The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-05-04, Page 414"
";11-44,41i.-7. 4,
We have a complete line
of Springs Coats that will
meet your requirements as
Colne and inspect these
New Models before you
Shop with Us and be
ed over store on Josephine St. All!
modern conveniences. W. J. Greer.
AUCTION SALE of Farm, . Farm
Stock and Implements, etc., at Lot
11, Con. 9, Township of Turnberry
at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 5. Terms
—Cash. Farm will beoffered sub-
ject to a reserved bid; terms to be
announced. John Stevenson, Strat-
tratford, Custodian. T. R. Bennett,
AUCTION SALE -of Carload of
Heavy Draft Horses, 4 to 7 years
oI.d,weighing 14 to 16 hundred lbs.
In this consignment are several
well -matched' teams and a lot of
quiet work horses. Saturday, May
6th, at 2 p.m. .Terms—Cash. Am-
ent Sales 'Stables, Brussels.
AUCTION SALE—Fine brick house
and gardens, household goods and
chattels of the late Frank Caskan
etre, will be >offered for sale at his
late residence at Teeswater, Satur-
day May 6th, 1933, 2.00 p.m. Es-
pecially suitable for a retired. far-
mer. For terms and particulars ap-
ply to Robertson & Robertson,
, Walkerton, Ont., Solicitors for Ad-
- ministratrix.
applications for the position of
caretaker of the Wingbam General
Hospital will be received by the un-
dersigned up to 6 o'clock p.m,, on
Friday, May 5, 1933. Applicants
to state salary expected. H. B. El-
liott„ • Secretary.
FOR RENT—Seven room house,
goad garden, stable and garage;
hard and soft water. Reasonable.
Apply Advance -Times.
FOR SALE -5 -roomed Cottage on
Minnie St. Double garage. Good
garden. Apply J. H. Crawford,
Wingham, Ont.
FOR SALE 12 small pigs just
weaned, also timothy seed. Apply
to Mr. Cummings, phone 617-13.
FOR SALE — 4 -burner Coal Oil
Stove, with ;oven in good condition.
Apply at Advance -Times.
FOR SALE -Ford Coupe, 1926.'mod-
el, . Read good condition. Apply to
R. S. Hetherington.
'Govt.' Approved BARRED ROCK
Hatching from Blood -Tested stock.
I have been breeding for fifteen
years for size, • large eggs, heavy
production and vigor. All eggs set
are • extras and specials. Baby
Chicks: April ten cents each, May
nine cents, and June eight cents.
Five hundred or over cent a chick
less, Five unrelated chicks free
with every hundred ordered. These
will be toe -punched, Inspection in-
vited. Also started chicks for sale
cheap.' Phone 611-42, KENNEDY
POULTRY FARM, Whitechurch,
for sale, 75c a bags Apply Milb
Casemore, R. R. 4, Wingham.
LAWN MOWERS —• Also knives,
scissors, saws, sharpened. Umbrel-
las repared. Satisfaction guaran--
eed. Machine at Lepard's Lodge,
Diagonal Road, Phone 259.
on car reflectors, lamps and tahle-
wate, etc, Apply Frank Seddon,
Albert St,, Wingham.'
Mureseo, finishing, Estitnates giv,-,
en free. Apply' Cenclair Phippen,
Phone 825r12,.
Note is hereby, g t'v err.; that :after
May 2ih next, all taxes now overdue
in the• Mtinicip ljt e if i t paid t.1 y'
'that date will be returned- to ythe
County Treasurer forcollection,
which, naturally, will include •addit-
ional costs:: No further leniency will
be extended by Council to delinquent
ratepayers regarding this matter. Alt
parties interested will please observe,
above notice and govern themselves
By order of the.Municipal Council.
A. PorterfieldsClerk ,-
Line bred from line bred "R.U:P-'
and Registered high production hens..
We guarantee our chicks free from
disease and that they will reach ypu•
right in every way. Leghorns '$7.00
per hundred. Barred Rocks $8.00 per
hundred any time after May ;154h4
Order yours now, pay for theta when"
you get them. Walter Rose, Brussels,=
Take notice that a Court of Revis-
ion will be held in Bluevale on Mon-
day, the 29th day of May 1983, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon on the as-
sessment roll of 1932.
