HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-20, Page 35,1 Jorrie J4 • F. O ,4 - 'The OPTOMETRIST WHO NEVER FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION Phone 118, HARRISTOIV GORRIE Mr; and 'Mrs. Cooke s1Sent Good Friday with Dr. and .Mrs. Mutton in IV/itched. . Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Bai'ers and family of Millbank, were guests on Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5, Baiers. Plans have been completed by the committee in .charge for the pr -ogres - sive Cnellre;and Bridge which is be- ing held in the Library this Thurs- day and Friday nights respectively. Mrs: Pratt, of `£eeswatei, Mrs, Mc- Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Luclharn ' of Elgin, were Easter guests of Mr. Mrs. f Thos. Braddock, Miss Alma Shier and friend, Teeswater, were Sunday guests I1Ir. ` and Mrs. Iriring Toner, Mr: and Mrs. Ward Schaefer family, of Fordwich, were Ras ., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frame Col Mrs, Leckie, of Lucan, spent,. week -end with her mother, Mrs. N Mr. and Mrs.' Knowlson Huest also Mr. Thos, Vittie Sr., spent t week -end in -London: The town` fathers of Gorrie 'h ordered 200 pine trees from the Fo estry Dept. at Ottawa, for the pu pose of decorating the village. T large majority are to be planted. Victoria Park. Mr. and -Mrs. W. C. King and so Earl, spent Easter with Mrs. Agn Earls, of 'Wroxeter.,' Mr. and 'Mrs. V. Shera spent Ea ter with Mrs. Ellis, in Guelph. United Church'Easter 'Services An illuminated cross adorned th choir ,of :the United Church for th Easter Services, and made a very fit ting appearance at both morning, an evening services. The pastor opene the morning service with' a solo "Op en the 'Gates of the Temple." Hi text at the morning service was faun in John 12:1;9. 'The evening servic tocik ;the form of.a religious, drama entitled "He Lives;" staged by the Young People's :Society: ` Special Eas- ter music was rendered by the choir at both aerviaes. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dane and .daughter, Betty, .of' Toronto, are .spending ;their : Easter vacation with the former's pasei te, Mr. and Mrs. R G. Dane. Miss Verna Osborne, of Monkton, is the gtiesst of Mrs.' David Cathers. Guests at the home of R A. and Mrs. Ashton` on Easter were: Miss Beryl Ashton, 'Seaforth; Miss Paul „jnet Ashton, nurse -in -training; and Mr. ill 1 ` and Mrs. W. Stti:aingwa , .of Sarnia;1. . • jack Toner :and ;friend, Miss avey,' of Toronto, also Miss M. , of Clifford, spent Easter at Dine of the former's ;parents, - Mr. rs. A. E. Toner. • s Ethe1Hyndman and •friend, Mr, Dowdell,, .of Toronto, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman. Reeve J. W. Gamble was in Clin- ton on business oil Wednesday last.' son, Mrs. agara a ck J Mr Cu and ssels, - t the and Cli '- f wi ck, Ash- en - ends ying one sev- Mrs: , 'is her Jim, the of eks' ere ' er, rs. air at it - lie rs. nd r th t 0 t h e H s n sp fo P.t, � C and va of �To of sp and ter e• Ba the his eil. on c11e he ho Ke ave M r- dau' r-ed he the. in who yisi n, G es to t seri s- New how pain e were e they - that d the d, cong - M s ied'22 d on e Mille the ously for h M Camp mer's M M. D Wood the' h and M Mis Mr, and' Mrs, E. Radford and Maurice, of Walton, Mr. and Stilton :Ashton and baby; of, Ni Falls. Ur.' and Mrs, S. Bricker and of Fordwich, were guests of, M Mrs, Walter Sireson. Little Miss Joye Jardine, Bin spent a. few days.last week a home: of her grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Robt, Cathers, Miss Beatrice. Ferguson, of ford, also s Miss Schaefer, I er of of Ho were guests of Mr, and Mrs. IL ton last week. