HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-03-16, Page 81? v ] IG1[•T •
Thursday, Friclay, Saturday, March 16, 17th, 18th
Also .---
---Two-Reel Comedy -- "The Icema'n's. • Ball?"
Single Reel — "Bring 'Erni Back Half Shot."
?yrs .. k..to$m Crestwood"
"The Phan o r estwood
ADMISSION 21c and 15c.
Mrs. Wm. Humphrey spent last
week with her sister, . Mrs. A. Fox,
returned to her home at St. Helens
on Sunday.
\Ir. Rhys Pollock spent the week-;
end in Toronto.
Isard & Co
A very interesting and instructive
meeting was held at the home of Mr.
Frank 'Henry on Wednesday last,
when Mr, • Forsythe, Agricultural. Re-
presentative of Bruce, was present
and addressed the school pupils at
rhe school on the work of the school
fait. He gave a very interesting de-'
monstration on. cleaning seed grain
andthen spoke on parasties in poul-
try and farm.. stock, and told how the
farmer could efficiently combat, these,
He also 'spoke on nutriitioeal diseases
in stick, i.e., what to do when farm
stock lack certain' minerals in the
diet. The government sends these re-
presentatives out to instruct the far-
mers along these lines and it is hop-
ed that all who can take advantage
of attending- the meetings, will do so:
Beth Gaunt spent the week-
end 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
continue to look after the Post Of-
fice for a few' ww+eeke We understand
that Mr. Mci)uoicl tt..d Miss Ida, »t11
eventually move tit Luck:nat e which
ww=itis formerly their home town. We
\w=e:lecune"Malcolm to the village and
t:ri^pe that he will meet with . encour-
agement and success,
• Mrs, Thos. Gaunt spent last week
at the house of her sister-in-law, Mrs
Green; of Teeswater,
Mr. Walter Lott was laid up last
v: -eek, having strained his Side when
loading big blocks on the sleigh.
Airs. Kenneth .Weaver' returned
home • last week after "visiting with
her daughter, Mrs, Bert Boyd, I"
Mrs. McQuillan spent a few days
last week visiting With her sister•,
11,frs. Neil McCallum, of Lucknoaw,
Mr. Henderson was able 'to get
from Lucknow to the school ,both
days of the storm., although not many
of the pupils faced out. But the pup-
ils of S. S. No. 14 'did not go to
school either day.
Mr. 17lTesley Lott is spending a.,few
days this week with his' former em
ployer, Mr.. Finn Sarnis, of .Brussels:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, of Am-
hcrstburg, spent the week -end with.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Car-
Sewing Course Great Success •
The three-day sewing course spon-
sored by the Women's Institute, pro-
ved very ' profitable to those who
availed, themselves of the opportun-
ity. Tuesday 'afternoon the class op-
encd, with Mrs. D. 13. MacDonald,
of , Ripley, in charge,., who first out-
lined the
ut-line.di-the work arranged by the De-
partment for such a course. Work
commenced ancl) for three afternoons
the Orange Hall where the class met
was . a regular hive of industry..
Twenty-five registered and the at-
tendance would have been . nearly one
hundred .per cent., if it had not been
for the . severe blizzard which swept
this district on Thursday, and for all.
that, the average attendance was 22.
At the close of the class Mrs. iMac
Donald expressed her appreciation to
the class for their co-operation and
the interest shown by all. Miss Olive
Scott, on behalfof the class, in re-
turn, thanked Mrs. MacDonald for
her untiring efforts in making the
course a success. The class are al-
ready planning, to hold a longer class
in the summer. While in the village
Mies. MacDonald was at the home of
Mrs. P. D. Bing.
The many friends Of Mr. Jno. Hut -
tun win be glad to know that he is
improving nicely from his recent sick
Mrs. Nellie Lillow, who. spent the
winter at Seven Oaks, England, with
her .father and other relatives, arriv-
ed home this week,' She sailed from
Southampton, arriving at Halifax, on
the Samaria, which made record time,
Miss Dorothy Aitkin, of the Nor-
mal School, Stratford, spent the
week -end with her mother, Mrs. A..
Jaines.McHardy and Wesley Abu-
ser spent Sunday with Robert and
Mrs. Aitcheson .at Ripley.
Andrew Holmes visited with rela-
tives in Toronto this - week.
Hugh Mundell spent this week at
the home of his uncle, Wm. Mandell;
at I3elmot e
Mrs.' George ,Thornton has return-
ed home after spending two weeks
at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Thornton, at Gor•rie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon spent
Sunday at the home of.her parents,
\Ir. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt.
