The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-20, Page 4ur
Th Nem' Shoe # r
YoungMen •
We desire to brink
to the attention of ev-
v-ery young man this
Beautiful New Shoe ---
made on the latst New
York Lasts.
The Strand is made
of the very best of
Vine Calf, and best
.oak tan sole stock and
on strikingly attract-
ive patterns..'
the Strand in ap-
pearance looks just as
mood as a ten dollar
shoe but the price is
very reasonable, nam-
Willis' Sh�e Store
The Leading Shoe Store of These Parts.
Phone 129 Wingham,Ont.
1t , Wilfred McFadzean, of Wes-
tern University, was home for the
Easter week -end.
Miss Alice Williamson, Kitchener,
is visiting her mother,, firs.. 'William-
son, for the :holidays,
Mr, Dean Scott of Dresden, visited
with his mother, Mrs. Scott, Francis
t St., over the Week -end,
Rev. and Mrs. 1,. H. Currie left for
Toronto on Tuesday', where they will
be for two or three week
Mr. George Allen, of Western Un-
iversity, spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Alien,
Miss Louise Thompson, Kitchener,
is spending the . holidays with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. Thompson.
Rev. Kenneth and Mrs. MacLean
and their neice, Miss Eleanore Dun-
ning motored to Toronto on Tues-
Mis's Louise Hanna is Home for
the summer, visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Geo. Hanna and Miss Margaret
Fisher. -
Miss Marjorie Gibson, of George-
town, is.spending the Easter holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
H. Gibson,
Mr. Walton McKibbon, of Western
University, and Charles, of Ontario.
College of Art, spent the week -end
with, their parents.
Mr. Norman Brandon of St. Marys
and Miss Hazel Brandon of Mitchell,
were. Easter visitors with their sister,
Mrs. W. G. M. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Findley and
daughter, Mabel of Chatsworth, and
Mr. James Moffatt of Owen Sound,
attended the funeral of their cousin,
the late Mrs. Robt. E. Hetherington.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Holmes of the 10th of Turnber-
ry, was able to be taken to her home
Saturday, after undergoing an opera-
tion for double Mastoides in Wing-
ham General Hospital.
the home of l\Ir'.. and Mrs. '\V, R. Far-
rier returned to her home in Cedar
Valley on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, George Phillips, of
West Wawanosh and Mr, A. H.
Green visited at the home of her par-
eets, Mr, and Mrs. John. Cau pbeil,
of Ashfield, on Sunday.
Mrs. McBrien, who spent the past
few anonths with her daughter, Mrs.
Percy Vincent, of Westfield, return-
ed to her home 'here on Tuesday last,
Special Raster services were held
in the United. Church here on Sun-
day. The choir rendered two splen-
did Easter anthems and Mr. Bert Cul-
lirnore contributed a very pleasing
solo "The Resurrection Morn," The
Pastor, Rev. T. C. Wilkinson, gave
a special Easter message.
Miss Pauline Reed, of Mount For-
est, spent the week -end with her par-
ents, lir. and Mrs, Bert Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt, of
Marnoch, spent Sunday at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. John Purdon.
Miss Hazel Wocks, of Teeswater,
is -visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. John Mowbray, and other rela-
tives here.
Miss Margaret Thom, ;of St. Hel-
ens, has been visiting for the past
two ~reeks with Mrs. D. Gillies who
has been very ill, but is now improv-
Miss McCharles, of Lucknow, spent
the week -end with Miss Jean Forest=
Mr. Chas. Wightman spent Wed-
nesday last with his daughter, Mrs.
Brigham, of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour of
West Wawanosh, spent Sunday at
the home of her, parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Pettapiece, of Kinloss.
' - , y �Ly,��_S7+i!44na'>_+Y.a?1= a< • _ 4_ 8� �. !'•'p. Vy4'gAU_1�+.�I..ili�.
