The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-03-02, Page 2WINGITAM ADVANCE-TIM4S near hie headquartere, the i N'' he child wh:h Thus there were fi'S. The etre:: it mus b i a Wingham Advance -Times i Rubustked at rhat the unem , Ila problem . woos gathe.red unto tine Some ei . bout him as he worked the teemeit- * u I CaPernaurta A. great multita -ympathetic and tinderstandieg sols tiVINGHA111 - ONTARIO far from solved is proved by the feet Ithera to li ii to his wonderful •tea- hicitte miracle. very Thureday morning by ;•,tit a , -- p p . eta 1 1111,11....111114.,N 1,11,111,) kg teem. seeking heal- ., 1 367 BO the le ere r • ti •' T.' e ' e• - - - 1 4 AdeaaceeTiraes publishing co, '..(tirect relief in CtInada• The oost will' ing for themselves ter their dear (ewe, ; lb '• ; but ••••',..!5 000001) . many of theta merely out of curiesity . 1.7 1111tRil:1---;00 Pintleac=te!2A115 ,:', Dr. Lome el e Feelhean is drirl .9 - see the great man. v eh . Perhaps theta:I:tine again , be was „, re * * * si:1. ss-4 which is 34 ).•••••iirs ...id. It Itrie oval a boat, while the zradtitteles las- ; i in his possession i -r 2T. years. eenal op let, shore, a hieh ierened a ahieller liow many i,.itzz the doe- tieing, avelitorietue 'Ta 1i, S. A., S2.50 per year. Foreign rate, 53,00 per year, Adverng rates.. on appatiou. -.. has tr:Oed in dirrine this thee. And thare cometh he p i * * ^7S '''4' ere oi Oa earuagoeui ,lairus by mune. , THE ,PRICE OP COAL 1 I Pei Telephone. has. reducail its So seldom it is ;het we are told the , • . Heiallinee in Toronto papers, last 'dividend rate. The 4•InatlerlY dividenu etnales of the Persons fer whom ee. steted 'that F. A. 111elireetir, :win he nr•-ie which Places the ancntal ;Christ worked minteles, that this' Reeenr the cerehiees Imes- dividend. n. a •ti,4, bitz.ilt,. Last. „year ljawus mut have been a callable char- etrar ade It • 11 • ision of soy bean growing in Ontario. hie obtained splendid yield •threshed beans tie a seven and a half ee t vard the rapid SLAT'S DIARY are field that in 1930 was in alfalfa. After harvesting two cutting s alf-1 aed me alfa, hay. the tilted cutttner was thrash- job tonite n •tire way home cil ter esed, The field was then fall ' skeel, eloueheel. and eeetivel to beans in late • . lilav 1931. whn the beans were Pflopps littie • ' letiveeted they yielded 32 bueliels t eset killed wen tortits ai7ret •nnd'a the lly eeen.zda ing eeeistered founticin 'Ma ottomo- eoy bean seed, by annual field in- tieAion Act, duriate his investieations It was reduced frOM SVC t ater probably a man lei especial * ;holiness and influence, And seeing f wits shot last week at Frks 4bhn, he falleth at his feet ImpOrtan ,f tee Credit in Peel County. Nor- 4, officer of the church as he was, he ielk County nnd others reported see- recognized One who was far -- ine wolves recently. •The wolf at the jar to hintselt, ie ihe only welt' reptvtea so far 4 Ad beaeecheth seetisn. ,able- no tDther even ills so profoundly in mentreai sem() per ten, aed ehe Roaring over the esande. of Daytona death of his dear e daughter. Sater y ---Margie never did call Toronto fruit distributor will, in hit- her. advised that still another prominent Sir Malcolm Campbell set a Saying, My little dauehter is nt the il prices are higher titan Avner- Beachi rut - cart enotracite it is little wonder that new record for land travel of 2724-10.8 ,Peint of death.. So near death .as uP Yet. -hht Bialhes evree ure, handle graded apples, exclusive - the public feel they are pa:.,,eriee