The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-04-13, Page 2PAGE TWO Tice Winghani Advance -Times Published at WINGRAM ONTARIO Every Tlwrsday Morning by The Advance Titnee Publishing Co, Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U. S. A. $2,50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application, ?Ilfn I� n.,ry! MUSIC IN THE ,SCHOOLS The advaetages that the present- day child has over those who attend- ed school .years ago are quite mark- ed, It is not oar intention to go into a long discussion of this matter but wish to pass a few remarks to I Iamilton has a 25 -cent tax -fare. regard .to music being taught in the In Toronto they would consider this ;schools, a tip. After attending the Public School * * . sit * oncert last week the thought is fore- It is claimed that a cure for bow most in .our mind that the teaching legs, rickets and weak bones has of music and the annual school con- been discovered. Medical science is cert ,servesa very useful purpose. just one discovery after another. The cheery manner with which the * * * * children sing their songs and the con- Mr, Geo.. Spotton, local M.P., stat fidence they displayed in their war-- ed at the Milk Probe the other day; ions parts speaks well for the train- "We have heard some unwilling ing they received. When children witnesses. These Montreal dealers are trained' to appear on the platform know what we want, They have just before such a Targe aduience it is been through an investigation in the bound to assist them in .later years Province of Quebec, and they are and if nothing else than this was ac- hard-boiled." This is : very often the cc.mplished the effort would be worth case at inquiries where the public while, want information. But there is another side apart * * * * from the confidence which is taught Beer is now on sale in the United and that is the love of music. A sing- States, but afterbolting the first few, ing child is a happy child. The songs tankers the average citizen will, no they learn and sing make for hap- doubt, go about his business as usual. pier school days and who knows but * * * * from the efforts of teaching' music - It is now said that. South Huron in the school there may arise an Ed- will be merged with South Perth for dy Johnson or a Canadian Nightin- Federal elections. But just what gale. change North Huron Will Have has That the School Board have en- not yet been stated. dorsed music in the schools is much * * * * in their favor, and the School Con- AGRICULTURAL NOTES cert has become a part and parcel of our community' life that would be sadly missed. That the teaching of music in the schools and the preparation for the concert causes added work and wor- ry to the teachers,. is a foregone con- clusion but they do it cheerfully and well, and the success of the concert and the appreciation shown by the parents and others in the aduience must be very gratifying indeed. * * * * in ,many others memberships have dwindled at an alarming rate 1.his condition can only be avoided here by hearty cosoperatiou, so get your; nunnbership at ance and so assist this society to carry on their import,- ant ntport,ant work as, they have .done in the past, * * * To our readers we extend sincere Easter Greetings. • *: Brokers' Loans in the States con- tinue to rise, The market no doubt, is getting a touch of the spring fever. 7: * * * When the Akron fell into the sea, the fate of lighter -than -air craft the worldover is no doubt, complete. * * * * The ox -eye daisy is the most 'seri- ous impurity in timothy seed. Alfalfa is able to live for thirty years or more under favorable con- ditions, All grain fed poultry should be ground as finely as possible. ' The people of Canada ,consume :85 percent. of the beef produced in Can- ada. Never manure ground for eve: greens, and never place manure ar- ound the roots when planting. JOIN TIE HORTICUL- On the same feed andunder' the TURAL SOCIETY same conditions wether lambs will Have you, . taken out your yearly grow bigger and fatter than ram membership in the Horticultural So- lambs. ciety? If you have not, make it a The loose-leaf type of lettuce is the point' to do so. This society is •mak- most common grows}, but it is not ing every endeavour to render a sig- as, good in quality as the two types nal service to the community, and which develop heads — the Cos and withoutthe proper support by the the Cabbage. citizens of the town cannot carry on The most important manufacturing as is their desire. The cost is small industry connected with field crops in and in addition you receive from the Canada is flour milling, which dates society premiums that will add to the back to the settlement at Port Royal. floral beauty of your home even if (now Annapolis; ^N.S.),'•in 1605. you have already a good display of'. flowers in your garden, Telegram to Friend — "Washout: Many of these societies, due to on line; can't come." present conditions, have been forced Reply --"Borrow a shirt and come to give up their splendid work, and anyway." GENERAL LECTRIC SUNLAMP N your children get dent of sun- shine plenty. . shine and with it - the ultra -violet rays which are so important in building sound teeth acid , the can now get winter—well, sturdy bones. In w , they from the everyday 'these health -giving rays children "la Let eh General Plectx'xo Sunlamp p y