Mrs. Gordon Elliott and sons spent
the week -end in •Wingham, with her
parents, Mr.. and Mrs, Mitchell.
Mr, Robt, Hutchison has purchased
the farm on which Mr, and Mrs. T.
Guest have been residing.
Mrs. Roy Patton, of Lucan, spent
a few days last week at the home
of her mother, Mrs, Fox.
Mrs. 'John Craig Sr., and Mrs.
MacGregor are both under the doc-
tor's care, and Mrs. 'Wiglitman, who
has been ill for some weeks, is now
improving, and Mrs. John Johnston,
who has been ill, is now improving.
Mr. Harold Sperling- returned to
Guelph last Thursday.
The Women's Institute are holding
an Trish Concert•in the. Hall on bri-
day, March 17, Everybody. welcome.
There has been a . business change
in the village, Mr, Geo. McQuaid,
whose health has not been of the
best lately, under doctor's order's, is
getting away from the inside work.
Mr. Malcolm Ross, ars enterprising
young man from Kinloss, purchased
the business and took possession last
Thursday, while Mr, McQuaid will
Return to •
t uu�swFW
oritre its
Return to
lute'a.'- ec
And Adjacent Points
RETURNING: From Montreal up to
March 19th.
Full Particulars from any
Ladies' Conservative Assoc: Among
the floral tributes was a spray from
St. Andrew's.. Women's Assowatkoii;
Mr ,and Mrs Harold Walker; Ham-
ilton, a spray; the ladies' and Men's
liberal -f onservattte A,ssociations, a
spray. .
Mr, and Mrs. Herd and fancily at-
tended the funeral of Mr, Herd's bro-
ther-in-law; Mr, Halliday, of Rivers-
dale,: Tuesday afternoon,
About thirty ladies attended the
Institute meeting held at Mrs. Neww-
an'.s Wednesday afternoon. Topic "Is
Housekeeping a Drudge or an Art?"
was taken by 'Mrs, Reuben Appleby,
Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Mundell and Mrs.
Turnbull, ROIL call, "Latest improve-
ment in sny, kitchen." A display of
articles made from flour sacks caus-
ed some coninent, some of them dee.
quite pretty and useful. Miss Lil-
lian 'E.dtvards favored the audience
with a solo. A cup of tea, sandwich
adn cake, brought, a pleasant after
noon to a close.
Dr. Weir, of Auburn, called on
Mrs. Alex. Casemate Tuesday( he be-
ing their family doctor.
Mrs. John Duffy of Teeswater vis-
ited in the village the past .week.
Visitors in the 'village: Mr. Hugh
Mundell, of Bluevale, at Wm. Mttn-
dell's; Ruth Corrigan of Toronto; ,at
Alex. Corrigan's; Rev. and Mrs.
Turnbull, at Wm. Mundell's, Tues-
day evening; Mr. Walters' another
and brother; at the general store.
Miss Blanche Irivin, of Toronto;
visited recently with :her parents.
Miss Etoile Casenore is on •'the
sick Iist at Mrs. Jaines Wray's, Torn
tory. The grotto by Cela Coultes,
'Two things you'll not fret at if you
are a wise man, the things you can't
Help and the things you can.' Mrs..
J. Taylor will give an address "How
to retain Youth in. Spirit and Appear-
ance." Current events by. Miss V.
Wheeler. Music, Mrs. Pocock Lunch
Committee, Mrs. Jesse 'Wheeler and
Mrs, ,F..McCallurn:. There will also
be an exhibition of hand -made work.
lsssssssssis■sinsi Pimm l0nntl simmiese
Ili ii
c'a. ,n Tili
Health Shoes
NI Women's Association
for boys and girls •➢!1
MARCH 16-17-1 8
Thursday - Friday • Saturday
? ! Perfect Fitting - Fine Styles - Wonderful \ 'e: r
Sizes 5to7%
Sizes 2 to 6 ,9 2 ;i'
at Sizes 8 to 10M
Sizes 11 to 2239
sJack and Jiil Shoes
IN are the popular
al children's shoes to.
is day. At these prices
I they are wonderful
"Kty ar
` Rttat" Shoe
Regular Meeting
Thursday, March 16th, 1933
The Men's Club of Queen St.
Church will present their' minstrel
show at Lucknow*on Friday evening,
March' 17th.
The Young People of Trinity An-
glican. Church will present their play
entitled `rThe Path Across the Hills"
in Memorial Hall, March 24th. Pleae
note the change of date.
Grey Bros. of Huliett, shipped a
'car -load of. cattle to Toronto on Sat-
urday. •
Rev. Walter McLean of Hamilton,
attended the funeral on Saturday of
the late'Mrs. Mary, Carter.
