HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-20, Page 1Single Copies Five Cents 1111110,10,111.1elmatotte., nrr lit With Which is Amalgamated Te Conk Vidette and Wroxeter News. DON'T FAIL TO SEE 'AN OLD-FAHIONED MOTHER," ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 25th, IN THE *INGHAM UNITED CHURCH. BADMINTON CLUB , SINGLES TOURNE Jack Brackenbury Won First Pia In Well Contested Event On Friday of last week the Ba eenineon Club held a men's siiigle tou 'narnent in which sixteen players" too ;part in the play, The winners playe the winners and the losers played th Posers, and then the winners of ;eac side played off. jack Brackenbur won on the winners side and met hi :brother, George, who won out on th loser's side. jack won from his bro ther in the finals 21-7. The following players were enter ed, J. IvIcKibbon, J. Mason, A. Ad 4arns, R. Thompson, N. Williamson W. Tiffin, IL Mitchell M. Christie, Brackenbury, K. Somers, J. Thomp son, M. Rae, R. Rae, J. Bra.ckenbur Mason, B. Fox. OBITUARY' Mrs. Etyhernia Ella Fallis A well-known pioneer of the dis- trict, 1-11uphemia Ella Duncan, widoe -of the late James Fallis, passed away in Lower Wingham, on Wednesday A.pril 12th, in her 71.st year. She was -born near Bluevale, in the Township .of Turnberry, Sept. 10th, 1862. For ty-one years ago she was marrie and with her husband took up fa.rm ing on the llth concession of Turn ;berry. After Mr. Fallis died twenty- nine years ago she remained on th farm tiAtil about six years ago, when tshe moved into Lower Winghain an has since lived with her daughter, .Mrs. Walter Simonds. She leaves to -mourn her loss, Mrs. Walter S. Sim- -onds, Lowe!' Wingham, Pearl, near London, and one son, James, of Turn- -berry. The funeral service was con- ducted by the Rev. Ernest Hayes, Rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church at the residence of her son-in-law, 'Walter Simonds, Lowe e Wingharrs -on Friday afternoon, April 14th. In- terment took place in Wingeham Cem- etery. 'Mrs. 'Thomas Groves The death occurred of Annie Car- rick IVIcDonald, wife of Thomas Groves, in the Wingham General Hospital, Sunday afternoon, follow - an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Groves was in her 59th year. Born in Hay Township, near Exeter, •she moved to this district as, a small .girl where she has since been a resi- <lent. Surviving besides her husband, are two sons and four daughters, Mrs. 'Harvey Beirnes of Stratford, Mrs. Lewis Storey, of TeesWater, Lillian, June and Macklin at home, and Earl, • .of Wingham. Also three brother e and ibur sisters: James of Winghane, Jo- eph and Nathaniel, of Exeter; Mrs. -G. Patterson and Minnie, of Gris- -evald, Man.; Mrs. L. Lee, of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. H. Green, of MIsquette, Mich. private service will be conduct- ed at her late residence, Lower Wing - Irani, on Thursday afternoon, at, 1.30 -with service. at St. Paul's Anglican Church at 2 o'clock. Rev. Ernest Hayes, rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, will conduct the services. In- terment will take place in Wingham Cemetery. Sebastian Zurbrigg The sudden death of Seba.stain Zur- lrigg, in his 61st year, occiered at his home, rordwich, about midnight on .Saturday, April 15th. Last January he suffered a slight stroke but made .satisfactory recovery and was appar- ently in good health. 