The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-13, Page 7:ry
Thurs ay, Apart 13th, 1933.
AticIs Zest to. Meal .
"Fresh from the Gardens"
I. WorldWide
Brief of
AiQ.►., p y,Ui_
i'enry Wins. Cheers of His Party C. Nixon,
Hon.: tilProgressive Leader, that
George S. Henry is
still Pre- the'list of salaries be given, was de-
rnier :of Ontario; .despite the boasted feated on .a straight Government -Op -
assurance of his own followers thatdivision. p
-they would oust him' at the. Con Porion. J.
Conserv- Hon. J. R, Cooke, Chairman of the.
ative caucus. His own followers, par- Hydro . Commission,
•ticularly among certain sections of Hear .both to and Premier
the House that he
the Conservative Y, the
press, among the Commission did not have to give the
rank and file of his party in Tor- infromation and .that the Government
onto, and among insurgents within after giving the matter consideration,
the membership of his party in the, confirmed the Commission in this
Legislature, were jeering George S. stand.
Henry before he explained his con-
nection with Ontario Power Service Premier Bennett May
Corporation bonds.. In caucus, Mr. Visit Washington
Henry was applauded by his fellow- Washington Unofficial reports
Cabinet Ministers and members. In that Premier R. B. Bennett might
the House he was applauded .by mem soon pay an official visit to Wash-
bers of all parties, with overflowing ington, were ,heard as plans were
galleries looking on, after he explain- formulated for economic conversa-
ed how he had . purchased and held tions between Prime Minister Ram -
$25,000 in Abitibi bonds. say MacDonald and President Roos-
evelt. It was said, but not immed-
amsay MacDonald Wilk lately confirmed,, that the TJnited
Visit to U. S. States President had : expressed to
London—Prime Minister Ramsay Hon. William D. Herridge, the Can-
MacDonald plans an Easter -tide mis- adian Minister here, a,hope that Mr.
sion to Washington. Mr. MacDonald Bennett could soon visit Washington:
will confer with President D. Roose-
vvelt and his aides regarding trouble- Montreal Opposes Treament
some European and world problems. of German Jews
Mr. MacDonald ispreparing to sail l Montreal—In the name of Preva-
on the Berengaria on April 15, ac- ier Taschereau of Quebec, Hon. Hon
cempanied by his daughter, Isabel, ore Mercier, Minister of Lands and
_and three Treasury .officials. Forests, recently gave official voice to
Remaining in Washington only a condemnation of the treatment being
few days, Mr. MacDonald will return meted to the Jews
to London soon after the House of Mercier addressed. a massameeting
Commons reassembles on April 25, called here by a committee of twen-
prepared to preside ta the World Ec- ty-five leaders in the Jewish com-
onomic Conference, to push his dis- munity. Intolerant abuse such • as
armament plan at Geneva, and to were reported daily in the press of
-continue the European pacification the world could lead to nothing but
scheme' inaugurated with Premier disorder, Mr. Mercier stated. "It is
.Mussolini at Rome last month, a historical fact that intolerance has
never wrought . anything but disorder,
,Germany Tries to Control mischief, passion and national preju
Religion of Country dice. The systematic discrimination
Berlin—The religion of Germany practiced by German political parties
under Hitler rule, as defined today against the Jews is most regrettable,
by the . Protestant Nazi "German and cannot produce peace or pros -
Christian Movement," would oust the perity. One cannot build nor rebuild
Old Testament, and would erect in a country with wrath and racial pre
its stead the sagas and fairy tales of ferment."
-Germany, and the leading personal-
ities from German "spiritual, philoso- Hepburn Says Meighen
phical and artistic life. Should Resign
At their first national convention Ottawa—Senator Arthur Meighen
-the members of this movement nam- should resign at once as Ontario Hv-
,ed a commission to amend German dro Power Commissioner, declared
Church life in conformity with Nazi Mitchell F. Hepburn, M,P., Ontario
ideas, and "in a pure Aryan spirit." Liberal Leader, commenting upon the
statements of Premier George S.
Henry in the Ontario Legislature
with regard to the Ontario Power
Service Corporation bond deal. As
to Mr. Henry, Mr. Hepburn said, he
is quite content to leave the Prem-
iers fate in the hands of the Ontario.
3iefused Jobs — Struck . Off
relief List
Oshawa—Sixty-five single men on
relief in Oshawa, who were selected
„to go to work on• the Trenton Air-
port, refused to go on the terms .of-
fered, namely $6 a month, their work-
ing clothes and board. They demand-
ed $1 a day, board, clothes and to-
bacco. They were given a second op-
portunity to refuse the work with
policemen present. The first three to
refusewere arrested on charges of
vagrancy and remain in custody for
a week to await trial. The balance
of those who refused were struck off
from relief lists by the Welfare
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of the
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Service Station Sold
Jewish Bread for Sale Sundays The service station on the Mildmay:
A temporary arrangement was ar- highway, immediately south of town,
rived. at between the Police. Board constructed by Mr. Ed. O'Connor in
and a group of Jewish bakers where- the .spring of 1931, has been dspos-
by the sale and delivery of bread on ed o$ by him to ,Mr, C. W. Cobb,
Sunday in the Claremont Street dis- who hails from Owen Sound. Mr.
