HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-01-26, Page 2PAGE TWO
Wiughanx Advance -Times
Piabnailed at
Every Thursday Moming by
The AdvancenTimes Pablishing Co.
Subseription Rate — One Year $2.410
Si:: months, $1,00 h advance
To ILS. A., $2,50 per year.
Foreign rate, 83.00 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
Thurs, January 26th, 1933
IETY 41,7et,eeY Ce'le ;Iferralierte
In last week's iesue of the Brussels', .ctae!'„Oteo, PneOate.'reitteill
ir,ost it was announced that the B711:t.. 10 .111St 'CMS ft:ST alea: the
live for the preserh at Least
leetti eieey a real progressive 4t l t',neeelese ee
neoebers. heo. are &rine 'i 1tileir god
sels Henke:v.4Tel Sedety is disband- l'e,",:os naleelhe gess fertfil-
lai, ,a110,,,s,1 1110 " .,,iN . CrrtiM111
retten A .11 The lloment,
eenieeti,n and last yeae bed over 200 ie•eee.e.e ,k thieeee. rue..
..„.•• s • ' ON'
;o i44aiI peeyele interested in 11',.e. tieoirtificertion fee- Oprii 141
: re • - e•e,"Jr, ryt!i•-` ;,,111•411",,,,11 cal1543
"'="ell" „Ire
EDITOR I :\ 0 I 1\T ONE E. TACR 7101 a member, ee‘d re sleet- '
TORONTO THE GREAT? et ie. 'Ye a • '
titel thieeey 1111es:ens 'Maly
"MIA Nv ;.1,44441 114',? 4%-ly 7y,t4rS eerie Iti elny
The Toronto Board of Education in this' soeitty and help forward the .ely reernine lie girls and heys went
Las decided that all teachers tronai...,!. ed. NVh. 1Y
ilutRide points engaged by the boar ,
mill be given no allowance for - They pieltell anthills of flov.ers tool
ing experience. Chief Inspecter 1:\ PI Ve-Geverner Ai. Smith in his pub- ee.,e0e,g bee„eeee and retimiled 10
moebder, urred in this actien, licel:om The XVIN" '011t104*, defines . :''tie village with them about sentese
te ti..e•woods "to feteh the flowers
feesh." Tie (=Need:lion was called
concOCRACY ""golter a-Maying
"e s no queetion what- Teehnocrary as follows: elth great spirit thel aeteunpanemerits
stating Theri
• ' •s
- - to whether exl‘erthat.
ier:e in "Its thesis wc have' deve- 1helm and tabor. The wIndow
schools outside the City is as saki- opea iabor-eaying machines so tee -te.k-
! ':ti hs were pleinted in the
able as that within, h is not" that there is less and less werk kr .
I etreets, A young salter could so honor
It is their privilege to so act, but nitn; that our output of all kinds of i the res.idenee of his lecle.• love,. In ad -
whether or not the teachers outside Thin gi e is increaei ng beyond the pleb- ! Oition. the fairest meld of the village
T 1TitO are inferior is very doubtful. tic coneumptien, and that we must was crowned queen. Slie was throned
If one eared to they could cite case hive some kind of a new goverinnent , under a dorsal sreb and preeked ov r
after case of boys and girls who have by eciemists and engineers. who -will the Jubiletion. This custom of select-
ing, queen was a relic of
been educated in schools in the small- plan a nice balance of roaeotele pro. , May also
• the Roman days.
er centres who have made good with dncikln and human con.sumption, so
vmevance in opposition to city -,that everybody will have both neves-
i 41;11{11.11M144.4‘0$4041045X444MAIIIIX4{14.411,1r41/1111,14111MIA10::
..... DISTRICT a
a .
of the
Gederich Cuts Officials' Salaries
GoderiCh—The• Town Council en-
dorsed the recommendation of the
Finanee Committee that the salaries
of the town olliciale including the
treasurer, clerk, aseesser and tax. col-
• lector, members the police force,
Cemetery sexton, anditers, stenogra-
pher and medical officer of health, be
reduced 7 1-2 per cent. Laborers are
to reeeive 30 cents an hour; and man
and team 50 teats an hour. The re-
duction is to date from February 1.
The only exception was the firemen's
pay, which is to remain the same.