too 1 miles an hour. Due t e eons., wrist she when eainie left h•- euee ti thing onto me today I was lieeen- I - of her ing. to a futball game and the Nounc--; inspector of this fruit house, i' -'h price, ; he drove Part fthe 'tvay with one the distracted father id riffle ateesteeatimr, our,eores and .,haagIStI-ateS lentent ne- dead, be tine tune she is dead." Chear- and 3tnt then swiched over organization had adopted this policy Ar. ithy hands epe, het, perhens eraims cher sed. Witch stilleth the noise of easy to Procure almost unlimited sun - 3111.0 he price of British cotti,jd cQnle to the cOnChigs:2 that the re- tail prices charged ere toe -4 high. The publie in general has been is belief fer some tirea, by.. 3= ito to blame for this eendn ally what they want to know. b el and so me speetion, and by carefully seleeting lake started down seed each ;Year, Mr. Finlay has to. Margies hollSe raised his seed te a standard of per - tell her and We fection that enabled him to win the inda hated to tell championship in the cantinental cone: it was her ma petition of the Chicago crops show. .nd she never ed to hear the Chltari0 Apples Only truth. inebbe- she eks a further indication of ,the much. Prob- call as up to growing demand for graded Ontario- • el move jair-' nite and Thank us grown apples, J. B. Fairbairra Dep - When Welsh eoal CIII1 be Iaisi dawn * • s the imminent comelng to tell uty Minister of Agriculture, has been as we are ae.ers of coal we did bend. This should tend tee make the (Matz. .9as) that -e-tie is even now er sed. And now Yak Will give a intimated to Mr. Fraibairn that his I ral.- the that thou come and lay to a anther statshue and sum prea- because. of the fact that it is now , • the conein•eice we came to is that the , " A big coal interests, such as importers, "‘ -etElijah had the eess, and noise of there waves plies of carefully graded apples grown , y w n a , c., are e tpa. t/ Evernoand thesome person as thinking- of the way and the Tumult of the People. Ant in Ontario orchards. Another point price of coai and that dealers in the tees a word of their own ereation. brought to lite the son of the endow various towns and citieaway from ' In the Senate the other day the word of Zareohath (I Kings 17:21). and EnmeT thinksI done it a pur- mentioned was that the public de- this sore ee eeppts. de net tweeze. at, "quashal" was used, but as it was Elisha won from death the son of Pose- onend for Ontario apples ie. increae- resent, a profit s reater thanot of the dictionary the word was Shtmarinnite (2 Khios 4:34, 36), That •StandaP-I and Pa event clairch !ire: most noticeabl3. penv gn they l and init.:: morning but are clock was slow ee:placed by the word "quashing." ,istre may be made whole faith in and we diadem.. get thre till the eer- * * Whence mane Jairush: great deserve. With the price of coal what it at the mines, and when they carrying charges and raezes are added ir will be found that for the fuel we burn we pay mostly for freight and taxes and eomparatively not such a great eremite. for CtNal. This applies to Am- erican coal, We are ei the opinion that Weis 'coal ought to be cheaper to the Con - Surlier and we hope that those who • Time to Improve President-elect Franklin D. Roose- Chest's pewer? most was on. we went in on tip toe n appeal to fanners to improve Ye...lt -will take office this week. He And he went with him. There is and a onPrde ole fellows looked MOSS ['their farms and livestock at this time} gess we awaked them, up iiriateati of simply