HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-02-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR
,Thursday, February 16,.193T
Round Trip Bargain Fareslo
"1933" Saturday, February 25th
REAL • .
50c jonteel Face Cream
50c jonteel Face Powder,
Both for
50c Klenzo Shaving Cream,
25c "Pal" Razor Blades,
Both for ..... . .
$1.00 Gardenia, race Powder,
50c Gardenia Face Cream,
Both for
35c Letter Writing Pads,
15c Package Envelopes,
Both for
• •
• •
• • •25c
McKibbons Drug &lore
lj cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
' •
nucip "WY \
FOR SALE -9 York Pigs five weeks
old. Apply John R. Salter, 618-11.
WORKING come to the Holmes
shop. Satisfactory work at reason-
able prices. A special price on
Harrow tooth sharpening during
February & March. Harvey R.eidt.
HOUSEKEEPING Position wanted
by an experienced girl. Apply at
Advance -Times.
hand Quebec Cook Stove; "Pan-
dora Range; MaClary Furna.cette;
Perfection Coal Oil Heater. Buch-
anan Hardware.
by the undersigned up to Saturday,
Feb. 25th, for the supply And de
livery at the Masonic Hall, Wing -
ham, for ten cords of, green hard-
wood, 18 inches long. The lowest
or any tender not netessarily ac-
cepted. G. L. Baker, Seey.
WANTED—A few loads of second -
cut alfalfa. G. T. Robertson phone
WANTED—A frame barn in good
condition, capable of holding crop
from one hundred acres. Apply to
W. H. Armstrong, R.R. 4, Brussels.
Phone 1518, Brussels.
Barred Rocks and White Leghorns
Best Grade obtainable under Govern-,
meat approval, We have no agents
selling, you buy direct from us. Il-
lustrated catalogue Free, Walter
Rose, Brussels, Clete
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned tip to Friday, February 24,
1988, for the sepply and delivery at
the Wingham High School of 15 cord
of good body wood, beech and maple,
20 inches long. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
W. A. Galbraith, See'Ya
Wingham, Ont.
of February, A.D. 1932, are notified
to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the tWent3r-
seventh day of February, A.D. 1933,
full particulars of their claims , in
writing. •Immediately after the said
twenyt-seventh day of February 1933,.
the assets of the said testator will be
distributed amongst the parties entit-
led thereto, having regdrd only to
the claims of which the executors
shall then have notice.
DATED at Wingham, this, sixth day
of February, A.D. 1933.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
•GRIFFITH—In loving memory of
our dear Mother, Elizabeth Griff-
ith, who fell asleep in Jesus, Feb.
15th, 1932.
The happy hours we once enjoyed,
How sweet .their memory still,
But now it leaves a vacancy
The world will never fill.
In the home you are fondly rememb-
Sweet memories •cling to your
Hearts that loved you with truest af-
Still love in death just the same.
Sadly missed by Family.
_ on—
Mrs. John Anderson, widow of the
late John Anderson, his, daughter,
Mrs. A. T. McKiiney, and his sisters
Mrs. 5, Currie and Miss Margaret
Anderson, wish to thank ther many
friends for their kindly help and ex-
pressions of sympathy during their
recent sad bereavement.
Under instructions received from
the Public Trustee, the undersigned
will offer for sale by Public Auction.
at the Brunswick Hotel, Winghain,
the following property, subject to a
reserve bid, on Saturday, February
25th, 1083, at 2 0 clock, All and sing-
• ular that certain parcel or tract of
land and premises situate, lying and
• being to the T vnshi of Turnberry
in the County of Huron and Prov-
ince of Ontario, and being composed
• of the easterly sixty-five acres of lot
•Number Seven (7) in the Seventh
• Conceseion of the said Township.
TERMS: 100,4 cash at time of sale.
• Balanee within thirty days on delve-
:- ery of deed. For further particulars
apply to: The Public Truetee
goode Hall, Toronto 2, or 3. H.