I. J. Wright, ` • W. R. Cruikshank,
Reeve. Clerk.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Robert Fergie, late of
the Township of Kinloss in the Coun-
ty of Bruce, Farmer, deceased, who
died on or about the twentyfifth day
of. March, A.D. 1933, are notified to
send to J. H. Crawford,Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the fifteenth
day of May A.D. 1933, full particulars
of their claims in writing, Immed-
iately after the said fifteenth day of
May, 1933, the assets of the said tes-
tator will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which the ex-
ecutors shall then have notice. •
Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this
twenty-first day of April, A.D. 1933.
ingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Thomas Goodfellow Har
die, late of the Town of Wingham, in
the County of Huron, Gentleman, de-
ceased, who died on or about the 30th
day of March, A.D. 1933, are hereby
notified to send on or before the 15th
1 3 - tothe under-
A.D. u d
day of
MayA. 9
Y ,
li c it for the Executors of
signed So c of
the said estate, their names and ad-
dresses, full particulars of their claims
and the nature of their securities, if
any, held by them, verified, by
torydeclaration. Immediately after
such last mentioned date the assets of
the said deceased- will be distributed
amongst the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims pro-
perly filed.
Dated Ont, the 25th
a d at ,
day of April, A.D. 1933.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor herein.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chaxuiney and
Shirley Ann, of East Wawtnosli,•,:
spent Sfiii4ay with her ' parents, Mt.','
and Mrs. John `Johnston,
Miss Lorna 11±f eClenaghaii left on
Monday to spend the next few mon-
ths with Miss Myrtle Johnston of
The Easter Thank -Offering meet-
ing. of the W. Ivf,. S. of the United
Church was held on Wednesday last
with the Pres., Mrs. J. G. Gillespie,
in the chair. The meeting was open-
ed by two minutes' silent prayer, fol-
lowed by prayer by IIrs. J. D. Bee-
croft. The following ladies had at-
tended the W.M.S. Presbyterial, held
at . the Thames Road Church Tues-
day, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, Mrs. Gaunt,
Mrs. Lott, Mrs. Sparling and Mrs. C.
Gillespie. The ladies had invited Mrs.
(Rev.) Currie of Wingham tube pre-
sent .and address' them, and when she
was unable to do so, she sent her
paper, which was read by Mrs J. D.
Beecroft. Miss Lettie Fox sang a
solo "Just For To -Day" and portions
of the Study Book were read by Mrs.
Lott and Miss Fox. The Temperan-
ce Questionnaire was then taken up:
The ladies are intending to have a
quilting bee in the basement of the
church at the next monthly meeting.
Misses Anna May and Susan Carrick
then sang "Someone Needs;You". and
Mrs. Gillespie ,pronounced the bene-
diction. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wellwood and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr: and Mrs, Arthur Moore.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Jas; Fal-
coner, : and children, : spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer
of Culross.
Mrs. Joe Chamney, who has been
nursing" her daughter, Mrs. Raymond
Finnigan of Crewe, for the past three
weeks, returned to her home in E.
Wawanosh last `Friday.
Mrs.' McInnis who has been with
her daughter, Mrs. Alec Butler, dur-
trig the winter months, returned to
her home here on Wednesday..
"•"-Misses Barbara and Nellie Inglis
and Jim, of Clifford, spent Sunday at
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage which
will be produced at the time of the
sale, there will be offered for sale by
public auction, on -Saturday, May 13,
1933, at the hour of twelve o'clock,
noon, at the Office of Messrs. Hays
and Hays 1Tamilton Street, Goderich,.
by Messrs. T. Gundry and Son, Auct-
ioneers, the following property, nam-
ely: All and singular that certain par-
cel or tract of land and premises, sit-
uate lying and being in the Township
of West Wawanosh in the County of
I•ltiron and Province of Ontario and
being composed of the ea t. i �If of
Lot Number' .C'wenty sl�d (�,�ir} en the
Seventh Concession, of 66 'Paid Town
ship of • Wes, ?"awanosl, containing
tetne tedkred West,
land more or,
the home of their aunt, Mrs. .Fred
Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Gaunt, ;of Kinloss, spent Sunday with
her.•parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson
Mr. Jas. Culbert, of Lucknow, pur-
chased the farm on which Mr, and
Mrs. Jones are living, from Mr. Rice.
