HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-03-09, Page 3ette a W roxe er Thursday, March 9th, 1933 GORRIE Observe World" Day .of Prayer The World Day of Prayer wa held in St, Stepl en's Anglican cher e in Gorrie, on Friday afternoon, witl, Ers, W =C. King, President. of the W.A., in the chair, The printed or der of service was used,, with Mics (Rev;) .,Leggatt giving a very inter esting paper on "Tire Love of Christ' and Mrs. (Dr.) Ramage, giving th. paper 'on "Women . of the World' where she described the women of the. Far East, and the problems which confront them today, Another inter- estieg item of the program was a solo, by Mrs. W. Earngey, Jr., who sang "The Beautiful Garden of Pray- er." `. Mrs, Stanley Wheeler, of Brussels, was a guest of Mrs. R. G. Dane on Saturday; Miss Margaret Newton, R.N., of Listowei, was a guest over the week- end with her brother, Mr. R. G. New- ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jardine, Brussels, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cathers on Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Gregg went to Guelph, to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Evans, who is dangerously ill at the horns of her daughter, Mrs. Butchard. Mssrs. John King and Ed. Bissett of London, were weekaend guests of Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. King. The many friends of Miss Dorothy Edwards.. will be glad to learn she is able to` be up again, :following a case of measles. Mr. Jaynes Douglas, Miss Annie Douglas and Emerson Shera motored o Hamilton on Saturday and, visited with the; former's son, Clarkson. Miss Beatrice Ferguson, of Clif- ford, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gregg. Miss Fitch of Belmore, was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. T. Shera. Mrs. Jas. Alien of. Wroxeter visit- ed .with her mother and: aunt, Mrs. and Miss Ross on Saturday. We are glad to see her out again after her illness.' Mr. acid Mrs. Leslie Earl and fam- ily spent Saturday with the latter's. parents,. Mr: and Mrs. Clegg, and. also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. 'Sparling. Weare sorry to hear of Mrs. Fos- ter being on the sick list, and hope she will soon be out again. The meeting' of the Women's Aux- iliary of St. Stephen's Church will be held' at the home of Mrs. Taylor on Friday afternoon. The friends of Mrs. Jack Steurnol will be sorry to learn she is seri- ously ill eriouslyill 'following a stroke which oc- curred on Saturday. Miss Evelyn Stephen was a Tor- onto visitor fast week. Mr. and IYIrs. Gordon Barton spent a. couple, of.; days in Fergus recently. Mrs,, Ewald of St. Thomas, and son, Franklein, of Toronto, are guests the"s week of Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Dane. , Dr. and Mrs. Whitley were Sunday visitors with friends in Londesboro. s h 1 , e F. F. HOMUTH -- The OPTOMETRIST WIIO NEVER FAILS TO, GIVE SATISFACTION Phone 118. 1 ARRISTON Miss Eeckten,of Fordwich, was a week -end guest of Miss E, Stephens, Plans are well under way for the St. Patrick Concert, the annual ev- ent of interest of St, Stephens Angli- can Church, to be 'held in . the Town- ship Hall here on the 17th. GORRIE TEAM WIN FROM FORDWICH Successful Carnival Also Held One of the biggest crowds of the season was on hand Friday evening to witness an interesting hockey game between Fordwich and Gerrie, Both teams were at their best, and put forth an effort toogive the spec- tators value for their money. There were a few penalties but the game could be rated as an exciting game. In the first, period•~the score resulted. in 3-2 for the local team, while in the second no one scored, and in the final period'Gorrie scoredfour more making it .7-3 in their favor. The line-ups: Fordwich—Goal, Brears; defense, Gibson, Patterson;, forwards, Kelly, McIlwain, Gadke, subs,, Ashton; Gra- ham, Lynn, Craig. Gorrie-Goal.; Steuernol; defense, Edwards and Abraham; 'forwards, Brown, Hamilton, Vanstone; subs:, Gordon Brown, Hastie, Musgrove, Ashton and Fralick. Referee—Jack Fritz, Listowel. Following the hockey match a Busi-ness Men's Carnival was held, when many contestants entered for the various prizes, which resulted as follotys: Best Dressed Couple, fancy: Miss Marjorie Waller, Miss Dorene Lynn. Ladies Comic Costume: Mrs. J. Hutchison, Mrs. J. Musgrove. Gents' Comic Costume: Alex. Case more. Gents' Fancy Dress: Matthew Friz- zell. Ladies' Race, Miss Jennie Pierce. Gents'. Race: Harry Brown. Girls' Race, 14 years and, under: Miss Herd, Miss Edith Ritchie,, Boys' Race, 14 years and under, Glen Johnston, Jack Newton. Girls' race, 10 years and under, Betty; Edwards, Eleanor Carson. Boys' race, 10 years and under: Billy Newton, Dean Earngey: Lady and Gent Race, Clayton Ed- wards and Miss Herd; Jack Abraham and Miss Waller. Best•Clown on ice: Charles Black, Alex, Cas•ernore. Oldest Gent: James Walker. Gents' High Jump,Jack Abraham. g The judges: Mesdames Ashton and Kahle, Dr. Ramage and H. Cook. W. M. S. HOLD SPLENDID MEETING The regular ;monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Gorrie United Church, was held on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Jno. Hynd- man, The opening exercises were in charge of Mrs.' Cook, in the absence of the President, Mrs. R. A. Ashton. Mrs, Whitley, Vice President, spoke words of sorrow in the passing of a Life Member, Mrs. Sparling. The Scripture lesson, Mark 15: 16-26, was read by Mrs. Johnston. At the call to .worship, sentence prayers were offered by Mesdames Matt. Anger, James Anger and Fred Hyndman. Mrs. W. J, Gallaher gave thedevotional reading entitled "On the Cross." Daring the business per- iod, which was in charge of the Vice President, Mrs. Whitley, 'a commit- tee was named to make further plans for: the Easter Thank -Offering serv- ice, Rev. Butt to be ` speaker. The. 1I$I*IIR*■I■■I■■■n•r■•suI•aU••••••I■i•l' ■ ■ • •Maitland • • 111 DJ IIS ■M Buyersis Of a NI ■ ■ INI And Poultry ■■f■ ■ ®■ ■ ■ ■ ■ in ■ THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE 114 COMPANY, LIMITED.al a 1:; Crearn, Eggs in ■ Wl■ half y; . t■ Phone 271 ■ {ti■*i/■I*.I■lw/■*uU t1wlUui*lUN IIID Ontario. ■ ha ■ Odd— But True 4 9 VORTM1116A11.E BOOM HAvt Qth TAE UTE OF NAPO1.f:ON ` INCE Iqs D*Alii 1%2• `{EARS RGO 046 ilPlireViati --4 nn d(ihherSRgwr1 CGRP • THEA Dl1UKR OBORS, . PEct41:1AF, MOWS SECT of WEST U' CRIODA 1\1A1tE' A gUAttli,BUT EFFECTIVE ,t,I4En oD Or P+ GltN4ED1T - 1t 1 OPPOSED 'Mt,`i %tt'AP Y MAI PbNsrPao pili Tt1E, Rr�11' R14b , 7RE.Y THE— office of Strangers' Sec., which was vacated by Mrs. Abram, who has moved from the community, was, tak- en by Mrs. Wylie. Mrs. Johnston • gave a reading "Stewards of Our Bodies," Roll call was responded to by a verse of a favorite' hymn. Mrs. Hyndman gave a paper on "China," with Rev. Butt singing the solo, "The: Old Rugged Cross." The topic •"Barbara Heck," was taken by Mrs. Ramage. Barbara Heck was responsible for establish- ing the first Methodist Church in America. The work done by this praised Christian woman is well nigh incalcuable for while she has long since been gathered to her rest along with her pioneer friends, her work goes on and on 'in ever widening circles. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Clark. GORRIE Y. P. S. SHOWS GROWTH The regular :meeting of the Y. P. S.as held •in th schoolrooms of w e the United Church, Gorrie, on Wed- nesday evening, with the Christian. Stewardship Convenor, Miss Doug- las, in charge. The meeting opened with hymn 499, after which prayer was ,.offered by Miss Douglas.'; The Scripture lesson, John 4: 35-49 was read responsively. Hymn 494 was then sung, after which Mrs. P. .Kaine gave the topic, "How Shall We 'Win our Friends for Christ," the speaker pointing out that Personal Appeal, Prayer, Witness bearer, and Love, were means whereby we could win our friends for this great cause. A male chorus then favored the society by singing "One by One," an approp- riate hymn, following the very worth- while• topic. Rev, 'Butt held a Reception service when, 5 new members joined the Sor ciety. A musical selection was given by Miss Janet Rattan. Mr, Cook, musi- cal director, then gave instructions as to the singing of the revised form of the National Anthem. The 'Presi- dent, Miss Dane, took charge of the. business period after which the hymn 270 was" sung and the meeting was. closed with the Mizpah benediction. OBITUARY Mrs, Edwin Sparling r There passed away on Wednesday