HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1933-01-12, Page 2PAGE', TWO e",ikr JI • eee eh; THS WING1IAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thurs, January 12th, 1932 4..eleereeeefeeefeIty.u,:,i;.,,;',..:•.''',',.' • ... ^JP W444414 a Store K A Policy mt,haMit" 'NO? TH eere. fee; site On EVENT THAT SAVES MON An e ;elf r a ss IAA 3 is es rice erchan EY! lo ts 0 ar PRICES TELL THE STORY Group 04 If 11 ne ATS rice It is not hard to realize the saving you can make at this time —Women's and Misses' Coats in latest styles, cloths, etc., on sale Half Price. All are trimmed with good quality fur, large collars with fur trim cuffs, these coats will stand up to wear for many winters. Regular prices—$13.50, $16.50, $19.50. ALL MARKED HALF PRICE. eragve...01,4-m4.42.0...xetzmaammilutarlcstaracom U1122-311 00.19.1111.11:1M1 Group To RESS:' S ri e Our Fall Dresses grouped for quick clearance, every dress smartly fashioned for style; ma- terials, Georgettes, rough Crepes etc., dresses for women and miss- es, many colors to choose from; priced regular to $16.50. ALL HALF PRICE Outstanding Event, Half Size Dresses, Special Show'rig For Designed and Styled Those Hard tit Fit 6).F r Short Stout 'Xiamen See These •While the Selection Is Complete Heed to Effect eal Economy We are presenting an entirely new line of dresses, dresses suitable for those hard to fit, in oth- er words, dresses for short stouts. All are neatly styled, suitable satisfactory materials; you'll find them perfect to fit, and just the thing youhave been ee, I" 1.1. 75 1 4 looking for. All sizes and new colors, e , e o. lo75 DRESSES PRICED TO CLEAR DRESSES PRICED TO CLEAR ceo s4) Silk Crepes, better Celanese Crepes, dress- - Celanese dresses., every one that sold reg - es regular to $7.75, you will find these dress- ularly at ,a much higher price, all are smartly es exactly as advertised, only shop early for styled, best materials, trimmed in various choice, ways. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' ALL WOOL JERSEY DRESSES PRICED TO CLEAR • 9 Wornen's and Misses' Smart Dresses of Botany Wool Jersey. This is the bal- ance of our former stock that sold regularly at $3.98 and $4.75. You are assured of the value, wear and appearance. WOMEN'S COATS 5.95 Woinen's Coats to clear, all wool cloths with strong linings, all are interlined, splen- did quality furs. LADIES' MILLINERY 50e Final clearance of our latest styled fur felt hats for women ;and rnisses. One table at this low price, Look or the January Mark Down Price Cards, Many Other Real Bargains, Priced to Clear. These Price Cards Your Guide. GIRLSSCHOOL FROCKS Regular Price $2.25• These splendid dresses of all wool Jersey are most satisfac- tory kr wear, also neaty trimmed and styled. 1 49 Sizes 8 to 14 years, Each . GIRLS WINTER CATS REDUCED TO CLEAR $1,98 And $3.98 Smart durable coats for Chilolren's warm winter wear, pric- ed much below regular selling. All wool cloths, real fur trim, lined throughout. Reg. to $9.50. Ages 8, 10, a 11 12, 14. Regular to $6.75. Ages 3, 4, 5, At 1.98 20% OFF DURING SALE IN CORSET DEPARTMENT Aii oppOrtanity that happens only twice yearly, our large .and comprehensive stock of corsets reduced 20% off reg- ular prices. Think of the saving you can effect A hill range for your choice. HOUSE DRESSES ON SALE Reg. to 89c „ — 49c Short sleeve and sleeveless house frocks in wide vat- itty of designs, colors, etc, sizes, mall, medium and large, Fast cola:Jr, good quality prints, HOUSE DRESSES, LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES, CLEARING 69c And 89c Ea. You will want two or three of these smart House Dresses while they can be bought at this low price. Choice of long or short sleeves; good quality, fast color print, reg. to $1.25, .....t.kuit'swibkeristomenneWoormtrrito*.