Mr. Donald Finlayson and son,
Malcolm, of Lochalsh, visited on Sun-
day -with their aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mac-
• Mr. J D. Beecroft unloaded a car
of Scottish Eertilizer last week.
Mr. Aldin Pardon and Mr: LIoyd
Tilden of Leamington, were in this
district over the week -end for a load
of potatoes.
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Kennedy, of
Sarnia, spent Sunday with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Currie, of Wingham and
her sister, Mrs. Lance Grain. 00; D. Chamney, grading $30.75;.; S.
Miss Elliott and Mrs. John Johns- McBurney, grading $7.35; 3. Vincent
ents, Mr: and Mrs, I:0bt,' Thompson
of Westfield. .
Mr. ,and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and
baby, Reith, of Crewe, visited Wed-
nesday last with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W. Robinson,;
Stomach gas that, causes loss of
sleep and rest ruins your health and
your beauty! Even people who have
suffered for " years from stomach
troubles caused by acid stomach are
getting relief from Bisma-Reg, a new,
delicious -tasting antacid powder. Bis -
ma -Rex brings lasting relief, poo. Get
it today at McKibbon's Rexall Drug
A number of our young people at-
tended the anniversary services of the
Auburn Young People's Society on.
Sunday evening.
Miss Verna Chamney attended a
district executive meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute at , Blyth on Friday.
The W. M. S. will meet on Thurs-
day, May 11th, at the home of NIrs.
Geo. Naylor.
Mr. and Mrs. 5, C. Robinson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Jeff-
erson and daughter, were Sunday vis-
itors with the ladies' sister, Mrs. C.
Potter, at Blyth.
Mrs. Lloyd Hinton has returned to
her home in Toronto after spending.
a couple of weeks with her mother,
Mrs. Cunningham.
Mr. George Naylor has received
news of the death of .his nephew, Ira
Clemens Wood, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Wood, of Elva,
Man. Mrs. Wood, who was formerly
Miss Annie Naylor, was a 'Donny-
brook girl and her many friends ex-
tend their sympathy.,;
Council met on •May 1st with all
tlie members present. Minutes of last
meeting were read and approved.
Notice was received from the,
Highways. Dpartment cautioning the
municipality to eaie up on expendi-
tures on the Tp. roads this season
and limiting the expenditure on which
a subsidy would be ;given to $4000.00.
Six application were received for
the position of Road Sputerintendent
now vacant. Chast'Carter being the
Council's choice " for' this office. A
by-law, confirming rthis appointment
was then read and passed. The clerk
was instructed to notify in the local
newspapers all delinquent ratepayers
who .had failed . in the payment of
their taxes, that all such not paid by
the 20th of May that the same will.
be then forwarded to the County
Treasurer for collection.
The following accounts were paid:
The Advance -Times, advertising $3. -
ton and four little daughters, Turn-
berry, visited on Sunday last with
Miss Sarah Garbutt.
Miss Catharine Ross has been laid.
up :with an attack of rheumatism..
The ladies of the Women's Insti-
tute are invited to Holyrood on Fri-
day-, May 19th, to hear the summer
Several from here attended the Y.
Petple's meeting in the Wingham
United Church Sunday afternoon,
Mr. and Ms. Harry Tichbourne of
Goderich, spent Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mackay and
children of Wingham, spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs..Hec-
tor Mackay.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, of
Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Will
Conn spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Culross.
Mr. Eddie Waddell, who has been
with Mr., Moir for the past few
months, is now at his home here.
