HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-01-19, Page 3orae Tidette ani Thurs,, January 19th, 1932 WROXETER Young .People's Society ' The regular meeting of the Young People's Society, United Church, was held onMonday evening with a good attendan`• , The meeting opened with hymn 254, after which Mr. Fin- lay lead in prayer, Business items were discussedand plans made for Mock Parliament ' which will com- ,hence nett Monday evening, It was decided to give the Mission Money on hand to the M & M. Fund of the Church. Responsive reading was lead by Agnes 'Durst. Miss Little. gave an interesting reading on the New Year, after which hymn 192 was sung, The Topic, on, .Assurance, was taken by Marjorie Paulin, Vera Durst, Marjorie Waller,. and Lily Waller sang 'a trio. Miss Davidson gave an address on the Manhood,of Christ. . All joined in singing hymn 884 and. the meeting closed by the Mizpah benediction. Inspector Houg made his usual vis- it to our is-it'toour continuation school en Wed- nesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Davidson: spent the week -end at her home in• Newton. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton visited friends at Fordwich on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Ruttan's many. friends •ar pleased to hear she is improving of ter being under the doctor's carefo the past few weeks. Mrs. Dan. McTavish is at presen visiting at the home of her broth: 6th con. of Turnberry. Mr, and Mrs. Archie .McDonald, o Grey Township, spent Sunday wit the latter's parents, .Mr, and Mrs Sangster. Those who were quarantined fo measles are able to be out again. The W. A. of the `United Churc will hold their January .meeting on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Miss Katie Waller leaves Thurs- day to take a position in Toronto. Mrs. G. D, Parks is recovering from a severe attack of "flu." The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be field in the Club rooms Thursday, Jan. 26th, at 3 p.m. Roll call, A Humorous Story. Mrs. H. Waller will give a talk on "A` Trip to the Homeland:" Please bring your cup, saucer and teaspoon. Mrs. L. Ruttan has been seriously ill during ntle past week, with 'a nurse in attendance. Rev. W. and Mrs. Finlay were Kincardine visitors on Wednesday. Guests over the week -end at the home of Mr: and Mrs. A. J Hooper were: Miss Blanche Hooper, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warwick, Mor- ris, Mn and Mrs. George Mee and Audrey, of Fordwich. Mr. and; Mrs. J. Mercer, Markdale, were Sunday guests at;the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. We are 'glad to ' know' that Mrs. Alvin Moffatt, and Miss Daisy Stocks who have been quite ill, are improv- ing 'nicely. Mrs. Robert'McLaughlin, who; is spending the winter season with her son, 'Mr, L, F. McLaughlin, in Osh- awa, is ill with the"flu." e r t r, f • h r' h F. F HOMUTH The — OPTOMETRIST WHO NEVER FAILS TO GIVE ,SATISFACTION Phone 118. HARRISTON Mrs, B, Smith,' of Stratford, was a Sunday geest at, the horse of Mr, and Mrs. J. N, Allen. Mr, and Mrs; T, G. Hemphill visit- ed friends at Hensall on Sunday. In last! week's issue we announced that the W. Patterson family were likely to move to Dundailc where Mr. Patterson is now employed. How- ever, there has been a change in the plans; and they expect to snake their, future home in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs, Patterson .and, faniily are splendid citizens and their removal from' the village will. be .mtztch regret- ted. Mrs. B. McTavish is spending some time at the home of her brother, P. MacDougall. Mr, Hocks spent the week -end at his home in Harriston. Mrs. T. Simson, Molesworth, is spending a week at the Wright and Green homes. Mr. and Mrs. Alkin Rann, Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann. Falls and Fractures Ribs While returning from a school board meeting Wednesdayevening, Mr.; Fred Davey fractured several ribs as the result of a fall on the ice. Club Meeting The Young People's Social Club met on Tuesday evening last with 19 members present. The evening was. spent in Bridge: Miss Little and Mr. Hucks had highest score,- A dainty lunch" was served at the close by Miss Laura Wright and Mr. Leslie Douglas, the