HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-02-09, Page 4OUR Leap und Trip Bargain Fares to IN. iSOR and ;DETROIT Saturday, February 18th GOING Wingham 1.55 pan. CTION 'T'ltA N.H.L. Hockey De- troit, Feb, 19, Detroit "Red Wings" vs, Bos- ton "Bruins". $31,:n Children 5 .. years and under 12, half fare, Tickets good in coaches only, no baggage checked. RETURNING Tickets _ litnited to ?v mid- night, night, and ay, Feb, 20 - last train on which honored 11.59 p.m. er Detroit Mon., Feb. 20, from Windsor r 1.00 a. nz„ Feb, 21, 'Detroit hotels will accept 'Canadian funds at par from bona fide residents i ents P f Canada. . Obtain Tickets and linforntatt'an from Town and Depot Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL 1i cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 1 szaYa reiWv�.sureir elVeNtaintfiesemi atiVanitfee iTie sTiWtieefieiriZr7.«rinuntr s e`: Wa • ;n AUCTIONImplement of all Live Mont- k gomery, - gomery, Bankrupt, will be held on Premises, Lot : 41, Con. 10, East Wawanosh, on Monday, Feb. 13th, 1933, at 2.30 p.m. Terms Cash. No Reserve. James Taylor, Auction- eer, John Stevenson, Stratford, Trustee. FOR SALE -Cook Stove, McClary's make, in good condition. Apply to C. Totting, corner Patrick and Min- nie Sts, TRE WIN1 GTIW.M ADVA NCL; -TIMES moving of Mr, James Masters to 11 r , i of i f in election resulted 1 t.. Parkhill rest de Geo, Thornton and Ivlr, Richard Johnston. Mr, Ed. Johnston was re- elected. The body of Stewards were re-el- ected 'with the addition, •of Mr, Jas, Gannet and Mr, Spading Johnston. Mr, Edward .Barnard was elected to fila a vacancy on the Board of Trus- tess„ The reports of the various t s or- granizations in connection with the work of both Bluevale and Ebenezer and •excellent, Churches �tt were all in a thechurch life to be z showed very healthy, robust condition, and that they were Contributing well to the spiritual care and moral life of the •community. Rev. A. E. Mann gave the Pastor's report, showing that although death had taken away a number of church members and ad- herents, yet on the other hand thir- teen new members had been added to the roll, M. Mann spoke highly y of the .co-operation which he had re- ceived ht his work, and also of the unity of spirit manifested during the year. Just before the, close of the meeting Mr. Robert Shaw moved, that avote of deep appreciation be tend- ered to "our' minister" for the whole- hearted service which he had rend- ered both in the pulpit, and in the general life of the pastorate; this was ably seconded by, Mr. Arthur Wheel- er and spoken .to by :a number of others. 'This motion was carried heartily and unanimously by the con- gregation. After the adjournment of the meeting the ladies served a delic- ious lunch and thus closed an even- ing of happy fellowship. Wotnan's Association Meeting The Woman's Association of the United Church met Thursday, after- noon at the home of Mrs. Robert Shaw ,conducted by the President, Mrs. Sperling Johnston. The: meeting opened in the usual form,. singing a hymn, repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison and Scripture reading, after which the ladies were favored with a Mr. Abe Vint of Stratford, spent a vocal solo by little Miss jean Stew few .days last week with his brother, art. The roll was answered by re- peating a verse of Scripture, com- mencing with the first letter sof the ,present month. The devotional part of the meeting was.closed with pray - dr by Mrs. Shaw. The balance of the afternoon was spent in quilt -patching.. The hostess served; refreshments as- sisted by Mrs. Mary Robertson. Mrs. Alice Aitken was in Stratford on Friday and attended the Normal. School At Horne, the guest of her daughter, Miss Dorothy Aitken, who is attending Normal this year. Gor- don Mundell, a recent graduate of Stratford Normal, Carl Johnston and Will Peacock also attended the At Home. Miss Margaret Mustard, of Morris, visited for a few days withrelatives in the village. Mrs. Finnigan, of Dungannon, is Bruce, also Mr, Isaac Pennel, District Master Of �t nl SS District, They e y gave two very fine addresses which were listened to with rapt attention, They have visited all the lodges in Bruce County. The County Lodge win assemble in. Ripley on Tuesday', Feb. 7th, when Lueknow L. 0..L. 428 will send. a delegation to the County Lodge to extend an invitation to cel- ebrate i -.village t1. 