The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-03-09, Page 81' GF, 'l IGHT THE. • WINGHAM✓I ADVANCEm7IMES • Thursday, March 9th, 193$ YCEUM THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 9, ' 10 and 11 WM. POW.ELL and KAY FRANCIS - In-- " 'ONE WAY PASSAGE" Also 'Cartoon---"Boscoat the Zoo" Two Reel Comedy --,.."WHAT'S AN IDEA" and Fox News. NEXT WEEK: JOHN •ARRYMORE - In — "BILLww `�{ a ,..7f BILL DI` O ' CEMENT ADMISSION - 25c and 15c. 911 IR ii IIRTHIAY SALEI ■ ®. ■ ■ ■ la Now GoingOn ■ aa ■ REAL BARGAINS IN MANY LINES ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Drugs, Remedies, Toilets, Soap, Stationery, Candy ■; ■ ■< ■ SALE ENDS SATURDAY; MARCH 11th ; ■ ■. ■ ■ ■■r .::-, ■; ■McKibbon'sDrug Store ■. Smith: "Are you sure your wife knows I'm coming out over the week- end?" Jones: "Of course. Didn't we arg- ue about it for two hours this morn- ing?" It Pays Deal To With This Exclusive Shoe Store NOT THESE REASONS 1. Rips sewn Free on all. Shoes we sell. 2. We rubberize (make waterproof) by a spe- cial process all work shoes absolutely I'RE E (fir CHARGE. 3. Our prices' are as low as the very lowest at all times in addition to the above advantages. Take for Instance the Work Boot as illustrated and :note the Low Price In all sizes for Men $ 1.79 Per Pair Fi ree rips and Rubberized or made Waterproof ill addition. And note this great;value A black grain bodt with toe- cap, solid in every way, in all sizes for Men, 6 to 11, for 2000l�? Per Pair ..An in addition we sew all rips Tree and Rubberize or make waterproof absolutely `'Free of Charge". • The Exclusive Shoe Store is always to give you better .service, and the reasons are obvious. Wil ou 'icetore Phone 12 The Leading Shoe Store. ' ' JtnhaAt'! Ont, 'WHI:TECHURCH Mr. Alec. Simpson; of l'ingliain, is in the 1*lospital at present edit sulferi:ng. from a severe heart attack. Mr.:and ll:'s. Archie .Paterson and family, of l,ti'eknow", spent Sunday at the House of his brothers Albert and, 3;111ios Patterson, 12r, and Mr's,°FEferb i'ettapiece spent last Thursday at the home of their- daughter, Mrs. Elwood l3arbonr of Fordyce. Mr. John Ward has hired -With Mr, George .Giffin for the summer. Mrs, Sidney Ferguson and son, Donald, of London, spent •a few days hist week with her aunt, Mrs, Archie Clow, Mr, and Mrs. Joe: Tiffin . spent a few days last week. with Mr: and Mrs. George Tiffin of.K.hiloss.. Mrs. McBrien left last Week to spend a few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Vincent, of Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer; of Culross, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer and other relatives here. Mr;. and Mrs. Jones spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Robt. MacLean of Holyrood. Mr. Robert Ferrie has not been so wellas lately. usual, a y Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ross and family spent Saturday with her exits, Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute is being lied in- the Hall on. Friday, March 10.. Mr. Rob't. 1VIcClenaghan is laid up suffering from an attack of the flu, . 12r. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer enter- tained their neighbors in their home ort Friday:: evening. All 'reported a. good time, Mr.`Harold Sparling, who has been taking abutter-makingr g course in Guelph during the past months, is home here suffering from a severe at- tack of appendicitis. Mrs. Wm Humphrey, of St. Het- ens, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Fox. • Mr. John Gaunt has been busy at the planing mill making , egg -cases; during the past week. Word was received here last week of''the`illness of Mr. Angus Ross, of Brandon; Man., He was operated on there. He is a brother of Messrs. Mac and Robt Ross and Mrs. W. J. Coulter. At first his condition was feared to be serious,but when Mr. Robt. Ross was -phoning the doctor there on Saturday night, he was pro- nounced out of danger. A splendid Meeting of the W.I1'I.S. ladies was held in . Chalmer's. Church on Friday afternoon, Mrs. 5.. G. Gil- lespie, Pres. of the United Church W.M.S:, and Mrs. Frank Coulter,. Fres. of the Chalmer's W.IVI.S., had charge of the meeting, while Mrs. Godkin .was pianist; with' over fifty ladies present. The regular "Day of Prayer program was followed while it was made more impres,,ive by the Singing of Misses Carrick, who sang "Sweet Hour of Prayer", and` Mrs. J, Laidlaw and Mrs, D. Kennedy, who sang "Ivory Palaces" and Mrs. I3. Sparling who sang "The Good Shepherd." The Women's .Institute are plan- ning for a social on St. Patrick's ev- ening, March 17th. Mr. Forsythe, of Walkerton, Dis- trict Agricultural( Representative' of Bruce is holding a meeting on Wed., March 8th, at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mr. Frank Henry, at which he will discuss farm topics and poultry. He Will have a selection of sieves to fit farm fanning mills and will 'give a demonstration of seed cleaning. It is hoped that,`all who possibly can attend,will be present. 