The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-01-26, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. Single 'Copies Five Cents ,WINGHAM, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1933 Subscriptiont $2,00Per Yea .JAS. BALLANTYNE ELECTED WARDEN The Huron County Council for '33 '.held their inaugural meeting in God- erich on Tuesday of this week, The first order of business before ' this session was the election of the War- elen for 1933,, and this honor was con ,ferred, on James Ballantyne, Reeve of Usborne. .LOCAL AND PERSONAL Shoes and Rubbers repaired satis- riactorily at Gr•eer's Shoe Store. Mr. Roland Hough of Toronto was tin, town cal business last week, Mr, Sam Young, of Guelph, was a 'visitor in town :over the weelc-enol. lvti•. A. E. Lloyd has been in, 'Tor- Tonto on business for the past week. _Mr. H ,B, Elliott was in Brantford "the early part of the week on busi ess. Stop! for Shoe Repairs at Grer's Shoe Store; Their work will please ,you. Mrs. Geo. T. Robertson, visited last -week with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Hop- per, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. R. Spittall vis- ilted. in Toronto and Longbranch ov •ter the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. Elyrer Tiffin and family have moved back to Wingham .from Whitechurch, Mr..Robt, VanNorman of Espanola, as visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr.. Chas. VanNorman. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford and :baby; visited with. his parents in :Brampton- over the weekend. Mrs. Alex. Davidson and her son, Charles, : of Hannon, visited with £i iends in town over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. A. Irwin and baby, were guests of Mrs. Irwin's sister, Mrs. J. R. Little, Oakville, over the -week-end. Mr. H. C. MacLean is attending. -the convention of the Canadian Manufacturer's Association in Haniil- Dtdn this week. ' TURNJE CUL' Richard Fall F The 'ann berry- Agri in the To noon, who rotary and- and nd acid officer year. The best years the. grea.te largest nu iety have which to s The date be Octobe officers re The office filled,' A. er, deelinir changes in are as folio Vice Pres,, Cruickshanl actors, Geo ter, David George Or L. McEwei Robertson; Brandon, pie, Andr Wellings, J Chas, Carte Henry,. Me shank, Joh E. S. Cope McKibbon, Beecroft, op; Lady ic.ers, direc tors. It was de Club in 193 PUBLI.0 BO J. M. Gr Coinniitti Mr. Allison Currie, of Guelph Ag- The Inau Ticnitural College, visited over the tic School -week-end with his parents, Rev. L. Board Root R. and Mrs. Currie, Wednesday Mr ,and Mrs: James Findlater, Mrs. All inenl newly e w elec y Stuart Gordon and Miss Celia Van - Norman, all of Toronto, visited their declar friends in Win hang on Sunday.ham was g:Board for 1 Special Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Minutes Corn Syrup Syrup 29c 5 ib, pail; Salada Tea -45c lbs., :23c lb.; Clark's Pork & Ing were re Means 11c large tin; Oxydol, 2 large: Of Trustees I Iablcirk. pkgs. 35c; Pearl Soap, 10 bars 29c;' The folk 'Silver Ribbon Tomato Juice l0c large, tin; Crosse & 'Blackwell's Marmalade was prase, Booth and, :32 oz, jar 25c, Dominion Stores, of Trustees Armitage,. Hockey Thursday Niglit Fit The fans are in for a . Hockey, treat •on Thursday evening, when Kitchell - Leg. on hag er Wentwortlls,`leaders in the Kitch-. LEg: Grant •finer City League, will play the local • tions of g School Tax 'team at the Arena. The game is call- e d for 8.15 sharp, and there will'be (Cont skating after the game: Lance Brown a local boy, plays for the Kitchener Attending team, and is doing real well. This Mayor :game should be' as fast as has been sioner W. played here in some time. Do not onto on Tu aniss it, tend the an icipal Elect Heavy Winds Do Little Damage Underwent The wind she blew a hurricane last Thursday, but little damage ;was. re_ 1.i. John a patient in -ported in this district. A tree back,;I, of the Post Office was blown down, of onto lot deiwent at but it luckily fell so that no property was damaged. A farmer•from Mor - speedy many speedy roc ris Township, had'the top -blown off his car, but it did not cause any fur- Leaving fo - her accident, The shed on the' back Dr, and o f'Dd. Ross' hoose was blown off by on Februai the wind, The raids and high wind West Theo during this month are surely making the Caned; this January, a novelty and keep tis Bermuda,:13 from envying. our friends, A. M. ton, Jamie, Crawford and C. I', Smith, .who are enjoying the sunny weather in sup Pupils Get posed warmer climes. The papi given a hot' clay of this BADMINTON CLUE Miss P. Jo ,HOLDr•�+,�•�� p EY was suffici TOURNEY ON to school f WEDNESDAY NIGHT Returned London Ii The T�iticarditte Badminton Club London will w be here 'Wedncstlay.itig'Irt (this Henry R 'week) to 'playa tournament with the Thursday local Garrison Badminton Club. 'Phis Harry, who • rs 'the first tourney to be held here t'oicls sliottl ;h tis season -arid the local players es- has been Poet to give a good account of them- friends wit selves, now reeove ERRY AGRI- TURAL SOCIIr'F°Y HAD GOOD YEAR --- — Wilton air st tart tg r, Frani e•w 1 W. Directors; s, curial overt', r 'y es ria Ciltly Horne Cas incl � BAND BENEFIT EU- CHRE AND DANCE WELL ATTENDED ST. ANDREW'S CHUROI-1 ANNUAL MEETING SWINE DEMONSTRA- TION CARE HERE ON FEBRUARY 10 CLINTON DOCTOR DIED VERY SUDDENLY FROM HEART ATTACK 1NEAR DROWNI IN THE MA Reports for Year Presented and Congregation Look Forward With Confidence, �,� annual meeting of St, And- r ew s Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday evening in the SuiidaY School room of the church. A splen- did turnout of members of the con- gregation- were ,present. After a devotional service by Rev.'Ken- rieth; MacLean ,'Mr. H. C. MacLean was elected chairman of the meeting: ,, : the Session reported that 33 new ars were received 'into fellow- shipwith the church, 21 byrotes- ' P si0n of faith' and ten by certificate. Seven members were removed by death a. d fourteen b certificate.: The n, ?' memberShip dt the cloof theyearon mernb s p se was 407, being an increase of twelve over the previous year, The report given by NIT, A. Poslifl, the .treasurer, showed an overdraft for the ear of 961: (7 of which $427.- Y $ 09 was carri4d over from the prev- caul year: The total receipts for 1932 from Envelope contribution, plate contribution,; Step Forward Move- ment and of the various organizations the church were $8028:57, an in- c' crease of $242.26 ,over the year 1931. But due to heavy insurance payments and $486; which was for the Step For- ward Movement and the large am -a Dunt of money contributed that wasWingham; forwarded for'iMissions the above de- , . licit occurred. The total receipts for Current Expense was $4118,94 and the Expenditure, including 1931 over- draft was $5080:71. The reports': of the various organi- zations were Most encouraging. The Women's Missionar Societ liad to Y y recei is of 604.84 of which 525rdence: P $ was forwarded to the Presbyterial Treasurer and $25.55 for Glad Tid- ings. The Sunday School had an av- 'erage attenadnce of 115 out of an en- rolment of 17 ,and the work in this department' ha been highly satisfac-Talk tory: TheLadfes Aid Society report showed receipts of $462.26. During. the year theyundertook the dccora- tion of the Sunda School Room and Y other helpful work and have on hand a balance •of $235,96, The Westminster Guild have had a i rl�ost satisfactory year giving to fhe Church Budget $80.00, $30 more than last year. Tire Happy Gleaners' Mis lion Band and the Goforth Mission Band had a very: active year in 1932, the former remitting to the Presby_ terian Treasurer 35,58 and the latter $ having offerings of $57,00. Mr•, D. Rae was appointedJan, to the, Board of Managers replacing Mr, A. Tipling, who passed