HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-04, Page 7T1hu sclay'a May 4th, 1933
• p about Funds
It is desirable when travelling abroad to carry Travellers' Cheques
and Letters of Credit rather than any ,considerable sun of '
cash. Apart . from the extra risk it entails, Canadian cu n
carried abroad involves exchange, with consequentsrenry
inconvenience. g delays and•
Letters of Credit and Travellers' Cheques issued by The Dominion
Bank are honoured in United States; Great Britain,Continental
Europe, and throughout the world,
will glad) arrange 'Our nearest farancli manager
y g your requirements. Consult him.
Wingham Branch, J. R. M. Spittal, Mgr.
World Wide News In Brief Form
'Dairy Firm Made Good Profits ...
Ottawa—Silverwood's Dairy, Ltd.—
'holding company for its 26 plants in.
Central and Western Ontario—made
:$300,000 in the year ended April 1
last. This represented five per cent.:
on a capital of $6,000,000 and a pro-
fit of one-half cent a quart on fluid
milk. .Incorporated in 1928, the head
office of the company is at London,
Ont. J. H. Duplan, general manager
of the holding company, testified to
this effect before the parliamentary
Britain, U.S., and France
United on Program .
Following conferences with Presi-
dent Roosevelt, Prime Minister Ram-
say MacDonald, of Great Britain and
former Premier Herriot of France,
the key questions at the World Ec-I $7,000. It is alleged Lumley took th
which gold would be redistributed,
particularly to Germany and South
America. +
Police 'Trap Alleged Extortionist
Walter Lumley, 22 -year-old Eng-
lish Barnardo boy, living in the Wel-
lington House, was arrested in a po-
lice trap Friday night on charges of
extortion. Lumley is alleged to be
the_ man who wrote two threatening.
letters to Mayor W. J. Stewart of
Toronto, demanding $7,000. To meet
the demands of the most recent letter
sent Mayor Stewart, a member of the
Toronto police force was dressed in
clothes similar to those worn by his
Worship and was driven in the May-
or's car to Grant Edward's service
station, Dundas and Bond streets, to
deposit a parcel supposed to contain
•ononuc Conference will be'as follows parcel placed by the ° s
Y police and thus
1. Revival of world prices by ag-
teed-upon percentages, and no more.
2. Securing of international and
+simultaneous co-operation in major
money and central bank policies by:
(a) International devaluation.
(b) Future control of credit expan-
sion and contraction.
3. Inauguration, over a long fixed
period, of, a gradual downward re-
-vision of tariffs and other trade bar-
4. Granting of liberal concessions
by the United States on war' debts
to all debtor countries willing to par-
ticipate in this program.
Premier MacDonald, President
Roosevelt and ex -Premier Herriot
reached an accord to siphon gold
from the United States and France
to Britain, as a central unit from
fell into the trap.
Lieut -Governor' Suggests
Sterilization of Mentally Deficient
Hamilton—Like the, country whose
thought it had advanced and whose
opinion it had developed along sound
lines, the Canadian Club was young
and virile, -and facing the future with
confidence, its look forward and not
backward, said Hon. Dr. Herbert
Bruce, Lieutenant -Governor of On-
tario, in his address at the fortieth
annual dinner of the Canadian Club
in the Royal Connaught.
Hon. Dr. Bruce spoke on the sub-
ject of race degeneration, the men-
ace of which to Canada's national life
he could not overstate, he said. The
best minds of the day were seeking
a solution' to the economic problems
Local recotds show that
give unusual mileage
O n
your w community, trAutery
:Isis are piling up unusual mileages on
Goodyear Pathfinders. These Goodyear
lower-priced tires are quality tires built
with Goodyear Supertwist cords and
Goodyear -processed rubber. Don't try to
squeeze the last dangerous mile from
your old tires. Let us put safe ln,ew
Pathfinders On your rims NOW.
lic)riltuth & Bennett
Telephone 174w, Wingharrt9 Ontario
which recurred and .did threaten the
State, but "there was another problem
wiiieh was just as menacing, he said,
and that was the mentally deficient
and the propagation of their kind,
His Honor strongly urged that the
sterilization of all such persons be
made compulsory if the blood -stream
of Canada's national life was not to
be gravely polluted by this form of
racial impurity.
Herriot of France
Makes Statement
Washington The worldo- r
are virtually in agreement on a tar-
iff truce" to start at once, and extend
until opening of the World Economic
Conference on June 12, former Pre-
mier Edouard Herriot of Frances re-
vealed. Fresh from his conference
with President Roosevelt, Herriot in-
dicated that the holiday on new tar-
iff and trade restrictions will be the
first major accomplishments of the
International Conference.
The Fernch representative also said
he had reached the basis of an ac-
cord with. Roosevelt on disarmament,
security and 'economic problems.
