HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-04, Page 5Thursday, May 4th, 1931 g Hit" Summer Footwear Made from High Grade Elk "TRAMPER" Leather. Repairable Here as last, is a real comfort, long -wearing, perspiring Shoe for Summer Wear. MEN'S size, 6 to 11 Il1olY, ... ••175 BOYS' size, 1 to 5 MISSES' size, 11 to 2 .. ••, 1 39 CHILD'S size, 5 to 101/2 ..1.00 See the new lines in "Trampers" GREER'S The Good Shoe Store. TAX RATE SET XI' 45 .MILLS Tax Rate Down 2:Mills Again Year. equal to $1109 in taxation. In order that' the '`rate may' be set at 45 mills Chairmen of Committees. gave careful consideration to their es- This timates and reduced them as low as possible. The estimates • for the year are as follows; Receipts Balance from 1932 $ 724 00 Council Decide Against Fire Truck at Present. At a meeting of the Council in the Council Chamber on Monday night with all members present and Mayor Willis in the chair, the tax rate for this year was struck at 45 mills, a reduction of two mills from last year. This is a reduction in the rate of 4 mills from the rate of 1931 which was 49 ' mills, This motion was put by Councillors Wilkinson and David- son., The rate is made up as follows: Town 27, County '4.8, High School 4.8, Public School 8.4. One mill is Licenses a 600.00 Street Watering Cemetery Rents and fines Poll, Tax Sanitary Tax WeiPercentage on Taxes .......... Weigh _.., g Scale Fees Dog Tax ' Miscellaneous .-...........:..... Tax Levy 45 Mills 248.00 1400.00 350.00 36.00 700.00 500.00 120.00 135.00 352.71 49905.00 $55070.71 SensafjDnaI NE 1 We thought' last year's Goodrich Silvertown was about as good a tire as could be made. Butthe new Safety Silvertown has jumped about three years ahead of other standard tires atone stride. FREE The new Life -Saver Golden Ply in This. emblem Goodrich Safety Silvertowns resists with red re. terrific heat, and keeps fabric and ffector protects rubber from you if your tail separating. Blisters don't light roes aut. form inside the tire. Thus blow -outs Come in and are prevented. Join the Silver. town Safety You just can't afford to buy any other League. standard tire when the Safety Silver - town with Golden Ply costs you not a cent more. For still greater value it has the most skid -resisting tread on the road. Drive in andlet us put Safety Silvertowns on your car. SILVERTOWNS ARE GUARANTEED POR 12 MONTHS Cecil Merkley c H TIRES I LOOK FOR THE. MOUNTIE Thia sign tells you. we sell.' Goodrich Safety Silver. towns with Life.Saver Golden Ply. WINGHAM PHONE 84 wrsomossesnememsoranni HowAbout Your Ice Supply After May 15th We will supply our customers with KINCARDINE PURE ARTIFICIAL ICE OurMay resent stock of ice is available upto 15th p IF YOU NEED ICE WE FIAVE IT. C, if All{Y.B i Ingham, Ont. Amber Phone 64w, THk WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Expenditures Direct Relief ($1600) ,.....,.....$ 535,00 Expenses elections, etc, 80,00 alaries, ..11gwa,nces, etc. 3600,00 Printing, Advertising, Post- age, etc. Insurance '750.00 Heat, Light and care bldgs, 1000.00 Street Lighting 8400.00 Fire and Water 2000.00 Law Costs incl, salaries .......,100,00 Roads and Bridges 2550.00 Grants 1.100,00 Public School Board 9355.82 Cemetery 1600.00 Board of Health 160.00 Sanitary ..:.._ 1400,00 High School Board 5,400.00 Public Library Board 1000.00 County of Huron 5340.00 Discounts on taxes 500,00 Interest en` loans 1200.00 Telephone 175.00 Clerk and Bailiff 80,00 Debentures 12844.89 Miscellaneous 200.00 700.00 $550 A communication was rec from the Salvation Army reque permission to hold a tag day on 27th for their Self Denial Week On• notion of Reeve McKi and Coun. Wilkinson this request granted. A letter was read from the Telephone Co. asking permissio trim trees in town along long dist lines. On motion of Conn. E and Reeve. McKibbon, they granted permission to go ahead this work under the supervision Conn. , Gilmour. The Finance Committee prese a nunber of accounts and rec mended payment. Moved by C Elliott and Wilkinson; that all c ied accounts be paid and the un ified accounts be paid when pu proper form and certified by M The. Clerk reported that the of relief for the month was $421 which is a': Tittle less than the p ous month. Eleven families were elief the last week of April: Reporting for the Street Commi oun. Davidson