HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-01-26, Page 3HOWICK COUNCIL Gorrie, Jan. 9, 1933 The Council -elect for the year 1933 met in the Township Hall at 11 a.m., pursuant to statute. Each member took the necessary statutory declara- tion of office as follows; J. W. Gam- ble, Reeve; Louis Demerling, Deputy Reeve; J. A. Bryans, Thomas Lovell and David L. Weir, Councillors; the Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Bryans and Weir were adopted. Moved by Demerling and Lovell, that the Reeve and the; Clerk be in- structed to sign application for Stat- utory grant. Carried. Moved by Bryans and Weir, that the School Attendance Officer's re- port be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Moved by Bryans and Weir, that the Clerk notify the Collectors that the 5% penalty must be collected and a regular' monthly statement is to be supplied to the ✓Treasurer by them, showing the amount of taxes paid during month, also a detailed state- ment of all unpaid taxes on Dec. 15, 1932. 'Carried. • Moved by Weir and Bryans, that, this Council go into Committee of the whole, to regulate salaries and appoint officers for the year 1933, with Deputy Reeve Demerling in the chair. Carried. The committee reported as follows —Treasurer's salary $285.00; Asses- or's salary $18.00; Collector E. Div., $75.00; Collector W. Div., $115.00; Auditors $30.00' each; M.O.H. $75:00; Clerk $435.00 and $40.00 for postage and stationery allowance Caretaker of Twp. Hall $40.00; Road Supt., to, be paid 30c per hour, he to pay his own travelling expenses; School Att. Officer $45.00, member of B. of H. $5.00 each; Secretary of B. O. H., $12.00; Weed. Inspector 30c per hour; sheep valuator, $1.50 per trip. Officers. appointed: Treasurer, J. H. Rogers; Clerk, Isaac Gamble; Audi- tors, A. A. Graham and Elmer Faiths; Assessor, E. A. Corbett; Caretaker of Twp. Hall, Charles King; member of B. of H., . along with the Reeve and Clerk, Milton Hastie; Road Supt., R. F. Edgar; Sheep valuator, James Douglas; School Att. Officer, Mrs. Mary C. Knight. Moved by Lovell and Dereerinig that by-law No. 2 for the year 1933, as read the third time, be finally pass- ed. Carried. Moved by Weir and Bryans, that 'Hydro Electric Power Commission be requested to discontinue service to Mrs. C. Sproal in Wroxeter and that contract be cancelled. Carried. Moved by Bryans and Lovell, that by-law no. 1 for the year 1933 as read .the third time be finally pass- ed. Carried. Moved by Weir and Lovell, that the following bills be paid. Carried. Joseph Thompson, refund of taxes overpaid $34.58; Municipal World, election supplies $10.10; B. L. R. Kel- ly, M.D., services re Mrs. Pritchard $50.00; Isaac Gamble, Postage and Statutory Allowance 1932 $45:50; E. F. F. HOMUTH -- The - OPTOMETRIST WHO NEVER FAILS TO ' GIVE SATISFACTION Phone 118. HARRISTON orrie Denny; postage $6.00; Isaac Gamble,. fees court of Revision on Voters' List $13.05;. J. H. Rogers, servicing two lamps, Fordwich Pub. Shed $3.- 00; 3. H. Rogers, salary as Treasurer 1932 $285.00; Stanley Wolfe, supplies for Mrs. Haberlee $20.00; Geo. A. Dane, D.R.O. fees, booth and clerk $12.00; James Hastie, D.R.O, fees, booth and clerk $12,09; Henry Meiers D.R.O. fees, booth • and -clerk $11,00; Wilford King D.R,O. fees and clerk $7.00; Irwin Gibson, D.R.O. fees, booth and clerk $1.2:00;. Enos -Don- aghy D.R.O. , fees, booth and clerk, $11.00; Geo. Paulin D.R.O. fees and clerk $7.00; Isaac Gamble, pt, salary as clerk $35.00; Mrs, W. J. Ward, services to Mrs. Pritchard $30.00 Thos. Nash, printing Book of Ice Permits $1.50; J. H. Rogers, services on Mun. Drain No. 8 amendment $5.00. Road Expenditures John. Hyndman, culvert tile for Gorrie $6.00; Geo. 1VIcKee, putting in culvert $1.00; Milton Hastie, putting in culvert .60; R. F. Edgar, Road Spout, salary $17.00; J. Cathers, cut- ting weeds $1.20; W. J. Huth, cutting weeds $1.20; Rich. Bennett, cutting weeds $4.00; Norman Behrns, cutting weeds $3.00; Geo. Rutherford, filling hole on road $2.00; Robert Baker, filling hole on road $1.00. Moved by Demerling and Weir, that this Council do now adjourn to meet in the United Church