n.torning, March 1st, orae of the old- est residents of Ho ic.Township, in the person 'of Mrs. Edwin Spar - ling, at the Roane of her son-in-law, Edward Johnston, of Morris Twp., in her 87th year. She was born in Ire- land, . coming to Canada when two years old, with her parents, John and Catherine Speiran, settling in Blau - shard Twp, Perth Co. She was mars ricd March 5th iti the year 1.867 to Edwin Sparling. Moving to lot 8, Con. 5, Howick, in the year 18'76,liv- ing here until they retired to Gor- rie in 1.909., i Her husband :predcceas., ed her. in 1912. She was a Iifelong member of the Methodist Church and of the. United Church since Union, working whole-heartedly inall its ac- tivities while she was able, being the Charter President of the Ladies' Aid and a life member of the W. M. S. of the Gorrie Church. Those societ- ies acknowledging her interests with a beautiful spray on her casket. She enjoyed the friendship of a large cir- cle .of friends, being able to enter- tain at her own home until a few months of her death, of whom a large number attended her funeral. Her children rise up and call her blessed. A sevice was held on March 2nd at Mr. Johnston's, conducted by Rev. Mann, of Bluevale, when the remains were moved. to the home of her son- in-law, 'Wm. Whitfield, in Gorrie, Where 'a private funeral service was held March 4th, at the home, follow- ed by a public service, conducted by Rev. Butt, assisted by Rev.' Mann in the United Church, Gorrie. Inter- ment was made in the family plot in Gorrie Cemetery, born by her six grandsons, namely, Everett and Clar- ence Sparling, Sparling and Carl Johnston, Ewart Whitfield and Wm. ;Balfour. She leaves to mourn the loss of a devoted and loving mother, four sons and two daughters, namely, Jno. S., of Howick, R. C., of Calgary, Mrs. Ed. Johnston, of Morris, Mrs. Wm. Whitfield of Gorrie, A. E., of Vancouver, and Harvey on the old homestead, also ten grandchildren; one son, Albert, dying at the age of six years, fifty-six years ago. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Alfred, of London, in her 94th year. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. Friends from a distance who at- tended the funeral were: Mr. and iiIrs, G. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Webster, Mrs, Hanely, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Armstrong, of St, Marys, Mrs, J. Whitfield and son, Orval, Mrs. A. Walker, Mrs. 3. G. Speiran, Mr's. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs, G. Mc- Call', Mrs. W. Speiran, of Brussels; Mr, and Mrs. H. McCutcheon, W. J. McCutcheon, of Morris; Mr, and Mrs. H. Speiran, of Atwood; George Speiran and son, Alex., also Mrs. Love, of Ethel; Misses Hazel and Iaerva Speiran of Moncrief; Mrs, W. Michael and son, Cloyne, of Milver- ton; Mr, and Mrs, L. Earl and fam- ily, of Ethel; Mr ,and Mrs, Holt .and sons, of , Jamestown; Mr ,ani Mrs. H. J c Harris 'of Cedarville; Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston, Miss Ethel and Carl, Mr. and Mrs, S. Johnston, of. Blue- 'Bvale; Mtand Mrs, Arowvna td Miss Ruth of Canbrook, Mr. and, Mrs, A. Robinson and son, Samuel. of Fordwich, also Ewart Whitfield, of Arthur. CART) Or THANKS "We desire to express our sincere appreciatidn to ottr neighbors and friends for their kindness and thoughtfulness in aur time of be- reavenrent, It will never be forgot- ten," The Sparling t'aitilly, WROXETER There was a good attendance at the Women's Day of Prayer, which was held in the United Church on Friday afternoon. Mrs.• Thomas Walker attended the funeral of her neice, Miss 'Walker of Fordwich, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gallaher and' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen, of town, also Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher, of Salem, attended the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs .Alex. Bryans, in. Brussels, on Saturday of last week. Miss Beulah Paterson of Harriston was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wm.. McLean on Sunday. Miss Winnie Rae, of ' Belgrave; spent the week -end. svith her parents, Mr .and Mrs. David Rae. Mr. Huck, of the Bank of Commer- ce, spent Sunday with friends at Har- riston. , The Young People's