from Ed
The members of Maitland Lodge day evening: Following• a short busi- munston; N.B., Montreal, London,
No, 119 attended divine service on nese session.cribbage and - euchre Goderich, Colborne Twp,, Teeswater,.
Sunday evening in St. Paul's' Angle- were enjoyed, Frist p'tize at cribbage Bluevale, Wingham and vicinity,
can Church. There was a large .re- was won by F. Harris and second by - Greetings were received from dif
resentation of members 85 beingT, Y, Smith, First prize at' euchre, ferent ,points in Canada and the U.
p , y
present: Rev,Bro. Hayes, Rector 'of Theo. Mundy and second b Bert: Is- S. A. by ' card, letter, telegram and
St Paul's, chose for the subject of ard. This successful social evening telephone.
his sermon The Good Samaritan
„ was brought to a close by the serving Mrs. Young is the oldest member
andgave an inspiring and helpful ad -
turn -out
lunch. It is hoped that a good of St, Andrew's Presybterian Church.
P g P turn -out will be present at the June Although not able to attend the ser -
dress. The choir rendered the anthem meeting as some im portant business vices because of advancing years, she
I Will Extole Thee,Mr. A. J.,Nor- will be discussed. P contributes regularly and is interest -
trop taking the solo part. A duet, ed in the work of the church at home
"Watchmap, What of the Night," and abroad,
was • sung by J. R,. M. Spittal and STOMACH SUFFERERS Mrs. Young received many Beaute -
Chris: Templeman. MARVEL AT NEW fol flowers, boxes of candy and other
Visiting brethren were present 3 -MINUTE RELIEF reinetnbrances, testifying to the high
from Lucknow, Blyth, Brussels, esteem in which this' aged lady is
Teeswater and Wroxeter, People who have suffered for years held, '
t from stomach agonies this
Following the service the brethren are marvelling There was. a note of sadness at tins
assembled in the lodge room and at the quick relief of Bisma-Rex, a gathering, as three have "entered the
greetings were extended fromBros- new, dehci aus- tasting antacid powd- Kingdom" since last :May 3rd, Mrs.
eels, Teeswater and Blyth lodges" er. And. its comfort is lasting, too" E. W, Orvis, Wingham; Mrs, Andrew
A vote of thanks was tendered RevIt acts foto ways, Neutralizes excess Johnslone, Colbme Tw i, nieces,
Ilea. Hayes for his address and also acid; relieves stomach of as' soothes and 11Irs. Walter Rosa :Brussels, a
to the Wardens of the Church for inicinbianes, end aids digestion.. Get dear friend, The wish was expressed
.the tale of the church for this otea 13isma-Rex today at . Mcl.abbons that Mrs. Young be seared to see 100
.stop. Rcx,all fuig Store. 1
g' years,
Sunday is
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ued to make her home in this local -
Day, Dairy Farm. ity until about three years ago, when
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford and she went to reside with her daugh-
Miss Agnes MacLean spent the ter, Mrs. H. Lewis,. of Stratford, and
week -end in Detroit. where she passed away to her Heav-
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Ansley, Tor- enly Home on Wednesday, May*3rd,
onto, were week -end guests with his it her 85th year.
mother, Mrs. Ansley, The deceased lady will long be re -
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey James, God- membered by her many friends for
erich, spent the week -end with Mr. her sterling Scotch qualities and kind -
and Mrs. John Hopper. ly disposition. She leaves beside her
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robertson and daughter, Mrs. H. Lewis, four step -
Miss Mary Robertson motored to sons, Bennett Holmes of Dundas,
Toronto for the week -end. William of Wingham, Andrew of
Mr. and Mrs. j. M. Blake and fan.- Bluevale and David of Turnberry, sl-
ily; of Hanover, spent the week -end so one sister, Mrs. John Leiper, of
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Garlick. Hullett, eleven grandchildren and
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laughlean of eight great-grandchildren, one daugh-
Tara, were week -end guests with her ter, Mrs. John Goy predeceased her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Orvis, about three years ado.