away during the y ear, W H:, Haney, J. W. Hanna, H,'C, MacLean, J. Pugh and W. Rob- ertson were re-elected to the Board of Managers for a period of three years. The Audtiors appointed were H. B. Elliott and R. H. Lloyd, Mr. KingtotheTii - T, C. was elected i s tee: Board to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Win Isbistee,Harristott, Following the business meeting a short program was presented by the Sunday School OrElrestia: duet by J. McKibbon and Alvin Hammond, vi- olin solo by G. A. Schatte and a solo by Miss M. MacDonald. The Aid of the Church ser- C vela delightful lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee, Brothers Fall Through Skating; Rescued by Esselford and Stanley Sons of Mi and Mrs. [i arson in a • , of W �;h, m,.tian ed dro itin� on n w WGd noon,.when they broke zee, while skatr.ng on tl , River, near the dam at 1 Esselford, the old . first,'but managed to k tip by hanging on to th his younger. brothel went cue. He also broke thrott = aged to get out: "Their • noticed from the C. P. R. help vas , summoned, bu near the river managed to fortunate lad out with a was in the icy water abo and appears to b PP worse for his experience. , Re-elected President Dates, October 6; 7 ' The Council Chambers 'were x C UtaxedThe to capacity by life crowd that attend- eel the Band Benifit Euchre and dance. Twenty eight tables enjoyed euchre daring the early part of the. evening, Mrs,' Harry Browne won the ladies Yfrom prize and George Day captured the men's prize. Following the euchre g'raising a dainty lunch was served and for the balance of the evening old and new tithe dancingwas enjo ed .to music j Y played byJack `Carr's orchestra as- T silted by G. .�i. Schautte,' local Band- master, who played the violin for the old time dancing, _, the committee in charge of the evening's entertainment were much pleased with: the success of the even- i , i trigs entertainment and will have $31.84 to place in the Band's Trees- iiry, Provincial Department of Ag - i iculture announces that they are sen- ding a demonstration car to Wing- haul, on Friday, Feb. 10th. It will be stationed on the C. N. R, tracks 1.30 to 5 p.rri. The deiiionstra tion will be confined to the breeding and of swine, andlecturers in w i , .t sevening, charge of the exhibit willexplain anyhaat. b P cjuestiori that visitors care to ask. All varieties of swine and feed will be . exhibited on the ear, The program ill be as follows: g w w " 1,30—Ins action of exhibits. 1.80—Inspection P • 2.15—Carcass demonstration, •covered 2.40—Bacon hog deinonstratron, 2:55—The brood sow. .3.05—Lecture ar' p ashes. 3.25—Feed and management, 3:40—Inspection of ehibits. The car will.be at Mildmay, Jana 31st, from 9 to 12 a.m:, on the C: N. R. track's, The program will be as follows;' 9.00—Inspection of exhibits. g,45 -Carcass deilionstratiori. 16,10—Bacon hog demonstration. 10.25—The .brood sow. 10.35—Lecture on parasites. 10:55 -Feed -and management. 11.10 -Inspection of exhibits: Dr. j, C. Gancliex Was Well Known Locally 1The nal meeting of the Turn- cultural t tural Society, was held Nn Hall on Friday after- n the reports of the Sec 'treasurer.` were presented, s elected' for the ensuing, ''short society, enjoyed one `of the in its history; having had gate receipts and , the mbar of entries.' The Soc- t 'substantial balancewith the new year. s for the fair this year will r .6 and 7. The slate of nains virtually the same, of treasurer liar not been I. Bishop, former treasur_ P, the office, with `a few the -,directors, the officers ws: Pres,, Richard' Wilton; R. J. Currie and George g• c; Sec,, W. J, Greer; Dir- rge Coulter, Robert Cou1= Fortune, W. A. McGill, vis, Thomas Moore, John Frank Thompson, Adam Associate Directors, Jos.of Henry,. John Gilles- McDougall, William ohn Taylor, I. J. Wright, r R. L. Proctor Maitland Dille Taylor, y ay or, Ben Ciuick i Wright, Alien Campbell, land A. > J: Walker; J. W. Jas, McTavish, Dustin R. Burchill, A. M. Dish- the wives of off- tors and associate direr tided to carry on the Calf 3tai Se" -ed with a h t Seized In cart attack Or. J. C. Gandier well-known surgeon of Olin- ' g distance' from his home on Saturday;, ton- ase = v passed d au a suddenly a short • Dr. Gandier started m his car to answer a call and when a short distance from his home he a arent- e P ly felt the' attack coming on as he stopped hi car on the side of the foal, opened the car door, "stepped out and collapsed.; His 'body was lis- U passersby lying on' he y p y y gt street beside the car. The late Joseph Charles Gandier, M.D., was born at Colounge, Quebec, February 10, 1881, and was in hisnrtes 53rd' ear. ,,_His y parents •a ere the late Rev j'oseph Gaudier;; a minister of the Presbyterian h y an (; arch, and Helen (Eastwood) Gandier, his wife of wham .he was the youngest son. He as. educated the w ated in t e public and sec- ondary schools of his native place and , hilar graduated as B.A. from Queen's University, Kingston, `obtaining- his degree in medicine at University of Toronto, In 1899 he came to Clinton and was associated with the late Dr, Wm. Gunn in surgery, and `general On Sept. 3,1913,he mar- Tied Constance Harriott Christian, daughter of the late William and Mrs. Christian; of Toronto, and sister of Dr: Christian, of London, by whom' he is survived, Surviving also are two brothers, Ernest Gandier, Newburgh, Ont,, and Dr, George Gandier„Dart N.S. A brother, Rev, Dr, Crandier, principal of Ino c College,Saunders, p died suddenly one year ago. There are four sisters, ]Misses Anna and Lillith Gandier and Mrs. j, M Thompson Napanee and Lady Fal- toner, wife of Sir Robert Falconer, retired president of University of To- ri oto.. A family of four children al- so survive. They are Joseph, a stu- at the college of practical ser- eilce, Toronto, Harriott, Robert and Helen, students at Clinton. The funeral was ]geld on Tuesday afternoon from his late residence un- der the auspices of Clinton Lodge A. F. t� r1.i\L. No. 84, G.R.C., of which he lvas 'a member. Interment ryas made in Clinton Cemetery. OBITUARY EI G TUAR ' Mrs, William ,Baptist,. .. ten . 1+riday ,evening following an illiness of two years Ruth' Ann Hay- ' nes, one of the pioneer women of this district passed away peacefully at the home of her son-in-law Alvin ; . • - I. Orvis Victoria Street. Deceased was born in the township of Culross, . April 9th, 1860, and at the rage ,of 26 Years inai Tied Thomas J. Dowse who, died ,1900: In 1906 she was married to William Baptist, who passed away seven years later, Since the death of. • her second husband 18 years ago, she has been a resident of Wingham. She leaves to mourn her loss one son, Howard of Washington Ont, (near Bright) and three daughters, .Mrs, g )' g Arthur Edgar of Morris 'township, Mrs. A. P. Orvisand Mrs. Alfred 1ockridge of Wingham, all children by her first marritge, also one bio- ther Albert of Teeswater and one sister, Mrs, James Miller of Gordon Lake,;Algoma, 'and ten grandchild ren A private' service"was conditctect at the home of her son-in-law, Alvin I'. Orvi.s, on Monday 'at 2 p. in, after which a service was held in the Unit- eel Church of which she was a memb er. Rev. L. H. Currie officiated at the � services. The Pallbeai•s . were: A. Shield George Orvis, George Wraith, W. H. Gurney, Geo. T. Robertson and How- and Fuller.. Interment tool,, place in the Win haul_ Cetneter g Y Mrs, Elizabeth Bs Elizabeth Grace Thome o£ the late Charles Be; away in Turriberry on ' Jana 18th, in her 84th Yr( . number of years she has I to get about and made with her daughter, Mrs. Coy, on the B. line. Su three sons,Thomas and William, of Bre fear daughters; Mrs. Char of Brantford, Mrs: Albert Toronto, Mrs, M. McCoy . Elizabeth Jenkins, of Wir one brother, James Poorer don and one sister, Mr ' of Exeter. The funeral was held fro . of her daughter, I ' McCoy, B. line, Turnberi day afternoon. Rev. E. C. tor of John St Baptist C: ducted the service. Into made in Wingham Cemete OVER 19 B.P.practice. St. Pauls Church will broadcast a "Vesper Vesper Service at 4,15 on Sunday next as in. Prayer Book. Organ Prelude: Hymns: Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us. 530.mouth, 0,for a Faith that ill not shrink w 565. Take my life and let it be copse- crated Lord, to Thee, 621. Anthems:' The Lord is Loving, Caleb Semper. 