-trict will be tried out . Cobb is operating this station now,
E. F. Singer, K.C., M.P.P., and In- anxious to give close attention to his
sector Scott of Claremont Street patrons' requirements. Last year Mr.
Station came to an agreement which Edgar, of Corrie, as a tenant, oper-
'the Police Board decided to try out ated it. --Walkerton Telescope.
for an indefinite period. By the ar-
rangement, Jewish bakers in the dis- Still Ticking Away
trict bounded by Claremont' Street Noticing an item in this paper
Station will be allowed _ to deliver about watches running for 20 years
bread on Sunday up until 9' a.m. without cleaning, Milton . W, Holtz-
They will also be permitted to sell .man of Nedorf, Sask., writes to say
bread and butts at the bakeries on that in the spring of 1903 he bought
Sunday until noon, a watch for $10. It hasn't been clean.
ed since and is still keeping perfect
.Hydro Salaries Not Disclosed time, In 1924 the owner took it to
It is not in the interests of the a jeweler to be cleaned, but %vas told
publicly owned utility that the salary that it was worn out and not worth
of the executive officers should be cleaning, but it's rambling right a-
made public property, the Hydro -El- tong, even if it is "worn out." -.-.Mild-
tric Commission has decided, and may Gazette.
this view it is supported by the
eminent at Queen's Park. By a
vote of X52 to i9 in the Legislature,
motion, proposed: by Hon, Harry
Tata Rate or. Down. Grade
Clinton's tax rate this year is forty
tails, the lowest in thirteen years. In
1918 the rate was '34mills and in
1919 it went down to 29i, in 1920 it
was 37, in 1931 it went to 36 but in
1922 it went up to 41i, and has been
climbing pretty steadily ever since,
In 1923, 44; 1924, 44; 1925, 42; 1926,
423,, 1927, 45^; 1928, , 46; 1929, 50;.
1930, 43; 1931, 52i, Last year it was
48 hat the finance committee by
careful planning pared off the odd
mills. Perhaps it will be possible to
get it under 30 again.—Clinton News -
Library Well Patronized
Business is booming at the public
library, according to Miss E, Scoug-
all, librarian. Available 'figures show
that there , are over 500 card holders
receiving books from the library.
This the largest number for same
years, as far as can be ascertained
from records,—Kincardine Review -
Hockey Accident Causes
Loss of Eye
Friends of Mr. Harvey Pollen will.
sympathize with 'him in' the loss of
his left eye which was removed by
an •operation in Victoria Hospital on
Saturday last. Mr. Pollen was hit
in the eye with a puck while ten4lfi'
goal at a hockey gaane in the lova
rims on Feb. 10th; Since that time
he has been in the hospital undergo
ing treatment returning to his home
on Friday, March 24th, He went to
London on Saturday for examination
and the doctor advised immediate re -
trioval of the eye;—Exeter Times -Ad-
kt a pieces struck him in the face: with
1 tremendous force eausin g a nasty cu
from itis nose to his forehead. Sur-
- gical aid was given and three stitches
were required to, close the eut. At
first it was thought°that' the sight of
one eye would be .affected, but for-
tunately the eye was not injured,
Listowel Standard,'.
P'lying Wood Knocks Out Teeth'
While nutting wood with a buzz
saw, at his., home on concession 4,
one day last week, Mr. William Rob-
ertson met with a painful accident.
A stick of wood flew from the saw
and struck him in the face. Two.
front teeth were knocked out by the
blow and, d his lower li
severely e
p 1
y cut:
Dr. R. A. McCosh was summoned to,
the injured man and administered
surgical aid. Several stitches were
required to close the wound.—Ripley
Meets With Painful Accident
Mr. K. Wall met with a painful
acident at the Ford' garage on Sat-
urday afternoon. He was using a
rapidly revolving- emery when the
stone broke and someof the
Will Pave Highway
.Announcement that the paving of
the portion of Highway No, 23 from
Atwood to Listowel this year was
made at the County Council Tuesday
ht a letter from Hon. Leo. Macaulay,
Minister of Highways, His letter was
as follows:
"I have your letter of the 6th Inst,
enclosing' n
g a copy of a resolution of
the County of Perth, requesting us
to pave this year the portion of No.