-ievtio.mmsr...mi, nr,S!uimittelftramt*isid'oeittenutokr.4tonibisghtli...4 A -9', IMY, SALE JAN1JARY 12th T 210 A Clearance of Seasonade Fresh Merchandise Nidelieeteittehietierinkinikeititeiteatiefaidiedideiteeeedeimmertemeeireedeter pet • SAV av irt Our Store .7,141 .; E MONEY ON YARD MATERIALS STRIPED AND WHITE FLANNELETTE Sharp reduction on this splendid weight Flannelette, full 27 inch width, various colored stripes, all well napp- ed.. Yard 121. 9 Yards ..... ........ <. FACTORY COTTON 34 inch clean Factory Cotton, even weave,. suitable for linings, 4 c quilts.. Yard 9c, 10 yards 8 FACTORY COTTON 40 inch Factory Cotton, splendid weight, even weave, suitable for sheets 1 r or home use. Reg. 19c. Yard, FACTORY SHEETING 80 inch Factory Cotton, splendid weight to give wear and satisfactionClean, even weave. 80 inch wide. RegSI „ 49c, Yard oJ CRETONNE CHINTZ Colorful floral patterns on this 36 -inch cloth, suitable for drapes, cushions, etc. Choice of glazed or unglazed. _ 19 itt Reg. 25e. Yard REGULAR SIZE IBEX :LANKETS These well known blankets offer- ed at a saving, choice of grey or white, blue and pink borders, size 70 by 84. Fi11 in your requirements at this low price. Can be had in singles or doubles. Pair I.•89 t4k 4 CLEARANCE OF ALL REMNANTS HALF PRICE Remnants of Silks, Rayons, Cotton Dress Goods, Cur- tain Nets, Towellings, etc. All Marked Half Price. FLORAL CHINTZ Suitable covering for bed room boxes, cushions, drapes, etc. 251. inches wide. Yard ILi /2C 20% OFF COMFORTERS, BLANKETS During this sale save on your requirements in Blankets, Ccenforters, Motor Rugs. 20% off means a saving to you of dollars.' Large varied stock of these items reduced for this sale. vomaalutalcsalassora...rilcooar..m. BLINDS Our regular 75c Blind reduced for this sale; color green, cream and sand, good weight opaque cloth. 36 inches wide, 6 feet long. 63C Each ..wo. 'e'.4f- am PILLOW CASES Ready-made Pillow Cases, our regular 35c Pillow Case reduced for this sale. Made from firrn white cotton, hem- stitched hems, 40 and 42 inch. eleil Each Le -01 BLEACHED SHEETING Bargain in exceptional quality, fully bleached sheeting, round thread, free from dressing 72 in. wide 39c 80 in wide 49c PILLOW CASES A low price on these splendid Pillow Cases, plain, hemstitched, good weight cotton, regular 29c. 40 and .42 1 dee C V inch. Each LINEN TOWELLING Medium weight pure Linen Roller Tow- elling, colored borders, 16 in- 13 C in- ches wide, reg. 19c. Yard — COTTON DAMASK Heavy weight fine quality Damask with colored borders, - dice pattern, width 54 inches, for dining room or kitchen tables. Reg. 39c. Y29c ard _ NEW SILK CREPE Full 38 -inch Silk Crepe in latest colors, splendid weight for dresses. This year's regular price $1.29. During eepn „ Sale, Yard i00 e-,ereeeeeeseeeeeseee, eeeeeereeeiteetEMISTIMERIBMIIIIMISOWSW SALE OF BATH TOWELS Large size bath towels offered at a decided saving, size 20 by 40 inches, all white with colored 1 O., fancy stripe borders. Reg. 25c, Each ....... qie 20% OFF RUGS All Rugs reduced 20% for this sale. Great sav- ings can be made, look over our large stock, ;convince yourself of the saving you can effect. All Rugs less 20% during sale. These Advertised Bargain O&y a Sample of the Many Items Offered, Visit the Store, it Will 16:ay You, Many Other Items too Small in Q atity to Advertise. Look for January Sale Tickets, BOYS' WOOL HOSE Boys' Worsted Hose, our regular 59c Hose, colors, heather, black and A browns. All sizes. Pair -ra BOYS' GOLF HOSE All Wool Hose of heavy ribbed quality, Turn -down fancy tops, all