HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-20, Page 7Thursday , April 20th, 1933
C, uality Th+a t L
"Fresh from the Gardens"
"Vide NewsInBBrief ForteLYor1d
Premier Bennett to Visit Washington money
Washington — Worst thatg Y, from a man known as. Ott
Prime Waldemar Obst, of Berlin.
;Minister R. B. Bennett would be pre-
sent at President Roosevelt's'ecot
-oinic talks from April 25 i Hon. Hugh Guthrie
to 28, in- Sail for England.
•.xlusive, was received from the Can-
Adan Capital. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Minister of
PThus, Prime Minister justice, sailed on the Duchess of
Ramsay MacDonald and former Pre- York on Saturday, from Halifax, for
aer Edouard Herriot will be in Wash- a short visit in
England. He expects
ington at the same time as Mr, lien- to be back April 24th, He, declined
Tett. Mr. MacDonald will be here to discuss politics, and asserted that
from April 21 to 26 inclusive. , M. his trip to England had no political
:Iierriot will reach here on April 23, significance. During his brief stay in
England he will visit a daughter who
'Germany, Will Endorse lives there, he said.
:Mussolini's Peace Plan
Rome—Assurances of a solid Italo- May Be Heavy Cuts in Tariffs
'German understanding in regard to Washington—The legislation upon
Premier Mussolini's four -power peace which President Roosevelt will _de-
2p1an have arisen out of conferences, pend for power to cut trade barriers
'participated in by the Italian Prem- may authorize negotiation of a muti-
er, Vice, -Chancellor Franz von Pap- lateral treaty at the world Economic
gen and Hermann Goering of Ger- Conference for horizontal cuts of all
many. Breaking the silence he had tariffs.
observed in the past few days, Col- The framework of the treaty would
=one' von Papen said that he had dis- include power for the President to
cussed the four -power pact at length reduce tariffs up to 40 or 50 per cent.
-with Premier Mussolini and had as- under a policy of tariff bargaining
-sured him of Germany's hearty ap- through reciprocal agreements.
Vote to Affiliate with C.C.F.
Brantford—Unconditional affiliation
'with the Co-operative Commonwealth
Federation was voted Friday' by the
-'Ontario Labor party, in convention
here. 'Discussion of the matter oc-
cupied the afternoon session before
the convention voted almost unani-.
anously ' for affiliation -85 members them," he said.
, ;for and 7 refraining from voting.
The resolution adopted was moved Hydro Has Good Year in 1932
y J. Butler,
a Toronto delegate, and
•In the year 1982, the worst depres-
sion year in all history, the- Ontario
Hydro -Electric Power Commission
added $3,741,074,72i to its reserves,
.tion through the labor conference. I and sold 100,000,000 more kilowatt
Premier Henry to Holiday
While it is still his intention to
take a good holiday to recover more
fully from his recent illness and from
the arduous duties of the session,
Premier Henry will not be able to
leave for a few days • yet, "There are
some education conventions this
week, and I want to stay over for
mead: "That we request the Labor
Party of Ontario to affiliate with the
4Co-operative Commonwealth Federa-
Discharged From Army
Also Given Five Years
' London — A sentence of dishon-
•orable discharge from the' army and
five years penal servitude, was int -
posed upon Lieut. Norman Baillie -
:Stewart, British army officer, •convict -
'ed by a court-martial of violation of
'the Official Secrets Act.
The prosecution contended at the
court-martial that the lieutenant of
the Seafortli Highlanders revealedI $3,741,000 over 1931. '
-military secrets to a foreign agent I The report marks the completion
-`for £50 or more,"receiving the I of a quarter-century of activities by
hours of power than in the year pre-
ceding the depression, 1928.-
928.This remarkable achievement of
the people's power project is reveal-
ed in the annual report of the On-
tario Hydro -Electric Commission,
presented to the Legislature by Com-
mission Chairman Hon. John R.
Cooke. .Hon. Mr. Cooke told of cap-
ital investments totalling $273,228,-
754 on Oct. 31, 1932, with total re-
serves of $66,145,486—an, increase of
most popular tires
Both quality tires—
made with Goodyear
Supertwist cords and
Goodyear -processed
rubber. Long, safe
service—extra mileage`
-built into them.
More people ride on
Goodyear tires than on
any other kind. Let us
sit new, safe Goodyear
Tires ,on your car now.
You'll be surprised at.
the low prices.
12 month's
defects and'
*road: hazards
Cont nett
Telephone .174w. ` Wit ghain, Ontario
the. Commission,' and this chronologi-
cal fact was stressed by the Clxairtnan
in his presentation, He laude, the
statistical showing as ars achievement
equalled : by no'other utility in the
universe, and challengingly held -it out
to Hydro critics as answer to all ,the
allegations of Hydra tnismanagentent
Big Carry -Over of Wheat
Ottawa -1.1e crop report of tlxe
Dominion Bureau of Statistics, esti-
mated the total stock of wheat in
Canada .on March' 31 as 312,819,144
bushels. This is 66,608,571 bushels
more than at tine corresponding time
last year. While this increase_ is i u -
pres�sive, thelreport explains that last
year's crop exceeded that of the p"re
vious year by a much greater amount.