Miss Stackhouse, of Brucefield, is
spending a few days with her cousin,
Miss Ada Stackhceese.
Mrs. Mary Carter
Mrs. Mary Carter, widow of the
late Mr. Josephs Carter, passed to the
great beyond early Thursday morn-
ing, after an illness' extending over
several' months. Deceased was a
faithful member of St. Andrew's
Church where service was held on
Saturday afternoon conducted by the
Pastor, Rev. George Oliver. Mrs. H.
Phillips sang "There will be no shad-
ows" very effectively. Deceased was
a charter member of the 'Women's
Institute, also Hon. President of the
The regular meeting of the. Wo-
olen's Association of Knox United
1 Church was held in the `basenietit of
I the chinch Wednesday afternoon with
itht president, Mrs. F. McCallum, in
I charge. A bundle of patches were
1 rccciveci and and will be made into
l quilts. It was decided to ;hold the
next greeting in the church. Arrange-
nients were completed to hold a St.
i i'ttrtrk's Social on the evening of
elarch'17th in tlte united Church. A
program of games, Music' and read+
Ines will be givers. Lunch will be ser-
Mrs. Orval Grahaitx, of Stratford,
is vtsttittg with relatives here.
Miss Sara Cole, h.T.C.M., who has
been :employed in Hamilton has re-
turned to her home here and will
continence a class its lxano�
We are sorry to report that Mr.
John Wiglttman is under the doctor's
care at present, - -
C. R.. Coultes shipped a car of cat-
tle to 'Toronto oti Saturday and spent
the week -end in the city.
■ Mr. and Mrs.. W. J. Geddes are oc-
cupying the house formerly occupied,
by the "late Mrs. J. Cole, until repairs
are made in their own home, the re-
• salt of the fire,
111 A meeting of the felgrave Branch
of the W onion's Institute will be held
at the horde of Mit. H Wheeler ori
Friday, March 21st, The .roll call
5ri11 be answered by sit Irish nitre :or
,lack and Jill Shoes elf
are the only shoes •
fitted by the Visible RI
Fitting System, it ;s
convinces you of
perfect Fitting:va
i Sale Agents� in Wi�nghain for Jack and Jill Shoes. I:
ti iigl111111111111111I111111111311111111111/ W1111I1111I111I M
—A Pie a to 'advance this
P • Inspect our present stock andry
I you will be surprised at the
wonderful values we are
• Repairs at Moderate Prices.
„ Satisfaction Guaranteed. ..E
IN aflame'
The Jeweller
Miss Ruth Corrigan, nurse -in -train-
ing, spent a few days at the home` of
her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cor-
Miss Isabel Metcalfe., Mrs. Ray
Little (nee Edythe Metcalfe), .Tor-
onto, spent the week -end at ' the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Metcalfe.
Miss Mary Forgie spent a, day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes spent
Wednesdayevening at Mr. Wrn.
The friends and neighbors of Mrs.
'Will aMrshall extend to her their.
deepest -sympathy in the loss of her
mother, Mrs. Wright, who passed
away at the home of her son, Mr..
Wm. Wright, of Jamestown, and
whose funeral took place Monday,
March 12th, to Wroxeter Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lathers- and
little daughter, Kathleen, spent a, day
at the home of Mrs. Cathers' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Mrs. Tom Metcalfe spent one ev-
ening last week at the home of Mrs.
Reuben Appleby.
Mr .and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey spent.
a day with Mrs. Forgie;
lei11111111 1111111151ii 11011lltl111V111l 111111111ililllk l{1
Auto , o : e
18A �M: v� e., gee •no a+. w,►1.J►
Reasonable Rates
M. Bishop
Phone •
�I1lf�IkksNl�i11#�• I kiMill INA111�f11•• 1111�1111�N 11•l11�N1
Miss Elma Stokes spent a day at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Selah
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hayter and
Dale, of :Hensell, visited with Miss
Finlayson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Robinson' are
visiting at the former's home, Mr.
Thomas Robinson,
Mrs. Rome, of Teeswater, spent a'
£ew days with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Mrs. Wilfred Reid spent a few:days
in Toronto with her sister, Miss Haz-
el Brandon, who has been ill. Her
many friends hope that she will be
soon restored to good health again.
The W.IyI.S. of Brick United
.Church are having a St. Patrick's.
Social at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas Robinson on Friday, March
17th. 1".veryone welcome..
"Have you any children?"
"Yes—three daughters." '
"1)o they live at home with. you?"
"Not one of'them—they're not mar-
ried yet."
