The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-13, Page 4PAGE ECRU] 11 11, qs t ala ,;i ll 9091190010111'Ii111M11111Qi09,0914llt0lll is 9111o111uIIImIIIoIMlomow_' � ne Cent Sale NEXT VVEEK Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, .April 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd. EXTRA SPECIAL -- Formaldehyde (Govt. vt. Standard) 25c a Pound.. O ,.. Or ..r, 77ko "S: Store F PTO limultlimimr mum mum m lllulllglllllgll► IIU'I}illillulllIlfullluIllulllulliulllu111u111u1i1: `tail_ Atii. •l Mets.•tfklleetwiVel.Net1Fy'CI t.c• ok•Nt• - 1P 4.4tO•.e1le.CM,M. • • • \•AVNs TEE WANT AV BRING RESULTS • 1 cents a word per insertion with a lea 'Yr'CfYei Y,j'tY��LY UY�YPY.1rYTl1i(i ietieTt'(a'1 1Ra111e FARM FOR SALE—One of the best in Turnberry, property of the -late Hugh Wright. Apply to T. Fells. FARM FOR RENT—by tender;, be- ing south half and the south half of north. half Lot 27 Concession 12, 150 acres, all necessary build- ings Tenders close at 12 noon, Ap- hil 15th. For further particulars ap- ply to and sent tenders ' to J. W. Bushfield, Solicitor, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE—Six-room frame house on Leopold St., good garden, stable at rear of property, Apply 3. H. .Crawford. FOUND —A small sum of money on Sunday afternoon. Owner may have same by proving property and paying advertisement. Apply Ad- vance -Times, FOR SALE—Choice Potatoes, also Timothy Seed (cleaned). Cum- mings Bros. 617r13. FOR SALE—Pure Maple Syrup, best quality. Apply Russel Henderson, 608r3. FOR SALE Dttal Purpose Short- horn Bulls from heavy producing cows and sired by a son of Das lington Gem, four times Grand Champion at C.N.E. T. B. tested. R. W. Simpson Estate. Teeswater Phone 604r31. inimum charge of 25c. i'flYel 171YR 11YePrree THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES HER FAT WAS' A BURDEN Now She is Quite .Slender Mere is another case -where the trim, slit i figure of youth has dis- placed the coarse, fat outline of mid- dle -age. It is a housekeeper. writing; She says:— "I cannot say what weight I was,. but I was very fat --a burden to my- self. I have taken three bottles' of Kruschen Salts and now I am quite slender. i am 66 tamed and people take inc for 40. I ani more than proud of :myself, You can take it from me that every word of this is true. I took a teaspoonful in hot wa- ter every morning till I used three bottles. Now I only take 'half a tea- spoonful each morning. I cannot re- commend the Kruschen Salts enough, for they are worth their weight in gold."—(Mrs.) A.H. For generations, wealthy 128 -EGG INCUBATOR, in first class condition, for quick sale. Apply at Advance Times. over- weight people have been visiting those European Spas whose Waters p p are recognized for their reducing ef- fect. It is called "taking the cure." Now the formula of Krtischen repre- sents the ingredient salts of the min- eral waters from those far-famed Spas.. These Salts combat the cause of fat by assisting the internal organs to perform their functions properly —to throw off each day those waste products and poisons which, if allow- ed to accumulate, will be converted by the body's chemistry into fatty tissue. TENDERS Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the construction of a new school house for S. S. No. 9, East . Wawanosh, up to six p.m., April 22nd, 1933. A marked cheque for 5 per cent. of the contract must be enclosed with each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George Pocock, R. R. 3, Wingham, Ont. Govt. Approved BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS and EGGS For Hatching from Blood -Tested stock. I have been breeding.. for fifteen years for size, large eggs, heavy production and vigor. All eggs set are extras and specials. Baby Chicks: March twelve cents each, April eleven, May ten, •June, nine. Five huticlred or over cent a chick less. Five unrelated chicks free with every hundred ordered. These will be toe -punched, Inspection in- vited. Phone 611-42. KENNEDY POULTRY FARM, Whitechurch, :Ont. HOUSE TO RENT With improve- ments. Inquire H. E. Isard. OATS FOR SALE—Good quality seed oats, also some mixed grain. Apply Alex, Young, Belgrave. PAINTING, Paperhanging, Graining, ._ Finishing, Museco. Prices Moder- ate, Cenclair Phippen. Phone 625 r12. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Dodds, late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the ,eighteenth day of March, A.D. 1933, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, eWing- ham, Ontario, on or before the twen- ty-fourth day of April, A.D. 1933, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Inuiiediately after the said twen- ty-fourth day of April, 1933, the as- sets of the said testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice.' DATED at Wingham, this fifth day of April, A.D. 1933. 3. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. SEED FOR SALE•—O.A.C. 181 seed. Peas $1,00 per bus.; Gopher' Oats, Ripens with Barley 50c bus.; Im- proved American Banner Oats, 50e bus.; Velvet Awnless Barley 60c per bus. Apply to George MacEw- en, R. R. No. 1, Bluevale. Phone Wroxeter 604-12. ry. •1 . I70i S Af.'•AII31s M Demonstration, Salad j. `'"Taylor tial Mi , "i1Y970."q.� J, M, Coulter. R '�' ,sf [ gyp, A Meking, 1'lrsp� Procter.. Isard s Easter' 5, BLUEVALE Knox Church :Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. The Ladies' Aid and: W. M, S. of Knox Presbyterian Cuhrch, held their regular. monthly meetings on Thurs- day afternoon at the home Mrs, P, D, King. The. Ladies' Aid was pre- sided over by the President, Mrs A. Mowbray, several items of business were•settled and plans made for an Easter Social evening. Mrs, D. J. Falconer was in the chair for the meeting of the W. M. S. and opened the meeting with the singing of a hymn and prayer. The :Scripture les- son was .taken by Miss Hazel Mun- dell, after which Mrs. James Elliott read a very interesting chapter from the study book. The society are hav- ing a special Easter thank -offering service on Easter Sunday. The meet- ing closed withsinging and prayer. by the President, after which the hostess served refreshments. Estate and which said scales are to be removed by the purchaser within l thirty days from the sae. Sixthly: All and Singular that cer- tain parceleor tract of land situate ly- ing and being in the Township of Morris 'in the County. of Huron and being composed of the south -halves 21, . of lots numbers22, 23 and 24 in the first concession of the Township of Morris in the said County of Hur- on containing Two Hundred acres ,of land more or less. Upon the premises there is said to be situate a large bank barn with stone foun- dation 40 ft. x 60 ft. also a frame barn, no foundation, about 40 ft. x 40 ft,, also a one and one-half storey small frame dwelling house. The farm is well watered and has a small parcel of bush land. The above two Hundred acres will be sold en bloc and. if no satisfactory bid is received it will again be put up as two sep- arate parcels of One Hundred acres each. All the above will be .offered sub- ject to a reserved bid. Terms: 10% deposit at time o'f sale and balance in thirty days thereafter. For further particulars apply to W. A. Galbraith, Wingham, Ont. or to Thos. Fells, Wingham, Ont., Auctioneer.. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ont., Solicitor to . the Executors. e EXECUTORS' SALE There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at The Flax Mill Pro- perty, roperty, of the late Amos Tipling, Pat- rick St., in the Town of Wingham on Saturday, April 15th, 1933, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the follow- ing property: Firstly: A large frame barn about 35 ft. x 70 ft. in good conditionand excellent frame which is situate on part of lot number 414 on the north side of Patrick Street in Government Survey in the Town of Wingham, which said barn to be removed by the purchaser within thirty days of the sale. Secondly: A large four -car frame garage about 18 ft. x 40 . ft. situate on part of lot 414 on the north side of Patrick Street in Government Sur- vey in the -Town of Wingham which said garage is to be removed within thirty days of the sale. Thirdly: All and .singular that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises being composed of lot 414 and part of lots 415 and 416 in the Gov- ernment Survey in the said Town of Wingham and upon which there is situate a good six -roomed one and one-half storey cement dwelling house in excellent condition with ce- ment basement and all modern. eon veniences. The purchaser of theab- ove parcel of real estate purchases the same subject to the removal with - WANTED—Young Hereford Bull. Apply Wm: R. Taylor, R. R. 1, Wingham,; phone Wroxeter 618-5. BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks and. White Leghorns Best Grade obtainable under Govern- ment approval. We have no agents selling, you buy direct from us; Il- lustrated catalogue Free, Walter Rose, Brussels, Ont. in thirty days of the two frame build- ings above described. Fourthly: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Wingham and being composed of a part of William Street and part of lots 396 and 397 in the Government Survey in the Town of Win;;hani and of which a more de- tailed description may be obtained on application. 