sizes. Reg. 55c. Pair OIL; GIRLS' PULLOVERS Excellent quality for this low price, plain colors with V -Neck, long Coe ee sleeves. Each LOV It; CHILDREN'S HOSE A real proven satisfactory hose these, a small quantity of wool woven into these hose makes them better than all cotton, All coors, all sizes. Reg. nt.:70 29c, Pair CHILDREN'S SLEEPE'''S LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS Children's warm fleeced lined Sleepers, Good weight Flannelette Gowns, cut on drop -seat style, good weight knit mat- roomy lines, elbow length sleeves, erial, plum colored or pink, blue en round neck, daintily trimmed. n3 and white. Reg. 98c. Each UV ...Reg. $1.15.' Each ............ CHILDREN'S WAISTS Fleece lined Waists, strongly made, tape reinforoed, strongly buttoned. 0, 3 c Reg. 39c. Each 0 WOOL PULLOVERS Girls' fine all wool Pullovers, choice of fancy or plain knit, long sleeves, 0e, with round or 'V neck. Each JJ UNDERWEAR FOR GIRLS Girls' Vests and Drawers, a satisfactory grade of underwear of warmly knit ma- terials, with slightly breshed surface in- side, vests have long sleeves, drawers ankle length. Reg. 85c. Each 59 garment c Intitatat1611AMM442101.4176.11=04.entaentaMlalraravart.wirat.t.1.4.0:6101.9Mpammanatazttalik.M.11....sulp.ilatMOLVINentIrMucaN SAVINGS F )I c. , and cotton? Pure wool such as Why be bothered with wool UNDERWEAR Heavy Ribbed ), ° ( J I this, gives the best in under- wear satisfaction, Penman's rib- . I bed shirts and drawers e pEeantneh aen„.,..s.....R....i..b...i.ed ...e . .. .... ..... ,.... ed I. Combinations. Suit 2.39 All,,,8c 'FLEECE LINED e UNDERWEAR „y,) ,111 Men's Underwear well known silver fleeced that gives warmth stands up to wear and constant We' washing, shirts and 06) At drawers, each ... ......... ........... (011400C e i Combinations as ab- ove, 1 =CA Garment ............... A Okii.1 UNDERWEAR. Boys' natural fleece lined Un- derwear of well known make, will give warmth and satisfat- time full weight knit material, heavy fleece lined shirtA eli „e and drawers, each .... .... 'ZVI; Combinations, per garment ...... ........ .... .. . . ....... OM MEN'S c LADIES' PYJAMAS Ladies' two-piece Pyjamas of fine qual- ity good weight Flannelette, top of pret- tily patterned flannelette, bottom plain white or vice versa. All sizes 1 Reg. $1.65 Suit . eeejee. MISSES' HOSE Fancy patterned silk and wool Hose; Colors, gun-znetal and browns, splendid told weather hose, all sizes. reg. A n 75c. Pair L'kUi C LADIES' SLIPS Ladies' fitted, s haped top, angel skin Slips, good weight material, even weave, Colors, flesh and white, sizes, small, medium, large. Reg. $1.95. 1 MG Each * NDB YS' DEPT, Znaltrairi.MISIVM1.11111.671 CLEARANCE OF MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Fine Broadcloth Shirts grouped for quick clearance. Reg. prices $1.29, $L59, $195. Some are slightly soiled from handling. Your opportunity to stock up with shirts at this low price. All sizes. Each MEN'S PYJAMAS Men's Pyjamas, made front good weight Flannelette, heat S stripes, all sizes, reg. $1.59. uit, 37 MEN'S WORK SOX Men's all wool grey mixture heavy work socks,heavy ribbed for bard wear. Reg. 43 ft 65c. Pair .... . ...... ... . MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Men's heavy cotton grey flannel work sbirts, double sewn, /014,e one breast pocket. Reg. 95c. Each . . . . . . ..... .. . • to‘..' MEN'S OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Great value these Overalls and Smocks, made from hard wearing cross braces, full rentler citets, All I Aft and Overalls, each ,,,„,,..... ... ...O . .. .... . . .51.20e, Sthe eke .. .. ... . .. (+UM blue and Week dentin dottble stitched throughout, heavy webbed