Social Club held their meeting on Wednesday ev- ening last. "Five Hundred" was en- joyed, the highest score berg held. by Miss Daisy Stocks, and Mr. Laurie VanVelsor. Refreshments were in charge of Ken Edgar and Harvey Timm. Misses Margaret and Irene Wright of Stratford Normal, spent the week- end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright. Miss Aileen Schaab spent the week -end with Wingham, friends. Miss Jean Elliott is spending. a few days with friend at Fordwich. Miss Beatrice Howe, Leamington, is spending a few days with her sis- ters, the Plisses Howe. Misses Muriel and Agnes .Elliott, also Mr. Harry Allen, of Brussels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen. Miss Evelyn Gamble 'spent the week -end at her home in Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade, Ford- wich, were guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughttin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, 4th line, entertained their neighbors and friends on Friday ,evening Cards and dancing were enjoyed. • The weekly Lenten prayer• service of the Anglican Chur=ch, was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Fisher, Rev. R. S. Jones being in charge. •Skating Party The YoungYoungPeople's Society of the United Church; ,held a: skating party on Tuesday evening last instead of their Usual Monday evening meeting.. About 30 enjoyed a couple of hours' Skating after Which, they gathered rat the church school roost and enjoyed a. bean supper, • The •Sunday evening service in the United Church was taken by Rev, Mr. Turnbull, of Belmore. A large number of neighbors gath- ered on Wednesday evening at the home of. Mrs, Jas. Kirtott, 4th line, for ,Prayer service, when Rev. Mr. Patterson 'charge service: atter, cStt had c targe of the , er vice end gave an inspiring 'address. We regret the iliness of Mrs. '.J.. Sarigstei' who has been in bed ,for the past two weeks, We hope for a speedy recovery. corn—le Marlcdale, 011 Friday, March '2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Har- old Mercer (nee Elizabeth Sander- son), a son (Donald David). We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of the, late Mrs. Abram Sr., who passed away on Sun- day evening, Mr. Edward Gibson who has been relieving on the Bank•. of Commerce Staff, at Watford, has been placed on. the permanent staff at that place, We extend our sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, 13 line, on the loss of their infant daughter, Born -r -In Wroxeter, on March 5th, td Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woosley, a son. Miss Little of the Public School Staff is indisposed . and the Senior room is closed for a few days, Misses Elsie Darvi.dson and Evelyn Gamble attended the hockey match between Stratford and Newmarket, which took place at Stratford on Tuesday night. WROXETER HOCKEY CLUB BANQUET On Friday evening, March 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Dane entertained the Wrox- eter hockey. players to a banquet. Dinner was served at 7.30, Loreen Chamberlain, Ila Sharpin and Mar- jorie Waller acting as waitresses. Just before dinner was served the toastmaster, Mr. Laurie. VanVelsor,, proposed a toast to the King. Later the following toasts were proposed: a toast to the hostess and host, the reply being given by Mr. Dane; the toastmaster then proposed a toast to the hockey club. Mr. George Gibson replied to this and, in his reply Mrs. Dane was made an honorary mem- ber of the hockey club. The toast- masteff proposed a toast to the hoc- key players and the captain, Harold Durst, replied. After dinner the toastmaster caled on all the, hockey players to speak. The remainder of the evening was spent in bridge and euchre. The first prize for bridge was won by Archie Edgar, the consolation by Laurie VanVelsor. The first prize for euchre was won by Elgin Hoffman, the con- solation prize by Jack Gibson. The enjoyable evening was brought to a close by 'singing "For he's a jolly good. fellow." WOMEN OBSERVE DAY OF PRAYER Women of the Anglican, Presby- terian and United Churches met in the United Church at 3 o'clock Fri- day afternoon for the 6th annual ob- servance of the. World Day. of Pray- er. The arrangements for the