stated the water ad ben repaired and painted was ready for use. It was 'deci y Council that the streets be wa d as soon as needed and the sa ystem. as last year used. On motion of Coun. Davidson a anna, it was decided to have c dustlayer collected similar to 1 ear and charged to the gene ate. Coun. Davidson gave prices on t lashed stone. Moved by Reeve McKibbon un. Wilkinson. that crushed stip purchased from the Wingha nstruction Co., if same is suitab the requirements of the street co ttee, and that same be spread their supervision. Carried. Coun. Baker reported that Mr. Adams wished the use of plot d. near weigh scales. Council d ed to grant this request if sam s kept in good condition. ire Chief Louttit asked pernii n.for the Fire Department to nu erry-go-round and concessions i Town Park, May 6th to May 13 s permission was granted on pay t of the usual $55 fee. oun. Gilmour reported that refits being dumped •opposite Stewar ve works. He had had it cleane and signs placed to stop thi tire. oun. Wilkinson reporting for th Committee gave an account o Bickle-Chevrolet Fire Truck de stration which took place last nesday. He .spoke highly of this rates and felt it was' needed. It Id cost $3060 and if debentures ten years were issued,. would cost year $408 or 35c, per thousand ar assessment.. oved by Coun, Wilkinson and. dson, that a #ire truck similar ie one, that was here for demon - ion be: purchased from the Bickle parry and 10 -year debentures be d to pay for same. 'Motion lost. oved by Reeve McKibbon' and . Elliott that we prepare re ex - ire equipment in such a manner o place same before .electors at tuber election. Motion lost. until decided to suggest to the ties Commission that hydrants be ed red. It was also decided to white paint paint markings on pave - as usual n motion of Coun. Wilkinson and dson the assessment roll was re- d and accepted as presented. The assessment is $1,106,422 and is up as follows: Land $222,780; Buildings $792,535; Business $74,220; 70.71 eived Sting May bbon was Bell n to. ance Mott were with of nted om- oun. erti- cer- t in ayor cost .77, rev on ttee cart and dei ter - me nd ost ast rat he and ne m le m - un A. of e e f Willis.W C h b e S H of y r cr Co be Co to mi der C. Ian cid wa sip a m the Thi Wren C ;was Glo up prac C Fire the mon Wed appa wou for each dolla Davi to tl strat Com issue Conn tra f as t Dece Co Utili paint place ment O Davi ceive total 1 made s - n n e d s 'Into:nes $16,887, The total value o£ iland. and buildings exempt from tax- es or liable on local improvement is 149,050 The population' for 11133 is 1923 as coai'ed t»itii 1191;$ for `last yeat, °` mdi ibi'i ` of Conn. :Elliott and Hatila, the Court of Revision for 1983'will be, the .Mayor, Reeve, Colin. Davidson, Gilinour and Wilkinson, and the first sitting will be Held on May 25th at 8 pan. The Clerk reported the following tax arrears, 1930 $25.36; 1931 $1308,- 44; 1932 .$6087,25; a total of $7416.05: Council then adjourned. PRESENTATION A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr .and` Mrs. John Morrison Turnberry, on Thursday of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Ret- tinger, when about seventy-five nei- ghbors and friends gathered to pre- sent them with a quarter cut oak din- ing table, Queen Anne design, ivith several other useful gifts, also two beautiful wicker chairs presented by Mr. and Mrs, John MacMillan, An address was read by Mr. Graham Wray and the presentation was made by Mr, Grant Wilton and Mr. Janes Currie. The bride and groom replied in a few well chosen words, thanking then all for their mach appreciated gifts,. After which the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. PRESENTATION The ladies of the Sacred Hea Parish rnet at the Priest. Residen on Wednesday, April 26th, and pr sented Miss E. Ryan, their organis with a handsome purse. Miss Rya has resigned as organist of th church and left on Thursday fo Thamesville. Miss Ryan thanked th ladies of the congregation for the kindness to her while here, . also fo the beautiful remembrance. Mis Ryan also expressed her regrets i leaving. Wingham where she h made many , friends. The following address read by Mrs. P. McGlynn Annie McKinnon formally the gift on behalf of the the Parish. Dear Miss Ryan: It is with the deepest regret tha the members of Sacred