'Mrs. Emerson Austin, who was called here on account of the illness of her sister; Mrs. Robt. Stewart, re- turned to her home in Nippissing last `Wednesday, ' The Young People of the Bible 'Class of the Unitech Church are put- ting forth a great deal of effort• to have as many of the young people of the community join up with their elass as possible and they extend an invitation to all Who can, to coin.e to Sunday School and help in the class. An orchestra is being or•gan- iaed in thel- Sunday School and any v'ha wish to avail themselves of this opportunity are Welcomed. Ivir, and Mrs. Victor Emerson and Miss Lila, spent Sunday with :Mrs. A. Emerson, Miss Lila leaves this week for her position in Toronto. Miss Nellie McGee has taken a po- sition in London, 1'Crs.'Humphrcy, of St, Helens, and Mrs, Fox, visited ori Monday with Mrs, Wni. Pardon, BELFAST Mr. and .Mrs, Cecil Mullin and fancily, of TAlcknowspent Sunday at Mr. Walter A.ltou's, Elsie Miss1, . is Vint of Stratford Nor - nal School,,spent thec week -end with her •parents. Mr, and Mrs "1', A, Cameron, also Ralph and Toga, visited recently with Wawanosh friends, Mrs, Les. Ritchie and son spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sant Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane and Miss Etta, also luta, and Mrs. Walter Lane and Miss Dierlam, of Ripley, were viistory in the conununity on Sun- day, BLUEVALE Ladies': Aid and • W.M.S. Meet Tuesday afternoon the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home .of .Mss, A. Mowbray, After receiving reports from committees :some items of 'busi- ness were arranged and the secretary Mrs. Archie Messer, invited the soc- iety to her home to spend a social evening, when an Irish program will be carried cut. Ifrs, P, S. MacEwen presided over the W. M. S. meeting which opened with singing and pray - or by Mrs, Walter Smillie, A very ina,pressive reading on "Prayer" was given by Mrs. Archie Messer, and Miss Olive Scott read a short piece "Tying the Strings," `Which dealt with some of the different .phases of mis- sionary work. The W.M,S, are sup- plying articles of clothing this year fora girl of seven years. The meet- ing closed by repeating- the Lord's Prayer in unison,. Day of Prayer Observed A very beautiful service was held in the school room of the' Presbyter- ian church on Friday afternoon when the W..M. S. of Eadies' congregation met with the ladies of Knox Church, hluevale, to observe the "World's Day, of Prayer," The programme, "Follow Me" as prepared by Mrs. C. C. Chen, of Shanghai, China, was' carried out in full. The meeting was in charge of Mrs: Leslie Fortune, President' of Eadies' W.M.S. A vo- cal solo "I'll go where you want me to go" was beautifully rendered :by Mrs. L. Kauffman, accompanied. by Mrs. Alex. Mowbray. 1VIr, Hutton and Rev. Wm. Patterson were pres- ent and assisted in the: service. At the close of the: meeting the . Blue vale ladies served refreshments and a period of 'social intercourse was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs:•;David Kennedy and family of Ayton,,. Ontario, are mov- ing to the village this Week. Mr.. Ken- nedy is the newly .appointed section foreman, and will • ocoapy the house bcloriging to James Kerney, near the station. .Fred Seiling has been. ,the tenant and he is Moving td the house recently owned and occupied by Roy Barrett. • Messrs. Cecil and Case Black, of Dungannon, are -visitors with their THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel You are "feeling punk" simply because your liver isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are both hampered, and your entire system ie being poisoned. What you need ie a liver stimulant. Some. thing that goes farther than sane, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels—ignoring the real ' cause of trouble, your liver; Take Carter's Little. Liver Pills. Purely vege table. No harsh oalomel{mercury). Safe. Sure; Ask for them by .name. Refuse substitutes. 