4 in e 3 2 19. � e July 1 th eb •at Y , of Lttcknow, twenyt-seventhday of February 1933, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entit- led. thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this sixthday of February, A,D. 1933. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. F. SALE -Gravel. See A. Sander- son, n, phone 357. No others admitt- ed. By: order, Mrs. I. L. Hammond, FOR SALE -9 York Pigs five weeks ofd. Apply John R. Salter, 618-11. FOR RENT OR SALE -5 114 acres of land, good house and barn. Ap- . ply to Mrs. M. McCoy, B. Line, Wingharn. FOR SALE -Very Special, Bedroom Tables, Medicine Cabinets, Towel Racks, Bathroom Stools, Magazine Baskets, Ferneries, Bookstands, Radio and Phonograph Cabinets, at Factory Cost Prices. Brown Bros. & Co., Limited. BLUEVALE Knox Church Annual Meeting The annual congreagtional meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church , was held in the school room on Tuesday afternoon, with a good representa- tive attendance. Rev, W. Patterson presided and Miss Olive Scott acted as secretary. After a short devotion- al service'the reports- of the different church organizations were received. The report of'session was given.by the moderator, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Hutton, clerk of the session. The present membership is 113, one being removed by death and one by certifi- cate,'and 3 added during the year. Blue Banner Mission Band, under the leadership of Mrs. Harvey Robertson and "Miss . Margaret McDougal, al- though organized only a few months have raised $4.59 and area truly ac- tive band of workers. The W. M. S. report, given by Mrs. Walter Smillie, shows fewer members' but a keen in- terest in missionary activities, the re- ceipts for all purposes $,130.36. Bales of cloth and a Quantity of fruit being sent to different places. The report of the Ladies' Aid given by Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, told of the activities of the society during the year, and after assisting with' some cif the church expenses have a balance of $57.39. The Sunday school with Mr. r. Hutton as superintendent and D. J. Falconer as' assistant, report a very good average attendance; it is self- supporting and has a balance of $16.- 51 to commence the year, Miss Olive Scott presented the treasurer's report showing the receipts to be . greater than the previous year, The Budget allocation of $175.00 went a little ov - FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY - If you want to' buy or rent, see T. Fells. LOST -Large number of keys on key ring, between Minnie St. and Albert St. Leave at Advance -Tim- es Office. LOST -A white gold Wrist Watch, on Saturday. Finder please leave at Advance -Times Office.: MATTRESSES' Special prices for. remaking yotir old felt mattresses. over like new 'including new cov- ering, $4.50 up. Feather beds clean- ed and made into sanitary mattress- es $3.50. All work kept separate. We call anywhere with no extra cost on above work: Modern Fea- ther & Mattress Co., P.O. Box 379, Goderich. DONNYBROOK YBR 00 K Mr. and Mrs. ' Wm. Robinson spent -' a few days last week. with their dau Otter, Mrs, John. Kilpatrick at Crewe. Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Ma'cLaughlin of Detroit, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Chamney. Miss Mary Johnston spent the week end at her home in Goclerich, Mr, Robt. Chamney has sold his matched team of black horses to a farmer neaer Holmesville. Miss. Elaine Bamford of Stratford Normal was home for the week -end. Mr.. Goldie Harrison spent,a few days with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Dave Chamney gave her home for the February meeting of the Wo- men's Institute which was presided over by the president, Mrs.' Bert. Thompson. The roll call was respon- ded, to with favourite ways of pre- paring potatoes for the evening meal. It was decided 6o accept the invita- tion from the' St. Helens branch to join with them for the meeting at which. the summer speaker will: be present. Instrumental music was giv- en by Valetta Chamney and Verna Chamney. Interesting readings were. given by Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Dave Chamney, Marjorie Campbell and Verna Chamney. Plans were made for holding a social evening in the near future. Dore 305, Kathleen Saint 303, Fenton Barnes 293, Veronica Morris rris 2 64, J o e I 'Wilson 256Aoxa+inleY245, ArnoldArna Stoakley 244,. Raphael Morris 194, Charlie Ross 194, Gertrude Finley 190. M. J. MacDonald, Teacher, Senior ,Second Total 460, Honors 345, Pass 276. Class A. Helen Hammond 407, Frances Robinson 402, Marguerite e Ingham 380, Pill Seddon 371, Mab l Campbell 363, Joe Falconer 363, Louise Thompson 362, Velma, Ohm Harris r 3,,8, George Harris 356, Bill Ha 355, Louise Lloyd 347, , Chester ter Campbell 345, Dorothy Mellor 328, Hem Lee 324, Leslie Adair 323, Billy Forsythe 309, J, Baskerville 304, Nor- man or - man Fry300, E. DeYe11297,H Mont- gomery 284, B. Grove.s 279, J.Ken- nedy 270, Reggie Collar 267, Jack Gorbutt 262, Laura Collar 253, Carr Vanner 184, Roy Dark, 136, William Fitzpatrick 113. n Cl�;ss B. Edna Hogg 413, Norman Mundy 409, Donald Smith 398, Louise Reid 386, Betty Gannet 359, Ann VanWyck .355, Clarence Hamil- ton 852, Jack Hopper 345, Gordon Helxn 198, Frank Angus 158. A. Mahood, Teacher. Junior ,Second Total 470, Honors 352, Pass 282. Alan Williaiis 387, Eva Lediet 384, Eileen Dark 364, Eric Scbatte 364, Josephine VanNorman 363, Betty Fitzpatrick 348, .Kenneth Baker 341, jack Rich 341, Grace Hutcheson 330,. Joyce Carter 326, Harry Howard 321, Clarence Ohm 321, Mary Black 317, James Cameron ,316, Jack Carter 314, Isabel McLean 307, John Wilson 301, Kenneth Jones 298, Harold Hutton 288, Isabel. Ross 266, Junior Nivins 264, Mary Lepard 261, Frances. Dur - min 259, Jack Attwood 254, Alvin Seli 251, Pat Fitzpatrick 229, Ethel Vanner 215, Carroll Casemore 191, Iris. Templeman 174, Margaret Finlay 142, Florence Finley, Jack Tiffin. B. Joynt, Teacher. First Book Total 410, Honors 306,. Pass 246. 'Joan Ingham 406, George Lloyd 397, Grace Hingston 392, Ruth Har- ris 377, Dorothy French 376, Grace Parker 375, Jack Ludwig 372, Donald Hastie 371, Creig Armstrong 369, Carl Clark 361, Robert Chittick '359, Marjorie Falconer 356, Donna Bu- chanan 352, Douglas Fry 348, Buddy Cruikshank 330, A. Zettler 326, F. Zettler 322, D. Campbell 315, J. Day 309, Grace Small 306, N. Brown 304, Lois Adams 294, Margaret McLean 292, Lloyd Mundy 291, Doreen Gar- lick 277, Madeline Mellor. 275, Wall- ace Hutton 271, Ileen Morris 236, Everett Hammond 228, Doris; Finley 175, P. johns, Teacher. Primary Total 295, Honors 220, Pass 175. Lorraine Brown 286, Marie Lock ridge 282, Eddie Fitzpatrick 281, Harold Breen 280, Elizabeth Hare 272, Shirley. Edgar 261, Billy Gal- braith 252, Lillian Angus 251, Jimmy on' 250 George' Lagogianes Thursday, Februar. 9 1933 BELFAST and untilFebruaryreceivedRS will be February 14th, 1933, for the purchase of the Two Team Dray Outfit with all equipment; former- ly operated by Thomas. M. Hend- erson, Apply Box D Advance -Tim- es. with Mrs. Archie Messer. Mrs. Nellie Scott, with her neice, Miss Donna Smith, at the home of Mrs. Robt. Musgrove. Mrs, K. Haugh, of Turnberry,'is spending a few days with relatives in the village. Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. Monthly Meeting The regular'monthly meetings of the Ladies'. Aid and W.M.S. of Knox. er the top and $17.00 forwarded. co �A� CHICKS the One Step. Fordward movement. Barred Rocks and: White Leghorn: The- balance an hand: at the end of Best Grade obtainable under Govern- the year was $90.29. Most of the of- ment approval. We have no agents', hcers for the past year were re -elect - selling, you by direct from us. Il -led, very few changes being made. lustrated catalogue Free. Walter • Duncan McDougal was appointed to `Rose, Brussels, Ont. (the Board of Managers and Peter Mr. Gilbert Vint. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton spent :a day in Wingham last week. Miss Lena Hackett spent the week- end in Stratford and attended the Sil- ver anniversary and 'At Home' .of the Normal School. Bliss Mary Philips who is conduct- ing a short course' in sewing at Am- berley spent the week -end' with' her sister, Mrs. Thos. Ferguson. CARD OF THANKS Moffatt was elected to the Trustee Board to fill the vacancy caused by Sr. Janes Moffatt when he moved to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tervitz, . �iis. -to thank all their ,neighbors. and, Wingham. J. C. Higgins was chosen friends for their many kindnesses and 1 Chairman of the Managing Board. ex ptessiduts of sytnpatliy during their After Sineine' "Praise God, from sad b Hent also for the u,honz all 13lessr rnany Linn ni cars. Ston closed the meeting with prayer. United Church Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the congre- gation of the Bluevale United Church was held in the Church' on Tuesday evening, January 31st. There was an excellent attendance, which was an 'evidence of the deep interest which bntli members and ad- herents take in the work of the' Church. The usual devotional exer- , cines were in charge of the Minister, Bev. A, E. Mann, who chose for the Scripture Lesson the 16th chapter of Romans and in a brief exposition he stressed the thought df being fellow workers together in the Kingdom of God. The election of 'officers for the year 1088 resulted in the re-election of Mrs. Edward Johnston as Secre- tary, and Mr, C. Johnston as Church Treasurer, The 'election to fill the vacancies on the Scssioi' caused by the death of Mr, Geo. MacDonald, and the. PUBLIC SCHOOL RE- PORT FOR JANUARY Senior Fourth Total 610, Honors 457, Pass 366. I. Mellor 563, L. Carter 524, E. Krohn 519, W. Small 502,' A. Wilson 500, Z. Cameron' 485, V. Stoakley. 463, Jno. Currie 452, W. McNevin 451, G. Carr 449, J. McDonald 436, P. Biggs 433, L. Bok 432, H. Groves 430, B. Collar 411, L. Campbell 400, L. Ellacott 385, J. Lamb 383, R. Car- ter 361, B. Davidson 343, D. Forsythe 192, J, Bunn 169. A. E. Posliff, Principal. Junior Fourth Total 665,. Pass 400, Honors 500. E. Dunning 606, V. Walker 600, D. Armitage 595, M. J. Preston 595, W. Smith 588, J. Lee 580, M. Williams Presbyterian Church were held on i562, J. Cruikshanks 537, C. Cantleon Thursday afternoon at the home of 533, H. Posliff 523, E. Gamble 520, Mrs. Mundell. The Ladies' Aide plan- ned a St. Valentine's social evening and other plans arranged to be car- ried out at . a later' date.' The W. M. S. was presided' •over by the Presi- dent, Mrs. Peter S.. MacEwen. The meeting decided to continue a Home Helper Department in the auxiliary and Miss M. Olive Scott was ap- pointed the secretary, Mrs. D. J. Falconer read the first chapter of the new Study Book "Seven Seas of Ser- vice" dealing with the coming of peo- ple from other countries into Canada. Rev. Wm. Patterson spoke briefly on the sante subject, stressing the fact that the schools, hospitals and chur- ches were the important factors in making these strangers true Christ - TENDERS Sealed tenders,lainly marked "Tender for Woc,d", will be, received. by' the undersigned Up to Saturday, February 18th: for the supply and de- livery at the Town Hall, Wiiigham, of 20 cords cif green hardwood, 16. inches long. The lowest or, any ten- der not necessarily accepted. • W..\. GAi,13RAITT-I, Town Clerk., \ 'ingham, Ont. M. Hopper 518, D. Wanazn 518, J. Hare 515, G. Jones 512, L. Fuller 510, 13. Rae 508, E. Mundy 489, M. Forsythe 488, T. Harrison 487, E. Carter 485, L. G. Carter 472, J. Broome 469, L. Dark 448, L Clark 439, C. Armstrong 410, :; 33.. Lepard 410, S. Forsythe 401. B. H. Reynolds, Teacher.' Senior Third Total 500, Honors 375. Betty, Rae 433, Scott Reid 426, Patricia Parker 411, Mabel Fothergill 406, Margaret Marsh 405, Russell Zurbrtgg 401, Lloyd Hutton 399, M. E. .McKibbon 398, Isabel Lamb 396, Alice. Dore 395, Evelyn Edgar 365, Irene Chittick 358, Hazel Lediet 357, Ruth Hamilton 355, Charlie Well - ion 'Canadians. After singing a hymn wood 854, Evelyn Campbell 348, Dar - Mr, Patterson closed the meeting rell Biggs 387, Jean Mellor 329, Geo. with prayer. Boyle 327, Allen Small 321, Edith Campbell 296, Ehna Attwood, 294, HERE AND THERE Carl Bondi 285, Lillian Howard 284, AROUND RAPID CITY James Dnrnin 278, Eilene Curtis 264, Sanders , 4 RE SHOW STARTS' 8.30 P.M. Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m. Thursday,' Friday, Saturday, February 9, 10, 11 Gilliam ala nes Madge �yat�s Conrad Nagel CliffEdwards • L. In - ".Fast Life"- A PICTURE WITH PLENTY OF' SPEED. - Also Pitts and Todd Two Reel Comedy "LET'S DO THINGS" And Fox News.' NEXT WEEK: JACK HOLT _--- In - "Behind the Mask" 248, Jean MacLeod 240, Joyce Walk- er 235, Mae Rellinger 232, Theodore Lagogianes 224, Betty Elliott. 