Miss Janet Craig is visiting for a
few days with Miss Fern Thom, of
Miss Annetta Fisher, of Heidle-
burg, is spending her Easter holidays
with her father, Mr. Wm. Fisher.
e ` Mr. Lorne Durnin and his brother,
spent Sunday visiting their sister,
Miss. Annie Durnin, who was operat-
ed on for appendicitis in London last
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie spent
Sunday with her parents,. lir. and
Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, of Kinloss
.Mr.. and Mrs, Joe Thompson, of
Tilsonburg, spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robin-
son, of East Wawanosh,and with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Wing-
Mrs. Roy Patton, of Lucan, spent
a few days last: -week with her moth-
er, Mrs, A. Fox. Mrs. Fox's ankle
which was sprained two weeks ago,
has been causing her considerable
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon, of St.
Helens, spent Sunday at the home of
NOTICE TO CREDITORS her sister, Mrs. Wm, Purdon, who is
improving after her recent illness.
Allpersonsgrim claims
h 1 to s again''
lit cents .a word per insertion,.
—.4i-SYa13Ys'Yal?Yak•7a1'7al a a a:YaPsilix a\tisis
HOLD Furniture of the late Mrs.
J. Brock, will be held at her late
residence, Minnie street, at 2 p.m.,
Saturday, April 22nd. No reserve.
Terms cash: T. Fells, Auctioneer.
CONTRACT for Scraping, cleaning
away foundation, etc., will be let
on the grounds at S.S. No. 9, East
Wawanosh, at 10 a.m.. on 'Saturday,
April 22nd. Win. Elliott, Secy.
with a minimum charge of 25c.
e o eeerAiYioeaneeYa ,.earir eYel'eenii b7lhYelr ee
Barred Rocks and White Leghorns
Best Grade obtainable under Govern-
ment approval. We have no agents
selling, yon buy direct from us. Il-
lustrated catalogue Free, Walter
Rose, Brussels, Out.
Mrs, Robinson, of BBluevale, visited
With her sister, Ctrs. j. A. Geddes,
last week..
Mrs. C Brandon, of Bayfield, is
visiting for a few weeks with her sis-
ter, Mrs. T. Shoebottana.
Mrs. Halliday, of Thamesville,
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brydges,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lake and lir. T.
Richardson, of Fergus, viisted with
Mr, and Mrs. j, A. Bredon on Sun-
Misses Sarah and Ruth Cole spent
a couple of days in Hamilton.
The regular monthly meeting of
BRECKENRIDGE —'In Turnberry,
on Friday, April 14th, to Mr, and
Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge, a daughter,
HOGG—In Turnberry on Wednesday
April, 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Hogg, of Turnberry, a son.
Thursday, April 20th, 1933:
Lady visitor to Marine Sentry:
"How many sailors work in the navy
Sentry: "Oh, something like a third
of then, I suppose."
Council met on April 11th with, all
the members present. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ap-
Communications, from the Ontario
Good Roads Association re member-
ship, and from the Ontario Employ-
ment Officers relative to the placing
of experienced farm hands among
farmers in the. Township,` were read
and ordered filed,
the' Women's Institute was held on A number of ratepayers were pres-
Miss Olive Terriff spent the week
Friday in the Hall with the - Presi-
dent, Mrs'. Grain, in the chair. A
of business items were at-
tended to. The shut-ins were to be
remembered at Easter with .fruit and
flowers, the social was arranged'to
be held on Monday •evening. The
next meeting will be the annual meet-
ing with the election of; officers. The
following program was then given,
Mrs. Sperling read a Temperance Pa
per, Misses Anna May and Susan
Carrick rendered a duet "I'd Like to
Hear That Song Again"; Mrs.. H.
Godkin gave a reading on "The Two
Golden Days," these. proved to be
Yesterday and To -Morrow. Miss L.
Leggatt played a piano solo and Mrs. 'of taxes from 1932 were still out -
Thos. Gaunt • gave one of Dorothy standing.