United States Senate • .
Adopts Inflation
Wasington The Roosevelt Ad-
ministration's momentous farm relief -
inflation program was passed by the
United States Senate and sent to the
house on a wave of Democratic and
Western Republican votes. The vote
64 to 20, came after three weeks of
comprehensive debate, and climaxed
a final two hours of swift -;:roving ev-
ents and roll -calls that oldest mem-
bers could not recall ever having seen
It vests extensive permissive pow-
ers in the President to expand Unit-
ed States credit and currency by at
least $6,000,000,000, and places equal-
ly broad authority in Secretary Wal-
lace of the Agriculture Department
to raise further the prices of basic
farm commodities, through the g levy-
' r
taxes sand licensing
fees, and through marketing agree-
ments and controlled production.
Roosevelt and Bennett
Conference Termed helpful
Washington -For more than three
hours President Roosevelt discussed
with Prime Minister Bennett of Can-
ada phases of the World Economic
Conference program, and related
questions of trade policy in which
these two neighboring Governments
have an important and immediate
This was the substance of a joint
Cement issued at the White House
ring the afternoon. It added the
rmnation that President and Prime
nister "have found this exchange
views very helpful,"
he United States Secretary of -
to told newspapermen afterward,
consummation of a trade agree -
t between Canada and this coun•
wolud scarcely be realized until
✓ the World Economic Conferen-
scheduled to commence on June
but the feeling prevailed in Can-
n official circles that the Press -
and Mr. Bennett would make
rapid progress that an under -
ding would be reached in time
ubmission of the necessary legis -
n possibly to an autumn session
he Canadian Parliament,
victs at. Kingston
n Cause Trouble
ngston Demanding the release
solitary confinement of convict
Demerse, rioter of last October
punishment for breaking pris-
ules recently some 15 convicts
nesday refused to return to their
in the women's new section of
mouth Penitentiary until attend -
resorted to force. There were
juries of any consequence ac-
ig to Warden W. B, Meglo�ugh-
cl Kingdom and Germany
Trade, Agreement
don --Reciprocal trade and tar -
cessions between Germany and
Britain were announced Tillers -
he quota forBritish coal ex.-
to Germany has been nearly
d and in return the United
m makes tariff concessions ov
nmited field.
for s
of t
on r
no in
1 Unite
1 Reach
iff con
day. T
'or ali
Veterans Exempt on 1982 Pensions
Great War veterans will not have
to pay an income tax on their pen-
sions for 1932,.was learned from re-
liable sources. The budget regulation
announced by, Ron, E. N, Rhodes,
minister of fitiene°, on Monday that
all war• pensions would be considered
part of a man's income for income
taxation purposes, will not be retro-
Nominated 1V1inister to Canada
Ottawa --Nomination of Warren
Delano Robbins as United States
Minister to Canada is being sent to
the United States Senate by President
Franklin Roosevelt, according to
word received at the United Stakes
Legation here. Tho appointment
does not become effective until rati-
fled by the Senate
Mr, Robbins is a cousin of Pres1 -
dent Roosevelt,is a career man in
the diplomatic service, and has been
prominently mentioned for the Ot-
tawa post for some time, ,At present
he is Chief of the Protocol Division
of the State Department at, Washing-
London is Hopeful
London -- Downing Street's satis-
faction with the visit of Prime Min-
ister Ramsay MacDonald to the Un-
ited States, and gratification that so
much vitally important work prepar-
atory to the World Economic Con-
ference has been accomplished; were
reflected today in London's financial
quarters. The stockmarketreacted.
favorably, if not sensationally ,and
the American dollar took a rise of 6c,,
,II sII It,1„ 1„ 11111111,1/1111111111, 4„.A.
of th
Wellington County Institution
Benifits by Will
Wellington County Council will
save about $9,000 this year through a
windfall which has come to the
House of Industry and Refuge, El-
even years ago a prominent Harriston
resident, Wm. Crosbie, died and in.
his will left $8,800, the interest of
which was to be applied to the main-
tenance of an invalid, Alexander
Thring, who lived in the House of
Industry. On his death the whole
sum was to be reverted to the Home.
Mr. Thring died in January of this
year, and at the County Council ses-
sion Thursday, Mr. John Pritchard,
executor of the Crosbie estate, ap-
peared and informed the reeves that
the estate was turning over $8,800 to
Central League Reorganized
The Central Baseball League held
its annual meeting in the Royal Ho-
tel, Harriston, with an enthusiastic
representation present from Clifford',
Drew, Arthur, Mt. Forest, Neustadt,
Harriston and Palmerston. Those
named to hold office for the forth-
coming season were: Hon. Pres., Dr.
G. A. McQ•uibban, M.P., of Alina, and
Dr. J. K. Blair, M.P., of Arthur; pres.