marking time was ` has been much feted ,since his elec- o hesitation, no donbt of his power 21 as. I 1:made by E. R. Hampson, past presi- then., but the yard -stick by which he tie do rvellous thin asked cif nlehbY• 1 ----------- -in be measured in future vrill be . him. It. was "all in •the ilay's work", Ifunda5--I think' Pa is a going tol.dent Of the Ontario ExPerimental his statesmanship during the next- for the Son of God! _art'• d a gi-eat ! quit his Lodge: They haven't had a Union in a recent address: "The pre - four years. ' multitude followed him. They were, Purade for over a yr. becnz no mem- sent is not a time for a negative type has died on them. They dont 1 of farming. No Progress can be * * * * i curious and eager to see the expect- '• ber The Quebec Provinee raav have al ed miracle. And they thronged him. evert Imre no sk-k- men to Sit UD With ;merle by that method. Probably neve a „ province -wide lottery as a means of if/Leese. or anxiety for the life of nte settee the DePreshnn. ier has there been a finer opportunity , - sadom chance eiimp lattice, this hneertatean vili see the raising money- How tunes thange dear one has Drought many In an ag-- Teusda'--Illa went to a Bergen for eaving herds with nure-bred of dee, and Aire this coal front _ tthings. This is the province that we one- of prayer to Christ's feet, Faith 'sale today and saved 30 cents me alfoundation stock and fieldt crops with the United. King were always tom finished each yearleften springs m the son of pear or stockena pa seamed ldnda ipure seed. Labour is more plentiful it a to, tamaete with the American coal arid with a surplus. tr•oable. -1. sore becun she lost her hat and land cheap than int has been for years. e not demand the pound of flesh from * * , * THE DEAD RAISED TO LIFE, /rehined her dress. 1 gess pa is get- May not these factors be eileen ad - According, to the Wtight Director- WI -tile he yet spoke 'while chtist ting old raebby. he even gets sere ;vantage of in making some improve- toies Greater Toronto has a population was still tailing with the woman he at me some times when 1 clime ne ments? Farming in Ontario will be their agents and users as thee- an- : * * * * of 558,818, an increase of 5495. But had healed. Thee come from the red- tree in my skooi pants. but you cant the major industry for many years to . pear be now doinee. Both and High teeheei ele,„ it clo-• not state thee: eyer 1:00,080 .ened Monday following a forced hol- -ef these people are at present depend- iday due to the neeztae, epidemic. e1147'en432i7ezt relief. - the Ea.s-ter holiday- were cancelled it would .f„,„Ive the pupils a chance to catch tip with their term work. The &itisb Isles experienced tow and !TIE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON!. had etoene last Saraiday LESSON X MARCH 6 t tied an trnic for e.orne time and buses attended on the Toads. JESUS GIVING LOT, AND will be lasing her reantatiant IMALTH: Mark. 5: 21-24, 35-34 of the Snews" if sl:e watch Ot * great • raS„, whereof we are ‘2 Sleep, as he z-2.1 , r of the synagogues house. Sere ichange pants eery time VDU want to come and we must adopt the long- antsprobably bidden to keep him clime a Thee- term vision of k with faith and hope - manly informed in the dying girl's Wensclay-wel I beleave I like Jake that better tivnes will return? cOndiriOn. Saving, "Thy daughter is hettern e'll=v of the fellows in town dead: whr trouble thou the Teacher hecna he is all wats willing to lone ; Ferblizers Sold in Canada arty furtherr