Did Not Accept Hydro•
Chairman's Resignation
While the resignation of Hon, J.
R: Cooke, Chairman of the •Hydro
Commission, has been received by the
Government, it has not been accept-
ed, Premier Henry informed the Leg-
islature in reply to a query by Hon.
Harry C. Nixon, Progressive Leader.
And the Premier gave no indication
that it would be accepted.'
Wilkie Convicted--
onvicted—But Held Insane
Walkerton—Melville Wilkie, youth
ful Owen Sound truck driver, Thurs-
day was convicted of the murder of
his wife but was declared insane, by
a jury that has listened to his trial
during the last three days.
Mr. Justice Nicol' Jeffrey ordered
the convicted youth to be placed in
a 'criminal insane asylum to await the
pleasure of the Lieutenant -Governor -
in -Council. Wilkie' was placed on trial
for the murder last December of his
wife, at Owen Sound, in a gasoline
blaze that burned ' their bedroom and
suffocated their baby.
Early Navigation at Montreal
Montreal—The 1933 season of nav-
igation on, the St. Lawrence River
to Montreal began Friday with the
arrival of four trans-Atlantic steam-
ers and one from the Maritime Pro-
vinces. Port facilities will be in ac-
tive operation with British anthra-
cite and general' cargo discharging
from the vessels.
Only once before in the history of
the port had trans-Atlantic service
begun so. early' in April. On April
12, 1902, the Polina steamed in to
establish a record never since broken.
of the
Child's Jaw Is Broken Second
Time When Kicked by Horse l
Cargill—Miss Roxy Kerry, only
child of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerry,
of Eden Grove, had her jaw bone
broken when a horse she was put-
ting in her father's barn Thursday
night kicked her. This is the second
accident of this kind that Miss Kerry
has had. Some years ago a colt kick-
ed her !in the face, threatening the
sight of an eye. Miss Kerry was
rushed to the 'Walkerton Hospital,
where an X-ray was taken and her
jaw set.
Given Two Years at
Guelph for. Perjury
Ronald Burgess, Southampton, was
sentenced to two years, less one day,
in the Ontario Reformatory at
Guelph by Justice Nicol Jeffrey, at the
close of the Supreme Court sittings
at Walkerton ,Thursday evening, fol-
lowing his conviction* Tuesday on a
charge of perjury. Burgess fell on
the sidewalk in Southampton on Jan-,
nary 1, 1932, and broke his leg in two
places. He sued the town and was
awarded $1,000 damages. The town
won an appeal and the charge of per-
jury laid,
Beer Warehouse Entered
The brewery warehouse located
on Norman Street, Palmerston, was
broken into in the early hours of
Friday morning, D. Baumback, local
business man, while taking an early
walk noticed that a side door had
been forced. S. Burns, manager of
the warehouse, called Provincial Con-
stable Oldsfield, who was soon on the,
job; assisted by Constable Wilson. It
is ';thought 20 cases were removed.
Kincardine Tart Rate Xncreased
by Two Mills`
A two -mill increase in Kincardine's
tax rate was Made at an adjourned
meeting of the Council last week, fol-
lowing a conference of utilities •corn'
missiouers; councilors and bankers,
the rate was struck at t7 rosins. Levy
for., .school and local improvement
purposes is made on an assessment
of $1,190,549, and for other •Ottr�poses
on $1,027,240, TO :Carry ori dttring the
year $64,659.46 is necessary.`
Escapes Death When;
C,N,R. Train Hits Car
When his car was struck by the
morning C, N. R. pasenger train
from Owen Sound at the Main street
crossing, Palmerston, Thomas Brown,
local C.N.R. employee, escaped with
severe cuts and body bruises, . 1lis
car was carried for 50 feet down the
track before the train wasto
s Ppecl,
and it was wrecked, Brown appar-
ently was riot aware of the train
which was an extra runningahead of
the regular passenger train. The en-
gine, in charge of Engineeratnes
Hodgins, of Palmerston, hit the car
broadside, and it was impaled on the
front of the engine. Brown was re-
moved to the Palmerston Hospital,
where he received treatment,
Sues Mt. Forest For Damages
Judge R. L. McKinnon in Welling-
ton County Court reserved judgment
itt an action brought by Leo Mc -
Quinn against the Town of Mount
Forest. McQuinn sued for $1,000
damages and an injunction 'restrain-
ing the municipality from emptying
its storm sewers and ditches on his
land. • One of the arguments advanc
ed by the plaintiff was that the watn-
er was polluted, and that_ Ws cows
'. ere.drinking it.-P,itbur :Enterprise.