Tractor Factory Quits
Any visions that were entertained
oi Kincardine becoming the centre of
the tractor Manufacturing industry
were ally dissolved when officials
of the Sleeth Machine Works, Limit -
d, banded over to the town solicitor
the keys to the building which they
4had taken to be the home of the in -
schooled pupils and furthermore, a shies and luxuries for his tamny bY • Professor Would Take elustry.
Negotiations for the plant locating
in Kincardine were opened on June
21. Since that time many events oc-
cured. being ;climaxed with thecom-
patty's default of rental payments to
the town. From the time the idea
was promulgated advances were made
1 company officials, led by Mr,
Sleeth and Mr. Tomlinson, of Brant-
ford, to the members of the town
Icouncil.--Kincardine Review -Report-
• great many of the best teachers in working only three or four days a i Laurels Ft -ori Ericsson
• Toronto received their schooling, and week.- I Another patriotic myth has been
early training in places outside of it is our hope that when ibese fereed to lower its colors in the face
Toronto. Technocrats get their system ready , of careful historical research, 'writes
The Board of Education might bet- and it starts to function that they i V- am F. Ree In a Boston
ter have decided to state that only have not overlooked the newspaper- The popular conceit that the United
Toronto teachers need apply and let man. states led the rest of the world le the
• '
ietroduedon of Ironclad warships and
• it go at that. However, it looke to * * * * that the dramate combat between the
ns as though this edict will be a loss What a Winter! Down near Guelph , Monitor and the Merrimac began this
to Toronto as it will have the effea they bare been threshing in the fields I revolution ha naval architecture whieh
of stopping experienced teachers ape and numerous reports of winter plow- t transformed navies the word ever.
plying there for positions. ino have been received. Sc far. we ; receives no emantesenee from Prof.
icking fessor of history at Harvard end
* * * * have not heaid of anyone
hill BaZter, assistant pro -
James P ney
ABUSE 0•F RELIEF FUNDS oranges at the Sault •1 master of the seventh house to be Thirteen
Several cases have come to light * * * *
sion of Ontario. It is making real!
progress with his wonderful cliscov-
erYo—Milsitnay ?..__azette.
Left Mourners Behind
Charlie Koo, who has been run-
ning the Rido cafe for over a year,
slipped quietly out of town last week
without bidding all his friends good-
bye. He sent the key of bis vete to
Lawyer Fingland, telling him. to sell
the contents and pay as far as funds
would go, but, unforeately, the don-
tents are not numerous enough nor
vaable enough to go very far to-
ward liquidating the debts incurred.
On coming to Clinton ;Considerable
money was spent in fitting up the
restaurant interior and it was sup-
posed that he had good backing and
would be a permanent resident, but
the threes were too hard for Charlie
no donbt. Those bright windows and
that randy sign are missed, on main
street these evenings.--Clintion News -
Gas Thieves Make Attempt
Late oli Sunday evening a car was
ruaticed at the gas tank of Wilson's,
Ripley. Constable Tattersall became
suspicious of the actions of those who
were with the car and was about to
investigate, when they made a hr -
lied getaway, throwing the gas hose to the ground. This is not the first
time that gas tanks in this village
have been tampered with and some
time there will be a capture which
may reveal a surprise to our citizens.
--Ripley Express.
Strange Weather
This is a strange 'winter so far
One never knows whether tomorrow
he shoed prepare to wear a fur coat,
buttoned up over his ears or go in
his shirt ,sleeves. Some farniers are
still plowing and reports state that
• -
some people are still going fishing.—
lately where the use of relief is bad- The latest safety idea is that horns 1 bun"Tthime dderramHaaryticTu;slilitieews olif"thseisPdiaZt Maybe this in an indication of im-
proved business, too. On Friday,
Forest Free Pre.