25o. at all druggists. 53 1 1 lull hl11■I I I■I I I■illRl l I III■III■111■I Il■III\Ill■ w NOW IS THE TIME -TO BUY o DIAMONDS 111 s m 1 Prices are to advance this Spring. Inspect our present stock and j you will be surprised at the wonderful values we are A showing. =— Repairs at Moderate Prices. U Satisfaction Guaranteed. W illi dms o The Jeweller. ! ai lel 1 1■I u�l i til l l®III®III■I i loll I IAI I I■III■I I IIIIIII II �lloiI(Mill it •IILIIISII mII■Ill®isi( Tsui , . utoino Ile, ' lii. insurance. a A!at • Reasonable Rates a 1 I ii II A. -M Bishopl Ila if iii .Phone 226 Wnigham Aell IiNwlll�l(ano ImmoniaiuntimiIMmpriI r„ousins, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Mowbray, Mr, and Mrs. Eldrid Nichol were ni Stratford on Sunday with Mrs. Nichol's• brother, ,lolin Holmes, wlio. is ill, Mrs. P. la.King visited dip ii1g the past week with her brother, Will, and Mi•s. Jamieson at Elora. Mrs: Alex. Mowbray visited her sister, Mrs. Thos. Taylor in Wawa - nodi this week. Miss Mary Black has returned to her home here :after spending three - months with Miss Alice .Reading a t W i ii.ghani,' llrs. Jaynes McTavish ,anal Mrs. Eldrid Nichol spent an afternoon re- celttly with Mr, and Mrs. Will Holmes, Miss E. E. Wright returned to To- ronto last week after visiting with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Wright, BELGRAVE Observe Day of Prayer The Day of Prayer service was observed in Belgrave on Friday af- ternoon when the Iroinen of the dif- ferent churches joined together,in the service which was held in Knox Un- ited Church. Each church had charge of a part of the program. Special .music was also 'supplied. Mrs. James Wightman and Miss Annie 'McDow- ell sang a duet. Ruth Cole and Nora VanCamp also favored with a duet, and Mrs. Norman Geddes with a solo. Mrs. R. McCrae, of, Londesboro, spent a few days with relatives here Mr, Harry McQuire has moved his family into the village where they are occupying Geo. Jordan's house. Women's Institute Social Evening A large crowd gathered together in the Foresters' Hall on Friday ev- ening when the members of the W,o- men's Institute held, their regular an- nual social evening. The program started with the playing of several games and was followed by a short program of music. Rev. A. M. Grant acted as chairman in his usual ac- ceptable manner: The program con- sisted of a reading by Margaret Coul- ter, vocal solo, Clark Johnston; vio- lin selection, J. M. Coultes, accom- panied by Mrs. Coultes; Harmonica Band, John Anderson, Geo. Jordan and Carl Procter; vocal • duet, Phyllis Wightman and Billy Manning; vio- lin selection, J. M. Coultes; reading, Margaret Coulter; piano duet, Velma Wheeler and Charlie Scott; gave a Harmon - Ica Bandsecond number. Quite a number of logs are being brought in to the chopping mill where they will be sawn by summer. Mr.. Joe Kermath and family are moving to their new home near Molesworth. Miss Mary Cameron, of London, spent the week -end with her friend, Mrs. Earle Anderson. Mr. Howard Wilkinson and fam- ily, who have spent : the winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wil- kinson in the village, are moving to their farm this week. The regular monthly meeting of the Belgrave Farmers' Club will be held at the home of C. W. Scott on Tuesday evening, March 14th., The topic of discussion will be "Statute Labor. Checker . contest. Ladies bring sandwiches. All welcome. 12th LINE HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. James Halliday and Mrs. McKersey were Sunday visitors, at the home of Mr. Robert Baker. Mr. Sterling Finlay visited friends near Wroxeter last week. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Robert Hays were Mrs. J. Under- wood and Mr. H. Finlay. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Steurnol vis- ited Mrs. John Steurnol in Gorrie, who is not as well gas het many friends would, wish. Mr ,and Mrs. R. Brown were H-ar•- riston visitors last week, Mr. John Finlay visited with friends at Tory Corners. BELMORE The Day of Prayer was observed in the Union Church Friday after- noon, Miss Jean MacLean and Mr. Harry iVXe•kley were quietly married at the Manse, Wednesday afternoon, • A number from the village attend- ed the sale in Mildmay Saturday af- ternoon. Two car -load of our hien attended the ' hockey inateh in Walkerton be- tween Walkerton and Clinton. The Carnival held in the rink Tues- day evening drew a large crowd, but there was, a shortage of masked