J. Davidson, Harriston; vice-pres., A.
Wagoner and H. McCallum; secre-
tary -treasurer, A. L. Kruspe, Clifford.
It was decided to commence the
schedule earlier this year in order to
be ready to compete in the O. B. A.
A. playdowns according to rule. New
team have applied for entrance, Lis-
towel, Arthur and Palmerston, but
Clifford and Mt. Forest are undecid-
Clinton Couple 42 Years Married
Clinton—Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. 'Walk-
er celebrated the forty-second an-
niversary of their marriage Saturday.
For that many years, and indeed
many more, Mr. " and Mrs. Walker
have been, citizens of Clinton. Mr.
Walker, son of James Walker, born
at Granton, and Isabella Shepherd,
daughter of James,' L. Shepherd, born
at Blyth, came to Clinton with their
parents as very young children.
Had 110 Gall Stones Removed.
Miss Annie Cairns, granddaughter
of Mrs, Win. Forrester of town, was
recently operated on in a hospital in
Toronto where 110 stones were re-
moved from her gall -bladder. Miss
Cairns is at present recuperating at
the home of her cousin, Mrs. McCar-
ron in Toronto,—port Elgin Times.
Has 101 Descendants
Last week we carried in these col-
umns an item about Mrs. John Eg-
gert, of• Dublin, which is subject to
a slight correction, Mrs. Eggert is
the mother of eight daughters and
one son, Charles. She has 45 grand-
children and 47 great grandchildren,
making the total number of descend-
ants 101.—Milverton Sun,
Fall Wheat Wintered Well
Partners in the townships adjacent
to Arthur report that they 'believe
the fall wheat is in good condition
and •promising well. In Wellington
County, as a whole fall wheat and
seeding of clovers have come through
the winter in wonderful shape accord-
ing to a report of the Ontario De -
pertinent of Agriculture, Given a fa-
vorable season these crops should
give a good account of themselves
this year•, Enterprise News,
Palmerston Rink in Difficulty
The Palmerston Rink may be help-
ed out of its difficulties .by the peo-
ple of the town as the following res-
ohutiorl of the Council will shows-.,
"That this Council express its readi-
ness to submit to the taxpayers, a
by-law to take over the rink If sat-
isfactory terms can be arranged and
that the Finance .'Committee work
with the parties concerned and try
to arrive at a, satisfactory solution
and report to the Council as 50012 as
possible." ---Carried unanimously.
---Palmerston Observer,
Clifford Enpress Quits"
A. E. l3radwin, who has been pub-
lislling. the Clifford Express for sev-
eral years, has discontinued that pub-
lication and is removing from that
village. ----Mildmay Gazette.
Wins Silk Hat
The first vessel to arrive in God-
erich )harbor this season was the
steamer . Ann C. Minch, which came
in with a cargo of over 200,000 bush-
els of wheat and oats from the head
of the Lakes for the Goderich'elevat-
or Co, On Monday afternoon Cap-
tain C. R. Albinson was presented at
the town hall with the traditional silk
topper which goes to the skipper
bringing the first vessel of the season
into port,—Goderich Signal,
Chosen President
A new section' was formed at the
Ontario Educational convention held
in Toronto last week known as the
"County 'Council Educational Associ-
ation,'representatives ' from twenty-
seven counties being present. Reeve
J. F. Vandrick of Listofvel, the dele-
gate of Perth county Council;was
honoredin being chosen president of
the new organization.. The next meet-
ing will be held on September 1 when
it is hoped every county will be rep-
resented.—Listowel Banner.
Wanderer Returns Home
Lorne Bridges., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bridges, of Stratford, for-
merly of Mildmay, left home two
years ago with $2.50 in his pockets
and arrived back home last week af-
ter seeing much of the United States
and travelling •as far as Valparaiso,
Chile. Starting by touring Quebec
and the Maritimes, he finally arrived
at New York.
From there he went
to Galveston, Texas; Tempica, Mex-
ico; Valaparaiso, Chile; and back to
New York, He then went down to
Palm Beach, 'Florida, for thewinter,
and finally back home to Stratford.
Lorne, who was born at Mildmay,
now hopes to secure employment on.
the boats for the summer, --Mildmay'
Pheasants Received
Mr. •Rd. Welsh, secretary of the
Huron Game and. Bird Association,
hese received .from the Game .and
Fisheries Department through the
Cordington Bird Farm, ten hens and
ten cocks of the dark and cross bred
pheasants which have already been
released in the Hay swamp. Forty
pairs of pheasants have been received
during the past four years by the
Association. The public are request-
ed not to molest these birds in any
shape or form.—Exeter Times -Advo-
Policeman Shot At
In a community known as Tinker -
town, in the Township of Culross,
Sunday afternoon, a bullet, presum-
ably fired from a rifle, whizzed un-
comfortably close to Provincial Con- f
stable McClevis in the course of an t
investigation into alleged illegal prac- i
tices in connection with booze. To d
date, thears
on who
Pfired the shot t
Acorn Barn
z - -Prevent span.-.
tion, Base, 20
in.; Drum, 16,
in.; Height, 4
ft, 5 in. --only
,!1 Tiro tor,.