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hyniln'tan ertainec( a number .of their . fri n Friday evening, everyone enjo heniselves. Mr. Nicholls returned to his h ere on Monday after spending ral weeks with his daughter,. ockridge, in Guelph. Miss Bessie Wylie, of Toronto pending the Easter vacation with (other,' Mrs. . john Wylie, Dr. and Mrs. Ramage and son, ent' a few days this 'week with river's parents- in Durham. Mr. Lloyd Cat -hers of the Bards onisnerce, is tatting his three we cation at present. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Carson w ronto visitors 'ori Sunday, Miss Isabell Earls of Wroxet ent Saturday 'with her sister, M W. C. King. Mr. Ewart Whitfield,. of Arth nk of Commerce, spent Easter home here, Miss Jessie Hastie, R.N., of K nor, spent the week -end 'at t hot of her brother; Mr., and 212 n.neth Hastie. r. and Mrs. Wesley Finlay a ghter, Joyce, of Toronto:, mato up and spent Good Friday wi former's mother,' MTS. ;Finlay S returned to the ,city for sho t with her son. orrie's` hockey fans ''listened in: he final game in the Stanley Cu es, and were very 'interested. Th w York Rangers were the winner ever, all fans agree upon th t that although the Maple Leaf the loosers, it wasn't becaus didn't know their hockey, bu they were two men short whe game ended. Nevertheless, w ratulate both teams. r. and "Mrs. J. Miller .aceompan rs. R. J. Hpes:ton to "Brantfo Thursday where Mr: and `Mr's r were' called to the bedside o atter's brother, Who' is danger ill, very little 'hope being'held is. recovery. Mr J. Douglas and -sister, Mrs. bell, spent Easter with 'the - for - son, in Hamilton. ' Mr r., rt •e rs e s e t n e, rd f Acorn Baru Ventilators Prevent spot. taneous combus- tion. Base, 20 in.; Drum, 15 ' in.; Height, 4 ft. 5in.--only $5.00. 1, Preston Galvanized Tanks Special Spring Sale. Write for prices. Sfocum's Spark . Arrester For your hoose chime ney, Pre- Vents roof - fires. Slocum's Fire Sufl'ocator' For putting out fires Wien they . tire' beginning. PRi3STON Barn Door Hardware We can save you money on your 'barn door lord - ware. Write, for prices. Preston( Steel Clad Barns Built with rugged steel trusses or plank trusses. Roofed and sided with fire- proof steep Write for "Book About 'Barns". Use Preston "Led -lied" Nails :Lead is used on the head of these nails to seal the nail -hole. Now only iSc lb, see Millions of dollars worth of farm build- ings are being eaten up each year by rot and decay caused by lefiky roofs, and by fires. Save your buildings N 0 W before they get beyond, saving. Re -roof with. Rib -Roll. Rib -Roll is permanent. It cannot warp, shrink, peel, crack, curl or bulge. Itis fireproof—sparks cannot ignite it. When. properly grounded at the four corners according to the Ontario g Rd Lightning g o Act, it gives cotnplete lightning protec. tion. «Council Standard" Rib -Roll is now sell.' ing at the lowest prices in history. Quality is still maintained at its highest point.. Write for free sample and useful roofing booklet. al.let „b;e.H.,. '" COUNCIL C STANOARO M f kfAUY tOFSN r astern. Guelph Street Preston, Ont. We make all kinds of Sheet Metal Building Materials. mit II!xla�ik.N.xi, Factories: •also at Montreal Torotlto !t liStt, 'TO LOAt) . Th _\R 1.1COOR' , ON TInNTIt' . j AND SANG ,�� THE— M TO CHINA Ala sack, 1:4QA114 LTHE 'Ra ti 4NG OV THE ......,,,Iv OPT HELPED, ��Eyr or To lsi � ,,,„,. THE �EUERF\Q6s x ,�. 'd`;,G•3.1 ivf•, Ny, r7:1 ..,.