0,n Saturday evening he retired as usual but awak- ened his wife by moaning about mid- night, and before medical aid could elet summoned he passed away. He has been a resident Ilowick all his 'life, being born on the 2nd line, He later took up farming on the 10th line, arid only last year moved from 'the farm to Fordwich, Thirty yee1rs ago he married Emma Reihm of Lis- towel. Surviving besides his widow are two sons, Warren on the home- stead and Morley, who teaches school in Harriston. He is also survived by four brothers and one sister, David of Paimerstoet; Mrs. A. B. Oxford, Patricia, Alta.; , George and Adam, 2nd line of Hamrick and Ezra of town. Following a private service at his late home, Fordvvielt, 'Tuesday after, noon, a service was held in the Un- ited church, Fordwich, conducted by the Rev, Mr, Button, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Eathest of the Evangelical church, Clif ford. Intermett was made in Forciwieh cemetery, VVINGHAM ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1933 MANY FORMER RESIDENTS RETURN 'HOME FOR 'THE EASTER HOLIDAYS , TRIPLE V CLASS TO CONDUCT SERVICE AT BLUEVALE , , RESULTS OF EASTER EXAMINATIONS ' FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL ENTRANCE CLASS THE NEW REDID OF FIUROIN Mr, and Mrs. j. W. Bushfield spent Easter in Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. W. Brawley spent - the week -end at Point Clarke. .- Miss Blanche Irwin, of Toronto, le spent the week -end with friends. [1 MISS Elizabeth Barber, of Ottawa, e spent the weekend with her mother, a Mrs. Chas. Barber. V Mr, Weir, Elliott, of St. Thomas I . s. is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. J. El- e liott, for the holidays. - Mrs .Alex. MacGregor spent the Easter holidays with her daughter; - Miss Mary, in Toronto. - Mrs. W. H. Gurney is spending a , few days in London visiting her dau- . ghter, Mrs. R. E. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Geddes, of Bel- , grave, were Easter guests with Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Geddes, Minnie St. Misses Grace McKinnon and Grace Nixon, Toronto, were the week -end guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. How- San. • The Hon. Re,' beri Weir, Mts. Weir r and Dorothy, 'of Ottawa, wete in . town for Easter, t'he guests of Misses . Weir. , Misses Anne and Filorence Barber, , of poi -Onto, are spending the. Easter • holidays with their mother, Mrs. C. . Barber. - Misses Edith and Bessie Lott, of Toronto, are visiting their parents, • IVfr. and Mrs. George Lott, for the holidays. Miss Mary Johnston, B.A., Tor- onto, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston. Miss 'Yvonne McPherson, Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation •with her mother, Mrs, Ellen McPherson, Catherine St. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galbraith and family, of Toronto, were Easter, vis- itors with his parents, Mr. and Mes. John Galbraith. . Mrs. Norvel V. Stimore, of Wal- ton, visited over the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Homuthr Pa.trick St. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schoales, of Toronto, were Easter week -end guests. of Mrs. Griffin, John Street. Mrs. Sphoales is remaining here for the week. • MTS., (Dr.) J. R. Lockhart, of Ed- munston, New Brunswick, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Elliott. Mrs, Lockhart will remain here for some time. Mrs.. Mitchell, of Toronto whose ' ' hueband, Mr. Ernie Mitchell, is' re- lieving Mr. Brawley at tire, C. P. R station, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Geddes Minnie St, while ' ' visiting her husband Easter week -end. Mr. Stan. Hutchinson, of Toronto„ was a week -end visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hitchings were Easter visitors at Kincardine. -Miss Agnes Williamson spent a few clays in London,' this week. Mr. Charle's 'Mason, 'London, is vis- iting with his mother, Mrs. R. D, Ma- son. M d Mrs. Crawford . r. an Crawford and baby, Mary, spent the holiday week -end Woodstock. . Miss Mary Coultee, Toronto, visitL• ed with her aunt, Mrs. T, Deans over the week -end. ' Miss Betty Walker, of Stratford Normal School, is hone for the Eas- ter holidays. ' ' . Mr. and -Mrs. E. Merkley, London, spent the weeiceend with their son , Cecil Merkley. Mr. Carman Coutts, who i's attend- :ing Guelph 0.A.C., was home for the Easter holidays,, 1 Misses Phyllis Turner and Barbara Ross are spending the Easter holi- days in Brussels. •Misses 'anise and Anne Homuth visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr over the week -end. Misses Mar d Marjorieatus Margaret and Fisher, of Toronto ,are in town for the Easter holidays. . Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin and baby' spent the week -end in Oakville," visit- Mg Mrs. Irwin's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Isbister and family, Toronto, visited with his mo- ther, over the week -end. Mrs, W. R. Hamilton returned on Saturday, having spent a week visit- ing friends in Hamilton. • 'Mr. Harry C. Dore, Caledonia, is spending Easter holidays with his mother, Mrs. Win. Dore. Misses Edna and Margaret Proc- tor, of Stratford Normal School, are home for the Easter holidays. Miss Ena Currie, of Toronto, is spending the holidays‘with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 5. A. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Haines, of Clarksburg, 'visited over the week -end with Capt. arid Mrs. W. j. Adams. Miss Elizabeth Johns, of Port Col- borne, is home for the holidays, vis- ' iting- her mother, Mrs. W. A. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. French and daughter, Dorothy and Marjorie, spent the week -end visiting his father at Strath- roY• • Mr. Allison Currie, of Guelph O. A. C., visited with his parents, Rev. and Mrs L. H. Currie for the holi- ' ' days. ' ' Mrs. " W ' Ba--cliffe and to clau g ywh- tors of London are the Easter week ' — , _ guests- of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mac- e Lean' Mrs. Geo. Schaefer and children, of Goderich are spending , the Easter holiday with her mother, Mrs. John McCool. • Mr. Thekla Zalwski and Durward Preston were week -end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Preston. •"Forgotten • Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gregory and family, of Hamilton, visited with her sister, Mrs., Elmer Wilkinson, over the holiday. • Miss Jean Ramsay, of Paris, is spending the Easter vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ramsay. • Mrs. Ross, who has been visiting her neice, Mrs. j. W. McKibbon, for the winter months, returned to her• hoine in Fergus, on Saturday, Misses Kate and Mary King, who are attending Western University, spent the Easter holidays with their . parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'I'. King. , Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Armstrong and family, Port Credit, Mrand Mrs. . J. E urrie and son, Islington, IVIisses C and Myrtle Isard, Toronto, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. S. Isere'. Specials Thursday, Friday Satur- day—BaysideChoi e Qt rt' c . la i y Peas, e. Corn or Tomatoes 3 tins 25c• Dom- • est* c Shortening,2'lb 10 A ' 1. 8 c; eistr•a tan . '''tary Seedless Raisins 10c lb ' letuee c " fft9ford, pkg. Palmolive Soap 2 for lic• Kirk's ' ' for Castile Soap 4 cakes 21c.. Candy Xis- ses 10 ib.; Oranges'27e' doz.; I ern. c , , z'• ' - ons 25e dozo Feesh Somach 8 lbs. , •, , , . i 25e; Nice size Grape breit, 5 for 25c; also Fresh Leaf Lettuce, Celery, newHC . - • Cabbage, Fresh Tomatoes etc,—Do- . . . ' minion Stores, Limited. • (Additional Locals on Page Four) (A se, cz, •0 0 4:' rl , Names A bb 5 2 Up e-. 0 .,- , C., 7. •,-. t. Biggs, Percy -tr,pk.5 -t40i-li5-...OgrnE-ir.n 100 72 49 68 31 Bok, Luetta Carr, George 66 83 59 '71 38 00 '72 50 66 36 Collar, Betty 66 81 71 46 32 Cameron, Zora 100 85 64 79. 