' Patterson'
/Archie Mr. and Mrs. A
en Sunday
family, of Lucknow, spent y
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Mr and Mrs. Win. Robinson and
Ernest spent Friday last with Mr.
and Mrs, Cecil Wheeler, of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and
children spent Sunday with his par -
For further patticulars apply to
Messrs. Hays and Hays,
Goderich, Ontario, solicitors for
the Mortgagee. or to
Thomas Gundry and Son, ,
Goderich, Ontario, Auctioneers,
Mrs. Geo, King and family wish
to express grateful appreciation for
the many acts of kindness shown to
them by their neighbors and friends
during the illness of Mr. King and in
their recent sad bereavement.
tsh to 'exp reit out a/iprecta.
tion to all our neighbots eaml friend"
for their many kindnesses. -And et.;
peeesions of sympathy during our re-
cent „sett
e-cent,,sad bereavement: Mrs. W. R.
Dyer and son, Phillip,
,; "';,
repairing culvert $1,00; J. Gillespie,
Shpt. $16.50.
Council adjourned to meet again
on Monday, May 29th, as a Court of
Revision on Assessment Roll and or-
dinary township business.
A. Porterfield, CIerk,
The Temperance Education Assoc-
iation, in co-operation with the De-
partment of Education for Ontario
and the local school board, is arrang-
ing a series of five annual scientific
temperance lectures on the Action of
Alcohol on the Human Body.
The first of this series, "Effects of
Alcohol on the Brain and Nervous
System was given in Wing -
ham High School on Friday after-
noon last. The lecturer was;, Mr, Ed-
mund, Stewart, Director of Temper-
ance Education and Secretary of the
Temperance Education Association
with headquarters at ;129 Adelaide St.
West, Toronto.
Mr. Stewart is a graduate in Social
Science of the 'University of Toronto
and has had fifteen years' experience
a5 a speaker and lecturer on scien-
tific and social temperance. He is
thoroughly conversant with the whole
temperance problem and knows how
to present, this difficult subject in a
most interesting way. His lecture
was thoroughly enjoyed by both the
staff and students: Unfortunately Mr,
Stewart was unable to use his set of
thirty beautiful colored slides as the
windows of the, auditorium could not
be darkened, It is hoped that on oc-
casion of his next visit the students
will have the'''`opportunity of receiv-
ing impressions through the eye as
well as the ear.
The lecturer stated that in 1929
i t ed Ro al Come
King George aPpot t a �'
iitission of twenty-one persons to in-
vettigafe the whole problem of al-
cohol, A number of the 'cimniissio'n-
erg were medical tMen .and many
medical witnesses were called to dive
eUidence. Their evidence, together.
Nyith the findings of the British Nicer
tcil Research Council, constitute the
basis of these school lectures. The
following is a brief sttan ery of"the
effects of alcohol on the•brain and
nervous system, The functions of the
brain are judgment, reason, self-con-
trol and self-criticism, Alcohol seri-
ously harms every brain function, It
does this by depressing the action of
the nerves, by diminishing mental
alertness, by destroying
ordination and by decreasing mental
and physical efficiency. Even small
quantities taken . in beer, wine and
cocktails will damage the cells of the
brain and reduce mental efficiency 10
to 30 per cent., without the drinker
showing outward signs of intoxica-
For this reason it is exceedingly
dangerous for those who drink alco-
hol to drive motor cars.
All the nerves of the body are cen-
tered in the brain and spinal chord.
The nerves are our servants and our.
messengers. Tt is with the aid of the
brain' that we see, hear, taste, smell,
walk, eat. Every party of ,the body
is under the control of the brain and
when alcohol is present in the blood-
stream the entire nervous system is
placed under a handicap. It is be-
cause of this fact that science de-
scribes all intoxicated persons 'as
mentally subnormal for the duration
of intoxication. Since the brain is the
greatest thing in nature and the mind
of. man ,the greatest thing in the
world surely it is foolish to have
anything to do with so great a des-
tructive substance as alcohol.
The speaker made it quite clear to
the students that alcohol has a very
important place in the scientific . and
industrial world. Without it many of
the useful drugs could not be produc-
ed: In fact alcohol is regarded by
science as the second most valuable,
liquid" known to man. Mr. Stewart,
however, called attention to this uni-
versal scientific fact that the -body,
when in health,has no need for al-
cohol. Furthermore, a majority of
medical experts agree that it can be
entirely dispensed with in the treat-
ment of disease.