� :+'l.a e yrf �r s °‘ S M. -til • ;„:1 Odd But True dcnota , (Atm, 4; NEH,NEH .Jose WAti 'TILL NE GEMS A Loco op YDUR HEART 1%AcilVATEp �+Y tLECTR1CpL IOU LSES Saese PRl/T. T1GIATERR, 1t' mt bANS 1f1E RQIAAN Ets P1RE , >NERE AU,QWED Ta �TECi irltttk 4114,1,05 tN At' y 'I'J r t'( SAW .P1T Mr, and Mrs. David Dane and son, Whitney, of . Toronto, spent Easter with Mrs. Dane's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, also other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac: Wade are .hav- ing their home wised for hydro•. this. week. C. E. .Shera, local, electrician,' is doing : the work. Mr. William Edgar was a guest re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Toner. Miss Evelyn' Stephens left for To- ronto -on Monday„ oronto-on.Monday, where she will at- tend the musical (convention. Mr. ;and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson, Helen and Gwen, -of Owen Sound, also Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., of London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Foster this week' Messrs. V. Shera and W King spent Satnxday in London: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cathers were; visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jardine, near Brussels, last:. Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kleanp .andi sons, Stanley and Vern,of Harriston,,. were guests ,01 lvIr. and Mrs. James; Edwards for male week -end.. Dr. and 22a,s. Whitely spent Easter Sunday in Ch'esley. \. Mr. and Mrs. Wassinarl, also Mx. and Mrs.' D., W. Hsdks, of'Bornhh 1in:e: attended the Anglican Church sere ices here on ;Sanday Mrs. Wm, aiwey ,of Chatsworth, is visiting at Mr. Jas, Hastie's. Fordwna a, a silver flower' basket pre- esee and Mrs e . •Clegg visited wish: se -/tea -)y the W. A., was dedicated friends in Fordwich an Monday. 'in memory of the late Mrs. Wm. Hilt. Miss Anne Douglas vent a day ala `•`Special 'anter Anthem were sung by Hamilton this week, the cltesirs. At St. jearres' Church, Mr. John Kain;G, :also (Keith Wat ly'r'o.eter•, a solo was 'sung by Mn son, of Winghann, .are :spending their 11:IcGi•egesr. 'The beautii':eT 'floral dee-„ vacation at their home "here. orations 'in `St. Stephen's Church, An enjoyable time was pent at the Corrie, -were 'donated inn 'memory of Easter :Dance on Monday, evening,itn the late 'Mrs. Stinson. The Rector the Town Hall, although ;the crowd preached from the tett St, John's ection of 'officers which resulted as follows: - Pre'sident—Mrs. L. F. Ashton, re- elected. 1st vice-President--21rs. W. Earn- gey, re-elected. 2nd vice-President—Mrs. Herzog, re-elected: Secretary—Mrs. Victor Shera. Treasurer—Mrs, - Carroll Gregg. District Rensresentative—Mrs. Ca tilers. Auditors -Miss Lennox and :Miss Douglas. Program Committee—Mri. 'Craroll Gergg, Mrs. F. King, Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs. :Shera. Pianist—Mrs. F. Cole. Press Reporter—Mrs. Shera, Mrs. (ing, assistant The meeting closed with -the Na - Ilona] Anthem, after avhndh 'refresh- ments 'were served by Mesdames Ca - filers and Herzog, assisted - by the . hostess. EA5'TER SERVICEMiss Aline Meaheii of Winghame: WROXETER Plain Plow Points for 50c, with in, 55c. Davidson's Blacksmith Shop. Mr. Merton iHowe, of Toronto, was at guest of the Misses Howe, over the .week -end, Mr. Leslie McLaughliei cif Oshawa' called on .Mends in town on Friday, Mr. and 2.vlrs. Kenneth Gibson, also Dr. Thomas Gibson, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with the 'former's mo- ther, Mrs. Thomas 'Gibson. Mr. .and Mrs. Robt. McAllister, of Grey 1.'p., called en friends in town on Sunday. 1vlrs. Pleasance :and sols, ,of pees Elgin, are spearing a few ,days with her 'mother, Mrs. Neil White. Me. and Mrs, Leonard Rattan, of Fcsxlwich, wereguests of Mrs. mut- sign 'in town on Saturday. `dSlr. Andy legles, of Irr:.gersol, nail- ed on friends in - town on 'Sunnily. 