Hall, in Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in February. Carried. Isaac Gamble, Clerk. WOMAN'S ASSOC'N HOLDS MEETING, The first meeting of the Woman's Association held in 1933 was held in the schoolroom of the Gorrie United Church with the new president, Mrs. Harvey Svarling, in the chair,' who opened the meeting with the approp- riate hymn, "Standing at the Portals" followed by the Lord's prayer in uni- son. Mrs. W. G. Strong read the scripture lession, which was Pslam 46."Saviour like a shepherd lead us w.as then sung. After which the new secretary, Mrs. W. H. Gregg, read minutes of last meeeting which. were adopted. The roll call was responded to by each paying their yearly fee. Many items of business were transacted, af- tr which the meeting closed with the hymn, "0 master let me walk with thee". Arid prayer by the pas- tor, Rev. Butt. After the close of the meeting a social time was spent around the quilt, which the ladies ,quilted during the afternoon. Refreshments were served by the lunch (committee. • ANNUAL MEETING OF UNITED CHURCH The annual congregational meeting of the 'United Church, Gorrie, was held on Wednesday afternoon, the ~pastor, Rev. B. W. Butt, presiding. Financial reports from all depart- ments were very encouraging with the exceptionof the Missionary and Maintenance fund, which was below that raised last year. The budget for local expenses was successfully rais- ed. The total amount for this pur- pose was $2,235.00; the W. M. S. raised $269.00, and the Woman's As- sociation $163.00; the Sunday School $212.00; the Y. P. S. and Junior Lea- gue $32,00, and the Flower Commit- tee $11.00. Rev. Butt reported for the session, 45 new members, with .a loss of 10 by death. The member- ship at present is 311. The ballot for the vacancies on the session resulted `isuiuiiiu u iiuii■iiir isi■aiuiirn ■ ■ ■ Maitland Creamery, ■ ■ ■ ■ Buyers Of ■ Cream, ■ ■ • Eggs ■ ■ ■ El ■ ■ to ■ ■ AndPoultry ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • TUE UNITED FAR1VIERS' CO-OPERATIVE 11L COMPANX, LIMi1TED. ■• 'Winn halm - Ontario. Phone 271 ■ ■. ■ irii/i■IIIiii■UIIIIIII11iii■ilIIil*IIII11PI Thugs„ January 26th, 1933 Odd --- But True FISHING FISH VS DEEP SEA FISI4 (LASiOGNMIA US) HAS A COMPLETE ANGLER'S au/m ATTACHED TO ITS HEAD WIT% wRIC H IT LURES cm POO Di INZO` POSITION FOR N. '`�----. EASY CATCI'i WITH IT S LARGE MOUTH ® BokINt,• Showa+ CO — !PUMPKINS SOMETIMES CROW ROUT SYSTEMS VON A TOTAL LENGTN OF ►6 MILES tEEORC ANCIENT GREECE NAD A WikkTIElk LM' 3UP,E AN OFTICIkL IIVIAEMIlu k" JAS EM?L0E1) F©2 ALL LEGAL \NOWA - AtiSOI.UTE NONESTY WAS N\S GREATEST AS — in the election of Wm. Earngey, Jr., and T. O. Johnston. Wesley Strong was placed on the sesison in place of his father, W. G. Strong, whose re- signation owing to ill health was re- ceived with regret. The Board of Stewards are A. Edgar, lt. H. Steph- ens, T. Earl, A. E. Toner, Carl Gregg Thos. Bradnock, G. McKee, R. Grain- ger, W. Whitfield and W. J. Galla- her. Following a brief address from the pastor, who expressed his appre- ciation for the co-operation given to him "in the work, the meeting was closed by singing the doxology and prayer. AGRICULTURAL SOC. ANNUAL MEETING All Officers Were Re -Elected for Two 'Years. The 74th annual meeting of the Howick Agricultural Society was held in the Township 'hall in Gorrie, on Friday afternoon, with the president, Rr. Robert Edgar., presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mr. H. Rogers and were adopted. Encouraging reports were given • at this meeting. The le- ection of officers then took place, which resulted as is .the custom of the society, to re-elect of all officers for a term of two years. ANNUAL VESTRY. MEETING HELD Gorrie, WroXeter ,and Fordwich Anglican Clmnches Annual Vestry Meetings of Angli- can Churches in Fordwich, Gorrie and Wroxeter, were held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Reports were given by the Rector, Wardens, Secretary-Treasnrers and officers of the different societies, all of which were adopted. Those elect- ed to office for the coming year, Trin- ity Church, Forclwich, are: Wardens, Robert Graham, Win. Spence; Dele- gates to Synod, Isaac