Dix's readings. Miss May Wightman The scale of wages for the present
was in charge of the topic "Strang -
year was then set at 15 cents an hour
for a man,' and 35 cents an hour for
man and team, and the Council in a
body will inspect the township roads
prior to next meeting, before any ac-
tion is taken regarding operating of
stone crusher. Mr. Gillespie, who has
the estate of Robert Dodds, later of end with her sister; tfrs. Cecil Par -
FARM FOR SALE—One of the best the Township of Howick in the'sons, of Toronto.
in Iurr_berry, property of the late County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, Mr.'Thos. Gaunt Ieft on. Tuesday'
Hugh Wright. Apply to T. Fells. who died on or about the eighteenth to attend the Trustees' Convention in
day of March, A.D. 1933, are notified 1.
to send to J. H. Crawford,. Wing- Toronto,
TOR SALE--Six-room frame house hard, Ontario, on or before the twen- Pat anti Toirimy Lee of Toronto,
on Minnie St., good garden, stable t _fourth day of April, A.D. 1933, full
at rear' of property. Apply J. H. articulars of their claims in writ- are spending the holidays at the home.
Crawford. ing. Immediately after the said twen- of their uncle, Mr. Kenneth Weaver.
ty-fourth day of April, 1933, the as- Mr. John Gillespie has resigned the
FOR SALE -50 bags of culllOPotat- 'sets of the said testator v%ill be dis- position of Road Superintendent of
h t`tl d
ere o, a Gillespie, who for' so many years has
623r5. claims of which the Executors shall. p =
then have notice. �
ent and in no uncertain manner pro- 1
tested against the present system of
construction.. and maintenance of the
roads as:being altogether too expens-
ive in comparison with the price of
farm products, and the financial po-
sition that the country is in at the
present time, and asked that some-
thing not so expensive or elaborate
along the line of road work be in-
stituted, that would bring some relief
to the now already overburdened tax-
payer. The Council individually ex-
pressed themselves as in accord and
sympathy with all that had been stat-
ed relative to this' matter, the Reeve
pointing out that aproximately $5000
ers Within Our. Land," and ,Mrs. V.
Emerson gave two readings "April,"
and "The Retired Farmer."
Miss: Ethel Currie spent the week-
end with Miss Merle Gaunt.
Mr. and Mrs.. Irvine Henry and
son, Ross, of Belfast, spent Sunday
with. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon.
oe• suitable for pig feed, c bag. tributed amongst t e parties en i e East Wawanosh. Many will miss Mr.
JoeE. Dunbar, BeIgrave phone l th t h acing regard only to the
been a familiar figure, going his
FOR SALE—Baby Buggy , English DATED
at Wingham, this fifth day rounds attending to his various dut-
Prom", good as lues. Mrs. �'m. of April, A, les to this office, g
A. Young.
FOR SALE—One six year old work'
Horse and one Fresh Cow. J. Pot-
. 1933.
J H. CRAWFORD, cut the township.W Ingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executors Mr; and Mrs. Harry Tichbaurne, of.
Goderich, and Mrs. Lorne Durnin of
St. Helens, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ken-
Miss Frances Robinson, of Wing -
Applications will be received by ham, spent the week -end with Miss
the undersigned up to Monday, May Florence Beecroft.
ter, Lower ia;inghani; TOWNSHIP OF
housework. Apply to Bos. A, Ad -1 RE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT
Govt. Approved' BARRED ROCK
Hatching from Blood -Tested stock.'
I have been breeding for fifteen
years for size, large eggs, heavy
production and vigor. All eggs set
are extras and specials. Baby
Chicks: April ten cents each, May
nine cents, and June eight cents.
Five hundred or over cent a chick
less. Five unrelated . chicks free
with every hundred ordered. These
-will be toe punched. Inspection in-
vited Also started chicks for sale
cheap. Phone 611-42, KENNEDY
POULTRY FARM, Whitechurch,
OATS FOR SALE—Good quality
seed oats, also some mixed grain.
Apply Alex. Young, Belgrave.
lst, at 2 pen., for the office of
Superintendent. Duties in connection Mrs, .A. Emerson spent the week -
with this • office l include among end with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, of
Farmers' Club Hold Meeting
The Belgra've Farmers' Club held
their regular meeting at the home of
Mr. Jaynes Michie when there was a
good attendance present. The first
part of the evening was spent with
the checker contest and various other
games. The contest was won by Ce-
cil 'Wheeler. The program was i n
charge of the vice -President, James
Michie. Community singing was en-
joyed, also some orchestra numbers
and selections by Carl Procter and
John M. Coultes, Mrs. Michie also
favored with a vocal solo. Mr. Michie
then spoke on the proposed re -organ-
ization of the United Farmers' Co -
Operative Company. At the conclu-
sion of the program lunch was serv-
ed and a social time 'enjoyed.