In concluding - his lecture Mr.
Stewart called upon the students to
accept the findings of science and to
choose abstinence as a life principle
in the interest of health, happiness
and physical, well-being. Man's great-
est gift is his power of choice. In
future years the boys and girls of
Wingham . High School will ,come
face . to face with the responsibility
Of accepting or rejecting drinks con-
taining alcohol. The purpose of these
lectures is to enable them to form an
impartial and intelligent judgment
nad to make such wise decisions as
will enable them to exercise both self-
control and will -power when con-
fronted with the invitation to take
the first drink of intoxicating liquor.
A beautiful silver trophy has been
donated to. the Temperance Education
Association by the executors of the
estate of the late ; James Dempster.
This cup will be presented each year
to the High School or Collegiate In-
stitute whose student writes the best
essay or one -act play on the subject
discussed in the lecture. In addition
to the silver cup a James Dempster
Medal will be awarded annually to
the student in each secondary school
whose literary production is deemed,
by the local- principal, worthy of such
an award. On ' account of the co-op-
eration of local boards and principals
approximately one hundred thousand
boys and girls will have the oppor-
tunity of hearing these annual scien-
tific temperance lectures. Mr. Stew-
art expects to visit each of Ontario's
two. Hundred High Schools and Col-
legiate Institutes. From present in-
dications School Boards are prepared
to co-operate with the Temperance
Education Association in the promo-
tion of these lectures since the or-
ganization is entirely free from /Ar-
tisan politics and has no connection'
with any temperance or prohibitor
group. Its aim is to
teach h pBaso
abstinence by presenting scientific
facts in such an intelligent and
straight -forward manner as will , en-
courage our young people to avoid
the use of all intoxicating beverages.
Thursday, May ; 4th, 193
You are invited to Isard's Womeu s Ready -to-
Wean .Department on
FRIDAY, , Y 5th
When a large Display of.
Coats, Suits and Dresses
will be shown by a well known and reliable firm
of . Toronto.
Be sure to visit us oni Friday, May 5th —One
Day Only.
Isard Co.
may play in the Lakeside League as
Dr. George Howson, of Wingham,
president of the league, was in the
chair. He spoke briefly, claiming
that last season had been highly suc-
cessful, considering it was the first
year the league had operated in some
time. Gaines had been played; there
had been no protests; financial obli-
gations had been met and there was
a surplus in the league.
In the election of officers, all the
old officials with the exception of
It was decided at the annual meet-
ing of the ;Lakeside League in Tees -
water on Wednesday of last week to
again operate the league tliis year..
Delegates from Teeswater, Ripley,
Lueknow, Kincardine, and Wingham
were present, and all will have a
team in the league again this year,
Possibilities of the league branching
out were discussed, and towns which
have been playing in the more or less'
defunct Huron League: Goderich,.
Clinton, Seaforth and Mitchell, have
,been a roached ori talc a ri iter,'
Bp r
forming a Dakes'tle Ieeagne
The League will be operated in-
dd1 thident of the O.B•A. x. again this
yearr acid p • layers in' other leagues
residing in `l:,al "side Ireague towns
the executive, were 'returned. The
choice of two executive members was
left till after the final entries were in.
May 18 was set for the date at which
the schedule would be arranged.
The officers are:
Hon. Pres. -J. Douglas MacKay,.
President -Dr. Geo. W. `' Howson,.
Vice-President—Jas. Thornton, of
Sec.-Treas.—Dr. J. F. Marcus, Kin-
Elmer 1n n
PHONE 228.
NUNrn t I
gu GR
Satisfactory Results are Always Obtained from
this Canadian Made Ferilizer.
C -I -L Brands can be had in both Granular and
finely ground.
C -I -L Free flowing Vertilizers can be SOW11
with either grain or fertilizer drill;
We will deliver in truck loads to your barn on"
receipt of order.
Prices are Right
See or Phone
wson & Howson
Phone 20
Phone Wroxcter 015, h'
",,,rt..i+r •sa.::,i