Pres on
Galvanized Tanks
Special sprang Sale, Write
for prices,
For your
house chin
ney.. Pre-
vents roof
Slocum's Fire Suffocator
For putting out fires when
they are beginning.
Door Hardware
We can save you
money on your
baro door hard-
ware. Write for
Preston, Steel C aci Barns
with ruggedsteel
trusses or plank trusses.
Roofed and sided with fire-
proof steel. write for
• "Book About Barns".
se ' Preston
"LedHer r
Lead is tt„ed on
the head of these
nails to seal tile
nail -hole; Now
only 15c 16.
Millions of dollars worth of farce build-
ings are being eaten up each year by rot
and decay caused by leaky roofs, and by
• fires. Save your buildings NO W before
they get beyond saving. Re -roof with
Rib -Roll.
Rib -Roll is permanent. it cannot warp,
shrink, peel, crack, curl or :bulge. It is.
fireproof --sparks cannot ignite it. When
properly grounded at the four corners
according to the Ontario Lightning Rod.
Act, it gives complete lightning protec-
«Council Standard". Rib -Roll is now sell-
ing at the lowest prices in history. Quality
is still maintained at its highest point.,
Write for free sample and
'`° useful roofing booklet.
C011NCIL5iANQARO We make all kinds of Sheet
el, NEW C04t 1><y
Metal Building" Materials.
Guelph Street
Preston, Ont.
is unknown to the authorities.—Wal
kerton Telescope.
Lost :Finger in Peculiar Accident
Bill VanHorne, the 6 -year-old son
of Mr. Whit, VanHorne of town, los
the little finger off his left hand in
a peculiar manner on Monday ;after-
rioon. Sent by his mother to. get
some milk at Dippel's Dairy, he wan-
dered back with his hound into a bash
lot on the premises, and as the dog
chased a rabbit into a stone -pile,
young VanHorne proceeded to roll
some of the rocks' away, when _a par-
ticularly big boulder toppled over on
his left hand, striking the little fin-
ger and crushing it off against an-
other rock just about the middle of
the digit. Walkerton. Herald -Times,
"nit Factoriesqy also at.
Montreal 5 Toronto.
- the gasoline tank was • completely
empty. According, to Fire Chief
George, he had personally inspected;
the truck on Friday last at which
time he found plenty of gasoline in
the tank, and as th '
e truck had not
been out since, it shows that some.,
party or parties had visited the fire
hall and stolen the gas from the tank;
-Port Elgin Times,
Mrs. Davidson Honored'
Breaks Leg in Strange .Accident
On Sunday evening Mr. John Coll-
ing met with a painful accident which
will lay -him aside for time. Going
out to the barn to perform the daily
work he opened a .pen contining one
of the pigs. The animal ran against
him; with such force that he was
knocked down and his right leg was
broken in several places, below the
knee.—Ripley Express.
Stole Gas from Fire Truck
An act of theft of the most con-
temptible and serious kind was dis-
covered on Monday morning when
Mr. Adam Cairns, driver of the local
ire truck, ran to the hall in answer
o the fire alarm and after backing
t out of the hall had the engine go
ead. A hurried inspection ' of the
ruck disclosed the tartlin f
Signal honor has come to Mrs, R.
Davidson, of Dungannon, as a .reward
for the interest she has sl rwn in edu,-
cational affairs for so long. At the
meeting of the Ontario Educational
Association at Toronto, which she
attended, Mrs. Davidson was elected
president of the Rural. Section for
1933, the first 'time in the 'history of
this section a woman has held this
position. Mrs. Davidson is a former
school teacher and a capable execu-
tive, active in community and church
work and a writer of ability.
Wake up your Liver Bile
—Without Calomel,
Your liver's a very small organ, but it oee•
tainly can put your digestive and eliminative)
organs out of kilter, by refusing to pour out its
dally two pounds of liquid bile into your bowelta
You won't complets!ly correet such a condition
by takin„ Bars, oil, mineral water, laxative candy
or chewing gum, or roughage. When they've
moved your bowels they're through—and you
need a'liver stimulant.
Carter's Liftle Liver Pills will soon bring pack.
the sunshine into your life. They're pure1yvege.
table. Safe, Sure, ,ask for "thorn byname. Refuse,
substitutes. 250 at all druggists. 48
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