0 Lord, How Manifold are Thy Works, Lincoln Hill on "Charles Dickens", by Mr. A. L. Posllff. •dent SCHOOL' ARD INAUG- URAL MEETING, aham elected Chairman es'Selected.and Offices Appointed g aril Meetingof the Pub- Board was held in the n at the Public School on evening January 18th, bar es s �ti er resent. The. P ted members completed anon of office. J. M. Gra :leered Chairman of the .933 by acclamation. >f the 1933 inuguralZneet- ad and adopted 011 motion R' H. Lloyd and O, y J' >win finanical statement g .ted by Sec -Tres: W. T. was accepted on notion W. F. Burgnian and C. B. faucial 'Statement Receipts ll Jan, 1st, 1932 $ 269.00 without deduce �t nlli i 's s para tat of 1955.70 Levy 9356.48 on Page Five Paul Earle-Sinelt Paul Earle Smeltzer, o er B.C, second eldest son , , Joseph Smeltzer, Sask., passed away quiet day, Jan, 13th, in the Van eral Hospital, following a some weeks,after an o P e He had been in Vancou past five years; and tivas in health. Paul was born at tario, and was 29 years is survived by leis lathe three brothers and three s Temple, of Amulet, Char gins, and Arthur, Borden, Ruby at home. The bodyrests at Val C•, where the funeral too Monday-, Jan. 16th. 'Paul's his cousin, Mrs. Neta Ma couver, were the only clot present when he passed 'EMMrs, SWEEP UP The Western Ontario Curling Bon- spiel will be helot in Wingham Wed neslav andThursday, ebruar 1 - Y, 1' Y st and incl. sponsored by the, local Curl- frig flub. There will be three events and 6 sets of prizes. The Bons rel t P committee are expecting a record en- try, L•nterics will be received by T.H. Gibson Box 134, or Phone 145, Win- g barn upto 10 P. M. on TuesdayThe 31st. It is hoped that the weather man P will change his ways of this last week a and that the ice surface will be in Al condition., , Womens Institute Meeting On Thursday Afternoon = regular monthly meeting- of the Women's Institute will be held ill the Council Chamber on • Thursday afternoon, Jan. 26th, at 2,30 o'clock. Hostesses of the meeting will be the following latices: firs, Thos. Bower r .i S is e - Mrs. James Isard, Mrs, Robt. Jack- son, and Miss Bella Wilson. Ploughing in January g g J y A great many of the farmers are _ takint, advantage of the mild weath- ed to do some ploughing. Ploughing at this time of the year in this tics- trict constitutes a record, so we are informed: If the weather man does fiat give us a blanket of snow and some colder weather the fall wheat crop is liable to be damaged; Arrested and Taken to Goderich Norman McNeil, of East Wawa- nosh, was arrested here on Friday of la:�it ti�=cele, but considerable difficulty was experienced in ettin • him down P g R the stairs in tine Town Hall to the •• jail: 1t took Chief Allen and five other stalwarts to accomplish this fiat. He was taken tel Gocterich on Frith • night anti. it is believed he y .' e' examined. ' oar of doc- 1 i by a b d tuns before his case will come before the magistrate, Legislature to Open Feb, 15th p , Premier G. S. Henry has announce ed that the Ontario Legislature will Open on Feb, 1 .5th, The Easter date has always pretty well gtiverned the opening and closing of the provinc- ia1. house, every effort being nude by the legislators to termi.nete business .