23, from Atwood to Listowel and I
am glad to accede to your county's
request in this regard, — Listowel
Bad Roads Stall Padre
On Sunday last on returning to
Teeswater after taking the church
service in Belmore, Rev. F, B, Allen's
car stink into a mud hole on the new
highway north of Belmore. In at-
tempting to get out, the rear axle
of Mr, Allen's ear broke, and he tele-
phoned to Teeswater for Jas. Kirby
te, rescue hitn. Kirby's truck proved
no help in removing the car from
the wttck, which was over the run-
ning boards. The following day the
county tractor pulled the ear to a
solid footing, and it was brought to
Teeswater, 'where tt is undergoing
the necessary repairs,, — Teeswater
Will Not Combine With Teeswater
Walkerton baseball club held its
annual meeting at the Town Hall on
Thursday night, and an enthusiastic
gathering was in: attendance to dis-
cuss baseball . matters 'for the ensu-
ing season. Sp well had the execu-
tive of last year's club carried out
the activities that they were unani-
mously elected again, Much discus-
sion took place' as to whether Walk-
erton, should enter a. team, in the
Bruce' . League this season, or com-
bine with Teeswater to form a
stronger team. To give the local
boys who have supported the team
last year, a chance, it was decided
riot to combine with Teeswater, but
enter a teaan in rile Bruce
from this town,. -Walkerton
Signs. of Spring
Master Lawrence Sehaubs r left at;
The Sun office on Monday a cater•
pillar whish he f ound crawling pn
the sidewalk on Sunday, With large
flocks of wild geese heading north-
ward and caterpillars crawling about
more Springlike weather can surely
be anticipated :Milverton Sun.
Wood Pile ;Stops Transients
The wood -cutting experiment of
the Welfare ]3oard is a signal sae»..
cess, results of the first week show„
the sixteen
transient n n
t ut to€e
works who have been given sheltes
since the dictum "no wood, •no food"
went into effect, only .four have
earned and been n given meal tickets.
Twelve balked at the wood pile and:
departed for places unknown, pre-
sumably on an empty stomach, Of
all nationalities to pick up the buck
saw and axe, two Indians from Chat-,
ham stand at the head of the class.
They cut double their quota and were
rewarded with two tickets each,
Goderich Star.
xftn niriti
Free Electric Flat Rate. Water Heaters
for Every Hydro Home in Ontario
The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario is prepared to place in every Hydro home a fiat rate electric
water heater at no charge to the consumer. This means that an electric • heater complete -with accessories—
heating element, thermostat and tank insulation and the necessary wiring will be installed in any Hydro home in
Ontario where facilities exist absolutely free of all installation cost to the consumer. All the consumer has to do is to
pay for the current he uses at a new low flat rate. This plan provides for the free installation of "Flat Rate
Water Heaters” only where such electric hot water heaters are not already installed. This offer will . be made
for a limited period of time—the expiry date to be announced later.
In homes where a "Booster" beater may be required in addition to the "Flat Rate Water Hearer" installation
will be made and the consumer will pay a nominal monthly charge which may give him exclusive ownership
of the heater at the end of a five-year period. '
Why this offer is made to you
The Hydro Commission submits this offer to the people of Ontario for two reasons :
To increase consumption of electrical power.
To set to work as many Ontario citizens as possible.
UNUSED POWER. Owing to the present long -continued
depression, resulting in the slackening of industry through-
out the province and the material falling off in the con-
sumption of power by industrial consumers, the Commission
possesses power capacity which if not used will be lost.
In order to absorb this power the Commission is prepared
. to install electric water heaters in all Hydro homes ee o cost,
believing that mutual benefits will be conferred on (a) the
user through free equipment and a water heating service
superior in availability, convenience and comfort to any
other method cif water heating; (b) the Commission
through revenue obtained by the sale of power.
Task will take time
EMPLOYMENT. The plan of the Commission to installfive
electric, -water heaters in all Ontario Hydro homes will directly
stimulate employment, in addition to benefits to be derived
from economy, convenience and increased comfort in the
home. Orders have already been placed with factories
located in various parts of the Province which have created
employment for skilled and unskilled labour and resulted in
the purchase of raw materials and the disbursement of
wages. There is scarcely a home in Ontario which will not
be affected beneficially by this plan of free installation of
electric water heaters.
Despite the fact that this plan has been. given many months of study and preparation by the engineering staff
of the Commissioh it will take time for the factories of the Province to produce all the equipment called for.
Raw materials must be bought—special tools devised—dies cut ---machinery installed and evert new industries
established, before we can be assured of a steady supply of heaters built to our standards and specifications.
We have already secured the utmost co-operation from electrical, mechanical and allied trades in the Province.
Costs of equipment have been worked to a new low level providing at the same time fait wages to those who
have found employment and a fair return to all those engaged in production.
The Hydro Commission has set itself a task of considerable .magnitude. There are hundreds of thousands of
Hydro homes, Industry and employment are given impetus under the plan. The free installationof electric
water heaters eventually pays for itself in power consumed. The plan will cost you nothing. It will give you
lasting benefits, the .first cost of which has not obligated you for one cent. Every home—every resident—the
whole Province will be benefited, stimulated and enriched.;
From time to timeion will advertise details of progress. We confidently anticipate your interest
ca a erectors in theplanbywhich
p all will profit. 'Vatcli for the next announcement by this Cammission.
Your own Hydro officials will gladly furnish further information.
HON. J. R. COOKIE, M.L.A., Chairman.
C. ALFRED MAGUIRE, Commissioner.
W POPE, S'etretrry,
I C., Commirsioner.