suc- cessful carrying out of this interces- sion in Canada were under the inter - board committee of sthe Women's Missionary Society throughout the Dominion. The program; the theme of which was "Follow 14e" and used in some 'form by Christian women all over the world, was prepared by Mrs. C. C. Chen, who attended the Jeru- salem Conference, and has travelled widely. She is chairman of the National Committee of the Y. W. C. A. of China, and a member of the Nation- al Christian Council of China. Mrs. Finlay presided and those taking part in the devotional service were Mes- dames Stocks, Gibson, Gowdy, Long- ley, Paulin and. Smythe, with Mrs. Meehan at the piano. ICE CARNIVAL A BIG SUCCESS With hockey teams from Wingham Brussels and Gorrie, and a large num- ber of enthusiastic fans present,. the local hockey committee staged one of the finest eshibitons of hockey given in our town for a long time. Tire first two 15 minute perk}ds wcrc played by Wingham and Wrox- eter, resulting in a score of 5 - 3 in favor of the visitors. Referee, Brown of Drayton, In the second ttvo periods Brus- 5 C . c I. and Gal°rie teams were, roupied andthe score was4 - 2 in. favor r of llrasscls, with Mitchell of Wingliartr, referee. A good deal of excitement and fun WASH : caused by a; game of Broom - featuring the local Married Men against the Single I\Xen, with T. Durst as referee. At the game's finish with a score of 2 1 in favor of the Single Nen, the players seemed to be exhausted, The play-off between 'Wingltana and Brussels was, then °called, the for- �. Smflixt' Char Sayyt Titl't our coder -+: methods o' diplomacy and propoganda , one half o' $h,', worlr. doesn't -wonder HOW kl..' other half Jives --but WHY- -- °' mer winning with a 3-0 score. Each period showed a splendid exhibition of hockey, with few penalties and ail of the teams are to be congratulated on their clean sportsmanship. Special mention might be made of the. Wing - ham team, ing-hang'team, who played a fast, smooth game, with a better cornbination than their competitors and so deserved to be the champions of the evening. A Moccasin Dance, free to all pre- sent, was the concluding:. item, and splendid music was supplied by Vern MacDonald, Miss Margaret Edgar and Mr. Frank Earls. The only item of the whole even- ing to be regretted is the accidental injury of one of the Brussels play- ers in the last period, colliding with one of his own team, he fell, injuring his head and neck. Dr. McLeod was called and he was taken to his home: We hope his condition is not seri- ous. The local Hockey Commitee are to be congratulated on their 'ar- rangement of this Hockey Tourna- ment and deserve the support of our community in providing such a good evening's sport:. 10th LINE :HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. Suttel Stockton and son, Stewart, Misses Hilda and Paul- ine Litt were Sunday visitors at T. Pritchard's. Mrs. R. Harding spent• the weeks end with friends at Gorrie, Mrs. Bruce Hoitom and Mrs. War- ren ` Zurbrigg spent a ` day recently with Mrs. Wallace Hallman, 12 con. Master Clare Wendt, of Clifford, spent last week with his friend,. Jackie Pritchard. Mr .and Mrs. William Craig spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. T. Strong. New Low Li Prices Clark's Pork & Beans, can -....7c Northern Brand Canned Corn per can -,.9c L. of M. Brand Tomatoes, per can 1Oc B. and B. Brand Peas, can 10c Sliced iPineapple,' 2 cans for 25c Sauer Kraut,, 2 cans for ...,.-.,25c Orange Pekoe Tea, Oxford Brand, per lb Black or Mixed Crown Brand Tea, per ib. Good India Black Tea, Special at...............•.,.....:29e Fresh Ground Coffee at per lb. 40c, 500 and 60c Men's Wool Sox, pair ,.20c Heavy Wool Sox, 4 prs. 95c Men's Wool Knit Sweaters 2.19 Jumbo Knit Sweaters .....,,$3.75 Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, each 98c Men's Overcoats from W....$14.95 to $23.00 Men's Rubbers and Over - Shoes Reduced .20%. Men's Heavy StripedOve rall S and Stnocics, each 98c Men's Mitts and Gloves, Shirts, Etc., all Reduced in Price. Watch for our Saturday Week. End Specials at still Lower Prices. Poultry Supplies, Shell Grit, Oyster Shell and Grit sold here Trade in Your Eggs and Cream Here, Davey's Shore .' Wroxeter