• Crawford, Wingham. T. R. Bennett,
Auctioneer, Wingliarn
All persons having claileis agalea
the estate of Finlay Andereoti, Gen-
tleinen, fete of the Village of Bel -
grave in the County of Huron, who
died on or about the twentieth day
','.'ThOught She Was
a Wise Girl
t4AATILL you go with me to the
" l"$enior Charity 13a11?" Bill
Wayne asked the pretty little blond
girl seated by his side. They were de-
vouring a sundae special at the corner
drug store just oft the campus.
"I should love to go with you, but
1 promised Howard last night." She
•raised her bigiilue eyes. "You see, . . .
l'am engaged to Howard Dickson."
"Engaged? Why—you can't do that,
• Jerry! You are the only reason I ever
come to this darned college—and you
know it."
"I do kpow it! But, nevertheless, I
ain going to marry the sedate and
studious Howard Dickson!"
"Gee, if I had known—!"
"'You never would have bought our
lower forty acres back on the farm,
se 1 could go to college," Jerry inter-
rupted. "It was mighty sweet of you
that day when you won two thousand
at the races and came right oyer and
gave daddy a thousand?" '
"Well! The remaining thousand is
just about gone. How's yours holding
Mrs. Jean Tervit and daughter,
Donna, gratefully acknowledge with
deepest appreciation the kind remem-
brances and sympathy shown in their
recent sad bereavement, especially
Mr. Mundy and Rev. Mr. Currie, al-
so • the beautiful foral tributes and
those who kindly loaned cars.
When trouble -comes your. soul to try
You love the friend who just "stands
Perhaps there's nothing he can do—
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone,
Times when love cannot smooth the
Nor friendship lift the heavy load.
But just to Ithow you have a friend.
'1 will "stand by" until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is • always
It helps, some way, to pull you thru,
Although there's nothing he tan do,
Arid so with fervent heart you cry,
"God bless the friend who justrstands
by I"
• "It's gone," :Terry Blair admitted.
"But 1 must run now, Billy." -
* * * * •*
Bill and a red-headed girl were
swaying to the low whine of the saxo-
phones when Terry and Howard came
into the dance that night. Over the
flaming head, he 'watched the lithe
little'figure of he straight -shouldered
She wore a plain little nondescript
evening gown of pale yellow satin.
but on her shoulder rested two ex-
quisite orchids. -Bill glared at the
smug, condescending Howard; so
awfully correct, in his nonchalant. gen-
tlemanly Ivey. His dark hair so
smooth, and' his assurance so very per
sonally egotistic.
The next day, as Bill Wayne strolled
across the campus, Jerry dashed aftPr
.him. Catching up with him she fond'''.
slipped a slim arm under his. ann
snuggled close of they walked.
• "Say, what's the big •idea? Or It
this just sisterly affection?"
"I'm not going to marry Howard
Tudge for. yourself!" Jerry smiled
happily up at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Bill. I'm trying to tell
you—I don't want to marry anyone—
but you," she added, mischieyouslv
''Don't you love me, after the hundrede
of times you have told me you did?"
"Of course I do. Let's get off the
campus, so I can show you just how
much I do love you." He seized her
band. and pulled her along. "
"But, my English class?" objected
Jerry. team work can do, when all pull to -
"Whit do you care about English': gether.
We're going back to God's own coun-
try where no one cares how you
speak. It's what you say that counts
back home?"
"It will seem good to be back, won't
it? Dad and mother will be tickled
to death to see us."
"I'm going to get my job in Lem
Stevens' feed store," be said. "Lem
old I could always come back, when
left him to trail off to college with
"The old high school education was
enough for a couple of hicks like us,
wasn't it, darling?" Jerry asked, hap-
pily. "You still have the forty acrea
that Dad sold you, haven't you?"
"Sure. But. we aren't going to live
out there. We will stay in Fremont.
and I'll work at the feed store,"
"When will we start home?" prac-
tical Jerry asked.
"Say! I've got an idea let's get
Penalty of Excess Fat
Although she has lost bnt 7 lbs. of
her overweight, this woman finds that
7 lbs. bas made a remarkable differ-
ence to her. There can certainly be
nothing wrong with a reducing treat-
ment that brings such increased en-
ergy and vigor.