'IOErs. Sandy McDougall is at 'pres-1 gent visiting :her daughter, Mrs..Alex,1 .'Sanderson, a^t Harristsrl. ANGLICAN ECCHU.RGHI:was a 'a'end guest ^off Mr::ana; :14[rs: A. Meilen. Misses Margaret amwd Irene Wright; are spending, he Easter bo dny with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. :h11ex.' Wright. Eater 'Day Services were wellat- tended in Atrglican 'Churches of this parish, 'the total number of communi- cants 'being ormmun - cants'being 133. At Trinity Church, was not as. large as in former years. ,'• 3eel, 20th .chapter, 11t r and '20th, Mr. and Mrs, A, 'S1eplaens were in ttne1Se. The flowers, the music and, Harriston on .Sunday, the large .congreg WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the iGor rie branch of the Women's Institute (net on Wecbresclay afternoon at ;the home of Mrs. Victor Shera with I,8 present." The president, Ylrs. L. F. Ashton had'charge of the programa and besiiless. A. letter of acki ow- ledgement . was read from a sick friend of the society for a gift. The Society pan on entertaining , the Wroxeter and Fordwich Societies.on May 17th, when the sumnzei; speaker will be present. The minutes were adopted as read, ,Roll call was res- ponded to with "Garden Hints" and sortie very worthwhile stlggesttons were fverl, The topic "Cereals •— TheirBody- Building Value", was given by Miss Beatrice Ferguson,erof Clifford. The speaker, in ' dealing with her topic, gave the history of Agriculture and. leading' tip to the manufacture of the ntmierofxs carols of value on tire' niarkets of today, and proved very interesting. Mrs, Herzog lad charge of the el - atrons all 'had e.Miss Edda Replier, Sudbury, is a 1 Y Miss Rona Van Velsor, of Wes is holidaying with her parents, and Mis W. E. VanVelsor, Miss Ann Munroe,' of St. Catl Ines, is spending the holiday at lIome here. Visitors at the Koine of Mrs, Gibson over the huliday were; and Mrs. Ken Gibson, of Idamilt and Mr, ;Edward Gibson, of Watfo Mr. andr Mrs. Lawrence.: t^c. 12 Gf£' t a sons, of London, were week -e guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mart Mr, and Mrs, T. G. Hemphill, al Mr and Mrs, J. J. Alien, motored Toronto on Thursday and took in t filial hockey game between the M pie Leafs and Rangers. Week -end guests at the home of R, J. and Mrs. Rann were, Dr. and Mrs, W. A. Spence, Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Alkire Rama and son, Billy, of Brussels. Miss Emma Irwin and Mr, Robt. McLaughlin,'. of 9th - - con., Howick, were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shearer, , . Mr. and Mrs. J. N; Allen' spent Sunday with friends at Guelph. Miss Ruth Stocks, "London, also. Miss Elna Stocks, of Stratford, are spending; the holiday with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Stocks, lir. ' and Mrs.' G. S, Srnytbe and daughters, spent Monday in Guelph, Miss Bertha Smith, of Lakelet, i spending : the holiday at her ham here. Mr. Clarence White, of Clifford spent Sunday with his family in town Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington of Toronto, are guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. S,llers in town. Mrs. Sell- ers expects to return home with her guests and will spend a few days in Toronto.' - iYlr. and Mrs, Geo, Paulinwere in London last Thursday. Misses Margaret and Irene Wright, Elva Stocks, Edith Weir, students of Stratford Normal, School, and Mr. R. Paulin, of 'London, are spending the Easter holidays at home. Miss Mary Pope has returned from Winghain Hospital where she has been a patient the past two weeks. Thos. Hoperoit and family visited here Sunday. Wroxeter Women's Institute The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's' Institute will be held in the Orangemen's Hall on Thursday, Ap- ril '27th. The Roll Call is to be an- smsered by an Incomparable Luxury in the Home. The topic, .Education is abetter Safeguard to a Nation than :a Standing Army, will be taken bar Ivlrs.. Ramage, of Gorrie. Social Chib The members of the Social Club anet•on Wednesday- evening last when :they enjoyed bridge, Miss Laura Wright and Mr. Archie Edgar hold- ing highest score. Dainty refresh- ments were served at the close by Misses Little and Wright. WROXETER W. M. S. EASTER MEETING ton,- Mrs. Hemphill with Mrs. Meahee ,as Mr, organist, added much tothe beauty of the h service with two 'a,r1t11ews, tar- ";Blessed be the King by Shawker, her and ``The Cross of Calvary” by Bar - T, "I "he evening seryige was taken by Mr. Rev. Mr, 'Turnbull, of P,ehriore, who on, gave a fine address on "£llc. Seven rd, Nails of the .Cross." The choir reit- rid d d'^c.d ` , ' der ed � Grave, Where i,9 'Thy Vic- nd tory" by Shawker. in. . St. James' Anglican so The members of St: James° Arrgli- to can Church, Wroxeter, held their he special Easter Service on Sunday Ov- a- ening, The chr.ir;:h was beautifully decorated `-wiIli . Roses, Daffodils and Tulips,, \Lr. IvtcGregor sans; a solo entitled "A Dream, of Paradise," which was much, appreciated: by the congregation present ° Rev, R, S. Jones was in charge of the service and based his remarks on John 20; verses 19-20. The service of Holy Communion followed the evening ser- vice. Good. Friday leas observed, by a special service in the evening by the members of St. James' Church, SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 1, Howick " Easter. Tests. 1. s Jr. IV=Pass 570. Margaret White e 674, Erma Harris 661 -Woodrow Dustow 657, Viola Dustow 614. Jr. III -Pass 510. .Florence Dus- tow 518, Dorothy Stewart 511. Jr. III B—Pass 330, 'Bobbie White 360. Sr, II -Pass 450, Helen Preiss 508: Jr. II -Pass 380. , Allan White 395. Jr. I—Edgar Dane, Maxine Harris, Harold Finlay. - Pr.—Leonard Preiss. N. Inglis, - Teacher. The Easter Thank -Offering service Miss Jenui 'Wells, of 'Tonooto, `is eof the W. M. S. of the United Church spending the Holiday with Mr, and, 'was held at the Manse, Tliursda _Mrs; G. A. Wearri;lag. :ternoon with a good attendance, Thursday of Marleor. Mrs. Gibson presided. and opened wickMr. wereane( Sunrsda,yJ. ;,urHesis Wof 1V1yr,, andti-' the meeting with the liyrnn In the Mrs. D. ;S. MacNaii' trist I glary following ufaton. Cross of Cl y o oto-ing Mr, Tom Lovell, Fordwich, spent with an Easter message from the 16th Saturday at the hoe of his heather, chapter of Mark. - - J. LovelhomeMrs. Finlay led in. prayer. After a rl-lisses Davidson, Ganxble, Little short business session in which Mrs, and Mitchell of our :school staff, are S. McNaughton and Mrs. J. Lovell were appointed delegates to' the' Hu- ron Presbyterial at Thames Road, the Roll Call was responded to by an Easter thought. This was followed by an Easter :responsive service entitled 'We would .ace Jesus', which included several well-known hymns. The speaker for the afternoon.. was the Rev. Mr. Fin- lay who, after paying tribute to the work of the W. M, S., gave a most fitting address on the "Value of Ob- servance of . Cominernmoi-ative Sen_ oes." Mr's. Gibson and Mrs. Stocks con- tributed a pleasing duet.".Harlt, there comes a whisper",after which the W. M. S. hymn was sang and the holidaying at their various homes ;in Newton, Fordwich, "Teeswater .and l2,olesworsh respectively plat in making these SerziiCes Conn- guest at the home of her lsa rents, foa=tiri'g' and inspiring. 10th LINE HOWICK The neighbors of this community were shocked on Sunday morning to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Sebastian Zttrbrigg. The sympathy of this community goes out to Mrs. Zur- brigg' and family. Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Pritchard and faxnil • attended the fsnieralof a 'co,n- Sin, near Mitchell, on Sunday, Mrs. Fred Schnittker and son, Wil- fred, of Listowel, are spending the Easter holidays at Thos. Strong's. Misses Matid and Ruby Harding are. Holidaying under the parental tool. IS/fr. John l+arnon spent Tuesday eV't. i`'.. Y]n at . �.', Pritchard's, �' c Ia rd s 'be , lore got in to London Mr. and 'Mrs, Ed. Jacques and Leola, spent Sunday at M. Craig's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zeigler and two sons, were Sunday, visitors at H; Mel cod's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dinsmore anct lit- 1 tie David, spoilt one evening last week at T frit 1 d' and Mrs. Robt. Hupher. • Miss M. McKercher is visiting .at 'the home of Mr. and. Mrs. T.oin Loy - in Howick. Mr. arid Mrs. Finley Mac -Naughton spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ash, of Listowel. Miss Mau. Gibson, of Toronto, is expected limine this week. .Mr. Wm. Patterson, of Owen Sound, spent the week -end with his fan* in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Rae and little daughter, Joyce, of Waterloo, also. Miss 'VVlnnifred :Rae, of Belgrave; are holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae. 2Ir•, and Mrs; D.G. Hersi Bill - p were Hensall visitors on Friday. Ur. and Mrs, G. .A. Wearying and daughter ate r were guests Sunday da ue y' with �' Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gibson, of Ford- wiele Mr. Andrew Shearer, I3.A,, of Sault Ste. Marie, is spending the holiday with Ms parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. Shearer, 2nd con. Miss Mae Davidson is spending a Miss ',Aileen Schaab speet the week-eed at her home in Elmwood. meeting closed by repeating- the Lord's d s Pray cr in unison. - EASTER SERVICES Fragrant Easter Lillies, Iris, Daff-+ edits and Stocks, artistically made .cc a beautiful ful ^ SettiYlg fol''. elle Easter service in Wroxeter United Church an Sunday morning. The - pastor, .Rev. W, A. rima. Manager: "Well, on what salary would you be willing to make a New Boy: "I should be willing to make a start on three hundred a year, sir. Manager: "What?" New Boy: "Yes, but you can beat me 'down to fifteen shillings a week if you like," YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel needed when you feel blue, depressed, sour on the world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its daily two p011tda of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and eliraMation are being slowed up, food is accumulating and decaying inside you and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel -moven like salts, on, mineral water, laxative candy or °hewing sews, or roughage, don't go far enough._ J You need a liver stimulant. Catteea Little Liver Pills is the best one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuee • subetitutes. 25o. at all druggists. 52 New Low Prices Clark's Pork & Beans, can ......7c Northern Brand Canned Corn L. of M. Brand Tomatoes, per can 10c Sliced 'Pineapple, 2 cans for 25c Orange Pekoe Zee, Oxford Black or Mixed Crown Brand Gc:tod India Black Tea, Fresh Ground Coffee at per lb. 40e, 50c and 60c Mete's Wool Knit Sweaters 2.19 Jumbo Knit Sweaters Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and . Meta's Overcoats from Men's Rubbers and Over - Shoes Reduced 20% Men's Ileavy Striped Overalli 'Men's Mitts and Gloves, Shirts, Etc., all Reduced in Price. Watch for our Saturday Week. EMI Specials at still Lower Poultry Supplies, Shell Grit, Oyster Shell and Grit sold here Trade in Your Eggs arid Cream Store Wrosteter