•') +'tri •. ... Q`C 9"171"' hC`1q'Ii. before C. c od I r t ay. T a, t , p , t lr tse o )tiled arc Feliruary 10th and' of 1 prorogued n .March 30 rennin was r c g o g three days past l:a,si:et•. This was ,„. one break howe ei in agood man' Y years, ill the customary . re -Easter y 3 P er , ,future 1p1 or;,at,on pokey, Six to eight tt ceks , the t ! •f 1S rOr(lttlaty length of the Ontario 4 C."'' 1 Easter house .. C,iSr0r1, With i'a. to falling April 16t1i this ear ilio i,e i la 01 1 Y , li' e should be through with its 11181' torr 0 1 g •t c^.their nfi, ti to be; able to prorogue before g Good Fridav'. Mrs. E. W. Orvis There passed away at her home in Turnberr on Monday, MaryTervit y' daughter of the late George and Mary `Pewit, anti, beloved wife of E. W. Orvis. Born in Wa anosh.t1 oEast.w Mrs. Orvis had lived her entire life u1 this district ekcept for tiso years following her marriage, in October 1884, when she and her husband re- sided in Pickering. On their return Pickeringtheytook upfarming from o g •ill rurnberry and for the last num- tier of years have lived in retirement, Mrs, Orvis has been in poor health for the past three months, Last week she suffered a stroke and gradually became weaker, till death brought re- lief: She leaves to mourn her loss be- i George sides her husband, two sons, G g and Alvin, both of Wingham, also two brothers and'` three sisters, Geor- go, John and Mrs, A, Currie of Turn- herr Mrs. W. A. Currie Anel. Mrs. y> W. Adams of town. The funeral ser- vitt ryas conducted at her late reef- dance this Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. L. H. Currie; minister of the United l Church f which she was a Li iter C o - m •.int member. Interment took place in the Wingham cemetery, '- Money For Saler It is rather hard to get a laugh at hard times,but here is one which happened recently thio igh an error in the spelling of the words in an ad- vcrtiseinent, It was as follows: — "Money for sale, 5 lb, pail, 50c," — Listowel Standard, W A. of St, Paul's Church • Holds Meeting 'St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary held their first regular meeting of the sea- S to son on Thursday last at the rectory with a splendid attendance, The meetingwas opened with the presi- dent, Mrs. Allen, in charge and all present joining in repeating the nicrn- bars' prayer. Five . more members 1 y addedthe .oil and there be were ad. tot i business to transact theturned frig no o c bu to members proceeded to do the work arranged for them and at the same t i, !will time enjoy a social time together. Tea was served by Alrs. Hayes and the meeting closed by the president pro - non icing the benediction. Purchases More Equipmet Mr. F. F. Ho.niuth, Opti was in Toronto _ course of I,ect at'tencling a tonetry. While there he a the purchase of several ments which he intends to already well equipped r Room, Mr, Hoinutlr nevc chance to'improve his 01 ice" Uses His Radio as Short Earle- last friday morn A. Schatte was cxl7eriin his radio and 11e turned. fax toward acro as ptissib on the power. To he Beard an S.O.S. call code) cone through, Tl /\tlaritic orcin were just at that time and Mr, lis'vee he picl ed up the nal from one of these be A. E. Assoc: in Toronto re H. Willis and Commis- H. Gurney went to Tor- esday, where they will at- the + Waal- meeting of t c Mune Tic Association, Operation 1ocicrillge who has been St, Michael's , o. sital in OI gl • the past three week un -.I' P s, t operation on Tuesday. P Y friends will wish him a,other Trip to West Indies�the Mrs: Redmond are leaving 6th, for a trip to the oin • b Halifax and going Y tn National' steamship to 1 a lama Islands and Kings-' a, returning April 1st. Forced Holiday Is in the 1st Boole. were y on Mondayand Tues week dire to their teacher,. has being ill MissJohnsANDEUCHRE g , _ recovered to return Yg• or 'Wednesday classes, ' ' from , P ttal _ oss crit to London .last.. w , brought back 1115 son was q peratCtl on for MRS- 1 ... . •, , y before .Clurstnias, I3a;iiy sick Y.ery boy and his I l)glad to know he is e wMr., ring satisfactorly, Some !Pullet! 