Her letter reads;—"I am 53 years
old and my height is 5 ft. Last year
I weighed 154 lbs, For six months I
have been taking a half -teaspoonful
of Kruschen Salts, ina.king no change
in my diet, Now I am less round the
hips, and only weigh 147 lbs. dressed.
But I feel lighter and can now run
upstairs, which before used to make
me gasp for breath. Everyone says
how well and fit I look, as I am in
a store and get no walking exercise
at all. The results may not be start-
ling, but the fact remains that I feel
much .better than of late years—not
so heavy—and I now erijoy dancing."
—(Miss) 3.11.
Kruschen is based on scientific
principle—it's an ideal blend of 6 sep-
arate minerals which help glands,
nerves, blood, and body organs to
function properly and maiptain a
splendid degree of health—it builds
up energy and strength all the while
you're training yourself down to a
point of normal weight.
If you have never tried Kruschen—try it now
et our expense. We have distributed a great
many special "GIANT" packages which make
it easy for you to prove our claim for yourself.
Ask your druggist.for the new "GIANT" 75o.
This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together
with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about
one week. Open the trial bottle first; put it to
the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that
Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it
back. Your druggist is authorised to return
Your 75c. immediately and without question.
You have tried Kruschen free, at our expense.
What could be fairer? Manufactured by
E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng.
(Estab. 1756). Importers: McGillivray Bros.,
Owing to the severe storm the
Women's Institute 'entertainment was
postponed to Feb. 17th.
Mrs. Duncan McCallum and MisS
Louie Herrington attended the Hor-
ticultural Convention at Toronto last
The Brotherhood of Queen Street
United Chsirch • are preparing for
their minstrel show • which will be
held last week in February. This so-
ciety was tecently organized and,
one of their i'dtivities wascutting ov-
er 20 cords of wood in Mr. Falcon-
er's bush recently. This goes to de-
monstrate what properly organized
The Blyth Telephone System have
recently elected their executive --
Chairman, G. M. Charriber, James
Tiernay, John Ellis, Gladys Fawcett,
Dr. Milne is having his store clean-
out, which was recently destroyed by
fire. Mr. Turvey will again lease it
for his baking business.
At the regular meeting of the Blyth
Council a grant of $75 was voted for
the upkeep of the Band.
Dr. and Mrs. Milne entertained the
Firemen and their ladies on Thurs-
day evening at their home. Progres-
sive euchre was engaged in and a de-
licious lunch, was served. A hearty
vote of thanks was tendered the host
and hostess for their hospitality.
Wylie $2.40, A, Fergie $7.15, C. Dick-
son $5,40; D. Falconer, acce,;1 $3.00;
3, T. Wylie, supt„ $2,60.
Moved by McTavish and Douglas,
that Council adjourn to meet in Blue -
vale ou the 6th day of Mardi, 1033,
at 1 p.m. Carried.
I. 5, Wright. W. R. Cruickshank,
Reeve. • Clerk. •
married and surprise them!"• TURNBERRY COUNCIL
• Jerry was thoughtful for a few mo- ( "
ments. It would be a good idea. Her The regular meeting of the Turn -
mind reviewed the letter she had
berry Lonncil was held in Bluevale
found waiting for her from her n3other,
as she returned from the dance last on Monday, January 30th.
night • All members, were present, Reeve
"Daughter dear: • I. J. Wright was in the chair. .
"It seems we are the unluckiest folks Letters were •received and read
in the world. Pa scraped enough from the following: Dept. of High -
money together to get the oil men out ways, Toronto; Board of Railway
here, but they say we ain't got any t..omimssion, Ottawa.
of eis the home place. But, the lower
forty, that he sold Bill Wayne, is Mr. Win. Vanstone was appointed
full of it. patrolman for the west end of the
"T get so tired of it all I don't care 6th con. and Graham, Wray for the
east end o fthe 6th con. t
The' patrolmen for the Township
are reqUested this year to not use
their teams when regular gravelling
is being done. They are expected to
inspect the work and do any odd
gravelling that is required.