committee in charge. Hockey Match A fairly large crowd was on hand for the postponed hockey match play- ed on Wednesday night, with Tees water the visiting team. At the end of the second period it looked as if the visitors had a walk -away, the score being 6-0, but in the Last per- iod the locals evened up somewhat. by scoring 5 goals to the visitors' 2, making the final score 8-5. Archie Edgar was referee: A.Y.P.A.. Hold Skating Party The Anglican Young People's As- sociation of St. James' Church, held a very •enjoyable skating party on Thursday night when they entertain- ed the Societies from, Gorrie and Fordwich. About 40 were present and after enjoying a skate all re- turned to the church, where games and contests were enjoyed, lunch be- ing served at the close by the local members. W. M. S. RECEIVE OFFICERS' REPORTS The January meeting of the W. M. S. .of the United Church, was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Gibson, Thursday afternoon with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Gibson presided ,opening the meeting with the New Year hymn "Standing at the Portal", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. She read a portion' of the third chapter of Phillippians, with partic- ular emphasis on the 14th verse "I press toward the . mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in. Christ Jesus" from which she drew thoughts of hope and inspiration for the New Year. The hymn "Breathe on me, breath of God" was sung and sen- tence prayers offered by Mesdames Wearringe Timm, Sanderson . and; Munro. Business items dealt with included the appointment 'of Mrs. S. McNau- renimmuunueminumunummunonnumme ■ ■ Maitland IN ennweemvensmaimilminionmmaxm OI Buyers Of 0 0 nd Poultry Ri Cream, Eggs N ▪ TIIE UNITED, FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE al ■ COMPANY, ham On W i1Rgtaario. Jr ! Phone 27 �eteeeteeee��ee,�ee�es■■ � _ _ e lrwe>l�el�eteeete Odd -'-- Sot True 4,I ATA SPEED OF SIXTY MILES PER HO•OR AN AUTOMOBILE' 14OO1.0' STRikE A STATIONARY OBJECT WITH THE SAME FORCE OP IMPACT IT WOULD HAVE IF DROPPED ERO MTHE Th q "TOP TWENTY BUil01 GRY 111 war• LYNN G gHTOxi CAVI NG k • ' MUSH RooMS HAVE SEEN DMCOVE RED 11•1 JAPAN �UI21N OF THE GERMA BROO► FRENC Gs% ,W!.!Illlll�u, l% - THE EARLY DAYS ORLD WAR TWO PLANES '.WERE: DOWN BY "IHE tr. Ryer• ,.�--�\�•9'?i .,ter., -1 �-���-�.-ci,�`. -". , J ---- --BY `THROWING BRICKS AT THEM it ' FIFTEEN PER GENT OF THE PEOPLE WORKING tN THE's "- UNITED STATES WEAR UNI FORKS ghton as secretary of Christian Stewardship and Finance. The annual reports of the year's activities were received and the roll call responded to by various sugges- tions for the year's programs. . After the singing of the W. M. S. hymn "In Christ there is no East nor West", a New Year's thought was conveyed by Mrs. S. McNaughton through the poem "God's Angels." Mrs. J. Stutt gave a very interest- ing nteresting outline of Leper missions, their origin in 1874, and work accomplish- ed through, the years. Mrs. Finlay followed with a splen- did summary of the third chapter of the study book "The Making of the Western Prairies." An impressive closing exercise which included the hymn "Abide with me" brought the meeting to a close after which a tea was served by Mrs. Gibson. LADIES' GUILD ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. James' Church, Wrox- eter, was held inthe basement of the Church, on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting opened by singing the hymn "Abide with me" after which 1 the Sec. -Treasurer's report was read BELMORE We were not aware that some of. our good ladies had changed their names. Just slip of the type, or the correspondent has forgotten how to spell. The annual meeting of the Library Board will be held on Thursday ev- ening. Mr. James Lawrence and family have moved into Mr. Weisher's vac- ant house.. The Women's Institute meeting with an attendance of 19 was held at the manse on Wednesday afternoon. After the opening ode and prayer va- rious business affairs were transacted. A paper on "How to cultivate obed- ience in our boys and girls", was giv- ,erz by Mrs. E. Renwick. Roll call, "What I do to keep my health" prov- ed quite interesting. Recitation "The l3elmore Debate" by M. Jeffray, com- munity song, "Annie Laurie". Mrs. Wm. Mundell and Mrs. McLean had the honor of serving Manch which was enjoyed by all, after which all joined in singing the Naiiio'nal Anthem. Visitors out of the village Saturday were Mrs. Wailers and Mrs. Cecil McNeil at James Austin's; M. Jeffray with Susan and Maria Johnson. Vis - tors in the village, Mrs. Duffy of Teeswater, showing a successful year. Mrs. Smyth took the chair for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Hon. President—Mrs. Earls. President—Mrs. Paulin: Vice Pres.