it. Perfectly- safe — and endorsed by under it. physidiane. tise it for fighting colds. COME IN FOR. A FREE SUNBATH No cost --- no obli- gatii n. you'll enjoy `alae invigorating gw loof "indoor sunshine", Wingham Utilities Commission ere 156 Telephone THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES «The Tirerld's Finest Tire" DE IN ALI RID No tare cops in dependability and distinguished tronage with tete mail 'ran T Tire The DUNLOP 'TORT" Tire is• the Empire's supreme achievement in tire building. It is new to Canada - but it is the very symbol of dis- tinguished dependability in Great Britain and the other Empire countries. It enjoys the patronage of His Majesty, the King, and of world -figures in government, industry and society. It will inevitably take alike place in Canada. The "PORT" Tire is the highest standard in tires. A new standard — entirely beyond comparison. In its construc- tion there is no single element which might restrict per- fection— only the determination of its builders to create a tire worthy in dependability and appearance of the finest cars of today. LJNLO 4REINFORCEP0 Thursday, April 13t CANAD You will gladly pay. a trifle more for the DUNLOP `TRT" Tire than for any other tire-- not alone for the satisfaction ` there is in ownership of fine things `--- but because 'TORT" dependability gives,you confidence and freedom from the haunting fear of possible tire failure at today's terrific pace. . • • • • Now made in Canada in a limited number; of, sizes, the TORT"' is the leader of a complete line of DUNLOP Tires which offer you unsurpassed value in every price range. DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER GOODS CO., LIMITED SWEEPING PLAN their advantage that the spare cap D Y j-�YDRO acity now available should, as quick - EVOLVE Ii ly as possible, be put to beneficial use. When theMachineryfor gener-' All Ontario to Benefit by New Hydro ating electricity by the agency of wa- Move to Install Water Heaters ter power is available but is not used, Free the power latent in the water which has flowed past the power house is, Toronto, April 12 -- A sweeping of course, not ,recoverable and is, policy is announced today by the On- therefore, an economic waste. 1. tario Hydro Electric Power Commis- Thus there is on hand a supply of sion that will benefit practically ev-power which must be paid for, and ery resident of Ontario. for which there is at,present no mar - The Hydro Commission, it is learn- ket due to the slackening of indus- ed, is prepared to place a flat rate try. Under normal conditions this electric water heater in Hydro horn- power would be absorbed. As it is, es throughout the province where fa- the Commission feels that the funds cilities exist.. All equipment - heater spent in free installation of electric element, thermostat, tank insulation water heaters in Ontario Hydro horn and all necessary wiring- will be es will be justified by the additional installed free • of cost to the landlord, revenue it would receive through in- house -owner or 'tenant. This plan, creased use of electric power. The Commissioners state, will apply only power consumed will pay the entire where such electric hot water heaters cost of the plan. The project has are not already installed. Included been worked, out whereby the use of in the plan is a provision for homes power for one year pays the entire where a"booster" water heater may cost of the plan. Another factor is be required in addition to the flat that the additionaluse of power will rate heater. In these circumstances a "booster" beater will be installed at no first cost and the user will pay a nominal monthly. charge which may give him ownership of the heater at the end of a five year .period, Reasons for New Plan Like every other indsutry and en- terprise the Ontario Hydro Commis- sion has been affected to some, ex- tent by the long -continued depres- sion; On account of its diversified markets for a product essential to modern community life, however, the Commission has felt the effects of the despression less than most organ- izations and is in a relatively advanes tageotts financial position. Now due to a curtailment in the growth of industrial Mower require- ments, the Commission has at present a capacity for. delivering power in ex- cess of prevailing demand. The ,Coin- misssion is essentially a trustee for enable the Hydro Commission to ef- fect economies in its unit costs for power delivered. Stimulus to Employment While the primary reason for, the. new Ontario Hydro plan is to create more outlets for power, the fact that it will set thousands: of Ontario resi- dents to work again has been a con- tributory agent in the Commission's decision to go ahead. Raw materials will be absorbed in increasing gtiantities -- metals such as copper, brass and Stell will be ex- tensively used — engineers, electric- ians, tool makers, diesnakers, helpers, improvers and laborers, as well as people engaged in the silk, wire, rub- ber, :ureter and insulation, will be re- employed, Early orders have already beers placed in factories, foundries and industries throughout the Province acid tenders' have been solicited in the various municipalities so that 1s aeti- participate in the work involved. At the present economic , range, tenders already received have been so low that the utmost economy is