HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-01-12, Page 8GH THE WINGHAM.'`ADVANCE-TIMES '.,Ka 4 lee s.16f:1' tit„ .+ '.•k'r, 41 TS 0 0 0 Thurs., January 12th, 1932'w wcor_�o�or� raft Clothi SUIT %i g 0 This is the one month of the yearn in which Fashion Craft Manufacturers ]snake a direct "Factory to Consumer Discount". A once .a year clearance of all Worsted Suitings and Overcoatings — Made strictly to your personat measurements and guaranteed to fit. NO "IFS "ANDS" OR. "BUTS" ABOUT THIS JANUARY SALE OF FISHION CRAFT PRODUCTS. IT'S A GENUINE CLEARANCE OF QUALITY GARMENTS AT "A SYP.tt77 dL c a SITS A !`i,l 0 ERC ATS u ca ma e Mtn g $5. f 20>der cent. MADE TO MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS 0 to 0.00 Easier. DO COME AND SEE THEM — SEEING IS BELIEVING AND WANTING — BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW. $5.50 Elastic Rib Knit Sweaters 0 $ 3.49 95c Quality Work *;races 69c 50c Lunen Handkerchiefs, Now .29c 2 for 50c. Neat colored borders. Best English Spats Less 20% All Our $1.50 Swiss Silk Ties $1.18 KIN W 0 0 Genuine Horsehide Pullover Mitts 50c $2.00 Tubular Silk Scarfs ... $1.00 Swiss Silk Scarfs, beautiful patterns. All less 20%. January is "The" Buying Month for Men — and we would like you to examine our Excellent Values. $6.50 "Avon" Fine Wool Pullovers $3.95; Boys' Khaki Breeches ' $2.69 The best for . school. ING 1=d-Zig)1=== 0=0 BLUEVALE Ladies' Aid of Knok Presbyterian Church Elect Officers The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. John Mun- dell. The President, Miss Olive Scott, presiding. The secretary gave an in- teresting account of the year's work and the report of the 'treasurer was most encouraging, showing a substan- tial ;balance on hand after expending a good deal for necessities during the year. The president thanked the members for their hearty co-opera- tion during the years she had been president .and declared the office va- cant. Mrs. Roy Turvey was elected to take . charge of the election of of- ficers with the following result. President.—Mrs, Alex. Mowbray. 1st. Vice—Mrs. Cameron Adam. Secretary—Mrs. Archie Messer. Assist. Secy.—Mrs. J. C. Higgins. Treasurer—Mr. Eldred Nichol. Organist—Mrs. Harvey Robertson. Assistant—Miss Hazel Mundell. Auditors—Mrs. John Mundell and Mrs. D. J. Falconer. The meting closed by singing a hymn and repeating the Lord's Pray- er. W. M. S. Hear Interesting Paper . on British Guiana The first W. M. S. meeting of the Presbyterian Church for this year, vias held on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. The program as outlined in the "Glad Tidings" was carried out, with the President, Mrs. P. S. MacEwen as leader. Scripture reading and prayer for specified branches of the church were taken by Mrs. Kirton, Mrs. Falconer, Mr. Hut- ton and the president. :ni. zea ilii r SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M. Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jaiauary 12, 13, 14 Z'j� a.ne rey's 00Se With, I' George nen .,. And ... aureen O'Sulli n A WESTERN PACKED FULL IF THRILLS. Also A 45 Minute Featurette "The Lady Of The Lake" Sir Walter Scott's Immortal Poem in Pictures. NEXT WEEK SPECIAL .0IAL --y anet Gaynor ...And... A splendid paper was.given by Mrs. C. Adams on '"The Faithfulness of God", and Mrs. Mowbray read an interesting chapter on "British Guia= nea"..After singing the closing hymn Mr. Hutton offered prayer. Regular Meeting of the W. A. of the United Church The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Association of the United church was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Mashers. Twenty-five ladies present. The Vice. President, Mrs. Arthur Shaw, presid- ing. The meeting opened by singing 'What a Friend we have in Jesus", scripture reading, by Mrs. A. Shaw and prayer by Mrs. George Thornton. After hearing the minutes of the pre-' vious meeting and the financial state- ment, the time was spent arranging for work and sewing for future needs The ladies answered the roll by pay- ing their membership fees for the new year. •Sumptuous refreshments were served by the hostc.s aesieted by. Mrs. L. H. Bosman. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. King returned home after spending a year and a half in New York with Mrs. King's sister, Miss Mary Jamieson. Mr. , and Mrs. W. L. Spier were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ping. William H. Stewart of Bowling Green, is visiting his father, Thomas Stewart. Lawrence Smilley of Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mowbray. Mrs. Haugh, Turnberry, with her, sister, Mrs. John Mundell. Mrs. Mary � R ob ertss enjoying n i o a visit with her sister, Mrs, John M. Geddes at Belgrave. harks Far ell Ian --- "The First Year . as • BLYTH The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the• Memorial - Hall on Thursday after- noon, Jan. 6, with a splendid attend- ance. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Russell Richmond presid- ed. The meeting opened with sing- ine of the Institute Ode: The secre- tory reported a communication from Saskatchewan pertaining to relief, on motion of Mrs. 'Newcombe and Mrs. Oster it was decided that we send the sues of $5.00. Business regarding a social evening was discussed, on mo- tion of Mrs .Mills and Mrs.: Johnston thate hold our'social on Feb, w10, admission 15c and.. 0c, committee, Mrs. Scrimegeour, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Oster, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Colcloug. Mrs, Mills. Mrs. Wightinan gave an interesting talk on "Are we measur- 1ing up to our responsibilities as wo- pion This was follwed by a geirer- f lal discussion. A reading by Mrs, Col slough entitled "Mrs. Jeffs visits her neighbor". Mr, Harvey Mason de- lighted the audience with two match appreciated solos, "The Little Brown Church in the Valley" and "Without a Song", acconipataied by Miss L. our l:Icr i rri 'ton. ,L rrtler site topics of 4 l rent events an interesting except was 'rbroadcast on the irr sash Clirist- mas morning. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. by the hostesses Mesdatne; Wttx. Craig, •James Watt, Wm. Mills and Miss. A. Gillespie. It was the pleas- ure of the hostesses on this occasion to share their luncheon with 4 tran- Tents with the aid of Chief John 'Fer- guson. The unexpected guests ap- preciated this little act of kindness. The funeral "of Mrs. William Stack- house was held on. Thursday after- noon, Rev. W. G. Buell conducted a .very appropriate service. Stanley Sibthorpe sang "God will take care of you". Beautiful floral tributes attest- ed to the high esteem in which de- ceased was held. One daughter, Ada, and one son, Dr. Roy of Ridgeway, survive. Mr. Stackhouse predeceased her several' years. The pallbearers were Wm. McDowell, •Norman Mc- Dowell, Wesley Stackhouse, Arhtur Culbert of Crewe, Ernest Adams, W. Dobbs. The newly elected representatives of our village met on Monday morn- ing for their inaugural ,meeting and held their regular business for the ev- ening meeting, when tine committees. and officers for the year were appoin- ted. The preliminary trial of Clark Stan- ley charged with manslaughter will take place on Friday in Memorial Hall. 'Services of the week of prayer -were well attended and closed on Sun day evening with a mass meeting of all the congregations in ' Memorial Hall. Rev. W. G. Buell gave a splen- did address, his theme, "Winning Ca- nada for Christ". A pleasing feature was the splendid music by a union choir. The offering was donated to the British and Foreign Bible Soc- iety, WI-IHTECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Melboure Cox spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Goderich. Mrs. W. J. Humphrey of St. Hel- ens, visited with her sister, Mrs. A. Fox on Sunday, Mrs. Will Naylor of Lucknow spent a few days last week with Mrs. B. S. Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Ernest visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Carnpbell. Mr. Camp- bell has been ill for the past week, Mr. Donald Finlayson` and son, Mal cohn of Lochalsh, visited with their aunt, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor on Sun- day. Mrs. MacGregor is .under the doctor's care and has been in bed for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Patterson and baby, Billie, of Auburn, visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Clarence Cox on Sunday, A number of the neighbors met at the hona.e ,of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bee- croft and spent a pleasant evening on Friday last. Mrs. Angus MacDougall of. Luck- now passed away on Friday at her home there, She was in her 35th year and is survived by one son, A.n- gats of Kincardine, formerly they liv- ed on a faun at Dungaruron. Those who attended the funeral from here were her nephews, Mae and Robt. Ross and her niece, Mrs. W. J. Coul- ter oupter and their families, acid Mr, and Mrs, John'' Craig and Miss Ida Me - Quaid. The young men of the community are putting on a dance in the Insti- tute hall on Friday evening. The W. M. S. of the United church held a missionary tea at the home of Mrs. A. Fox on Friday last. This was a United meeting of all groups and was well attended, a good pro- gram was given, with the president, Mrs. G. Gillespie, in the chair. Mr. Tilden of Leamington, has been in this neighborhood several times lately with truck -loads of corn. Mrs. Mac Ross spent the week -end with friends at Lucknow. Mrs. Smith and daughter, Maisie of Prince Albert, Sask., are visiting with their aunt and uncle, Miss Maria and Mr. Wrn. Campbell. Many in this community will sym- pathize with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hen- dereson of Paramount, whose barn was burned to the ground early Tues- day morning. This was a born 70x70 Mr. Henderson was carrying down a bag of grain, early in the morning with the lantern, when the 'handle suddenly came out of it, and immed- iately the whole place seemed t6 be on fire, a car load of people, who happened to be passing, saw the flam es and assisted in getting the stock out of the barn. Although .partially insured, . the loss is heavy, and Mr. Henderson is at a loss to know what to do. Scripture lesson and a very approp,' riate vocalduet was given by Mrs. Jas. 'Wightman and Annie McDowell accompanied by Ruth Cole at the pi- ano. The chapter of the Study Book was taken by Mrs. Earl Anderson, andtook up the mission work in the last few years prior to union. Women's Institute, Jan. 17th Mrs. A. Campbell will entertain the members of the Belgrave Women's Institute at the home of Mr. H. Mc- Clennaghan, on Tuesday, Jan. 17th. Address on the motto "Resolve to do what you know you ought to do, is a good New Year's Resolution" will be given by Mrs. H. Wheeler. Roll call, Hot Supper Dishes. Address, The School, who pays for it, man- ages it, teaches it, plans its curricu Juin, manages its garden and fairs" Ivirs. C. R. Coultes. Current events, Mrs. J. M. Coultes. Reading, Mrs. F. McCallum. -Contest, prize given, Miss E. Procter in : charge. Demons- tration, Boning a Fish, Mrs. J. M. Coultes. Resolve to attend this meet- ing, and if possible, 'bring a friend. C. R, Coultes shipped a car of cat- tle to Toronto on Saturday and is in the, city over the week -end. Herb, Wright entertained a num- ber of his friends on Friday night. Miss Stella Nethery returned to her school at Montreal on Saturday. Mr. Louis Hayes returned to 'De- troit this week. BELGRAVE Knox United Church S. S. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of Knox Un- ited church Sunday School was held in the basement of the church this Tuesday when there was a good attendance present. Jas. Michie acted as chairman. A report of the year'swork was given and the audi- tor's report adopted. Several items in connection with Sunday school work were • dealt with. The election of officers for the New Year resulted as follows: Supt,, Jas. Michie; Assist., J. S. Procter, G. Wheeler; Secretary, Norman Keating; Assist, C. R. Coul- tes and Harold Vincent; Treasurer, Ellen Stonehouse Pianist, Annie Mc- Dowell; Assist., Velma Wheeler; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs,. Gordon Walsh; Librarian, Jas. Wightma'n; Auditors, Harold