fig- ures. Winners ig-ures..Winners of prizes were: Gents' race, Mr. Norman Newarls; Gents'. Potato race, Norman Newans; ladies' race, Jean Herd; musical chair Marie Mines, ;gent Toni Parker; best dr esscd Gent,, Gcorget Mundell; best dressed lady, Lily Edwards; best lady skater, Margaret Abram; best gent skater, Clayton Edwards; best comic clown, Gordon Inglis, best Na. tional Costume, Marjorie Herd, Those vvho carried off prizes at the Corrie Carnival were, Jean Heed and Joltii Abram. It Pays toSh.;p at King's Quality Merchandise 'Always,• Reasonably - Priced Brocaded Art Silk Taffeta 29c • One of _ the most popular of Silks and for this week -end yoµ buy it at 29c per yard. Monday next the price will again. be 39c so get all you need while the price is 29c. Sand, Rose, China Blue, Green, White. Tub Fast Cotton ' Prints Tiny : floral designs,, clever stripes, smart plaids and checks in a riot of color. All fresh, crisp goods just out of the package. Be sure to see these. pretty cottons in theyard width: 22; 25c, 28c, 33c and. 35c. Wool Tartan Dress Goods 79c A clearing price on this ser viceable dress material for girls. Buy one or two dress lengths at this low price. A regular $1.25 line for 79c. Watson's Vests or Bloomers 49c Unusual quality at such a low price. The reason—Broken col- or ranges from our regular stock normally priced at 85c. Buy several garments now at the reduced price. Each 49c. Many Remnants - Half Price Here, are wonderful. bargains! in yardage goods.' Various len- gths for a hundred) uses. Dress goods•, Bints,t ' Cottons, Ray Silks, Draperies,. Flannelettes, Etc.,,,Eto.. All -marked at just half the regular price. $1.50 Silk Stockings Per Pair 88c Extra . service weights in a fine choice of colors, Stockings of fine appearance with an abundance of wear which every woman must appreciate. 8 only Misses' f size. Silk Dresses $1.98 8 only Two -Piece Wool Suits $5.00 12 only Women's Odd Blous- es • 50c 10 only Weinen's I Misses' Pullover • Sweaters $1.95 Women's $1,00 WoolISilk Stockings 69c 59c Women's Heavy Lisle Hose 44c Drapery Crash, Half Price Yard 33c Wabasso Sheets and Sheetings Quality Sheets at $1.39, $1.98, $2.45, $2.75; Lily White Sheet- ings 49; 69c, 77c,, 98c. Super- fine Pillow Cottons 39c and 45c. Natural Sheetings at 44c and 49c. March is the month for Spring ~Sewing.,; ,Let us supply you' the`best 'b•eddings. Men's F'lanlnelette Gowns; Extra Value, Each $1.00 Under Coat Sweaters $1.59 All Pure Wool, Browns, Greys, Etc. Penman's Top Quality Fleece Shirts and Drawers 85c Big 88 Work Shirts 100 Outstanding Value at the price, Clearing Men's Hats at $2.98 Brock, Sackville, Horton, in your size. New Elastic Braces The .sort with plenty of stretch, 39c, 50c, 75c. Hanson or Codes Work Socks 22c, 39c, 45c, 59c, 75c Fashion; Craft Odd Trousers Finest quality Worsteds, spec- ially priced $4.95. Heavy Knitting Yarns Lb. 50c The best for hand-knit Socks. New Silk Ties 50c, 75c, 99c, $1,19 Forsyth Pajamas Special $1.79 Fast Color English Fabrics you'll like. Boys' Wool Jerseys 88c Pigskin Work Gloves ... 33c Linen Hand Towellings 4 yards ' $1.00 36 in. Turkey Red Comforter Chintz 20c Wool -Cot Lounge Rugs $3.49 to $5.00 Bull Dog Bloomer Elastic ...10c Fresh Groceries to Buy Choice Dates, 2 lbs. ........19c Heinz Tomato Soup, large, 3 for 35c Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. for 25c 60c Black Tea, ib. 39c Choice Clover Honey, pail 39c September Cheese, lb, 15c Singapore Pineapple, sliced, for 25c Fancy Cookies, lb. 19c Aylmer Tomato Juice, 4•for 29c Redpath Sugar, 20 lb bags $1.12 Choice Valencia Raisins 2 lbs. 25c Choice Pink Salmon, 2 for 23c ING B Mrs. Herd entertained Rev. and Mrs„,Turnbull,. Mrs. Douglas ,Mrs. Newans and M. Jeffray Wednesday afternoon. Miss Etoile Casemore is holidaying on the 9th of Turnberry. Mrs: Sparks of Port Elgin, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Casemore. Rev, Turnbull occupied the pulpit in Wroxeter Sunday evening. i0 0 OLEO O 0 01t 0 O CL Advance Spring Sale 1,1 ... Two Days Only 1, waw g Friday, Saturday, March 10, 11 11 To introduce our New Spring Merchandise we are o allowing for these Two Days Only g 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES 11 WITHHELD FROM THE SALE 0 Shop Early, Store Opens at p ` 9 A.M.- p 110 0 0 NOTHING • NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ON THE PURCHASE OF QUALITY MERCH.AANDISE H _. •Co.Liinited Ci othilklig t0 Men's Fuiinishings' *0n z10t lo=o 01#0; • • OlOtte 0