The rziri was dead. a fella quarter- Oneer tru-hble is .1 Of the almost iernienaerable bran& reported brisk and all AVDS ended; not even Jesus,. he neher has no IntlanV. :lot' fertilizers offered to the public in Thursday, March 2104, 1933 Little tories of Big itosuits The Board oJ D WM'S of the Mutual Life of Canada in 1897, many of whom were on the Board when eta frac annual meeting was held on February 5th, 1871. AT the first Annual Meeting of the Company in 1871 the President made the following remarks; We were led to entertain the pro, ject of establishing a Life Assur, ,ance Company, based upon purely 'mutual principles, believing it highly desirable that the benefits of life Assurance should be ex, tended as widely as possible and at the cheapest rates compatible with safety to the assured." With the passing of time theprophecies made in 1871 regarding the Mutual Life of Canada have come true. How well the Company has succeeded in ful, filling the object of the founders and the extent to which partidpation in the entire surplus earnings of the company has 'reduced the net cost of protection is revealed by our policy results of which these examples are typical. If you need insurance, for protection or investment, consider the outstanding results of Mutual Life of Canada poi, ides and share in the success of the Company by becoming a policyholder. Use the coupon, today. TEE MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA Owned by the Policyholders Head Office: WATERLOO, ONT. Established 7869 Polley No. 175 In 1873 this policyholder bought an Ordinary Life Policy for $1,000.00 on which he was to pay a premium of $18.90 every year. He arranged, however, to leave his dividends with us to apply against these premiums. What happened as a result of his inveelastment lienjoyed sixty years of pro- tection, for which he paid an av- erage of $7.03 per year. His policy Is now worth $848.90 in actual cash, which is $427.22 MORE THAN HE PAID IN PREMIUMS. Policy No. 3310 This policyholder,in 1876e bought an Ordinary Life Policy for 31,000.00, on which he paid a premium of $18.40 yearly, leaving his dividends to accrue. What happened as a result of his investment? In 18 years his dividends mount- ed up.. to the point where they were sufficient to prepay all future premiums. He had paid in only 3331.20. He has had full protection for 57 years. He has received 5439.86 in cash dividends since his policy became paid up, and in addi- tion his policy today has a cash value of 5859.65. While it remains in force he will receive a cheque each year for his share of the sur- plus earnings of the Company. Please send ine your Booklet, "Mutual. Achievement," contain- ing additional little stories of big results. Name Addrese Age N-1 W. T. Booth, C. L. Ue District Agent, Wm. Webster, Agent, R.R. 2, Lucknow, Ont. Wingham, R. H. Martyn, Agent, Ripley, Ont. theehthought, could do anything now. ThirsdaY-jake an me carri.ed i „4the earlier days of the fertilizer bus- Eges have been selling on the H2e.erstille market in Heidi...nand ±sow often de we, in our deSeahe say eole for Mrs._ leieNiglar. and she treat- iinee,s in carta.da there were hundreds, - airturely the same thing, as if ;there ed us to eurn Rice Puding heat we hof brands width conmined so little Cni2ntY at 1.1c 13c and 15c accordino to grade. E talers report difficul- -ere any limit to the power and love 'Lateen- inhr..4, it so nicuck *II acct. ,actual plant food that they were . , 3, In dispostng of the grade .eetra.' 