32.72 Carter, Lorraine 100 87 73 64 38 Carter, Raymond 34 84 40 65 45 Currie, John 66 7Q 62 63 44 Davidson, Billie 66 75 61 44 35 Ellacott, Lloyd Groves, Helen 17 90 58 40 32 17 80 42 54 24 Krohn, Emma 100 98 86 84 40 Lamb, John 49 90 50 60 28 McDonald, Jean 66 82 66 25 25 . . . MeNevin, Winnifred 66 $4 72 51 38 Mellor, Irene 100 91 68 83 20 Small, Winnie 83 88 68 63 40 Stoakley, Velma 66 84 71 74 38 Wilson, 'Alicia 100 85 46 52 30 Bunn, John 83 52 14 57 20 Campbell, Laura 66 92 69 72 28 To pass'pupils must obtain 40% on eac subject an 0 on tote. . To hd 60% I obtain Honors pupils must ,.o tam 40% on each subject and 75% on total. c, 0 0 cz c, VD L'D ,- be ,,,c, e 13 " ,..9 ,e,' .47' ' ""‘ ,--1 ."' l';' ' Remarks v , ,_, ,.. cli q.., •,-. -,,1 0 .,.. ... eo 0 0., 0 ,,, 65 66 29 32 29 47 588 11 passed ' 74 57 4136 31 42 598 10 Passed 69 76 30 33 30 38 500 19 ' Failed 65 66 33 29 38 41 568 13 Passed 69 42 41 34 47 665 4 Honors 79 84 44 38 35 48 690' 3 Honors 59 74 84 35 34 45 549 15 Failed 67 59 30 32 29 41 563 14 Passed 48 75 32 30 32 36 534 17 , Passed 68 72 33. 43 33 47 531 18 Failed 69 56 45 20 32 44 483 20 Failed 84 81 48 43 32 47 743 1 Honors 66 75 35 40 36 41 570 12 Passed 70 63 40 30 35 38 540 16 Failed 68 72 40 39 35 48 613 47 'Passed 76 92 35 42 41 45 693 2 Honors 70 80 46 38 33 41 650 5 Honors 69 '70 3936 39 48 634 6 Passed 67 '76 36 37 37 47 613 7 Passed 62 58 34 24 26 26 456/21 Failed 74 60 45 32 28 41 607 9 Passed Pass 510. Honors 638. Pass and Honor pupils recom- mended. A. L. Posliff, Principal. ---- Part of South Bruoe 1,1 North Haien in Recii The Triple V Bible Class of tl Wingham United Church will ofcon- . . dtict the evening service in the Blue- vale United Church next Sunday, Mr. j°e Clark willgive the address and several other members of the class • Will take part in the service. The Service of ,song will be assisted by a f choir o young men inembers of the class. This class has on previous occas- ions conducted services in the United Church here and. Belgrave and Luck- now, and are to be congratulated on the splendid christian work they are doing. A week from Sunday night wtill .again conduct the service in in the rated Church here. In the redistribution 0 • • electoral ridings the nun , :.,- cut from 112 to 90. TI reduction of 22 seats. Of two ridings to go, ninete servative, two are Pro one Liberal (South Bruc The riding of Huron ' T comprise the following: Ashfield, Carrick, Colbor Grey, Hovvicic, Huron, K. ris Turnberry East Waw Wawanosh; the town oi and the villages of Blytl Brussels, Mildre.a.y, Riple3 water. It Will be noticed tin town is not included in I' and will be in South Hu NOTICE — On Wednesday,. afternoon, April 26 about 2 o'clock a fire engine will be in Winglearn for the purpose of de- rnonstration. All citizens are asked to be present for this demonstration so that they may more readily under- stand the advantages of this 'a.ppar- for fire protection n purposes. WINNERS AT TB' CRIBBAGE TO • The Cribbage Tourney held in the Armouries 1 ening was well attended, taking part in the play. .7. • , A. C. Bleach, had 8 wins of 1197; 2nd, G. Kennedy, of 1183?'3rd, W. A. Lott of 1175; 4th,G. MacKay of 1174. Only one more of the ments will be held this this will wind up the play until fall; this will ' at the Armouries on the m 2 d May n . Quality Shoes It pays to buy quality Footwear and, besides you are assured of a fit- at Greer's Shoe Store. .. Attending Educational Meeting Dr. R. L. Stewart is in Toronto at- .. tending the annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Association, as representative of the local High School Board. Moved to Town Mr. Robert ,Merchant, who has been section foreman for the C.N.R.