Brute Regt,.to Train at Walkerton
Major W, ;H. Ejdt O.C. the Bruce
Regiment, wrote Town Council stat-
ing that as the training of this unit
next „surnztter is to :be carried out at
local headquarters, and the Council
a couple of years invited the corps
CO' train here, he wished to knowifthe board was prepared to co-operate
this year in the proposal.
This struck the Town Fathers as a
capital idea, when the letter was read
Monday night. One 'hundred officers
and other ranks will be under can-
vas, and $1,000 will be expended am-
ong the local merchants for provis-
ions.—Walkerton Telescope,
actor Y Runnin g
Eight Hours a Day
Employees of the Lucknotiv Table
Company resumed an eight-hour day
on Monday, following a period dur-
ing which the factory has operated
on a six -hour day. Accompanying the.
increase in hours, was a ten per cent.
reduction in wages. This step was
made necessary when the factory se-
cured a line of business which nec- i
essitated lower production posts
these orders are expected
to keep the
faory busy a, .couple of months, If,
at that time it is again necessary to;
return to a six -hour day, we under.
staid, .the former' wage scale will be
adopted again,- Lpckntw Sentinel,
Moved to Brussels!
Mr, and Mrs, Bert McIntyre and
two children, Betty and Tohn, moved
their household effects to Brussels,
on Wednesday,where
they will main
take up their residence, They will
live in River Side. Villa, the property.
of14Is. W. l� r
r Li"t
so e
�� l
Two Small Fires
The Ripley fire brigade was called
out twice this week. On Monday
morning, an, overheated chimney at
Mr` George I-Iodgins, caused a blaze.
It was ,extinguished before the fire
engine came to the scene. On Wed-
nesday at noon, the chimney of Mr.
Alex, McLeod's restaurant took fire.
This also was extinguished before
any damage was done. -Ripley Ex-
No Mean Request
The town council has been struggl
Quiuk,, moo
roller' with
..p:,.; .remedy J.ataNi t, ]d
c� tF.,.: tonic to my . t
gin to tell, what 1 suffered from barky due
to J.:,idl.ey derangeznent„ When 1 would bend
down zt seemed that,1 couldn't straighten up
again. 1 was Continually awakened at night,
fromthe same canoe, dizzy, sick headaches
and a weals stomach wade me feel r>ez lgotly
wretched, Now thanks, to yyour, wonderful
'..... -a.tives', t am elnjayiFtg;'lifea5aizi.";:
Frit-a-tiv'eg , all drug stare*
ing with its budget. There is a
ficit of almost $9,000. Unpaid taxes
amount to almost $21,000, Just' as
the Council was considering cutting
expenditures to the bone; a local cit
izen requested the council to advance,
him a loan. This was Ito, "Brother,,
can you spare me a dime" plea. All
he wanted was $200 to make as first;
payment on a farm in Huron town
ship• What the council said it not
known but it all boiled do•{vxi to 'No.'
—Kincardine Review -Reporter,
Home.: Owners .must make application
for surveyof premises to secure
Free. Electric Flat Rate Water Heaters
N ORDER to secure early installation of free electric fiat rate water
heaters it is necessary for house -owners, landlords and tenants to
send in their application now, by means of the coupon shown
below. ,The method is simple and direct. Simply write your name
and address in the space provided, and mail it to your own local Hydro
or apply at your local Hydro offices or municipality and a preliminary
survey will be made of your home to determine conditions of wiring,
the existing system of hot water heating and your hot water requirements.
From that the type and capacity of the flat rate .water heater is decided
and, also, whether a `Booster heater is required in addition. Then
installation proceeds.
This absence of elaborate detail and unnecessary red tape in applying
for free installation of water heaters is one of three direct advantages
conferred on' the people of Ontario by the Ontario Hydro Free Instal-
Iation Plan. The other advantages are :
The installation of flat rate electric water heaters wiII be absolutely
.free of cost to the house -owner, landlord, or tenant. Cost of heater
element, tank insulation, thermostat and necessary wiring will be
borne by the Commission. All the consumer will do is to pay a
new low rate for the service he receives.
2 In any home where the new low flat rate electric water heater is
installed a higher standard of comfort, convenience and economy
will immediately be created. The fact that electric water heating is
the best and most economical means known that the new equip-
ment will be trouble-free, automatic in action and requiring no
attention from the householder, and that Ontario power rates are
among the lowest in the world, indicates how much this free
heater plan means to the citizens of Ontario:
If you desire any additional information on any point, your local Hydro
officials or municipality will gladly furnish it.
Fill out and mail
this coupon today
Address of your local Hydro System
Write your name here
iPtite yam. address here
HON. J. R. COOKE, M.L.A,, Chairman.
C. ALFRED MAGUIRE, Commissioner.
RT. HON. ARTHUR MEXGHEN, P.C., K.C,, Commissioner
W. W. POPE, Secretary.
re w go ge
*.rw.•.w.._I*a.rr.wr`..•.4.a..... r.. s....ar. w...y.r n
Write the name of your municipality here