It P''.r
s to
For Things You Need To -Day
Gingharns New Thing
And' how pretty they are ^
these new crisp wash fabrics in
their wide variety of color
schemes. They'll make the
smartest dresses. 32 and 36 in-
wide at 27c and
s we
Early Showing. of Draperies
Spring shipments of Curtains,
Chintzes, Cretonnes, Velours
and Side Drapings along' with
Swiss and Ruffled Curtains are
just received and are now on
display. 'We would like yott to
come and see them.
Redi .Cut Linen Towels 50c
Here's a Clearance of Extra
grade shamrock towels at about
half the usual price. By buying.
several you'll make a good'. in-
All Wool Factory Yarn
IPer Lb. 50c
An extra grade sock yarn.
Duro— English Prints 35c
Tiny patterns and larger ones
too, that make such pretty and
serviceable dresses for Matron,
Miss and little Miss.
Gossard, Nemo -Flex Corsets
Spring styles are now with us
and we invite you to come and
see thein. You'll notice the im-
proved new feature's. Personal
fittings arranged if you like and
at aro Extra Cost:
Heavy White Table
Oilcloth 390 '
/A special purchase allows
this Extra Value 'Price, Our
ordinary 55c line for 39c.
White Nursery Flannelette
We sell a lot of this good
line. Pure wwitite, it t ty
weave. 6 yds. for $1.00,
Cotton Batts for Quilts
Large soft white cotton
batts in full comforter size and
weight of about 2 lbs. Full val-
ue you'll like, Each 65c. '
Buy Quiltings Now at 19c
Specially priced are these
quality patterns of a yard wide,
Wonderful Cloths for re-cover-
ing or making new quilts. Bar-
gain, per yd. 19c.
Shamrock Face Towelings 88c
A regular $1.25 line at a give-
away price, so get a supply,
Reliable White Cotton 16c
Many housewives buy it from
us regularly. It's thoroughly
bleached .and 36 in. wide, ner
yard 16c,
Sunset Cotton Blankets $2.88
Highest quality combed cot-
ton blankets in the large size,
beautifully colored. A. pail. or
two is <a good investment.
Men's Shirt Sale $1.0 0
I-Iereyou are Men — A clean
up of good Shirts at a remark-
able price. Some are slightly
imperfect by way of heavy
threads, but all are of fully ser-
viceable shirting cloths. Separ-
ate Collar, Collar Attached and
Two Stiff Collar Styles. Sizes
14i to 16. All at a Clearance
Price $1.00 Each.
Buy Fresh Groceries From Us
Crepe Toilet Paper 6 for .._..19c
Corn, Peas and Tomatoes ...10c
20 ib. Bag Redpath Sugar $1.12
Fancy Cookies, lb. 19c
Choice Dates, 2 lbs. 19c
Choice Clover Honey, pail 39c
Aylmer Tomato Juice, 4 tin 29c
Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 25c
September Cheese, Ib. ,.., ......15c
Choice ,Pink Salmon, 2 tins 23c
60c Choice `Black Tea, lb. ...39c
McLaren's Jelly Powders,
4 for ..23c
Singapore Pineapple, 2 for 25c
Choice Valencia Raisins,
2 lbs 25c
from a week's visit with her sister,
Mrs. Fox, at Whitechurch.
Mrs. John Miller is home after
spending the last month with her
daughter, Mrs. Sparks, Dorchester.
Word was received by friends There
on Monday o fthe death of Mrs.
Sandy Cameron, at Goderich, on Sat-
The second and final extension of
time granted, motorists, in securing
1933 licenses expired on Wednesday
this 'wveel, March 15th, and Hon, Leo-
pold .1'..tattcattlay, Minister of High-
ways, has stated that no further ex-
tension should be expected,
The original time limit was Feb- $15.00 and ;�] .Q0,
Nary 1st. ''Phis was extended to Feb. Look Over Our 2 -Pant wits at .
15th, and then an additional month' Try us for your next suit and be satisfied.
of grace to March 15th, was an-
urday night. Mrs. 'Cameron who was
a former resident of this vicinity, was
in her 90th year.
Rev. and M. Wilkinson were tip
near Ripley on Tuesday attending the
funeral of an old neighbor. Mrs. Wil-
kinson remained for a few days' visit
with her mother, Mrs. Calling.
Oczo=10 �O—O=O)
p For The "Style
Spring wits
Conscious" High School Youth
' 1�1
'STe 1 E LE N S
Owing to the disagreeable weather
all day Friday the Women's Institute
"At Homer" has becti postponed,
Mrs, W. 3. Humphrey' has returned
Hanna $t Co., I.unite
Men's Purmishings Clothing
r01Z10 OlttO