1 • Cunning- A pullet owned by �o pt, Ct g ham, of near Clifford disappeared 7 tvccics ago. A few days ago the own- et- noticed the head of the bird stick- = outof a hole in a box in the 1, q manger of one of the stalls in the bairn, The bird had crawled into a narrow space and was ridable to ex- tricate itself. It lead neither food icor water Burin the seven weeks. . g Now Li• ddy is on her old job as live- ly its. cvei•,- • Kelly Celebrate Mr. anti. Mrs. Alex. Their 55th Wedding Anniversary• Mr. and. Mrs Alexander Kelly cele- ,r bratecl their 55th wedding annivers- dry, 'Wednesday, Dec, 23, at the home of their cla�itgliter, 1�L1 s, I:t, R. :Mack, Sixth avenue east. ' In the evening relatives at rile 110ine for a happy' anniversary dinner. Mr. and V Kelly :ere married at. Win ham Mrs. �t g . . ., _• iantarlq, 'on December 28r 1.877, Both CS the . S0 merle and passed c year both are enjoying good. health. They Swift , - - have rived in Swift Current and lis ' l 1i: �` vC i'S —�� •if Cur- ti:ict for the <�t 19a , �w t Tient T-leraid, B,Y.P.U. Corning --•• Goderich 13,Y.P:U. tinct„ , c er capable preeidentship of 7Tr•. Attb icy Pettit, will pay <r visit to t he � � Y 1� in liani I;.Y.P.Li, on Monday ev- ening Jun. 30th, SUNDAY RADIO PROGRAMS MUCH ' D C:ELEI RATES IHiS 90th BIRTHDAY' A clttiet birthday celebration for Mr, Joseph P. Wellwood was held at J 1 the home of his chtughter, Mrs, John Falconer, Josephine sti eet Oil 'l ueS • - day,evenm On this his 90tH birth- Clay Mr, Wellwood, was remarkably c rw voelland brtglat for jus ativarlcecl y a s ,• r a.rlcl tie take much pleasure in wish- n1 him many happy p retains of his S y ritY , .. ' ' 1plitliClay, Mr. arilLrS. I zra - WellWOod and • family with whom Mt, and Mrs. were _ Well -wood, reside, trait :also present . for the � elebratlOiL � f t r cp e.elel'retion: HOSPITAL. BRI ,► CSE The Sunday Radio pro 1'.-rri'eaCCt.tlritt'''., LL 1 ! cure every week and tl1 tri be coil =rattilated cite its t, The program of Iocal talc day afternoon was a rat the radio fans will look S nitl'1 i1 Certs `” Sunday y Cc l the e • before bytil Of ! 4VC It Citizens I3anc1 and the Inc t ell Tei l < ca v • to so wa, v tt.t a � ' Tliose who so -:enerou g time and talent: cart . their efforts Were not in -- Th >' The Woman's Auxiliary to the General Hospital held a Birdge and 1 g Euchre in the C.OttrlCrl Clianbei• O.n ;fi :. Eighteen Tuesday afternoon. Elgliteen :tables prizes r ° enjoyed the play allll the p es w.x� ll prize, wort as follows:. 1St pr17"e, B11ClgC, Shave Mrs, .,slit. "Wil.otl, Consolation,. Mrs , , .,r (Dt.) I, L. Stewart, 1st prize Euchre •.lived �lrs. J. i:. Robinson,'RobertsonLone hands, � S Stewart Refreshments W: Sterw�. t, r arc sc:rwed at the Close of the iritmes. d MA'. Ice While 'ieighbors Henderson, Obert Hend- owly weep- esday after- tlirough the 1e Maitland ower Wing- er, went in eep Himself e ice while to the res - h, but man plight was Station and t neighbors get 'the tin - rope. He ut. ten min- e none the ik'er Toy; widow ker, passed Wednesday, lar, For a been unable her home Mabel Mc- rvi.ving are [Norman, of intford, and les Moison, Walker, of and Mrs. gham, also oy, of Lon - s. Hannah gym: the res- Vlrs, Mabel y, on Fri- Smith, pas- hurch, con- rment was ry, f Vancouv- of Mr. and o1 Amulet, ly on Fri- ouver Gen- n illness of ration. ver for the fairly good Iones, On - of age. He r, mother, isters, Mrs les of Re Anna and lcouver, B. k place on father and ckay, Van- e relatives away. it �lnetrist, of last week, ares in Op- ranged p. i -ranged for few Instru-, add, to. his :xaixiination. ✓ plisses a )tical Sere Wave Set ing. 'ti- G. enting. with the, Glial as lc and then his surprise (in Morse TIN • boats on in distress Schutte' be- disti•cti;i sig - )ate. ARE �JOYED grants Over largo audio o station is enterprize. tit last Sun-. e Sun - treat and forward to h program rani cpr g. Win � gain cW t,1� poral Quai•- ed. give sly rt- �epf est assured 1, t n tacit,