• at Milverton for the past three years, has accepted the same position with• the C.N.R. at Bluevale. He will live in Wingham, and with his wife and two young sons has taken up resi- dence. on Francis .S.te A • • Attending Educational Meetings o Mr. G. L. Brackenbury, Principal of the High School, left on Monday morning to attend the Provincial Council meeting of the Ontario Sec- . ondary School Teachers' Federation which convened Monday. He also at- tended the annual meeting of the On- tario Educational Association on Wenesday and Thursday. d Evening Auxiliary Present Play The 3 -Act Play "An Old Fashion- ed Mother" will he presented in the schoolroom of the United Church on Tuesday evening, April 25th, under the f the Young Women's auspices o g Evening Auxiliary. The play is a fine combination of comedy and drama. Don't miss it. Admission 25c for ad- o • Its and 15c for children under 12. Presented S. S. Library With Book Men", a book written by Claud -us Gregory, of Hamilton, was presented to the United Church Sunday School Library by Mr. Greg- ory when he was here at Easter. This book is a story of the depression and is published by Davis Lesson & Co., of Hamilton. Mr. Gregory is a for- mer resident of Wingham, and his amny friends here will be delighted to know that his book is selling well, Work •Shoes . Greer's Work Shoes for hard ser- iee, 1,7e to $2.98. m I Intr-ucline ?" "A a Will be presented by Durham A. Y. P. A. under the auspices of the Wingham A.Y.P.A., Friday, April 28. Tickets 25c. Garrison Association Dance On Friday night this weelc a dance will be held in the Armouries under the auspices of the Garrison Associa- tion. Music by Carr's Six -Piece Or- chestra. Admission 50c per person. Lunch served. Everybody welcome. 1 ' Combined Field Crop Competition in Barley, O.A.C.21 '10500 divided in to Six Prizes.— $ • -gram Farmers who intend entering this • contest should hand their names to the Secretary at once. This cornpe- • • • taion is conducted by the Turnberry • Agricultural Society. W. 5, Greer, Sec'y. Women's Inetitute April 27th The regular monthly meeting of the 'Women's Institute will be held in the council chambers on Thursday, April 27th at 230 p.m. As this is the last rneeting of the Institute year reports of the various committtees will be given on the year's work, fol- lowed by the election of officers for the ensuing year. Representative of Gideons Will (Preach On Sunday • On Sunday morning a representa- tive of the Gideons, a society of Tra.- yellers who place Bibles in hotels, will preach in the United Church, and also at the evening service in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church. It*is the intention of this society to place bibles in the hospitals as well as in hotels. C.J.G.C. London, to Merge With C.X.01C. at Windsor• The agreement for the consolida- tion of radio sta.tions CJGC, London, and CKOK, Windsor, was signed on Monday, and on Apirl 24th the tevo will merge. The London station will be closed and the broadcasting will be clone from Windsor. The comp- any will operate tinder a new call let- ter, as yet not chosen, but it will pro- bably be CKLW, The new station will be stepped up to 5,000 watts with in a few weeks, • Returned from Florida Mr. and Mrs. A. M• Crawford and Kenneth arrived back in town from Florida Sunday evening, Mr. Craw- ford made Very fast time on the re- turn trip. They left St. Petersburg about 7 a.m. on Thursday and arriv- ed at their home at 6.30 Sunday ev- ening They motored 1525 miles oft the return trip. Alex, reports that bowlingI et, was mare popti ar ....an ever • ' this year and as previously reported his rink won the prettily prize this year. He also states that the weath- er was exceptionally good. this year, And that ell acconuriodation and pric- es of commodities were mettle lower than former Years. They enjoyed the winter in Florida Yen, mucht bnt are happy to be baele again, : 1Shoe Repairing For Neat Work and lowest prices try Greer's' Shoe Store.. Important! A meeting of vital interest to all especially to students, teachers and parents, will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 8 . p.m. Watch for further announce- xnent next week, but %k eep this date open. . • Radio Fans— Tune in 10 BP this Friday at 8 p.m. for an hour of dance music by The Brussels Orchestra.. Tuesday noon, 'Thursday noon and Thursday night of next week, the Wingham Merch- ants are to bring you a special