—Mrs. Waller. Sec, -Trees. -Mrs. Davey. Auditors—Mrs. Kaake and Mrs. Shamir]. The Rector, Rev. R. S. Jones, clos- ed the meeting with prayer, • ANNUAL MEETING OF SUNDAY SCHOOL The annual' meeting ofthe Sunday School was held in the school room of the United Church, Wroxeter, on Wednesday evening, the Rev. W. Finlay ,presiding. Reports .from the various depart- ments were received, the treasurer's report showing a substantial balance on hand. The election of officers resulted as follows: Supt.—Mr. Robt. Stocks. Assist. Supt.—Mr.: A D. W. Rae. Secretary Mr. Kenneth tx Edg ax, Assist. Sec,—Mr. Stewart Higgins. Treasurer—Miss E. J. Howe, Assist, Treas.—Miss Daisy Stocks. Missionary Sec, --Miss Wi.nnifx•ed Rae. Temperance Sec.—Mrs. W. S. Mc- It:crcher, Pianist -Mrs. J'. R Wendt. Assist, .' Pianist—Miss Isobel Isobel 11'Til1i- gate Teachers -and substitutes -•- Mr: R, Stocks, Miss E. 5, Howe, Mrs. Jno: Adams, Mrs. Jas. Edgar, Miss Maude Milligan, Miss Eva Musgrove, Mr, N. Hall, Mr. George Brown, Mrs. W. S. Mcl(er'cher, Mrs. R. Stoats, Mrs: j". R, Wendt, Miss Daisy Stocks. 10th LINE HOWICK Mrs. Ryder of Kindersley, Sask,, .arrived here last Wednesday to spend' the winter with her mother, Mrs. D. Zeigler. Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie went to Guelph on Saturday, Mrs. McKen- zie remaining for a few days. Mr. S. Zurbrigg who has been con- fined to his bed at the home of his son, Warren, was able to be taken to his home in Fordwich on Friday. The "flu" is prevalent in the com- munity. The past week there were several on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. M. Zeigler and two sons were Sunday visitors at Hugh McLeod's. Mr, and Mrs. T. Pritchard and. Jack and Margaret were Sunday viistors at E. Mahood's. SALEM • Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Cathers at- tended the funeral of the latter's mit, t near Listowel, last Sunday. y MissJennie lir ]i a cl,, of �Vrngham, visited over v Sunday c �=it1x1. d y �t tet parents, r Mr .and Mrs. Allan Fralick. Miss Blanche rztzche Weir of Wingharn High School, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Weir, Mr, and Mrs,' `Eldon Galbraith and babe, from near Lakelet, called on the latter•'s mother, Mrs. Errington, one day recently. At a recent meetingof the Wo- man's man's Association the following off- icers were elected for 1938: President Mrs. W. A. Cathers; 1st vice Pres., Mrs, Ed. Palmer; 2nd vice. Pres,, Mrs. Wnt, Mines; Sec,, Mrs ,D. I. Weir;. Treas., Mrs, H, tvxerkley; Or - •I t 0 S c E a F d It lo en i11 to 11 Ja M M at be ganist, Mrs. Wrn. Bolt;` assist. Or- ganist, Mrs. M•erkley; Press Report- er, Mrs. Waldo Weir. The Associa- tion is ready to do quilting for mem- bers for 50c and all others for 75c for each quilt. Mr. Elijah Higgins of Morris call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. 13. L. Weir one day last week. GORRIE Friends of Lenny "King", son of Sieve King, will be sorry to learn he has been put to bed for the win- ter. ,Mrs. Robt. Cathers has the sympa- thy of a large circle of friends in the death of her sister, Mrs, Yeo, Moles- worth, who passed away at her late home on Thursday last after a len- gthy. illness. Mrs. Robert Hastie has returned home from Kitchener where she .vis- ited her daughter, Miss Jessie Hastie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schaefer, Ford- wich, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mrs. W. C. King and son, Earle, also Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie, were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs Ira McLean, of Brussels. Mrs. David Fennel, of 'Toront passed away on Sunday, Jana. 15. Th deceased lady is a sister of Mr. R chard