Vincent and Martin Grasby. The following' teachers were appointed to the variouse classes: Be- ginners, Jennie Wightman and Flor- ence Scott; Primer, Helen Grasby and Mrs. Jas. Michie; Junior Girls, Cela Coultes and Mrs. C. Scott; Intermed- iate Girls, Edith Procter and Mrs. M. Grasby; Senior Girls, Mrs. C: B. Wilkinson arid Mrs, W. Johnson; In- termediate Boys, Mrs. C. R. Coultes and Mrs. B. Vincent; Senior Boys, J, S. Procter and Jas. Michie; Bible Class, Rev, A. M. Grant and P. W. Scott, Regular ,Meeting of W.1VLS. The regular monthly meeting of the W,M,S, of Knox United Church, 13elgrave, was held in the basement of the church 'Wednesday afternoon there e wast whenx re a' good datert dance present. Mrs, A. M. Grant, Presi- dent' as in the chair, The. meeting was opened in the usual way. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted, Mrs, 11.. Cliamney read the. • Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Port Albert, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Rutherford and other friends. GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits and family spent one evening recently with. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Miss Annie Stokes, also Mr. and. Mrs, Alex Corrigan spent Wednesday evening at; the home of.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moffatt, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell spent Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilrnour of Wing ham, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aleck. Corrigan. Messrs. Clifford and Leslie Willits spent Monday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Abraham. Mr. and Mrs. Royal McArthur, and Mr. Cecil Walpole of Toronto, also Miss Elda Bennett of Wingham, were recent visitors with their sister, Mrs. Thomas` Metcalfe. Mr. Norman Muir of. Mitchell spent the week -end with his mother here. ST. HELENS (Too Late for Last Week) We extend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb, who have returned from their wedding trip and to Mrs, Webb we wel- ocine a ocine to our community..; Miss Helen Thom spent the week- end with friends in Toronto, going on Monday to Norwood where she will stay with her aunt, Mrs. Gallaher, and attend school. Congratulations are due Miss Mar- garet Thom who has received word ofher success in her recent examina- tions for Registration of Nurses in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane and, fam- ily of Kinlough, were recent viistors with Mrs. J. B. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan attended the funeral of the late Mr. Finnigan Sr., on Monday. The following teachers have re- turned to their schools after the va- cation spent at their homes here; Misses W. D. Rutherford to Kirk- land Lake, Mabel and Irene Woods and Vera Todd, to near Kitchener Dorothy Webster to London, Zylda Webster to Toronto, Doriiie Webster to Carlow, Lulu Weatherhead to Parkhill, Dorothy McQuillan • to Sandwich, and Mr, Charles McQui11- in to Centralia, Miss Lila Gattnt returned to 'Well- and on Monday after spending the week with her inother, Mrs. James Gaunt. Mr. Schlenker, of Kitchener, was a week -end visitor at R. Woods'. Mrs, Gordon. McPherson, Margaret and Billy spent the week -end with i' Icer parents, Mr.and Mrs. McI'ar1 ne s e B of uevale a 1 1Vfr. Roy Aitchison, of. Elvis;,:t srs a holiday visitor, at his hotne hexe. 111m111U111O111®I II®1111111111111■111E1116111111111101111111 Williams' I Jeweller YStore r — v Re u THE PARCELS WE GAVE AWAY AT CHRISTMAS We are glad to be able to an - AWAY the Diamond' Rings � • were picked' ouf by El. MISS MARION MITCHELL, Wingham. 1� And DR. A. R. DuVAL, Wingham. 1 .14 1 v Now is the Time 'for Best Ser - = vise on Repairs. 1 IIIIIII*IIIuII ■I1IIIIII.IIIIlI11A111tIIi1 I IiO111�1if II I I1I I Ial 11111 tliU ILII II I I h1111 11IOI I III l IPII IIOI I I See 1 s A M. Bishop = ... For ... Government and Municipal Bonds Also All Kinds of .1 INSURANCE r» a III A Phone. 226 Wmi lI>In ii llClh�lli�l (!wl l l�llt�l l!NII ISI I IMhI IrI I INI I INl I IMI I'1