\Ir. Stevenson has moved, his saw-
ing outfit to the village and will be-
gin doing the custom sawing which
has been brought to him.Miss Florence Waltonis spending
her vacation with her parents at Pet-
Miss W. Rae is spending the holi-
day with her parents at Wroxeter.
Miss Stella. Nethery, of Montreal,
is with her mother, Mrs. Jno. Neth-
Miss Louise McKenzie, of Sturgeon
others, that of operating the road Kincardine. Falls, with her parents, R. E. and.
l grader and supervision . of the Stone
Two Trouser Suits 4,9
that have Everything
Correct in Style . Attractive in Pattern.
Durable in Fabric.
H. E. Isard & Co.
been the efficient road superintendent
since the inauguration of the present
system, then tendered his resignation.
of this office.
On motion of Robertson and Yung-
blut the same was accepted and the
Clerk instructed to confer with the
Highways Department regarding this
matter and that applications be asked
for this office, same to be considered
at next meeting of Council.
It was also decided that for one
year at any rate, the services of the
patrolmen would be dispensed with,
the Cou cil in the interests . of econ-
omy, being agreeable to look after
what work is required in their res-
pective divisions.
The Collector's time was again ex-
tended, to May 15th, it being expect-
ed that by that time a considerable
amount of taxes outstanding would
be accounted for.
Next meeting of Council will be
held on Monday, May 15th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
crusher. Twenty-five cents an hour
°will• be the payment for these sere-
' ices. Any member of the Council will
furnish additional . information as to
the duties required peetaining to this
Ates, Porterfield,
Township Clerk.
Sealed Tenders will be received• by
the undersigned for the construction
of a new school house for S. S. No.
9, East Wawanosit, up to six
1p.til 22nd, 1983. A marked cheque
for 5 per cent. of the contract must
he enclosed with each Mender. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily
George ge :Pocock,
8 if1ilghtm, Ont.
ROBERT C. WEIR, of the Town-
ship of Turnberry, in the Province
of Ontario, made" an authorized as-
signtnent on the 13th day of April,
1933, and that the first nteeting of
creditors will be held on the 28th
day of April, 1933, at the hour. of
11.00 in the forenoon, at the office
of Mr. J. W. Busltfield, Winghatn,
To vote thereat proofs of claims
and proxies rtmst be filed with me
er.ior thereto.
Those 'having claims
dst tv.
Born—On Thursday, April 13, to lets. McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Newby, London,
(nee Nettie Lott), a son.
Mrs. Walter Lott was called to
London on Thursday an account of
the very low condition of her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Newby,
au-ghter,[rs.Newby, who is now im-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and
Cordon, visited at the lone of her
sister, Frs. Chas, Campbell, bell, Belg
Miss Mary Johnston, who has been
visiting for the past two weeks rat
Cameron Geddes of Chatham, with
W, J. and Mrs. Geddes.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messer, Lois
and 'Vernon with Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Armstrong.
Gordon Stonehouse; of London,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Stonehouse.
Harry McQuire, London, spent
the week -end with his family here.
Miss Mary Coupes, of Toronto,
visited with C. R. Coultes and fam-
no, Caiitpbell, of Aylmer,
es ate must :fite the sante with the Mrs. Chas. Campbell.
Custodian or the Trustee when ap-
pointed before distribution is made, Mrs. l itrlte, of Port MieNicltrs
otherwise the proceeds of the estate
will be distributed Arngn. the parties
entitled thereto, without regard to
such claims.
DATED.AT Stratford this 18th day
of April, 1983.
43 "rItATft HD, On
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Miss. Clara Young with Mr. and
Mfrs. Earle Anderson.
Mf. Stewart Geddes, of Seaforth,
was an. Easter visitor with his. uncle,
Mr. Alex, Porterfield,
—ON -
Thursday L Friday,
April 20th, 21st
On Thursday and Friday of this week a
special representative from the factory will be
at our store with a full range of
This will give you an opportunity of see-
ing the full range of samples made by one of
Canada's foremost manufacturers:
Drop in and look them over
$9.05O 19.50
W nr