222, Harold Seli' 208, Isabel Brown 205, Freedy Templeman 195, Jack Mellor 182, Arthur Brown 178, Jimmy Stoakley 175,' Helen Carr 171, Laur- ette Everick 165, Billie Lee 165, Per- cy Vanner 156, Jackie Montgomery 155, Mary Forsythe 147, Eddie Car- ter 146, Donald Robinson 128, Hugh Bell 75. A., Williamson, Teacher. CRIB. TURNEY SUCCESS Thirty-two Cribbage players were present at the: Armouries on Mon- day night to enjoy a Cribbage Tour- nament. Partners were drawn and winners moved toward the head table Ind the losers at the head table mov- ed to the last table, Partners chang- ed on every move, The way the points were scored was, winners counted 121 and losers what they made. W. Currie and W. B.' McCool tied. for first prize and played one length of the board to decide the winner,. and Mr. McCool won. Third prize went to Lloyd ,Hings- ton and fourth to W. VanWyck. The consolation prize was won by Harry Browne. It is expected that another tourna- ment will be held in the near future, and those who play cribbage acre in- vited' to come out and have another enjoyable evening. • Baxter -"I can't stand this money -- money - money business much longer. The next time you mention money I'll leave you." Mrs. Baxter -"How much, dear?" NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons leaving claims against the estate of Finlay .Anderson, Gen- tiemaoi late of the Village of Bei - grave in the County of Einron, who diedon or about the twentieth day t) -f February, A.I). 1982,.are notified to eeed to J. H. Crawford, Winghati , Otttario on or before the twenty- eeventh: day of 1?ebrtiary, .A,D. 1933, fuu1 partk0lars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said Robert Casemore 280, Charlie Bask - We e: ented to Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ervillc 218. and McQuillan and family our deep- C. J. Farquharson, Te est heart felt sympathy on the lose of Pass 300. their son, Alvin, who died in Goder- Total 500, Honors 875, ich Hospital last Thursday following Frances Loekridge 468, Noreen Junior Third her. Il 13ur rinan 4.59 an o er-tion for a'p endicitis Ekenedzct 462, Bt , p p �i Havens and Roy spent Phyllis Turner 457, Maraget Hoaiz- Mr. Alex. IC50. 454, Billy 'Wednesday last with friends in God- lith 454, Kenneth Jackson ri•ich• Scott 454, Myrtle Fothergill 448, Vir, 'tThompson and ginia Currie 445, Marion Templeman; any, and Mrs, John T o ni. sp Mr. Charles Thompson .visited last 440, Jean VanNorman 489, Kenneth. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Mark Johnson 434, Hilda Brown 428, Gardner, Charlie Krohn 426, Jack Ross 412, Mr. Roht. McNall and Mr. Victor Donald. Adams 404, Bill 'Sturdy 400, Durnin have both been very sick with Betty Saint 395, Mac Habkirk 893, the'flu, We hope to see them both 'Bill Groves 379, Bertha Casemore' around soon. 874, Jean Lee 374, Betty Lloyd 378,: At a special meeting of the L.O.L. Audrey Armstrong 863, Donalda Henderson 362, John Lee 355, Jack. Fraser 344, Rena Elliott 341, liarold Camelot, 817, Agnes Seli 312, Louise 428 held last Tuesday evening they were honored with a visit from Wm, E. 1'Ialdenby, County Master of West WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD US This "Automobile Buyer's Guide" tells :bout our 're- cent survey among Csindian motorists 'and provides tutor - motion which you will find valuable ht choosing yon mete car. Send eeupon :f-. free copy: Ces#ottlieenoseatchDept. Cderseiral Motors Products 6 Oshawa, Out.. Dame Adoreet a vm ntA a 'uxems OHJIDIE 9u 0.60 antla Mme. } NE new Chevrolet is the proved low.priced Six -- one that thousands of Canadians have tested in millions of miles of driving, A Six with new bigness --new comfort - and a score of brilliant advancements, including: Fisher No -Draft Ventilation. Aft -Stream Styling. Silent Second Syncro-Mesh' shifting.Statteratot .. and roan: others, Y Only Chevrolet could build a Six like this at such low prices , .. because Chevrolet is the world's largest manu- facturer of ,six -cylinder cars .. b. and because the new Chevrolet Six is Made to Order for Canadians, 'with lin- provements specified by motorists themselves in a great Canada -wide survey! CRAWF. R W'i� ham.taria . •