Harding, of Orangehill. The funeral was held on Tuesday from her late home in Toronto. Miss Mable Johnston, of Arthur, who has been a visitor in this com- munity for the past few weeks re- turned to her home this week. Mrs. McLean returned to lien home in Hanover, after spending some timel with her neice, i12rs. W. Earn- gey Sr. Mrs. M. Abram received, the sad 'message of the death of her cousin, Mrs. A. Coghlin, who passed away at her home in Atwood, after a linger - ng illness. The funeral was held on Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Gallaher spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. .cnnox, at Vinghaxn. Mrs, C. Pritchard, who has been in £ailing healththis past year, was aken to Victoria Hospital, London, n Monday, where she will receive pecial treatment._ We hope that this hange may prove for the 'best. Mr, and Mrs. W. F, Schnock, of thel, were Sunday guests of Mr. nd Mrs, M. Abram. Those who attended the dance on riclay in the.Gori•ie "Winter Gar - ens" report a real good time, and ope the saute to be repeated before. ng. 'The United Church choir are plan- ng now for a Concert for St. Val- tine's, Feb, 14th, so keep this date mind as an evening of full enter inment will be given; Further an- C�ttnccatent latex'. Mr, and Mrs. Sheldon Tlricicer and ck;of Fordwich, were visitors with r, and Mrs,' W. Simson on Sunday,' r, and Mrs. M. Dries also visited the same home. Friends of Mrs. Robert Edgar will pleased. to know she is able to'be o, out again, after her serious illness., Mr, Thos'.. Bradnoek shipped; a 'car. of cattle on Monday to Toronto. Mr. Harry Brown, of Elora, was a Gorrie viistor over the week -end. A, number of local Orangemen .at- tended the meeting on Saturday night in Fordwich of the Royal 'Scarlet Chapter. Mr. Norman Clegg has been'nurs- ing a very sore knee caused from a fall he had recently. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HEAR DEBATE The January meeting of the Gorri Branch. ' of the . Women's Institut held their regular monthly meeting a the home of Mrs. E. W. Bolton o Wednesday, Jan. 11, with an: attend ante of over twenty members ant visitors. The meeting was opened by' al singing the Institute Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison Th minutes were read and adopted, afte which several items of business were taken care of and different commit- tees appointed, to provide clothing and etc., for'some needy families in the community, The question as to whether the society.would have the usual summer speaker from the De- partment, a unanimous vote in favor being the result. Arrangements are to be made later. The roll call was responded to by 'How I Spoil my Husband", when several ways were mentioned, The debate "Resolved,: that the Country Girl' makes a better wife than the City Girl" was taken by Mrs. R. G. Newton affirmative, and Mrs. V. Shera negative. This was debated on very ably by these two ladies, each pointing out•their different reasons and the judges who were: Mrs. Kaine, Mrs. Herzog and Miss Maguire, said, in giving the de- cision, that each brought out real good points, also - good information,. and with a very close margin the af- firmative won. A vote of thanks was then tendered the debaters. The meeting was brought' to a close by all singing the National Anthem, and refreshments were served by the lunch committee. •e t ant e r GORRIE. WINS FROM FORDWICH Fordwich Hockey team met the 'Gorrie team in the Gorrie Arena on Friday evening, when a large crowd were present to witness a good clean game. There were no penalties dur- ing the entire game, nevertheless, it. proved interesting, the score being 10-6 in favor of Gorrie, the referee was M. Nash. The line-ups: Fordwich—Holt, goal; Craig and Gibson, defense; Lynn, centre; Dav- idson, right; Johnston, left; Pyke, McLaughlin, Hainstock, subs. Gorrie — Fralick, goal; Kaine and Short, defense; Brown, centre; Ham- ilton, left; Ashton, right; Musgrove, Vanstone and Edgar, subs. NEED FOR IMPROVE- MENT IN TIRE MERCHAN- DISING RECOGNIZED By E. C. Martin, General Sales Manager, Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Over production in any industry is usually responsible for demoraliza- tion of merchandising policies, Man- ufacturers