Gamble, Wm. Spence; Secretary- Treas., Selby Fos- ter, Select Vestry, Win. Goggin, Wm, Corbett, Wm. Wade, Win. Hill, Ed. Williams, James Strong, Win. 13rears, M. Leonard, Hugh Douglas, George Hubbard, Crosley Gotheni, Jno: Arm- strong. St. Stephen's Church, Gorrie, War- dens, F. C. Taylor, T. R. Strong; Delegate to Synod and Sec -Treasur- er, H. V. Holrnes; Select Vestry, H, V. HolmesDinsmore,r n , ., T, Norman Wade, Robert Patterson, H. Herzog, Thos. Vittie, E. H. Strong, Milford King. St. James' Church, Wroxeter, War- dens, V. Davey and Andrew Hooper, delegate to Synocl,' Sec,-Treas., Mrs. H. Waller; Select Vestry, G. S, Smy- the, Geo. Paulin, Robert McMichael, F. Earls, R. S. Taylor, Lorne Kaake, Geo.. Griffith, H. Waller, Hearty votes of thanks were tend- ered the ladies for the bangtiet (Trin- ity Church) and refreshments, GORRIE LOSE TO WROXETER A very interesting hockey gave was witnessed by a fairly large ,aud- ience on Friday evening when the Gorrie "Hopefuls" were met on the home ice by the Wroxeter team. The play was a trifle rough and resulted in some penalties. However, the score ended in 9-7 for the visiting team. The line-ups: Wroxeter, Goal, S. Gibson; defense R. Gibson, J. Gibson, forwards, Paul- in, Abram, Durst; stubs., Edwards, Durst and Higgins. Gorrie, Goal, Fralick; defense, G. Brown, S. Ashton; forwards, Brown, Vanstone, Hamilton; subs., L. Short, Musgrove, L. Ashton and .j. Kaine. Referee—R. VanVelsor, Wroxeter. The Gorrie Hockey Team are put- ting on a dance in the'Township Hall here on Friday evening in an effort to raise funds for the team. Ladies are requested to laiiing hunch. GORRIE Although this diatriet'has been ex- periencing the high winds, no great amount of damage has been done, with the exception of dismanteli:ng Cecil Day's house :of a chimney. St. Stephen's W. A. Plan 'Social A very , successful meeting of St. Stephen's Women's Auxiliary was held at the Rectory on Thursday last. During the business session it was decided to have their usual St. Pat- rick Social on March Il7th for which program the committees were elect- ed. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meet- ing. Mrs. R. Cathers and sister, Mrs. Gumrnel, of Mitchell, who is visiting. here, spent a couple ,of days this week with Mrs. Catllers' slaughter, Mrs. William Jardine, at Brussels, The Choir Committee of the Uni' - ed Church rnet on Thursday evening. of last week at the home of the lead- er, L. F. Ashton, and arrangements were made for the program which the choir will put on, on Feb. lltii. Y. P. S. Have Interesting Discussion The Young People's Society met in the school room of the United church here on Wednesday night with the President, Miss E. Dane, in the chair. Following w the opening hymn the pas- tor as-for ]cad in prayer, after which two solos were enjoyed, being given by Rev. Butt and Matthew Frizzed. The topic "Have Ordinary Citizens any responsibility for Unemployment?'' took the form of a discussion and it proved very interesting 'under the leadership of Mr. R. Dargue. The tnin rtes were read and adopt- ed after which the meeting was clos- ed by a hymn and the Mizpah bene- diction. Mrs. Neelon, of Chesley, Is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Whitley. Mr. and Mrs, S. Willis, of London, were Sunday visitors of Mr .and Mrs, 5. Musgrove. Mr..Ja.s. Douglas attended the fun. - eral of the late Mrs. (Rev.) McKen- zie, in Ripley last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pritchard, of Harriston, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno .Hyndman. Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. G. Jefferson, in Owen Sound. Mrs. George Foster spent a couple of days last week with her mother, Mrs. Underwood, in Wingham. Mrs. James Vittie was a recent vis- itor in London. Miss Mable McLaughlin Following a lengthy illness, Miss Mable McLaughlin, only daughter of Mr. Robert McLaughlin and the late Mrs. McLaughlin, passed away at her late home, 9th con. of Howick, on Monday night. The late Miss Mc- Laughlin had been ill for a number of months, but her condition was per- haps not considered fatal, therefore her passing is a great shock to the community. Her father and friends have the, sympathy of the commun- ity. Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Bradnock also Mrs. Wm. Earngey Jr. were Listowel visitors on Saturday. 11Ir. Benjamin Maguire paid a visit to Goderich on Saturday. Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Alex- andria Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ashton, also Mr. H. Ashton were a- mong those from Gorrie who attend- ed the funeral of the late, Mr. Bailey of Brussels on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston at Arthur. Mr. Anson Ruttan was in Kitchen- er on business one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C King and son, Earl visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ag- nes Earl of Wroxeter. Mr. Jas. Douglas, Miss Anne Doug- las, also Mrs. R. Ferguson were in Hamilton on Saturday and visited! with Clarkston Douglas, also Mar- garet Bennett. Mr: and Mrs. D. W. Dane of To- ronto, spent the week -end with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade. Mr. and Mrs ,Ed. Bolton and child ren, also Vern Abram were Sunday visitors with Eddie's parents, near Fordwich. Mr. Herman Whitfield, of Ethel, also Miss Telkar of Molesworth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Anger. ger. Mr. Harryalso Brown of Elora, al, a Miss Lincoln of Gleiannan, were week -end visitors with able. and Mrs. John Cathers. Mr. John Sparling and Everett were Sunday guests of Mr .arid Mrs, W. Simson. . The Misses' Eva and Annie Brown oftits boiist r da y visited' at the hoine Of Mr. and Mrs. R. Edgat' a few days last week The United Church, Gorrie, packed and sent a bale for relief purposes to Toronto this week, valued at $40.00, Rendered Unconscious By Fall The many firends of Wrn, Sarngey Sr., were very sorry to hear of his. recent fall on the slippery sidewalk. He was unconscious and had to be carried into his place of business by two passers by. WROXETER Ther Social. Club met in their club room on Wednesday night for bridge. Miss Davidson and Jim Sanderson had highest score. Lunch was serv- ed at the close by Miss Little and Mr. Hucks, the committee in charge. Y. P .S., United Church The Young People's Society held a most interesting meeting last Monday evening, when they held their first. evening of Mock Parliament. The meeting opened by singing `BIest be the Tie that Binds.' The .Scripture reading was taken by Lily Waller, after which Miss Mitchell led in pray- er. The members of parliament were in their . places and Premier Schaab, seconded by Wendell Finlay, appoint- ed Miss Davidson as Speaker of the House, and proceeded to conduct her to the chair. The Usher with the Black Rod (Doherty) announced the arrival of the Governor-General (Rev. Mr. Finlay) who was escorted to the. throne by Sargeant' at Arms, M. Paul- in. The speech was then delivered from the throne,The first question presented before the house for dis- cussion was "Is the ordinary person. responsible for present unemploy- ment?" Second "Newspaper is a greater benefit than Radio." After interesting discussion from both sid- es of the house, both questions were decided in favor of the opposition. Parliament then adjourned until the following Monday, when the question. "Should we have home missions" will be brought up. The National An- them. was sung and the remainder of the evening spent in games. Friends of Mr. Alex. Wright will be pleased to know, he is able to be out after several weeks' illness. Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen visited on Wednesday last with her cousin, Miss Jessie Strachan, near Brussels. Misses Margaret and Irene Wright of Stratford Normal, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Green enter- tained a number of their friends on Friday evening. Cards and dancing were enjoyed. Miss Aileen Schaab spent the week -end at her home in Elmwood. Mr. Harry Alien, also Miss Muriel Elliott, of Brussels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen. Mr Jim Sanderson spent the week- end in London with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sanderson. Moccasin Dance a Sucoess The first Moccasin Dance ever put on here took place on Tuesday even- ing last, under the auspices of the Rink Managers. A fairly large crowd was in attendance and a local orches- tr supplied the music. There was a lunch counter where refreshments were served, a very enjoyable even- ing is reported. Mis Hazel Wainman, of Fordwich, was a week -end guest at the home of W. T. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs..Atche- son Wallace were also Sunday guests at the Elliott home. Dr. Fowler, of Teeswater, called on friends Thursday evening while mot- oring through. Mrs. Cameron, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with the Misses Howe. A. Achie Edgar and Wes. Paulin spent the week -end in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wendt motored to London Tuesday of last week on business. Miss Daisy Stocks is still confined to the house with tonsilitis. The hockey game between Wrox- eter and Gorrie in Gorrie last Friday night was won by Gorrie 11-7. Miss Margaret McKercher, after many years of faithful service in the office of the Howick Mutual Ins. Co. resigned her position last week. Mrs. W. G. Patterson was in Owen Sound Monday and Tuesday, where Mr. Patterson is working on the .rail- road. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson and Miss Mae Davidson motored to Lon- don to see little Catherine Sanderson daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Stewart t •s �aidea,on, who underwent an opera- tion for double mastoids. 'While very sick the little girl is progressing as favorably as can be expected. Mrs. Halpenny of Bowrnanvillc, is at, present visitor her sister at the Manse. Mr. Wm.Gibson's family who have been confined to the house with the 'fits' are able to be out again. Miss Jean Thomson who has been confined to her bed is not improving . . as het many friends aveuld like to see, Mr, and Mrs, Pleasance of Port El- gin, spent Sunday with the 'tatter's t U Lth! Charlie Says progressive feller ain't Iowa' worry about th wolf at th'd=lor, he'll have wolf steak fir supper mother, Mrs. Neil White. Mr. Merton Howe of Toronto, ar- rived in town on Saturday to .spent the week -end with his sisters. 10th LINE HOWICK We are glad to report that Mrs. Andrew McKenzie who is in the Guelph Hospital, is improving as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zeigler and two sons spent Sunday at Hugh Mc- Leod's. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edgar Jacques and Leola, and . Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas Strong and Verda were Sunday vis- itors at William Craig's. Mr, and Mrs. John Fleet and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Ef- fie Scott. Mr. and Mrs. William Craig spent Wednesday at the home of Earl and Mrs. Johnston. SALEM Cisses Gladys Weir and Elva Dane spent last week with friends near Teeswater. Master George Gallaher had ,the misfortune to have his leg broken by having a log fall on it while cutting wood at their place on day last week. We wish him a speedy recovery. Parties were the order of the day last week. One was held at each of the following places: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy's. A pleasant time was spent at each one. Woman—"I gave you ten cents last week, and you look as disreputable as ever." Beggar—"Well, lady, . it's deuced hard to break into the smart set with one thin dime." Hubby "Here's five dollars. Don't you think I deserve a little applause for giving it to you without being asked?" Wife—"Applause? Why, darling, I think you deserve an encore," SOURED ON THE WORLD?—THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary Many people who feel sour, sluggish and generally wretched make the mistake of talons stilts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or: Chewing gum, or roughage which only move the bowels and ignore the liver. What you need is to wake up your liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get Your stomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes, 25e. at all druggists. 51 doyou need WE CAN SUPPLY ANY STYLE BEFORE PLACING YOURORDEF' PHONE' US FOR PRICES, Fork The Maple Lear Silt, am S , it Quality Books"