'Upon the premises there is situate a large frame barn with steel sheeting over a board sheeting TOWNSHIP OF about 55 ft. x 40 ft., also a flax mill Veterans Attend Service ,. The service in. Knox Presbyterian' Church on Sunday morning' was lar- gely attended when Captain, the Rev. William Paterson delivered a special message to members of the Canadian Legion from Brussels and Wingham in conilnemoration of, the famous bat- tle of Vimy Ridge,: taking for his text Luke 9:24 "For whosever -will save his 'life shall lose it, but whosoever will. lose his life for my sake, the, . Patterson, shall save it." M •. i P , before commencing his sermon, gave a briefoutline of that memorable ev- ent in, the history of the Great War. The choir' rendered two anthems, "' .Banner of the'Ring" and the Ba N eath g "The Wondrous Cross". Thesolos were taken by Mrs. L. Kauffman. Women's` Association Make a Pres - Thursday'► April 13th, 1933 • Time'' ' , a t i Event ' Now Ready With All. Thes New. For Easter ear . Your moneywill go -a long way if you take advantage of these Wonderful °Val• ues. Youropportunity to secure real merchandise at these amazing g prices. 0 COMPLETE DISPLAY OF LADIES' READY -IO W AR ON SECOND D ., nent. xin Every qq" FLOOR. Style, Quality and Value Evren arr DRESSES in the latest weaves in Crepes and Newest Shades in. Misses' and Women's, Specials .......... ; $5.75, $6,75, $7.75, $9.50 BELGRAVE United Church Y. P. S. Entertain Brick Church Young People A. very pleasant evening was spent on Wednesday night when the ,mem- bers of Knox United Church Y; P. S. entertained the members of Brick Church Young People's Society. In view of theefact that the roadsare very bad at the present a large crowd was present. The topic was taken by Mrs. Leslie Wightman. A vocal duet by, Misses Jessie Finlayson and Bea- trice Beagroft was much enjoyed, as was a solo by Rev. A. M. Grant. Sev- eral everal contests were enjoyed at the close of the meeting and lunch was served by the Belgrave members,,, Barn and Contents Destroyed by Fire The barn on the farm known as the McInnis farm, on the 7th line, Mor- ris, was burned to the ground at midnight Friday night. The fire had gained such headway when discover- ed that nothing colud be saved, and the entire contents including 18 cat- tle and three hoses, were consumed in the fire. The cause of the fire is unknown; EAST WAWANOSH building about 40 ft. x 50 ft. i.nclud- SUrig the fixed machinery contained RE ROAD I�ERINTENDEI�iT therein. Adjoining the above build- ing is a brick boiler -house about 30 Applications will be received by ft. x 18 ft. There is also situate on entation The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association of the Un- ited Church was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Hazel Stamper with thirty ladies in attend- ance. The President,' Mrs. Sperling. Johnston, presided. The regular bus- iness of the meeting' was carried out, an important feature of the meeting being the presentation of a beautiful plant to- Mrs. Morrison, it being the occasion of her eightieth birthday. At the close of the"rneeting the hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Young People Had Charge of Service The Sunday evening service at the United Church was well attended, the Young People of the Church taking charge, last Sunday. The subject, "Hymns and their' Authors" was il- lustrated. by solos sung by members of the Y.P.S. The topic "Educational Evangelism" was well rendered, and received with -many expressions of appreciation. The duet by two mem- bers, and request hymns sung by all, were enjoyed. The choir will be glad• to receive requests from any friends for future services. Next Sunday morning, April 16th, the. Women's Missionary Society are holding their Easter Thank -Offering service. Mrs. Strachan will be the special speaker and a ladies' choir will lead the service of praise. C. R. Coulter spent a few days in London during the -week. Syrup making is the order of the day. The Belgrave Women's Institute will meet at the home of the Presi- dent, Mrs. C. R. Coultes,' on. Tues day, April 18th, at ,y2.30 in the after- noon, Mrs, Carl Procter will give the address on the motto "He who sows mustalso reap..". Current