'new they was- a wedding tee: dore w•orthless for the parpose But Jesue - heeding the word' — - for which they were purchased. d the Almighty! tilde reo-r.in as there is apparently a 'cheap corn- , plea. in the ntimi of the cortsurner, 'Golden. Text -Jehovah hath done' sPohen. For to; hint death was only ;condition ed zo the inclusion of a , 1 - ie • or News and Information causme bus ro buy a rhea er ro- iciause in the Fertilizers Ace, 1922, dnee tradahl stand ha endeneiree: the glatl----Ps- 1- - For the Bus— Farrne-l'i'irhig 'that everY fertilizer staa '5' '3' "''' ICanada 'contain rKtil le:SS than 12 per Lincele Ceunty reports that vege- Lateartes. John 11: 11-1'4 F'7.- :hat tot, ,.\Zi fii hie, lard i.oad as mi_ rable growers are getting their early '46-3 lrcason Chris:inns :Lee: :their E LEsseeN ree errs sElernaG.„ places of burial hcenietezies.' mean- e_Aetettee, .2,e, the sec_ hie; 'sleeping -nem -eh" Saizh unto the =ding of Committee neteen o teen- o_ ava p yell be killing some of my live stock an' I'd have to help pay fur it as a 'stockholder," "Have yOU any alarm cloaks?" en- !qaired. a customer. "What I want is one that will arouse father aithout •waking the , whole family." . "1 don't know of any such clock, ;madam," said the salesman. "We keep just the ordinary kind that wit wake the Whole family': without disturbing the Lea,iene ei Nadiens, on. the hince- Or...rio Cheese Production t • hove -en phosphoric aced and potash : cash crops started in greenhouses father." 'Con -tram: to the :realer -al inapres-'1 anese Petite ha Manchuria,. as stated cred !hear of Christ's minis.:ch rnler 01 Ine h-orag°gue, Fea4 no z" ...." ...211 G , Tit. B -. -- 1 by Premier Bennet, ans eiyen the isintriv or combined. In 1928 this japa.nese sizetatiork condemning jap- .._ . Jesns had, c.r.osseti ov„m.,,,i,of the SlaVii:rE17, far he..,,k..new well leaw cheese in -- - - •• • -,.. !venrch te the remdrement still in ec- and earlY ! tomatoes grown. endorsatton of the t iberai Leader And when - _ :his astonishment he saw a young . - .ezation at the 14 per cent. total plant e , -t 1 h'I 1 toed requirement Iran:devils of brands and there would appear to be at least I U3 111:40a1 acreage of cabbage lettuce motorist ' • - - eats raised to 14 per cent., Those words were -often on the lips . pain, Branch, ...the e_odtecoan eif ' - and Ins wife werepick nicking at a favorite spot where sev- ,Ontario, neteeaseng. _ 4 1-ivestock in Middlesex: are in bet- • 1 -parked. McKenzie King and also Labor Lead- again in the boat unzrothe other side, t'ea-"r tkaninates the world and rend-- "Fires for the e -ear 1932 st,,,,,-;tec7" the la' year rp` e °P Ter than average condition most feed -1 . er Woodawortle these three can He was now on the western side ter': wretrhed '1130 *lives mesl: Inc)r- the produen'on of cheese an •thas Pro- a 'No, 0 bi .4"tion. .GENERAL ELECTRIC irdnlx 3 Now w till en surai4ht-uni,i benefit if, ttiltra-viellet rays. e -sit ni rays eahle bodice AMP ers havtng ample feed to carry them 4man e. ea t y remove t le spare can yince as approtsimazelv 842„0130.098' through the winter. f "eriliz re were eie- out from his running -board, empty the And he euffered ree man te follow rounds, compared with approximat•ele !.'° so I ° There is increased intereet mani- or tee market. contents into his own tank, and care - earth him The coming scene would 75,000,030 nounds in 1931. .An in -4 fest iu the eradication of tpbercul- - Th-- of the Act eemb- - fully return the can. The watchin • - • "oilaii said nothing bX., resuraing his '. be toe eacred ior t'tiZe intrusion of a crease of arime 5.;0094.080 potmels, or .,:. i el' „.."".., .i., 1 •Ca....'xizlis crowd such as was Sossline elven- -even per en- '11S'le'.2 n reas°na'e 'asas c'''f numniml 4 esh- "%7 --lk - " d b L , WVAt C4L 441.