Heart Churc have learned of your intended de parture from our midst. While you have been in Wingham you have made a host of ;friends and ever been most willing to help in all our un- dertakings. You will be greatly miss- ed, not only for your kind disposit- ion, but also for your splendid mus- ical abilities of which you have been most lavish in all church services and social functions and also for your wonderful. achievements with the children. On behalf of all the members of the congregation � ve would ask you to accept this purse -as a very slight token of our sincere appreciation of the :splendid work you have accom- lished as a member of Sacred Heart Church. In bidding you farewell we would ask that God's blessing may rest and abide with you wherever y you mabe, and assure you that a hearty welcome will be extended you at any time that you can find con- venient to visit us. Signed on behalf of the congrega- tion of Sacred Heart Church. Mrs. P. McGlynn, Mrs. Sprole, ,Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. Reoth. rt ce e- t, n e r e it r s n as was ably. and Miss presented ladies of t' h YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY TRAVELOGUE Despite the very unfavorable wea- ther, that prevailed on Monday even- ing, there ,was a splendid attendance at the Young People's gathering at the United Church, to see, 'Those Magic Isles", which was presented by Walter L. Payne of Toronto, and as- sisted by Harold Eustace Key, of Montreal. These gentlemen, who are engaged by the Canadian Pacific Steampships, present this musical tra- velogue in a very capable manner, through slides and moving pictures. Beginning the travelogue at Montreal showing a Canadian Pacific liner, the "Duchess of Bedford," and life on board ship, sunset on the Clyde, the Burns country, the Trossachs, Loch Lomond, and many other places of 4112111®1119111111111I1111I1112111®III IIIfilIIEil1111118l�ll Automobile insurance q at Rii-easonable Rates A R fla 1! As >�l• �i1S110P Phone 226 Wnigham ■Ill�lu�I1��nl�lliwin�ul,nl�lrt�ijllwm�ulwlri A. R' & F. E. DUVAL CHltzeRRAcTO12S SCI i,I1>rOPRA2TIC and I LIECTR0 TI-I11tAp's Nerth'•Stt•eet ' . , Wingham ireitephonnte 800. • t hoes and it A MAN ANP BOYS' STORE FULL TO THE BRIM WITH NEW. SPRING MERCHANDISE SPECIALLY PRICED.. Men's New Suits Spring and Summer Styles In guaranteed cloths,' special 10.95, 12.95, 13.95, 16.95, 17.95 to 18.95. Made -to -Measure Cloth- ing Dept. Men and Young. Men's Suits, tailored to individual measure 16.95, 18.95, 22,50, 27.50 32.50, 35.00. Boys' Suits Splendid variety, specially pric- ed at 3.95 and up to 9.95 Men's New Spring Hats are Here! Biltmores in the latest shapes and shades, Hat range at 1.59, 1.95, 2.95, 3.29, 3,49 Boys' Sport Vests Something new, Special at 95c Children's Play Suits Specially priced 9,8c and $1.25 Men's Fine Shirts Broadcloths, Plain and Stripes, 69c, 89c, L29 to 2.49 Men's Dress Sox 5 Pair 1.00, 4 Pair 1.00 3 Pair for 1.00 and 1.25 UNDERWEAR DEPT. Greater values. See our range All sizes 79c SOX SPECIAL—New patterns Special'' 19c Pair Balbriggan Combinations, but- ton and no button styles 69c. SILK COMBINATIONS, as- sorted colors, Special 79c BAL, SHIRTS & DRAWERS in all sizes, for 49c Each PENMAN'S MERINO COM- BINATIONS for $L39 and $1.69 PENMAN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS in Merino 79c and 89c each Shorts and Jerseys ...... 39c each MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, dou- ble back and under arnzs.........79c See our range of Work Shirts 49c, 69c, 79c, 98c Men's Oxfords Full range, 1.98, 2,29, 2.39, 26.9, 3,39 3.79, 3.85, 4.87 to 5.95 Men's Work Shoes Valentine's, also Greb's 1.79, 2.29, 2.39, 2.79, 2.95 3.45 to 3,95 Men's Campers or Out- ing Oxfords Panco leather soles, $1.75 where, and Our Price $1.50 Overalls and Smocks Walker's with new way brace, $1.69 and 1.89 Snag Proof and Pickets' best grade" . ..1.59 Winchester for ....1.49 Lighthouse ' b .1.79 Double .Front Overalls, our price .....:1.48 Men's Dress Caps New styles and new weaves. 