Moved by Austin and Douglas that
By -Law No. 16 be passed appointing
Thos. Glimmer Assessor at a salary
of $65 per year. Carried,
Tardiness wag jest one of the many Moved by Mstin and
emote ee tee sereeme waym,_ that by-law No. 17 be passed appoint -
to go on. Write when yob can."
Your Mother."
So Jerry decided to marry Bill, and
let him find out for himaelf about the
i oil.
I * * * ,, * * *
They were married, and went to
their rooms to pack.
That evening, :lerry stood by the
train gate, Pell Wayne was late. The
hands of the big Mock pointed to three
minutes before train time. •Aagrily,
she tapped her trim little slipper.
Miss Maxine Reed accompanied
Mr, and Mrs. A. Dowling to their
home in Hamilton on Monday.
Mr. Clarence Cox has been unusu-
ally busy at his chopping mill over
the week -end, when the weather had
cleared enough for the farmers to
get out with grain.
• Mrs. McBrien has been ill during
the past week.
Mr. John • Ward has been hired
with Mr. John Pardon, for this month,
Born on Thursday, February 9th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart of
Kinloss, a son,
On account of the storm there is
very little of interest going on in our
community, The Box Social •which
was to have been held in the insti-
tute Hall on Friday evening, was
postponed, the mail -men went their
rounds every other day and those
who had a radio were able to give
it good attention. Mr. Wilfred Jac-
ques listened on Saturday to a pro -
groin from Germany, which came in
with distinctness. 1
•The Ipstitute Ladies are holding
their Box Social on Tuesday evening.
Ma and Mrs. Lance Grain attended
the funeral of her uncle, Mr. John
Anderson of Wingharn, on Monday.
Mrs. Roy Patton, of Lucan, spent
the week -end with her mother, Mrs.
A. Fox,
• John Casemore
Word was received here on Satur-
day of the death of John Cagemore,
at Rocanville, Sask., a son of the
late Joseph Casemore of Wingham.
He was born at the Wingham. Junc-
tion and lived, all his life around
Wingham before going West. Besid-
es his widow and five sons and one
daughter, he is survived by, Mrs. Ed-
ward Ferguson, Kyle, Sask., Mr. Jas.
Casemore, Nottingham,. Sask., Mrs.
John Campbell, Regina, ,Sask., Mrs.
James Miller, of Wingham, Mrs. Jno.
Johnston, of Kinloss, Mr. George
Casemore of Turnberry, Miss Martha
Casemore of ,Wingham.
but, waa money, and his laud had 'ing A. M. Fralick as Bailiff under the
oil i
With a sigh of relief, she saw hirn
walking hurriedly toward her: a wide
Tax Collectors Act. Carried.
Moved by Douglas tuid Wilton that
smile on his handsome. ruddy face. we extend the time for the return of
the collector's roll until the Gth day
and two g,reat long green tickets In his 00
of March: 190e.Carried.
:dottier: "Don't you think Daisy k With wonderment, she watched him. •The following accounts were paid:
sings with a great deal of feeling?" 0
Ihe tickets to Fremont were small Winghain Utilities Commission. (light
Crusty Old Fellow: "Well, hardly1 white eardboards; P mere two hours' W.T.P.) $20.00, A. Miller, error in
If She had any real feeling, she, would ride on the, train, Bill was before her. taxes 1932,, $1,00, Municipal World,
n•ot eing at 111,."