- ihas nteanz nrate.rial salting to farm- ' • teat. osis ,n arse County 34.1 eino v h, di the number of enquiries and new en- • f -ed. c•-r-en4 journey later, discovered the thief in areund Testis, and even meet of his ten -jots, eniaely when we h ---rev *2P- 22161 1111'4111 tries nr.der -the accredited herd sy crene i 're laps lea ehe ruechase ferdlizer and discitoes ereaet be te....,ind.K4.1 ,SC4 :Est zhe inceease in ;quality s ttl ftl:at there might be no oornplainz of titan ennal to the increase in relatme+ ; ifaveeitiene. .Save Peter_ and James, ,. ;prevented many a eo•iisapoPinnuent in , illainn4 \t‘o.-ernsrwo-c%rthwothr:tieaolrsseas beln'isikardneis- .; pcd and leaninte over the side, said I az peeeene ard -hev are command' • ;pcietly: "1 always carry a spare can -p -e-ana whieli would hz-ve reeult- ed ir.ixta :the use or intent.- ate mud- an e.N.,,,elient place: first_ciass yolll:te,.. Lot water, because I have a slight rad- - lc -eat to ore- Lord i-4, :her In an address at the onteez ,..I C 1 * I iator leak. Sorry - b esnints. and aneura.111.- were most fee- •Swine Demeestration Train, Dr. 4exently and specialle- with him. ;on -el Sze:Tenser:, prawincial zoolagish 4 _,....e - Caseem Itatcheris look for an in -1 i And they come to troe hollse cif the heamitasieerl the importance of' health Grair'g and Pac--ging* 144 la . e...-,.• t ,trouble with his engine about a mile ,awa.y. The aggrieved motorist stop- , a a ▪ John the.brether en James. They '4 :nlent materials-. y ou ye boon treat - licese.s selling from 8100 to 5175 each. creased business in ;chicks foci:431 ' ttne sima ee ranee grotenve lege, preperlY od, Better Price • t. , tremeie ateet Trebeaos get shdd esiet a age. Pk: s waY t'f grading and 11.--arlrin-h-- bth „ceennty, nine -gt,od young tebrablit:r7T.1/4.11: Will odes mole trains the' t I lime inierezatien ---,, eter, one of ;that dia ;iitze farreer can expect .Theee bee leeer movem,nt ' U hope the man who took my watch, oeser siocipe so low pereheed livestock in Pe rner 17• 174,e711.1;44.7 *tat Marl -,c, who reports be avast.- for reaeket fr-In ''',-1-1-12c1•1 "has to he accomPlished '10,1 •d in • been -etre:hazed by termer:: at I missed - e • !far: inner- cirele. And he beholeletla .1this age were either intnrceneriv fed .,Z,-rires, tor p„t,:ldnct, ••tne 13 eeerme, era melte T,4„:„.„,„e -nealti.„2„„. Izterma hiaid rlown" value oi situilar inraorted ,..Pnces ar'(.4311a ''S13/ each. iine :epee:lee th.e eifeerneriies an- eitee were one ..e.f the eCaDa1D11 causes ,fore, sir?' hee ZZ,Va$11731 were :care- authrifiy herre• ard the fa-eree - • - - b a a , 1:1 leeus ri," most tarne I - ord_er to, give -service to the far- iliztaitte`" zp- as:tee. Srealtaehiten and clvanlinesssikla and ccrcPatition hcme-grown I thr Which ne-ey sehmeed by ererittira the und attrareive tracking. o tztatments were z,eezztmellaei t..z ;ay nitre attenticin gracing,3iseed-e.,ILleeionzzerlypraibceoLtaitlaltiliewiRmetnitrhee•s:sv„111.,bt aoiiNitolae:in-lic,"?1,1,asnailde iitNtLele ttieliancelszert„ha`t'wthoienh_ pr;:rincial Dr. Lionel •z:ter- Far-tmel's this r1-.47-rii-lc'e- lic'vreve-i`s iNvit7 Year* 4, "I etsu," shouted ireekle-faced tel:S:71.t Ontaric, A-eterinary 1112-1; '1rce.d tt3R f'4" 1;ice cream an' two cows." feem thetee, it • is net tepen ereerds, alieet these is an eXp.:Ttable SU77,7:11S. - generally ts thinner in!. ecause the thing was slow! ,Glen(Trrv than nAnql due to scarcity Ilarber: -Haven't shaved you be - ex Xew Zialar fa-am:ere .er Procle-ees ar.o s;erze-: .s ele---ye be on the irelle- ••-••• •eaee. ecanse 0: their laNe eQn - ,,ervaztre zhe heuse of pcssible i-afectien from interna.1 distant maikets- PcTi03 ,s tratsPor.