1 abused.•Probably the most seri- be loff. m
eftmotor cars. Inst how we fight between Ironelads have led
II January 13, a local merchant made a la -ellen, Electric Ecittipment
• ff ts of the battles of Hampton deposit on his account in, one of the West Luther Farm
ous of these eases took place at Sten-- will entertain the children while we , Amerlw..ns ever snee
geon Falls, where horsew
s ere on re- shop would then becmm
oe a proble. •
1 Roads;" Professor Baxter says. °ATI bank.s. Adding it up, be fundthat
West Luther can boast what is
lief, people cashed relief orders for * * * examination of manuscript material the amount be was sending to the
•money, rents were paid in full by After reading many articles favor- ! in Paris, London and WnsbIng!p43 probably the most completely equip -
manipulation, and even town c•fficials ing inflation and many arguments i shows clearly that Franee, not tbe bank was .S.I.S.13. At mt,
would be glad if their deposit was as
3112113' ped farm from the standpoint of el-
ectrical appliances in the county. It
were paid out of relief funds. against such action we have decided! rnited States, played theleadine.,role large.—Kincarditie Review -Reporter. is the farm of Messrs. J. C. and Chas.
It is truly a shame that such i that we better let Antes 'n'Andy 1 In the ha ' iro el‘d "
Boulding. Last week an electric
should be the case as the cost of re- .c.,r -Eddie Cantor- decide which is r'errsi.t News- Telescope Subscribes to Fund for
chum was added to the already ,ex -
lief is so great that it is a burden best. Drunken. Spree by Transients• tensive •equipment which is proving
on the taxpayers. The fact that re- t * * *
lief is necessary is granted and has A wrestling match in Toronto was'!
to be faced and the governments of ;broken up when someone threw a
this country are paying two-thirds of !flashlight into the ring. Too rrate-h!
the cost. but there is no reason to f light is apt to spoil many things.
become careless in the administration * *
of relief funds by municipalities be- f An audit of the records cf the city
cause they are assisted by the Gov- -tax office. Stratford, reve-aled a de-;
eminent • After all, we have to pay twit of over MOO. Municipalities
our share in the end by a different :hat have trustworthy. efficient offic-
tax than municipal. ias should be grateful that they are
set the officials ef the go-ye-mm:1: on
Abeses like the above are bound te se blessed.
* * *
their ontird and have a tendeney t. People who are following the evi-
leesen tilde shale f fitie expcndiutre. dence in the Stubbs Inquiry in Win -
If this happened it weeld create a nip- g are beeinning to think he is!
tretter.dous burden on most every the Irian whe put the stub in steb-
inunicipalitz.- in the province. born.
Feertunately, abuse- of relief r. -u- * * * *
Intions. have been ceenparatit•ely few. A re,osaet. frcni "Our Ines.; eeac-
GoTernare Conferences
The factors which brotight abont
the establishment of the governors'
conference were the growing central-
ization at power at Washington. the
shifting, uncertain sosecus of =TVs
reehts. and the luck of indform laws.
The firet meeting was held at ati.
i'Vbite House in 19D:O. It was coned
by President Rozeeevelt. and the prim
eipel subjeet considered was the con-
serve -tam f narmal resonrees. Tbe
if the glevernore etrafer
.'n are effit.ially declared to be:
F7.112.D.,ge C'er views end erperlenees
seile,leets :of ,general itriptertenee to the
people of the several ste,-.•-s. tlee: pro-
mo:eon of erenter Inffer. • -tete
azd "Oe 5 e-ar
irett-er efieriene,y m state aenunistne
. From Pers°nsi.. exPeraellee• the pub -a source of real satisfaction. Last
liSher of the Telescope again is qual- summer a large •electric reltigerafor
ilied to warn people against
r°Tid- was installed and earlier in the er.r
ing strangers with -money, ,even if
they give indications of having seen
lbetter days and, if industrial •cenadi-
tions were different, i.vonld be well
" the summer. Setting eggs in ,janna.ry
This time., from cur hard -earn -ed senneled-to -us like a sign of early
scarce cash, we subscribed to a fund. spring, but Mr. Bonldi rig assures us
'that -a"..tc-'1:1".4.7 to 1 -hies FeTgnsc'ne that stitch is not .the case. February
able to take caee themselves
an electric incinhator with a capa-city
of 5,3'76 eggs. This incubator -was
started recently for the first time this'
year and wil lcontinue hatching- until'
helped. to nroride a jug of wine, and .