anticipat- ed in the cost of the plan. Money to Circulate With a conservative estimate . that predicts a release of $100,000 into circulation for every 5,000 electric water heaters installed, the stimulus to wages and industrial: employment may be imagined. With the heavy financial investment in free installa- tion made by the Ontario Hydro Commission --and with a steady rev- enue proceeding from service to users ofelectric current — a constantly re- volving fund of money will be set in. motion, that will .benefit employers,• wage-earners and homes throughout the province. An Opportunity for Citizens The dieision of the Ontario Hydro Commission to install free electric water heaters in every Ontario home is , an opportunity, the, Commission- ers believe, for every citizen. The convenience and comfort of electric water heating is generally reogtiizdd and the fact that installation entails no charge and that Ontario rates for electricity are among the lowest in the world is a further advantage. The new low flat water heater rates will cost the user ,less ' than any other means of water heating. The heaters are absolutely trouble-free — are au- tomatically controlled, requiring no attention from the householder. Procedure is Simple The plan, as outlined by the' Ons tario Hydro Commission, has no el- aboration of detail for the home own- er, landlord or tenant who receives free installation of the water heater. When either of these indicates his desire to have a heater installed free, no matter where he is located in On- tario, a preliminary survey of his pre- mises will be made by his local Hy- dro System. This survey will deter- mine the coiulitions of the wiring its ail consttiners and it is obviously to cally every' section of Otttario will the house, the existing system of hot 1933 Sone Distinguished Users of DUNLOP FORT TIRES • His .Majesty King George V Hu' Royal Highness The Prince of Wales Hir Excellency The Governor General of Canasta His Excellency The Viceroy of India Captain Sir Malcolm Campbell Afik01 OFFICIAL, , WORLD'S AUTO SPEED RECORDS WERE MADE ON DUNLOP TIRES water ',supply and the requirements of the user as far as the hot water supply is concerned. On;this survey the service of the Commission will be based and installation of a flat rate, heater or both a flat rate and -"boost- er" heater made, -according to the size of the house and family. Details of the news plan's progress the Commissioners state, will be giv- en to the public from time to time and actual installation is expected to be under way in a very short time. Ontario thus will become one of the foremost states or provinces to stim- ulate employment and combat the stringency of world.eonditions, by a well-planned and intensive utilization of natural resources. ASHFIELD. After .a lingering illness for over a year; there passed away to his re- ward on Friday evening, Samuel Sherwood. The late Mr. Sherwood was a life-long 'resident of the, 10th con, a local preacher for many years, a Sunday School teacher for 50 years and an elder in Hackett's Church from where the funeral' was held on Sunday afternoon to Greenhill cem- etery. Besides his bereaved wife, he leaves to mourn him, three sons, Jima of sith, con„ near Crewe ' Charlie, of Detroit; and Earl, on the homestead; and three daughters, 'Mrs, Leslie Rit- chie, 12th con.; Mrs, Jinn Barbour, Goderich, and Mrs, Andrew Gaunt, near St. Helens. One daughter and two sons predeceased "him, Mrs, El- liott Miller, Ernest and, Wesley. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Mr. Charlie Sherwood, of Detroit, Mts. Dm Barbour, Goderich, Mrs. A. Gaunt, near St. Helens arid Mrs. Les. Ritchie, 12th con., spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. , S. Sherwood. Mr, and Mrs. John Little, near Cottrey's Corners, spent Sunday ev- ei i.itg with Mr, and Mrs, John Mul- lin:.' Some of the farmers are plowing the first of the week. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Wm. Hunter,. Sr. who was so seri- ously ill with pleurisy and pneumonia is :improving nicely at present. Mrs, George Phillips near Fordyce, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Campbell. HERE AND THERE AROUND RAPID CITY Easter Orange Social in Lueknow Oi'ange`Hall tonight (Thursday), Ap- ril lath. We extend congratulations" to Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt. McNall on the arrival of a baby boy, born on Saturday, April 8th, Mr. Art Thompson has purchased a new car. Miss Ellen Burns visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chatinp ion. Mr. James Burns visited on Sunday with old acquaintances in our burg. Mr. Abe. Burns is at present under the doctor's care, .having suffered a slight' stroke. We ' hope to see him arottnd soon. Some Egg The goose of fable fame that laid the golden egg is rivalled by one owned by Mr, Josh Bell of the 12th of Bruce, While off the gold'stat-: dard, this goose produced an egg, which 'measures '7 by 11 814 inches, and tips the scale at 12 814 oz. Josh, presentedthe mamoth egg to our townsman, Mr, Gilbert McLaren, who has it on display in his shop window, and which, be says, he is keeping to shame or startle the Easter rabbit. -Port Elgin Tittles. "Tape his number," l? whir ered the bystander, "You 'east get damages for being knocked down by a motor -car. "Damages] Haven't I got enough to go on with?"