- Lustonier: "No, 6 the hce industry. Com- ,I'zr'orit'zts those ntarhets. are fore- " CCalutn, Vit$tOrti • meherning a scene tam And when he as en Ted itt. be Whet- make :c -c, 7 and In-oeph Gfiell"s r.reazest •eter been ideee in e-.-ovezlet. h scar in oduzs- in closets:: ard taller; 'it works ;tin Ger11-0h, ent. 'to rio. encept :::12C.r.iC youngster: "Butte,r and cheese, an" Tha crowd • Soy Bean,s in Kent ereftert., nntil sasee attezt•ot in ;1$ lfarrn e 'rttnost b...-: tlii.„7,ersezi .'..1.21'4 the CY="nri'l . The rrinner ei the say be -an ern-, 4rhneheae"--4-- a -h - h - reo . Suitor ----*`'Er-1-er-ara seeking ▪ be eeratea. The tilted is net hienseeee, aer,,, ee. G. .1.-.5,..„.a.,r. ee 40,e .„.,,,.., product; ''.1,C...1- deentestie renseemptietel your daughter's hand -es -hare you cif aft, bet shitiezzie Cariet. a:4,', ,c,-.a.e.ea ,eciet eate.enetereate Grain eed eat.„,,,,e it will be extremely diffittilt. to ors ( any objectiotts, sirr ,,i'd, n:t. seteen :het the eltihl "rine ea- Shia- at 'Cierizage, began to reree-t- soy ,-i-"sr,":',32e /--Lne 1:'""all'etS" i Izatiter:: "None at all. Take the one nso„ :-,r in a r,....ma„ but, asbans ns nn aIl r-crind sto:k fo4:05 that's always it my pocket." rase :,,,,7, 1„azaras, 7...e. -,-:::nt that, ,Whtn tthe Euro:Nan corn btlez irrracl- Cmetcent Repert-h Fanner liatdpatrel place lay right .e0 i.s 'Hke sleep in ee-et. ed the field,e •of Keril Cennete in 192;3. sa,L,r;fr., the line ot tee aproaelting railway First tasiaess Mau: 'Iv 111:1r, tc, Accra,: Mt. Finlay at 44eeet 'time decided lc., fro=, the STA:3..,,..e net'n1...7..z.trre..;,:cn,. Train 4 -survey, ,and the contpany was, awdous pretty good office boy now, but the tInt bre,. sc,7c,r,ls 'tlle 0, A. C.-211.1 resist:etre:5:1a She:Thu=1e in Dtrtlertz^- Ccunty. se,zuctliate the 01,a num, The dile. little beggar will whistle 'while he 7.1.t.tY iTaziely .0.1, bean seed. ,ffe .54:r. -5 -ed, Mahar farmers, in lialton Cotretere !le -eta -lit agent went out to see hitn, works." • 4-1 11 -en -_ -.- atl-tt 11X21 ao5 111:25 ritvisr8thi. aee ettele4averiatg ;severe re_en 'this eand finally thought to tIxe mat., SeCOnd Ditto: lucky; wine az--5,:ntel„ ar.,1 sail, ,sr.ritlt ele.ve. laatis el prat -area si;;,,Itso.n. ti .The r sentitnentr Ent helnenne. Which le .11 to be reli.ited4rxployirg them f-hrr ,,„ 'r±I i'''':•"^"! ',.i":' l'.!,'1';'" 17: - ,e'f.1 be the •-ahle 1- --t- , e.3 ellik-esr erellts if sati.efiteri era: eri eee 1.,",,V74...i,e,,..e ,..,. Ica,......,, came ,,_.; ...,1,„ .“ xm, ,-e lz:llows!! ,VICre chine 4....f. Tahiti -in tl:e te,t1-.C-7.',i't,g,"' rtr., int O. ...4,,, v ... ,. -_,e inter -reel Conn , „, _.„ 4. I .. t. ,d hot 4. 7„rtt,";;:',74er tn1t , •esterl TT! his .-i,trcect and tviing, u;,ss ,;,.i.,.,-07 attd, rtZA In ,mheresr zeess., dev.atell It. sion etin-,, eeine e e ayang: "Our eompany offers you 1.1Y whistles." in cash and $1,000 worth of 1 fir the right of way through A judge asked a negro in co he wanted a lawyer, a old Hard- "No, :soh, I don't warit tua railroad run-lbat I auttinly tould use Mug know,7good witnost$," 4,41 44:444144.444&444.4,iti At: 4.4!4i