_ chicle are always in demand, wheth-
that, mimed with rubbing alcohol, "O(' ecl the season be early or late.—Ar-
give it a kick" acedunes for three thug Enterprise -News.
ei the road" doing time for
a drunken spree, and a feature of the Robbed Cash Register
circumstances was that one of ibe Gaining atliaissirai by forcing a
yareekless strangers had a narram" es- rear door of Kidd 8: Rnppers. 'hutch -
cape frern being, rue down last Fri- er shop last Friday night, thieves
;day afternocea by a C.INT.R. -train—stole some $16...00 in cnange from the
and great care has been exercised in joie: Kaiser and King" was read to Cenu-actcr's Luck iWalkert: n Teieecope. cash register. A tool was used to
the giving of relief. No person e Liege gathering of devotees of . c,,,t,Novnian conlne.-10; tux believes t • force the ,register, but unnecessarily,
should be •allowed tel suffer, but a einenarchisin in Germany last week. ''''.51 Tee Cll SSIVII'llr. -"Olold ie. 141"htne, :Akill ,Fir,Ffer -Laeo.-aeed
preeper thedc .relief given should former Kaiser of Ge...nriany, des- -ofel toelt a Job -r-» "-- 1.1r, Clarene•e Matviiirmey, son of
be made so that --------------thipite banishrnent and c‘Id AZM has , thnhers fr€4.en Art nlinnflet3ed mlftlf't 1
kept within henndS. • laepe, e! A ..rnT:41 111-11TP fhfill
far, lkkineeiams re e prt. • • i-: 're e
as it •was not locked. It looked as if
the Sob was done by someone fauil-
!Mr. Mawhinney of town, While •
prw tar 'with the interior of the store, but
operating a tuonip pl.iper on the lam-
• eee^:Pli fli3.1 it :1"^pf4firt".. he :yes nofar the police have not found the
' f -•bleene se. * * et, to, +rail ) "
' farm formerly the old Rosewell culptit—Listowel Banner.
have been handled in a very sane The it mber irolastrY 'ritish•• frose ;property 12 miles west of 'Weikel --
manner arid if all -relief comnaittees Cohembia totet'cts sell 150-01)0.000 „et 4-17, leeft. SaP•kr," ere renitlel r -ton. on Satnrday afternoon, attempt -
and, councils ivt-arl (I, likewise feet of lumber ir. the British market . seretorenlIF Ter,re'v'ilf`"1 f 'ere t''y led to pnsit down with his left hand
a turnip that became. ereiclo when the
morild save the conn.try a erent deal this year. Apparently Rnssia did net leo') ereeler" ir te..e I nem dee..4 The
ok ineney. i.et all of this market. • ee wee Szi,17.3f4 ?yr 11177-rA
' eoritraet termed wrist on,e, os
inavammosinmsEnassalsomi the most prieeteble he ever had,
rec."em anti the .renrrnetor snys
att Lamps
Cret. rd
ig am les
commis ioN
Phatipe ISS.
infiddle finger came in contact with
1the knives, cutting the digit to the
lbone and badly larerating the flesh.
—17Calke.11071 H er-al d-Timee.
StnniVine All IDa7 )Spring?
t Aix-lest-Ioeii'5 tie -re is to he seen i
• e.
r $•1 e.11.161-: toile:mg welch has
evlisit the eppeeranee of a rather
ennetrneted pagodri with I
• n tOrriene pereliel ',mon its top. It
easr Ver the benef.t of invalids
;Isle the Pines. henith-re-
eerie.; totalities. The upper pert of
1u11.61ng revolves !23 order that the
"e•rsers Iri 11 nay seregre the greatest
1t4anerant of sunshine.. If the
• et!, slenes, the 1:111%.0.!.1is =DreopyIng. the
ee,:es ECM' 'Pnal-43 to get the benefit
its rays or the entire day.
Mrs. T. Patterson fennel a number
oi' tulips in her garden on Thu:sae:re
which, were scene :1-11.-E' f_tr six. inches
'lie leeiglit Th, rain fell NVidnesday
night moth as h tvould in April, and
Tioirselay was as fine a balmy day as
ere- tnld and any time in the year.
" ,
iNeveretheless, the calendar sa•yes. it
is the ret.,tetli of Jannary. --- S'eafortli
I;lelneon 'Expo:sitter.
win Visit Grain Exhihifon
Several Carrick fartnris are making,
;preparations 1i-,-; attend and exhibit at
edie 14 erlds- Grain E.:J.:felt ,..n and
'Cenferenre at Regina next Jtily, Car -
rid: has a e•roup of grain growers
!that have been corripetinte, steecessfnl-
ily. Tf.ceret e ears agairs.t the contin-
I ent's best nreedric era, The prides of-
1.ion!.1 tit ti...5 Regina Fair will likely t
1 " 1 .
tett,att e.x.eibiters freni all parts of
!the Wil,r1r1, In 'five mheat Classes a
f 1...ial ef $5,600 is effered in each, the
first orire being $2.1ii.1) and the 2;Stft
i:,ri 2 f2. $25.01.). Milcirrnay Gazette.