Events, Mrs, J. Michie, Address "Oto Talents, What shall we do with them?" Cela Coultes. Music, Mrs. 5. M. Coultes. Lunch Com., Mrs, R :McCrea, Miss the undersigned up to Monday, _ May 1st, at 2 pili., for the office of Road Sttperinterident. Duties in connection with this office will include among.. others, that of operating the ". road graderand supervision of - the stone crusher, Twenty-five cents an hour will be the payment for these'serv- icer; Ally ember of the Council will furnish additional information as to the dillies required pertaining to this office. Alex. Portetheld ^' Township Clerk. the pretuises a small frame building about 15 ft. x n ft., adjoining this building: wherein a platform weigh - scales is at present contained, the said building being about 17 ft. x 18 ft,, The purchaser of the above. property,. purchases the same subject to the removal of the platform weigh - scales no noon thises, w hich., ttoon e premises, scales are to be removed within 30' days of the sale. Fifthly: A set of five -ton platform fluritey Weigh -Scales rikew Situate, tip- on the last mentioned parcel of Real THAT DEPRESSED FEELING Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel Yoe are "fooling punk" simply boeanse year Vet ien't Denting 156 daily two pounds of liquid olio into your bowels. Digestion and e'lireination are both hampered, and your entire system is beingpoisoned. wo you need is s liver atirttulilnt. 'Soma, thing that goes farther than salts, mineralwrVter, oil, laxative sandy or ehewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels—ignoring the real cause of trouble, your liver, 'hike Carter's Little Liver Phis. Purely vege. table, No harsh edlomel (npercdry). Safe,, stirs, Ask for theta ley' name. tia{S8A subs Albite& 26o4 lit: W dtugVi ,53 u5 ii NEW SPRING COATS in Fancy Tweed Flecks and Polo Cloths, pretty models at a • $7.75, $9.50, $12.50, $14.95 BLOUSES. Complete range of plain and fancy Silks and Satins. liar = e to ®c:7 gains at ..vrvr1'}i�rr:�ii4,,rt'e: 2 lbs. Raisins for 23c Special Blend Black Tea ...:.-... , .:29c Jelly Powder, assorted, 6 for 25c Good Quality Rice, 4 lbs. 25c Peas,,Corn and Tomatoes per can 10c English Breakfast Tea, lb. pkge 19c Pine Coffee, per lb. 30c Large Prunes, 2, lbs. for 25c Salmon, large tin l0c Jeteeee .,eeete,..: teasua : eahe. e SKIRTS - Tailored in Plain Cloths and 'Plaid Effects; Smart Styles; Special 2.95 at WOOL PULLOVERS in choice Color Combin- ations. See .them at . $L49, $L95 to $2.95 SWEATERS for Girls 6 to 10 years; ��� Silk and Wool, on sale at 3'4Kt46$41#40.k.119'E was 101576 e te Watt stir Salmon, 2 tins for .... ..25c • �' Falcon Baking Powder, 25c lb. tin for ......20c Pork and Beans, 2 tins for 15c FRES Corn Starch, pkge; 10c Nfatches, large box . 25c GROCERIES Princess Soap Flakes, 2 pkgeos 19c Pearl Naptha Soan, 5 bars for ,19c Palmolive Soap; 5 cakes for 25c -r Selox Speed Soap, 2 pkges for ......25c GIRLS' WOOL CAPS. .Something new for Spring Wear, fancy color mixtufes. Sale 50c GLOVES, Women's: Chamoisette Gloves in best. colors. "'Manufacturer's facturer's C1ealanc e. reg.. Sale 45c Gloves, vale... HOSE. Bargain in Silk Chiffon Hose. °7 Full fashioned. Best'Colors. Sale .::..-...... ® � GIRLS' ANKLETS in new mesh. All Sizes. Popular shades; now Le9 C WOMEN'S 'SILVA SILK HOSE. Will . give good wear, in leading colors. Special at 49C PRINTS. Yard wide, Colorfast. They go 1 5 at hW',kVlt M.1...V,V.4615106; iK ,5_,-.i/.' FACTORY COTTON. Full 36 inches, ei ea, fine quality, reg. values 15c, our price 2 SPARVACLOTH. Something new in fine fab- ric is a selection of shades; colors are fast and. fadeless. Yard wide, regular value 40e. OurP rice ..- .... - CURTAIN MATERIALS in a _large range of patterns. See Thern•Prices' are down to 15c, 20c,: 25c, 35c, 45c ' Linen15c Towel- ling. L `in SPEC a� �O and Special at ling. p HOUSE DRESSES made large and C9 roomy, new pattern Prints, Colorfast a ? J CRETONNES in a range of new pat20 - terns and •colors. 