urge their Sales Depart- ments to find 'new outlets for their products. They seek new uses and new products to make, to assist in maintaining their tonnage production and manufacturing organization. Sal- esinen eagerly seek new outlets or customers and in times when con- sumers' buying capacity is limited or a tightening of purse strings exists dealers of all kinds of goods likewise seek salesable merchandise for which a demand exists, to help carry their overhead. • Such a condition. cannot but in- crease competition x et' •" ril n a among dealers to the` ultimate It elate 'fuss to the consumer of dependable �setvice.' Price stability vanishes as. dealer after dealer tries to go has ,neighbour one better in price cutting. Profits decrease until finally there are no profits. Then dc•r'1 1' 't e s <lefatrlt. Industry aa dezxxoral- ked, . Coxtt e p tent � dealers with invest- lxxents in garage atxd repair equip- ment, storage, and service facilities, who attempt to corollate doing busi- ees$ on a sensible basis are adverse- ly affected by the numerous increas- In lire Charlie 'i$ $o bad. that if Cc,1d t'`tt: b WoY'$e--nothire o ' ood. that 1:f to d 't be better!" tive Doctors" and yet they have been unable to serve the public fairly or efficiently owing to the chaotic price condition caused by all types and kinds of business selling auto tires and tubes. Such a condition should not continue. The need for self pres- ezvation is asserting itself. Common sense is being ;applied: and a gradual betterment is becoming apparent. It is to be hoped that 1933 will see a definite improvement' in sales pol- icies in the rubber Industry in Can- ada which will assure the Canadian motorist the maximum service at all tunes and a continuance of the high quality of tires so necessary- for com- fort om fort and safety. The Industry is striving to accom- plish this. DEPRESSION There's a thing that is known as "Depression", Which hasnever attended confession; That boasts of a •sequent succession, To "Goodtimes"; Oh, vile retrogres- sion: It wears a most baneful expression, And is armed cap -ape gainst sup- pression. Like the Dragons of old, it is evil, May we not e'en attempt its out- heaval? Though its strength we describeas primeval, We submit that our own's not coeval, It gets neither respect nor approval, Then 'let's >plot for its speedy: re- moval. Its visit is now most protracted, And dire is the toll it's exacted; Our means ithas hitand contracted, Huge sums from our earnings sub- tracted; Our hopes have been soured and re- fracted, By the way this ' Depression has acted. Then how slay this monster be slain, That, never, oh, never again; Will its bite cause agony, pain, Good -times, we can surely regain, If we strive with our might and our main And compel thein to come, and re- main, Depression: forget the vile word, Forget that Bad -times have occurred; Remember, 'tis really absurd To use such a wicked by -word;; Rejoice that at length We've de- murred, To a shame we should neer have incurred. We shall prosperous be, on Land and Sea, If we'll only agree, as one big family To think well of the plea Of Chron-ol-ogy; If brothers we be, we then have the key, To open the doors to ,pros-per-ity, When the doors are opened wide, It] prosperity will glide; With the onrush of a tide None its 'Power may e'er deride, Nothing with it dare collide Then will Ind -times suicide, J. G. Webster. OFF COLOUR ? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile —Witllout Calomel Your liver's a very small organ, twt it err - thinly can put your digestive and eliminative organs out of kilter, , l' �zsing to pour out its darty two pounds of i+liquid bilo into your bowels You won't con:plett iy eorreet melt a condition iy .a u1s sa ts, ozl, minrra{ water,llrtivo Gaudy es in small dealer outlets. They may or choaing goer, or sou hag:. VirEfon Cht•y've piste service to car Owners. They, Cnt'tar'�iitlo Liver i' tnevied your bowels they�ro tlu•ough—•and you have specialized in extending 'cont noedaliyerstimulant. ills' will soon bring back may be considered as local "Autolrra- t'ho dunslunc zilto your life, mbey'fc lzttrr. y vcse,. tablo, Sa[o. Suri,. Aslc for tlze�ls bvyzx>une.�tetusa subetiitutcs, xic nt all druggists. 48