pro - of interesting news about the b. • • big time in store for you. . Do Not Fail to See The 8 -Act Play "An Old Fashion- ed Mother." It is a dramatic parable of a mother's love triumphant over the ingratitude of her children. The cast consists of twelve local charac- ters assisted by the village orchestra.' The action of the play takes place , Itt the tiny village of Canton, some years ago. e scene isin fortyTh ' laid • the front "settin' room" of Deborah . LT d 1 'IF f I Th n er h. s asin louse. e play con- tains a splendid moral and yet has plenty of humor. Miss Custard, the old maid who recites, and Jerry Gos- ling, the funny country boy, are great comedy parts. Special Services at City M Rev. C. M. Good will ' Friday at 8 p.m., and on 3.00 and 8.00 p.m., at the sion. Rev. A. 5, Schaltz, Forest, will give illustrate Tuesday and Wednesday e next week at 8 p.m. OBITUARY Mrs. Robert E, Hethei After an illness of c months, Charlotte Evans, the late Robert E. Hethere sed away Friday 'evening, at the home of her scin-i R. A. Coutts, Wingham, 'I ed, who was in her 74th born in the County of Cavi and came with her two 1 Canada when a young woi tv-nine years ago she was - the late Robert E. Hetherli predeceased her one montl viving are two daughters, Coutts of town and Mrs, A bell of Morris, and one s on the homestead, also th children, Carman, Norma Coutts. The funeral was Monday afternoon, April 1 late residence, lot 8, con. by her pastor, Rev. L. H. 1 terment was' made in the cemetery. The pallbearers were, P gar, George Edgar, C. G. n George Wraith, AllaFin( Coutts. • EASTER MEETING • • • ST. ANDREW'SW , M S - - .- ----? The W. M. S. of St. • Andrew's Presbyterian Church held in Easter Thank -Offering in the church on Wednesday of last week •, Owing to the illness of the presi- dent, the vice-Preeident, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd was in the chair, Devotional exercisee were led by Miss' R. Day, Mr. Cuerie, Mrs. 5. j, Elliott, Miss , Graham, Miss M. ,Anderson and Mrs, W. J. Henderson.• .... Mrs. Williamson read a letter from her daughter, May, who is a mission- ary in the phil, Field in India. Miss Williamson was to have been home on furloughthis., summer, after an absence of five year,s, but, owing to pressure of work there, is reinaining another' year. ' • . Mrs, McICibbon read an interest- ing report of her year's work sent by Miss Williamson. •Norina Mrs. ,(Rev.) MacLean then intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs, (Rev.) Wardlaw Taylor, of Goderich. Mrs. Taylor has recently come from New / 13runsveick. to live in Goderich, and Mrs. MacLean gave her the welcome of Wingham Auxiliary to Huron County, • Mrs, Taylor gave an inspiring ad- dress on "Giving" -- giving of time and talents, speech and, prayer, as well as of means, to the missionary cause, . , • The musical number or, tne pro- gram was a duet by Mrs. D. Rae and Miss F, Wilsbri, , Mrs. Williamson, and Mrs, Ham- mond were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial meeting in Brussels, the second week in May, At the close of the meeting the social committee served tea in the beeeinetit. EASTER SERVICES WELL ATTENDED • i Easter services the churches in Wingham were attended by large con gregations. The service of song, as is usual at Easter time, was proxnin- ent in all the churches. At the United Church, solos were rendered by Jack McMichael, Mrs. G L. Baker, -Mrs. J. M. McKay, 'Miss jean Christie, Gordon 13uchanan, a quartette by Miss Vesta Fox, Miss Edith Kew, Elemer :Wilkinson, J. H. Mitchell, and a duet by Miss Celeste . Carr and Miss Lillian Peterinan. At the St Andrew's Presbyterian Church the choir was ably assisted with solos by Mr. Weir Elliott of St. Thomas, Mrs. A. H. Wilford, Mr. Geo. Smith and Miss Agnes William- son. At the moning service in St. Paul's Anglican Church two anthems, "Wor- thy of the Lamb" and "The Hallelt- jah Chorus" were given by the choir with Mrs. A. H. Wilford and C. Tem- pleman taking the solo parts, The evening anthems were "P.ejoice Great If ly and"King of Kings", C. Temple- man and A. 3. Nortrop taking the solo parts. A special children's ser- vice was held in the Sunday school room in the aftertmon when the chit- dren were told the story of the Res- utrection by Miss Doris Fells, The children sang snecial Easter music. and W. T. tooth, the 8unerintendeht, gave the Easter morning Ieeson. The choir of the Baptist Church rcnctored special Easter musk and Mrs. C. Kingan was spetial soloist for the oecassion. • — Mrs, Barbara Wei: It is with regret we am death on April 10th of Ba len, wife of John Weiler, - resident of Turnberry, at h London street, Toronto, af thy illness from heart trot 68 years ago in the Townsl cai•dine, County of Bruce, most of her early life township before moving to township'. She has been a, Toronto for fourteen yea, tended St. Peter's R. C, Cl was a member of the Co of Christian Mothers, Alt 'Worrien's Auxiliary, • Sam League. The Requiem I was sung by Rev. Fr. A. :le Rev. Alsgr. J, J, Blair was the Sanctuary. Besides h( she is survived by four Mrs, jack Judge (Clera), McRae (Jo), Miss Netta. Vv Wrn. Gordon (Rose), all o Seven grandchildren ale° st pallbearers were Messrs. Rae, Wm. Gordon, Andre A. 5, Pilon, Jas. IVtacGregoi , son. The funeral took lAac nesday morning, to Mount etery, The numerous Mass care al tributes testified to the while the deceased was h MILITARY BALL t IS GALA AFFAIR —• Then annual Huron Regiment Ball was held in the,town hall, Clinton, on Monday evening. The hall Was gaily decorated for the occasion, The guests were received by Lt. Col, A. F. and IVIrs. Sturdy, Lt. Col. and Mrs., Coin- be, Lt, Col. and Mrs. Shaw, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Holman, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Dunlop. , The music was furnished by Olin Brown's ten piece orchestra. Mili- guests included Lt., Col. R. Lang- te.C.R., Lt. Col. Wm. Bail, Ox- Rifles, an Capt. 0y, • . e. d d C le. R C p .. 1 Those who attended Irani Wing- hain were, Mr. and Mrs. W. Booth, AT ci Mrs. A. I le an is. 1 . 1 eeblee, Mr, and — ..,-, ever's. vv. VanWyck, ..eetr, and Mrs. j. f 1M. dM JI. . raw Orc, Major an Mrs. . C. • '• MacLean,, Lieut. R. S. Hetherington, Miss Margaret MacLean, Miss Agnes Mi m• 8 A/ • MacLean, Sara at,L Miean, ss Eleanore McLean, Ur. George Fowl- er, Mr. Ronald Reel Mies Mnriel ThOrieton, Capt. N. N. McLean and Mr, C. H. 1\4cAvel. Mr, Gerrie VCTile son of Kitchenet, a former local tesie dent was also present, • Celebration at Teeswater Monster Celebration on May 24th in Teeswater -•-: Baseball Tout -tea- ment --- Good Music — Street Dante, Etc, Watch for posters, • ttatiltH' t ,tirttittett.t,thsttittrutt, t, -BRUCE, erged With stribution f Provincial her wilt be is means the twenty - en are Con- ressive and e). -3:31-nee will ownships of e, Culross, nloss, Mor - nosh West Wingham, , Lucknow, and Tees - t Goderich uron-Bruce URNEY which was uesclay ev- nine tables he winner, and a plus with a plus with a plus with a plus se 'tourna- spring and ournameut take place evening- of ission. speak on Sunday at City Mis- of Mount d talks on venings of ver three widow of gton, pas - April 14th, Mn he deceas- year, was n, Ireland; rothers to an. Fore married to gton, who ago. Sur - Mrs, R,•A. ex. Cany- on, Harry, ree grand - and Elgin conducted 7th, at her 1, Morris, Currie. In- Wingham rthur Ede Campbell, ley, R. A. Ler ounce the rbara Mil- e former er home, 6 .er a lenge ble. Born. ip of Kin - she spent in Carrick Turnberry resident s and at - larch. She efraternity r Society, ed Heart igh Mass fah:lite, Rt. present in r husband daught Mrs, Alex, , railer, Mrs. Tororttt), rvive. The Alex. Me- w , W. jack - e an Wed. -tope cern. s and rtor- osteetrt itt .1c1,