36 in. wide, 25c value ... � I-1. E. IS,ARD & CO. 0 will present the Pageant in the. Pes- knee. byterian Hall Good Friday evening. The ice on therink was in good Last week' was the week of moving. condition Saturday night, many hay - Mr. Will Curie and family moved: in- ing an unexpectedpleasure. to their new home; Mr. Gordon Mul- vey to Mrs. Dickson's house in Car- rick; Mr. Jack Reid of Wroxeter, moved 'his chopping outfit into the blacksmith shop lately occupied by Cecil McNeil. Jack doesn't intend ,.to let his neighbors go to sleep. Thos confined to the house are: Mrs. ,Henry Johann and Harry Mul- vey, who his having trouble with his Boy Hurt by car, Much Improved Sunday afternoon while Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Edmunds` and small son, Bobbie, were out walking, a very un- fortunate accident 'occurred. The child had crossed the road from his parents and when they noticed a car driven by A. D, Smith approaching, they called to the child and he start- ed back across the road, Mr. Smith to avoid an accident, swung his car, but the child, was hit by the rear fender and knocked unconscious. He was taken into the home of Mrs. W. J. Duff and Dr. Stewart, Wingham, was called and found the injuries not as serious as wereat first thought. Later in the evening he was removed to his home and reports Wednesday morning are that the little, fellow is about again as usual. Roy McCreight who moved to Parkhill, a few weeks ago, to take over the work of section foreman at that place, was back on the Bluevale section all last week, and Monday morning the position here was filled by a man from Milverton. Mrs. Marry Robertson is visiting lief. sister, Mrs. John Geddes, at Bel- grave. Martin Masters, of Toronto, is vis- iting his brother-in-law, Mr. Thos.' Stewart. DONNYBROOK The Women's Institute met on Wednesday of last -week at the home of Mrs. Fred Moss. The many friends of Miss Marjorie Campbell, who has been very, ill fol- lowing an operation forappedicitis, in Goderich hospital, will be pleased BELMORE The Pastor and his wife holidaying in Kitchener, the lilildmay pastor" took charge of the service in the Un- ion Church Sunday afternoon, Miss turns and her class of girls .t'll/ to learn her condition is much im- proved. The W. M. S. will meet on Thurs- day afternoon in the basement of the church. Instead of the usual .meet- ing the- afternoon will be spent in quil ting. We regret very much to report the sudden passing away of one who is well known and highly respected in this neighborhood, in the person of Mr. John Cunningham, and we, extend our deepest sympathy to the bereav- ed family. ' WALKER STORES, LTD. New Apparel For Easter Wear SPRING'S SMART- EST COATS FOR LESS A wide choke, fur, trim. The new modes; these are fash- ioned on swagger lines, and have a youthful appearance;, materials: tweeds and plain cloths, all in this season's colors priced to ats� 9 5 -2 1 a �/ry 5 9� KNITTED SUITS Three-piece Knitted Suits, fashioned on smart lines for spring wear; choice styles and colors; priced at .43.75 and 10.50 MISSES' BLOUSES AND. JUMPER SKIRTS Misses' Jumper Skirts that are neatly tailored and shown in this season's colors, styling; built - u 'shoulder, inverted pleats, belt at a 95 waist, Sizes 14 to 20. • Misses' Silk Blouses of Printed Silk, all have puff sleeves, and show new neckline &� styling. Sizes 14 to 20: A • air SEE THE MANY NEW DRESSES That are Priced Special at $3.95, $5.95, $8.75 During our Special Sale. FINAL. TWO DAYS OF SALE THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. LUCKY SEVEN HOSE As Easter nears,' Lucky Seven lead iii hosiery value, shown in three popular weights: Service, Chiffon and the new Sheerette; all are shown in the new Spring shades. Sizes 8• to 10 Service and Chiffon, pair u'i-m The New Sheerette 9v�C Pair a NEW, LINGERIE FOR EASTER Cling Tights, a new version in lingerie, a fine rayon in corduroy, -like weave that' clings, but with every movement it gives on account of its. elastic -like knit; this lingerie 'keeps . its shape after many launderings; pantees have wide elas- tic web top, cuff knees. Vest and Bloom- ers, Each 6 C LACE TRIMMED LINGERIE This new lingerie is Dollar Valuequalityknit rayon of fine texture, the �antee Value, es ae the P y favorite's for Easter wear, these more so, their deep lace trite has an, air of elegance, /NA mi Vest, Bloomers and Pantees, Each Neck Scarfs Battle axe scarf, the name cotnes from its Shape, it also proves to be popular for Easter wear. See these new scarfs, they are really w. Sc ' .. delightfull ne ed,,,.$i.25 and $1.50 Kid. Gloves Ladies' Kid gloves that add the finished touch to an Baster 'ensemble. These are new arrivals latest thing in cuff top designs, ,etc. Sizes 6 to 7, Pair $1,95 Chano-Sleds Gloves These gloves show new effects ate ettil top, pull -on style, C o1or- eggshell, Pair 75c Chamoisette Gloves Specially priced gloves of good quality and style, All have decor- ated cuff tops, all the wanted colors. Sizes 6 to 3,, Pair 29e THE STORETHATEMPHA ES VALUE AND S.,A,'"I`xSFACTION.