Sturdy Play Shoes for the Child-
ren at Greer's. Catharine Louise Johnston
Mrs. A. Williamson and son, Har- There pased away on Sunday, May
old, and Miss Agnes Williamson, 7th, Catharine Louise, infant claugh-
spent the week -end with relatives at ter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Johns -
Clinton. ton, of Turnberry, aged 8 months.
Mr, Jack Lewis and Mr. Ernest W. She was ill only a few days and died
Bruce, of Hamilton, were the guests while being taken to the Sick Child-
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith over the ren's Hospital at London. She leaves
week -end. to mourn her loss besides her father
Mr, J. W. McKikkon was in Tor- and mother, three sisters, Mary, Dor-
onto the early part of the week at- is and Grace. CHURCFI RE -OPENS.
tending the annual meeting of the The funeral was held from the res -
Drug Trading Co. idence of her parents, on the 11th The . Victoria St, Regular Baptist
Mrs, Harry. Greene who has been concession of Turnberry at 2 pen. on Church was re=opened last Sunday
for thepast T.e n of with fair con re ations morning and
visiting Mn T. Groves o Tuesday. Rev, Kenneth Mac at g g �.
three weeks, returned to ber home in St, Andrew's Presbyterian ' Church, evening. They have as their new
marquette, Mich., on Saturday, officiated at the service. Interment pastor, J. Arthur Graydon, of Court
Dr:. AAV, Irwin'soffice will be clos was made in Wingham Cemetery, land, Ontario, Mr, Graydon is a
ed from May 15th to May 18th in -"She budded on ai'th graduate of the Missionary Course of
,clttsi•te as he will be ,attending the To bloom in Heaven," the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago:
Ontario Dental Convention in Tor- Mrs. Graydon is a graduate of the
onto. Calvin Church AnniversaryServices Ohio State Normal College r at Bowl -
Mr, and Mrs, H. E, Saunders, Mn, Anniversary Services will be held into, Green, Ohio, and also took four
and Mrs, S. E. McLachlean and fans ern 'Calvin Presbyteratn Church. East terms work at the Moody In»
ily, of Toronto, spent the week -end :rawaposh,: on Sunday, June dtli. statute: They have been accepted by
at the homc of Mn I. Walker, .Leo- Rev: Mr. Rhodes, of Exeter, will take the Unions of Regluar T3aptist Church.
pold St, charge of the services at 1.1 a.m. and c . of Ontario and Quebec as their
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Twainleyretie p.m. next missionaries to Liberia, West
and family, of 1, visited at Africa,' During the interim before
thc' home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Day, Men Attention! going to the foreign field they are
Morris, and 't k in the Oddfellows' See .our new Slip-on Top ` Coats iti to be in charge of the work in this
for s, took S p p g
service on Sunday evening. the season's smartest Tweeds and place, Next Sunday the Bible School
-When at 10 -.tin. wv i a
Mr. and Mrs. T. J: McTrecle, Mrs. Covert ClotlXs, I" -wins, Sands and will be re -opened
Perrott and Mrs, Gray, of Hamilton, Greys;; Special Price attractions for good attendance is anticipated, rhe
were Sunday visitors at the Roane of this. week -end. Every coat on sale at subject of the morning's .. sermon i5
their sister, Mrs. 3, J. Moffatt rand a saving of 2p`rIo. Mens good suits "The Natural Man"; that of the ev-
they called on their sister, Mrs. Earl, are here for your choosing. King enings messagege iVho is your ' 1.. aM
at the Hospital. Bros. titer?"
Bowlers, Take Notice!
That a meeting of the Wingham
Bowling Club will be held in the
Council Chamber, Thursday, May 11,
at 8 p.m. Election of officers and sel-
ection of committees will take place.
Be present!
Sunday was the opening day for
the Revival Meetings at the City
A good interest was manifest. The
speaker of the afternoon, Miss E.
Garrison, of Calgary, impressed her
listeners with the importance of God's
people being blessed of God in order
that we might be a blessing.
At 8 pan, the hall was well-filled
and Miss G. Aikman, of Toronto,
preached from 1 Samuel 16:7 "The
Lord looketh on the heart." The
outstanding thoughts of her discourse
were "Great Sin" "Great Salvation",
"Great Love."