n 1°"Ic tittlihsa Mrs. William acct., $52.25, WinghainAdvance-
• WaY"—Nitigim Folis for two r 1100°‘ Times, acct., $58.10, J. W. BUshfield,
orttitibt beid forth the tickets for in, 4
A bow-iegged man was standing acct. $8.09 B. Cruiksbank, express
Ortectitele. • ;hot vynnott off a great ' '
before a very hot stove, warming etteee (if el:melees domee on stationery, $1.00, 13e11 Telephone,
himself. A small boy watched hiti we earl go nieces end see eeeegeet long distance 90e, Norraren 'Walker,
intently for a time, and thee •said; "'What do you mean. Bill?'" iwood for relief $4.00, Thos. Wheeler,
"I say, Mister, you're staridieg too "I ,Inst Sold the lower forty to Ilow potatoes for relief, $1.50, Mundy's,
bear the stove; pewee fird Dickson for $3,000 eas14 *del for 'relief, $18.82, Patrolmen: I. 1-1
" that for profit?" anandiawaall
•• • ••••••1••••"1.1.1, .11,•••04011•1, 1,1.1.0 ,r; 1 W1a.l•itti . • •
$20. 5 0 ' RETURNING
Saturday,• •
6.80aFine.b. 25
Children 5 years and under 12, Half Fare.
Leave Winghain • .......... Tickets good to return
Tickets good in coaches only, No Baggage Checked.
up to Monday, Feb. 27.
'Y'OHorint,oHocakey Game:
'M ple Leafs'
Toronto Mendelssohn Aa;TORRAOCNTTIOONS , Saturday, Feb. 25
(World's Champions)
se• Railway post
for . • vs. irew York „Arneri.
program. Hotels in Toronto. e
Reduced Rates I at
Buy tickceatsnsfrom
Ask for Poster - Obtain Information; -
Town or Depot Ticket Agents.
Mr. and Mrs. Raynard of Lucknow,
are spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Walt. Alton.
-Quite a number from here attend-
ed the, funeral of the late Malcolm
MacMillan held. last Tuesday from
the residence in Lucknow to Kinloss
Mr: and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, of
St. Helens, spent Sunday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam.
Mr. H. Stewart, of Lucknow, has
been helping Mr. John Irwin cutting
The Hackett's Y.P.S. meeting will
be held Thursday night and will take
the form of a Valentine social.
Mr. Edwin Whitely of Crewe spent
Stinday evening with his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon.
An account of an explosion of a
gas tank gt the Neunkirchen Iron
Works, Germany, in Saturday's pap-
ers, caused 'great anxiety to Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Mueller. Neunkirchen is
their native town and the account
stated that about two hundred per-
sons were either killed or seriously
injured. Their anxiety, however, was
relieved on' Monday when a cable
from Mrs: Mueller's sister brought
the simple message 'Everybody well.'
Members of the Young People's
Society of the United Church are
making extensive preparations for
their banquet tq be held on Friday,
evening, February 24th,
The W. M. S. held their meeting:
at Mrs. D. Todd's • on Wednesday
with a good, attendance. The subject
from the study book 'His Dominion
of Canada' on the early Methodist
Missions, was taken by Mrs, Gordon.
It was decided to observe the Day -
of Prayer on Friday, -March 3rd.
Miss Frances Crozier of • Crewe,
was a week -end visitor with Miss I.
Miss Florence McQuillan is home
from Lucknow High School as the
result of a fractured ankle caused by
a fall on the icy pavement,
Mr, Frank Todd was at Toronto
last week attending the meeting of
the Aberdeen -Angus Association. We -
congratulate Mr. Todd upon his re-
election for his third term as Presi-
dent of this association.
The thing we need the most of all,
And what the country lacks,
Is not so much a tax on checks,
But more of a check on tax.
Manager: "Have you seen the cash-
ier This morning?"
Clerk: "Yes, he came in without a.
moustache and borrowed the railway
Jones: "I did not marry beauty, old
man; I did not marry wealth or po-
sition; I married for sympathy."
Brown: "Well, you have mine."
0 =10 ==== 0 0 0 =I 0 ==== 0 1=1
Commercial • Printing
• Financial Statements
• Pamphlets
• Reports
Fine Stationery
Statement Forms
• Factory Forms ,
• Business Forms
• Cheques
Envelopes (all kinds)
Business Cards
Personal Cards
Wedding Stationery
Funeral Folders
Shipping Tags
Sale Bills
Window Cards
Auction Sale Bills ,
• Printed Forms Save Time and Satisfy Many Otherwise
Tedious Tasks. •
Phone 34.
Wingham, Ontario
*0=10• -C)=10
0 0 01=I