49c, 59c, ,79c, 89c This Store Store will be Closed Wednesday Afternoons - May until end of October. illimoismommew interest to the traveller., A ride a- round Old Lonfelon in moving pict- ure, showing many important build- ings, such as the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Pa- lace, House of Parliament, and the changing of the guard. The return trip was equally interesting showing the "Duchess" ready to sail, with the inspection of all the staff, before the passengers embarked, the arrival at Quebec and Montreal. A number who already have made the, trip ac- ross the Atlantic, were in attendance and covering this wonderful trip a- gain, was to them much appreciated, and to those who have never made the trip, the desire to see the mother land at the first opportunity. BORN DAWSON—In East Wawanosh, on Tuesday, May 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Philip Dawson, a daughter. MOFFATT—In Turnberry Township on Sunday, April 30th, to Mr. and I Mrs. Harold Moffatt, a son. (Still born.) FIRE TRUCK DEMONSTRATION The B' icl:le-Chet rolet Fire Truck ; which gave a demonstration in town last Wednesday afternoon was fol- lowed in its demonstration by many interested citizens who were delight- fully surprised at the efficient man- ner with which it operated. This truck is a triple combination appar- atus having pumper, booster and. hose truck all on the one chaiis. It is a standard 11 ton Chevrolet truck. chassis of the latest model and the pump is guaranteed to pump 800 im- perial gallons per minute at 120 lbs. pump ,pressure taking water from suction. The hose capacity is 1000 feet and the booster tank has a 42 - gallon capacity. There is also con- siderable sundry equipment which goes to make this apparatus com- plete and 'up-to-date, The following were the .results of the tests made: No. 1 Test, At the High School hydrant. Do- mestic pressure here is 50 lbs, Three lines hose of 100 ft. each were laid and when attached to the Pumper it boosted the pressure from 50 lbs. to 100 lbs. No. 2 Test. One line lrne of'hose with 50 Ib.17 ress- ure from the same hydrant shot a stream about 30 ft,,, .but .when con - fleeted with the puniper..aia, boosted, it put a stream of about 15 ft, over the top: of ,the.,$0.ft. standpipe and had 1li0 pofu ds presstire, No. 8 Test. At the residence of 1Vl'r. C. P. Smith on. Josephine St, The domestic prey nitre of the hydrant here is only about 30 .lbs., but after connection with the Pumper the pressure wasboosted to 80 pounds. 'No. 4 Test. At the Howson & Howson mill, The lift here from the river by suc- tion was uctionwas between eight and ten feet. Three 100 ft. lengths of hose were pumped and the pressure was 110 pounds. Th same suction lift of 8 to 10 ft. and one length of hose 1:00' ft. with a "Y" attached, made two streams from this of 100 ft. 'each and the pump pressure was then 120 Ibs,. yeti may winChr$ r car and other prizes 1. Buy B-H Paint and Varnish from Machan Bros 2. Write your name and address clearly on the coupon. 3. Attach to the coupon the label from a can of any B-H product. To release label place can in water. You need not send the whole label, but you must send sufficient to show the famous initials "B-H". 4. On the coupon Write a slogan about any B-H product you have ever used—not more than 10 words; the shorter the better. 5 The slogans will be judged and the prizes awarded by an impartial committee whose de- cisions shall be final. First Prize: a 1933 8 -cylinder Chrysler Sedan. Second Prize: $100.00 Third Prize: $25.00, and 10 Consolation Prizes of $5.00 each. RULES FOR THE CHRYSLER CAR COMPETITION' 1. Enclose your coupon and the B-H label in a sealed envelope. .Address it clearly and snail it to: SLOGAN' DEPARTMENT, BRANDRAM-HENDERSON LIMITED, P. O. BOX M. STATION E, MONTREAL, P.Q. 2. The competition is not open to anyone in the employ of Brand ram -Henderson Limited, nor to any B-H dealer or his em- ployees. 3. The Slogan Department cannot be responsible' for coupons lost in the mails or which, for any other reason, do not, reach us before the closing date; Wednesday, June 7th. 4. The prize winners, will be advised on Wednesday, June 21st, 5. All slogans submitted become the poperty of Brandrani..Hen- derson Limited:' 5 For 4ampaign Up to the 15th of May inclusive, Machan Bros. are offering a real Bargain in Brandrain..Henderson Paints and Varnish. Purchasers of 4 Gallons receive a bands of 1 GAL Of1 Gal. a IA gal. bonus. Ofa t. a i.. pt. p . bolnus )f a 4 gal. a pint bonus Of a Pint a ''4 Pt. bonus Ag'Q'�,'ts foie 8~�„ Whilte' Lead. :J'. lxale 68: +axa is,, VarniOrti EnaineX