1- etrionstrating New Invests
1 Mr. Francis, Ft-riy has been brisS
idol -4,1g t.he past few weelts demon-
Istre.ting bis new invention for the
Imireless transtuissien of electric cur-
•rt.r.t. He gave a derrionetratiora last
! ix eel: 1! en gin t? E'TS yOi iht.; Calla diem
I , e
Genetial Eletere Company Ltd at
s .
.Torenlo rend is now ee*paring 1,0 CX-•
113E xiffiaty ini his irivention. to
::,t, liydrii-Eler.trie Power Commis-,
Flares !teen Cf Peaieleets
..et the fish he-teherles el' tLe ITielt
ene-tleeir•i" fish, hert in the rearing '
i are eti tight e,:el r];lied of their :.
.ers deri.ng see',5-trehig seeson. The
5.15 n;b11tts t1 ere pleesel' itt
!ees -al out ff.4•13.) tet the, genre
;et?, 'eeeter .1,e1r1.)74iltre:
ieteeee tile peels end e.erefee
atd ...ley, 'eften ,
7 or flare fligetsel -;ernerd ietifinst
.and to ell -rate toesezts.
?la Tfene to V.7aetio
'The inseeefif.e vas rut:, up
I P., 1'4 a;t1 s115-
,‘ • tey• tlee "plienelf-
e, e ty6.1..elfe volee.4.`lrhe
-Ot! .. •
For 30 cents
you can telephone
100 miles
by making an "any-
one" call (station -
to -station) after 8.30
p.m. See list of rates
in front of directory.
Joe Griffin and his wife had doubts
about letting the children go to
school that morning. • Every sign
pointed to a blizzard and sure
enough, about two o'clock, it broke.
A terrible storm.
Joe was terribly worried and so
was his wife. Then he thought of
the telephone. He called Jim Stokes,
who lives just down the road from
the school and asked him to watch
for the children.
Twenty minutes later Jim called
back. He had the children in his
kitchen, safe and warm. "I'm cer-
tainly thankfulwe've got a tele-
phone," Joe said. 'We
couldn't do without
it," his wife agreed.
is surprisingly inexpensive
Atwood Jewelry Store is Entered checker board and a glistening saw.
wood jewelry store, reported tothe He had been reading knightly ro-
provincial police on Thursday of last mances and grew dissatisfied with the
wee kthat someone had entered his present unromantic state of the
store Tuesday night and had stolen !world. He believed it his duty to
several yabiable watches and some 'inject some romance into the daily
money.—Listowel Standard, grind.
On a rainy, muddy day he sallied
!Luck? forth to perform sortie knightly er-
1 Manager Smith, of the Seaforth rand. He saw a pretty girl about to
Beavers, will have reason to rernem-; step from her car on to the dirty
ber Friday, January 13. On the way pavement. Hastening forward he
home from Goderich where the Beat-- spread his coat under her dainty lit-
ers were defeated, a tire went flat on tle feet.
his car. He put on the spare, start- She looked at him in surprise.
ed off again and shortly after ran "Well, of all the darned fools!" she
over two jack rabbits which were ly- exclaimed.
ing on the road. Two minutes later
he had another flat Imagine his sur- She—"Wis the sairmon guidr
• prise an taldng off the tire to find it He—"Aye."
had been punctured by a bone from She—"Whit wis it aboot?"
J. j. Johnson, proprietor of an At -
the rabbit—Huron Expositor.
He ---"Sin."
She—"And whit did the meenister
One of our contempories says there say aboot it?'
is a difference between - a grimy He—"Oh, he Wis against it."
11E , Ne.A3 IA13ST PasvAve
e '13
Wit.1.14.INVE. E GREAMETT REV -Pet!' VOR "TKE 'TP.1)-TE.k
ee:•AS IS GOel blalGte klerf
1\1\f'stl- NEVER A CENT' 'F
. ER
—VE1, :LitERA't